CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1917, p. 11

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Monlnag o io- Uuic--Qiartet. Addre- "The BsJI14u of te Dliry Mrd." P.E *9. Delft- (Continu.d trou page one.) Afterneon. '141ts County Dairy oir-Quar *~~iteth. largRe n iao ti 1. lda'aet ~* dtd14man--tm% ~ iB >Dm Ji. y hlibon ey Loo w-prof.. 1above the'main HughG Ï.O.Rsaler, ;reient of 0e jaNIarried and How ouiche eetence lp.tme4t t» Kxcpt Yest ey. H. M. ae calye&n t» p lel uc-bM? il. Creby. en en tihe Town anti Ide muh o vlueit thstA Ben Mille11r, cishaia. The ftenoo metin W'dne@"Y Iclle Ring Jngraiiam. le thse SU4flortum f430'te b«Mof ertno~e Ltâcis Çlak. te' men mfi40 'bkw Ws- e re bmd Ciîiubitg de- Nor, ot taw 00 ,ijgqiiï Md ber0 rmrf J - lmsfmIopol c 't.uI> NoùqLs"I-UfÙaab>'M. M. ladies' aid *iy iepeW o~ > Meeting là charge of Rey. T. E. ~Odô-*ra. &but& Karman. ReubyH-.I.annen-"l1indingi ulek , munty U"'dno astd PI5 Poei fo." 1.mnosl thse me mdeav0l lst- K&uut& arman andi LÀb «fy LK tuit'araLem MM.-S. its ia iarbm. Mns. Ia-i ~ .~.tire-M Inayal rthm bli ýý **o~it scieirlsabu of e1r belit Ldro-ýQÇd ijhip"- Hon. ar esîlu.. Sz* H« £Nb uty, oa la. v ez>' farDaU NOl>6 WphoGo(RAM. taumik*17t" eW * 231,TnVI$ #mtu4 lige a f*b«: tise«>i'DIeqsii R loua.hoid Science s'oingte reaMi oe n tha W Nomsest »Il profteste tu;m aresot r* go Ui esur' ~ iodeeda o 'Sg501 DâA - . Wl. MC u >~ t iefrtamiBat' 4~coânty Houseisoldi gis. tb bue>' is t oomuglt« g t o »u lalu O& t are cenfinedt eO oe@breeti Ofetn bo1 hcouge isy .oing 80. theo fanm- th hable te gel a btter knowlodge et dg .lae er hrses andthua an ac- lu vorkisg knevledaoeOft humIleon .hicis enablos hlm te de- th hie stock te a higiser point oftPr Dey. Mr. fliMeflom **- it permis varions members %Il W' theso s*ntr 10 gaiq. knwl- se o etdoale boutaisni terces bI tul. l , 4 Nsfer thse y *bg mcm <h 00 fedia oS ung la eel. Ho et CoSU ftisa Oeg. tis e04118 ruai e hau e mi esis "4ilu à* 4"me yEIgJ4i eto mIi eh-e Méémtbatthe eSwte or i Use luit & on i ae fst. rYfe.d la518 ayste is 0f 45bsnsOt0 andb thlS Hu Ida eisa Pgepr OUIso vpaen gla . d peunes dulg ta 41 t nt. SilsàB ore h hona of. Eucisl la -et e>kn 41ores Use use et .Sper fThed. 2me mnetisI visge fUrise =t ot .d Douath -FOU ien iA s i e ae mti Ilafe esint e 3Ou-y hsnt edogeas of Mr It a pt p l e eKraciinl- ovIns t. W1ueA a mae p<e,. h 0ai e,>PI t tao, e e ihatausmgishan taeresti* stateont'sicf ur Or Ie ptuDiion ta roiset von 0i.I me 'eli'e0a li en ofUehatprtefts anti eavng Uemsti'Chli anduccoei iialejosÉ oetis natlt4lteet uo'*ilIlMi'. Id0f wote until en ise- and Wav 4~tigte sor cri t tqinst4te et u a e ientPof 'tP a ctiundaeàs"- Uinedc. elloetib>'dia- liemsmIlrUa etCasserole Cook- lu&. OUmit4o OAY.=-TaçN5X 1 'T4 ei -Oata PArMcre instituts and Cern Show combîneti epened inla hoe Auditorium et Lîbertyville Tues- day aftereoon. tise epeuing heur beo loi 1:30. lause way of Instructive ani 5steeetlg eéese i. instituts bhic Week bide fair la eatglasa aofei preylemq'e aglaDie et tise eep j 1 1 1t.l*y MConce.tisa 91rlie .'ihsttîé, laving the. worIl of eelectlisgthe spea'ters i eocuro e0Me -Or-*e,'but-spftal ete1 'e fou" u n tise lnsutut, platforu te. iay. - itta. ciao pre'l.inI exhihlts et con. tables bts end of je large audiltoriuu are bad- id dowi viti souetnitthe ex- *Ver diss' t a fl Sb nu tuis ount!. ~1. ~eli1 'wu<ascalled, te ortier 17 ~ ~ 1 *al a v s s.chuiti#.i fo h.~ ~~0 tq ay'oms$ ol ilovl ta, aa a rac« by I>line. n* the .sddbg 6 vol- corne vawu d b>'9 . 'hop ilaa id-bl . Tisaisths*e wi¶e n~ scb ai a e~that fts'Iiearly t*ù Isiurs- o two Wsssdred îih su t& tistog w9l;,tgl hi ti bd 1514-m, 'ues- tUs' au aisécasara eqÂl ai oea» !rp hiéee ged-saturedy asketicf : bl UliasufetsaI tise. a ne rsses'*hy tise faimers or Lakse counity ceeu ot "*, tiseir tfU Md tiuatleetise a o f tOCp MOtitqU if e'sgg<0h14but, truat nature back laIe h Iatstet ofdravins ail ef Il eut andti ies' leaviug tl carefor 1 Ift. 13e 4vledtiUt n:ie tise habit ot burning cornstalks anti troc les.ea, bbng tise son et lie asoedth ie fâjers If tise> had erer teke# atmIeconsieldretlea hev mucis 1busltif ee4jw heat'r bat4ey' op3 sisovuin-A ba icli)s'ti ,'acte«$ test et;ý . t tat eate s list ot sol MUlyt'xeD trou tise land anti t eren tisgh a ferme roceeoti price per bIseol fer WBi OMIlho cc$uely gave eay more laiui Ii eel'f~ d"lt ,tiu l ereoewr rmvnOue ln theoir absonhtion et oseg ,fertilit>'. let tise>' coatlnuall>' docreas 1 eâ < Wle zte r sast 6lité 'ire te Prof. là" 'pa able addreos tise ladi'5l0 ruomointhe bank iUl T Iate&llsîono4 t tO <~oey ~rrle cliari e ràw,>ir missQs*ce 1. QmiÜ4 ch A $sneral ilsisce ~4p~:r 1,i1leence m6re. Gaener nor luntir>' helper. pachicil ýeggacolieteti fer voaisded .edior)- Frederick Runkels Patent Will Prove'ifatmo wtoAlil Wearftq SOmoles. 11,71 u GETS HANDSOME OFFERS.1 . 7f" I . 11i Frienda Believe New Patent; W-11IMale 1Wuke#an Man lndependantly RIèhi Waukegan. Jan. 24. A tiny piece or steel, weighlng less than lire graine, as'd les tias' onq- hait an lnch ln lentI andi of the thic'inensaof a welI vora dIme, may brlng 3'redenick Runkel. watchmaker. et the Ingalle' Jeweiry $tore, grest wealth. t-s-t hob i p J$tçgW l pce ot metal whlch 1fr. 'Rankel Put ln the m odel whlch he sent to.the Regi.trar ot Pat- ente at Washington, D. C. whlch wiii brini the local watclsmaker terne andi fortune, but it was the genfue ex- bibited' by hlm lu puttIng tisaI Pl"', of steel to work for mankînti ln gen- PrMI. Mr. Ruakels Patent promises t10 ,irovoe agroait blestins te oneasddsai eho wear spectacles or "OPece. By bis Invention Itlàl madie IMPOS bilei for tihe bleto fane>' spectactes to isecome loe et tise Polnt were kt la atened toecar picoaor 10 tIse Dose brece, betwae Lotislentes. .ThselitlUe piles otateel la lnserted againet the ver>' ridge oet tieglas anti and, te twit the car places lin sueh a ~anner tastlIowen thse lentes wosàid break tihe gla. The. description cf tise patent as supplieti by tIse patent oce ta as fol- loveff: «Je ail oye glasses. combînatiots with one of the lenses thereof. of a nose bridge connected i etone endi to salti lent; cars on salid end cf sai'i bi4dge engtging agaînat opposite aides cf tise kens; a tastening member onnectlng raid sers and pasaing thru thse loem; a brace ce-operatlng wlth thse lens anti etendinz partlally ar.enê the, polplsery tiiereot; eund an elongattil comparetivoiy tua n e- ls'forcéi- membor ranged betveen sali ocre tmtrffleti etweo thse loe anti oWd bt. a»d connected <Uh -*ai.l ofet ald brace for preventlag osstwai' bendlng of tise end portions nt sai" brie., uiiataatially as des- lembe&. ln It raid tisat Mr. Runkel bas re- colveti me fiatterlng offers trou soue of tIse large manufacturera et oaye glasees anti of spectacles. TUTOR HAD lIER SUSPICIONS GUi t Roses From Tony Celidfor Slearchîng Inquir>, and Truth Came Out.t Publie c sioot teachers la tise lais Quater are constant recîpienle et gUIfs *toB dstjg cisoimne. Whb seI ltrie e fiseu nofrng la hayeni a cart4là Ilint, andti Usa" "ail Use i&' tremp ripe tomaàtoes te bits or f6v«try ie toaciser usnally' Institutes an inqulry asm 10 lji eiglial source.1 One boy matie teii~'E etâ. Ai long as tisa>W' vr-4ebb~ fpded tise hochet sceptedthMlieuu- ýs'otonaaly. iut -Wheu Tony turnodt up One moralng vith ca large hus'eh oet epenslvo wite rosme tis ell es' 5Oained teOakithlie boy visere ho g«t ~ . eavis ntieath escalled 9 te li ha tIsatUe lovers bei n purcisased, later Ust tii.>'b"d iseen e gitI, andtIlfnaly Touy's mothos 5si thoni as a tokqan io r-»- i. t1 e leciser grew more tetz tu har tiemanti for paeinu la t&e' garti le Tonty's flowent-tisenw»va levwer stand near b>'. "Tony." this aid. "teIl me tise truh. Whr dyeu gel thon Sloerwt- 'Tosdlst" rad Tony. et itisoend 0f ils lavgitlvo povers. 'Il gotha troutda elurcis en Brooma sîroot. Da man. he ~~eioedest."-Now York Ams' ToedaklnaCue Dropey. T"sav* av iya becs'loleti up- en " Ilôkainsme c van »oisnouby oouum' peeple. Eromlthe skins. 1ev' *ver, oft«Mui, quacls la Use midi-e &tesu ue" 10 useAU e» rte et meil- cluas to,eUlltetholr Ptlenle. ie remarkable diecornbu hemeon " sésby Dtoctor Abel tUat tihe quacits <oe'.nt #0 fan wroug asm-ai>'peepie tisoust.1H a mdoe astudy. et c £tant "fPic"l to« *und > thse rivae$, 4»& adâen top=u lskia hoeoxtrected e -'Ua5i bS shtatop leis cU4es tiropey.- ,01 onrnue It hem long beon ae'"grend- aiotises"- rom4 odl Cur0etdrapa> b>' sisieftb t %e eofa tc bd. andi il w to tefia out illter. s. sonmy trutu la ý&e remeti>' tIDoottr Ahbe gea mpealmenins. --Tise eau. euStaa hoe rouai n titsstropical@pecten ho, Nc*11U r ound I-Iebiuon eri oots dctrs <Il Prscribe, perisapm, honlt ts anti capet mace for tire>s 8" lpatients. iIrs~ Uubusri s'eIaac Peral learing Fera River shlpya-rdm for practico tests et mes. Thie submoab*1lat irs t war vesed te ho bult lns the United Status for Spahi. It vau huilt et thse Fore iver plMi'Y. Mass., and was lanticheti JUlY 20, 1915, Senore de Riano being ita eRonsor. Tihe vos. ise] 9 oti 1& b a,nr- Inch deck maxe d jrte rade .Ji"osand w sco»able ogîtrinsin.g u0S0miI i DIITDAY$ Tw 1oc Ildren'as Btrthday on .ianuary 3rd, and Me. Ar- rivaI Misses Joining Themn on NOT DU Samne Natal Day b>' Closee Margin of Twenty Osys. Washng 1 A datighter w.s born Ihbis atter, Would Reduce-WHeat noo1to Mn. and Mrs. W. Il. Fs _ w, peqItr, 906 North aveiWes. Tht- bahi-it birîtda>' tius 1lit ia,,uary 2:ird." THAT'S CHICAO -ÇOPITION Te chlld es'apt'd J'ining t ~~ ~ two lîrotlitrit lu ii n g to cele' Becase ameÇ ' EXist bratelits natal d.y on thf' sarne in Lake COunty tion's Folr, Uhe>'interesting factsde There ArI'ê Heopstat tihe tetw chl Because the saue rlatve condition boum on January ",rd. Andi 00w exiet in WaukeÉtÉr à au i&s tise gai cornes the girl on the 23rd whlch situation asr provai la lieo the! lu street palance might be term- article beiow freIn lthe Trtbune lndl.t cd: "Sklddou, with the trd of .an- estes a possible statue et'things Inb1uary birtbdays iiin ir !attily-lt'it Waukegan and other* Lake countyi 23 for me." towns whlch have a Suasauppiy 5týlit Willard l. 8 yeans n-Id, having out frum Waukegan: 1 been boru lu 1909; theu, Ove Chicago gus consumera, it wasi years lter cîong carne Naster chargeti yeterday, are tireatened inl Tieodore, aiso on tbe lrd o! Jan- tIse near future with an Waerlor grade 1 uary. Thus tht-se two lads bave of gai vhtch wdll net tise gait coo-1 alwaya celebrated tiseir birtbtisys pan>' nut only the addifios'al direct togetbe.r. profit but also close tc, $1,000,0f00 rrom, P. S.-'Tis salti that Mr. and b>' pi'oducts. 1Mrs. oster wouldn't have been Tiaitishe publie is face 10 face witis surprised iIf the littel mise bail ar- such £a cuntingency>wu asaseerteri byl rîvet iet tier home on tIse Ird lu- Aid. C. E. Merriani betbeot#e. conil steand of the 23rd and if sire harti comuittee on gas, oit and eectnîc t vonîti baveesdmtes ligist. 1 consitierabl>' lu the matter of lte iRpreeetatives o! tihe gausou- bîrthdta>' parties. Tse>' ail could pasy dîiflot tieny that consumera have cetebrated i a the same Urne. utouid finti their gas blls bigiser un- Ie.the cIl>' councît permita tise CO=- TJIFSE 6CRLS IIÂD pan>' to msanuacture coke oven gai' M.rriam Favora Bemis Plan AILd Merriamas argument wasa ta Use commttee shouiti atopltishe rec- ominondatlous of E. W. Bemils, tise otys gemageperi, in orter ta pretect tisa conuer. Mr. Semis subuitteti a report recoumendlug tai thhqpnieu ho lIed for e temponar>' perli otof70j Conls, vils a provision that coneum- ore chenil slare In the profite frem is-prodtuets. In returo the houp.»>' <euh bu ailowedti lu educe the ge_ ataiardtf rou 600 lu 265 BriltsUser mal unIta anti nuie cautite power. - Tbi.conmijtîe icarne tIsaItishe gal coInqiSs> la aow lostalling a $150,000 plant ta "vaah" tIse gas nov suDilet ho cosaumere, lhereby remeviaz ben. sol, taloul, anti sîmilar by-protiscts, Use price.of <hicIs hait enormousl>' In- creeseti b>' eason of liseir value in tise manufacture of higit exploives. Âeeordlng to Mr. Semis the compati> cuis reelize at least $1,200,000 b>' lit precees, but incIdentaIyt>'lie itegtlng vaine of lise gas i vitihoreduceti trom 1660 nuits ta abogt 620. lIr. Bemait limites $800,000 shouiti bc turneti bacit ta lise consumea. GoseWathlng Legal Inasmnch aeslIse cil>' urdinaisce ne- iluines oni>' 600 Brillas termnal unit., Il vas virlusîlly concedeti the cou- pan>' cen legal>'ly aie ativantage ot, lise veehlng process. Ilitherto tut Company' maintainedth ie 660 beaI unît standard because engincere voe unahla tte reduce tise numiier of nuits vitiseut aithtie sente lime ratiuebng tise gas belOW tise requireti 22 candis power. Oelly Thought. TIsa mistalcsscomitteti b>' omets are aImait always the' ternit et ibe fatlisln thse gootiandtlien conideosai tu thsetntl.lsl't. Springfield, Ili., Jan. 24-Conshtit. tianal convention progandista tirove listeugi tiese snate Ioda>' <iti s eee uuprecentieiteti antipassedth ie joit resolution for a popilar vole on the convention proposition lu 1918. Tt pesseti b> a voeo <f 46 lu 1. Tise rot solution nov gees lu biso bouse for 1concurrent action. Il requiret i ~ votas ho paso il. TIse oppositiontho a nav stahs constitution li talucame j$ tise lever bouse. RERL "PROPIETY", Mtiss Marion ('tes it principal ot Ferry Hall, the girls' lpeparattur> lachuol of Lakte F"rest unîvenail'. Site la what it kuown in educationat ir- cice as a sAtrict dia-lplinarian." A t Penny H-aullisere Is Lottesonte club. Il hait 12 menýbers. Their homes are oo far from Lake Forcst 110 aihovthem ta spend,,Thenksglviug' anti sucb at haine. On a bluwy niglît not long agn thse club asst-mbled l inte room ut une aut Its members asnd sang aunga deruga- tory lu the !acutty. Someoune bld. "If yuu have rroper senses ut pro- prlet>' yuu wvlItbc sa eshamaedti lt yen viii go hume." ilissSuates is saidtatuhavettdt lin. Two high spirltetl Oklahsoma girte arc nuw speedlng homewamd. PROPER DIET FOR LAZY MEN ilhysilain Advocates Liberal Feedbne te Keep Person of Sedentsry Haebite ln Preper Condition. t A proper diel for a prion o!faction-t tary habits whose budîl>' fuisclions Ê ae inclinedti lsuggisbunesa, as Ou&-t gestet b>' Dr. Tom A. Willtiams utt Washluglun, la as foituws:1e "A glass urt ittsaer betoro ris- lng; grapefruit or Ivo oranges tii lie1 psorfllng with abuittanceofutcroailt 15>11, anti <iole wvboat ireeti wlIsh strup; an ampleitslunch about tIse raid.- îlset tfhe day, taken leisuroly ltri pleasani suruundins, anti e meal et ulghl. pretorabîy vîitout moat. fisb et eggs. talon lu a lelsurel>' tashiou, caso. One or tuvo apples ulgIs ho ecten juat befuro mtlrjng. One or 1<0 glasses outerlo urlng the moruiug and lu tIse aftornoou. 'Good rospîralor>' habits muet ho ecqulmoti. Ton minutes Ln tise moru- ing whIle dreseIng, spent ln taiting slow abduminsal muscle exorcises, vils deep heathilg, shouotti egin tIse day Tise>'shouli ha repeateti for twu un tisrso minutes botoro luncheon, lintIse oenlng andti ietore bei. A correct posture in a coutartable chair eboulti ho citiptet et tIse dosak, espectilP tonentun belng giron té prevent seggbng et tise abdominal mnuscles." ER FARO'Us RIES, He Is Stili on His Merry Way and No One Seems Mbe to Stop His iourney. MANY ANSWERS SUBMITTED* Much Difference of Opinion-; iWon't Sommeoe Please Qive Correct Solution? T'hp Zon City hrakermar t îil cont- tinues merrIlY on his way. Tps fan nîo one liait beûn cble to stop hlmn. A jjjindred Mlle marathon rurs or a sic day bicycle race pales In comparigon to the continîttidhlklng of the mat, front the cit>' ounded by DIr. Dowl. Among tbp famous rides of histor>' were Mazeppa'.. the one f rom GIsent tu i, h nidnlght one of Paul Rt'- v'qre, .ochlneaS, Sherldan*fq, Lady SIU MILLION FRY erxs. niOvî,ltto The point 1 h tIsI ie>'ail pal e ltt A R E D E P O S IT E D IN it s. i e o h m o a r m z o itye ride lte ofbra en ro aZus THlE LAKE TODÀYI tr. pinted laf't Weonestay lauh Dally BSin, as follo*as: Afreiglit braiteman starbtdo i IFe Trouîtg iîeîslcgs [ ouionti relgIsI train frei Gathereý Here Have Beqt - on te'hoWaukegàn. Theo Hatceb -Car Arrives, train vag a mile lima. lie valt. , d tise wio lengathofuthtie train. DEPOSITED BY SMITH TU. -vn tii'fotei uta It pullotiIola Wakuiemi. TIse disf- C. B. Whitford, Fish Cultw'ist of State, Curnes Here to Su- perintend the Work. l'pwartts ot 6,000,000 try <ere Put la Lake Michigan off Waukegan ta- day. This stocklog <of tise laIte <11h luit, toilowed consisfteut>' for tise fllt few yearns, IL la feli. .111 make the fishing groutîtiout this cil>' as gooti asit i was 20 or ?0 yearsake. Tht'liait fry were brougist te Wau- i<egan f rom te Pprng Grove Is a spt-cial car, cunstructed for tbat pur- pose. There wcrf' about 1,000,000 white fish anti about c million trout. Heur>' Von Meeteren, stele gais' anti fish commisalouer, togetiter witli C. Bl. Whitford. state fish cullurlet anti four assistants, came te Waukegan ta supervise tise deposltiug ofthtie fry. The lin>' fis, many se amail that il was ditleiul totasec them. <ens bruught haro in 100 pouist large cana. Thse watcr ln these cane vas niea- talueti aI a degree of temperature huàit adapteti te suail fish.1 The six million fr->'wcre placed .o huard the tug Maie Nol owned'b>' tise Smiths Plhiug Company', anti ve taken out Ile the laite several miles. Tse visite fish vere depositeti about lhrcee mileis from short' and tia. point a 1101e enutis ut Waukegan. The trout ivore talon ont halveen six anti 50,-lt tiiles aI a point slghtiy north of Waukegan. These fishing grouudq are best adaplcd te Useir develop- ment. -4nsdepositing them tIse greateet c are badtlube taken. To bavý drep- pei tIse lîttie try fnlo the laite'ont ef tihe cau <hicIs contaînet<armer vet- ef, probsthl> vousît have reaqItetil tise deatI uf tis a jort>'. inste&d e dolng Ihis tIse water lu tise cane <ai hruught hy tiegnees te the temperat- ume o! tise laite <aber. Tison tIse tsy were depositeti 'rer>' geutl>'. Trout eggs were secured b>' Mr. WVittomd off Waukegan lest tait. Titey were ta'îen tetahie Sprlag Gruve lutcher>' anti vere blalciset out. TIsetiepositing et lise cgga lookt helween lisree anti tour Iseurs. Fiait cultussLWbiturd la pemfurm- issg e ver>' vatîsable servies, nel only le tise cit>' ut Waukegan cuti other cille on Lake Michtgan but aie tu the peopeouth tielate as the constant fishing In Laite Michigan bas tiepleteti lIse suppl>' utfliaieu taucis au exîcul tIsaIt lahltîg ln man>' sections ne long- er la profitable. Nlr. Witltrd bas matie a deeli sImd>' o! fiah anti appeara 10 ho tIse logical man fur bis position. 1ils plan istelu tepusit large numbers ot fry here each year untlthtie fisislng indtitr>' is restoredtieluIls olti statua. Tîse whsite fishdehtoalteti Isre veto isalcieti front eggs tsecuret Iin Lakte Supemior wviere lthe beal <hile fish an.' foundt. Net Such a Foo1. .Ilereo5a stratige case," sald Mes i;ptter te ber isusianti, "A ma2 tise>' caliedthtis ova ool up ln Ne* Hampshtire dieti, ýndt Ue>' eigiseti bi mrain. Ih vas icarien tiatiU.en'O ,,le UsaI aIl il says abouthihm?" ",yen-except tIsaI isq vu.fon meus ysars entlmly tiopendott on ven-"a do aile. v'~f~ ai ne foeL if yen a vsll4e'4o relativis. whl>0' we six miles, a.natheis trai . <c goling 20 miles an heur. HoIw far did the br4l<eman travel i ii at what. spoid 71 A Wall< for *içrcle. s'tatheniatil epeeti de- mons have suhultted solutions un thîs prohiem,. 1 Roy 'Sutherlandi raya tersel>': "Tise Z4on brakemom Iraveleti six miles et lte rate of IQ miles *a heur. Hie waflc vas exereisee. Dennie O'Hara, <1h eyupatisy for puzzle editors, maya: " 11; WIstop tise brakeman. Tise train vent six mil ' s ln tismee minutes and »0 seconde anti the mavent ue smile la the. ram0tlIme." R., &. Saundar, Brwyn Ilit., ani lira BesteGoruacit of thse HoltaasMo"I. Chicago, rutiilesely suhuit puzèles ef tiseir own la addition ýt«te ir icola- tions. DO tise> vautte oee titis ort of thtng go on? Two Motive Powerm R. U DaOyton believos thet thse brakeman vent 20 miles par isotr by steani pever su tir. and o,..tbird miles per boum by leg power,. et a total rate of 23 anti 1-3 mlles pet. mites. Thei rme vlew la helti b>'tise folbowlng: Elalo K Bruns, Chicago. M1. Hicke. Doclaur, 111. J. C. Aista- bau. -'Chicago; RaIsornna it'rtmaus, Chicago; 1. lient, DeKalbIll11.; J. . Bauman, Chicaego; Clarence HamimbÀ, Chicago; Loretta Downar, Chicago, 0. L Taylor, Laite Fbresh; D.PF. iHam- han, Che4o; Joha, 'ovéfl.chl4eý : John A. Toen, Chicago; LU B. Sluns- burg, Chicago; A. U.. .ohs'son Chica- go; L, Weai. Chicagoe; Pets l3.mratbi. Cicago. Other solutions vene: R. S. fiaundema. Borwyn, lni.; six miles et tIse ate ut 24 tullea per heur. W. B. Kent, Mllue. Itl., six mile% ai thse rate of 24 miles an heur. H. Hunter, Chicago, six miles et 3 1-3 miles an heur. é Mm, Besele Gormacit, 7 miles et 28 mlles pet hour.' H. Barton. Gary, Imd., 6 miles et the rate of 2 ailles per heur. Mise Elizabeth Brockman, Chicago, i mites cItIshe rate of 2 6-7 mlles an boum. H. C. Petersun, Lalie Forest, 7 miles at 20 miles an hour. Frank Hanua, Chicago 6 miles lis la minutes. Clifford Gant, Chicago, 7 miles In 21 minutes. J.- S. PIillipie, Claylonvlite, Ill,. 7 miles et 24 miles per heur. Leon Neuucn,. Chicago, 7 miles ai 28 miles per heur. Bert RaUfson, Racine, 6 miles tu au boum anti a bait. D. E. Davitison, Chicago, 6 miles lu 18 minutes. Hem>' A. Park, 9 mlles ia 21 min. E.M. Brava, MosticeRu. II., clx miles ln 15 minutes. Alexandier Price. Chicago, 7 mies et 23 1-2 mile. an bout. J. P.F.rnk.i Chicago, 7 miles le 15 minutes. Tuiff. Mot te e mdi. TirestitBe eaut t wf O Ieggio, and If thore aix*tt oati ried 1 %âs t e crak 'a8-M i~"ju :L--- si tc kt w it 1 ti d b u

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