CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Feb 1917, p. 11

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te Encourage Favor. U L ýALTS 1% THE HOUSE. Delines, to Introduce 1 ; . PromisesSupport- 7 hurtIeff 1: for 1I. Atty., ý. r. Wes in etqoiu<f lti. wbere holla o1bln $»e Mtereots o! thfilve Mis dr inp b»wbe i opobd i A.vsl uIt&UM'. . th ia 4)m rveei t Longue of li &I-p tl en o am l vj4î *k~is o ljbintg pali te bd jiteft b iv j! knoikBut,46t flef soes. it Beeme tbit Mmu Wii net wim s of the. lea<u= qnté< e e. It le futgIood liaI Qgo", t n sacstated. han b" '.ib tamidt avle » buthemay elob! >rv t even *60u811 ditaitef and tn Otow he bUAve *.sbem enIi l th ba.i0 pe t ima;y aWes asretusai to> -oUsthie bUtil a '. vb wy SI 1 à.. s way la the boue.. 09?lI~ cf arari Vofl couuli m, Iwt tfor b'. vol a" wi =imy. nue. for the tinte bé, 4,j ticbW laI.beld up Ilathe.bboes. t«oe lerenomthbt the.désirel !meeo ta bave a representtfvie flou *tà. tbe Elsbtbdistrict. inlauduce ii 40. om. te date bus eiWev.aiad 'ir M ,fdolas go. 1. Ts.the léague repremmaitUvé Io 'la.l bavlng bils bands fui «euendà"Ieoffertt a lets- ujuqable in influences vien ho a Vý mt~ iade up sud tin esa #MW FACTONY SaSEOUfCZD FQà I AtOINSTQN, L.AE GO#10. à 410.000) coufflny hb" #eemrn 4l te bqw sfuL wory At fiarlulenaM r. ie e obnaticu e" ad silo- illus devIse. Inv pabmted by 0. A. tevena r d.ns iaM . eh n se lune U. sé< le ivy a154 ýOàdermsSud là,pFc!mee9thfe ~ ie n rie Iat atiS totemsofUlgia la vis ie'esideut ase * gecrelar? miefflceOP pLnst, miDoeA, G..G<sj "W. are ~lu Umie~ bave alsow ý9 w atw nd iare Percâms.&m tenàUtj1nputet e ucture et tbpÊ.I-L â i t Nortbvqêarswo ~ . ~lga conuceusethèma1ie li lug frano bligeto 411,sa0f thd country.' W. ta >ý1d te lb. tiye. ép*slà e wester opona "MIOur oapept leass»urai for lb.effrat year. pos~bU~IAPy aecun.4a cotract'1u olkOUfiJetram Ar gentineRcqiI San 4Sqp~'. h. b19-. reaPoulbb nt,- &i' etcf . in th lobby i" tu4~ Desil Camese Dfut1klg th a group pcf trle ho> 44b baiAluper e,, lw aAiler, Goen. Pwti~f. i~! lu 40 bout of béi et,, qs* w vti 5lIerbrg~s D 461spjoi. * 0 t. isilusuiè~à~1 vl~ er 4 e nta. The. ra"eh*fla lutue di4 "5e" vails. Tiý group èamui ig 10 listen af d tien.Vsti F, aid eollapmod. tis aé ý1%*thoutrcoverlag conIo 488Sf "or spegaklgnotier word. Optimitle Thoucht. AUt excella la lbn--oeiuçlOe as e WII es lic5eaue AT L I V iJ4I4Ud Conom pwlelnorpffiratodç SPIIO WATER AYILA&E. A large. mo&em bottling plant son la to b. Iocated lu Llbertyvllle. at> teingtoad4vk« eM ..veg fvcmVbhi- ao.The concern, known as lie Lomax ecpan»y, have been estab- llsbed Id' C1mo for sIxty4live years ses4 are Mo opcated ter fM0,000. ACuâoman ineaulre if a Cl- oug Iievpaper Wltb, regard ta the À#Ibg et **S Lomax comanurand,!* given the follovlng reply: p~.i ozapany bam men.tir b"m a4 arated wltb a Capitalise- Oe $. Cuhltfai25,000 g Iaee- f ~l pref.rred stock and ubàm eaof Common $toc#. -behi Svaine et 010. The Pr». M4là bain# otfered at lhe *M S i bafu. vti a bôni UMM 0" t 5 cmmnstock for o!preferred ste«. Thé.p#Oompany bas hein organ- 184 n oser biness of uman-. -~fpz'Lmmfx bottled beverages. ,u*4 in bave been ln cou. 'ttpa for lMore thah six- .e to torect -a It# ueledaa pzlag of un- ýTic stock la bels& 41 t& paie.,of bullding and lbertyvllle plant and 6eded vorking capi- b$ harea cr the ne b bave aeuul &go e md qn d ualitles M4 bave lg o fo a number of dtdli payments the stock b, *e "I 08 a a uemm --ana aucIio. tbeugb flot vithout pos-1 ma r~endant lu a $500 danma 1 in lucircuit court tedey by 4*041àthee açlse of *t*>lae vife. oh@ mat vas tlled, by AltOmtY O.K rviL- il la onee aitie Most emta*61 tled lacircuit court la la bils MI h caed Peter,- rt thcultrlvnzs ad vlk»dly t% ta tlijure blI&adsu d 0d- ie cI f thceucèfety and asst- bêt çte detroY e affection Of àils vim for im."- b illrelalesat am sdilai vf. vqrepaerld May 8, U11. and Il6f a faiy tetImm mtf oe 1 Ï915.pbcu exx aya PetertorI aor-; rlved IDth fl oue. on tutI date and On divers olie da". place, at ramylako. Waukegau sud ocher cil- ls a-lài" Cliup and UhIMIot a veil as, lu Wiomui. Mluiesota. flot ti los.Bota DebOn mon- »» 844 «W-ster tatés. hgeslePoes,- xrt ifud»W.xîý elo-tc accota- pany ita wboroxer be vent- As aàvolaitho sayals ,Wife's a- fecîlons iOlWlate4 ad 4stroyed, Hie maêeq the. turthier cirge liat loetekot îuda<ilire. B3rIsito agel credt In bar, husbad'o namp for 9clolhIlg, etc.. te the extent ci $600. Ieuab ul LiaI b. la u etied t to d.4iefore i vlgsumi L for damages lutead of aeklug for a -divorce. The Mngc ~rf e i- vaukee salrat tic elitric lno %lOat vs s t yeq lao ul o r.- elverahipt lat bad exteuLded aver a ,o5 f ffié,.,è e 4t report. cdits oprationa for lie fulYear cf '1,1. qbu ii i aI li lnth e eest of the ffB.0~lra inoftgage bouda vas esmasi almost Ivice. The fic.- .. res:" Total opertlng revenue: 1916. $1.- pense. ,uluteunce 'taxes.,19is, $1". ;1 $, 66ti. nt6: aminl meAt*w totaim'se hi e ' r t thât lie operatlng expeusem mimd, maIn- tenance cutiay amou5hiUg 10 more than 15 pir ýCrt -a! lb. iqlal operat- r h~e leboni la ln exoosa of. 'e e0.000.*ý-n tuesý>day, F tç' 27t , the Sensational vent Ths iStore OffersMen, WVomn' 'anod Çhiildren Every Requirement They Needl Apparel At Away Béekw Present Market Prices For One Dy- Witoi~ t~h~4w o Joubt tbe G r* Men's 1.50 $1 Musln ?ct- $1si Trousers ticoats, at 'J TrouzeXs for dress and An elegant musliîî - work. Splendidly maide ?ctti'coat value that and in excellent seice- is acpially '*ortlî tion. ____double. Dceep ra 12*Çc Côtton broidery flounces. Towels, 12 for Flannelette s Women licre is a nighty good Kimnonas, new bargain for Towcl buy-$5M t crs. 12x27 inches; cotton Fully made Kunnnos of Wiebciki 4u k; fast red borders. heavy fl ni1t.Well îilabIi made a.d 1P sat de- izes mosly. I aigus. L' un.i dCuban beel Rotmd or square mer- cerized Table Cloth at a 'ii*W Towels, r price below what we muet pay for our next Novelty lot. - that. wer to 7.$ Men's Reg- 15c $~ Choose fr4 iilino'of Dresses' 9.we ve e 4trmrejular stocks. So7x---8 pairs About al i ù nluded. Soi that will stand liard wear and corne in al ~LA eolore andi sizes. Better Iugeo Regular prict get a supply now. *Dolr Dfiy of ail shoea I.Xraiq Carçet $, reta ry This sweepi '~c nats,~ or patterns in the cele- goes intoe AIIwol enuanor36 brated wate>proof ail Shoesf 3ç iuce) that se»l for CnoemB ~ adwm 75c reg ularly - Globe for aIl uses. ?urni- at $4 and ul Furuiture Annex. - ture Annex. ~ç urtj $ ~ Linge, w Votls4~4 Uie oe f o filk Bloume, ~cc çurede Ofie c rt-in lbig od*-h soîetof vlesin40înh ith Blouses sleete fq lots that sold A limited lot for dlr frdul dollar. d3ky. - Ma Tm"kiah "mk4wâ4eDollar Day ?e3,Ntq 1 9 m) tEmbroideri set pf StO'wP&M (2,,/ ndqat) t.. loped edg 6.Cu 4 .n pY nfs Pt $.8~wy P Towels thal $i.7 6-~u~t 3rll Ket1.~(wth over), at 35aNy> $,.71333 inches. 1.50 Etbra 22x45-iinch fuil- bîcacheti at e> floicx TurishTowhs hatsei Ietty taffeta si big range forks 35 er Petticoats in ail col- designus. i for35 awas.Beor bs. Aetually Bell 45-incli. $1 get. a supply dollar day. for $1.98. While 100 last-$l. R cg. 1 5c C rash $ Win ter Coats i tochýlng, 8 Vds. gBiWOddLà tt .4~ leas than pr~yailiag The kind of Coastatwiiheiul w holesale pri inse in fashion for sPriug. Selected f rom good youeaubuy ol- incomplete lots. lar Day. iS-incli, blue .u-nh4nc Cee, border. Meo's Sweaters$ (l1.50 kind )- at Gray Swýeater Coats l ail sizes. A splendid, hcavy Sweater for half what you'll pay thii tinte next year. Ki~Shosgo An clegant Dress $Iloe in' sizes 31/, to 8. Turned soles and spring bes Actually worth double. 1.50 Tub $ Stands at sturdy hard-wood Tub lStanfflsthat told compact- W.A wash-day need jevery woman should have. moï~ vn o ~ er Made-up Sheets in large size. An elegant Dollar Day v'alue that will go quickly. Get a supply early. Umnbr4Uas $1 (Reg. 1.50 kind) Uèn's and .women'm guaranteed rain-proof j5~.~j~ftbig as- sortunept of fancy han- dies. loqtq 25. 3for ~tren '?,is glection of fa8ipuable Xeck- wear in *el <olors andi designis. The flare style LeiherxV~ipsPurses1 with héad einmiÉg- While they last, ohoice $1.00. Patent le*ther, gun- métal, vel'vet and suede Shoes in emal sizes Mnstly. Choice of any for $1. 15S&ikT p$1 Union -Suits O SU1k tops of pink or white. The bodeà of fine& lisle'é Ail sizes in- cluded. A timely offer- ig. Ai IIW onTiS $ FeitSper Choice of aur entire sur- Plus of pelt Slippers in ail desigus ad colors. Values uýp to $175. Wo~c1 Sincklris.3 heels. Garteit tops. , A chance ta save on your next. suppýly. va VaLo.c,42 $1 Yard Bolts, 2 for8 A large sélection of pat-- terri Edgings secured -u a birg «pecial purchase lot at half actually wvorth. Embroldered $1 Pies (to2.50)at IAu odd and end assort; ment of embroidered SCenterpieces, Searfs, Jackets, Bonnets, Caps, etc. Choic11 for $1. $2 Wàma4$uits4.......$ 1 75c Knike. . 2 for $1 $3 Ovewatu, ......t CHILDREN-S Mc Flannelette SLEEP;NG GARMIkNTS,..3 for $1- 13jp - .»~ i n i U ~ o p i $ 1 ePksicrfti hen K erS 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ P "~.G0eW u fder ýor Tins remarlable laffldry order at away be- low wl4osaIe eost for Dol triDay. No 'phonie or mail orders. NOùe sold to childi Ca. 121/ceBleached aiI U1P t0 '9&Dress ',Io ds. $ 121/0 Dreas Ginghbam. Three mighty values f rom our dress goods section, any one of whieli you ean buy Dol-ý lar Day at 10 yards for $1. 1ýtter iestigate

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