Y, JANULUY 11, 1917. J.; VaS.f LL W0991 PET. RE NINANIUTS PSS3II~ON~L EVqu 'DRASTIC' TIEPAIXDISTRIC of Zi ty,,JusRe- GîveÏOMMDlals01Paby Which Mayor Pearce,.Oas U&A~ Voe eoyItrê eeu -Eeton of Off icers'of ak-D S n Could iNo-W ci e Ioor ~ t i afi4sNw PakElWMI~ s e wws a s1'EECUTE0.oftmo-e goueral a- OUCL $$ TtF P~ I..la Aro,thie WaUkegan L. J. WILMOT SECRETARY. LEPROpéraTE btionat gpolice ometcla o f mu n odto ts-trial ln tth. led-Isn h viii U b.g a pssigbe tu em-i xposral court, CJbJ»on he ch.i-arge of Board Plans Taking Stops at tom Ai- Ma a reby Ilu viii ngglugtla, Wbukegan, faces a , 0nce to Locati «,g n ES 5'lb Oidb tjWlmeet erioue pei0esent and tiiat Stes and CondeMn Then don. s' UAtUF oui vitla hesrisudon otlMbeother Waukegaltm wviom he aqueai- "IL -lTbe draxlag 4et lumnanbod au a tg IL J. Orift sud le based apan liii. 8 a oto f Oqr iD-MOie. titY i ,aou oi' eq ldire danger, la evi- The. ssely ei.cted park comrnlg- -a«.of ent«lala e anad ln- lor is 0ari lvice I serl* sud coqmmgIson Moodar niait passed s deaLtS, &ofI éeoMenta of the past elonere cf ltheWaukegan Park dis- va ~geinggjngej l eilipralied y ¶be'. a aIsk c coopraton t rm<>îuWon pprov1*ag tise lateit Iran- 1fev days wvblb *ov lhe goveru- trict beld tbelr fint formai m.etlag ra emiue a bOoe 0 ri a . t DaThis I l b iteu 1 si ti of," li e atio n Asld ii lst ted i-y lb. *Cicago, m enr det«amfo M»ln to put a top lait evenlng ansd elcted oi5cer, X i11 0 tlie WotChlena Thislaed y-7ýk'te ni fot tbh ~g a ck or de- North ubor.eand MUgakee Elecunle ta Ibis ineft u rlo etîce vhlch la Cbaîn Woraoklt t e elade um- %Wfre» onilelAthiiatd ypart oaithiepolice officiAi Italrog. XMa- es-cea. usuel, a violaton of th. lIste and national of xi i4 *Ow. lcivo errlved at lsOngb= = thle, couty to aggilbut eu) hedinl53LU vote..Hie oaly lava. ber, beng elected president and draw u .seate ma~ t~iten s tm bom le D n 'u bavemrl.t ll*I vr a els ota cto acma h is iigtemrbr l s'O erowý*om Sbsngbal, China. sIm*belue - '1'Jh .ato W ta h igt That.tise I3nited. tates government Ing lhe flve-year terzm.H -rbWfa »«Illynotiomebven raeoe b. eau va.til aI b. hist cddt M etont .bt aèe hngtemmesddài w. eo*euIa a- .e ç5.41lMide-- 't s JW rscisa tlg10 ai t vidon._ 1sponeneigvs 04a os MOisun A h- ter 4« A h-- ýt d o rnse it lus a- tisWaeIoMO 0<itmbosatie a mlsae"culdta owi hrup iih o it on- 'Budd of tbheteectrie Ml u at Satur julal revenue l:Vq, %eleved ln Rock- eerve. Tiey thon proceeded ta elecl the t1r ourse.la China.-lHe sa îtisat îy, aaklng bm tekeep a valcii for daY aftarMna tâtâtaIal membonas Ifrd by Frank M. lalrmId doputy col- olucera and the. oMeierî ciosen &0Ot AWI00tiiestIncidente never gsot the thief.Somsethmeu titlaes a of the councl vere thoraughli cati- lectoro Itrni*veu br' frm .ias the.years assignef to a esc he pr..beans'lir oeup- long tinttwao or lire -boues and Io1 esn li lumaPe eeietJiu . SsetW coliectar of ln-! full..: hal 4 _themach valliable ti st. ~ Budd snbrntted a reys-led copy la ternai revenuis aVhitaso. Charles Worack, president, tdv. lrcUowug aiemôme o "Nv.,ifwvobiilad aplan viereby ,î reie ta a sun reporter ls-abriff wotsid merely have ta no- th,- council MandaiaIternoqu and 'fTii. leter c alla £tttion aarg ee.v g-- iab titis a fev offfIiais In differgisI parts! Corporation Coipseg Bulkley gter go- ulation of the Internai revenue laws, W. O. McKnney, four yeara. Wh ties!o$Tseng, forerely of Kvan- Of the. cosmly nd thieté officialsIsin hg througi h c*jnfMllliannuisnned It as revlsed Âprll 119,1»04, as follows Chalies H. ing, titres years. Wh( ,ton& va w îufferlng et tubercuîosha. tl ver. ou otlfy thse officiais ln:iW"exactly au agrced upon by these Boolggng M44 Couftenasfced Axel Lybeek. tva isart. nez tIsir ovu vlcinity 'It wauld insten ' 1*edoctor preserlbed huiMan blood tihe vosk ilsngsely becaugf itIlwould'hegd af tiie eairou.d aund the ciun- -A» the peddLiug of liquors, or 8o-, oin E. Hall. one year.ma au th is ny Oling uhicis would gave lb. muci casier -for them 10 Set tele ýcil. ln crder that relesertatives caîîe-d batieggt« a l ot couxIefianc- The. trustees tien elecled Russell &We Ilie. 'sTbe patient venu ta the phione connections wvIh iofficiais rieur! oftise elirai iisgit start out this cd by Internai revenue lav. and nu Edwardsesofthle becuriiy Savlngs iy Moutof Horrure vh«e ecriminais the' thil Iwould be ta secure the Igtgtfotg Set tpoiinl u*frteisunei aktesrr n .J kût e oonoectlons tram Waukegan. MOrnn l e rnaeCnet.I rvio ami oçis sun ffai rasiesdL .Wlnt ~ thl :*se d0caiusated. The vua a Canton, -'idrusiapa aiofficiai vas demesrbeut tsaI lthe council any tamp vhiclb vold legalize sucis jrty circiut cdent: secretary foI- the Pl fflesa Tang valted vils a recep- woild mcv exactl hiviolise vas sup-î ubouti give their approval. This vas practice, pediiers or Ilquors. or th- commisson. t&»@ As the hsad of suan Dfortunate pofed ta notfy and vîthin a remgrk- 1tus' b dont isy vay of resolsion. Tiie baotleggers are eût to b. regardcd Prenident Worack staled last eve- Fr@ vose ehapped off sud then caughu tsé abiî short Urne eveiT rond t lau-! ~pssage of thus reeclition ln no aYisas coming vitila the ciasfus inlftClnlng tisat tisetrusteee vould takre noa tire cosaIs voulsi be guardesi. mak- vie sbod, vhlcish.oroceeded "0 ng h I mpossible for atlilef tu llp jba"hd membés te, vote fer th, San-. tional vlafl Fth vuin tise meaning' formai stepe ln lb. matter of par% 10 *taIIIII.isrougb as te possible under tise, clvina wh hlit allyIo lîpreottd ta of tise preeibg pharasgraph, and PnapertYountil tiseis iad a formai re-1 t la quille a common peactice for'Pileu IÙ, i ai0sYstefis.1Ido't knov tiefeoussl5e ahould aae eedsd--POrted for port fSeau lie Id park trustees vio ben reisiers teete sisd ILi.5. de - ut iiclisplan conid ho vorked 1IThe î.,oîe.on I iesecutIoa vitfeqotfound aellin1g tok tle ta certain landi n Wanke- ed Motaited vctime. Whou lie ela out baât 1i kov lie reanihsvoul ie Tii.e esolutlon vbieh vas prqaentr lxa sncb Mantu-. #vélà tiugi lie tax gait as trustees of tise Waakgan Eu] tilveé omeo tclairs the bdis-1he, Tbeaoale."va cii upon- la, ed eai au oilovA lMpad b tises vWa tise caiendar' park association. In a&B, lii as- end isOIsU Sviot Siva op lie huids a iie" titst4meut AS a reenlof Whemea.Tbe -ChicNp., Norti. monthin la W* t~ builly la ne-soclationbas titie tu about 10 acre. ln1 XM llpoila big raeauntlie efforts maide te caltus i ~Bthe7bsorec &" Mikuauhe etro 5*wted or imiUic<- -ofland la lie ravine sud asiogthie ln S~ boomlng ot celminials ainDowv»AsIta y Ma mpol <o lIjWee- riod oC0587 baie progmsici 10 115e lrAo g 4< ii4 ýthuinefîlss,:edges la vetous parla cf Waukcan S5 Upracti- Tisss ty vbun a. dlappmo& si-Thi e km- oO5icii sa Uaom V % f U, f onour doleai 't $% ties viere - Ti. trustees have signiloi Ilsir tm «é tle to atlm 0mm Sa hoatigIla dw ts0"ifthe pofles oUWa 5 miaU<r a psletoS U iaffte. #W neimt i l l ta édby local.i villagseasbefare ta tusW" prop- Offl 5 PM a otâ=M M udistance e ua1»V eWlibave ba.U S ~oi-ate £zàlvp' s s - mtanlimes j« It r tw ba. .qo.. b *ulio- e ver hoaaty formai pork mm- lat a m- a eïrliai <l uo hwan. uI l uit»att..17<Wm . *8 Im oSt td iho4 U*eu av iso ltIlevois-"oSWauks- ta gae, dsa mo bnis ~,.~. ~Wbesus . Bil uimei i dt. ,s tb4*»d s 4<a faxaiI ~ lsa w elcel. Tbitf l ta W l»____ab"____ a -W.-&»Meeetui » aO J40ùl-0 a' tanheh- poirqu i ie Aasm" 64 As *bfflt"» k9im s ýé-1 tb mm oum~ý Mdfi pu S" " é07yï i be- possible.' msr. Ring antMeRlu*X- s J « o e i b III1 be S l . -a y i 3 1 n a M.g M s g1h e o " i lney r ,u " I O e t o IiN e ee e, .-auil s BR upORWusMSemaie irav by-iav q lt5" 9ue mee___ t. 1110,T e a eslmam I t îdevelowpel .dy *. 6i - thé I aumegleui as oe e S aceptaIr * ~tb forpros-- cerseos 1 @ oS à lt 1 tu, of Cwaffli Provi$gce m,. ca~e»em g't. o re-mst noser etYtheUO914rA vo l * la teauos op lit 01of uas- mi aéo, y be is au 'çeumell ns i. proeoin lTeover peattertisandi dotein its 4MO'r 0 apra hMbogedbyChiot A. A. Waker Of Zbon City 4"<lprn<mwàu« ti«tere te W ietivaa-44 As iniprod Sy lt.eIlectord rev ubat land le neodute, 140r«» e pe OWIk te. 0 ho agisesïoi ta oe y0lng s. 381100175<oired b, 1ev. unie ellectornatterthile Provision. city's holdings l hepkpatt. H Lf Muet 4.1 Frota3s s-o »Ye. ne c ounsi guUtY cf iTiseplan hla. 10 hs*P$eçsert%> #*mcla laritea b ues oTivedIlS Man Under Arresi. Before >.dliy uscl a cilm Dlmdçing a Simd psor ioolieggln f la lnd la lie citis luîelýlly a" gepistod plage, tiey vere met by îDevey Bai.ka: a ioutufl ba>- the ordimauce grgutlg the frsatabse b, PAYung the ha10sot exempt from ieuh.laite farmnai stops te acquir li. aeliets And snrroandeii Tiey ver. dit of Zion dty. buba i stul osil hneem 6 &Oitsa Of lie aoeys o, m- li povlîil .nHtuing la le c-m Me. l p e udenfheooi 15teie o pos-esion liem and a match w as of scores of ciles have beein couds'*- lie proiiaeedriait a01vais ho g1VO lions have fot been nmade unden lbtha tcondemi a IM& vierevu- uMSM a t1omappled. heywerebu tuinga search for hlm for tlent e4 frontage consael.Tii. rail clause .nlahlie utulairevenue lava, a sile tl4t theis de»ete t eS-r touee, sud afler a wmule la makre tire. veeta. Capi. A. A. Waikefroait vueielaetohave an - OdiAn - ltito fs-oatierevenue ofcfiea inte viii bpoes ds yali Qomese sure Uiat noue voulsi ecca"s, lise chief of police o!fZmon Cty.in on oas bas dilaTeS ito ae auterdhimjbu1lt l er ftrev senel00Sa h- hl w ie aproes asi liaha e eAe toUmollesa onrtoraue. vbicii met te lie aprvai Of the 00nm- cago sucb violations elsali lie reported direct parchais.la <hie *»W Il la vay u Inianaand uteae tobring Ci. Thevos-kofaS g.lth e tu15the lieattel state. st±aey.bi liehe ! ihe publiecvii SlisOalObd ta tbevicry'ho rdr luisis- - - 'Baker is hrg&haigbratua e fromtage viieb.csrried lb-Ouis local revenue colant«. vith recon-- bave a jury 4141d e t bez laPaupo »« croieluisbad reeelvud a to4sog n ttaa ban. at ZionPvace s in ~Ai eraplilis aup3saisis vhicb viii on- meadation for peruteL.vlu fteIsi obt b O t5i551 he-Roa1ms151i dt bv soonaqunit fabieli te cou»n oapaul lie meas- Tii. ac of Februari 9, 1876, Se-! ina bas beau Sabiounoi b, te eeM- abite oelnce operumte bt -, îUvurvar*ewer, And si air -U-ure villa <Me Aufutu re. lion 3142-aviici ProVidu fSes- ecit missionas t theI lana lu-MpeIIIIIII ta . rm oeait. dt ekn utiesof valow e. MdSoitram lie CUy In a5.<C* 9 S ta ercf'SUailthat viollains. n ta toeS, iiop r a nIsue atbut OU brenta sud dspit aithee1 h oie baki»motar é tIlssaHVi penalty 4Prvdcd. goese i.pubietdoes. ol la»s »$ Ta. lumdu Ung Chil. ta a modealdepartînuat no trace oet ws coma esi re U mii e alck i.ier ~ Teraiieaug 5~Vd5laIvlel imle stcbsi tdto-Uoslb« ort. iti0l5va b~s~e ecUtsl.Théi."-lionplc et ol imet"utkh -v»Y D7peilOn vito shé iaslson the paver 10 lineusbondi il toe ezu- *ve «04 OMMIn lees thieeoil, e sces- oST :êtlailti» wu »vae mmcesit- bitnlkeof sefllng 110150. eluber mnat lent cf $100,000 vitiaut askhng for a out is.mta be puce or sores ut 4"00- o anst aie OWtiem t le .onithle S loimesbs iiW" j tu, lie pa- orspirite, vititUavlag o51, 1toutvote Of lie .peuple, tbddlatim b7 hete-i>, torturaapo tbO.,thm5 oidffen00 s e b. lesid i 3cm 1l, B 8150,S caû-;sespessnla rÎteeWlà - Patc fer - 5.11ev" . teappui o . 4 srqie ~lv ia O v t>.cit- Thé Vert vas retvel Mniai un'(feho linffMIYue tnhI$0,¶ort "oI iltgenuc the liemit liaiBaker vas vonkins a SIffisoëek Appeal more(tbl$ 6,0w0, gai- taspslsmeat DVVIC-INE vems ns cuîren lplig <U1 emln buts ie ~Presidout BUSÀdlas subuitted a a MtSu t .so 0day-e or mare lia Tii. odiciatakes thic nfor-Seate chanibé af commereeU<r approva, Tii. commsunicatlint mu the lan- hai Ile oe*- b""i k« viii e urcOout i t, f ui tb# 5 96 lsiredfl bitrte ic , ternai erenue district iseasquare- I~ i V lE K 10 à.- poila el bbxa 0 l ia. Tw hsi t siLI 'ý»% tP'.&<oO Ot 0< é PP»lssyeaI atvises-eus progecutiona iould bqiy.AubU atilg n8 estantmbu licy ar cIl-v he m o u a. Wof the ne10 - i- ie lateeiesauSAuchf lt;csseli Cics Zmjsr ho. A askshietdmantiimb Utey ttle av eu bIUjt im obepoeneoo h ub flotaofii, lue Chcg - e. té l às ataU bs eilin a lei08"a - ov labaraifler meliade Are 'c-lic e *u o& dtn.pole rpepenalty or bout- Ti.egsaluns-viiti ps- bos*tub y atns péeble tb_ mveta'V-51 ~teconcessions WO jmggiUst. AQUer d.ae7 ai nov S.DowlForest Pseene OsanisOOli4<caik «0aublli 1 on - -- ieangqe" O 9111«M -I&a «td."a- punlahai unsier city' tite 90 todrl ceunI as 0705eted 5a pi-ovico <os- t» sit. Diférnt %e tmc 44 ime la «ge ailuandi thon . t*Mim la the but Maronat s&»doibli pla ýopetors Of tie Saha he*ver tfi, puWi, h li rmoel le t> c - --aea paroes. H.ôvwu pitibac i ia a Wuo -SW Iii el xeca ahv is Ea Saeo. oSThe iUmrpoa a'at. eg91arlo 1. thévi top ci i..~n - iit adisable liaist aousl b.ho Pmed. lihrovins nev obstacles la thic vas e lcio.-TseOfea S lo »theisapal» ofS Jie bc& aen b lp.limtat ho vas cisarglt vitint- illilcît treilflcin llckfoi!d. lhââ h iSm-iidlakolzstiait shisissila lie ulme hgw. min a i ieen atter ho a telsa elI.trlfap'f.a vlgeoauc mevemeulbs ui sot laetnsaboevr Im.'lge..Ins-l aoiacen! i ce-Tisr. tenuhla ,lie Pare gmueu lis ed for creating a fomt press-vs in mme giraiUover tIssPmme -seuner jaIL beforCOU atltheli jprl 3.189.» Hadeneuali ho aI s dsorole é li er 'PiesoYert1.5 muee-grapeobot bail vblch *trukNet Nauso, .aTmeommse Ilbat oe atatbn- aeCounni, Imusdiately norli af d"tAlnsi abjeél îio t <o - or- q h - late U ie Prcmlaei b vblebh caueed but a trletng00 sous.Ulomli as caueSta sae tuiw Til>eCac ho ndutiacrconr Laiecorus remliafee. Aeorita ~ ne- bun ud slmla. poea volS hbaI i l a =g tn. - aut, for Ibefr cxeressu kaov t>.a - < ituUeM 1 théf4o the g. pouce hosidI; otdo tuis ecsiebus outi on 0110117gave lileo ym m -1 W-,hadvolps, mpcjlIf »OU- go! .voodiani la 11113018anar dotflo, "M' Zutil S.abiedma L oci ani. lie tasuton, vhser it lte W nov rs b dsuMuSte a dtie udt bae, hi ue lie Im oal IEiiasi b*4 48 asiouure ils ~vlev- Ytipias tishest Bonaperlt o o àhi.>,V .Ia Ampar apIWer 0 of solilam bail beauathe heePetmt-rortawpleturemlue lakes. Wlth a ssatura V1,1à 0 ti 1 isa--&su'of t»<h A hicalme-.eeoh S ge or 08*ik pari ititltLk ft701.1 -'ê M S, , b e W dh i st i ta - i a ks o o 0 0 e i7 . , l c bon enteresi siei*W A" Foseiutare flTetramp hekelovs bis dilpda- b u19 9f b oed o M ht o<"o«0*WO ~ *i000 ue tati - ia~ - u.c.. lpýt»uiet.The varions5consuls s armusta vbis Ai- A safe dilstlssance ii thue igiL aiready eudeai atisa offlni7 han. ~ ît resieltis ~nsw,, 61ake.-car.he itis-els ailit fi-t" .faulube. agbWie& *- u. 8 ebouq itisi.twa gestion cf telie a e vli bave vor ecov aie _ _ _._ca. 1ea _àL. suppek_ -osa _ -__ o___ gs __êu ___ __ ___ __ S1EL AT SI N4N# SONOS IN TQNIlJI E NATIONS AT WAR ta1 evelops That $inging Teaoh- On0M, er Ras Instuctions Not to Açi" Teach Some Sono& t develope that the. practice ai CLUB1 ging national .nymol and love mus veitten la the. Germas, Latin Lawk1 id rreach tonnsî hbaen aba&& 00 sd la the. city schbools of Wsnhe. LAd lt aigu, develops that tuer. 'l'U 1 si zood resson for abandonlng MIii.tb* pd Itecently- the îinisng master. Mr. E Lànbuck, vas drdlllg the. youagteru' r oe pasicnlerachool. la the. sing& 40f a Germent love gong. is»q Hle couldu't get tiihetIdrea to pcý1= al ri enrn.tneeee l tilvorn. AI- out hait of thezuxe. alinqu, iepupils the. Germen eoing, as #Mfai hgi aeýed Piiem aona JFrenchilove gomg.If- i.e regslt va. lt.egaai. Abeu teal, ail of thse yaun«Sters mant the. 015.1 e k Upon Investicatios it vW» fomss $1WO ,tit w& va fot tie eamne îtwdezts béW0f %o ver. singls gthe. Wrech song Cd ho had been putlnggreat efit-i t W ess into their von wheu the Geru- eW g4 iw sang vas belng sang. -"!bd Oh1 can't slng Germen gonge. iparente came from England. I aet he', link ve should slng Engllaii sang,," iosi iped up one youngster. "And 1 won't sig any of your Wtn to ench stuif. -MY grandparents were I rum in Germany," apoke un another Uge.1 oungster. a. N The. cause of ta. dlgapion' thugit enane, know.go il bas beau dcti ýthat her.fter, or smWtii.h greut4-00b lropean var bas been broublt to as 1M 19i nd, tiist Ou-usa. PrOnch, and Lai- " onge sud hymne viii fot. b. agonig " te publie gcbOOiaof Vaukffln. 71 *eaua ogeaa& 1, t 5 1*101 T ot ibe readeri 0f 44,BSRTYVILLE ~ngt~foeu --