CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 1

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LIER.-,TY VILLE LAKE COUNTY IN4DEPENDENT INDEPE-NDENT VOL. .XXV.-NO. 5. TIUJMVB PAGES LT-BERTYV1IML, LAXE IOUNTY, 2t4£tw JTHLTRSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT -$1.50 PER yEAR , AV rilIES INSTI~ TUTE ELD IIIRE IWAS Mi SUCCSS The Annual Insdlttsand. Corn Show wusAttendeby Large Crowft Dally GREATEST INTEREST 'SHOWN PM C s ta a Close with S Ibo Chldren Leadinq in Slnglng_'-Amsrlca." The grealoat Farmpre littiluteand romn show held lu l'Ibert 0ll rame tii a close lamt Frday afternoon after the uioot uccesful four dayt. program -ver hbord ln libertyrlre or Lakoe ounty and lii.isct enlia W mci te excellent aftangerfoet hat vero madie Possible la holding tise. meetings in Libertyvllle. Ponbails nowhere la the wbole ex'ouIty ecid theje mtingo l lohId vithsmclà gisas harmouy and yet entmely Indepen- dent ofl"eh other a# at the Auditorium laLberbyvillo. Whou cna stop* tt4jmnmlder uaL tthe mmm hanvas large sueugh tus@Mt ovealleudroda ai poopie, laeeng t b. prog am. othar. coid at tb. mm@e liiu al, ak around ta vlew the large exo i thuut 'iiturbing the ,meeting. And tboma W attract the ladies and bave t>ai came alaug vili lie maos folk@ and have hem fiston ta spéaltens opies mnt lat6reationgtawvomen-hhe Bouse- liold Science-tus departinmut ai the, intiffts vas ield on lbe third floar of the Auditorium building, in the large iudge hall. Thorn lie progran oI muniec end .p.klng vas cirried ott litthe minuaes vîthout interierlug ione bit vith lb. progratn going on in thse main bail. The aoneelolil Science Itepartment vo a aeu, ana of the antertalng iature@ ai lbo taur daya meting. lu Iis dupaftmuîtthams ver. Iulsrasting taihsé unUnboms, exhhblla la bousbold vurk nt demnslration la cooking b>' u.NoWa fai mo. &M i ahvocal *Md tnammlal smbas. are of thel F buti bmad la Uheslpvlli. lerla tb. - huasdayi l"aItIi. deparlmsut bld usutagi tha vocal and Inistrumna!a athazwonver. serad b>' isa Carrne Ohard, Misé Ruth Wllo and tue Publie servimsQas,eavsryone ai tiei. me- %km@. roadrsd being mnot deligbtfui ta A the audiecoa Spieudutj nadiags wve a» ie. lysab> trs..Clara Cati> sudtir@.. OanUrdi Clarit. Hons, aitue laies m vb o aWtumdod &Il the meetings declame that thi.pragrana have heen more iulerastsng and otartaining inU i te delail. thun Il hsovu been the luleosur. of the ladies to en" ta. 1%0 lnetitnie end Corn Show ,straeted bmdrd-jof 1,epe taLiertyviledurnug everjone vbo rame bers and attendeti one or mure oesione rturud ions.lesl- hmg tbat the' lime was wveli @peut, aSpeially if %iey' vene inlereNte inb tans- log or iausehoid eieiice. Neyer belare boas an nslituto devîtel I., tanming sud 1 .ite subsidtssnies been soa adi covtnt.d sud troatetia ttheIii-last wetk. iît-etlugs. Tiere were speakers pret-tt -ver>' day v vion it vas a great dliglît ta len too, even b>'tho mW »whsauitdensotood aioutkly notthiuig about larmbsig. TIse -itaille nere actually ilsewoven uu wmnand no anc cîtul dt-ty tîtl ach and everi' speaker ditl their pariesvl n belplng tW lit the putblie lts. a tale vh.eobeor o e ivli thiunc mare af bis aurro>undings as well as foîr tic pereonal auecas lu ison ber calling. The oinuere of lie premiume vers au- nouncetInluthiI.pappr 1l ea-ek asnd tie progra s as giren up ta Wedseday w»s autounMein luhase columu. Thte ni,-t- t tugs ai T'hurode>' and Finde>' nterit.'u wo0 evena alittio botter etteuidetithtsn tboae up ta Wednpmdâ, aî.rtsn Thunedai' morîslng îhy prograisi W.@ op.ned b>'chairman E.A. . tlelîttî ctil th11e Public Service QuarItI a Ist.of . sang a selecion ççhici wao gaod. Tii-n aifbeavan, Wîs-., ie talk be-inbr a,. the "Building of a Dairy Hi-ni" 'ti the afteriioissessionthie Publt e 8i-î-e Quartel ga#ee notlser goiî1 s.îOî Tb@ r.ading i5' Miss Eeth-n R. l(id'ttîilth, Boleminge on tie Dairy Mlanis'.,t. ced nendoed. -,- Prof. BugiG. Van Peil i.'- ur-d tn "Tii. Dam>' 00v" using a liv.- 0,on the stage tW demoiselnate poii11- fais -Iptm a thle erenlng the n-. wag agua l umnlaed b>' lie Pîuhut- --rt qumnte and lhe excellent 011îrs ,, ItW Mgarnlod and BHo i.,K-.ihe 5a1 etYong" vas delivereil - R' r. r(Cotiausi on page he) Judge P. L. Persans today' ln Countyr Court apraved the bonds o! thse con. servators la the a.tatesai lftheaw men vho met death et Laie ViLll et Christmas tlme viien a buggy lu vbiali tic>' ver. rldlng va. @truck b>' a Sao lno train. William Beci vas appalnted admin- ltrahor of the eptila o! George Beci, hie bond hing àxed ai $20000. Haj flied a surety bond. Willam Hucier vas narned adminis- trator of the ostato ot Fred Kick, bis bond bilg fixed at the saute amount. Judge Pensons approved botihbonds. It was necoosary ta ltx the bonds at twle tise aura for which suit la ilg brought againxt the railmad. 0F M0DROADS AS1 Tbs lImftera illaIe Georgeipnlo SOCIATION TODAY iitcii. of Lbenlypviftwllta ed o Election of Ôfficers Scheduled the bomse of!M'tadasigiter anti the ro- to Tke lac atChaber maIns ver. thon tubaho the Laks Villa to Tke lac at hamer I. B. ehurcih.n uonylrees are ielug of Commerce Roomns. held tlie.a!lernnaon Mir. Denniaoo died lu tht- liabueman SUBWAY CO)MMITTEE MEETS flospital. Cîleago, an Monda', !nons - - ~poat-peralivm piseunisa. Hioflagea Expected That Definite Action ý4 yeams, 5 'nontie anti 2:1 dais. Tise Wili Be TgkenRegarding remaina vara lrougisîta oLihrty ville on fnartant Dronium* Tuesd,>'. RENEHAN i-IEADiS ASSN. Waukegan. Jan. 17. At tise aisiual meetIng ofthtei Lake Themenon hos acout te siteIlcaunty good roaie association held et are tû i.. brouglit both llved lnla Leoh I mbro omec oost Villa. They hai drivais ta lat a tu s inbr fCmeceroatl purehase soaeChristmas preseeta. aflernoon, tise talovlng officers wena Whnthese tartedail t4os 4the rail->I eiected for the onsulng er road traekm tbey di nat expeet a. Présdent--George Benehan, Raund train for ane affidue aithtat îaîur. Lake. Tliey werp illled lngtanîly. Vice 'president-Theo. H. Durst, of Waukegan. B N ISSecretary-R. (idleyL>'. yile 3 C R .Treasure-James King, Lake For- TÀIIIILIN IN À AID Iý, r sr- George Webb, Antloch, George MicCuliaugh, Gurneo. John Car I~)1 OUTlins. Deerfleld ; Frankt Burke. Waukt'g- AT M NDO gais; George H. Hesier, East Deer- fel4ý E. W. Rlley, Cuba. Loot Cars IJnder Federal Seal The members O! tise association dis- in Rondout Yards-Get Con- 'isu-e vsîthas rOead 1,00,0 end. diserable Rich Lbot. lmet f is'hua i Mdthe n*uoralcî 1zens o! Laietouthe isi discnaaed Thi*e car bandits from Chicagozeso -O t;andftsda were akenln araid onduted y Yeand inei.ta enliaItuaherv- Derectien luha ra id co nutd b> cs o! ver>' man ani voman at Lab Detcties barea oye mdClar- couty vbo 15la tereated la goad ence Cmmngq lis tho rallraad yards rads. at Bondant lest niglit, ater the Young- mens had braien th. fedarai soma A'&nss'tIag vasbeld et ithe courtj bad -11-946i i Mi destro>'ed miel h> th gard o valuahie lbot. The. cra vuN Iessd " ig , et oe. at et th. -Orientai visar! &t Ta...., girls aof1kg cotr Wvote .te Ilis WaBh., lst vekan ad t» vai» u oeotaibS st o eal *ibm t 0« Im. si0 u ofsu - i au --Au M r tle tine aflhouss lars . i&_ it baStmt»t Io.luag hauhi bodon.?ao Stisa 'band inv Wt a uti m ue mchtino bubas hoOst already. lie>' strggl, m latielg Packeta ves a>. t o e tm c b t B s y u g m nE m p l o y M n t t o r n a '. leun t oat16 brtar pps-ail Siiortl Ii' eoeltcacthi atag- 5alued at not les stian $2 osais, aBd noon the, commtte. voted ta ,mploy lmPorted-hemp, tea and plaes aOn f- Attorney' George Rogers of! Lii. pur- enltai rugS. besides mach othor atue eset ta repressnt Lake count> lu the. of yklue. Caraco subva>' project &tteiey TisOy ver. bronglt te, Waukegan b>' Runyard already ~s es oanit the etotivs mi vr. svet-d b>' represent thse tavu a! Warren. Bth Chie! Police 'PyrreU at 9 O'Clacktlissattorneysvevetconfident the basting morising. Tbey vore haoked unier tii. viii be reapon.d after th"'piàt ho !olloving naine: rmatter befare thse state utltia. OOM- THEODORI! FOSS. Chicago. Mission- TIsey uve.autionissd ta GEBORGE3 CAMPBELL_, Chicago. emPloy snch engiu«e anud otuar ex- HERMAN TORRINDY, Chicago. Perte s Ca na'honecessari' ta Promo- lu the arrest of the turee mon thse cule the cale success!ully. Police* and detectives hlleve tiey Mr. Rogers said that so far as tuje have taken* lhe "irains" of the car ban town ot Warren laecocenned h. la dits vho have stOlen boot valu'ed. at convinceil lihe asseement wlll not close ta $50,000) frOiP E. J. & El. aud'stand because it ts made againet tue St. aul niro-ad cars le Laie coun- Atten' eoterng lie carstihe- meo used a coosmon cabbler's balte to ripi opcn nthe tuodies and lutioiog eo tise>' ruined many Orientai rugs whIch Were1 vaiued ait tiousands of dollars. Tiey wil b, held b>' tue local po- lice pending an investigation b>' de- tectives representlng the governinent. Thelr cases have been cantlnued for ten day.. Tise thret young men arnested in s raid b>' rallroad detecUrvee In he trelgih yards at Rondout last niglit1 are betng beld at 1the police station In bonda of $200 eaci. Tiseir cases have been contbnued ton ten days. Ail tire. cantessed 10 burglarirbng cars on the Bt. Paul railroad. Tiseir par- ente, residents af Chicago, have been4 notified.1 E'tet's Attorney' James G. Weicb bas acnepted an Isvitation ta ad- dnees tise ienosha cant>' bar ssno- ciation at a banquet ta be isoid at the Hatel Mayvood In tisat cil>' on lb. nîglit o! F'ebruary 7. Mn. Welcis vili speak on "Tii. Cammon Law."' P E.GIALU A man employeti b>'ti" Publie Service Co met desti b>' eletmcullan Ibis affer- noan near Barrlngton. No delalIis vere obtilabie, and tise man'@ name vas ual given t Croner Taylor, wlio vent ta, Baringan ibis aflernoan la baiti an lnqumt. Indeendnt:Mat roton "liaua cone ' as Sa oblaoi, lown and no service was secured. The state commission levieti 40 pori: cnt or thie assest5ment fon the sutivay agaiost Laite county and the tovn o! Warren. la addition tht commission* ht-Id that tise Ina n o! Warren vas (Cotlaued, pn page tiLre..) CAROLLUS SELL 4IROCERY TO S. J. DEINLEIN Tic W .. Carrolli & ous Co.. have anuiaunlred that their asouth store, th. grocer>'. has heen soldte taS. J. Deinloin, via toak pa..essaat tda>'. Mr.¶)Ieinu vas lu the draylng business lîcre a fev yeane ago betore ho vont t0 Sherman- ville tae ant in lie maring pitiire buoi- and tii-n Iter moved ta Mcilenry viser. Ion about a year ho canducitd n gnocery @tome.0mb' aloevdays agoUtr. Deinlien bougilticheThomas Kenn bouse ou Os- borne street and il vas this tated that ho vas negotiating Ian the purchaee ai lie CarraIl grocer>' an Milwaukee. The Carroll groen>' atome lha@ boen one ai lise leadlng stores lu liatI lin,, ionsfor a number of yeari and baw alwayoeon- loyed a splendid patronage aud lie new ovuer unlil bave a well-golng budines la elant ont viti. Mr. Deilelu basi man>' frienda baisre lîa is hlm aut-eeo in, île undertaklug and are gladti la elcansqq hilm sud hi.. faml>' back te tovis. .1 Bd*ard Carroll, tise junior utember ai tie W. W. Carroll & Sons Ca.. viii novw deviste big entire lime t thie narth star.,i r.lisvIug hbs ibtho!: tome ai the vomki lu lhe lur orear. Tb@ coupapy le maiIng plana laineremathe. dopsrtzmeA aud add a Ili'na or tvo ai new Sode. Tisa eIder tir. Oilli iicontinuseIte be buylng manager aud bis quo Edward IJOLCII ACCEPTS CCA(iOOFFER Principal ai Ubotille School is Givon QDmoce af Six Po- 'sWoms tla Chicago. F' L. Emine. Whosbasben Irics n if the Lbertyville anhool for tirer ansd on@. years, haanoe4aposition in(Iblcago as teaciier l l thoa ahe Laue- Tfebebui nîiir aebocl ertbe . uette Hîgît seool, t wao atte but aont o ir1%afferm vhichi were made anhIs flatSaturda>' aiter- naon viien be V» iflodbefare oome oai tie Chicago acbol oclaAs. W ile we a l Lbotyvill knew that ilu Principal go*. ll b. Uortyville pubike sebool bail amès *0goat vorti. vetj le- perliapeo upd ébat other andj lang e ctimes i * to extrema. ln thelr endeavor tot llm away Irons bore, but sueh WU t bssaulioSfaturdoy viien linlaWUhna.bansemy minutes Prof. Rloicb vas olsemlxmidiserens ppositon@ la Chicsgo.any Ono a1the sx beng botter palagf thân thé bsld bore. This etatemen l oe h orby amanuwht la absolutelv ro ~yand rela"s Lu at arday, Prof Bo"ebwva aueelld iai. aenUZhw a.- kegan, tirs ffôIdiethfg~lgram from the. Chicago Boeii ai Iblucaion eIting tiat tho bord vlbmd Ilp apeak Mr. Halci that traoomn, 'Ul broo ocoei. Word vais pîoi0swagent t ir. Holhin waukegan and behîatoaktrain from thera ta Chicago. Bore the. natter vao laId befome hlm qaid the tomlng allées vre placed lalurapld saimoossion. l took tMr. EBlci ani>' a ev iates W o thifi aver the. LIersansd thon aecapt- adaoea& euber of the abo"yam.tionod oeboole, Oh. acceptance heing sabject co tii. action of the Lbrtyvills Dpad of Edcaition. àa mon oas liearrlved hans he cals- mnacatail th the Board , mtabon,, vho raid hlm tie>' would 14e the. malter under advlsemeut aud etajueet- lngoailie board Wednesday lb. mom- bers decided ta ne1 leve hlm iraIt li con. tract vith the hoard vilc via nat ta expire ubtil alter the clope oaithe proeut oecool year. The hoard dld not vii ta stand iu the way af such ebcellent op- portunîti' for the edvaecement_0a hbeir principal. who during the tire.. snd a haIt ypars bas worlipd i perfect hanmouv witi the0 board asnd gave ..ucb satisfying service. Principasl Hoteh wiltt tart bis new dutles in Chicago n-xt Monda>' and bis many friende here wimbhbilm sece. Ris famîl>' will resido home fer a vblle longer until ho eau makea sultable selettion for a new hGme lu the, big citi'. The Liberty vIlle board bai boen Mr. Tablas Chew of Chicago tauho tMr. Hacis successor and ole bexpectedd W arrive bere tomorrow. Mr. Ciew has beau principal af several large secoals lu Ohio andIna tbis elate and was naw taking a postgraduale course in the Unveity af Chicago. Judge Persons Manda>' afternoon sPnovod the wil of the. late Auguet Stoirman of 'ospite the. afforte of a son, C. F. Stolzman, ta prove that bis tather was of unsound mmmd at the time hie made hie vii. if the. son la not satlslied wilstiith court 1 ullng lhe ha, thbooption 01 filing a content ln Circuit Court. wiii devote qîsite a bitt of hlm tIma ta the advertisiug end ai lhe business. The. camgl'puy e=@ra tremeudous trade lua li 4oefmiilug st. ep town and Ires l i . Lin one maneger. for tahe nthe decisoou @@Ili tbogrocery store vas made. Mir Deinloin made the Ons an aller for the, grocor>' and it va. accpted. The. Indspsndont la uh.oauatya on. ly lâlmmwokly-that'. wbî ooey. body talM% l TWODISTRCTS TO BE CRETED TlIRU REAPPORTIONMENT New Ipportionment Bill Nearly Ready-Takes Lake County Out of Fosa District. WOUL.D BE__ACCEPTBLE. Would Get Away From Chicago Doination-Lake County Might HaveCongreesman. Reapporttonment or the sf.ato ita new congresslanal diatricts viii ho started this vot b>' tise Illinois legis- latute, accardtng te a Springfield dis- pateh. Thse two committees ln Icuate land bouse, headed respectivel>' W Benator Adam C. 0111. af Sycamoro and Rapraoantative Chari« A. Greg- ory of Lovlngton. expect W bogin seri- ons consîderatlon of a bil ht ii eliminate, the two congreuamn-at- large and regroup the countles no tthâ there sall be 27 congresaional dis- tricts lnstead of 25. A t«"atve bil that le neari>' raady for proeentatton to esenate commit- tee la based ou the Mdea, that tser.- shall be one new district ln Chicago and the atior outalde thse ctty. The oitalde district woulti ho croated out af the COPleY and Fuller diatricts ln nortiier Muios, wlth the. addition of Laike county. lake county voold ho neparated tram these 'e district and Its present association vt the north- eru hait of Cook cotinty and vofid Cive aufficent populatlin, It in 1>011ev- ad, te thse presant Eleventh and Twolfth districts tecanstitute thr.. fresh one.. The. plans mai' ha *ztenoild taeiW clude tho MoKenaje or Tlirteoti dis- trict is. the rromiug, but the 'chances are that .tboa.oviiiboau eaangi n dewnstate tesritory ojîtaide of theue three northernsag 4iatricts. If iii. plan as outlminaPUt into effeet It would mem n ttheb.nov dts- trict ta ho createi vould Imcud.ail of Lake counti'and parts of K»ansd Winnebago countles. B fer the i.lg- gest part of the district would ho in Laie coÙmty. ltIo le hllevod senti an arrangement would ho muet satisia tory ttubs county, as il vouta onable Lake counti' te have uiuch te ayi>fvii regard te the selection af a conagiga- man. At the present lie Lake county le lsscked on ta thse nortisera part of Cook counti'. Wlth regard ta these a- lection of a cangresuman, ail Lae couiti' ever bas bail te do viti Il le te approve tbe selecUion of sain con- didate from the Chicago end of!the district. Lake Count> neyer hbaihadan OP- portuasty ta land a vicier at the polis through bilng tled Up Wlth Cook celui- ty. The detallilse here-apporlion- me nt are neot inown. but IÏlsl bellevod the' arrangement viii b. thoroughly satisfactoDry to Lake count>', vhlcl, by1 the' new plan wlll lilieli' have a con- gressman fram Its own bordera. CAFE OWNER SAYS DiE WAS PUT OUT 0F BUSINESS;_lHE SUES Damages of $5,000 are aalçed o! llelnry Doehier, police maglatrate at Libertyvîlle, and William A. Bock, a conatable of the saine town, ln a suit Biled in Circuit Ct. Jan. 25 b>' Lianel, Bull, a former restaurant kneppr at Libertyvîlle. He la repreeented b>' Attorney B. P. Fowier. Oni>' the praeelpe of the suit la flled but Attorney Fowler sava hMA client ln aulng for an alleged Improlter and Illegal levy and sale of fixtures in hIa restaurant. Bull cbarges that as the reerlt o! the fevy and sale made last Novem- ber, th. twa tovil officera sold out bIs fliture. and equlpment. Th- prIce recelved tram the sale, lie contendsl vas out o! ail proportion teathe real wortis of the gooda. Becaus. oft tus tact Bull eayq bo vas put out of business and gaqsr.- aiulC ho teeols that le la entllled la damale. The plaintaiff conducted a rpstalir- aut at LUhortyvillo for about a year and le vail inovu la the. wvn. Dos- blor and Bodi. tirogbbeInq tnvîi o!. Score, naturail>' ae voll inovis. and fionda ai thié litiante are much la- toroti la the. pbocooing. FUNERA 0F WILLIAM L FLAILE WAS WEINSIY The romains of William il. Flagler wbo dlod la Butte. Ifontana, January 24th. ver. braught hare Ndnday for burial. Mr. Flagior vasa aid sud veli inowu vreteran of LUbertyvillla, but for the lait tire. joara iv.d viti hie daughter, tirm. Thomas Bennett, la Butte. The daugh- ter acompalned the remalno ta Area The funçral services ver. condufted by Rer. T~. 9. Resm at the CChns. Butterfield home Wedneoday et 1:30 Interment tok p"latnhle )Iamond Lake cern- ater.y. 0. 4A. IR. orlroaue eld )a"i Friday lu the Chapel at Butte. Mr. Flagler va@ born lu New York, Sept. 71 1886, and at the. age of 17 be came to thua tate vhere lie lived until goîng %0 Montana. ne vas a member of the 96th Illinois Calver'v, Co. 0. and oerved over thrce yeara He basve. ire childreu: Lewis H.Mr*.. J. B. Morris and M re Thomae BeDnnet, of Blutte, Montana, Lonnard and Le.. grand. o! Chicago. MAN WIO DROVE 8 VOILE 0F OI3N TO LAIE COUNTY DIES Bis NOSElS S litS DEBTS, Tffl TiIiS RILUDt AU Few lnteretng* RveIbn Made at Cô cuding7 1fim on Farmers Tra O F*0~ west of Libertyv"die «I me Nioht of December Mt. YWIFE TELLS 0F SHOOTIIi Says She Does Not Remneffder a Thing Atter Husband SW<' Her-Gun Fourni 15 Fut Away From Where Body of Made Was Found. MADoL.^ ASUICIDE Tisé Caommet jury wluloh lb. iahod ita taak Ian.26 l a om et Edimrd f4adole, rturned a ver- dLct au tfownov at Lhbertyvll.* .. * * That Made#*. a to hie death thmough an s&« 01 Me own hani, that fronwtiithe l submlttod ho firetst Irao i. hi. home, thon firmi a ahot et ble wlto an& thon. oonssulted sel. Cid" whila e oulffiwnu 1 - - Three things contribult thebtes% Irmnse e t vaichn mavupe. Usd01. 55 i mitted et hbe home ndftiivot OSU John Rouse, Who Settled mn ss . oon Deesasber mIii v i»b Libertyville in 1853, Passesot usalei,,sot fis.te joise «»aMd Away iniWaukegan th- got ii kB1>?I Lza ' John Rme,.wtitr.. thinma ilh ud 50 Johnflose, oba ould have beaon hWs' naiMadjeu"~ aa12M M Se yoarad bai ho ived nilm n l M odlti« os a & a tiievbmai b tarh, P- ama va11undiaigiilt at -a.irraspoaillaororeoi. 8 o'cloek 'at the i. b o ai*uadggor. .-'4h hi«~ 40 un. Ai"ca».a ,su oIbste agen. r.uls m him ie, » 1111111ft Waakogan. !eatis la atlslbewtol a s-. Wev Oe1 i. a nURY it> . M.Roua. Vasone ai thé aid- theaolis a Mdbaiollw loi est resilis of J' ai" ecuaty the.5I1lA m aiend- h"5o5famens Ujp ta tIrv k eeaMoho la ry sw tale, Nu 1 unsal'go" lisait]%. oanadsrlimghis out at lathe mt ih manceda»I g. ia lniai va. sqmr>- Ibt o abasla1 ibis - ahi' clés>', aidho i. telIglstilas »"> Ut-Ibmthe.- la ~ - Tliree wvoabe mgo iealh 7uba bailrapîdi>'. P'ron theon ap ta 8»&>'W a a ë - im i é~ bis condition continuai a o Irai-mrs i.hi5,ls boýbmBN and the on dwras nma unicakafor. Ljaemtao John Bo»ew use mboa ih2, 182&. 1.g mvlhW &i g arsit dsA et LUnconabira, flsgfasd. 1b tanisE bie 01j0f onNlg a la Nev YarkInla1848Usd vontalzist Il& the. St.>' directi>'IL 'a io>', . .The tuip .r io rs. tiedale aid the IM7>' fl qulnei 15 dmyi. la 1*5lieho rvo 0 the pisaat dinlag Ioe N"1111 11 yoi. a! on ta Chiaso, a ialgoomn u tke' b there Ibra. nanths, and thon ba"aao tIssi but w»staIM - lux ta Llhortyvlles isas., b. lad Uvl eedb tebals>'»dai tIaI ha ever Silaco p ta a short tino mga. At Maoal. og,'z1thIe ltq 14 lise Uime holived la Chicaga luitcity @hombutat a atable.sio vam cesIted wvttba Populatio, or se.- avenoie r@epsloir a bu 000 nhaitatub*hofiethéb gsslus Potms(mi 000ve e lihhlats. m m archtaitThon a rsom t~ Arrva atLieri'vli tr. R«» and abosapa ahe dm m*o w~ Secured a tari, !oloving tuat loi- aiotlis11114 1111miilia 1111u06 lion up ta -4 years aga viseishb.rails.- ed aller eab*S a Il, ee'ivlsdattI ed. Hie came ta Winkegan "laa 315the W&tig tau* vhee b 'hq an idbandibai cante onaina 5udhdresidad i vtu beisdaugitan, hie.. -a, % Mrs. Mana, ever slae. W.ato LeIltiOnta1 Faemliy. Thie dfceased leaves btheraolivng tiMs tiaple toli o!fi..dI children: ton a letton ta hanrhither mass hir Mrs. Frank Mtcbel, prairie Vlev; laid o! b o unger. geh o jà&b Mrs. George M. Ray, Ares; tirs. Alice ber. and ber buabandsi aO linl a Mann. Waukegaa; John J. Roua.. anYthlnz hàppaed ta be hatie>'va Grayslake; Mn,. M. S. Johnson, . Cbl.jt he eMn. iaae s that is u caga; lin,. B. E. Tenpnlug, Belle taaILd b a le at.ud t'lies. mhol* Plins, la.; R. F. Roua., Area. limes and lth tfour day. bsion lb. In addition Ibere are 29 grand chl- tragedy be lbail mode lhe rusti litx dren and 30 great grand chuîdren. ne o!ibachIudren that It voulieb Funerai. at lhe homeofo!tlie sois, RoJni> ture. or tour days ionse ho. F. Ruse atAres Tu8da aftmooý fi he>' vould ah hieoaut et twoqh F. Rnae li Ars, Tesdy atonoonhie. Tihis ladicated thil b.ovapoe et 1 a'clock. Intenqient In Dlamond 1melhatlng tue terrileia reaeai>' omt Lake cemoîery. 100k Plase but visiciho edii n« Ig. ura out carefusl>' hacae its a ugise- ant t*teallana atI uit FAILS ON AN ICY kil tua Fmng ut wlîy l1isher having neaindlbial WALK; PICKS UP $30 90andPa hi ssufme _____the turne, *,Bo i n* coin go and blov ny huai an a Miss ,!Ia Sanbeil o! Highland Park thr, vlIi heo amotilng lof faith&I allPped and felI Thurada>' vhlle valk- rest o!lf tenlly.-" lng on an ice coated sidevalIt. Under- lMr. Elnil Pisustiahi testlled. bat neatb tue planks, vblch voer blas- ple gave ohinlg of vaine. lie la ene bythefal. se fundtwobileand said he vas cole i abougt flU oned b>'re110 ande ohfortva2i.sY>'George Pfanalieland mi sako b. ais ta $1 ad tse thr fr $0. oves. ta tue Maole home tu a let l 'Juet visaI I needod," ah. salit lat- failsil>' ecauso tua>'bad hai aen, er. "MY botel bill vas due ioda>.' oves. tuee..He vont. l'iaolne Amis ToeIIg Tise mon.>' la helieveti ta have bean Lama, tli 11111. bor njailb.ter- ba10t b>' sons.pasaerhy bel-thetirible farm tt±sgedy, tld lu.hee" sanow fe11, and biova boeeshth 1h.pracllcany 'tua 5em Bs le pa»ss.b* sideall bythe rtn. aUtlned hbelu, d.claing bow gl I sievai~ b> lievlad board the aMot grl aU tIse -. 1$65 AMONTH FOR LIFE a&=dtahet n rolioramam PAIDINJURED MAN. i'mgsatm t made byt'Il t ae lou- SIOmanta vmath&%ais mh ura George irons o0'5700 aliroad av- thneeébots Mduni mi ado ulu nue, Wianelka, lajurai a yeara ga an about 1* niaisîso irst a& @pis Unb. 'Wuaa& iuvukMd.~r vbarhban lia fretot if g> I la. vl! e su$65 a moth for Uide hi bat tlt W r U<le1fhW, b>' tise campais>. Ha v"a aaiidon.u ammum awh i Tbunsday ta appea>'la tisa Cooc- 00 ~s4the eoovsq avaiMl t>' prabata cour tb tI h5 roe4>'i Btlet lâS v n 1 ebruan>'ta mi. lissda dld uîas am Iron lost oneaoya and saaie silos. . Lak e Coêieu y Big Weekly oeualmQGiwêIt UêoeWeeki uCouaty Comdàod WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ave 4, Waa i, ýM 1 --. N

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