CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 4

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bertyiville Independent1 h c eWe cos*, sulpedet - wausk.ganWeelaySunf~ Mathodistl-EPhCOPul. Lun -%ysInoo sa -o 0480 TeeuqnmNumbe»r 1. LbertyIlle Rxchaiigs. 11* oetOest lUbav$yTIit. IDi., 60 Secod C$masUI Miter -. ORotaI Publicaton for The Village of Libo.lyville. OMfiaipul.mtMeu for Lak Cqit Sour tSp.rvuor' Prooeding t~.hDeqTirsdar Advrttuta Raad. Known on Applcaton. UOUOPTINPRIU.$1.60 PER YSAR 8TRIOTLY IN AOVANCE UR............................ Residant Manager, PoelaI *0punimnbagine any more pitiful spectacles than the 0gtdmi)uhMt re.march to the States of the Perabing àmyt which Preuident Wilson had ordered to "Iget Villa, dmd«&r ave"? They didn't get hi=, efther way, and this plat country ia obliged to admit to the world at large that t -WàbNT ABLE to capture one man, and that mai a bandi who, sume our azmy tarted atter hlm, bas greatly Ifw~~> , t' fany bigger uap coud behanded tldtg»tion thu itio Mexcai fkàSc we'd 1k to know Il vMii ot b. the. "Btar-Bpagled Banner" any more. the moncil judiciary comittée.of -Chicago, by anui 'mm vote, reeomendeddsa, ordînance W.dnusdy which W p wm reet the . national authem frot belng played or amg asua prt of ny otherfielody. A fie of $1Ols pro- 'vGw fer violation. "T1e ompostIon,4" MaYStha meas. u,4 'baf b played or mau au m entire and separate ~*outInor nuimer ithout ebfhhet !na- ~mlor otier imélodies." rÀ imila, ordinance in now in in tlaBaltimore. Ih vili b. a ftttlngrecognition o! the »Mind anthem and mqy tend to havemoe --wltci atbwbed to it viin asung for patriotto pturposes. Pmmssolna ervim snet Bnndmy morn- log wlid i hslduasollows: bMrnlng ser- dic at il1 o'ctack 2ev. T. S. Ream wili on zCas snbWetf "Until evpnty TIMU Sevon." [n the. eveoing st 7.80 the servie .li W of spectal Interest as the. 1ev. Prsdrlck Ring wIli speak on the. subjnet., 'Young P'eople and theïr Parents" TWere 11Wil special mouulc. -i --A.i "NMy Aitibde Bociaiiy Towards My A»sslatea" wiii b. the. subject of the. Epwort& League Meeting neat Bunday evonlng at 6:48. Mrs.. BlJ. Blagerty wil i.lad the. meeting. There wili ha aplendid musie liare cordialiy tnvited. Choi'r rbearsIwlil b. hotd on Friday sv..in9 of tus weknt 7:80 sharp. Ail npmbers of the choir are urked to be promunt for s"wcl practiee. Tihe liehruary meeting of the Ladip#t' Aid emiety wiltt W betd neat Tuesday mternoon, Feb. 6ub, at the home of Mmr. . BEger on Miw'aukee Ave. Alitm- bers sud Irends mrs urged to be Neit Sanday elternoon at 8 O'clock tiiere wItI h.given a oiendid moala programa t the Vseper Services..Borne of the. talent on the. programn for tbls services vit i W rom out of tovai. The publie ta cordilly lncited. Pr.sbyterian. Suda>' servie-BuSnday mechool 10 a. m. IMorning service il s. M. Christia» Endeavor meeting et 6:45. Poputar evemlng service 7:30. Specli unietaS li ni our rffuiarcbureh service b>' the chorus choir. Jos. Waughi. leader. Tbe pasur viti preach bath mornlng sud svening. Mdwsek Ptayer Metinr Wedneeday oyenngaet 7:30. Choir rebéartal om- Saturda>' svening et 7:80 P. M. une xocu.9 th.iiee hnmmi -h Mml Bryx% *tat Nove York voman ho las t4rY3 iii meet on Tueida>', Feb. 6th. At Cls 0ta du" la u rnaieni a»d cootempt for tue au- meeting tii. piaus for tiie over>' member *M",ac9tioa, arroeIgher for vlolting tue lav re- canmsud the cliuncb Budget .lii b. tu. docrie of biM h ontrol, lanovw bo-otlud e.d . NextgBunda>' the. avrdlug of Cas bars '910 xtuOUthoTtUisS bo CdO lot WSt ta lot and pins Iforfait unI attendances vihitaks îe oo 02, cm c We promesu e i. aw doma say ttai p ine lu tnoday wseool. mempreenw p oplecouttig snucide, Csri A. Miontauns, Pastor. hâla pla C a lv ufronintalo Si. Lavronce Eplacopai. b1peksaq if bO'y bave morée tbl pte do tuai BOT. &LB. Whiite, Prkset-in.cbsae. 4badumbt yOMM0 aa dt fMde! ylng Serv» ice, ib. hem la the village Rau iiIa.4oesdin. Wh 134Cmmno except firet uday ~~~~~~w iyêtofmca debotb»e quealin? Roi> Communololt aSd Sd Son. da" oll.0Om&m. "Id wO*it»o àlybau t oMorng PrmyrotbotluadaymlIl s. on Cueb Seboot 945%.m.. d. N, OWsver,6ehswy tanlo ii. ol osue lai h ~oayDYNIN'NLOS AN bu owj WMoowrtue0 soU to jua i 1 codition tue1 inm rquire for i good ru of crops " uhu r. lU tactJMES IOSPITAI 1*1ièin lugerne edlprtct *t hIl ut1MaiyerS Cro___ - m wtutbth io be, iM aiuicondltlow as tle Clarke, 18 Related to the Lyon bave bom reetibis vinteI, tue comlng. sessonwiii and Hutchins Families po*sb1y bo a bumper meuso for em7rbod>' la al Unes o! of Waukegan. f 1 e &ordlngly uhrefore, vbile the cold veatbor hdM*6lpste muuy, ndirecily la vil bave a v«7y Holl Cite ad sco onue of!Ca effokon tu Qe vorld or couotry ai large. -It laamt l'Wl asA etwS! le'cete i.0i in uin heS-gel«,. caL.. acmtg te a telgnl tngyu.., -rocdv Mturdy b>' William 1. Lyo _____________ -...m hie.hrh<a las mLvoc M fe h ci !living keepsmarne nMay elpOreiWv 1 h neIlaong to ave sme sort o! vherey tueé pu~gaiento mebody viiitry ta ýreguate thé mutl OfÏW.vo brail Ie. oulda'i b. murrlatgif smre ort t& t* a.o i M bhnmgit have aisits object the. régula- Io Kmof ibis voYMimportant mnecessli o.hould aprlng lir - t is elg. lu other vords, a persan mghhaetei tunga rnsredtô aaertin boy much air tiiey roaliy re- qdiiInsiead of the goneral practice of trvlpg te pipeo- p.eta breathe ai muci as possible, and they mîgiit thon x b.llilted te the amount o! tueir bing capaclty. Why, even tue price o! matches bas gone up. AÂ mmii box o! matches whlcii sold for live cents until very rtecenty, nov bringu s even cents per box. n Tii. proposed plan o! re-distrlcting thecongresalonal at ditlqshereby Lake couty vould become tue majorh, lolo a new district vlth pate o! Wlnebago and Kane dt 6un.1to make up-the disrict, inamovevhlciiusakke boo tu tal.endo! ue old Cicaordesrit5tu Tn th. t l l.Elogin morht hcld be Iaomeln te iertory talon from their connues and lnluded lu Lake - sonty. i vll b. smaller portions from botu counnues ipilo) viiib. e ed te LAae county te make np the. dis-d 1" i.Ai least1 tuatilathe plan nov. This, for tue trot tâwn,i te present.plan.carres l8ke con viihave a *auw te bave a cangremsman ai Washt té, a remul lm b a dt i eneavoincto uruher tue step ~~~atIo Uy pssile.To bhave a noigresaui tafi *M oMr ovM cuniy viiibo a fine ~7ouç~ ~:as 10*1.4 after tuq cout' *ost Outbeniendof«the Z MaveAR deo!Mr A» ~AS EDUCATOR AS WELLis WELCI John Weloh 'Asistant Prose- outor $pnsSme Time *tClas n Jafi. 8-YEAR-OLD GIRL PUPIL While Awalting Arrivai of Wlt- n esss lRe Taught the Chlld the Alphabet.. i e e- 1- n B s. who viCa is vitselte rhu a atour o! mlforna. CR IL om vlred that onhMa sarrivai a California, b. roundiis relative la Loi Anoes hospitahu. *Se la gief4r gs toiu e>'trouble au la tods Clark. la a grauatc ni the local wboolé. sud untIl b. roacisi nianood e made Ibis cit>' ils home. Hie vas married neveu >'esrs mgo, aud bas on. bIh, a gWilo! six yoars. Hie fathet vas one of the besf knavu reuidents o! Waukegani Boni tev yeurs mgo, anid bis mnother repre ented tho Lyon tamil>' of Waukegan He vent Weat a tev 7ears amo.0 et the Urn e s uffered a relapse ni healtb, sud for anme mntha is con lition lrnproved. but It la femi-ci bi anoet survive tCalu st attack ni kid îe>' trouble vbiehb bu beau comtes mn bisafotnt m'sacths. 5SU viCac btuelqa. bolS Il befor. a mUonulight sMd looi dItrect»y lrcughe she bIL nEthfl a:yIkB puars round.,andSthe .whte surroulia ti Il Cher. lia chattes segtRiattbe sa lu frecb. Ov-drop Ilt Male aet Uf the en uukauicil>' uMi remu&p et the bottom Il la lu ail probul> tFen..but fi 1hstands on .05 Il It dubt and qulte baS if Ià 200&. Tie ablet! a fneb «Mu Iola dual, villetat of a stulc Oee a glu. The Nsttenda fT* iagdicu cfthéi. hllad iatcs liack te lo1s, vies tie coeu et Vises granted Ine mallousaIde- pendacc. u.d.rthe 0rut. of the HeMo et OMUags. At tilt Ume o lb.v isesO nov masthe A&«tri»a NelMIe late vue uimte o bca,' 110 th" wuve dm*te smpahi>' .1matlcs 4w,. Muioicc or 1mai51 Iatum ee Iv..ue. » twmetIvo*0o t e lp la the porson of John Welcb, Latke rouaty baunq.n able prosecutor, and an educator a. wett. It s0 ha»pened that tiine hung ver>' beavy on the attorneys. hanits at Cas police station Cals mornlng. vile, he awsXied tbe arrivilof witnesses ln an illegal UQuor sale case. Theri ver. tva eilidren lni Cas court tonus. BotihhAd been calted as vtts....Botb vwer. undsr 8 yeur. One a boy named F&1n4 .aged 7; Ca. ather a girl narnsd Mary. aged S. Mary la in the fb-at grade at acbool. Shi Uvos at 716 Markiet street aid ber Dwarents apeak Uttle or no Eng- Wben John Wecb saW Ca. ebu enter Ca. court room, he' calied te ber. Taktog ber tiIe band l i he ht a rautred, a. te lfier health. In a 1ev seconda an acquaintance vas struck up. Mr. Welch lnquired of Cas chld as fo ber age, ber rankinla cino and then asked ber to sp'ilt cat. C A T. spelled Mary. "Plus, but I don't think you cau. upeil dog," reptied Mr. Welcb. Ho was rIit, but for a minute. Before Mary le!t the police station abe could spl M À6 R Y-C A T-D 0 G. and maaiy otier sncb yards. Jfat ais an exampte cf Ca. goed that, cam b.accomplisbed even hp no buay a mma as a prosecutor. The cldren vers calted au wtt, neas u theC. cae ao r aiciska Kop sien, Who la ailezci to bave 1014l iq- cor te Market utreet resîdenta. The state'- attorney ismlsmed Cao action ln the police court, and inform- où Wiam A. Deane, attorney' for the. detondant, that Information chari-ga the MIti aeof lquor voWdoS ied tu the couat>'court. Attorney' Dosas. bai a""eSfer a fl-liUb>' Jury tu Cae poisce oemt CRUISR WMMCI '%MIZD DON MAU ICcIRW NV ÀV FAIME DR; 'LY1DSTON IN FORM3FLTALK TO MI3DICS 0OF COUNTY Prominqnt Surgeon of Chicago Listenèti to Most Attentive- e. Iy by County Assn. IMPLANTATION_0F ORGANS. Speaker Teils How, He Has Successfully Transferred Organs to Other People. Members of the Lake County Medi. cal Society' enjoyed qulte a Most profitabte evenlng Tbursday cvening in tbe Wasbburn intel when their guest of honor and the speaker of the evenlng was Dr. Pranti Lyston nf Chicago, on. of Cae leadlng Physi- clans of the country. It was generally regretted that ont>' about 15 doctors vers ahIe to h. -present at the dlla- per wlbicb took place at 6 o'ctock, f oi- rowîng wbicb Dr. Lyston gave bie addren.. li bas been ptanned te bave other speakers durlig Cas evenlua, but Dr. Lystons tati wau no very lInterestîng that b. beld the audience spelt-hound and fi as declded to postpone the roadlng o! tii. other papou ctit a later dat. Tlhe doctors as a viols fîîè lt vas qulte a privil"es to hoave Dr. Lyston Prefant and the. paper he read on the. "Implantation of Organe," cauued every doctor present ta open bis .OJOS ln amasement as thla prominent sur- geon plctured the wonderfui resuta that h. himself bas aceompllsbed _In tus matter of implantation o! organe, wbich means takins a bealthy organ tram a person who may have lest dled and ptanting I l I the body of a persan vhs may bave been defectîve. Dr. Lyston sometlme ago wae r. ferred te, general>' au a crlminolo- gint, but in the conversation tent nlght he declared that b. la no longer In tbat lin. of vor, devotlng bis tîme espectlît> to matters of research In whîch he lu particutar>' lntersted. THE SATURýDAY, MEETING WAS WELL A1TENDED The attendancs of Ca. téachets et the meeting o! Satanas- vas about that ai the otier isys af Cao lautitu- tAon. Tii.mornina session vas hUAin Ca. Nov Academy theatet. W-aukogan. end provoil an admirable place for the. gatinn. a gond maaiy vialtors b.' Ia pressât te boar Dr. Goode iniel lecture. 'Tbe e onarpbki Powiiu±tons et the Gret War." iei oxplanatian of 10v fie tgpoaraphy of Ca.eecoun- tries, the. location o! the coat dist ricts a.nd the meaus oi transportation have Influence national feeling and brougbt on thoetreat confilet actas athe>ocean CIIIRCl; SLIP 'EMR FRox muff TO MUFF Two Wel Known Waukegan W"mtn Exchange Prloelesa Treasum at Service. GUARDED THEM -CAREFULLY Eggs 'Laid Durinq the Service,' mn Fact, They 'Nestled' in Muffs ofWorshippers. This mlght bietsrmed: "The ex. perience of an egg In church." OR 'And, they brought treasuree te the churh nd laid hem at th". alter-<only tas>' weren'f laid there.) OR "Ys.shlilnet muke amake place out of lthe houeof the Lord." OR "'Eggà laid qulet>'In churoh et morninc serVice." OUT Wmli just -rechite lactsbai low to .show how *ggsý are belng guarded and curefuilly handied In these ys of the egglous market. tndicatlng Cas prlcelesanesof ogg. Caca. deys, an IncIdenot tooti place on wblcb nat ont> eniphasize Cao tact but also aide a new idsa la Wauiegan -tbat o! combinlag the. cureful mn. agement of the. houseboli with rels- loue services. Euaida>' a Wankegan womaai calted up a triend wbo sella eig occauon- atiy. Coutd aie spare ber a hait dos- en eggs' Bbc could. Hov could aie get Cassa to ber? Aba --ae.kaio-'1'lt brng tiiem to eburci aud band thora to YOD there" 'Tbatll b. fiac." go. siortl>' aftorvards the, tvo vo- men met ilatCaouétrance te their cburcb. Tbey sllpped op close te ecb cther. Prom Cao muif of tCaoeubsnv et thoera vas caretul>' drava Oral. One ou. Thon tva, egas. Thon tbros. Tien tour. Tienn Ovo. And thon sIx. And Just as quteti>' aid aemar. fuIt>'au if tic>'ver. ildlng nuggeta of goli. Cae other voman elipped the hait doxen eggs itIn ber ovmmutf. The excianacompleted, Cao pur- i baser asked the price anid the. vom- an ln question added funtior latereet 13 SJ1ft ii l IUI~4& as a tevelation to ma>' and a profit- LYELL H. MoRIAtt iorney. able and pleasant hout for ait. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. One Hundred and Eighty DitInlathe. aternoon,,Dr. Goode spotie on Public note lebereby grive Uatthe sub. When British Auxillary Cruis- "The. Conservation o! liililn Life." menier Adrlitratrixn t the E.iuteoetId This vas the. ont>'lecture ho bas given Princesicenft. decem,.ed. .i1i attend lthe er Laurentia Sinks. vithout steteoptîcon Mildes. The Iee. Counu Court of Lake county. et S terni tiereoi The British auxilicr>'cruser Ler. ttlt. w.5u tartlinglnalits assertionu s e90 îsid C9unt theou iérs fluse l y ue an clatIce. 14892 grass tenu, bas been ta vbt han heen dons ln Ca. lent 50 next. 1917. -bs n Sd obere aiu tesons bavnna sini b>' a submariaie or a maine. ae- >'ears tÔ lengthea the openi o! lite. He elahe iSaiiet aid SatSe ara uoti5ed and eording te ai officiel tatemat luued calîci Lewis Pasteur the greateet TeqiiOed toeeeit the saine Inmid Court fi' test igbt by eIoBritigli adaliraIt>', henetactor of the human race. a NELLIE Lo . .ONR,Âru~erîx Mdi thare la n.stouients o! Laie Ia the morning and afttsnoon- Viit Wauiegan. ilu.. JSnuarr 29. 1917 ostrt vbo vijI flot shedl tears tot Allenttth. supervisi' i ao hetralalag Feb. 1--n MnY other tesson th=, that it la idô,schoot at Cae stato normal sehool ai 180 men vent to their death as a . Charleston. Il., gave lectures on SEN M. MILLER. Aises., sunîtte ltof "Bchcol Discipline aid i'ie atilft." ADJUDICATION NOTICE. e Pub lic Noti ereirlgirnitatub- The Lake coulut>'mai o buas e- Probablyn oninIterested 5cooO, eiber. Execrrunithec aut viliiaud Testament son to e b. gai at Ct.ecroier vas affaire ha. glven more thOUabt to this of Idargaret veiduer. dseased. vsu] Sgted th' sent to tho hottom la Dr. A. fBach i scbJec t Cama Preiient Lord and b. COln0lt ofetLake Counnit. &taSternithereol ZOInuCity. Dr. Bachi, atang vltb 38 ba Selected Mn. Alen as the on. to 1 o ,Shid Cout theout unHoud aui Aril Auutlaud emnsujca as wvanou t'tand demouta enes. ne.uI. 17heu and chere 011 sersoushavies selaiedb>' Caesteasbp ail tien in- Tic Institultes for the titres days, cdaims ataînàt *nld ette arentifled Snd terned la Autralla.viien ho booked Thursia>', Enia>' and Saturda>' proved rreu ted tu Pregentithec mrn t, i>Court for passage an C the enhhil>China tram to b. pleasant mnd profitable for the & HrRctln. 1 EDEi zctr Hongkong te Cae Unted States. Dr'. teacheta af the caunty. Att are loud ln ivaukegan. ililntsi. J anumry 29 1917. Bach ont>' recentt>' succee.ded ln reach- theit pralse o! Cas instruictore. Dr. rcb. 1-s-5 Ing Mion City' and b. haorne blood Corson oi Columbia, 0., lu negarded as ____ curdting stortis Ita teI o! hie experl- one o! the big mca on the sitîcationat suces on Ca. high oseas and la the vok.' He luau ex-state superlntend- British var camp. eut o!Rechoots of Ohio and le th. edi-.q The dmiaIt' aatemut us hattnt r ue satesouccioai îgaîno the vessel vent dovu off the Irish1 oaq-t laut Thursia>'. The cormander1 of Cao Laurentie, Capt. Roglnatd Nor-1 ton, la amonptii. survIvOrs. lievas apontsi but six muflu go aidvas not ta commanS or thie cruiser iutlagà Ca. montha It vas ont partot dut>'lnte the far Eut. It vas vbilc on fan Bast parai dut>' tbat -Dr. Bachi vas1 rsrnoved ira. Caoe teasaahip China1 b>' the Laurntie. Botore .belag fakesu ovér b>' the Bitish i santY ionmux- Illar>' cruiser cervico, the lAurentleà vas in Cae Cana.dlinservice of thet Whit Star Dominic lino. The vouait vas ned b>' Cao OSean team Navi-1 gation Company' o! Livepool, Enama.i. The British simIralt>' report af 1211 oavod proabl>' momas a beaY io04 o! lite as a v.ol o1Caoease of theiq 'Laurentie ecurrleea rev of about 300.1 Thc Lurentta vras.h1ta-goaltanCao lino o! Canadien busts dolaS auxiliar>' orau rpatrol von met Cala timo. Sull>' 7h510t. - ies but lat ee buuMen*eiOO whIoixi speMM Ia o ls imitant lité toi«., cfi Mie pleasing personalty and sas. white speatiing ensiles hlm-to capti- vste iesheanesuamoidrive home bis Ideas.- Tic munic vas a ptemsiag teatuts and vas canduced b>' E. C. Stanbuci of Waciogan. The meetings vero heldinlaLaie Forest, Highland Parti aid Wauiegan. Mian>' of the teachers bave neyer hai an apportunit>' ta vîsît the heautliiil grade buildings ta Laie Forest, and Superinteadent, Baggstt niaie a upecial effort ta bave ail get a glimpie o! the deligbt!ct taterlors o! the roois aid balla. Tho Deeteldi-Bltde , igh sci in .caltod oue o! the mont corn.- piste sud best equippei bigh schoolsM la Ilijnota. Principal Banick called on bies chool baud te the mrnnng and It turaisisi a iotigbttul. 20-minute pro- tram rThe lunch ton the. 460 lu attenanace vas served la the lunctrtra. Durlng' the nomn bour a ganeral 00in about Ca" building vas te progres. 4 O ètolis s Noie In a curtaîn. -1 I êpisceo f sfanbied net or Isc VUt moder-a bote Ila alac*eurtain vill ho bard.>' visible vion prOtosucâti . it 4:er.Ian -Ï- : - 7-7- ý - 1 1, - . - . i - 1 ý Keep Thes. Dates Ope. Wednesday and Thursday Feb.'14 and 15 SFOi THE FROLICS 0F 1917 AUDITORIUM Mi prece oda e .devet.dte Ilt LavreuweEpiscpw lC"fté B»s«""stMasia i" flam Yeu. Mey "w. t1iem W. Reomno Semi et LeseDsu atm*e-»&e How ManY 35c. Winer will, peu uan sprig will corne and plans of irnprov.req« Wini b. given effect They ought of course to include Wiring Yu House for Electric Light The. expens. of thie p- erti.nfixtures inca- eti-is usualy uMi-I often, iiifact works out less than $2- a umonth. for we spread the. coot over two years Fuit datait, oÈMrequa.f Public Service Co of No"rtbmmttai lest Us Unflh1is Even if the war and speculati, n bave ýent the price of 'whei.t up me still ciirty ARISTOS FLOUR Trý u-4 ou ti-is and other t.itingç. CORLETT & FREDERICKS PHO[NE 30. LIBERTY VILLE. FAIRtIOIM (l, A-RDENS H. C. IBURIDGE & SON Phone i02-R-Grouoe, Dyuiond Road-Libertyele Table Ferns Boston Ferne Pritnrosesr Begonias Can b. ccu at thIc Ciicago imd North 61cr. a, 1 fý 1 ý 1. 'ANI 1917. o o tmralactiont the Cao drc4»r rien aie ad. "Borne p.opIè are asklng £0 cs»d a loua for Itous as but I bave*% *6k nervo to tict tat mucb. 1 cmat0Mêke' mysotI ami more tban 50 C"8t-£wo ordlnary bsn'. egg.. even il &W are frosb and source. Bo, it'l 8e 1U cents for the bli doua,"1 OuRN#d dPurine service. People wlaoest near the ven Who bail made t> estdemi4Wmt know v h ho i dthat mu s e w*- fly durins the mornhig »so r tber aWn't notice that neyer cSMod ber banda slip trous the mult; Ber mereir eau' ber sitting the»rsa ut onconcerned land ttOfltlva te the service, Moen the. collection box vS*urs ed &ho dropped ber Onvelope tata it -woudn't It bave en #trange V M5e bal forgotten the onvetope and Moi- dentatîy pulled out Ra eg8? (Poltape the mInister woutd bave been daltt.t ed If abs bad-but ohé dlda't Me waa Cainking of gettina flose erg borne aely. And. sbe did; s@sosaoer »Uppdonce ln soinsborne.) TOO LATE TO CLAtiSFY FOR SALE--16 Ndogul tractor, 1leu modei, been roi about 12 monthein*eod conditin, or wli trade for largor lame- torr. loquire mt idep.ndent Ogce. E99 m !P -à- c p il 9 ti r .1

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