CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 3

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-rMIq'TrjM NDzpmE1ZT. Tau RSDAY, FEBRIUÀRY 1, 1917. -~ . LISSItAN 8 DAYS -8hjalet aiNaval Station Suoumb 10Disease on Friday Niohi. BE CAM1E PROM NEBRASKA. $eveal' Comipanies of Boys Put, Under Quaantine-One JOther Case Develops. William 6. Taylor, blue jacket,. 1' S. N., died fniday at the Great,, Ikeî Naval Sation of spinal moningiltis.i Ose other recruit at the station la rtlcafly in of the.disoase, and ILtla f eared tat he loin Pifî away during the day. Tie young min who dled lest nigbi o! spinal meningtis. a disesse regard-i ed sa more critical tmen Infantile par- alysie. aud mice ite, cases of th dis- esse developed at the Gnoat Lakes NuenI Training Station severai coin- peaus of boys base been placed un- ds.r quaranitne. -Two positive cases developed. Weý rînnot tell wbether we shalh siffer from a gineral outbreak among tfIs boys, but we are maintining strict valch over the boys who vers ex- posed, and ve belleve we have th- situation wellI n haitdL" sad one of tIse medies t Athe Naval Hospital to- day. WUillam Taylor eulsted ai a btue jacket la the Ul. . nnvy the Onrt week in December. On or *bout December Ir ho arrived at the local station and went into training. His parents are reoldents o! Beatrice. Nebraskca, and! tîy telegram they bave been eslied whother they wnt their son's body huried La thc famiiY Plot n the cern- etery ln Nebraka. or whether the body b. buried with naval honoreati tie Great Lakes station. No rsplY lias bien receivod aitheb station. il was made kmown today tIsaI aU boys vho worm exposed 10 tthe dAeu wnUl hokept n quarantine for lwo eeoka. The petty oflcers living oui. side o! tiie station wiii not be requir, es! to taise up reidence In the stt, tion but they wnUl ho aeked to rc- f raa trcm frequeuting Public placea O0e case of thse diacase bas devel oped la Wau'cegan. and a strict quai' a»nin e lbcg matutalned over tIsa home. The elght year oid son of Mr naid is. G. Poster, o! 90" North ave- nu.. la Mck of tie disease, but he il said tb be resting Pasily today. Seronlme bcbg inJeced lto tb1. opine In an aittteoi I, ave thse boY'l Wîlib is father who la a chiel petty ofincer ibis boy lnsested the .Naval training station lait weci. DOESES 1MUST GOn DOWN (TUIT 15,10. WARD SIIOF3OP) Overseer Voliva Regrets Fait- tire of Bue-Law 10, Provide Lengths of Dresses. Dy smre menus or olher, lIse Zion Cty ordinance regulating "Public mor als and decency," passes! on Fehruary 9. 1914, did not regulate the lengtlî of femals attire. How the vigilant city fathers came, to overlooli thil Ienfact when draffing tIsai memor able ondnance is strange indeed. but tbey did. aud now ýVoiva ia advocat- ing an amendnient vIicîl Wittcoin pel ail vomen in Zion Cty to Wear tbeir dresses oneé inch belon the shoe tops. Discussing thse malien before a large audience at tIse Zion Ciy tab- ernacle Voliva said: Instead of vo- mon vearlng their dresees ont Inch beloethe e hop tops. the tendency las 10wear them one ntIsbelon tbe knees. 1 am la favor of selectIng six sensible middle-aged women and Alng Iheso instruction to draft fus loua for or girls and nomon. In Zios City ne are 001 going 10 be mun by Pare"t faehion designers, ne can dratt our ownutachions. Il vas sucd loosonens In public morale and de- cency vhich exisesIn American cil- les loday that precedes! the dovufan e! Greece and! Rome. Section 4. o! Use public morals or- dinance nov n fore la Zion CitY remds: "No young woman or girl over tlb age o! 15 ohail expose ber arme In public above tIse middlee t lIse foui- ,rm; nor shall Ise vear mosquilo-ust tockingi or other clothlng go ad to expose in any manuer or particulsr part of tIse vearer, other thoan as in thua section provlded; nor saîl any vwomun or girl wean n publie the se &enles sbeath govu, or el tskirt or X, »aj. dresa." The.imendment twil pro ".bly read: 'Non Shanl mi voin 01 &,à. gil ver the are o! elgIsleen Vs. ses ~ Ps~mo wnk. '-mie-ou' j' - - e - et to r 0 - til r n FARMERS INSTI* .TUTE IIELD 1iERE, WAS 816 SUCCESS (Cotinued Prom page One.) H. .Bannelo!tRociiord. UrAnuuta BarmOsan xg asotolu Anfine buriu and tirs. JKLs oC. d"wtsno! Chicago lectursd on 'IWhero Town ans!Couny liel.'" BolIs the lectures Woe very gond and groalli ijoyed. The i'rlday prograso vas opened by Attoruci B.* a. MAien as chairmua, nitI lire. 1FAe In g lagr.sam sioging a solo n ber anl pliAng vay. Uni. tertrudo Clark gave alino uiading, alter vbl.-b foliowes! a poulnîy lecture by Prof. Gibr, Thse noou meeting wag lu charge o BRo. T. E. Sismain d ltheniet- ing vas beid n lIse gyiuoium ofthtIe M. E. cburcb vsent thse ladlies eerved an excellent dînerand whicb vas erved tW quit. a number. Mrns. AugutafHarmnan sang a solo vIsicI pleased ai and lbe lecture t4 Rer. f0. l. annen un *"Fins!- ing aad Filling a Pae bAnuic î"oucbed .ery beant. The alternoon meting vae upened by a solo by tirs. Harman, bing' îiccompo.nied on thm piano bY tin. Mabei Prsaton. This number wam greatly enjoyes! Ilun B. E. Donu o1bla#on* City. Iowa, delivered tlhe cloing lecture ol Ibe lostitute metings. Bis tople vas *Goud ,tiltAeusbîp suslin bishl@tali bo brougbt the great audiencep. wich nuniberes! eometinbg lke mi% hulidred, te rulite lIsat Lbenlyviiie vas exePPtiOn- milii lortunate ln baving sncb a hert t>, beurt taîker nbo, could bols thse un- divMds!interest and! attention of everY eue la th@ hall Ar Ivo bonne and! eceive such bearty appiauae nasdid tMr, linon la bis lAI Ie assot on subiecta nltaliy Important in thsehonme and! public fle, saylng hbat a perion vIso amasses!&aIl thse neceesanles or vealts n fileettmli o wad a great dema tIh coin mu nitY lu vhich lbe miii.bis esu.MiaAmucb %IsaItIse posebility la making bis fle u"feiti realliy as due tu tIse people witIs ihom lise grew up, The speaker tlid is@ bere sIat aDY man ehouhs! ta jusI as careful te belpi another aU~S1 0son go tbrongh lite unhempores! by petty jealougles as lie would bave bis onu son, tIsa it w&@ itigasmImportant te mile a sueetful man out of lbtheghbo>r'o boy as bis own. thst il aay service for tb. govormeut shouhs! ho gRien tse damne man would demans tIsat bis noghbor'â son take the reoponibilitv Of sncb servie Ingteus! o! bis ownason vbom lbe vouus! like to @eas tay a% home. TIse at sesion came to à very appro- primte close lu tIsaItIshe cboo.l cbildron drei!ln vwhite and cerrYbaz Ahegm marches! Ibrougi tIse alsans! o1tIste stage and there witb tIse audience sang "Aiqei;&" The insituts and! Corn Show vas sncb agreast uco ata aa smetiug o! tIse Parmere Inttute tIse lolowing eelu- #ton, tbanting tIse public tor tIse geuer- oui atlsndance and for the valuable presolusosdouates bv tIse severai Lake county ime, vas adopted: Atesoves!. by tbe Farinera' Institute o? Lale Aounty. Ilinis, n meeting as- gembies!.%btIsiwe expressounr gratelul appreclation and! thanks te ail tIse prions nbo se generouolY rontributeil tIse prizes aud presolumeosAr tIse exhibits aI tIse Corn Show. We led tIsaI the oflsnlng o! Ibese eibibits bas bas! a great deal to do n making tIse Corn ShoYF s sues. lBe It urtber Itesolves!, tIsat.we extens! unr thaulu sud appreclation 10 nil persous vho ln 1sny way essted in gtvng thymr tiair rans! rilurtm towardumaking Ibis meeting tIse ucess tIsa Itibas been. Se Il t urtber Iteeoires, that:eoPie@ o! IbeMe remlu- lions b. gven lte ePress of tIse Counti and tIsaItbey be recordes! lu the minutes olthe Farirerq'Intitt. by tuecc(retamni rAdolles! Januany 25,1917. Johne E. Barrett, Pres-ident. .ttteâl: aW. K Davts, Sceetani. ELWiN WATCII CO. PAYS FOR DEATIIS FROM BAD WATER' The largest group of aett.lements under the Illinois workmen'a com- pensation act ever'agreed to by a cor- poration ln this state was Ouled with the state lndustrial board Wednesday by Attorney John A Russell, repre- senting the Elgin National Watch Company. There were 15, ranging fromn $1,650 to $3,600, and Oive more wlll be Ouled tomoirow. The total sm lnvoled lu approximately $50,000. Thei payments are being made to familles of 20 employez who met deatb by diphtherla and typhold fer- er within the. lant six months, through drlnklng poliuted water from the ar- v61a ell ln tb* faetory. IUn making the settlemont the com- veny le msklng voluntary payment and without the formality of a cou- t.t" saL&4 Peter J. Angten. one of th. SMmbIénmrs of the boaut. The. Imiponmutla thi e e e a* -l> ÎJ q.W-hm why suiv bod ekSs Il C.W. VEDI)ER IS NO LAOER EVEN IN TELEPIIONE 110K Mari! Credited for Years With Be1 Posimaster, Has His NameEffaoed. WAS DUE TO TECHNICALITY. Name Appeared as Postmaster Beoause John Hale .Rotused 10 Sign New Contraci. Althougli ise has not heem postmas- ter at North Chicago for more than Olve years, the telephone under the North Chicago postoffice has been in thse naine o! C. W, Vedder. who for- merly was postmaster tiare for s;omej years.. Until the recent Issue o! thse telephofle drectorY lin fact, ever ince' Ise was postinaster. bis naine bas ap- peared AS postmaster. even durina the administration of John Hale and recently during tat of Postiuaster Hayesq. When Vedder Onrt became POstmnas-, ter be. had thse telephone Instalied and- thse telephone drectory carrled his naie as posmaster. Things ran along this way untAl he retired from office and John Hale IecaDe lis sticcessor. When Hale- took office thse teles phone company desbred a new contract and if the new contract Was maRde it would requins an advanced rate be- cause the companty would Install oni'. a ýinglP paty line. The govennment dues not pay for thse teisphone In the North Chicago postoffice and Haie did noi care Wbethen is naine appeare4d as postistin bthe telephone direc tory or not. So under the contract,: 80 long as thse telephone remained In M. Vedds's naine. eyen though he long since ceased to Ise POstmaster, Mr. Hale was wliing to permit It to continue that way under the lower rate. Hovever. Posîsouster John Hayes diii not see t fto1 continue tIse polciy Hale bas! malataines!. Accordinghi, surlng tIsepat Couple 01 inontha, tht telephone Cobmpanymde a nev cou- tract wilIs hlm ans! even Ibougb Ves!- drsa name appears duriug part o! tht Haies administrationi a spostmaster, t sm nov been changos! listIse Dem- ber issue o!flIse lelephoise directOrY. Tise naine o! John Hayes as POt- master nov appears and! Mn. Veduit?, visose pregence Anutthe ci te 1nov merely s memoni as Ise moyed avui go long ago-no longer. even An the tiep hone diretoni, tAscoueteas!ntIs tht Norths Chicago poStoffice 'IIOUSEBOAT' is SUBJECTO0F TOWN JOKE 4AT liIGlWOOD Posiottice Is on Stilts and the Residenis of City Are Hav- ing Much Amusement. Reidenta o! Higbvood are con- siderably asoustd over vhat Usci term their ofliclal 'HouSe BOat.' "Ye, ne have migIsI in tIse main business section." ont resiuent gaIs!. "*We are waiting for a big floos! to conte and wasIs il dovu thse St. ILan- ence valley mb tIste Mississippi riv- er. . Wheu fl-ighwvood residt,-its apeak o! thqir louseboat tbey havi- refer- ece 10 tbcîr postoffi&e, whtchs, liter- ally speaking, ias been places! ulon Stilts. Ever ince it vas built tIse building in which lIse postoffice is locales!, bas faceds! outh. Il vas rlecides! laIe laI f alli tIsaI il nouhs! present a munis Ietter appearance If il faced east. TIse contracl vas avants! and! as tht flrat portion o! tht non tIse contractar put jackm under il uns! nusng Il off the grouns! a distance o! eght or ten feet. Blocks vîti iran gindera acros IseIs!tIse building suspendes! la lIe air. TIse arrivai cf cols! neatier made 1h impossible 10 complete tIse -vomi -f turning tIse building ans! non -vas dc- ferres! notI Iis sprlng. People ou- ternig Ise postoffice are aliAges! ta nallt up a gang plani much as Usey vouAi do on a steamer only on a more extensive scait. Wltb tIse nbnd abje to sveep aven tIse building on ail aides sud aima frons tht bottos il bas been almot Ampos- sIble tohost tIse place thbs ninter during the really cols! neatisen ans! tIse postmalen. Michel Gibs, form- er mayor o! Higbv-ood las obliges! to Lvear hie overcoît, capan mimttene customers. TIse appearance o! the bufiding han becorne a standing joke among resi- dents ce the cip!.aa4thoy..sa7 that with a Utle csl#lug they thlak the. builing voixld becoresaa eellent bouseboët. FrIAiT AN LAKE OONTY-Thu JOE O'NEIL IS THE CliAMPIONWASliIN', MÀCIIINE SELLER Lake Forest Hardware Man Routs Foks Oui of Bed at 4 A. M. to Make Sales. Relatives of JOiepb ONeili,' a well- known resident of Lake Fore'st. have found it necessarY 10 -Ild lm t'> Forida for lhe vînter in the bopes of lmoroying big mental condition. They lotI villi hlm on Priday. January 26. For nome weeke O'Neill who ta prom- 4meut i su. ane te , PiLrr ASlJ i FRIENDS VLSIT GEO. IIUTCIIINSON SUNDAY; IS BEllIER Veteran Town Clerk Spent His 79th Birthday Sunday at the Lake County Hospital. CONDITION IS IMPROVED 'f the Improvement Continues Institution Shortly. waukegan. Jan. 29. ANNUAL MEETING 0F 600O) ROAUS AS= SOCIATION TODAY (Contnued Prom Page One) liable for any damages that migbt arise as a resuit of the construction work. Attorney Rogers sald thse committee was justlfied in feeling Indignant at the assesment and toit sure Ise couid get the ruling modifled. tary and bis assistants alog thi s Une. With George Reflehan as presldent, the officers and members of the Lake PnîîntvfGondi Roads Assocition hane Lake Foreat. ba been howing mark-, To sîsend n birhday n a Iospital Is1o tmnak-ie itisOuntiytthe home .! lhe ed limes o! meutl abheration. lie nol the mont enviable va: o! @pens! best siate rosads to ho touns! ln thset bas bien bu, tho hardivare business lg mci an occasion, but George enlîre slate of Ilinois. ans! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a lllcaes eaioaadr-Hutchison, tho vteras tovw n ek The annuel meeting o! the associa- timing and made remariable claima wneho s rmet tIse L as countion vas Isld lu thoChasuhor of Coin- about the.saso! a certain brans!d gneu sor lSaudy vsr-ment roomas aturdai aid uit tIsat wasbing mahie'memberes! n mauy vais on te0e-. tîme t wne lotes! 10 o a asecretarX H1e calmes!t10 bave sois!$0,00 camion o! bis 79tIs birthduy ESundai. to go among t tarpayers aud enlisI worth of machines Inslde uf a week. utIeti, paebiofini r-their ceperatbon n lIse von o!roas! ans! dozones à" dosons o! machines isentes! Iim vIti a Isuge bouquet c builsig. An effort la 10 b. me. 1 vert deliveros! at homses nhcre they coesvîi ene!1 hv oIboost lIse membershlp o!fieasca vere neYer ordaros! aid vhere tIsechetrIAg affect on tht ages! man. A lion 10 1,000 witbl tIse* nezt six peole u Ie ous Iss!neyr bilgreat many sent bhlm irthday carda 'o! months, ans! by tIsat lime t la ex. anypl ngtlté ouseîtihlm remehmbrance- ville a numben nia pected tIse association vill go Iefore "O'Neill veudcat eAI ý up possese automobiles made the trip la tht peope and ask a $1.000.000 bond tIse hoopital ans! spent several boums miduight or tvo. tire. or tour o'clockw issue for goos! road construction. Iisi lIsemoruIng and! converse nîl itI hL'm. i hng osdee!Io Wsukegan vas honores! h Ie as- them relative to lIse prospectivepu- natal day vas on. of tIse momt pleus-sociation members tu tlIe election o! ut Mn. Hutchinson ever hum epent. Tiseodone H. Dumt as essstant -vice- cie. s on, o have asing m-I nqsslry 5 tIhe Iospital reveils lie president. Nearly oveni section o! mcines Mensthes!brae ( asing iefact thal lIse patient is mprovil a Y8th~te county Is representes! on tIse bourd machnes on tseb an ilw Ieh A!y ans! If thIiprovemnent continues of direclors on n thie officela, ans! 0V- eold a number of the machines nIsviibibstleetbhoptleydrcrun!oierulocla! question, tIse orders for hindreds of! ewl eal olaetehmla r ietradofcrwl ecle machines nbhie acuset mb tIse coi n ithAn a fen dayq. Hlm trienda urge upon to procure nen members lia bis pany vIsicIs manufactures theai, Ibýis o 10emain ntAIlbc recovers bis district, or 10 non withheb.secre- hi urpis tht b1ij elth completely. t îîIr; xpecteci thatethe association en toOS them ysrrs ta hy T it sIrough a lutIle act of car.- wnUl taie tepm 10 have Sherian nous! ade an nvetgation and! acording-' îesness tiaI Mn. Huichinson beciime beteen Wguiegsn ans! Noth Chicgo ly later re!ueod ta bihp uny machines. bII, Hlm nooso n the lover o! 'the L P.lus!ed as a state as! rod», aid ai Tl vas atter he bus! sode a plurge court bouse became uucorn!ortahly rat t._opî i, tu ho mas!. 10 bave tIse whih st ho ovaegg tat eltivs arm a ton days &go and Mn. Hulch- roadway helveen Dion City as!dlIse lookes! lolto te malter canefnlly and isi ramones! mucb ot hie clothAng tt iorpse uigtesme decidcd ibat hie mins! badl gone ans! uns valies! ato the cols! corridor n imonlue. rtqutred a change of cinat,thbere-bishr iee.T.ucko bs j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i foret thelbvetaene§toFlnTa.he De Oftrbis Tise aseoclatlOli bas inuh vi'nk maP- forethe hae Itlie hi to lo ols! t as! faiur. 10 s e ontredicl p1 ed outtand itlaisefpatees tsaItIshe a cld nd allre o sek edial t-roas! commSssbonars of Use varions MRS. HARNLEY TO RETIRE. tention aI once causes! bis condition tonships, mini o! vhbm am Iem* - 10 become nore unUlil t us dacides! bers of the (bcd Roada A-mocatioli, Waukegan Man Pays Enorm- Sauudai liaI lie equires! speclal &t-viii carryouItihe omi plannos! ii ous Price for Five Birds, Win-. tealion at lhe houpital. lIse association tIc monie entent. ners ai Exnosition. Tho ages! tovn clark A Ioes!u t TIer, la somBe halk O! the 4.Soia- huvlag pasies! unoher mileitoise ln îon eppuloing men 10 nork on the Mn,,. John Hirbiaio! Zbon Cily sols! bis lifé. Hie birlidais arTe b0ecomina1 roads. ,C(Osiri SuPerlklideut Of bier chickens Mondai. it wasnt a more Oventful 10 bina i s 70at. Roudi Russel favora UdIbis»,liasds linge consigumnt-juet a pen o! Il vas over Ivo score O! YOMll840 others hollove tIse count y ebouls! Put tint Mr Hutlioenteres! his dut- moe road bldin ng ga=9 tuvomiIIs Wite Orpingloni but t cost P. 3.tes la thse Ike cousntycourt bouse >Yeu. Mre ous! norisiig qutpment Sexton o! Wauiejan 11,000. The brds »ns!he has boon tiser. constantli y- v. U ho ptrchases!by tic houtrdfou M- v-on for Mrs. Hrulthe tisrsI pize i m since. Ttlai doubtful 1I tee J pervisors, Il le sais. for tht White Orptngton lirets! ut tht another office hoder n the stale vWho_________ Patlama. exposition competing againat ecau equal this record. aael e u liens froni mauy foreigo counitnies. 1 15i~~,11 Mn. Sexton As beas o! tIse Sexton 011 1 T I OEIN li vrr I ç C'ompany and 0v-ns a fins lot o! vIls!ELECT ICCwnaaw -.ea--.IS ~ ~ ~ 548 sud lame font. Ht bas one of tIsefiu-1 I E est collections aI ibornaomeounShenirI BIJUSFIMTEN NW TOQNES RILED MAN -an oadIo . fond n th .contr Mrs. Harnlcy bas ois! hem enlire C R ;F EÀ M Peu o! 200 pnîze chisckens but tbe $1.000 pais! by Mn. Sexton vas menely for tht pen o! Oive brds Ihat non tise DiYiflg Carm Similar to Those Panama exposition prixea. TIse other Used on North-Western Have 195.nere sold lu a sepamte lot. Been Ordered by Line. o! prize-ining brds bas been pise- Thse Chicago, Norths Shore and Mdii- nominal, lu fact. il seeosas If every vaulcet lectrle bas as!des 15 ne-v lime se entera a conest ber brdsý steel cars to its equîpment. carry off pries, ans! 10 how vhît a hîgIs grade o! chîckeus se bail. a bird TIse nen cars are made o! steel fancier recenly vantes! 10 mi a bsen ans! are o! tIs ey latent design. In- to exhibit, but Mns. Hannile ol isIsacludes! ln Ibis order la three nen tisaI tIsa particular bIrd vas moult- 1 diuing cars, vhich nAl be 'baIla!- log ans! vas not fit to disisîmi. "Neyer ter tIse plan adoptes! by the Pullmasn minns!' lie sais!. 'seudil taiong, ani- Car Comopany, ans! tht North Western nay. It'II take final prize vitisout any feathers at al." raliroas!. TIse ne-v cars are thse pro- A Waukegan satootikeeper stole an duct of tIse Pullman Company sud egg troms Ar Harnieve prize peu at -ii rival lu bemuti any to lie founs! a ('licago show ans! places!fil unruer luintIse middl!e vest. a setting lien. A cockerel vas hatct- TIse nen cars. Ève o! which have cd that won iret Iite at Waukegan been receives!. are aIl equippes! for sund a silver cnt' at the 'icHenry sow. use on the Ihird rai lIns. Testerday Ttîere lias been ai kinds o! schemes tht Norths Shore lino officiais 3erit a '10 gel possession o! Mrs. Harnleî's Norîbvettru elevules! car over their pize cickcns and! one man n Califon- Iracis ta maie tIse final teste before nia c'en stole tIse ribbons tIsaI vent tIse Ibrougb service bsetee tIse heurt v-lth tise nonlds fair pnl2es ans!- it O! Milwaukee und tIse loop distritt o! v-as ouly recently aud after monîlis Chicago la inaugurales!. o! -invesligalio- -anA -effort tI-aIUsth vas abie 10 necoven tlta. On NoV. 25, 1916 a fine destroyes!( sevensi valuable chîciens holonglugà to Mns. Hamnîci. but'-lIse celebrates!9 Wiste Orpingtons were saves!.1 Mn. Sexton is Seing congrahulute!1 on isapurchase for tIsaenterprislug1 îoung milionatre now Isan tIse Ionor1 o! owning tIse vorld's champion binas,0 ans! il As probsable tIsaI ihe vAllfins! bis lapement a gond Ibusintss proposi- tion, as At no douist will net hua a goos! sua lu prAze mnney ans! An raislng chiciens from tiit valuable peu. Mns. Hsrnley iv sais! ta bave nept Mondai afier parting wîtIs the birda. but se la hasppy tsow ans!tIse check for $1.000 -looka tous! 10 ber. Sise bas been an industrou.s votan, AendIng 10 ber chickens in a niaer tIsaI hraught forth mucis praise from tiome -ho mnon ber personal. For enthusiasa se coulIs!not be excelles! and! il be Ibis latter wnIcisbas contributes! 10 a grat extent An her succea as broos!- or of lie vorld'm champIe 1Wbte t.f I bc, bletruder? am oNE. nen cari ordeneit froso theaPullman compaiy arrive ai tise Highvoos! car shops. tht Chicago Miwaukee tbrough service vbli be inaugurale!. Auner.tIse railnoati nue taken over by tIse roor- ganization committet Isundneds o! tIsousands of dollars have been spenî in ntn equlpint. Ar every crosming o! Importance belveen Evanalon ans! Milwaukee ciher vbg vag mimtemm or crossing galas Isave been installe!. The depoîs bave been renovuteni ans! repaire!. Thoumanils cf nov ralroaul lies have bean installes!, miss!muni mlles o! nen steel laid. WIsen lIse Chlcagô-Milvanlcee thbm service la stantas! itlaSmuid I illiibe possible 10 travel bet-veen Ibeme tvo iAg cill.m hi electric quicker Usan on tIse sta modais. 9'rsnk: Graham o! Wauiegan, vas severely Winj urs 151outi of Keno sa on Ties!ay nigil vIson tIse auto- imobleo inbwich he vas nldlng iis ~des on aS shlenl roM d 4tarses! r- ,Str& lie h lbei e. H ouleOf m Mes 7 1Y t.. (Continues! Fronî page one.) bro4ber Lloyd nho tries! to go dons ans! tIse hoal lalsase he Asas lie ay ho lise nAndow uns! assstes! ibes In gl ting te the grouns! Irons tbe roof of! tIsa- kitchon. "rFo W Found Ouan FomUU Jullus Trapton . the underlaker utt Lîhertyille, tels!hon ha vawcies!d ta gotthUe dous! body « X&Mdce. lie1 arriveds! t lie far a&bout 10:30 the nert day after tIse trageeli and e ais! ail ho founds! as. tie remAin la Use basement, la these oulhnemt 'corner co! tbe cellar. However, 1h. lntereeting thing le 1h51 he Oun was foun d M1n559 onl i Atone vaîl sbourt' 16 feet eway trom MAdoles remas, tise hirsl polhitgl towarde th. hody Tiss act, of! tht gnn'o distan ce frain Madoles body, caues! lb, jury and tIse coroner ta auke particular An- quri' fros tIse undertaier ans! otiterh. TIse final conclusion o! tIse Jury vas Ihat tIse gun IsacA eboundes! afler Ma- dole bas!solhinself. TIse fact that il bas! reboundes! tu sncb a distance bovever. ans! lai on thse vaîl, causes! a number o! tIse jury 10 nwonden If sucb a tbing really vas posible. Hon- even, uo suapicions nere latimateil ans! tIse jurys@ final conclusion vas tIsaI tIsegun ureli bas! reboundes!. TIsus hi tIse conclusion o! thse In- quest by the jury n question, tIse Ma- dole case non passai tutu isstomi as oue o! thse mcml unustial as! unac- counitabie tIsaI bas ttan place ln Laie county. Itlal qulte apparent 10 ail members o! lb. jury hhat Madoloms mind vas numouns! vIsn be commît- tes! Ibis terrible dard ans! that lil vas due 10 tIse t-vo f actsetctes! above as explaines! by ils a'ife. EX*LII3UT. OVs NORTIICO'I DIES Excelsion Sprinlgs, Mo., Jan. 25.- W. A. Northcott of Springfield,, i., e' former lleutenan-goyefl.r of that state, dled bere this mornini o! acute iliation of the heart . He vas 111 10"s8 than an bour. Mir. Nortbott W" preident of thee lnter-Ocoszi Caauatl company and at one lime headed tle tt modern Wcodmen of Aiea. si Bath Mousie* Monor NorthcOtt. n Springfeld, M1., Jan. 2SE-Botti bouses of thse gonersi aeuemlii iodai adjourned ontil mext Tuesdar la m'o- M7y 01! WIIlam A- O4et.V' Norliot aiemaàt4v r' 1 tlro terme. Ws b4Su IM bS YJObl 3 î edoire lahave ail thise Sffe-e wed !rom thes hske. LAKE 9ORESt- D. H. JacAcisuof s.e Foeet doclared thie pepel. et stsmnitony aIl want thie meougo en. Ily romovod tram theefaite. lotIs o! the" e n stnted, tisaIrob- ,y Usere nouhs! ho no objectim V1 per septlc tans ora buIstt u ti tIse unanimous hell.! o! the il- ilts vas tisatafier the WMovige se! tIse septie tank lbthe 5¶ Smd be carnie!on t1thlsw aiage canai, va'oviding arài- ente cia h made te do no. NORTH CHICAGO: Jimes Alaywe eNorths Chicage mernuer, iMSU Me pi. of hie vieithy fgi@*% 0M sIw* are now ia O. K. eand thet It Clown, wltls a umnnlois m, any bond lue uta mi= =' mAli It migat bo, luit issilw gAUKESOAN-Th,. fessigme~ '~$ ,nks or theacauivatsil ottAOSS mus las tisi City. At. e ,sainâtl te pu"ia thie - imgsvn ver 'te tise piv Wllmetts an tAhe ci pward Acte tva sinllli s à@" or na summumlalns the iISite"l Wîsj tais and NorthCuica&o i« c >m to heof tise plintili tt&k*À ', s maible method no tir as tisege lo. - uiIties lacaocrneoil O,,ie~- se disposaI Plans, ans! li e Leaffluent la tIse laie.'il lune lIs waI HighhansParkii ake Forest nesidents objeot la. w Mun le severeli handiapgeê M, Item O! handling sevaga la , mson Ibat lis mener systu. a iuown as lb.ecamhiasi y et ig ,tho everstais..un ! atam, aid esage. At tUUi*W smoe are houvy il na or «fj Ilin thle WankLsuMg"S9~ son fons! 10rua 21 lmaun» n1 se ordinasi Loy. A = *dU# sposa plan nhclh nould lie.~ ato hundI. an ailtut o svp-- iIn luthe total ver, 26 timeon .W 10L noumalli noulds! ho o ocetiilY t» ouls! b. puohubitve. Another vyen intereatlng thing gi rougit out vhen At vas showntisAi he north end! o! Use district, la1W- rg wauiegau ais! Crlib Ch'uWi .ys but about a third «! ti* tq*r axes pais! la hi resideutm et! l iIMIat ary d!istrict. Liaie Bluff, Lkobe Tot t ans! Highliand! Park puLY tvOisrd ,tise total tax, sithough b iWi ortb part o! tIse district bas lbe af' oity vollng po er , ut the"n .- îy proposition vhicb niaYi' h. t4* sp for seuitoue. conabdei'stiou. tlIs uIIIII chou o! tIse district coetlali Vau ave some may ubout 1t. 8ee0«g bw >ay tvo-thirds of the laxes,.l T se~ vords, Use feeling of Preildsqt AIII md olber memberS o2 lie b= lt bat thes outis part O!fle lb tIs scae il paý§ thcexcessive 31a1111ii )f uxes, aboulis!be glyon csul" " derutionIn t14e fOsail secuiiStg$ 1s se-vag.pMoMem. Il vas iuggentod thin th e talais 5me o! the soci lS mog tli11100111 sore lateremle!laInmunicipal as$5U55 be invite!te ment vith i tiMhlt*!t boarand ms!diffouma vIatIRlathlt «Mg tn vould b hole propea' M"04 siet"po cedure. A bil hIieh nulb6 PrueentQs4 $6 t» Souths Dakota leIsiltsi u- OWbhAýiP gfeln 10obaffl f«at un opUS AI throui imIsisen or lipotrant 4 Mgsb hoseoves an ap-eadlx 0iol: not disesd. To prote0tIISA i4q aite aga inonsî uussAhiti cImm resth"a ai utfs a otuualm~ 1 -- -- -- - - -- --- 1 Il TRUSTEES MEET TO DISCUSS SMW j DISPOSALMAiN Different iÀembers of Sntr 'Board Express Attd* et People on Plan~s. IS A COMPLEU PROBLIe North End Pays BMtOn rItd Taxes, but Have >1* jority Votlng Pw< Wsszkegan, Jm"" »8. Thse North Shore Sanltaty *"tt. boardi Ield an Important meetWà*, nlght, et wbich he differett ri expressed their opinion."a re0Mf what their particular teri'rtSory W$8- quire ln the matter of! sejW .4- Foliowing a-géneral discussios, a" member vas asked 10 concleg~ vint ho lluot woold bp-e.tb*p of thse people fib is terrbtory rS Ing a plan for disposing of « db Tihe resulte !oliow: HIGHLAND PARK: John Oliver thie Highland Park member, gelS the Poe- il ý 1

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