kTO ~en ty ls ËiLAýEvnun NO GCURED.'l Me,-4IOad Had àg Career. hb. EA bu eariy efsfle her Wr De. DBWIp arrivai ~itt~ê>~l~gbotel ;~ ~~ o~q uf- i'ni th 1,~n l I nîversary ati ber noMe, oy »jwng a, this evcning at a diilér whieih Overse, kd in ber liodme at the Zion hospice. It a t*d-i 01W! 1 ïulVéa eer-Voliva lma joî ut i New laitDollarsBIi ffi qou know a good $20 goid piéCe out for p<r-.ona pasina tbem Wilim wbe you'wee it? ItkLauiey of Grand RaPids.a ert' ae If mot beware of the Imitation coin ýtéted one of the platéd coins, but whlcb lesbe4ng crcuiatedinl thé citÇ. detpeted the Imitation by the ihfe'r- higeàluo poreuharo gold platéd M lftesehIdwelghtof thé réal goIi oi new hat dollars and a few mercha$B ýa*d the hait dolar. 'Hécalei the have"beear "tung." Patron back, made hlm mate go Th,4ea~mbrsare on the look- and then ailowed hlm to go. I I woali hé abie to get out 01 dubt uUf lly. Under the present law theésur 91 the revenue la flot suMeléiit ta sqeet ail eIDéflséO Test of Taxes in Thîrty Qitç~r- gan, te. Be Made 'rhirty ilinola 'Mesé have been se- I Icted for tai compa.rleons propoeMd ~s~Lhe mi b4,,meiOIN NORT4i SHORE LEAGUE. ~±,~.L~5LIaukeandn4Cities Along the vm. ~tb tatséea -eI. X er 0YitsI *6. aie is. me nvsi j4 taaer sdf u ~~pé~jS hub hyu£ iand q.gVULl" bo hoaon ta-Zion",ta as.l*g iude ID4oT re tos a dbw hars ht 1h oui. for bis réeasé was vocos ik nthé Hoiy vord o clài4ý W dré ta liken ~!tu aié 164 who guidé the ofgulch w oipu. ~1I a y ~rlod émen ta coni- an4 thé Cbrtianity ae th4 twenttWcentury. t *,ede saogtb Umits of. "Wsubkegn wherg the Lthuannans arel eobiuli&cames an appéal to the pie ot, Wankusau ta rite up la Ir ml$bt end orlicfythis man. s Es i~ qoir Indi 'in athée eut 1 ito. poil tus Ilrgin o" ou ti wetht ,grd o1 Sb"*d *rhe .4 efor maita ' AI. [oi *1W S ,.". 1t *Thé Cty commission Of WaukegAEn thé JoUet Real Estaté hoari. ~35 la ln recétpt Of a communcatonmi.1 bée0oed have a population Of 2 whth s fliyis a4un t o loin J400M or'moi-e., A lé, are chosén hlo, *bI m thqtcht00smcli, lut asoéd tatlai ve t aieriuniclpalities over thé entiré e o2.0 ak u hs ileaat~y gtate In seeking légilation Iwhtch vfll Taes Jaot, lu vhlch 1ibère w M bo, n' 8v. a htgher rate of taxationi. Whflý ie T he, a géaltéral la tÎ~Piu Wiulkegan ty Officiais ipl t"at the$ ot.Téqietbfeghi rW ein inadéqua te thai have de- à4oPf UmQSe citift 7My11 bhé & 1 tie buiar Barber. tbgough cid zt ta to ifi thé -state léesi s ftéIlfosEfucp ir î« Cition et thé preseet time buit ta . ~ h foinu thé fight bébing wagéd hy îthe" r h 1 l pésd-t. _pIO *lD « ~iloth SoreMunIipa Leaue hb kw*this service.hua beén Mai%.a" ,Nrh: aor unican, North whi ai hq quosîlanaire carnles a ffl s icludes Wej ,Nrh Chlcag%1fr prompt and socurate intfoitftf* nies ïsba Bluff, Lake Forest, Hlgh mond Park and other cies aiong thé north 1tl olvdririvi é ll shore. Ç fo.a comprebonstvo lapait ,hé- Dil for th net eetng f teréal ew * At a récent state convention it vp St-w hoari. déviddi that thé presont rate of taXý hl I snt pv outv dupao. pamély $120 on each $100 au- o ustaeion'oo uto ity. e séesdvaluatio, ig too lb, for 'tilles "tueg 0f lýb-u rthwé 4etUli ai thé présenit Ime althoait naï = tiqedt2 n~tkas 'theé#wàuJa Mayé hben s4équate ai thé tie té t'u I 'é2.( thé locatiWpe 4 Ipça"çod- Tlie mujorty af ciilés Jlit.lj ~W,~i epe~uêh a; n record Ubeing In, favor of 'a -aéaé a pan oPagiv la, vhlrh vould raiée th rate to, -1mw 'other cle tetbb ,hd o* e tIti le kan thé $100 essessei valuation, thm, eecmaéwt'lircté ~0vlng hé city t-hrds more rev. oi a simllar sîzé. eenimé than at thé présent turne.__________ Wau#égan. tagetber wlth other oit- les thrgughout the tate.. Iaaskéi ,kem lOdeuriIrl NéoI#"moeII scoutr*ute ta thé tuai te séek theé- Iro>-"Wben "oU"' I *legiqlatlon. Citles of Wankegan'u sue 5PPOiSfp4 sald. '_ e s nauiiyfrom 2.A00 10 25.000. Iwo___ - -ampniat aaslmi iugradîated accorddg ta th« siXe. et the city. ln10théeSeipitOf Mos 4 leeping rocus mowtbéoii r "% "pléjroposition la ail ulgt but Ileaitoneé,vîldo, shbullhe thluk wé shouli aid la thfliWhi heing 4o>-na bottùatMu~ui mtadO u*long the aâméllinOs by thé séffli é s'far'IftmIithdi north ahoe munkicîhsfl aguéaciJula lé r ny monéy W, aub>arlbéd Ih shoM IW1. Y~ e dta oit ova loegs.a The plan hélng followed hi ciés dia.Ieulcfbi. ver the esâaeétlstothÂve City offi- 4ievll ve = ton&r , ith sitére eatvA*Oérich .àaid sénatars und enlîst thelr aid'tii ii1 i t seeking thé paséage O! thé raposéd c etoofcf mv.Win téem oa, 1111>.1 If W*aiekin ere able id lvt 1 to'e»oMO efhia é ta o~24i' mdl $10 aA a e bis es ot law ~to e* aiMdlen"mo hf mdqtf ye,10-# che.psk.P gohe- Iat 4oýteei 4 Vered wreipied hy, te vple W4 o ee li have Àéeeivitsmshé* thistIiufédatehovr ffloxe Oft W méct g hédrc he é CéI un thukepn o .AWqdw"i ena uidu.for hedvt- L% et an l. Unl X ock i hlg iitathie purlty0f lt4 )r restatbeii l~n a kt. M6er vA chateapstoud-ei1~ ila lots of < utée a oth lbaiats mbUqi. té paloudves 't tb ai iln 1 pic:$de " misTo'li ofd enu5Ve»hingwu néy vbas snyot thuit m»su t bdhi$ngugé iMlié U;iayo ife mdi thé chucban4m pv»é d Tàoq '6 ~hérslawr4p0e n Ç* uvetig le on oas, Nvêt a pnublimetin ppgi las uitéai ng téf o4'Ïl té0sahs 0fuetmhi a the 1 O en. ho w8 £q i omm 4a i-4 btwi iu oé~.ie4W4ind, py JA cw t James G.,Wéich, as public proie- CpOr, litbe lutéd ta lvé&Iy & tubs case, and thé Sun aika that héfi maké % thg"anvlyelgatian of this man'u talk'1h 'ç&Ùkeglù, and that hé take setoaprevent a récurrence c4 Pré judtéé PreJ*dlcé le knOW Ig h leu' go; ute nop'ont L, éiytl bout suré yoiu baveut à bit of your~iilbut; Jou are sure overybodi .lis bua «otIl Préjudice lx thé mothér of leg nem,thé ahi 0of jgl0i*s e boa'!> stition. aod thé wbti4' et,' to) progrega- -.O .4,»th - .ggzet e kldné3.#p are 'i'smd teiié"i w.hlch motie. Inlu t 4.ankil wrlat; or under thé eyes ln hal eformations. ta to ust as'néeearyWtt the blêien . oétlng piOPl'lsa - * eýdD; thé bovéla éctt:* st»s4yi * minent phyblià. heul one1 tthé irai thîngt thé don@ la to the gh, tes ' ley evtou The ér bet pssîbJé wsyitube nà you~élf'lata'laie alittie "nr ltbtousas. -inthis W&Y t lava i-éd >wlth thé feed. - pdic p bC,- &Ad£ * th=o iwUfet ofofo, ti Yoflé bée. t a. John Reardofl apeas: . c .y o y.., I have been tbared wlth ana ecbt ig klnY U k «éo.atgbtly. nad iheammilép*hy>thougl UJ,IIhma u l papers, màd ti*méidy. The reoults iJe bbsie eEol K»ly %top lto the.ding store anddsahCori a »Wcflb.et'àauro." N - '~ -~ t*'-. i. -r - t Ân 1I; ~good- 1o~în, 4~la4ad col- Raetniééd la thé opportunlty that- briuni you such pretty ilreese% ut $5. May orfhs liai-e né, pocbét affects sud ai- trictlvéemhroldety. $1450 Soigo Dresses AU Alcolora, lo nd d hlrred égoituwith saddle aud pauch pouohota.Wbotand aab.., nioely i .Swets to $5 to 22.50 Right here la. one -cf thiB..geatest suit appoir- tM e&r. maqpés$y utln 0ail TII. Wg* a eluelin thé cit..aIft élt*lIy mbrald- 0 cdi hu Û tm dti, lu1pla vht. -' awd iblion.d-ghlte 4p91pi 94w*p to4 0ee&1pg 0.f fer to Jlin Other Cit- u~s~frngtle#IUnois io Seek- to Secure e Rate of $2. il, -1 Lk 6" RAMIM M 1