CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 5

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U TYou' Have 1ÇiW* of Local Tnterst OUI ýhone No. J,. bw.. White mode a Ibosiuesetnlp to Aumb atodey. iJ. Mamon t,!Pri'rie Vew, was boe obeinfem ti ~turday. fpaty Snhln open% Snnday wtb bi@ 3 bmter. Charwoi in Y. oukegan. Clavtofl Wlolof et Tesda, lor CllItOn Jusotion. Wi@ , far a lew weeks visit. The W V. T. U. wll mwet with Mri. Hsannab liy>att on Tuesday. Feb 18tb. obwlii Deeng .of Ashton. Idaho, visiieHrsilng and faniY the. Pm$Ston Mm . agsniy 1vent tu Waiouds Mm PrVKdal to a<t«sd the facerai of T. ffl mismes. Patge entertalned thein emsUa. Mi ROMe HeugeSch of Roger@ Park. oser Sudai.1 Dr, and Mrs. p. H. emith retunned1 f"ufrday frôni a two weeks trnp to aWn»ati and Kenucky.1 Ul. S g. cCialu and daughter, lMis.s Vrewee bothi couflued te their bomne ti» liet of tht. ,r.ek wtb la grippe. gns plieabetb Whtney. wbo bas been vitlg ber non Wtalt.,r fo.r the pet twa -1eeks la Kano&@ reîrned faut Tneeday. Word bas bfeu rt!civoiti(rom Ilr. and bre, Henry loeblet 01 thpir arrivai at toflelle,Al&t. Thpy report the. wqsther ?enuual me4tlg .of thé. mik pro- ducm sAssoition lu the. Botel ba$alte ai&M TaWada, wans ttended by a nucSber qt memnbere of the. Liberty ville locl.- The IgNeiar of Trptow & MaoBon. Fuemiturs S3tore in belng derorated. tbt.1 uSes e hépublie service. Cnpany loi ah* bulg remnodeld and decorstedl Koep Thes. Dates Open Wednes"y and Thursday Feb. 14 arwd 15 THE FROUICS 0F 1917 AUDITORIUM m pu'edSw te a t, a eg.St'. Episcupa luck Ueos.ssstMusicalHginu Voir. ose "am cirsDow. Rssseed Sso" e Dres Staire-50c. How Many 35C. Winter wiU pais ud pgwil coe and pha. of improvemnent Winl b. given effeet Thy ought of course to imclude Wimg Your House for 'Electric ih The. expense cf the op- orati ýn-fixtures includ- ed-is usually smal-it often,izîfact, works -out lises than $2 a month, for we spread the. cost cover two yeams Full details on requesi PublicServioeCo of rNoth«u UnDiluais foot badly smashai Jan. it vhsïbw loadfng a cer ofbouse moe 19 5itod* aI Fax Lake, le .1111 nuabi. 10 Us. blé A number of Ltbontyvlle people veut 10 Gages Lake Wedueey t0a &sufd the. aledicalion of thé e @G&gssLais cburcb. au acofut of wbicb appeare lu another columu. Mrs. . 8. Whitney bas beeu confluai! Luba ha ne for the pest veek witt Laeipue. Mis. Wiisou o!f Grayetai.., came Wednésday tocnre fon Mne. Whitney. Mr@. Thomeu Bennett@. wbo accom-. pauled thé remalus ot ber father, W m. HI Flagier, froi. Butté, mont., to Liberty- illie, la! t foi ber home iu Butte, oui Toesday eveuiPXt The Merebaute' DelivenY Compaujem WIWAII FLA(LR (Contnlbutedl Thé deceased. Wm. k. Flail.-r, wel kuovu lutablc covnmunlty as Weiliau îthr places tbrougot Lae couly n LIbertyville towuslîlp. vas boru ln WastîhgtonU li . New Yorw State, Sept. 7, 198,aud paceeti a. &y at the.bomne of1 bis daugbter in Butte, Motana, Jan 24, 1917, hiug 80 yeare. 4 monti andi 17 days of sgt. at thet tme of bis death. Hle corne west lu 1854 aud lcettled lu thst pant tif Llbprtyvville townééhip, Lake -înty, % hero lie bus madee Aile reuwdtnct. d1tîng the. remaitirg part of1 bis if1- tinte Sth t ih.. exceptionî of a enîrt tînt.' w firb h.. witutsth hice bildren Ilu Mîntanta, uev building wtilth in ceing etrete i'(ti "' a l-nilie pasced awav. He wias. nritedai thé back 01 Wm %Wlrude I10<jate Oa'- i ae ,.liic Mrgnn V AEIn isttrnétive etre<turntsud viii ho corm- ,of Haloy jin. e ar 1865 ut tiireclome plete lu tva .eeeke. lf tit war, ai.d Mr. and tIre. The regiir meetng of the. Ernuest la.cerliegan umonn le n i Uolig thir p Workers ée v; iii hi. el! ut the. ham,. n.igtîbors here on the farin. loto tie of Mrs. J. S. Bystt ounl'Viiay aiternoon,- home ofUt. aud Mn Flagler livtclildr..u rob, OIb. Ail imembers urge t t be ewrehorn-lhrpeemons andt eo daugb- n prisont sas tbent. viii hé vont. 1 ter-wbo purvive hie depoture. Théy e Tha dancs given by the Miii Producen; are: Lewie Plagier of Butte, Motana; [ Aeoiiou ri the tovu hall hast Thuns- Leoniard sud [--grand Plagier o! thicago. O day uoighS s sawit attendédt and the.fil ; M»s Belle Mri n r Lillian dailles greotiy enjoîsi! thée veulug. Thb- Bennett of Btte.' Motana.- Thé. de. 7 muie vai urolsbeod by- apke'à orches- ceaîaed saleavés eotirsebrothére: W. E. tra. iluttorfed. Cs@. Botterfielti and E. W. Thé @trocug vld accomoanlet by Buter4,id. ail nesldlug in Lhertî ville ai suose, et SUu"Y kept tht. street& lOwtIV93p. asveili as many more distant 01 prsctically dereit ail day atid ouly tes relativeisud a largecircle of trieuda vho ge peope vetur.d out efeu îogo tocbnrcb. sorros iecousne of bis departune froin thé umu lu the local churebes belug tbem. poorly ttende'i. Mn Plagier, becaue or bis etîdien flete Thé Valatine party given hby tht. Merry sud hie splendid record as a dt.teuder of Makers Ini tht.Auditorium uTuendtay tii-Uiloit. has been ideatîltidwlth trieT eveulug vs. very veti attende! snd "old 8éoldipra'et ofLaie conty for naiîv E aud everY nt. bai! a mont pleasant timte. 1,919Y..are meeting witbi thl-m vicry i(Aton Tht. bail va. appropriatl decoratedinl thpir iG. A. R. servicee sud their n for tht. occassion.- reulons te, butallattnsd lu enînty tndi! Tht. Ladile' Aid met at tht. bomeé of! ate Htenter.-! Comparly i;utf96rut Mr*. H B.EgerTue-day alternoan. Ibere lfol »Anuî 186, fsud re n te luthIl )eiug qutes lance attî.udance. Suppen r 01 'until 1862,<and...ut tht, van tnhe t vas serrerd hi Ur. R. B. Eger, ui h l* o h a ie E. W. ButterfI.-ld and Mre. M. Oibport, W" o iorably dî.changed. filt beix llîîeebrly uItM r. Flairler vaebaptized t olver itnb g éve utht. chriotian fatt sudf becume a m.m- % Th rî,-eterîaiint piv..u uî.der tht. ber of the. Wesieîan cbnrch wilt h wch1 I unpiices ot the . iii g t.adi's o Sb. hoid.entifier!himtif for mauy y-ars sudF lotup' church Weduesday ight In tht. aléa îfr.qnvtury attenid.! church services l Auditorium drew a largo atteudance aud lu the M. E Church as Dîamoud Lakeie tht. pr.îgram o! drille, resdings, noon sud other c,.mmuuities. Uod ganted ç etc.,ose heartity énjoyeti hy theaudknoce. unrtuo hl a long Ilite sud mauy dayâ on! Thé trains ou the t3t Psul lil,.bad a se *bave tht. promise.bohem tbt "Tht.& bad tîme utflit on Mouday mornlug, ail ffbt. beatinlia cravu of giory. IfI thi. trains hiug 1l&te la u.rling sud thé lounti in thé say of rlghteousness"' usriy mOriug train leavlng for hCa About two ontbs ago the deeasei tnom thé Fint treet stbtiou ai 6:50 'Ras tairejet and hum ths sineés héll v&W uoshê i. w bavéOunsecouni 01 agrev seaier sud veaker becausd. of bis *tlmeesOI." ,-adtauced &go outil t lt sGod Caibi! Acueé Camp No. 176 Id. W. A. viii give hiemsvsy to -Tbat Long HOMe" aud thoiein aunal mquerade haillst thé beesués hé vas a soltien sud lougit for Auditorium ou Fridavr eeulg. lieb Ot. i. Country se are remîndeti of a tribut. thire i. to ho gooti munie aud the te the. soliitr's veitten by James Woodmt.q soore ait sho attend a goond Bucihain: Mime. A costumer w ilbe nt the bail tun 'I$eueaîb tht. roabs of tangied seedi the atternon sud .ve.ning. Afarr in country grave,-3ard le, At thé Md. E. chnrcb on Tuesiay ente.- The nIVn .ht.e utir.ctIlmd deede lug thé eb.arcalionurthe- "iIrîct dm1.- Have siamped 'hi@ nationîs d".tlrîy." vras bd. Tht. pay promises b «out- - B.-nt ab thow ~tot terng vlabolf ate. lîas auythieg lu the lioé ever tit out Wh-oe. tribte, m.,.. antd mold efface bere. J Ilii hégiv.en lu thé Auditoriuni the. cafnlut thatitadeumgvst Co Tuad. .andIr.iai .ht-e. Pcb 221 The tîtesubstranu of ounr rac." .1 and 28. Thé e te ita ifffrout boit tfý thé Auditorium viii hé reservet fur 185 aud tht. rpar hait vil- Sien hé réserve!, but th tickets Ion thése mats viliiCust oul.y 25c. The play viii hé glvt.u under thé sospicés of thé Md. E. 1unday sebool Tickets Ifur Thuroda i ubt Cau hé mred as Dekes drug #toré sud for the loUlivig igt si Lovel'. drug ftore. 'lueidai Mornipg st 6:30 ocnet a t~i Si Joepbs Cibole hu cboccurred1 tbé mtuanflg c i mr eW. L*- @- " sd1 Mms. IL. Osson. both uftti. qi. The grroom Ia the son of M r.a&d Mr@ Henry4 4avrenc. aud laweillknowu in tht. commuflty. The bride la a uster o! Ms e £Stafford and bas maliy friewdé beire. Ater tbe ceremony a breakfapt was serv..d for immediatu rlatlveu sZd finondasut the. groa .sptren ta. The. couple let on the 9:20 train fior a short wedding trip to lti%! Ba. Wicoupln m * aud Mrs Clar..n"Ce ly and Ur and Mr@-. E.,rd arctanoied theia-. for s Clîcatro. Upt.u their retursi Mr. Lovrpnce ba@ mude t.. builti and untilt tbr honie le r.'ady fir tbem they oulIivP V6oith hic Piliet, Mnr-. C. Colby, Tiiir nîony frwnds extend hut vîebee and A Bske duialwiib. giveii Wedne-f- Clay evenii.g', F..b M4.ilthe.1 0 0. F, hall hy the Nortb Am.-IenicUion t Ladies brnîug baskets. Evrybody w..l noms. l comae to the. parcet postt aa giv..n by Mn. Jas Davl'S S clap. elonda Ven Girls, Tbu rpday eveujlia. Pet, 8th lu tb.- M. L. Gym. Admis-ion a parepi vorth a dîme wbich viii ha éoid duriug th.. oecsiug lot %ii amoutwloc0. 56md IFAIR1JOLM GARDENS I M. C. UURRI)GIE & SON Phomq iO-R-4-Gim.éausorm" mp42vjo Table Ferns Prillroses Boston Ferms Begon"s SPLENDID lOUSAI AT VESPER SERVICE A splendid program at songs and lusirnm..ntal soiecîlous vas reuiered ili tht. V.-etr iservice bei!ln thé Lhétyrilie M. E. chureh lasI Suîday afts'rnoou, thé p@rvice beiug attende! by quit@ a larg number sho brave! thé vers inqiemeut 'eséathér lu orduàr Io attend. For thié srvie thé talent vas 1om' eut-ofiowzn. anti ev.-uthosé sho havé tait.u part iu saine of thé prevlî.ué pro- grame vset. pléaqed tu hé able 10 héar utheareud.ýr sueh ciceliut numbsers as onî tbis .tcctil, Tht. pogram rendent.! vas as folos.: Oru Pr Pl uie-.--Vaiations" - Miss Viii WillKnd l..d..iniaî Vocaul Soo-ý'Cromeiig thé Bar"-.v. toii Fi. Ete..piicve Lecéon ait! Praytr-Rt.v. Wmu L Zahel Offrtoij-luiôsc Vvian Willard Linder- Rtding-"The Mon in tht. Shado"- Mi- eNoiîiibelorris. Grepn. Voelsolt- lue 0Saviaurs ýCom. F'oti luit-" Firplnuht" - Miss Vivian Wlland Liiî!.-nMac. tlt.uéiieitla. T "" IFi'OIIC oF 'A 41'0 hl gve .t tihe l t. ruW. u~orium udt W.dueoia.n au! Tbutsdity, ses ntt d.volope!l ii a m imett. P rluînar Placs eré.-lise ai.m gité .asNiîvpîub.r "dhiliiue Lieeiher thé reeaneis bay bect Ocup.% iîg uîaîîy a lat.h,,ur b. ctire producttîl. léainsgtu hé sdI icent..l'lis-ha been thé résolve. Oie tvili not hé lii- t.ndlScern thé maris c.fIamatpur honte talent. ihougb ht...e viii hé nocif' rt tai rnovelanulîtttatu finavitigle tntht pai o! thé actons and actecéses tfthé perssflaieharucturietic of fini hompepoebrie. Il your umm e i uneutloneti maite note al tha !act that von have batée hthmnr vlth ecsnsq actonne, and i l fnEbétons your sopvluînoffieqr. sliîmor patrent as Zh ciou Ma1-. bdoYO pesé. fldtb Tis idùosui ~5du&IL ~FakYeràe:WÀR IE#BE seha wool ai 10oî1, S YS R F.IA S i'neacing servicles Ddxt Suday muoril 0f LAKE3 FOR] ing wAt h blas foll0A: oe.Mrclug ar vice at i o'clock Rev. T E Rea Il ieacb ou thé topic-oudiitokepu Urges That Boys of Lake orOUr Record on 111i h.eenn est'College Be the First st 7:80 *liservice lu <a "aiwiii hé Respond to Cali. iigions sud 9sirotir eîîg u iirlinitrat- - ed sermon ou the snbjîrt. 'Li»eol'ý CLASH CANNOT BE AVOI Lits and Falhla i. od." M,,ri- thon 80 ____ héanllfully colored illnetratîonme yul hé Prof. Halsey Is in Chargeo ueu i th orvie.Thepulii.cori- Department of Political ally Invitai!. e ,"pautiuuiiig the Wîîrl that Lincoîn n ceai Lake Forest. Bean" .viii hé the. vBil .<t f thet. etente ,ie Epworth Ime eme.tirnc <- t.<tndfty Wrbtents nt .-rttiug atr6:43.ILe dee.i.aS.e.'andu1 and Richard 1Schobnek., - ml îîiî*. AIl cordlaliy invitei.' Choir rebeareol vill h.- lî.li m Friday veniug of this voek at 7:3i0 lîarîi. Ail meuibers of thé choir are *ît,.-d t', h. p-sent for epecil ork.- Tht. February Meeting î,f tlb.- Wînian'o Home MI»4duiary .ortertY ,ill bt held ext week Tiuroday afternoon, Feb. 15, at the home ofl Mn. Wtt. Mheeler on LAi. St. Mms.Whsslen d NIrm.'T. E i... viilser,.Ail - weitiiere sud iléendi ogedta 10attend. Presbyterian, Ch('oir praetica ou Salerday eveuing at 7:80p.m. Thé etudyut tht.rudiments if music under cholesten, Jo.. Waugh ic îettiug cmore ioteretlg everyv week. Sunday serv$es--Sudamechool 10a.m. Morulug service 11 a ni. srrmon hy pa.tor: "Gbnlitthe Ail an! ln ail] " Christian h'udeiyornmeeting ati16:45. T'his le conseeration meeting and every Endeavorr ésoulti m.e precenit tuanswer Lii tht. rail <ail. This îe als. the. lime tor uîakiitg au offérng ta the, (I.H. wi)ri Mr. J(s. Petéýrsoaof Ottunica, fla.. andi at present a tii.. Nionue Bible I n8titute. Chic&"o, vil 1,4.1h4-leader of the. meeting. Poiîînar t.vtntug meetitig 7:30. A ~iiltisang service viihpi,î.îal selec- tione by the. chorus choir anf Mn. toc. %%anàgh as sobioli ,Bérnîuoir by paitar. Thé tiret of a sneai ocermuineaintht. Finst Book o! the bible. If von are luît.roett.d lu thei story of Cr,.atiou Son chboul! comeho thes addneuéem' "Whlch vas orut crealud i1be éeor thteEàg?" W.. are slvsyi gis! to veicume étrangors. St. Lasveoce Episcopal. 5ev. E. 8. Whte, Pniesitmi-change. Ilervicee viii a e M luintht, Village Bal until futher notic. [loly Communion except firet Sunday lu month 7:30 ar. tiays 11-0tia nM, MoraliDg Prayb Brundsys 11 a. m. Cberch Scbool D.48 .n QU.DTO UEETITS UIDMRS. À. STIER TIJESDAY Thbe WpmtuiuigtpenGuli! o! the Pneehv- terinieuchueh iwlll nisets t thé home if %Ir@ A, Sti-r aot Tunday evouiug, ['ci lSth. Tht. fîllowieg viii tatse part ou the pragram: Snii.c- LtinAmerlica sMisiion Fiel.' S.,-ripturs eleto.-r Colfmane. Mdiss Etna Shapten, Mise Flora Stapies. Idrs. kloag. Thome havlugcharge of thé toit hook program are: Mre Ruth Niebole, Idrs. Mdahél Woolrldge, Miss Jsuuie Dern au! Mnri J. Wilson. Miqelou s torie, fnom Latiu America vilii hétoi! hi Une E9. tiorlts, Mrs. G. Olsudor!. 1rs A. Ko.. In Memoriamn Iu lovint. memory o! George Joui.-. Du ér. sho depate! tht. fief. h11,1908 Att t, 1 M-Cres heta th Allthinge cie 1 ihavé foreatén; Tiiun roîui heure my &sl ciait be, Penlsèh .veny fond ambition, Ail I've miugiît or'hopeti or kuovu; Ymet hu- nchim i.nty iCondlition, W hile 1 prore luit. Lord my ownu Luvîn. Parents@ Notice of Sperial Assitisment Publie nîîî ii. i.. hércby ginen thiit tht. »iventh inetilliîîeît on Speciài Aést.e.- inthNto. 3 Villagve ofbLihentyvitte ta fnov dueé anti paý abule ai thé office of tht. collectai .5e9 Lieti 13 Mornem, Village Cottlector. Pneumnonie as a Heath Test. Science now lielleves that a Masu1 who hu just pnesed through an ut- tack of pneumnonlu lathe. hst Imagiu- ahe i.e l.Insurance riai, for thei tact £hut he pnrvlved the dimsns la absolute proof ot bis powers of reaistancesMd 'udurnce. STOO LATE TO OLAUSIF Y fOR SALE-Pair ligbt Bobalsilgb 'Cor- Imet & prwderitlts 64.1 WANTfED-Yonoe marnled COUPl e t von lin taqlriaCl ln pérffo n Albert K.d~r.tobl.bisnorth ofCreami.ryI Stalione. on Telegraph Bu"d. . pi "nud pray that thse young men of f ST For- tto )IDED of the Sci- States 1 hope Df Lake Fiorest wlll lie among tht. irst ta r-' epoudto th ie nations <aIl, If s cati shouit be issut.d,' saad Prof. John J. Ha.Isey, viso, s îrotably lietter servi-i lu politlrol aud ecanomlc condition 8 of thse world thon aey ont, athorrmin of Lake county. Prof. Haieey matie thit boiti. yet trteresting stotemeut ln addreasiug the. tudents of Lake Forest coilege jsb the chapel services Friday moru- Ing.- Ht. admittedti 10the atudeuto that' lt1vwas the firat ture ne u is career that be bal matie a predfictlon of sncb im- portance anti a predîction which wouiti bear ou tht. pence sud appi- ness of tht. people of the. United States. Hia statément *as greeted by re- Marks o! appruval froin the students of tht. college, sud vithin a fev houra tîme tht. Men of tht. tlsleraity ver. talilng of formiug a cumpony ot tralned men for service ou the. fieldi. sbouid the call comeî It la exp.ected that miltary trainirig wiii he taken u ai the ltAke Foretc coiiu'ge lmmtdlstely. DEPUTIZE POLICE AS UNOjFFICLt REs. CRUITINti OFFICERS That Is Plan of Mayor Hastings Who ls Head of North Shore Municipal League. Waukegan. ll'tb. 5. Aeordlug ta a plan i;orketi ont by -Ma-or Hastings, of Highlsand Park vin la Premldeut of tie North Shorei Munlcipbe lesgue, anti which ban ré- celved thé endomsment Wu 'Mayor William W. Pearcé, tht. policemen anti city officiais vil] ho dépntlatd as unofficlal rt.crultlng offîcers for tht. United States. At noou today. after receiviug Ma- yor Pearce's sanction. Mayor Hast- lngs telegraphed Presîdent Woodrov Short. vert. waing bis sanction be- fart. stops vert. taken totieputize the pllcessud clty officiais of the North Short. as recrultlug officers. Thifs plan vas received i wth entise lasm by Commandant Mo! fett, of thé Great Lakos Naval Traiuing Station. via said tiat ho sonid providé al the necesaary application bianks sud Itteraturo. Mayor Pt.arce saad: "At tht. ontbreak of tht.Iilval s;ar men vert. rocruted on thse spot viore ve nov stand for service ln the army. At that tisse- a mas y he s Ameo r MW-->11ýCorne in; ask abotit. The flrst step ta success Is BEGINNING to SAVE. Would John D. Rockefeller ha%ýe been tbe richest mon In the *orld If he l1gd notSAkVEP 4IF1RST -DIME? We offer you an easy way te begin. Corne In: gt FREE a -Christmas Banklng Club" book. Put in our bank only a DIME; Increase your deposit only a DURE each week. In 50 weeks you will have $127.50 Vou can\also start In with 1 or 2 or 5 cents and increase yo ur deposit this same amount weekly for 50 weeks and have $12.75, 525.50 or $63.75. We olso have clubs where you begin with $1.M0 or $2.00 or $5.00 and put In this samne amount avery week for 50 weeks and get $50 or $100 or $250. We add 3 per cent lnterest. You can stort ToDAY--sTrARTt 4 LiiBERTyvILLr- -eILLIN~OIS Capital and Surplus 550,000.00 BARGAINS IN Handled Axés.................. 8& Doublie Bit Axes .......... Splitting Mauls .........50e 80 gal. Caidron Kettie ...... $450 Amerîcan Washitig Machines.-. 30 Large Enterpriee Food Choppet~s. .$1,40 Asbesýto8 Sad lion Set...... $1.50 (ila8s Jar Coffeti Mille............. 50c Coppter Fount CoIld Biast Lanteru . 1.00 Copper Fouxit No. 1 Lantern..... 75C Haxid Corn Sheliers,............. 45c Spear Point lIay Knives.......... 80c SCHANCKHRDR Rub Milerco*uct. asalon hPJ my drug store nov stands. and 1I m tbld tiat recrults sert. eullsted ati à UBUiTYVILL, ILiNU table -ie tht. barroom. I heartlly ai> ___________________ pîrove cfthie plan as suggastt.d by Mayor Hastings but hefore 1 atI_________________1___ vilU ask tht. sanction o! tht. memben, f Use elty adminitaton" Independeet Classied Ad@ Pay. Ask ejauimsr 010b 1In spite of high prices on ail ljpes of Mer.- ichandise, we have been able ta secure some redn jbargains and here list a few, which we offer as very I special this week. Marquisette Curtain Material in cream, 36-rn. wide, a 18 25c value at............... ......... .......... Marquis#-tte Curtain Goode, 40-in. wide, in creain or Arabian, Speciai at................................ 30c Gingham Underkirta. several neat stripes in service- ' able Ginghaxn, we offW these at .....................Ei. C Lot of fine Sain S1 in black and colore, some in M0É brocaded patterne, these are rare values at............DU THESE ARE BUT SAMk.ES 0F THE MANY MONET SAV. ING OFFERINGS. YOU WILL FIND IN OVR,$TOILE W. W. CARROLL & SONSCMP Phon. 2U ---pggs~1ussôS:sSsss SSS Sl--- I-------- CgjM b. s tAtthe Chicago a»d MOit Sborq 3Wway staLt;ôn 0 ý la. li lit

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