CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1917, p. 6

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n SAVJ~ hurs~i ~kinc4at i "oclock at SY 1I3 - . . 'su bat da ?ý*eorm venasmet. RdhDrtnuistegeti 13, cson 0lb. isa 1589 set aofge. DmtliWvas Deinhwlnp, Hoe.ave. Wamse-j1 lamtenes the rire- 1 Orpiral0 la Mthen, 1 àieatb o0ccurreti&baot a Yeat * .11w.. W~esithe V 1 WIft~ ~ e clouke e1w. ve s*m teedi8 wlnt uisOMMIeMler.VA the PIhobai en W*dri tere "ads-eal li te ie otram aler *tw bum nulelsho rascue ls. ltbe lIapieMd uro th vam Mad rtrsailAp lbOu Vatuable rurai- t 41 rom .*heetli Irotm ~ Wl~eeip1tolyruineti. W4~ielgsu, Jan. 1. lIois~~~ Deisa O->'cor- ho "iLowa I~~2t« sîheluon Ie @yM. C. Omt. lem lii di yoD oult la s àyl17 Ailt tose vbe umt tiatlveu ban, maux1 tor ma iuit reader te Lrý l tact Itla spntited liat Flîi. 4â-% rMier fer lie do oucteetst a vbhie is M'ef UÔ4 centent vw": I~.m"s IIRan., MmsLloyd i" lis-s. lo ua.Ml jol -MlI Buronem sangse Bm arris. iiu-bs-s. DMer ilonos Wmgi-«Iam- Chraton Slie s-salira, Ste bmam aBolm oc uma due le lealtageoethtie lhmait. cIêr. QelgW e ad .ne njoyeti ooti hiotifer av* J'ours, altougi ler. vere imes vian the t oit mucl bu- preveti . ubo a sevei'e albach of heut trouble lait vinter bat sut, vinai it, %ad relatives vote -net es- poclng thiend.utihte ime se sudiem- )y. I, ,, . - I brs. Qxulgie vams ated Inl a chair vbom deati cauo. Juat a moment betoro ber deai lsebai jobai vlIh 1=0 O115 âaao.lI e huibsa vI a vm bwe et th ulime. 'ves Cil Pm, swa simitutolol>. bl .k*12"aiW '1e oilion that W» L Ieler va. Somn May S, ~ ieai(itlêlvlkIowa. se ~~q au4 baimmadtbelt home obb, ç& )AL Quitami.bas eio'et Use North Wos- tu ahaifur 17 Yé0a. ba$su ' iles tQulswgb wr &Widoiler: Cl. Reury 1 et le CSy iova"*Ddntbr Thon ar eftl grand ohilirs.. lira. Quigle wua odenote anà'asuAatsteer. Bec bée sidoat"stn ah. mat! friands vher»ver Îemieda., Wau7kegan, Jan Sunda>' aI the home et their ter, Mrm. Fragk Merdant. 1 bar. W. W. Wlckhban, et Raci, celebrateti their golden veddi nive"sat>'. m. Quis- I. Qig- unie 109- L Cart bo11 of se viteè r. Thé g srotb- Ebeolur1 Roccford bas been pointai out as ou. of the model dry cilles cf the state and nation. LoaMIlkis vho han. objectei ta 1h. perptratlen ofth1e lecler coubs.liat ba"e týrt ai late][Y, bave pointai te oIkfÔr't anti ashot vhy they voren't permit-. tel to operate thoro, sltevlng oni- deuIl>',-11btiare ver. non. la Rock- tord. Ib. Sun a couple. of. days &o sosnt a lettor of inqulry to Roc'dm- relat- Ive te the locker club fealure liere, an oxtraot frontvich foflovi: Chiot of Police, Dean ai: 'Wauhegan votai dry last sprnug and up te recently Ibis-b bas been no attempt le operate locher clubs lnthe5 c.11.1 am viting you to ask Ion vbat th. statua of lbhelocer club Min t lteckfos-. out- lty - ba beau dry for lome lime anti I wap vontierlng viiether liore vas an>' vay of abollahlug the, locher clubs-or- If tbe lava, are go caofully plbnot that It; permits their onerétton "Wli you in. me a stassment con- eriug the statua cf the loches-' clubs ta >'our cil>'. About boy ia"yeu tb5msh are, oprallng nov? AU h ave lb. autioritles takon au>' stop, ta the endeavor te hknock tIbantout? t- thersberc ai-e i>'regulari>' patron- Ized anti do 1h0 caus e .cil> an>' trouble? And do yeu n hevoftan>' va>' lb.>'couli be exlermlnated se s.' Mat'-longas theDm-ent loy govetanq b, v6 , lIeus exista lu Illinoia?. They'cc RnMmeg There, To.. bd ylq Anti bere's lhe reilth ie tan r.- mu ot cenedunater date .f January 1311 le many FMroOfol. hfll,,bn i-11 At . Woukegau. Ilu. t i ,~ Demait1f: sas tu our lbIter of the 111h 16t. te the Oit>'Clerk bas boon htumai ovor ta âme for asaver. Thb. Sipreme Court of the state of Illinois bandai tiovu a declison about elibt or ton montbs àago relative to E> locket- clubs. vhIeS declalon cou un- MD deubtetil>' haaecured b>' ycur tt' A i>attorney, the case bebng tbe stateor0 Illinois vs. L.ochet- Clubs ta Decalur, Illinois. The sum anti substanceo f Ln. tise decluion la tînt sncb clubs are al. leaite operate providedthe lIock- M - ors are uaed for antib>' individuels% Mir. and se, Wiab. Jng an- The day vas *peut quteti>' viti oui>'tb. Immeiate relatives prea- eut. Amoug liose present wore theUr 'Ibre. itugbters, br..L. (G. Rucher, 91 Chicago; Mrs. JoSu G. Wllilams, of Racine; anti Mrs. P'. W. Merebont oi Waukegan; oee grandcibd il as. Hamer of Belit, Wl..; anti one great grandelili, Doroliy iloipar. bar, anti bau. Wlckham mýere mar- * t-ba ta Chllbgo à t lauar>' 14, 1867, lot- maieên mime -beint Alice Nuug. lb.>' bave residoti lu Chicago anti z'auteiin, moteat cf heir marrioti lite. bar. Wckhabsz a. heen' lu the Unitedi SIatez Express Company's eus pie>' and retirai vhen tise compai> vent ont cf business. Be vas a lie businessaiones 0f Obloogo andi Womkesan especiali> se inth le latter cIt>' vhere b. resîded 'for mati> oui>'. That la, a club cou put lu the. lochera for Ibeir members andtih1e members eau acier thoirlilquore anti pla rut lb m the lochers anti drink it bu their club redus. . We have several eftIhese o-cileti lochos- clubs. ailof vhlcb are oper- santg satltitacompliauce vih h bla declten of lh. Supreme Court. Lmner>' ou. cfhlie o la lBopen for the ln. apection ot the police at an>' timo, oud hnovtag tiat the>' are eperating strictlyintacomplance vith lie la*, vo have ne trouble wvîhbtient. Yeurs respectlveî>', A. E. BARQEEN, Chief of Police. LABOR FMS âpringlield, 11, Jeu. 1.-T tJua years. M---- --s-- oire 01 no- bLWlôkhau la 76 pmrs 01 cS«, rMt doiltte5 ftrcu pracliil> andtie isvfil 86. brs. wicham onr'lbr0sghmtonv ti vos popular lu lb. social irclea satemie fst*oitles-s odaanti de. A-Walikeg=an ant ageat veorrla te laoi ak to lte gsastm &talov tud ouindclub. of bbc Episcopal hi>'. cburcb. pa Othor bila to e 10draflet aud pre- During. the lime Ihat lie>' have seubeti te the logllatiiro '111 inclutie 'umatie Racitne, Win., thoir homo the>' Weon' elt-bour libo,- aet. have meemac>' frieude oud people AMndtmeste e th b et-hîkngmuons' r' f Racine and of Wauhegan ail ex- compenUaauu ot. usklng it cow- tend Ihtin beattY oohfrotulaltonaanti puiht->. Ne hoPe Ibal tho> ' villive'tao nJaYhs rbo 1m textbook %et. diamoni veidiug anuiorar>, anti Tvo mill tai on minI.e chool tien sous. >'ers t:. taund. Pus a unuit sygstofetvcaalionai ai- BILL PASSE BY SENATE ucation througbout th. Ilote. STOPS L RU DI 19 AIL )More stable lenureof omte.for abbeel toeahers. - Wasbihston. D- C, 32& 1U.-'Trana- Ta psrvsi employer, tromu k.10b au-nilsto la Mse malie et liquer amver- igltiaasloyese. Tb. lober jai- y liMMticolutacItlurs uevsi* ootend 1h.>' ai. bloched b>'si in- 5bo i2t~ ao state. vU4 Pt-ro - UlYfft' la* d amiat 'es loy 11111 '& déiv.rllslg or salicitation, .hbdï-*" " Wb»ivip., lb'basirdhW saiMi hv Ouater flash- 11.- spastsh' Vol gla, pis-mI *Mde W UU pa- odý>' ~tinS- voleté le eSU %«Ilsab aotg W, supsenl. Il novamueo le .boute. U it *;MW, BD .home aetit"do are v*leg cm of aneheolea. t'm ns 1,o« *a Doeiona e go te AImlaIdsM Vain, loyfor sehosi Ot »w atemis aibnmas- it lBe b l Mna 0uda rom- l wl foilarusld olmoeatei lt-l e tabh. Mmd ln o. eudeever te I »a %bu ff e e. & l4ei'y PrclerU vreil ksiomWauicoga womeeb meule e r ast0uor bis Seat kuaova ,ung vomeu vho cane a tram 1b# veut aide vrbere ber parents Uved for >mAMý Woaturiag ber proeat criticai con-i dition Ivo tacts stand ont Mest forceé- fully: 1. I PIR&T - That she wlthhold from 0 fier himbuad O ther rtlatives lh. ftac t ah. Mewsufs-us fretau cI limeint Wh" hWu o st "peulce -and detagrws. SEN01419 lht s mecarrled kier se. cret le ber heurt mocul>' bocauetheo dIde't wbatle wery her rhed 1 bicaude eae#thug obeaiher ttl-' bIsAhj .1w> ou 1mev t va. u,~eq ritiloal; t1h e.- alaaln horoi@11% whlbs ,ISIIII thrmsgh ber lae ifor- othori Ana>' 501hot lber 1110. a lDr. y1rett e»"j lascaflOtu lWau- hogan Woduaady vbre, at the coup-1 ty baspIMol.ho ouutivilDr.1 BMW1v ma ar solul ozemamotbon o? veu h beussiosatu e prtore nop-1 oration as baibeen ugptoi.RIl vas fuilt 1h01 iefmistahes berolm 1 vhite beautifst la ils»tant, 584 pet- mitteti bor phyak"l codtion 1e de-1 velop tô a.,Point vbatOpeotit* voulti b, fatal. But,'ope boise vas boIt! out by Dr. . 80mb>'. Me " ithst beha"aistiong bopes that tb. application of radiumi toe eman. bo14 iymght lave ber1 li. lu foot. e reconunended thati Ibis cours e b folloveti andi accord. Iagly . miàtltor vas laid boforo bue1 huabani, Wbo, as a former alderman and preent cu s o cber lu Wau., 'iegan. in veil huovu anti popkalar.1 The çuggetiouvas maie and later carriosi cult aLt Mn. Broocher bhoi kopl aetlbhe spitsi bere undor on. of tise specl nurnea about a veel afler v'bib he viliiho takrea b Chicag ehre the prominent spécial- lt vho buO n band Iamite cf rai. ium Worth &bout $100,000, vitt appi>' a certain Portion of Il b brs.. roee- hec ta trealmeut ai ber cam. EverY lme tho reatuenttlgivnt har, from 130,M00té *40.000of rad- lu- Uvii olta use..0f counne ths c" aimth" lia b.use or lb. radium ta ntreatlng tiumase. doe n't teutn >anY of the radium lIt ltiai the ele mentsi blcb Il givoofftioent les. soun lb. quantit>'. ItOvever, vilS the invenaiment that the sPeclallot bas maie ta the priee- leas substance, il la apparent Lbat the use ot il on the Waukegau vous- an- vilii hoa coally Itur gbut that does't malter ao far as Mr. Broeck-1 or ta eoeceruei bacause he vaut. everbthing Possible doue for bis vif e. Becanse o f Ihe suocesses attainet! S>' radium lu lreatiug iaie 1ke bar. Broechees. il la mtougi>' opel b>' the docts athat the trealmeul sabc vil) undergo, viii permanenti>' cure Because cftlb.nuse of radium on bars. Bteecher. 1h la Inteestis'i>t hncv mat vbat radium tIL inlas metallie oleuseul obtaineti lise uran- Ium, trmm pileS blonds or uatsnite,, a Pitoh>'. greeouh&lsiak, .84oxio f uranium, usual>' founi vili oliver anti leati ores. Rtadum la preduceti chief>' as a eloritie or bromîde anti Was icoeret! by Mbanoi bme. Cu. rie, and ba. Bemont, lu 1888. ls rai. 'loactivit>' er phoporescont propet-ty ef emiltiug raya capsulle cf lt-avers- Ing opaque le erdinar>' lgbl, anti et affectag phetagraplilc plates. simîl- or te tise Rongen raya (q. n.) la 40 limes 1501 of uranium, ant isItadiscen. e?> ani Pecular charatrlsllcî have gvnn-ite %o mac>' tateretug physi- 4*1 spoculallens. Tii. speeti of the minute ecrituacies Ibrevu ocg la osti- usalci at 120,000 miles o second, wshile il& temporature anti radiations vere tioughb te untiergo ne chemi- cal change or detireaseo0f rayer, sus bere providedo iaule ment vblch gin.. I!gbt vithoul boat anti combustion. Acoding te Prof. Rutherford, oet Moulu-ni' IUlverslîy, hbevner, rad- lm lit formed probabi>' b>' composition of uranIum, anti chansge# mpcntaueousoly it th ie gasbelium, balln% Itaef Seing 1thoceusposion of radium, anti aubJeol te fitrtber do- composition, earhcb hage certes- pouding te lie predition of B novr s1ieeUl. The prelsai-ation of radium Je very cosîl>', entailulaite use of aoermons quanitiés eU picib-bie"ç-; ont Poundi of radimla vluadila The Palalluet. Lake Zurich snd týe Wa1c=à4 raàroj po,'. e tla atmaios ai~>e rem' Jolft.,A#4.t ,i-, te0 malalala lie IWmm", Ie Ib>UOO la tatteadia utusibos-y as- bushanireeaIt>'loft lowna."oreu Chiot Divan l« took tle six le- MsI mm eitle epolios stoW1, vwe tise> promsaite anpersaiualbai. ln'grs ifl hier names vote aupprosa- ei. *On tiI prmis. lb.> veo sow. ai ta relamota te h1heissom..The North Chie polices»Y liaIth~e pllttting ort hatnome WoMli eau qut, a smuaticnas..&rmalt off their 'lOIlillal aoneg -dry- nue& Whon tbo ýraidw«vos cducteti the aix mou, vho b" irven> 10 the boteS thb a atemhie, are atme lebave beau* drflubg beer a Iandl>'. bMW Fgers 014me politi aidvas nii àwI ia lsit 01mb. Wbothe «kmhe toi me tho loalèsi ah. nid 1e>' wà Ins theas»mot l*bontiytaIvà- tigatel liii ftW wMe sitvan. anbi. w0 fwdholui- ah. auj lIw m te 1lams bai beanru mfflbut buaimt y. ai- As a malut of telb. chaumaie b> John Bestio thuo a as'ahi. te pm'- chas. tifuer ef Waller Krause. lb. latter vaes placel un«er arreot test Satuiday aflaruou. Ho la chargad itusseliing liquorti nuti. saloon tsrtari. Reports lu North Clilcagoare te, the effect limat John Nelson, o Justice Of the- peace ta that Cit>', bas hemn arrueîs on a charge cf eUling liquor In anti-mIoun territor>'. The. charge Ia Umde b>' a n-au wbo ims= ho Secm.e lntouioated dilklg quor in Nelon' plac. Hoe aYB the Uquorwvas sdI hlm b> Oscar Det, a man iu Nelson'% omiplo>'. -1 UNJOTS SLI]MIER One Man er Wauhogon lept out or deors on Sat-day .84 Sunda>' nights anti la aUnve te teD] of lie experlecuce. lb MSa ound lt-angebut Ibis usan alept ont of t!oms trous choice..AI- liough tbe mercur>' registereti 72 iii lb. boume Se preferredti ta siep oui wltb the biais. The man in questian la noue etheî than Prof. Johun8IL Bâggetl, of lthe Lake Forest sebools, vho linesat lie Preshylorlan chutol manse vltb bie life long trendo. 1ev, Chîdestet-. *'Cod? Wby, 1 tiunt gel colisunuil i vent jute bouse on Sunia>' mormng andi then uys>fot because ver>' cou,' nid bar. ilsgett, He ban' alept within doors except ou a 1ev occasions, and! that vas whlhot vvIsitling Ummet issm user. Hie slepl indoors bocause St visitet lu mou>' of the large cilies, anti ne donbt.theb. holproprietors vouidutlotelbien sliep on the sireet Prof. Bàggelt le a Ilikvinicture of heaith. He basnet knovn a do>' of aelkuersa aince Se began Ibis prac- tics. Ha bas avakenet! trom bi& alumb- ers mon>' merninga le i a blauhai cf smsov over bie bed. He ael son tbe south porch, unidSas ne protec lion vhatevor fronath1e vestier. IMID ITU i 0F JNiLeuT; OLO 14AUÀTA TVtiS E Ou the7tlh of June lbt, occuras th. marriage eofbaisa Elizabeth Brovn, daugiter cf Mr. anti bMm.Jas. Brovn, Pulton ave, Wauhkegau ho ba. Ftranh Scbener, t atteli'xnowzLyoubg mau of Wauckegan vie ln employes at lb. bransa feuidr>'lu Nerth Chi Despite the fact that lb. Young couple vere marrled 7 meutheav,< their v.dtiing vas kept a secret un. ti Ioda>'. «1Oh, 1 learnai 0f'lie mars-age. li veek," sai the brid'. mollet. FeUoivtheb.morriage Misa Bt-ev or rether bars. aceuet-, retrne tc ber methots bhm* o cl nlbuaniv nue. anas-. e s- reuruwe t t ti %du, ot iftba" U M m~Ure] Wtnii- 4 * lk«ibh.tei" lb-I IDIil Iâevabout tisa edig un et S.jespOli pgç*b 4aW*qs TO oor or ut t a__ w tabten ez t. .mil - tdis byou. Kra. .flo-ÏM WaqkOIBEJeu.L13. te hi"o a lavyer andi su.e iaa "Bgdpgbooser'q but a0144«la pglffleuiqb* 04 vào oman au dfour MID- emtyeyu hbave .u2ered. If yoý tbo brain of John Bue te aca rer and; proeet.Kmauo, Md Vr RoEsaies, snaled blInd i PlIboo useI& demaausthat tbtp hii h mm a r aaavtag usa". Tiihe t »o~eaig ia &omoy bic purcbasod boc&S1. W lat ofr o1 a pti 'Jo UMM.s viiiho uenm *May roftom frealu ='O ti e, I olpr. the standjury Moaàw m~ Tentoejay 'Mngash-bB ~i abocalMr Ils *PrctmauWY 010 te ot6 a 00 l e t ryblini plg la am àunler Md got ton eOB t 0. ar. ItoneIf I iest a«Y upsiom e possio cauhi mot Un0 oteIi.aes &W sudjaute Welh. borne andi telephono for a t1db i< CM. Bessio bai robbed tb. family 0ft ls~ ~ f RIDT Bassin vent toa ablind ptg. HoemY. - ho vent tb the sot drink parlor con- FSI ~iw w i Ilicted iii W&16r Kra" et m11h'9 ani iale atreets, ta Nottb Citioao (LY li nIe Mn a Iat ho bonghî boo» Ut lapenuNE F ty, tkora. He maye hhere ver. bar -____ rots of beer on ha"i, or one could That John P. labrI vbome gei the boer ta bottise Ùfha no de- occarai at the Jeu. tlred. Delulo totti 1ibomî» Vnr i.~tal W#~a Commiaali4r JaMée 4L. ibyer anti o -bl=' yce Police Ukstita* Tailo i baeh du~rn boutht lquor tu KaEs oplace of qay anlbt. ruaeffl Ut law tbo business yeterday. Ho sai tisat one afttr ha iba boomns Me, 0ti Ba-&t theoe*lt tf iob ld thé mý-syto- i 11et b.acthe " i aey ta psy for Il. lb. Conrad andi Wotal fS e~ ati venlng g Bes i sa aotoiiuv&oaîWoae.a gorol homevari. lb vas £ o1clock Wliaoa samuit *ïhî be reckmithora. i. o 'OâjjYlg o laoad .Nolurally thê wife amboti&bout the tbooU *W Oul ff lingte S 'test, for it vas ber maney Ibat hoathe lire. rvas haaalu. 4ýedetallao cf e lb. !ýe Jeit* kdlakh. yet lu the. fao f dent Sooù.eb>' lb. _m1 - bosan ou4l hbibratel . f. tour snagag u Imme, oa ad told ber tha ho voeu Irte .Tbi. gSublim andi on o tbe wul atric-ten voman ruaeed tainc lbo S cM ablaaag quit. ood. mreetl. 11e ian ta a iieigbbor's home!spMn" là. fot tut m.aà anti phonoti for the police. Thomas cilaael 11,-ouaisbaving mals m&4 0Tyrroli arrivet i athteihome on Ra, sirs te aàmcar.IMotes-r ohal m vine avenue vlth a ver>' 1ev minutes' 1 tramie 00*ou1h. e, . lime. iothili mat atIr m Wa" Au he pusbed ta the front ticor of uocf th*. olotanta I b the Busatehome, he stumbledse aronsa pu.iia Mm bock moure the semi-ounsciotia man. He *loayiety aaoslosC the fluor. H.eval bleedlng frcm gaiMer raglet bsok »jA", a m»y w ounia on the. face. Hia 101t te Irample cn th. bumnlmo. oye vwu avollen te thretimones IIWUltMklchhlm entale .the natural aise. F% tace rogemblet i and rA edhtlx ce the leyoy prise flîbter vbb ai bomn poorni utinalgb ie burnt a goeOah andi punched ti til Lt.he Oet ha of b ~ is. *01ush u b beon s. face resembled MaW beef. Th* vhole lover portions cf Shawrý John met vlth the»o injuries vben body WI5 bumad. Metandule la bis drunken condition ho f011 fae asenver. burneti anti haui.i f otho e bMlat. are.b dams hnbis Imms. bars. Bestlo vas on band te pros- The coroners jury afler heala seute ber hbsanti viin bis case vas cald frtili ie cort lb.theenience returnoi a verdWt « fN ralt OlCdouth a olisby accident. [_mornlng. ri .He la a drunkard. lie vont loi tan>' vor. He can't el yack. Wbn O À IP LE ' ha dues gel a job, hooze roba hlm ; OMaSiELE IL. He basn't given me tbe mono>' là h re H wrkdaithi5:CORPS ELECTS RU . andi thal grocor>', but dldn't keep bis' ~ff1 ~~g job.DW Ilrc i. u -WhY. tbe cap. the overaboos andi, Wakff, Jeý.,IR the underclotbtag he vers vas ail beuht it moe> I sroi ne- lts At lb. »a n antios of tm W*- vomI hoard. The. chiliren are des- mn .10 ops edla t**CL4 litot. The>' have one pair of uneIR.1 hall Thuioda>' ihlbat, &. 1 clothes, ummer volght, at týaL ooth vu O01cted as proceantf keep thein dean 1 have ta .ash thelr serv duuing the year 1917. "m .14- 0 underclothea viDe lb.>'keep varm cers eloctol st th aumal m i ë* ln bei. We -aie destitute. W. bave Dr* ebeen destîluto sinco the Pourth nt Presient-Jenwe . Wilson Ioe 4Julyp ma14 br. Bhaaio. cnito or. Vice prostdt-*rob ML 1 Toreame he rue ondtio of Jr. Vice preldfn-Zu" Putu. L the lamgy ou* noeied but le loock bcrta--u G.y onamt. Of etbte mothor of the floch. She. iii TodrrBieGeuef Of net vear overahoes, In tact the vrlt- Chablit-Ifliy Flood. e r doubta If ahe. bdaigau> #baonson conductor-tuioletb oyvens. ,ber foot. Bbc vore a commun P air .CulctpElaaehBo o f rubbers. G .Oari -EAabt~elon it -John left me for tva years sdan4 tGtaBY-RnoUOIO lsnor. * Ove Montha. i vorkhooer tb. vash clrBr-lteQII * board *biie ho roamosi &round the Cl Wl~Bt0<aa caaes, and 1 kept my taml>'l I bt, econd Collor BoIrr-Nalla a 1r, ter, ahape than he onor dii. 1 ion't ter. vont to taire hlm back. Me conut ThIrdlt-i00wBerer-Aia U1%aLg car. at bi bull' ~ d PuttIiCeller emr0e-Moaq&., ? uSm be m-, nt epndn-" q «Yea. bars. Dessia bas worked the Putsorsnn.u-nu Ilesb tfrain ber fluger lips ovor theo son. anretr-Cam » vaiS boari. lb. gave ber atrenat Ptrotc nsrutc-Oar Da b.laI ber olilren mlsbten»Y>'sin. et 1 lgl t oveto -Iai the necesaltes, to a m 'notblng of the Dlgt nCneto d pleamurea. of lite. I vent tu Bessie, Gunn. i when be returned from bis travets, Asal. Dlegte-Lulu Hamiltoa. m. and I plesdoi vilh bhla 10 alralghen liuîan1*îu Hauttlon rup anti b. a man. He made &Usote~ The Wauk.gan Pont mov homme et g of Promises, but ho, dldnl keebp'one 58 mouibers ta goci s*aaQing i or thesi," ati Thomas TYrrell. 1-"iorty tia>'.Ini Jal i. I vh lat 1 cudput you 10 vork for a ~a. . li AiàRSTOW ir vigi tisat 1 coulti gin. to rour vifes MANUUFAOruplan 6F 1bantis envel>'cent or the moiuey ye a- ie uring liaI year," dthe Alarbie and Granite police maltrate, vbo bemoaan. theï i tac th" 1 440 wua" as0alhocouli m oun1 neots, Sine. Il" wb vobaia vbipng Pott. sali Thom"asTyMTIL

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