4 1 j anad to m. M groadwBy, opposite Para M .GOLDING DB#TIST 0w fini National Bank ~eP"»no164J. M". .phone 157.. DL EL IL SMITH. 05 LiIcoum?! hAIOSNAS"l. 'Ue-4 t1e a. m.and 1 to .a CIW N. STEPI1FNS, M. 1). ",T5IcIAN aidSURGEOII ioombums ivnto the dlms aof the 80%~U Bar, lNue% Thrca h O.S. E. G<RoDINS au%~ W. DAYONL &YR a . a .0 p L1 9 V.arrr-PIllioi rSHANAN . mos e ILLINOIS. LYE H MORI y ,oim-Av-LA RATES L6c per fine aen hInserl Lots thon 5 lies, 25 fritini FOR BALE +. . ... . . . . . FUR SALE-350 @ohcs of ec timothy hay, 75 ton silage au $rock in gond condition. Afi Chris. Bedler, Phone 289-W2, FOR SALE-4 year oid colt, cash I taken st once. C. Prairie View. Phome268-R11. FO>R ALE-â Whila *ant Womnb, Bocklng etrain; roos' mach whlm hhey luit. B.L. Grayalaire, i11. FOR SALE-Bath Yellow Bloody Bucber8medCorn. <G tmt6. 4. Po.50 per.bu, graded. Bond foresamples. Ohio seed potatoep. John Rlhuoad, <ill FOR SALE-Brouie turkeys, B. J. Coter, Lberbyville. FOR SAL.-GOOd-aecond1 Waob tand wlth mIerogi, Charchesp. Ineurat Hon a miles w«t of oumeop Ore ÇOR BALE-40 @abppnupel new, alo ord woo d d H. A. Bcbw.rmaainiilue. 1Il FOR SALE-PoorMauPM ' Cocheroe. Direct from'*tap efleitrla Ça8to 5. lir. g Deecfid. IL D., 111. Phoft I 796-Y-8. Funlsbed by LAIKE COUNTY TITLE & TRUST Oc Ab h~cof Tftl. Tils Guarantes 131d«. Wi-utegi-n. Jan. 3<1917.-John <irifflth snd vii ta B. 4Nglau. lMt 23, Pose Terr aubdivliloùa. Labe Forojt. _W. p. 84t tion Rudolph Stolîmann sud vifete ho A..L ereau. lots 7, 10 and 00ai ltb jt Il. blofb 7. Wrigiit'a addition, li igion tityviUle. W. D. $10. Society of liai PreahyitedrlaLa Formel la Cty of Labe Parest, lts 1i 14 and »,,block 2, Auderaon'a oublIi +++ sion, Laorest.aLW. tD. $10. + H. E. Martin to Arthaur V. Ni-nI . . . 140 acres lu sections 1l, 13, sud 1 ffl, 5 tnn Waucondi- townahip. Q. C. 810. ,nd i niotor O. A ivemnao aRudolpia 801-mat moa;t n and *ife, lots 7. 10 sud south ba] ti~~ 1 ot 11, block 7, Wright'a addition, LiI 6l ertyville. W. D. $10. J. A. Brixen and vite 10 Lena Stock cbeap fo1 weat haIt lotO6, blocke 6, lIbertyvilli J. htaoni, W. D. $2,750. ilPI BambahA. Besley la Chiarles Jacoli Snorth l hil otas31 sud 2 hloc*8, Fln idotte Sn Addittil oaNorili ide, Wiukegaa. fters abil8 10 Whbr. N. P. Dodge. Jr., sud vife to mcie AO i-ý rd and Daisey Douglas, lot 267, Be dent and mont addition, Waukegan. W. D. $21 erniaotion Jan. 30, 1917-O. IR. leson au .sielled and vite to M. 0. Wllt, nortiessi quai Also Ei-ny er, soutlaeaai quartor section Il A. Kllley. Winthiop 11erbai. Q. C. $10. 8p15 Edvi-rd Beneon and vite la Lue --.- von Piachchecbi, lot 6 Làndquist ai stocik loins, Anderson, eub, lu 'eotion 16 Graz 6P1itownship, W. D. $1800. . . O ý C. W. Wilson to W. H. Lemker ai Pin wf>~fe. lot 3, block Il. Wright cddilioi 2 Boekiag Llbertyvule, W. D. $450. Sy Thayer's, W.H Le ersd ae J ,and Avé' W .Le. ndwtt . rc2 Brizen and vile, lot 4, block 1 .4 ------ Wrlgbt's Addition Liberlyville W.1 eas ainiomi$2150. ook poste Jan. 31. 1917.-Karl Sala, rustee,. I 2P6 Carl Packalene, goutia 188 test, Il 3, KiIli-u tract lu aouibveat quart ntub Bock section 36, Deerlielti township. Des ý-e@ted 200$10. bri B, FrOgt. Carl Packaleue la Auguat Havi Lake voreelt aoutb 188 fest, lot 3, Killan tract i 4p4 soutlirest quarter, seotion U. Doe p1r*4 feld tovnship. W.D. $10. ItOi dAL-N.ew 8 loi a gLlb- éàtyvitsl,àht omaz~.o.Vortlcnlar 6e4 oes. aiue antowsk. good bh.I)Qw Ib OCR .i.Salg ra ib..il. FORps SAElaeu1 opboml lIma hoo. 56amofl sud .lght mous modpru houas@u Ar; easy pMete. 4 sidoM& maslu DorOld, mare. M" b. ocbIaý. p. m. Harding. Arm. IIiL m tlSblu fWl'tWo lmo; gool 00 nè. Wislma monthly Iaayaeâao obang* for asallr bos. or vacant lots lauUhortyvilo. P. M. Havdlnig, Amnt,lidI.5t flOU CITY, m qiUe6d..pldg yOeraid plant for refinioini- IV ONANDI VACTORY TSE5POo~ aILLINOLB p «i i*kHOOSE RIDES il '--Phoffl 292-Kt-i * - but Il FQ SAL-M uo ~ Olmh PartAv". C aeuhOkd8*. 4 Addrsms Bmritiladepealout, 11 FOR SALE AT ASARGIN-)Mi homo an ul mi ne. Propry ituatod oonParkAv.. iaqureofJohn K.ennmd. FOR SALE-7 room houae onBoý Park Ave, Ail modemmImprovomenl.. Reason- able prits. Lyoli fH. Morris it FOR SALE-We hoi. a nuinher of ine h Iomsfur salemor roat.DymondA Auetîn, Librtyville. itu HORSES SOLO. bought end exchanged lecoud baud barneus sud waue Cash or ternie. N. I. Ladd, phone 4, FOR SALE-Wli acrillco amybuilingu on Main Bt of Inglaide, on amatof desth of mite. ëtore frots. living ronfla lu rear, largoe ment bammut. Appiyv Uîko Jenson.Initosdo. . ii. z67 4îf i. FOR EUT + FOR RENT-S .om boums ou Oro&d& ma.PhUne 169-B. MUlm E. & Bushý 4' WANTED + WAkNT,D-Marrodn a ale ot runulu doirY faemrra uLb..rty ville. M'umt btveAIWOPe m kaoa ddrmLib.r. L~IST- etwow OGrYolIMreand Ivanbho, pocket book contalulq $109 incurre.,cy a -1 oll gI rain tL Tripp wilb 0«1)%e name on Mme., Mdor plias.m 0-4 làtÔ osýwr i"d isevo lbonl s.vu& ,Pbinu S9 &S. OP21 Frank Mark, Waukegan, 22; Louise Sammansaine. 28. Carias . Konuedy. Cicago, 87; Mar- thii-Teraun. Uhbaissa.ýWin,. 37. Christiau E. lintlior.Deweu-lld.32; Ahana Peleren.samo, 22. Piank I4sovski. Chlago. 22; Jo- oophlae Eansr, North hicago, 18& W@ÀlIor Ginsa, o«liFai-,ji. 8.t>. 26, liegi-et Krnpp, saie.,?1L Le goY W. KIrk. Ws.nconda, 24; Msluer Jolie., saune. 18. John Beveidge, Chicago, 21; Veus Wsikter, ame,. ÉnisaaPipelua, Chica-go, 30; Helen GuaI, Waukogsu. 22. Johan Oulmi-un. lillaukeo, 49, Car- rie Griani, si-me, 49. Carl Berkley, Racine. 21; Jane Joue, Kenoehla 0 NIARY AuL-TMm CO~UCRS-BA VE BIGGER TRANEVER B$EFORE. Ten of Seventeen Town Col- letors Hod FRed T% Ir Bonds Up ta ThIs Afternoo. Of lue 17 lova cofllorslu Lake couuly, ail but movn badl Il liaelao bonde up la thia uuoranug.It vasex- pected liat i-IlvomiS have Bled 1heir bonde by Ihis ifternoon. As tast au the bonds are Bled they are approved by th. couuti clerk sud the super'vse f rom tie samne district au lie collector. Ira Peuaaill, ava colleotor of Wan kegan, vus required 10 fie lhe lais esta bond, his heoud belps tor 1400e M0, Ibis beig luit double thb. sasau of taxes colecta blé. Mr. Peammai Blet o perianal, raller ti-en ms*y bond Noi only la bis boul the ,Iargest e any lu Lobe couuly, butfl e ir lm lhe slato lbondl reqirel of lb. emat trea.urer. Il hIo comaglerbly Isau th"-p«ver before lu. iii 3051ur05 W-uketoix. due tb lie tact Ibm t l tixes Ihia ye rsm bgir liais «« betons Mrn. earsli bas opflon m 1e il the roi-i of lia.T. IL Gray lbaI tou' sud lally engagel.collecýtin txe If ho wone obligeS 10 liaut p a eune bond Il vould cast bhl m isollu Mil b 8 hoeagasfor oofletlug hi taxa. The cleclar troua ti lava et Ver non, William Ulvarda 0f *Praîrk rViev, Bled lue smletaibo nof a0in] of tae colecloi& Illvas fýrhbut 1Thc e ldeealeaî ladei-&M BOY, LS NEÂRLY STRIJCK 1WMEEO Ie-TELLS D1TMLS S (continuedPrm page 0One. FSi 1A Uoene hulebol of frgerhpa fl pWOSun L foot long. 1Irtoheod it very csfIeInAh as h came towmrd me and It vaaaed lb. hecual shed sand1the bogeNOT HANG-OUT FOR &bout 10 <et trom ithe ground." This 5y statenient hy youug Thomas would 1u ha m dicate tual 8i4-*as" extremely close KeptntiUalyi tiithemoto" if that la vbat It W« Ov#tteBuldii whicb eraahed iuiio tihe earth. "Dld you *teej any -concusion or A proVe of 1hO."$4,0 any atirriug of the air as It passed vîPed ont the sainl. You." wa» aslced young Thomas, to the dînlng room.an sd1 vblh i e replieS, ai Arden BShoresa t ml No, f wu* lighty icared un i agw Saturday lias been tarteg it cOmlng toward me and itshintg po tiascto. but 1 did flot notice anyf.hing of tht; fti uo UI sort?, 1 Tiieroare any perse "Dld you notice any big object ho- lieve as long by tire ta Mal. or. bead of the llzhts as the .y aometblg M ç 4,000 i pi-meS yor 000. but 1the flreman at "No, 1 gav uotbing but te igmht SUU &I ain tlat the UN lie repllod.1" or $000 liai-a m",0. "Do yoia thlnk It possible thei ai It 41s» dmvolopes li" miglit bave heeu n lb more Ibm a t i-ion *5ployes acar 10 or lE.ftufa& from ion âSud b.- duty it la tg;va-cb cv yond the bouse," wu&askod of bila. Loge lu vinter s Wel.os "No. 1 iM confident il vas beiveeon Timtiehiebcauses si me or thm bouse or btween the. cool mous lois 10 the orgauus obod sud tbe bouse. Thi-t vould not a ciystmlons. orlslu. Il bave given over 10 or 15 feet of tb bsve stsrted lu the #a space betveen me and the object hall, alubough oni. hel vuaiever Il vws." 1oiirted lu latéktoieua. "How fi-r vould you eay Il vas ýTbat thielafl ot front the ground'" Anyviiere lrom for trampa la lhe. atl thie. el b itoon teel. 1 could flot say mon vbo makeaMsiebon just boy muexr cuapmnul Ho claima "'What diI you do afler yon noticed bave nover been permitti the. objectr I .1 .the uildlnga during thei " Weil nsturaily 1 vas very mucliitha. struacturesalei< osared sud 1 burrled into lta. houge..public. 1 had mmufhuideo telling my mollier Arden Shiores Camp fi vu-I 1 hi-dgseean isihilu lbe air bout patroulxed campe it vien vo beard à cruasud ithebous, voeu, due la 1the tact tl wusaeverely jrred." f tns«hyear tbe II rother AiseSoeos Flash. c ie m eWoy a 30 Anoibor ailuuarpart of l lea t t here. The lmasotheia Harry Thomas. the. 19-year old bro- blg, but il lo anidtb ati ther of eGorge bappeaaed to he ai bnUdfld la plasnael. the Jacka Kelly tfartn, a mile sud s The,asaoclston la à cl quater awi-p fin bis home. He l. -o andi no doubt Wankogau decires t tIt suroiy musi have beena .4 upoq la contribute ias a motece- lyhicli alrnck the aia. a fond for nov bildinju IboA .a malo4 temate; Ëry A motion for a newvtr «'I vas i-t Jack Kelly'sansd 1 no- todaT lu the case of Cu licol a nuash, ouaetblng libe a flash of iligivool. A jury1 of lgiatalua. Witin lu ye seconds a!- Curley dam«g« of $1,0( ter thalAhUme w&a terrible. maiuolwbok e-ied--upo bis Io vhlc dId Dont aeem very for' svaY. teuilant1l~iubt the da The bougea aock, the windows lut. sîva. Jqdge Elvarda IÀ 110<1. snd for a lime vo could nol iter nuder alvîtemomi. t4ireouot wbat It vas. AIt telime vwsn v. MWvthe flash vo me.ely Rara,'J. Brogden; al tbouglit l vua lashIilbof igbtuiug ol onuwalli-keo aven snd ifler ve beard people tait: «bout of Belvlero atreel, via Il Inter la the eveulng vo came to sace lu çouuiy court1 the conclusion tuat It anroly muat vas ordered Commtted have beoia u eteor vh lek pasaed aslum ai fElgin. It v& liy lhe Kelley bouse sud vbicia -mu h. bus been .feeble-mlndi b-tor bat!aen & fe seconds lie- Ho vili ho a private p fore at Onr place. Tii. exploeion sound itate institution. nie1 ed close enougIà nSa 0Ihai lise. BWa today by Bheriflt seeetBqnodoulit but ia-t le me- puor. Il thet la vhi-,Il vsu, *truck flot very tfir tram lii. Kefler home" The ozlerlence vicia lhe Thomas bc" peegl Ibrugia onday evealng la certi-July au unusenaou* oneaume *t 19 4M ior tIilit hâoPie _àre P- mitlpol 10 be au neer a meëteor as ap- tere te lavo e e thle «M oluthber elence. Tii. fiel la becauge lhsa - X »«» qite cer"ti-ha lie Ploved ' l# ay atao lth*mrtb nôt very for from uhw Kelloy or thé Tho. ma& tarmai ftcaused memberni of lhe tva fi-milles deltmlued t10 ie a searcla of udr ir a durlng tie preient veek anldotermino If poff- ille viere ih vas liag;liae moto" e truelk. The discovory of a bulel moleor lunliais vay voul certainly Ir prove a montIlnteresting thing troa the wav -miny standpolnia la man ypeopîe.Caai Ir Thae eider Thomas ln apeibng' or theii.l àibaftor inalated thai concîndîng frohouh dthe nature of thiiexplosion vilelifol- and fart loved tbe flash of ligit tie meteor hardert " crtalY muai bave hînded vithin a verY close distance trou lie Keliey sea she R* bouse liecause h i au't fivo eonds US! 'm 9, trom the lime he si-vhe ltiah lbe. friends, Vfore 111e explosion ôcCured. liovever, Iate Mte*aiemetears Iravel, îî couil 10 1551 d have gone a great distance lu Ibose' the wou . tive seconda. tedf a FORD PFFERS HI& PLANT. :y Washington,.Poli. .-lian7rr ord. cot of1 Ir manifacl nud pacillât. annauncel: otd 39 boe today tual lunlt.e veut t 0< vr o W b. vonl place Mb isftory i-etlta. lia-carryini Ir puslof the, gavorammat sud comeuté knawn t^ vithoul profit. ,"111itsandl 511h nr aPrealdent," siId Mr. lerd la a foumi M Sstatement, "and lun1the avent of & <oêari-oi of ai ar vill pl" eOur fi-e Y t017y ai the diapomai ot the, United"£ k, otttes govarnineut sud vwiii oporto M a-.O w vithuon. ueai of prdfit. 1 yl alo mua*rbute my avon tmiiandwoa& bmb taslu h" ever befère. mer OidM"h~ r~~~ lilm-Ai bîsaW- te, knorklet -f rouilote vite l" PoubN-Tk5 IJItDAY cialm They E TRAM PS atakoe Has lot Watoh ,0 trevib straion han, nid-nigt' luit ed by officers us vho lie- uo amon la irley vu. City hi-I avi-ded WO beciuse à aà". The de- lmage exces- DIES11OU OFADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice liq herehy aivea *i lii il43the Ouigeibler, AUmnistrator of *e lie, AT msaste of John Sandbloni, doeemd, M D 'AT il attend lbe C"inty court o0f £oe 1eAIlwI unt Yi-M a leM t1ereof tobe h. 84 te -Court, tg i n Wauèeg, ta R îanoM sAntF A pMi, ez1&, 1917. viien sud vsMId nShln.pericom ns t vaclaires agalust Ws PptOMlO1tftete re uotflfed 5iâ requostmd la <mu - sent the same *to aid Court tera- TWO BABIES PASS AWAY. Judicatlon. . ALBERT PADDOCK ln Éaoh CiliéPneumonfla Was AdmiltrM*s.. Cà«»e-1iYSIan Rpot Waukegaii, MI., Jan. 12, 1917. llneus AngdChdoen. U'k5jJi 26.F, 1-s Waukogtn, Pcb. 6. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Mra. Agnett Anderson. i-Sed 74. Public Notice lanlierebi givea lbat Paused tlway Bilurday ai the home of Ithe Subscriber, Executai of lb, Leit bh- dangitar, Kra. Mary O&=Of o Will sud Testament of Atiguat 1Sida- Oui-nec, vlt hivioni iabaih"beaunil. mon, deccased, vilI attend ltae Catuat lug. Deaub vas due la Brilita die Court of Lobe %Pounty, ai a ber-m hier.- eas of Wvhicb Mmii. ndroa a>bid et11eb. bolden i-t the court HoqUMta been IliIa long lime, fer coudiltionWaukegat. lu sait! Coati, nce, t& balgrown voiso aleadlly. The îe-j Mond-y of AprIl, next, 1917. via si- pàlm*5 vire eSbl u- iaSff-llu t w viere i-1jpu s ialg dgo liiemtng' MiebSga. i* l. lihome orf si- Mua ad sataisare noliSaied »4s'W the decmased. Tv. Chilîdren Oie Pneumoala caumel the deaih of tva smui-l hildrea li Waukos.n Saturdi-y nigit. One of the childe vas Mercedes Harriet Ccx six mOntba old dsugbter of Mr. sud lir. 3ldward Cox c1 1325 Soutu hahridan road. I'ftuner-I vill be held- loaoirow afiornoon ut 2 o'clacb st tbe Conrad and Wetz-sl chapel. Intormeni vilIl aite pli-ce in Pine Vlev Cometary. Ti. otiier cblld vas Ber-nard Prae- a Durllu six montha oad cbild dt Mr. sud lira. ]Le Dirbin of 417 Nouat Ji-cition aret. Deati aceuied SBat- urI-y aflernoon about 4:30 o1clocb, lie funcr-l va beld Sundai i-fier- Doon ut the home ai 4 oclocb viith Interiment lu Mount Olivet cemeiery. MuaIt Clclcess. Pbyatli-uOfa!tle clty repart thb.t tiiere la conslderable slcbuos, auwng chilifren.about tova. Msny are sur- ferilas 0f1"VersOôclla due la the aud- den changea lu thoeiether. A nuni- ber of casaset yammasl have be, rePorted. The côld on the cildren in the. poorer fïmllos viiere the parents bave dif!lculty lu secUring enough coi-I la bec» ih ouas var. lany afpeaIs bavo beau ando for &Id& te the. uprvisor snd la chaitable ai-- ganisations. John J. Blie, agcd 23, and, Bylvi& I. Palm~er. i-gel 20. botia of Zion Ciy, vore licees oil voln uWaukegan DM Mt. MILLERU. Atseuv - ADJUDICATIODN NOTICL agel 30, vbo Public Notice in be.-eby xlven thst tih.e ub. enue a autb snh rert. UReCUtofthe esat Viii and Testament a adudge ofM arraretl vul.lner. deeeamse. .lI attend the in adjlgel l Court Oaf Laie Connul. al, a s.rouiveof Freb. iî1h sud ta i. aoiden at the Court Honte Ln vaukegau t0 tie lusano eisu»M Ontut. an the tOretMonday of AprIj ,à3 iShovu iait next. 1917. Sheu aud mItre ai) partons livng ciilais assai alI cituarse notilSm ced mince hirh G ojted Sa present Iii. si-e t aid Court for patient eaIthe IseMIudtion. wus "aen 10 EIrRNY 0. WEID.NEl. Executor. hriftin. vaukegan IMni, January 29. 19i7. quesiel te, premeteulus*sxe la m«U Court for ffjudIcatin RUDOLPH A. 1LZMANW, A. F. Beaquaien, Attornuey. Waiabegan, IUI. January 39111, 191. vkly lob 1 8 16 CHANCERV NOTICE. SI-le or Illinois, County of Lake .M Circuit-Court cf Lobe County, Mudh Tei-m, A. D. 1917. Rose Elizabeth Prichard va. JOiri Thomas Pitlchiard, ln Chanceiy. No. 8339. The roquialte affidavit haviug Iom gled ln lhe office of the. CIlrkaofmdi' Court, notice la therofore herehy itva. to Evan Thomnas Pritchard, tlefanh-ot as aforesal, thai tho i-love nimi Complainant heietofoie Iled ber M of Compiit la said Court oe t"i Chaucei-y aide thereof. and tii-i a em- nions iberaupon lasued ont of pi-I Court agimt lhe above nsned ddI- sut, eturnible on tho fast day ot the terin o!fliaeCircuit Court et t 1e Counaty, la lie bll at tbe Court font ln Wanbogsulnu sld Lako Coutye lue iMraiblondi-y of Marci. JL. 1917, as la 17 I-v required, sud <9 sui la stili pouding. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAT. Cle4L Wi-ukegau, Illinois, January it1h, D>. 1917. Lev A. Heniee, Complali's B..W licitor. vbly Jan. 19-26 Fe.i il lLE, Il. NM Si.Anoracu. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publccic ualu latubi g0"» Mfl Meo * seuitimiAduissrtix ncfilun toAste01me fiance. eusm.deceaied, Mviliamnit Se CaMiy Court f akesbaonumat a ra tèi go be blésa "ths Cout aim tlau bsn, i., sai Couaiy. on the istuoMaeiof mme~ niai 1. ?,men s»d mbore a11 versas hes% cii-lusablem musalitotite aismalti na rimantS$0sp eeni lb.aima ates»M couart lep adjndlostlon. 10ELLIE L .JOUNSEN, Aimll.rsai. Vaukegan, lM.. JanUAri 29. 1917 Peb. 1-846 Youme aMigat. «De tuila lait mIghty*" smldb à UKn. "Even a lie, 10 be auomÊmmS bias la bave Mminth ïâîhmS oir«» lei As to Courage and Determ'nation When the storm cornes to overtake the great ship at sea-and res roàr and the great ship is tossed about like a cork-does the n order that the big vesse! je to bc kept close to land-that she dling for protection to the shore? Nol She is pushed out farther rther into the stormy oceani And the higher the waves roll, the the winds blow, the fiercer the, gale, the farther out into the great goesl WHAT A TREMENDOUS LE$SON FOR EACH 0F Vhen difficulties confront us, shali we huddle clope to home and eand dodgc the main issues of life, or like the ship at sam cease on what would appear to be a help and safeguard. strike out into Ild and the harder the stohn, the more apparenthy insurmountable ficialties, the farther out we must go. and succeas wihl corne. Take the average man with a family to support-the increased living and sicknesa taire nearly ail he produces; he knows it wiil to aide-step his rea duties, so he gives life insurance the task of ighaIf hie oaà. This is the main reason why life insurance is- to be *,the beat thing." JOHN HODME, District M&u&geir IiigauMutuldtuie Insurance Oompeusy th yç4 au la. in 1 mm !."! m m < 1 & - 1