CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 5

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- --, - C: LJéBERTYVIIJiE INDEPFENDENT, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917. u : -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - I Now Is The -Timel While you are1 flot very busy 'toe LOOK Up your wants on the farm and buy your r Plenty of Good Clean, Screened COAL on hand.I L111RTIILLE LaIDE ne Dwnby the. OU epDom..tii.,207W'. I Phone 47 E. X. Bisbop, Mgr. I We Seil Kitcheni Ware Everything for thre ktchen in tht. way of iit(nsile may be f.ed inthis hardware store. IllîumewivnswilIlie !learred sith_ the great number of thinge tir> -aiu iîy i re rt scry' sica1 prices, things that perispe§ they btve prune withont for a long Srne. Replerish vour kitrl, eAr,ý III yoir ir linfopportunitv trom our stock. Sleighing is great and prommises b con- tisiue fort, long time-and we atli have a few daidy éledsfor your boy or girl. Spec ipces b close them out. He Bu EdýER Hardware Plumbing and Heating. Phone 17. Libertyviie. Goodl Hard Coal May Be Scarce but if you lbave your order with us before you *rp &Il out We Can PM 1YQur Order and kieep you supplied with good lid coal W.P. FRANZEI TELEPHONE 50 Fit For A1 Of course it' no'fun being a kin, don't worry. You can be just a plair wear one of aur Superbly Tailored S Overcoat that will fit you as though you we guarantee beat values at moderate pric iimarMM appliom to Our faultiss re a3P5 sra"y ait he irn e w've pro Fred Croker, "Th URERTYVI=L HEN you are considering butl ~ o r remodeling the aid one, can give you v"r good figures Heating and Plui Old houses heat, as aSiý ' H. WHITNeY& Mir. and Mr@.. Lee. Busori airdchilîdren and Mr. and lire. Win Dilon anrd on of Mr. aud lir@. Fred Crokî,r iiîît 1hrrsday 'ý !b e tqvi1 e and atteDded Ibe Farrnr.r lrcrrtrîute, Lait Frlday nlght a bîîsiiip.,r îrîeting, 04 followed by a socIal, 'sas4atndd YRfffllElf Iute a uumber of teF$,rhlan Yiappenljlgs :t the M. 9. chorch. AIprtkir-cglb membere eeîjoyed a rbigIride about town. if You Rave News of Local The fane af 106 acres vart of the Dem T.4,RvOMf..all l n A n 1 Pilne, river and formry owned by tMr. (l'org.e Llppreott. le repurted as beîrîg very ID.t Miese lav îuretlaFt v.ek '11 Lake Villa withlr M,, AI Brîrlîvî Mr. and.M r Henîry ItühfîlIl spet Surday wlth relatives le Waulr.siu. Thunras Itu's, who bas leen îîuitr Il for a humîrer of s> echi, le rEported mutile. btter. lire. Wn. Eewardg of W4aulregan, speut Wedneoday wftt ber sLiter. Mrm Fred1 Croker.1 mie@ Addle fR. Miller entertained MWm Lavni . Sylvester o! wRukegan onE Bunday. Attorney Claytou Cunningham 01 Chicago, wa. a vnitor at the Durtsud hoen uday. A number of local people attended the Gaod Roade imeeting hld la Waukegan laist Saturday. Mfige Mar on Taylor wae conineri to ber bone@tie paet week witbunanîttav k of the la grippe. Mdiss Marjory Taylor ot Evanst(Iu, @pont Sîrîdan bere with ber parente, 1l)r anîd lire. J L. Tay lor. Mir. and Mr@. James Leo lflet t erek for San Francisco where tfiey a illi slrt relatives for two monthe, The. Automobile Show lu thivrrizo *iurlnir tIhe week bas attraried îuite a uumber of Lihertyville peupfle. Rpv. T. E. Rteaîn je atterrdiniz a ii-t. lug of the Roclitord itrict lijuiettrilI Association in Rucfurd today. Mr. and Mri.. Heury Duebtler leît lest Baturday for Citrorielle. Alabamna. sslîere1 tbmy wil @pend about two ninhe W. L Con verne bas reigned big p,si- tioc as foreman of the Cudahy farm and ma ved to a farm cear Round Lake. Hermon M3er, wbo bad is ftot in- juned wbill worllng le ray@lake a e u ple of weeke ago, l le I.ta hoaround agte. le reporting the Woodmeu installation lteg nameoaf Theo Vandr erV rf as Esmerri- vac luadvertelly umitteil fruin tht. lomt 0f ulnirers. Theo Mytlc Worscrs drill tramn vent (o Rtued Lake Teseda>' niglit to asit ah insalatione ori. Tire> were royalI>' r.n tertainpd» Those that were reporieri as liing on tire orck lot ii v rel werr: John wlrt- rerv, Martin liabiquabt. Jmnes Jel>' and FrtlKaiser. Tht. Woiiri'.4 Gud sell mcci at tht. residRlenceut tIre. Puni ire Thureda>' r.- îe-iuFrmery 8tb Menchr and Ir etuls are crrdielv hîrele. The Voiniteer l'ire Dpaelmerît bal a ltj-se cruwd et ticir arrîuel rerquerade d i.ce inethe Auditorium lest PFille> nigbt Ever>ire bailaroriltirne. Jolhn ouiz lefI Tu-ode>' morning fore Chainhrburv, Penn.. his former hume I& j vi,.lîrelatives@'l'him le ttue lrst ime te iwenty-dve Jearo beha@asvisteà thers. Mir. and lir@ Erdwin Kaderlv wro rpe a weet br.e tt the formr'. @ie-k and lire. James Sage.wlr werée botb sIl d y an slretrie vrar rnr StiMri '@ crosing two yeare -ici, nILl od aut aI court sae on Feli. 1()th r A Plelgh l]nad of fripii,4 :fthrperuit the humeof Mr. and Mrm lFrii '.lrdhîîrt ha-t rbereday evening and a% e Ibrîria very happy surprise. (is,s m. re pluIa. pd avid a niee lunebi.oc n 1--r, ed.Ail bail a very etjoyalîle tii,, A large plate glwlasiuti f, V sorine store wais broken early Il (r» i.r' vrrouiog r-leu an auto driver> by 1:uiFllirger.,r rkid ded un thte cenrii, usalk. rreîirg the ear op agaînes the biîlding, tbe impact matterleg tht.@ a.. Mir. and Mr@: John I)eiiile>u ent-rtain- Ptd Suniday 600. L'obrey 'A ChIrrîrgu, MIse Tille Baner of Porttk Rdge. ii Iartba bauer of Waaconda. lirm-Fred Nord- ine>r and family oi Wert Freciont and Mr. andliMs.uO. flaHpIeandl feulîY at Ibis place. J. Rî Trijige, I. Kennerdy. John ,im. trrry and Wm. Bareeti returned ou Saturdav front Texi" wberr- îiey @pet abo'ut two weeks. Jobti L.irerry re- turuedbornein poar bealtl, and bpll said tu be very 111 at Li> hime wltb plirunflîal. Dr. L. E Goldng att'.ndei nir.. meeting of the Chîl gaDtal NocWIr-y>%%bicb wap beld iu the Rotel LasSalle Innt Satirrday. Dr. Golding dld out rriin for the banquîret le th.e veelng as I., bad vmly a deay or two before revus i cd froi aur attack of la grippe. Avine Camp Na. 176 M.l W 'r.ivili give tiierr annual maequeraiî' I al at the Audturium On FrldaVeseiîii,.t Feir'.)th. There in ta ho god ru-ic and the Woounoasure a&l who urrvd a good lime. A costgmerwililbe ai thail lu, tht. alsreoun and eveuluit The deal for tbes»Je ofthte John Bre property an Orchard etreet tu àli. Lena Stocke of Prairie Vlew, a as clomed faut Frida'. Mr. Stocke welîltalre pousesiai March lot, and lit. and tIr..Brizen ivilI muve tatht.bomieon Broadway whlie tht.> recentl>' pnrchasd of Wrn. Lemîs,. About lifty ,ambers of the locale ofthîe L.k«Countp Milk Producers Aueliatlon met aheli Misn bail Mon. day atteriroon tu alct alate of candi- dates for direturs of tht. several local- wblch were voted on asthe cmeting bëld pi.ident and soeretary ers alsu letted. The lt ut director, aed aRcone chuse at thse Wednecday meeting wil bctriruri ie anothriel irinru. Lest F ride>a nigit about fitteeu people friir here seent tir Diamuel Lake tr attend e donation part>' given at tIie hoernifutBira"] Partw-t tfor tie berielit of the Diamirul Lake M 9 chchbAfter a Uine oupper wam served, candy aird other ar >ticles seere sol. A quilt made b>' tuielaier contalnîeg 420 nacrer worled into le war auctloiied off tir John Bridge, seho wlth tht. generous adoirtauce rfîtoute of lte Lilrerisvillr. peopb iqueeeeded lein natup- np the peine unril it reacli. tire bigbh mark of $17.25, wben It was finally sald. Twety yeare ega "The Deeotrirt Sînle' wam giveu iu the. Lthorty ville ter, Mm. J A- AIreman sica ternitY,ilt Itoive hall aud it will alway he oent-i-Pa q r.frîr their home li. Juda, V*ls., huila>'. J red bu thume wbu atieudel as avrrz il luvitations have len Iffsued for a I liss tht. muet laugh prnluctng focal tai- no IIBIERTYVILLE Valentine Party>' la ivîen fi>'the Mo-iry et pleay pton icre, On Februar-. 22-,,Co ijsMer.'in the. Auditrorium leu i Tocae, aeiigtot's lirrildat. thpl aye> iti ail Ir's.. 6h Flarnrltoti'm orchestra wilîl cianeeter maîe ove, tritictirh moderi, fnrnieb the mertle men anrd wrini.-n of nailonal anrd iter- Cul. E. L. l>îwnr-a of Chi!io. enlianationîal reput. aili ire repealed here. ai. V~. j wirie roîreirered ae air a&ietýrcîîr ranrgemienîttir tire prrîi-tîun utfteIr a>- 3 J '-sidinirhlit iis. vicl,, iîvnliablitrrt ilre îng ieen made ut la iietitr of tie per. ALiA Ag * w areagin, ars raattim.rtg îusi.iicse 're éOurirtu luire part lirt tlest Tiiurrdn.r ilay lrot . ek. evrri.5 i N. îI'E îrurri'ir ie. Tino orerîin td thrIe Bffusinestfor holdinig tie tw ililie auirri- ig nowadays, but bli' rg. nirllîil w,îî h1.1 enet th.iclîr. ccd Ieter. ri citizen and still si6 rre ie#. ar.,sMRIANSDLVRN O a l.ouirces tîratthiiiEirerni, Wisons'in,'ii TU LRECT OFFICE BUILDING bîgirn.-rs irîîr .'e r'-etarv . 111 ilie pr.-ceiit Suits or ti) addreose lthi-esrl iu-ineme salo'rîrcît. The 'irhil iIrvugu.wI i>. .5 1iI,.eiillii,' m-..rsre el-ra erame airnd.11buildineg t i l r irlý llot nngnt i. 'rnier 111"radCoiut, tu tIre renrrof sto.r'e,.re, ,re a king. V/e 'li ad on glus ,pare tflewokotii tr ne.,>lruldfug birnîimr bi trelivy l'ortrag-iur Heirs Eii.dl- ces. The. s',iîinî .f eîle Ar. îerrne~ brpelât ttins. . k Tire .z.' al thoir..ild. elorral trirîrclitwill i-Id a Baker, Sel.'ent Iîk alîl ho 22x32 nf pebhie.dnîeh fliri rpaurng- 'rc Wt.rtoid'e l. t Murday ftr- e.,aid enili eliem tory. Th. utile..lit the' rom.sed t. n bon, FeI'rriîr.v 3ed e truidiiirg sul F.C. Uilwbcaner recrue MONEY TO lOi, N We coltletch.. n. TIre ar>ailieyla ii tic "building wi.lI.. 0 ie T ailor .n po I as lertibau aeabr eroie Lihertyville. Illinois 5,.1 ian' e. ruperlireriemit fur i heo tr.rsît Dlverlnrg iu. anrd bMimésAlite Fn-c nirl l'bustSnie p.rol prine ocal oivre ire b- ith him.llemqir U -titht. ew urrvtîrle. [ding a ew homeMes JA a el'g 4 eclos.. elbn reVel drit nis .up tht. tea.qi.rrimerof the,'ie Idin a n w ho e tirs. Thirerlav evn-î.lng. r. Sein thIn the pnrny vîIiho i niroid's setre dont for get that I M".rlm.f Al'- ts-monseel -sOrtil a Tbecmîctrbict Ileste Welsiv.i on~ intll -veoiiIcK for ti tiSi jonnt û 54ni lig: 11. Sas terrîririter h>'thlb. mter campas>' alter tg bal t-en liforce.for a Dnnt freorelio pternlînr, gîenyeer. Th...wa orstlilobliîiile the rt>bing th* eisatiispli'r i of th. -u.'u bri-qe rcret e-tuer gave,. perigillssti. r, AS Jnuî,î'ctnedn n u tudreîln' . nrr parte i.. ,-agbepi iheir agreefmeutt v .s aew.t'h. 7 t Iir fteati & .1' . ' sRd Spcn prop..înotire COMP~NY ~siins.eann:limb.hetc t eîgé&S e n6tcada rerl Iýti DR. DRIVER DELIVERED' LECTUREON TUE, WAR TIre lectuire Eb luro p.aB 'ituation of Today" dIëivîred aItilr. L.ibertyville M. E church on Mouiav eveulug by John Merrittri lriver, 1). D., Phd., LU D., Wl>, wadi fornure pastor of tht. P.irpl's clrrîrcb, MViker'a Theatre, Chîvrigi,. was dlivered witb such great foie. that tihe large audience at for over tîrret. Iourm very atteetively listeelng toi Dr. Diieeeloquerît digecoîre. Dr. Driver began witli hie experiences lu uîvting tie cru wuý ed nd royal faîinîlie of leurope, horîr- l îîîaged to havo i, raudWliewith anuinherpl theru and of tIre, rraiy tiugrs tlnrsî lic Ieard and qauw r tra- t u lirom onii re countryr t,, am.thvr ini tir l aurrl Tliattire ad trauselvl îîuîl perr a grerit del of fmwi, r, i),- ,. rtri e wam evîdeet u ois herermnw is M-otrim ie i rio rue!>li i 'viun 1), a vair1 I talieanthIe neict h,- war rîgltitut hore wltb the prper explressiois ,of tb,. Ru'sieî. and then te beerer wruld imaglie hi' wa@ u Rinilialîmnan, F~reccliia or a tiermen and r @ou iHe kupa perterrlv bîîw toi twist is lips lu niet tire pectliarezpreo. sion Inr,tbe lauguage ot ecricountry, whiclr tact alune muade tht. lecture ail the more inereÉtlngý le dramattc expremsluns tir. Diver waa parfectly ut case and le tous.' moment.. ho would al8u ho able ta change bi@ eitire attitude le a second and have the aucisuce laugbing. Before fie.lulehed he had told lu a very dramnatie wenethie acmeal causes tbat Irri ep the useful war anrd also gave the reaeoum why 1h could nît ire prevented aIter th, ltire Laud been kiudlcd by tiie art of île war machine. . inuDr.liriver bail luird a nureber of Iis licarers lrlri aroUud hlm and c..rigrutuluted lri ru bis lrry abus reauner ilevs' hdie hiîSdlel .vry une of hi> 8ubietie VESPER SERVICES NEXI SUNDAY AT M.-E. CRVIRCII ,Neit8Buday alteruoon, Feb. 4tb the inonthly Vesoper Service@ will ho held at tht. Libertyville Id. E. church. Tht... ervicefiw bictr are ield ou the tiret Sun. 1eiv alternuon otr--ach nontb are very mucb appreclated eut only t,> a great many ut the Libertyville people, but bi mans froin other commueitiele Lake cr)ul>'aswell. Ltlethe alinof tht. om- mi ttes ln charge ta bavseaIl ties services tu keepleg witb tbe turne and place wbere tbey are held and alsoo teurs the heu local talent aed aeeasiontlly the. beet of talent from othor cammunlti. The prograur for neat unda>' afternoion frllowi: Organ Prelude.-Variations.......Haydn Miss Vivian Willard Linderman Vocal Solo-"Crossing the Bar .... ....................Dudley Buck Mr. Newton Fine Piano Solo-Mardi de Concert.. Rass Mrs. William Preston, jr. Responsive Lesson and Prayer. Rev. Wm. L. Zabel OfferIory ........................Selected. Miss Vivian Willard Linderman Readicg-"The Mac in the Sluadow .. .....................R. W . Child Miss Nonabel Morris Green Vocal Solo-The Savior's Cominand" .......................Chipmae Mr. Newton Fine Postlude- 'Firelight......Linderman Miss Vivian Wîllard Linderman Benediction........................... N otice gf Special' Asseusment 0 Public cotine ia herehy pgiventîrat the mpntb No. 3 Village of Libprtyvltlle la owv due and payable at the office oftheb crilector 5c9 L.vol H. Morris. Village Coioector. NOTICE! 300 Leather Halters for sae at LADD'S LIVERY. WPUT IN OUrP BANKING CLU, AND INCPEASED,5erlt WErKLY MAK£6 You Come ln and get d'dLUB BOOK FREE and Join aur -.Christmas Banklng Club." It Is an easy woy ta, H-AVE MONEY. 1 Join the club yourself. Take out fa, membershlp for each ont of your C-H*ULDREN; ttoh-them ta SAV-E-- In 50 weeks: I-cent club pays $ 12.75 .e-cent club pays $25.50 5-cent club pays $63.75 10-cent club pays $127.50 You can Irut ln $1.00 or $2.00 or $5.00 each weeki and ln 50 wieeks, have $50 or $100 or $250. We add 3 per cent lnterest. You con start TODAY--STARTI Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 BARGAIN S .IN .HandIed Axes ............ Double Bit Axes .. - -*a Splitting Manie..........soc 30 gai. Caidron Kettie.......... "JO American Washirbg Machines .. OO Large Ent erprise Food C2hoppers. . $1.40 Asbestos Sad lru>n St .....$1.50 (flas Jar Ooffee Mille............ 50c Coçper Fount Cold Blitet Lantern.$1.OO Copper Fotînt.No. 1 Lantern.....75e Haud Corn Shellers............. 45e Sptear Point Hay Knives......... 80c i. c SCHANCK HARDWARE. COMPANY' URERTYVILE. &&MU I PHNE » Independent Classiried Ads Pag. A« k o ser « t1h Posts, Gates, and Fencing. Seeds, Feeds ý-W Having Sold our Grocery Business to Mr. S. J. Deinlein, we take this occasion to thank you for, the liberal patronage with which you have favored us ami we hope you may see fit to give oui- successor an equal share of your business. Mr. Deinlein u'ill take charge on Feb. IrAil bills of previous date are due to us and may bepaid atour Norltk store, or by mjaiL Respecttully yours, W. W. Carroll & Sons. Ge. il fi 1

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