7, bMSs I ~ i =o~n towuhlp FO dward(.1. Iop bonkt 575 acrea InluSeto, ga4 .foç JasePh e CudahY for nOMIal COnS8ra- SE Q- 4iit wout l itw i Prtce w er t etruet tptiiii led, *t gekpo * $.81t k, e m el ik ud otbe pur. wu*%>n bau population /of 20. h 244 4 b d~mWi1k$to estimatos PrePare b th #0iiOl4t bureau cf theh cOe- in, emut diretori cousus &*va L W a péXuaô of orer 2.00.n la are twe intlna toa oý t zunt a"e mrely eetîpstIit a Dew* o.Irtiote tgr"wl ls k.~~~~~~lh 15 S4 g v A opation Jus* 1. 1900. va- 9,429. ,me. iucroeo tover 16,000 in ýec miant lPeU64ame the original 11W. liver pillàatont put up 40. ¶bey eiate aft tntltete stomacb. liver ad bowels. t hover oqgatd. Uuuar-cated aud esy ta ta» m, asely. 00Q13 U CORN LAND la S g ev ee. ad pries are hieh in the uorth. -But In SOUTTR WESTERN LOUISI ANA we are .Ulu.g a big tract of 40000 acres, ,irgln prairie. weli drainait, g.ppp~ t li r tumpB, four to ton mitas from Lake Chartes, ÙNLS' THIRTY-FlVE DOLLAOIS AN AGRE T a rms aa eq,$0 euh and the balance ono ta ten ycars at 6%. basadeltghtfut cliniate, ptenty of un- ~t r , no sn ovi, ground nover freç fes. Poo- teme ers long but not as bot as ln the. uorth. .r" e a a, UvI+ , oofot, heaith and wasth ln - ~ p~pl- -nie* le~ Yf r 9î.to 77 aMne 4e y#isGoodi t$ducP w in tbè face of thek2 tb75 1g. ~~C you a tremedu MQ MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S &ts 4ad O'co *~~~t tc lts wi MrrC la UryIil P**-4e w** "4, lu v. T wiui 1 ._' 1 - Kuppepbelmer -Of r0m 1 1