Lake W<IY NDEPEi weWdT WAUKECSAN WEEKLYSN PARlt TWO LIERTYVILLE, P&, TH!J'RSAYJANUARY 11, 1917. POUF. PAGES . 1.50 PER YEÂR INJ ludIlLevbnso, Junk Deaer àtaU1Jhtvlile. lid Wire TSaenrm alrod. $PLACED IN COUNTY JAIL 1 cf'tJmberry aMdRailrod ,7e eotives Expeot to Clean Up the Case Shortly. wIIb the arrest Jan. 10 at.Lberty- oiV5 f Iuadoro Levion, a junl vbme itli larceny, Chier MW lmbery f the* Lbertyville »I dermnt and detectites in of the Clicavo, North a" Uslvuke electrie rail- tbeL ahs th Lbtefi of over veetb of napper vira trou the. flUdud eomay a tev nlightf go le b. luaed odp vithin ihe vert lév dAy*. ý leviuonvu a mmlned butr. Justice Morris of Ubertyvfll b« lia. cauvas ccntlnoed for ten 44n and l i Ulb. kept Itii.hecoun- ty PUL CbW Uuberry recelvod a tlp iliat t» 1ejebas. of copper vir, lied bqin= ettheJcinom garage et X#Day. limiles trou Lbertyville lir Levinson. He invetisated and tpoadthe. vire vau Identical vîi the vira tolen trom the. ralroad several i"ai the le track et lioertyille mai lad Imien It to Half Day because be ai» sraldS.ta bave k et bis ovu CM tLlmlierry and dtactivo. thon q0tete. ml. track and voeeil- 17 a» omiPltlr at bliada ý;tb; vWsir ir. Md bha»Msot ovm .Heo»saso far as lie tiiero vas tnc more cf h tiiere. eBelala lvestigated and tound oWk oflt uSer a pilet fmenuro *%ka hlie beon thrown undor a loose baWd Ja e t.barn ftoor. Suspicion 1a4 Poteaw omait ta Levineon tOM hie »tarte becauSe the. blond- bohada ualsvowe u.ed liai folloved ts hmu ol ome h i$ hlome. JUD(iES *OT TO IN- CRtASE R. R. FARE. Pteferl Judges Evaais. Landis. and ('imOter. after a tires day itting eo banc. tturday unenimousîr de- aId. ,ýwttlout preludice, tue applica- ttôt made 17tlb.28IlîlineIn railrOad te '&<o teuporary lalccticn agatn M.'tjfScement ofthle 2 cent. a qa upasnger rmte. I railioads atteupted by lits tIOMM ta taie A short cul tai the 2.4 a »t àmle rate vliiciithe. taterstato geMrecommission eiesti ha1 4boau reeeoneble. As a resut oethéb eePpthe rnlroade vilI steit ithe talion cf the. monts ofthteir busehtere Judge Landis Tuesdey Wheaa lefiman 5111. Wb" ,had, bien Oive imes wlukln the i. ia of thae gnlovs, liii the .Ioiît (lu.>. Pent*ntlary a iev Says apra, hie i rs act vas to.extend te "Jerry" Vmzl sent him te prison but wha. aiter eilt ycarL coaaeàsed that lie lsd Porjured himielf, the nupreme reward -tIi hand cf Ednas ilaak, Lii. caughter in marriage. ANNUAL FARM1RS IN WAUCONDA TUEs Both, Sesions Tuesday Were Largsy Attsnded-Progrm Prve< inte«lesg. FINE TALKS__ARE GIVEN. Anothe Session There Today -Next Session Win Be at Libryville, Jan. 23 Tii. UnS annuel PFarinera' Institute ot Lmke couaty, cpened Tusoday li the. auditorium of the. nev ilgai ucliec building t Wancouda. Tt van velI attendeS and sboved thet tlein ter- eut lata leno yearly sessions le lu- ciening consientl san tbe tirmors are coming more and mere te alapre- cisesthei.beaielita to e hodoveS. Tiie session startoi at 1 o'cloc#.' Lindley Rees et tleie nternatbual Hnuvster Compay gave an excel- lent talk on "Poils mnS Altalfa." He eocUi'agei thei, ntg ot more cv- er s&ai len ploviaig l coder, clalan- Ing tlat It vould do much htuiairo're e soi. Hoemiioved a clear knovl- edge of. thiesubject auS hin ad-,lce pfoyve orinetructive. J. B. Lung gave an excellent talk on "Langue .oftheul aru." .Hie 1*1k mse proveS lielpfaul anS according te tiiose vlic lierd It should b. loilov- ed by ycung and 01. Wlit lie alS, vas not nev to aletftone wte lià- When Dady lPassed the Buck' to Himini 'Saloon, Cases, He Knew Their lnstaility. ANENT NAROWITZ CASE. That Case Was Where a Man Tried to Obey the Law but Tectinically Violated It. lndlceting boy liard loser. erealil lioe vlio supporteil Plte'. Attorney Dady la lis caupaigm. Il la lnterest ing to note the. lovl raised luntiiei camp duriaig thie present veek lie- cause tate's Attorney James Welcli bas disulseed a number of the. io- caileil saloon cases vblcliDady h l ie brouglt Itt court anid wiiiclihlie nv-0 eor o&w lit ta prosecute. Tii. tact t tat tiie evidence vllcia Ddy lied T colle&Led aaist te.varions per- ona vas mc allmpsy liat la 515 not f.01 justlfed in golng aie@À anS prosecuting tbem llf la sot mon>- Uaoned Iby bis coterie ofcfliuU In la fici. ther pe sliglitly over the. tact I that Lady put nies. cases btathe ti court fally six months beforf lie rç- 9 tIreS trou office. Tiierefere hliaio le the. desireo le ai ample turne ta, pros-P ecute tlieu. but thie chiances are lusi as tli'8= predicted durtag the, cana- paigu. he deslîed ta "passtii. bnck" to Weldli anS permit Welch te eltii-a or tel flt ta trytag the cases ora diamine item bortea cme Wte trial. A forceful Instance o! the.limettie stop wvicl Dady teck ta tiieme Prose- eutions la miova Iin thecame cf John aaid-Ann, amewvtz. tMr. Welch lied tois ese ilumaesd for the. simple reasca that thie Narovitz proecutica vas basai on effdenco lilcb ta lits8 mind di not justlty prosecutloni Nar- ovtr ruais a liel on thie ox riverf and liai a beer Uicense glven by thei. lake county board et supervboo c 'The tact tint lie md sucli a permità shovod tiiet hie desire was ta ho hon- seit and'abide by the. tav. However, later, the. stat's attar-y ney's cOffe under Dady, measured thec distance frot Narowtz's place ita Lake couaty te the village of Gary ' vicliI laI McHenry county. It vast thoen discoverei tiiet the Narovita place vas a "mile anid tiiree-quaterst avay- trout Cary" and thus hl ivblat-t ed the. 1ev techlalalli' because the a tate 1ev ays i a acounty lîcenseî ia not operativo "vItliaitve miles4 of a corporation." Thun by a quarter1 of à mle, Norovitzalaiuninlentien-t elly vlated the. 1ev. Dady prolial- iy realiued the jury voîald nover con- vit Narevits on thîs nouaI viien lie vculd.shov lits desiro vas ta oper- ate vithin the l1ev by produclng bisi lmes, vlIlcii theLaite county board cf supervlsors alaSgivea hlm. 1 a a the otiier cames tint tir. Wech d.lmlsed' thoene vasn't co1 viierein thé~ sale ot booze vas lu-1 volved. AU ofthtie casses la question1 ver. thionesviere theo de! endenta ver. acused cf mlllng a drink Uiiats onand1-2 of 100 per cent alcoliol ,FEMR MýýERCIIANT lIAS MET WITI1- FOUL PLiU. JMBÀRS pLA ÀDINBÀD LIfiIiT INRlocKFORD Brus MlssWUpwntc ts by W au aPprBings on aP.t Pcl. AS TO lIS HOLDING COURT. Naukegan Pape% Said iudge'1 Feared Coing Because of Non-Existina Contagion. Thie Waukogi4Delly Gazette whicli proclai tan ru thie housetops any sllght er m thie tSun May maire, wlose owve Tutu.. are boast- e5 Ige betng Mll be.lai placed Circuit Judge Otàroueivards loto a tretty piceIo JUWanetaio county, ln tact, the. Woubeffg aupper lia@ made It mont unpioiaaut for the pop>- ilar luSse, Ia ,groue nisatatoment 6t tact& even malking ft necessary for Judge Edvarais te riIte a lengtliy statement ta te tii. ocrd Republic. Ona January Sth theasRopuliceprinted thi article: Judge Edrarde of Waukegan - nov makes very emiaht* dental et a stor, fOrst pulboM la the Wauke- gan Gazette on jan. 1, tliat he re- maineS avay hurm the circuit court ln tais clty beoaueeof alleged con- tagion lni Rockterd. Ifi a letter te the. lepubllc Juigo Edvards t rank- ly explatas lte roalen for lits inai1- lty to MI the. vacgleycr oeated by tlie absenice of Judgé Prost anid, repudiat- s aur conection viii ithe article ai publihled by the. Gastteof et isova City. "I could net hea t Rückford on Januarlaid, for tlie tollowlng rei- mou," Baya Judge ldvarSs' state- mnt. "My vite.lae-Me serioa&ry iii on i(oaday, J je . .1917, and lias2gaae t t < ffl ecoutin- uomnly under tJ.9.f'P.'C. KiCagit oui faulir physicien. I diS not Soom h adyluuble or proper to ha far avey trou borne on January isid and celleS pour couaty juche.i Indge Reckliov on the. telePhoe» and Se lnfoîmed hlm.1 "I knev aieuling aboui any conta- glous disease ln your city, maie ne. statoment te tth. Waukegan aette of any kind and neediesa astoideied vien 1 rend tirarticlel and more se vhen 1 read rours. »«I bave flot slirked any duty a your article inoinuates but on 1li tonutary. au proud et my record -Af clone attention ta the. duieà of my offi1ce as sliowai by the. report sent ta the General Aésembly oftMilnois, on January 1, 1917, for the, preceding tve year, as requeeted by tiie consti- tution eft tus state. Tis report shiovs that I bave lield court ta tus, district as folibvi: L4Lko county, 422 days; Wlenebago county, 20 days B#miaou.cunty, 63 days. NflcHory couo ty. 23 day.; a total of 128 daya." The. article in the. Wantegan (Ga- netie concorning Rockftord etnditions ta vlich the. Republin took editorisi eception, and vith vhlcli Juge IES- verSe repudiates aDi' conuiectlon vasý au feilovi: 'JaSge C. C. Edvardn. vlio vas supposeil ta la tanRockford todaY te liold court la the. place of Judge . IL Mroàt, bas passeSD p the. tip. 1 mailpoz la large numbers a$asprac- tlcally placeS llocktord under a strict Lquarantine. 1 Sloes aeleen clooed lier, *etuns.tened ta lilu, as msny of tiam lacd ta a bttle. Inasmucfi s al Of tiies0 aSd perations Of motion pcture the.- %là oniceme et thie cale in being leameS lite esson t4rotagb bard peisonsavie lied besa mc chargeS ter-nsuspendeS during the cutbreak. hhOtd btoselr. sas laB ilkely Ibat Il kaiockm. h ave stoppeS solling evea lhitsteci. Churdlios have beon warned anS mer WM. be a test procedurs agalnst aliot n theli.evenlng Mis. Fred Tltci alcalil vren drink, ti. Welcb bas not have service for ealime, until Ima <ter veslern and mddle ,vosl- gave a iaik on "Thie Country Wom- cou, teo tue conclusion tiat lie va.n't to epdemin ceases. One bundred an'& Opportuntr." Sf Ind thie ave. jUsUlnfdhatrYlng ta Put anyboiy ta andit oit aes bave beareporteS *uX Maies vhicl have 2 cent uiatules rage voman vbo lives ta the connty lUfoi vioiatiag ta sud A techiial te tth. aulhinls Suring lie lait fev *'li. roesetarepeel. doe nt realise lie ma"17 apportu- manner. H. probabir fett ler, are vees. Outase for thie varions reilroas itios epened ta lier. Plie pluted many more important caseita-lie -"Ia viev cf lie cîrcumtaices, »&* th deisin o th theeoui nmre ofthte vays vomen t<'a n ctY vlich lie nou1d ýbe ttaag D ucha. g Edvards Secided tb»t a vaca- rq~i le eniio cfii. li~make c3pca-unien come ta tiemt tlits tUme. Xit lav«Y apparent tlonof court wventS , hote proper '»Mu a subistantilal vlctory. tuas, Si."Oak in a torcotul mannor and troum ai maies tint liai Iady lied a procedure. Jurge Froat la in Cali.- mua e It vill give tuema an oppor- ber discourese proved mosi interei- deaire te prosecuie thons cases anS torna lits ealt.1- tunity te obtala a rullng on tue con- ina, eopeclalir tote e omen l'in i d ed ltIthle evideace justidlaS e *W o t pover helveen the national audience. baid ample Urne, lt le rocmllei le A E. Jack Atocoonft i trieS one-hlsl of lie cases but par- WOMAN PASSES AWAY AT HER &c4-it&te autheritieo- ,Tbe ralr o s Ako' n iiiocer e lo~t the edleotestaleco neS'aHOME IN PARIS 'uualu»tinbtt uiy bave 49 maslters e-Ilne.là gave a fine talk ln v)uci olierveords Permitted lieu ta lie Mis. Maria Kearas, aged 70 y'ears to .bey-uaoi stefianS the. tater, h. encourageS the. production ef dragged aloaig unil Mr. Welcl r» uSd ofie oethle oldest and lest kuova ~ggts commerce comission. mili. ielling lie maur opporlunlies surned cace. vomen luaItenoaheceunir. Sled" ah ___________ &long lhii. lne. M. Jsqi in tuorougli- Mr. Welch vas asked taday if ho ber hoeein tue tovai et Parl@ýaaua l" conversant v wth tb m iWole .stua- cereS ta, maie any statement relative enrly heur today folowiai; a long il.ý la OSNE 1.11110 TO &OAK< lien 'andanrene vie follova lis ad- te ithe remark tuai lad been maSeo îu esm ocancer. iii. va.tie viS- THIE BREAD SUPPLY vice «anzo go vroag. about hlm tanlits action ta dIiaminIgcv eorthle laie Patrick Kearna. A troubles broie out ai lie Ice lies cases, vblcl baS lif o passed Saughter eftue laie James Mena- ei Tvtn L1"«sOn MondaY duhlnj hthle atiorncocuandi ove- ento hm as an iniieriiencet rom lis ia,stelas*boat Waucnde. 111., it as diàcovered tint al lie aiiag progrminthere vere musical s&- proeceue>r, Mi. tumy. "I bave noîl- Dce wu . 84b uton ie pn sithe .boardia-housee olierted eçt11. The.prograin vas neto iat a otlngr-lDgt lie evidea c m o er li6 te a eo dsta ctin econsumer.' Company of Cil- rieS eut. accordlDg toasciodule u btjuui poeuîa"uia i .l ubrie ln Ke tO ons, George. Laike tAizalieul bad been somi- ti hngsmi dSntvekn We. andl Lrry Itearna.anS ive Saugli- a prel>ratleui nontant kero- single number. Seveutr-ilve eatrles n________tr.~ Mse ar n-An Tii. same tuff lied been pO our- et uce ver, on band, tl'ie tos.MxMsesbuban-Alc iicoO Jamnes Kelly et is laving boom enteraS la lie hope The Busse case, on exceptionsa trou Kearns, mil rosideaits of Kenosha ves o Milwukee ifnialcna ane of tue Irtprimesof. lie Manieran report viI I e bmuS blrcouW. . Puneral services viii le oom ftOgdensbuarg. fers& - Judge BEdvardo i thCircuit Court lite held at tle homoet 2 'elonk Wed- S'aient.delered tint tuer TIOre wva noUa! er esion at Wau- aster. Tiie ciao yl taie m&B day uoay itiernoonatter vielitue re- 'ubers ettue Indutrialcenda u oulgn oap is aturiar and proléabiy àa part oet hleiima iii b.taken oth le aIS boue WorM nllId t1,. ,to0o.Tthe V' seal . ti ue vqaina. hIlaeue tint aready #ut eWanconie viiere ltflaet vIi do itE apllyila< lie>armeréi--»lgtût -*M 1e1 îi 2 -ii â- Pe luraeir e us oare- Ioemaster <mie lace- M I o>lock Teea i ElIawieli la ee M 'Rer muta, PRISON FOR IIINTERLITER- JURY CIVES LIFE SENTENCE. Olney. iI., Jan. 10.-RoI' Hîniorîtter, touaiS guilty this uerntag cf man- slaugliter lni connectionvlti tii.heSeauh of Misa Elizabeth Ratclifto lent July. vas sentenceS by Judge Miller tcday to l1.itemaprsomnent. lIn pas7sing sentence Judge Mller said: "Tii. puliity vlicb the. press lien given t0 your case wUIl bo et untold value to the. young men of Richlend county and etfIllieois. You unr con- sider yeurselt tortynate thaltithe jury bas given you ttl lightest verdict It could." Sentence Ie Iradetermlnate. The. court overruled a motion for a nov trial. and aise a motion for au errest et judgent. The. sentence, tliough nominally for lite, le lai tact ln- determinete, but the state's attorney selS tint on the. record eoftthe case tbe board of pardons could not permit his release qntil ho lias spent et leant six years in the, penltontiary. Tiie jury came ln et 3:30 a'clock and hanSeS In a verdict et mansllli- ter. Tiie attorney tor the. defonse ask- ed for e poil o! the. Jury anS the trsi jurer viiose naine vas calleilvan Thomas Kinliade. H. selS lie vos;flot satinfled vitli the verdict. Tii, juadgo ordored the. Jury back ta 11e rocu. Later Mr. Kiaikade asked for addition- al Instructions anS et 4:16 o'nleck thie verdict ot manslaugliter vas brouglit ln. An heur Inter sentence iran pro- nouncee. Prînoner le n Tears. When the, verdict was read Hinter- liter boved lis bad and tears camne ta hiseees.iHe thon turned to look lot the face et a young vouai ta viiom hlIstliougbt te ho engeged. The mother andSi.ster et Hinterlît6r liaS gone licue viien thie Jury brcuit lIn the.verdict, but, Hiaterllter's bhidi- oes ver. ln the, ceurtroom. Na emu- ber ot the. Retcllffe tamlly vas prOs- eut STANDARD OIL PAYS, $15,000 TO LOCAL MAN. SCHIULTZ ACQUIT. TED Of BLÂME IN ACTIONNFR -1$»900 FWon~ in KeRlo- ty by a Jury Today. VICTIM HAD BROKEN, JAW. Plaintif f. Peter Sorenson, Says lie Was Severety Deaten by the Defendant. A verdict ot "flot guitr vas re- turneS lI Waukegau, Jan. ltii, lu the, $10000 dauage suit il, Peter Boreason brouglit agamut knll Bchulli. proprietor etfa a "o=nta Ke- nouba Scuty, net nom ey. for acroms the Lake faltyline.. Berenson testifled liat ho lad heen drtaking taa cliultz's place and ia~ the latter tiirev iim eut and tIe liout blu uucmerclfully. As a remuit of tuf beetng hlieasr slutaimed a broken jav vbicli vas ireS to- getiier lir the.lie Dr. Regan. Hie lay Ii ta the Jane MeAUlits imlopilu seva montha. Ho daims tbobeiUs affected ies uaring. SOhultsta etiflod tiiet Sormuenvia ta a quarrotsomme uncod and lai bean ta luotiier Iglt theisaeua. He aid Soisoa vas callnt evrrone in thie Place. liluseif (Sdînits) incluS ed, mii utuner of vile mares eUS ta- vîteS tieni te lit viiihlhm. He aid tliat ânally lie told lrio tiier voligo outside andS sottIt Ho aduitted Iaccking im dvuor 1..e. OVERToU«M Promoter Is Arrested on War- rant Sworn Out This After- noon by Peter Simons. RELEASED ON BONDS. Man Arrested Few MOnths Ago on SimljarChamgeWaived Exagaion oday. His PocketsBaEUingWl Notes, Fred W. l h LibertyvMe ,Left Noon for Cmg. His Wbeubsouts, W Fred W. S.hlleeIfl, LiW0O, cage, ha. ha lit aheSt a the niergus% er W, à* lu f SchlIeýIcee ha.MMrnt k Ni$s @Mi«,Ola dlfOOUui Sthe on mdehu ffW., oommrimSonbesS Nortb ett4 Mir. ott "oUek s" bâasII Uonda3 moin#s gl S ta cina" tu 5 d - . ue - hms body- A vSl Sucted. enflitai meMelib remf lienttb M-'enk ,e.vcboaw W.. PeAaeOfor S110o 4 der n e - - @9 terasnet l bs W.m bbiphwt &hneea N tua mW 1erm at" eI »1* t.k caeb wbt.en aprI "àle tr OSUUlu a tUechr aa a yeruoh Slurp.U great liuetý,ea 1 ireta w York J0v1 9=eS themure ,day tous3aim bu for tbe oooyw rw bmn MMa -" -lavai i t.- - - _0 'I -a J. 0. GrIffth, a promoter 7hc lasbu maie bis listaWauiegan fer sev- eral menus, vas pIaete under a:rà ret tadar on a charge ot sectriuc meer lirmeanas cfir a iUl gaine- Tii.cherge vas warrroul 1 Peter- humons oetWaken. lIas-1 mous, if Io allegod, ciierges tiie.1 1nveetel"A. ,more or s, it a1 içieme promed ir GrMffitI. Gribfth vms airalqned betore Jus-1 tic eo a %Vrmer tub atoaraonand I vas reproeed by AttoaIL E V. Or1 VIs. Ho vveSexauluation aS vas bocod over tauiii. grand Juryin l>onds cf $2,500. Bonds ver. gur lai liby Attorney Orvis ammd lv Gec. Xi vas only a f 0v meelis ago liai Griffu vasu placeS coder aret on san Intormation fleS la Conty Court lir George Coesavie chargeS tint Griftti lad defranded hlm ont of $10-1 000. This camebas flot yet liee beard but Grifflt liesbeen ont on betada. Fitteon thousend dolaIe of tlie ener- Ti.Griafti case promiaes te oeveî.- - mous profitsetfthe Standard OU Cou- nom.14ienleir inier«stlngtcts. Up F pani'. of vhicb John D. Rockefeller lx te the proolnt time Griffith Sollues the. princpal ttoekholder. fell ttte tamako >nySt&tisMent. rWg i Ne, hanchaetfone Waukeganiio rocently. viet defense lie vii have. ra iThe Standard Qil Compay bouelt V block one,. UtIle Fort subiision#tro NORTHt PRAIRIE NEWS. potl Michaeel Hussey for about 115,000. Thie dP land in questien lies aitue noeuat Mis. s. G. Bennet tetrütinel e M corner et SanS anS Clartea sticets Statuer OgaSe. anS vas tormerli' the home of tue Tte Lailus'M Slociety Met lu lteh* a Husser Lumber Compeny. oburot parièeaWedaoeday to, urneS- . Tw. el the qdurchQicosiSmons Ret-Ibution Sure Ms GrrueCropley and -Min Coi Tiese folksa n-be ete g lp aue Doris Denot speni Sundmy la Wmn- uae aure ntse le be made th ue ct kegan. Gay eli. asrtr goesît. Wlien a tellow lies gbout ob- f»Ma tow ay' vllt 'h e t1<UVAW ers b's sure te bave tue trut tolS Alvin M#vyilorai encliaeem about himnaso. tirs. Mftrd îWukuMtaii uitu l y ___________ nuBer eof 1er buemian j Charles Hedge,.tle mZn ctâaud T*umma'.U~ vii opaiatlng a confidence gaine opa Wl Uar Donneu ot ai usepm Mir. PBlomner et Ruasso la» LOi. g.lmaSY Vt P paaptslp ity, wus idied lu clicsp. Maln&.- -- TusL-liiSUfsqs ulafl làsM dari- -- .Wdea~i7 p fi