CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1917, p. 9

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RTY VILLA INDEPENDENT rTY EI4~tT Lk <ýàùniy',sBig Weekly WAIJICGANWEELY SM VOL. XXV-NO. 3. p4ft TWO LmiERTY VILLE, ILL, !tT$ÂJANUAI1Y 18, 1917. FOUR PAGES $1.30 Pim YFAU IN Av uu AKcotJt4 *AM WHOSE IWEALTH 15 BEINO SOUGHT. III mrý-V ulAiI -Rev. Wallace M. Stuokey, Ar- mted Here Over 7 Yeérs Ago, Gains Freedom. AbR2STIED IN HOTEL HERE. Checkered Camee. V'bcé1«. Wsag"M. stocke>', fer- 5wWllllbug, Km., ycut Wvho ever saven Yeatm Cge abdunatu a 14 yegr nod girl who bai sMMg hibis ebnrcb hoir and brought ber to Wou- hcgsn, whare Ihe>' voie pisesi limer riest, bas been parlai fieS the - M» Ka 15 tate panîtentIar>'ami basin- m1n iug vlb Dxt veek. vhou the Parole boeomne effective, be viii b. a fie The casa causai qulta a senatioa ln Waukegau, ftDWO a"stde-Sliegr Vera staylng ati- ajouai h0681. I. T girlbai bo i ha» ulmi bore -ciotb- tnw>au aspr.santeffas a ofi Stuoe.,Mer volce., mdtha actionts of Uic tv.. vhich w-re authila but those w-biuaually etis betw-eon a tâaher s"di »o. syouacd 8 ipclOBqý, leb loa otaulacrun t4q iiter the, c« -L#e 10 ta th. La-e-cout>' Jl. The .girl madea a otufMaon aidthel 7swtboeltiluKamias er. notifiai.j SlocisY ws, taken thare tee trial. Mnu ecape fro& the police. maibis va*. oua vmaoirnge, tagether vl is cm ii- or~ love affaire. ami nov bis piole ripson. aue relatai ltsrtlaghr ýâ tha foiioving dispitch te The Su» -reM Kana, City, Kmu. Theii.dspab: <Speclalte The San.) Kanss CityKas., Jan. 24.-'TIhe 11ev. Wallace ML Stueka>'hbasosus- - Ic tha lav. A parole vili be ismua Ibiswveak b>' (10v. Cappar 10 lis cx-.Wfltamabnarg. * KasI poswtanam citor. Tbat docu- sauft, lus jfutur. good bebavior, vii esaeo-.-lcallytbaehknge: e- besertico Oet bis w- nsd 1w-o chil- - ;abduction Oid *>'nrelcI Lae-n d; sttemn$ to.-pcrÀAicbar ofi his wifs again, aid lgbt K.ansas atter is convIctimIOnwbl ton bond otalned by ber efforts. Another Wl!. la Walting. But the wifc who i. vaiting for hlm tiIýA ber boni. on the Kansas aide, la an- ,à.olher vite-C ,girl o! Spaniah daenet -thm he married la Cuba w*gol a tu8i- 41j, ,and eorvWho" fourya'ol chil ý,be la the fattier. The vite ha lofttul .WlUllanburg, vbo cat et bii aide due t" bis triaila nottava, Ks, who oh- tsied boni for hiem d h Job tu Ksn- «wCity'w-ile bis aMml va pend- $gla sali d ébe la T««anlving vith smto liI a ibteeMMs. Etel Miler. 'BStocýka>, then Mpist he Ib a. -tlan cburcb 0of WMIhambUeg md Oait- tor o! Ibe Willlamiburg Star, il- vpeara4 latu i>' . 0 Lorena uh Utnd aise vswulmsoeh. Tvo -âtiis l1ater lb.>' voie arcted la Waukegan, 4l11. Tire. molis latar, ana1e a triai w-b icb lbhe girl tetlfed thaIt b" Wfolloved hlm te Chicigo m-d W-ý *efal because as eleai hmha vas f ond gulîl>' of abduioln anisen> aid ta one lq five yaes lu Priso. Ibo nionths lai, In October. 1M,. r ta bai coma te Kantas vtlb bis bmmd Ive chiliesu, voîking as égan o lia GrahamOalin Print- - ompuati'a 6 Eut Sixtb street, mt>'-. position bis vite oblained ,I#-the Kausas Sapreme Court W*$sai&bisappeasiamd b. dîsjs flodl Authar Nana In Floride.. V ea tar-ta Moveabe', 1014 vas touna hiTaspa, ., Matthew HorenIberger. Former SupervIser from Deer- Bcd uhe lout $10,M 0ber. bains sent te seylua. Cuba prier ta gong to Temips Md had1 lualvicia Cuban girl. vho studied1 pliarmaçy wth hlm. gI rit .vlote had goDe to Fort1 Worth, Te%., vltl their - two Young1 children. lHe sald ho bAd beard itebs bad obtiled, a dl vole..1 Nov. 27, 1914, lie antered the Kai?- pas penitentiary to begin hie terni. Hia Cuban vite lied remalnad et Tam- pua vlth their two-Ynýr-old chili. tu, rua the drug store. The day ho entered the pentsatlarY Stuckey sai: ' Had 1 remainai ln *Willlmnburg aven ivithout lncurrlng a Prison *eii- tance, 1 right never haveavanOs oue cog ln the vhoel of ezistena,. ina. lcving there 1 hav" mait*red R profession have bean gra*luat»Cd frein a course I*npbarmacy. buflt up C gond bual*ci spd Manied a a Olnn vth vôs1ssul"aby matai. 1 am fDot dlso*MtL"1 Cuwai Wf* s.ught parois. A Yser ameo Stuakey' vite, vho bai corna te KtneastO live, appcsid ta Gov. Capper f« a parole, but ber ap- oNacios vaèd*Wed. Application vaS thnaide ln the district court at ldývamwoth for a wrlit 0f habeas eor- bus, but the. writ vas daniai. StuceY's ttornevs contendel that bi@ prison «mueafc sai bhavebeau computai hmc the time sentence vas Pronounc- ai, deepits the. tact that ha vas a fugite befora belng taken te the poetIkvylài 1914. A szeo"a temporary parole vas le- suai tel Stuckey Juna 2l, 1915, go tlhat living atIthe borne ot E. Bickford, 2246 Paraliel avenue. Kensa i Cty, ftuckeY baving-been f rea on a temporary, pa- role from the KansaPrimo grawt0i soon after he vas. inJured la a priso He told lait nl#bt of his attempts to rahabUitate bîmaell. Ho reacheff Havan". Cuba. ha naid, wlth oiY 50 eetLWhiio vorktng on a']newpaper thora ha mat bis pent vite, .*0ha said. tg a niece of (almo 0omes, 'for- mer president of Cuba. 8h. vas a teachar ln Havant University, vbera, ha satudiai Spanlsb. boon aftervard they botb veont tu New Orleans to study PbarmacY. ifbeY dacied in marry. and returued ta Ha- vans,. vhere the ceremony vas par- formai, and thon vent back te Nav Orleans and finshed their study or pbarmacy togather.'Iiiey enterai the drug business ln Havana and later vaut te Tampa, vbaro the>' opened another drus store.1 "Mi. Stueke>". firaI vite ia m4r'edà and happy in Wace, Tez4." Mis, Iluk-a e>' sai. "'he girl b, was accusai o! aiductlng aisa us marli enisudappy,o ani ho in a - beles cippie. if ho dii vieug ha bas psud, ami 1 do netw belleva anyana bas a rght ta peint 'tu flag of a ccusation at him." ý ail fae r> le support ber huuiamit ,an i thoi daughtr, w hile e la givng t spaiilsi lesaoua te privais lupuls. lai thea hyaa h>ave been living In1 this dtly, the>' sai, lie>' froquonti>' bava issu ejccled !rom homes theyi bi rentai wheu Stucke'sm past w-as learceh.t The>' plan 10 enter tbe drug buai- noms agaun .Stucea>'sai. flenator S8' t e!Libertyvilia w-asi asi cïalV*saj et the Communit>' Walftra lMt*mgof<the Maté oea- mIe inIlthela it as, rei>rtd b>' tee sima, . #qt ISTWIITICRUL BORN, IN CÔIJNTY, V' W. li.ýAPPY, DIES Man Who Was Given Distinc-, tion Succumbs to Injury to Foot ef 4 Weeks Ago. HOR SE STEPPED ON HlM. As Resuft Brulis Developed In- to Gangre eJd in bib- W. H. Appley, W40oM man>' persans I Lae count>' have givon the dis tinction of belng the firit vhite chlld born i lLake count>'. dled at hls rom- idence lu Llbertyvillle, Jantiar>' l7th, aged 72 years. Hie death vas due ta gangrene State'sJ wblcli bai resulted fram a bruae causad bya boise tappng on bis foot tour veekm ago. Bince..that tume ho bai beau ver>' slck and for a !ev days past hilmnue vould'net have beau unexpectai. Me. Âppley vas vithout question the oldeet tuetioneer and handler of tarn soles la the county. or, it In stated that bo bai been engaged la auctianeerlng work *Ince 1864. Ha kept ati t contlnuoualy ountil ho re -. tîred a tev years Cge. Mr. Appley vas a brother of Sm- perintendent Chales Appley of Uic La'ie 0QUnRt> POOr tra ani vas thc odest of a famlly of maven, chilren, ha being thictint te, dia. The oth- ers, boaldes Charles, are* Edvard, El- Ion, Cmrile, Mary andIdla, mil living in Ubertyvifle. Mr. Aîlcy vau nom lauLiberI>'- ville'i luhei bouse lust north of Cor- laIt *ad Frederiek' store, January 14, 1845, a"é Ibus bai luit pasmed bis 72ad bizthday. Hlm parants ver. Mr.W C. Ip. amndA AopleVr - voit uwn cf eceta plonecs ~4e euity. vi. bai. sa corne veat tu belp develop thie nev te e l ceuplry., It -'hanbean laimai for woahs,à yeans that Ur. Amlcy vas aclnaily thieorna thec rt whte chili boranlalu tes te ondu Cunty. VOMI@",i william Sunàerlin of- Waukagan Lake co han always had thc distinctioof ho-ttbe. tIi co tng tuhettwhito child born la .xpendit Waukcgan. Ho vas bornihaie about ryîne on 1846. Mr. Apple>' vas a Mason, lain" the order in 1884 . D I Mr. Âppley otten told et stapplng RU to tb. bmck porcb id bis home on MU.- vaukea avenue la tbe early itys and PRO shooting deer vithout leavlng the bouse. A smail crack ra nt ei bouse and the dear usai le ceins to f tbat place te drink. Charge U. "INAY CIIIEl?, ILLNESS 0FÀAWEEKv.. Washington, D. C., Jan. 17. - Ad. mirai Oreerge Dawy.'.heb.nation'a Spausb an ai eosud b>' priorit>' et grade tb. ranking naval efleer er th. venld, îled aClhbe home ber. tonigbî ai 5:58 o'clock lu bis -algbih ytkrer. Hie bai net beau consolous simca yesleiday, w-ebanholapped lmb coma eili bole$ing tlpint a fcv days be would ha back aI bis desk lhitha navy ispartment Mrs. Dewey andi thc admilesoui'y son, George G. Devey' et Chicage w-area t't% bedmide tanigbt. Tbsy hsi known *Icic.yemterday Ibere vas ne hope. Admirai George Dawy'fougbt and won aI Manis. Bay'tUic frit great Mmeicn naval batllea anat a tor- elga tesimca the w-ar of 1812. Mie w-boleIlk. w-as full f houorablc seblovoment !roa lb.e day 0f the eclv- Ul w-ar dovu ta the lime w-ben, as thc beai ef the general board, ebeagau Ih;e lant ebapter ot bis vork b>' laylng plans for the detne of bie country In tîme ot w-le. Dewey' alvays itoood fer e greater uavy. Headavlaoi succesmive sacre taries of w-ar end naval comllîees tta Iffect. The PalalIne, Ia'tc Zurich anid Wau eouda ilîrqi di mot eoca ho 01cr. aiLe traina Idonda> Pensumalis loccq; motive bolier vas 'opdanie. 0- e4rdlus g URlpb I.Peck, recaivar fer thesipai, w-hlch la là mUles long, aU jrW 'IiQicpolvm ill, ve, ta bu -aien b aeO ekamglim, là uu Fifty1 RE W.Lier. welch, au at torney' ly* ani&-Mainer, as chair- are the OilldgieIln and jury.eupoMrvlmov«aer uct the Most .w.ig 4ln- i@n of vilanIofla!1w ln county ever autheIn0à dlu tY. SupervISOM UtIOrixod Iture of up te $3,M00ln car, m the crumade.> iDJURY TO, )BE 'SALOONS WJIEELS' IN CITY That Liquor, Is SoId iWagons WiIIEee b- atga ted This Woek. [IVES ARE ENGAGED.' ed That Net LUgThan rIndictments .Wil Be qeturned by Jury. Di members oft1h. grand Jury VISIT. Loule Arno lu hlm oeil ai lbe Cook couuty lau ou Tuesday anud ii the>' procure from hlm a itoft he bootleggers o! Waukegan?' Il in sai that Arno bas "quealci" on bis companlons iu crime, anditI ia aise predicled thal niay toilaI- menus aganst bootleggers vili ho ra- tuinai. That the grand jury ln conducting a probe of the "saloons on w-eels of Waukegan Is now au etablsali fact. - 4 For nientbs. or rather milce.the ftrat of May' vbeu lb. saloons officiai- 1>' closci Ibair doors. Ilbbas been re- portai froa lime tb lime that beer couli be purchased b>' lh. case. It w-a sai that il vas net necamar te @aud a vnltten crier luto w-at teritor>'tb bavea acase sent te ho home, fI vas said Ibat sucb dealis Vers put over on the -quet, but nev- ertbeles the grand jury la condimt- Ing an Investigation aud Il in expeal- ei tbat Inaictmenta viii be rturned &galnmt men w-ho are operatig &a- boson wvagons.- The grand Jurera are.bus>' at w-ore atain tedi, andIt lnl reportai that lb.>' bave men vorkini. ou 1*c ont- aide in attempts le collet cvldeuo. vitb a l mn iusai b>' tii. StaWis è& hI"i.?lii Present ý- qfhê. VALUE 0f Fi". ERS' INSTITUTE IS TOLD BY BARReT! President of Institute Givea Seme Strong Reasons Why Farmers Should Attend INTERESTING, INSTRUCTIvEý , -1 ----ý Barrett Points Qut That Lak& County Trails Othei' Coun- ties in Handling Crops. - Everythng'jg froc- et formeors' l_ oflita, that in. no fer as admssi mibbt spaca. etc.. goeai. 0f course ln various tovus the. la.j dies sarve dtaner at nominal priees, but.-that's flot a part of the InstItuto. ýThe instituts 1a always a tree affair, aIl the fermer ha. te do le to go and drink lu the. valuable information glv- en b>' speakers et ablllty. Why evcrymu anad vorn a Wie couaty sirould attend the. Faisan' lu- st-léita sdi Household Scierwie.-la, Ubartyvîlle, Jamuary 23rd te 26th. s>' John E. Barrait, Prosîdent. Firt-It vîlIl be lime vaîl lient luit te meet rour nelghborms ai look over the exhibits, and ses the valu. able preinis. Say notblng of tha lecture on soli. Laite count>' ha« 208,- 896 acres oftofaim lands. Of this ap- proximatel>' 80,000 actes are grov- Lut thc grains you vill iee oni 05- 'bIbltlon. 'The valueofo! ide- pends upon le tertilil>' and lis abîl- Iii te yleli a profit to those vho cul- tivate 1IL Canada boasapropriatai $10- M>0.000 to ho ipant vlth In the next 10 years to teach ber people boy te vork thoir farma and conversa the farlilit>' of their soils. And the Unfted States government bù ap-; propitai a large asuni0f moener' t0 ba usadInhi tacblng 'us Mamrickns ,bta toi--s -..'et' "goV M-4»b faom. Wfl l t. 23rd be a profitable dey!' Sacoi-lake count>' bas 7,01% bone&mand 536 colts. Ouûr bois«anr w-at w-e have lres ispenisi upea te cultivai. Ibis 80.000 acres of lamE. Are w-e golug tu continue thîs prio- tict. or, ara va golng te buy trac- tors,w-bsn the liffto!re a boeut fva >'.arm and then Juuk thcs, or, ara vo tu grov our bornes; cossider theo cost o! your brood mare suda the lite o! thom. Our herses are vortb about $1,000,000. 'I1Uink w-C eau doubla the value sud net increase the number. *ý, W. have the promise o! somaoi thlb.hors,, off ths farms eacb direction front Llberty>thle.. Cau vo afford btekir the 241h day of Januar.y and talk over a million dol- lai proposliin vhlch you and I are a part et Prof. Eimonis la a rmai herse expert; sund ha viii tell us. boy te use tlb. score cari. Look at your progm iaui. ses the tarmers W-ho viii taba lait la 1h11 discussion. Thrd- Âcording t0 geverument statles a majorit>' of forainlnuich U'nited States are producing mallt at a ]ose. The dalry Industr>' amouating ta, iomething over a billion dollars lm being conducted vlthout profit. IA>i tan, plese. Iu proportion ta thqir market value, dairy products oiS from thc feara takte less tp" usa-u tvlc!tb pouni o! butter, .009 pouni ef chase and about two leaspoonfula cf Ice cream. When a nino cent quart of alIk baC as mucb fooi value as 25 cents vortb o! steak. Nov ve have lu our ccunty 20,438 dalry covi. Here, la a million sud a haIt dollars Invesiment, consumina over a mil- lion. dollar,' vorth of tond annuail>' lit as *igiovu ou Ihese 208,196éceas of 1aid. 1bave beard s number et mon say, "I vaut 1teiiear Van Pet." ani 1 Imagine that I eau bear ever>' daIry man lu Lake count>' sa>', "Janu- ary 251h vili fidme lu the. crov e lbertyvîlle." l"outh-Tbursday evening viilb. th. only evenlnt program. ,This viiil be a genoral meeting and 1 have bain told Ibat no botIter lectures voee v- or put on an>'fermer%' Instituts pro gram than that vhlcb *a have se. curei for Thursa>' evanug, glaco Mes. Els iStevart le thIba oui'vaa tiiet spesis on eue fermera' tastitute. program, 1 w-euldurge s large et- tendanceAtaIth1e housebli mlanoa meetings. Wbeu w-c lhlnk et the lm- portant questIon whik i sght b. censidered b>' t4, fa*i ais ndtlt la tbe 10m" w-bld bee hei s enican PeDapl lreugh h0a ck S [NEW1 CHA Elam uirke Waukien attorney wwon Chalt.e 01board of directors of Commercial body te hold oUe. of proeident durlnq 1917. - sslamtle premaration of fonds b>' un- "10l~cqkn. h American bouma for fond stufZ. 39 per cent of wblcb lo Ins1 befora it reaches the tabla la moase.ntifte preparation, These are coltifl t tat neei adlustmnentm as 4t affects the. ht. ani bealth o! man>' tbreughout the land. Flfth-fldAy mornlng vili b. a. po'iltry damonstratlon. Proteasoe OS bail viii have the live lho nt lue- trtsahlmpelnts, and thoy wyul b. Pmsmad througb th. Auditorium for roW ue aromatolich. Hç viii shov yenihv bo, t llUthe. profitable hmn Me viiiaieshov us boy te capontet eur, recaeras. This ln lant dey and the Metbedit church liden Vyul serve a 50-cent dianer. 0»a flui. nota notai lectuerm.M.M.D5u*n **1 , peak o! ,*ilug anid Ui*- cel Mi? ceniior tehglxe cl rat Imigato bfoa i ý»at w l b. ehé tea fe.e ffs ocm tell. ME "tla aamI.1 oe! door. over 1w-e mmd a qaty l¶Iolami a laepar emit ws1aafoega hein, aMdiIf ycs voi Pot Ifyeà os aethet mi ii flot t fom he .bail counéw but waIo bere niorasarc la la filve iYu"stho Veut rmy er tuffl folk@ havelihe mme merrageil as yen bave, ami 1 vaut te se>' te Yen that tii. hanger of radical- naver cas tram thc ftaeming co- ltica. And 1 belle-va tiat Uic baisais of t1ll istate ke thea aven balance of other etateatoirgeai must bave a sIncere consideration ot the meLoft muthe tarte. 'On Prida>' aller- non Jeauar>' 26. Hon. Bl. G. Dunu -Of anCit>' lova. villipeskon 'GoQ ltissblp." bst a gea4 eepvdéi oum .Ui tlus Usa0 tq $tus able speaker. ullh l foimr dans 'meetings tbers yU *W au, nouto,.mta et. a ffies sovlns pic, ture ihôw- tuat viiibe on Waisée- ha>' ami Thursda>' at a thna that vili %et detract fromtlb. main- progis TbWae vii lia ereadings a4mmeo ceci dar liat viiioaeyu glai. IJiITINMATTER SpringftldIl.i, Ian.'17-iltate vide probibition for lUinl-by tue r.!- eeiadusrouta-lo aucb nearer than bas b»en Imaginai. Ail Ibat setandsi ln the va>' of a vote tneU ta te et nl aett he senatortileleclion et 1018, IftIhe dlaims maie tomlght are 10 lis Sulisantiatad. la thc lineup *et bal a dozen bouse mambeis w-ho nov &Me recordai ln tbe houbttul colum. Slonate lastera, bothbvoisaud iryX, Iouligt determinui te take lb. sltuc- Iou b>' the toialock -ud go ta, a v»e ord vota on ithe tate'w-hde bill. w-blnh us te b. Introduced immediatel>' anci put tthrougb Uic mnae.noseaitise nzit w-ek. Tbe 'vato concoea Ibr. lo a coualîtutio"msjorit>' for thc bill, in the upici bous. They elu"i Ibat tha>' ea hast Iltainthe bouse ef 1.A Specta alqlabas be! auoribsi fer MWii nvias, v beuS .1 wuivc a4i souiuiglon frs . or guU malHope' of Savin the Lif of l'wMon SUlPvun F~fi at Lake VNm IS IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Was Choppngne T"Msg FaIbed te Gs M et lfUq WhenIlt FRtt,ýrofl residing e aI 4! ll. s Paql ftt'ly injuciTu- the. vrmg C Abt grouni. ga vas rte*i a à ?dcAltsr bospifl tlerM. iW nation ravmkalhe,, bd tait NMeiIs ami breastboue mre et Po" turing bis lIngs ad log is interr>. O09 Qelèm. ore »M 0té bé ver ulakt '. twnnva . vwu ltvciw ta i +àbé aowta ra, va M eS tS 300 yardst &M tbe b~umaukbisà b<; [accideur bappenei. Chanci 60 sud. a gueetsthét loir on I rom. vbicii vas Stiacotte, tIbo' -of the tee.. Ha sau*t te il0>lIb pay the lieenu uhIL looeuru la the bolif t vomiE mca àtbeI h raé. itiit IrUO. OO W dMvàusk vurii- ' lias U" late pill# t- direction iiaiplthe îa bu itdIlmcio. aýt Ne daualidaway. trylta o o! the path f e t ic icat,,W laIe, hovaea'r, for ticbe s on. of tiiahe ' bninebas '- him flio.ruht D .& Biolestolà% Dr. J. M. Palmer et aaisi summonai., Tha>' sIaS ah o4% the vlctia ior1. asalip-l InJured very esfpsi mi tuait-lie b.e mevai tetasi as Bsoom ane c~~~ was ou05me0 ik ,risait ta- Ieo, b., vas ablaew-ilte.*tic lilith'A" ai àe, aler Uth a Becausa the grand'Jury '*weh)~ remalalng ti longS>' ses"c cont et the Invamtgati et<W'*- litions that sla c4u» csORit vbe comprisas h ury. Mro la UieliaI, 'W. P.MUlset, - .LibartyvhUa ýIà« *ia 1a4, U, P. ihrakinc ofbukî g-W Us clerk. flenlon-34. H. Daiu. malgi NOco-ort. O I. 1outbrul '- Grant-N. P. emawtr. 14k. VOUks-Ciiaduc an-vae. Ave--&.il. Ciis.1 ViShsgl-.Èlncaniulséi& liuuhisarvie", seblas L P. Ïklm axubiii-. MIL yu .I»àgm --- ý fR r Ir. .L m Al

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