CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1917, p. 1

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-~ f LIBRTVILE iNDEPENDENT LAKEç~jyy ~Lake County 's Big Weekly> WAUKEGAN WEEKILY SUN LAM COM M M e MhgM M " Q*1181111 0"Weekles m QCuetyCombkie VOL. XXV.-NO. 9. TRLEPA&GES LIBERTYVILL, LAKE COUNTY, 1LLIMOIB, THURSDAi(, MARCHà 1, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEA~R IN ADVANOU EIINEFWOOMEI IhKEMAN WtNT 6 LS BELIEVES COUNTRY PK O ~JIt AO~USE PAY TO ROB6 OT3MR BENNII, THE WOP,' AT u4 MILES AN UOURI OU O r TOS HOMES AT LAKE fORESi IURN ÀA MORTQMIE; ~six milles 'n rnlteen minutes At a CLUB W014AN IS AN Dr. John ýDMRI obertsou, health MU IîVE&3; SAY. Tre orem1I.oai, homnes lnPLEADSGUI14TY T HALL NOW CLEilARva tt r h:lu,,, 13EQ UAÀL TO CÇITY'S tato-aand force daimthe prcetto TIJEY 'FELL DOWN" ' ntels We~ alg CHARQE 0F 1111fr 1 tm ubitedonth ZonCiy -It ver Ont, omn ndchld tta o furin egtdays. __ brakeman problem by the twO collegÇe - -wear off on potatOfl for cite les h aetvcieaeeksOeWoTo ati h An Impressive and Ilmp"n, ' ««on, Elton JaMes Moulton, de- Mrs. J. C. Hessier of Decatur ami watch the ofioct.'Il, e saîd There Grand Jury Declines teo0. K. TheRAK H IBtmiaRD re: a s n WoTokPr l h Ceremony HeId at Gurnu ee rtinent of mathematicNotwest- Gives lnspiring TaIk te Wau- 29 arýe lnyOf wPeot& lvedliv Sout& $1300in 'Crimerobe'Iws î~8$2,200 Theft of Brasi at on Monday, Feb. 26. erfi unîversaty, and Ferrant RaeMol kegan Woman's Club. Water etreet colmIoln men. This Atter Hot Arguments. B. H. BENNETT, Deer Park and Blodget From R. R. ton, departant of astronomy and as- week there iee25 aias e Green Bay rond, many gold medals; CARIE DET ONGTIE. rohyicsattheUnverit ofCh MKIN AtIO E EAUIFL.they sliien t l.05 ÏViolesale.'Th,,, DETECTIVES MUST SUE.'other louse t cbecked. 'SKRIVANOS I ARRAIGNEDo. - agThyèebrtes rvd uttr o ll icarts" -HAROLD BRYANT, Ahwanee rosd, F Awy isg~~~f ~~e~i~ - ~ ~~ , ed.qw t a ~ nIJIWy Adiuod Wand No Stop Is b latnw IAttorney.. tqArgue oUaitle byFttlngevemony, Attend: 0, of wil hve a py yur otsonen to City and Country Folks Chicago stob semr lgtatoes as! Taken to Pay Seuth-to Dicovery th thehomes lhed bein ias m" n Others Ar- ed by 250 Pems. e g iUy ptQ n ettgyu in a Strong Talk. iny or gri ta If Potatoes are Sue in FeJerai Court. raîgnied n Court TQday. b____iat- s-sl cimbing flagles and play'- teb f deelred they are dialted for. ----- Es Nr. Bennett made a flying trip taohlb1 Monday evening proved to be a red-! lng a concentrnna up and down Milchi-! A large assemblage ofmehrof tdeeoa that the detectivele, house and noted the loia of more, Ben Tobta. otbe.wise 'usows aa letter Urne lu the carg+r of the Mod. sonflavenSue and n50on. the aukganWonan'sClub and' wee',hlfld bthe rc:gadjr than a dozen valliable medalis. "Banale the Wop," Plead dgulty te era Woodman l e f une,- ,,gusswere uniqulyienertaled onto investUgate Lek county icw viola -an____________ine lt ts iodg otGurne. or Kest uttquey eîet~ned mJnLE a vjFOM jEV Itors, wvin have to nuite a flght for cuit court VrIdeT mornlng. Setence SIt. MW the buraing 0f te mortgaxe T A M(I i. Monday atternoon at the Parlah Houstheir pay. In .11 there ver n"st-I'fhL~TJJTImy '1e procntmcd tomorrow. Un- -. ii ha hun ove iheWoodan ~5AIIi i> Ih hom ~u~ ~ aine - aperatives on-the Job here ati Ijj ~der thse charge Tobiscm be am- ba halfor the past several years. Two, SECOUA 1i th.- a polnted hour. Mrs. Montre Ol.JLtU 88ze' AS va rn oes. Itenced to the state peuteatri foï hndedandfity eronsves pes NUL.JlIJV1. ,MN À I reheiîtrdcdirive n thestart the man in carge goî A UaC cperlod o!ftrainone te tourte hodeaad vIaIrsn wr pe-'Jh C PsIr fDeaur i .Cm Aim.<'E S ?'$200 on account and when the vor' 'JWRL[1 AS V,ÀS 3 yéra. He confesed trait he wue one po ewS n tithe lm. f-on * "' ' .,,.S* .~ ITI ATES M EN w as finlsbed. tbe balance. the titrer 0of those who broke into a Norths ceremony and mii5stone ln the bis- Cý ûÇ 6RJIUdmilfte il ou..elold Department cf ____tor clatmee due vau $1,300. lTIT ' ~f Western ralilroati freigbt car &X Mooda- tory of the Woodmun lodge. S.,,juSauj, CNIT5ION 0" l,- Stat e Farmers' InstItute, wtîo rWiten the bill vas Prestented te t>se JUJ~LUJ C AE SÀJ ett several weesaga, andistuée bral Tht acua h.rf.ngofthomor --- --.înlî' n '~.sule.' "tainaa 1cm u s Koîengkos ot North Chi- Jury et the closing session Wednev A A Ito the value 0f $2200.. cai atua Diesg f tenor-er o Pecttîliara lonedatythe jury ref.ded to 0. K. thé, Eight defendanta are namealulitthe naéw*lit hehands of MW. D.Was)!;Otto Peterson Is Kliled at Lake nlaw ui agtisu e Pclr bl, the ofothe spokesman Caesarian Operation Savres the Indiriment as having beau Impneat- Forest S. u .. Ad .,..y. iî ulit UrjeCi'cuet cýaliiLives o .....j er a d luteaan.PerSai ai tsg e on h ir,. 'aeon x l'r ilî. nghe itk, value ceeived :trum the deterti ves . 1 dlU orenzo Hurt, rharged vwlth havIng Programn. ouched a match bte th Larsen, Friend, May Die. i .vxo paun rI A OKD L~IH. The detectivei declaced t'ley put iii Child of Aptakisic. taken part in the eiame robboey, mn- papebr lan', the flamp whieh shot 4;,t1-. NmZi I s,).r a aid her wock watt arnong A OKDAL N . their thue and did thé best tii. y tered pieua of "nlot guiity." brougbt forth a luxty .hpeenlng and l BOTH WERE H IT BY A TRAIN. rural club tt'ornet n<lnd tilt their prol, e, ould; thal ther got lots of evideni--DI V nro c A number of ihose wbo vers lu- îadcaîpn.Thirs. ai.te mui>.> letus. 1u1intelignee. ýýiçiti-tlon ari Oiopped t10 r'0o f Hme on s ia t hywould eeilill etDR. BESLEY OP I¶IE.dited by the grand jury lest Wediaes- urfd h ble0.0 ý2n Sreti otlSoS teimoneil!Tbe cartsut l erat efre tCut day nlght were arreigned today. becam the chalute î.roperty of th-- eeb nite oiir cii oe reqieli' Early This uvirning. fedeel court ln Cirare te recover sitl din te murder. d>d not enter a l al Woodmen, there vas a .1gh of rel"? -ucaiof!(iliiýýily t N ut ia OTttl'i,'the. money. Lake County being the de H e'iattorney, iH. C. Conîson, matie a mo and everyhotiy feit happy to thini> From Other Direction. w.r.'alîng a study of food values Waukegan. Fleb. f6. n. Most Oificuît. t1nt ue h idcun.Tu offille accomplsbmient of the demire One mnu as ktlled instantly and ".d u- Ioceteiar chidre,' hsi.aid. Was Gus Koenak.m, a Northt Chi-: Itlnla--clied the supervisors voteil - motion vini he arguedaon Mu-Çà t. walch bals preval ed in G GOn fe .'W ood- anot e n as In jur d . perhaps fatally . T ii.-' wer e t ying te help suive the cago G reek, p iso fed te seal hi* s 1p5 h $tbe 0gr nd jury inveitigp ati fonit On- the aleresaf 'r oerly dev o r t -e f iat day 0f tha a i lll te - Aeia ries for yrars -that thte hall Isunicy about noon when they walked proble-m cf the ltigh coRt of living. The noeo oh. h udrtii therefore the detertivea' psy l vi.hae -erdt u.otbJ b- tre.-d of debt. thr othudNrhWsenadvaniced lîrice ef milk anti sgge l, now pending li. circuit court, or did Cmie lu case the jury viabe ta, feet osacrifice ber life t papngen train cetP'enwell'a cross- OureAleeaymg Bathker.. Amochiterrgeu»otdaytvt arclld Élai.lve Erocted by Realdenis. y Li eesrukh nycmmensuraxe vith the lncreased he die of heatr fall te ih' h i. otbte icsl~dyte o hdtih ie eny. pleadeti "net guUity" Attorney' 'ri, al vs nete slfe scn s outisontoaangerstrin, oito routon"hrdwr a eeln 0 h Ci verthie disposition of thi in a The ramit wuiibis: Lew Reutne. as appointted tdef tocu j eans atm 'y cbout ii fieen eai- THE OgAD: i To develop lier subjeet, "Mal<îng a cago Hardware euedry Company ln vaOs ine A BOUTWed $ enACsaprinpeation the mo se - ndMMni a l lUe ie a.arut eaits dott of $Curnn. headed b RaphOTTO PETERSON; skuli cruslsed, liii. eBeaufl" Mr.Hi b rchseNorth Chicago. .1JUeR ityORS E ncT BOT Si ,400ne ioul s opeatteon lu ml-tfe, an-tcoMn. Hne i aetit amn vee n>- ijured lnternally; died lnstantly; hHm uu rs ieffyeidcMea eure oî rsottit bsvelie vspe- Sa iDtie sud W. G. (4mph@il C'Jsttenden. T'ley wr nw sIlfles. body vas thrown Over ~a hna stting for herself te accentuais ber- At Bey OcioithsmOnning KoJi-'I by the Decemben grand jury cen omt t h aeCunynribt so lnCty, vesmot 1lie Ihée OumeesHali euasociaition. the Ides dned font.1 Il gprettence and to bring out and alto.n eturnnotifr05 bhi* nightta vworkLae couniy about $40 earh. fre itteLkfuut e e l t s,. batuti tu have the hall fon social purpos s THE INJURES; emphasize slmplcity, harmony anud ap-!tin the foundry. NeI 'a. n moeyTs gand jury v adlii ession 24, hio nta yd r. rier1u r ely ati 'eaII#1,00. ve y are ebi. CLARENCE LARSON; bath a rm a f hoe ticin Mah juontati Hir. ae 24.Chicthonani Mn. Dieenthe à an i s ort pl metings.ace>f 9 ,.U ,CARNCE vaRS N hu trly; -e u'nsrcehl.ssetlngleheibflane.ond- il g f.~ anti gîe peope a plce tqrholdin Ç50~ilet~fl58 in miing Helbeauitul Han$entreti te Thot menbissasiloeti $3c day.That mana tbt sentti viti a tand Leveopet$pnis*, plai, herget ait ansof méung. ar yarathebroken. on. a cmpound fracture; home. "The scientifir vay in Hie com- e n Twenty-second athet vhen 'le fen the umr ee dwebu Mu factued;he w hut Inermlly;Inl heWhtr hall thitawas maintalneti but tlel k aen tg Alice Home hoptal. mon sens. vay." sai Mm. Meulier, ln convulsions te Ibos figuea $1,400 for ticin titre and ibw OrbIen B«y h, eccs ï ý*ýltý eî z 1 appren tht He dsnxid Lrau ati isfajlin su oten. "ant i res of desigu. colon sud fon rtuCebs as Uiniobeti.but thie Fromm a mber of the grand 3Juýy ~Peisc mtY 'o lcne ~ A~~ 5 ti for eW ocAffare vas harely suffi- vr lluga 'ePtesnhm aetesm oday as tlssy were years Gsk'a -osd v p itsw": unelanatha plo ifl eeoven 50 ta lii. frendnliof th o r.A M. Br-alvafmie A ~ deo t jatfy olin î euimivlyovbr Suuday. 'alaig cone outtranago. There are socrediteti stanrdsdet' efothe doctasama . stpon thnernploygIdete vctesW supeintnteito He op&nle& lia attorneymmatea d tausi hligltecuel tag.The tvo men tarteti out holti l reare i t Z hPeinsihafo" htmm a dwd ft IaPerPose. go. thse Wootimen te aie a littîs valk befone dînneta t dgonId for ail Ure. Intel- "frmadie a hasty exaudnlnatiof the a1nti' money spent In cident lmy Chitagos mont siDfed aungeon.At1o$,010 dedie tu 1purcisas. t tromt the as- Tbsy mnv the nontihounti. train aet ligence. chaire.nt cet, i thees-bbdy, and i concluded t hat desh wu moutptaWanother $100. Thomi la te & mot-rshovu thatthie grand jury probe tiIs boum Olleaito in ezpecting o! Dr. Sln cion vae aen o ' .-bIng sud vaiteti for W ta a, Rtr fbrtahfçi algtecuseti by beart fallueor bIý poisofrot smtsu i too nt ieBee ia hcl lncieifouasgtu vaii-ambr e vl-'ob somate. AtisI asmaiea or L thte roar of thie paaing oehmtfl n.A nua ih atrai Lcf lb tjuo eeeipg seve2,00,arndut0the budsyo! Dr. Murphy redeti as cmessa vlt qntisedeeuiob«$ l pffe given b.ek sud fon môour ' tbey failedta lb'earnthieprahe oebatfl a.A aun Mblh ttn uoarclvdmynpr etO h ad fD.Mrh,»uè ncis hté h ifléal *ýIl1 tâtedule b-m beau. tnylug tW pâliroff tise south bond train andi steppeti di- "The colonr acharne chosen for the Petroalilu -udertakiiig panSes lats ibis manmy. 'The mnm pait lu jury one of AusIerha' les! aurgeons asdudeter aaueer the mmnaoege. Titsvus acelpitbed rectlY lu lis Path. Peterson vas 1 home should b'lebecoming to the lay this aternoon ant ih iab mait tattees doos net comas out ofthie $3,000 ce lllelsuary ff Stha anti maks umanalstge09 ppropnlation madie by the' Laits Mont capable physïians. u.'WS es efeles, vanbte orsa e u ond.Iio preeldes luinte 'lome. At t~ he nsa at nasgt !tise County lban cof Supervisons, andilit D. eme prfrmt Hetpraains $W, t ln vas f TIc Petersous esideti on Aitenitge ir «e promdth pr- n th~ eet@yg. Ioat. Thre as o os av t very cAtisot there shouiti 'e c panandAlmecin contents" sUdt. 1r. Clambos l aiita l0&*$ 100O!Hl to iiloic ii onlgatica ! i M.l The moisey pai dove tW the hall quai ta tbe occasion of ireaiing tise' ia iusoii'eadeeitthot-litisuuu i re' etivi prpiUnvs ent grt ad vuaussateti îy Dr. C. EIL Dube o! lIUMseet Ula ert aaeoiation vasdiatrbuffd pro rata news. Noon caueanti Es. 'luylngtbluigs in c haphasard reporter, matie mcv,. todajy that tWeg and kn n r ari rUe.b hdle eM Mf t ensvesinta. d frets denst S afsongthie mon sMd theln familleslson couitinot Imagine vhy lier lbuse-ner. The flew5 of thi e Ws ceim a is urnst ver nt atoib or Hieday' ihYvWaueg. tDr. .£. rn l o bal m aéonaW w1lob"i eoafrbsted te the erection baud anti Larson titi et colme home "In building a bouse, evottithie use caumeti uneasinensiupon ihm pan of - db net von. vertue net on tvo, e-tyvibis e.D. A E.Brau ta coftla c: r l1.1» or gli. bin. Dr. Young a the pres- tor n aLaeFoei h!-ofyeliov varnih, lam ta place the t'le sPateis a ttorney and hi5l sui- cause ofIbista restaent. atc !l mu iae estemuselo!ticOures ooime. scla iociti.Mrs Ptenon eeed dintng rue n ie esunny aide; b. anis. ton they tstar tfxat thse G"em i Whin vo veeks Urne the Mardigipat sa ei u o ue ena -Isms eua«odetth OIMWo hu.ieau Imo or ed" Uri. Patersonatsont uh- taomulet Dr. aislee ino! ven iIimt se tu>tetatement: -m Ilains 11âlkrpotsat. t ae rianto. Theocioncaretul lu the chire of au arr'itect* viso tiedti iismonning mn"lie hie grand jury'yvln le caliedte WWn oaaitDr elyl if e!m-Ith«e lm 0" te u NeUsel Speken risen. W lve apremoition Thekegasg te taire up lits vor 'lut I ha rieua operacthoni.met eu o*5 Mr. WbM»oiaf Matileon. a national broiethie neya 'as gently caule be sure be is syxnpathethc as vela material vitua» vho t'ley have biem net apeciedt fat thi, jury vii i n A coc i55teioi, Mie oD. ne& tvîeb iestImur.orftht' woo"man. vas rtuF coult. 1 He tolti Ens. Peterson her 1competent. seeing shnce ivo men fo11 tri mimur-session oves thlres dales cCune,'batd nurse et thse Laise trita, Chlcat. »9t« <le est an"igave ae o d ubndil in t'iuged.. om-"Inhm eoa ns h w-oedassbonithecrofTeror' -1v ---ny Gaea hs amade tstion frbtas Wmea JÏo"itWlbyte r. hake ave cauondthe vite tW gues. th usda t s pth-seIrnud effective. Com- t-s1400sîet ntTPnt WeisM s<temenena 'ltai* ii3cf wbs 1 ganmtmone Iling'ltuisoos. ac- vorat for ahe fainted iray. iparativety plein wallpaper'les proceti- Noth Chicago. so ouo ua aavuss "ia ipr.coto ac abi e t 0gneti peatst *^W Coroner J. L. Taylor vas notifleti Sfic.-oven patternu s. . en ic One 'Greek vas btd momam.aam.' cniio ea tâ enetom la r«"«qt compaulati on thse piano by bh ifs, t andtihie inuet vau set fon ibis Wls eigteThcnkogiving night: the oetidetiAR U MIIIID AiNJ coulti be exp-et. *Unleu ifetion His bond alao as flet 811-um A flue supper vas senved, 2F0 Ornn.Pano a ane yIbackgroud, ahoulticoot look conapicu- ' etslu hon necovery ii b. rapîi. 1itfg.oa.-litr h oearsteU.) twont Heyla yvif fve, vto Frttesow on the: bail t m c ataton foos iem e or-ots Tefrn huld e j tsenr t le <6 irursaiqm l1STS THURS DAYladShe ave fbir ot hLD3f3a'JES <%a heslybe ef-r ilght up vell, tott shades rather th Gresis. vill are nov beiti ai murtor dou'lt'" abail-for vn PAKIlOUE IET"itnens for use ahoult be t'le pre- tates Attorney James G. Weic'l, froinWisconsin, Michigan, Indiana uatipetonlccl"v _______ KSKUE'vailing idea lu c'looslug furnîture. or 'lis brother. John Welch, viiiet. ant I llinois acceptei Commandant Lio. cnit sav Tu îir ISE U CES0 - i Bult-in furnitune f tie colonial typ tend hieInquest this evening. Wm. Moffeti'. ivitaton to hniect ber bbyrs ie sIte viiet fat LIthe a SVR S ir plaZth@ IkeDmtrck SObole" whScls vasbas style anti beauty. Wtcier bar- "We cetalulY vin makie athon, station on Wasblgtons bhnbtiay. it soit ber ber lire. dtruonmonieis nicely vith mission. OngleIntvestigation. anti viii tde. The toac'erm caine eariv lu the ln.Uemebrele T M M DR T'lurmday anti Frlday nlghte of aait "Two-toned rags, plain anter, vth Mitiat thie stomac'l cont» b snurnng anti mcny dit net icave Het]lle subutnt TUE FIV13MILE,> givene thebe auppiceisoftheolM. 9.harder, of conservetive pattern, re anlsel idmatiJohn WelcI tangalkstationOuntil afier tank. H bta few' isllea veut ad ~ or h~oMe Jl~ ameThederlubeauspcess e. The stioHait ay go"" ac shool. The lrai nlgbt the hall ha good tante. Ose sboui avoiti son- fitg vith a Sun reporter at tisree numing 2.100, vers put i'lroug'l w : T usON ste s easiyan tsi.large spicuous patterns anti iigisiy motdociccok. special tri» s forthie entalument o fIl ETOS~LN iite *e.ToeuOfamsI ns eau jodgsfrom the manner rae. Draperie, shous» eiher match Lwua OUT FOR ii ib gymnmînna Fins f rnm AT- INUT« _____RIAi'EIftt ic téday. ttvu we v ill tel t" l@ 5tY I& d«12»la vbieb llapplaudd. tenfroth alprorbetaCaitalu Moffet vant. thieadamsetn ohh e=ny o, uieb eps~ toa hnte sabool imabers ln thie figlt ' t hecolig«Vernoft' -Uti. vielti 6, aJdy l tiat ~ -u &Qm tTefv-nedy Ol Olvi b Sn e "dy y «A d ughing liarmontiaus uontraating colonherA l IDR SIS iv-m . 'lrng te nae' th iet & aist ationoft e liond ou , Wy Ue.tii va l ug AU _______ atit wfouen.ntal, ant h elDay@vemt1ai'Joliet&daynlgtesnp&o eto! Renrantl- hy a uratt. lé 50.lto vlmaie a fIvemile son about tise ehool mapter tu the yonngeml scholer "If there in e demiro Wtatt dta the Mîes o u frmtrsssthe messages hiat thse vIsitons vIS-rnda refuse to glve ont any facile, but u ens ithte tires epo'tbore t Hlookieuduaniforeccndîn to ondot nsitets.tise'le asaelWgo naval station, vinii surely sisthse pruent (whicli by ithe vay appeanodt$it<sie of the rocime as te loois, use os n ts lut0 O ihden,,X mny homIeir tautents may ns an a Hi 5 bralugtaiecangn rstaion yden' Cebaualg disritt geta leshlature t'lha fern, ho net oven four yei's%) tbat la if0one colon throughout. especiaf y li von- he scariet teven. "There tg grave nottient of more than One bl?. vellopiutuae van plot. Tise big ceai Tbey vent doua ibene. ti1 «Thbnela 'no opposItion to bill e houiti inde thein by tboesiuthes) paper. Extreme carefulxies ahoulti b. dan~ger frottaaligisi race, at T lxdetecod.u aoI ht svle ssvrltlosldilb i~tdh .o W*M ie there vas the othen tiras. T'ere Atone. B. Mill, theochoolmtastor rercîseti1nnthie cholas andiuse of Sl omîsoe obto hore line operatetisPectai trains be. dollars. Traffle on the nue heaslimon & vene tvo fonces cflled agaînat lit tvo oihe"old scitool" rpiîected t?) corne of pictures andtiaise u in h agn.D " Cmso oertso Oftveen the training station anti Chl delayet soinevhat by tise burutug of Ant nigis 'e ha vur la q yeanse ga. 'lut ibis year Ibere slahi. traits hy te pising of hi@ smiioare net use toc mauy, anti let thebe l o! Chicago lu a Ivarxing issucdtot. a- ago ant iMlwvaukee.1 the chute. Tise fine vas dscovereti are vague. ohrste*b nn.not eveu fnom Waukign lt-i vitb quomihoni anti h.-was given hie tis eist. Dont use a .pîcture aîmpîy jents Suntiay. - R vas ai that four-fhft'ls of the sburtly befure sufdnlgbVhti"ay anti At any rate. thse nexti "eY Bih. sof n i*u opposition train the &anspesperbape nions prumptly tItan because of sentiment- or isecause ibaas Wlxiteerawoarme ttn-gents a tiserai inpaler fs stia rov eling-lg'ith>es eeiu la. - self. Eu. vîthout e~edtiaWt'ley often prove to b'e îlvm en ayvr PIcpl fvspst gudrts bidn.Tecaeanti lmpe4 1;hnstpst a fiuiy hstoy, or ictresarever foms f sanit tveror eases.grade anti et higis .chooim. ant iit la fire eBtacted at thg veny top e!tishe effet: - ernitony toa'le affecteti, vs are con- duirgth'de.vfof hi.. rvgluisetithe ltl alyhsoy o luthsr eytru faale ee rOslia siaedta ul 0 eefot hue t1 neuedta 'èpr ýý bby,*, mb Mienit uthaîî viinpasn," said!'le. edd- rpâ Fchoi hotîte tae a ao.0fcores.suggestive of ativanremeut or IakofDn'i pensa up asiesfcio i trI-Cicaoet20tisai tll500 er. mal the. he 1'. un b detthe gai anèpit "o lu iou er h p. - anti I have both anti dtire vere marked o!1utcaiyor anîydotovntoCntg. 0 tmtalvueeNotrtht it-ir wh b mte atie oeni- "eteuao o-ls.riiot l- lot: ith the mot iirilimitýd rdieulliusnou tl, bteuyu anl otradbalance from ecule. lylidtW~n a ment etnd that anistd guards viii ibel vestigate sd anti pe bet i _a T.i.-Ilhaent enw Mhet. 14tutetltgrii entl-d A tricttionrt'in!jradius o! 100 mtles 01cf CXia. stationed in the fneIbt yrd t uati sc -af.ytsa-vr, adlal

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