CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1917, p. 12

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4'7 rake Coun*y Independent- W.ehty The Wokopn»onu, lin. i.aon&d m etèu,w itUPOn bersoif to stext& ;ubud ploifund for o a dole imd through ber efforts raz;4Oî ie. te $,#6-4 mrves miich credit. Yobody urgèod er btakop work, yet obé' bas pent miaho=' o-et .gohi among Wbukegaupops u ulu~ M. ,to joae$ fund. 8h. e mil thésugtloii he Sun a&aUe $ho ixitiativet déelng som*bo y@ gtt ac tiu0 maystops to gel a ftzd p vded for tii! â r dw rV1lM aidherolc ylnmgrl n.S It aver lima M energy lu goïag'a"out Wukgàii md that the pwl the cty woreitraeld laulber .ftoUtsla evidem s bytb tact that witkh l . ey ew dqsli'effiwtts ah. w*s blê td reJe $75 wblch bas beon formaUl turuod over le lb0 1111tk . heroine uliese act hiln vngber brohqnaand .111e. fr01!In the lire wblch destroyod their liomni Ur libertyvfle somi woeks ago attractl dsnob vue. atuubn.A 11 mmr..Smith Who woozd enter bto sncb woek Of ow shows aa iéleo md 1tbou*llu iu n y om Ulmty b a.& res w extut. There ls Do au itfrln.mnii 4 a itter61f bard*ork, u4 Os personai "nua. o*oy#r, tbat soemouaIh&v Iee cordiafly r«cved ln many. circlo -la ovidet. by thb. fact that suewas able to, soçuresuch A, lrge oonltbuàtibu in so * * *.... *..* years. Deth waa due taheuart dis- A five paueenger aptomobile, thb,: * Waukega» Localt 1Ms -* . i . oe and t Anthony MS81 ' Il, leu", M* nort, « ce:Wf~tib. a or North Chîcagfoian T*Met-eee ond jyonOg fe«du Baltrw asdrv street. vas remaoved f0 the 3ma.114> lnt noth on Siieridan Roa U wan Alister hospitliTuoadmy ilgt la the. tii engine W^ckfred and la A sec Larsen & Holland ambulance.Mle ilond- tine \ vas a mau ea 0fClame. cZJitdany i l >iit f liaill& Mr. ad maiMlW. T. Harr*er eo!'0 John Maynard, deïk argeant t the. Antlocii. but farmerly of thù City. ý police station aun TCtt of -uOI viWi mv. hek te Wak«megtil card from AI Look, wii a l nov M etfiht of March, ir Harroveh ucePt- n îtan Antonilo, Cat: '«Squat the mter- lot a botter positioni bore. Owing te noon wlqh Sorne confedlerate sodbra. the . @rUiif MO!tr. HarroweT'S fMt. lu Iiad a fine viit. Ilt sua bleues la wich tliey have rentai, tliey wil] B the auai" r"te Mr. IL4Lmalle thel 1r bone wliits.mHarrow- ai James Banchard, who recentl>' re-, ersaiter, Un. Hram Wtham, ut turned framtlHot Bpriiga aDbaed iNorth jaclaon Street.outil the.peu. moure benefit front bis bath# at th a pIe vacate iitheBML sprinte titi y ar 1n ever before At 2 o'cIock Suniday aft*rioOn ai Before hliel;fthtii nieurnatic aMtackithe Methodilt oburCb parscmai. On W» no sVeMethaf ho oeuld haret>' y utreet BReY. Fanston maitedi riMe ils banda teait h« liud ai for !n marriage Mia Lettie May Psen- meonthe im ,neck hbealrnio@t ln. nockh -nd Mr Alleu HendermOti. b movable. Nov, fouoving hi. treat- e nw on eiet fWu a.Hotat UBprh %, lmuscla hop e ii.tda couple wva?.ait ma out are *,es tu actiom ad 1 tetendeil b>'Mr. and Mns. Goa. DYp delares ha feela better umaen voir kene. iYpon thelr refura front theur Neya basue eevdl oo e.Gog CIU.dsrc a fas i.deai et L. n. jpliem. igr auperintondent af th~e Anti-lalom' c Mme iyeare a rmiient ef Kenoum. 1leO f Il nosl, occu le& thijnllil0 Him death occurred l he i.booital lui the VTret Prembyferiali churcbon lÉerry, Mont., lut Thurmila>. fluing Sindar.'-He tl! Presbyterii that bis rosidencoeeie ho ealmnent WVuIEUuIinhivotlng il»a cli>' ry iimdt in the. cangregation of pu*t Avenue savd buar 0e f toloe t d ot churcli. Mmeo.j«ia slm 01oDr. lare for,tlie vonkigmé ien cflueit> ' î IH. L. Cheever of Konaha.-Keaaa Ovig ta the high i pces ar etvery. Ne"a. (Mr. Joasa former!>' Uvaillu ting emploes of min putoat oit Waukegan. au ddleu ima i It, vWho areilhIJgmitIisavig mel the, fr1u Va, a Cboever, /sfer ac tiie Cheever lubkicesorailu lenathe iicme kel brothers, Wil!]and Borner, viii> er.lis nue agaa posâmble. )MuOh fume. W illknovn bere for îears. la un"elahi bndlng pgekagea of »uu 1. &E. iroau. ,UElapyoxf ples wblcb arrive e a t &fi flma frront belng et hic office t thnlu- Tfinrl If vas cntmury f0 iiw 1 ossaithough lie hopes to hodow& the tvine vtth a simr o et 1 lu a day or tva. li a mn>' Places. Nov, bowvver, ow 0 The. coadtfloei #d Towk CIO Jai e Oteutmd tiihemt rOfUX.1 de is, ih a hum S&1, la lkil cier-1" Mary ferry, tbrone iAtorney>'. m «euauufeà ln a recent oWt G. Welc,,tOday fileil a bill fr di- troam Washigton. vorce againt her bumbanl ih, A caseofo chîckeupox of 24 Hlm Derry of Waukegan. &lege>i çirelty hals avenue ha, heen reported te tht Id the bail, or tieit SI8h. Baya on healuli departmont. One occasion he Struck lier Itiih eye. and On anathor acemlon clouai Mns. H. C. FOUt,. 1040 North County lier. Sihe let -hlm, elle gays, viien atreet. entertatiied at a luncheon lu he. reiused te &ntrlbute tu ber sup- honao! li ra. Itosco. C. Chae Of port.> Hlghland Park yeterday.'.The tabîr abn. anin.,ire Hvitn Sllkai h er- m Vas et for elgt and va, decarâted of Mr.Slek ltr Mrs.Saah 1wth jonquill. Âfter the lunoeon Stafford, 312 North Utica, ptreet. on Mn. Tote and ber guegtspent a their va>' homeota a evorl dellgbtfiilarternoon t the Vanke vOeks ' tay ln Floride. Coing te and aWmamclb from lnPOrida thoy traveleil b>' day U oa lb onu, toppng off ai valona pointe, Atty. Coas Heydecker bas returneci tor lterest. (o uins > S.Pn n Afam liaglionas dieil t the jane VBuneapole. lne sttue that Ile McAllter hoapital lait night of pneu-0 montlansd blacil poison. A dla.saed mlighty COld Up thare. tooth develaped blaod poison, bit lthe Word vas ecelved lu Waukegan poison le giveas as the indirect Cause tdyo h araaa alS of hi, demfh.da fth arig f &IS là. John E.'Barrett ar Prairie- giiht Of Wlnhhrap Harbor, lit..,te Vlew anIalc, Is.Lth Work- 14sa Lulu May Johnson or Dorches man, Of Owanedo, iIspent Trida>' 1er, Neb. The vedding Wâs soila. vttli lira. Lyde Barretof 00lar»d t Dem Moines. Iowa, on san- street. "P-pvaredlnens," tibm lak and the4Sy. Mr. Kight la a formegr resi- need of Il. wasthe u.>n<>îe of the ilno f Waukegan, and .llved vit), bis varions talka gven et ithe annual Parent@ on No-th avenue et Ithe foot Wamlngton banquet t the Tit of Trst Street. Hlm bratho, leaa Batiat cliurcb Frtday nlgbt. Dr. A B. Brava va, taen 'a» farod ball ayer, and la nov sjgn.sI Osmfrday igu vlith the. grippe and uD vlth an emtern team. va, -ceafined ta hle b.d on enaimi The cee o the ILake Forent Wat =4 A "Y. î lu xp.Ct.d tiiat Dr. er company aglinat Mns. Marie Vance BWOv vil! b back at bis office ni>. Bowman vas set for triailnl couat>' AttOrney snd Mm. A..FT. Babilea March 12 b>'. agreement orf-bath par- »dCUbaie gene ta New Orleans rt tdybt a otladt for a week or tes dais. ~TÀTUN Tie" N wt te. labe» a~ ~ IpWmtiua vas vary baS. -The *OBf' IN Wiuuum liu ;'ù iiwi Jitl n Ioid1o8»-~ t aysJ ffl R - d.ft a t5l là j=- lnh - useates A tli l*be alor ' ~ mlp .I~-OO ln ~inl- m*0fialn II te ub.4WM ing Th* ait U ga e "ntu rini - except ftrmd.ep voile lu A&S BUILT FOR 1,600,BOYSq FO MA Ot Ai ii01huC~OBPla ta haesfo u a- ~mmandnt Mofeit ays mo: CirtmOUon Onimndat Nfftt Sys he claet, Dr r'on tk* covenmet ShOukt Spend a o~iia~ilnL the and MiflionInBlngas. ~iomon coué out More buildings to accammodate fia W ' i'i. to the it fliC 111118 acrulti viii> are Ponrlng tututhe ifin"te Ital ta te oit' i e 1 rest Lakea Naval Traiaing StatilM ~erealy htuber, hat, aur s tLa<e Bluff! t a , MTu>. Mor .e buildings ta makle theato .$~ ARY cw SmaE5TS. fi *e langeaiad beut la tue cauntryl ] iPan lub '.,t on Wueeoo. Tli.eappelas zy bo made tfa y'- 9E aid tbhlà ho et-.c umàumallth» e qùni msi iflclený to bulld a>' the. talnfig 'r the' pre*5fl j -~a taon t4l a point viiere ail roeuottae Stohfli th. chair ce rm tii. *est and Middle Wetv a t i ï efficient v>. b.Pry- di, olic>' far a greatornànvy, coinfini yorably for embers vtp d mille accommodaions for, livingtlWIline businessva. attef.l dtai pgegrarn caissteil of apiendtali ind tr'aining. b>' Mesdameas J: N. Milerde -Ws have nov 2,300 men, mai ous m and Biahuer. Mn. iWes ecommodations are for oui>' 1,50."Mu% wsuuPrepa-dinew*.'and ah. , Imuander W. A. Moffeit, command- laqp*d, it in a mont original taid ab if, e'u tdai. .,eta-hpi -- ment Wl"mna ok tuabl "We set180 eutto hlp yeà59a1*b1". wvile *Mr%. Rirnâer [ày; ad 400 'vil! go to the inaugurerS-*m4, paper an Clrstmmmflde la Mt ou aid thon ta sels, but nov pmen Mi« Nagions, vblch, thiouh. belat- PC um coming lut sa e h t* cf f O&te . am ey llrmti- ,.a a 1>'.' . uoeua, fl~v-fierp~ a3 tZateO..-*à,e> 1f iexpeef tu a dt t 1.00 u b' ý Po , :O', Mi baits, 'ente" p1 Sl- =tA!"l%,t ItlN .'The training station 1lea aveat U&. ~PamekiT*p.iio imsoclatan 1tiasfrtu0Cbcp ana tue as 5a, ver>' dofltfül Watiugton maitunf, r the ahIlarlc hu ' b-my Party at the tentri gaïcol ,outry" aida itti buin". We o y. The guallis*vefto M maai. vio Plans ta Mld in fi. effort cll~b>' the Contral sciool teaciien. tg lu get an, appropriation for mare.431 cdla costumentethti e ph u ýuldinge toilai. -Tt muet i>0su- « .. a. and au mas>' o! tuetg Lrgad ~ ~ ~ lis tacr a mnam er. lanfancî dremi, tue lared u crs orthe If lt 1>bel -*â a Ypry festive on. lnileed f rqured to trai. Itho stationvwe rbà1.ý pmngivon b>' fie plipli a i~ i Bomton. Nev York. Piilalelplmiaor f u t tgrade. asuaPppau>Wlte ani otiien emufera cit>' a floit for~ t..f1eidaî anid vWuver>' o>'O- i mam buRumgm vuli bave beeaumd.e.Aftfe prograrnslirm U .B. I Jdnm1aroui~allent of thi ecoosocation, ani von long mgo." mà",* W. Coak, prealddent i L ____________ ietIo4 board, lord a grand mmrcb lu fuaoithie bille, lmiter vhila h fe ltrin"pragrnm gave plas- ta a usa- I4EROINE tEBOAL GIVEN. oral ýffl social Urne. Tie dîffereat t aatiolhaon mal. vere quic1e d~il poe if md ma>'more acald have 7 iOontlnee tram page o0e,) buiet'ui tlaIti.ta bViipped tiat tulU a -._____ 4wau fiefirut aiofma iali b uta being clear' miter the modal bh sIlS all ntiih !uol hou". violi shoq1à be a zr;asomalcentor. r beau pad for. The girl o! course A. Scmnanber1&go, a veon six- 1 wu surp," . et recelving.tfil.TI leeai, jluetla. preparliig tu moye f bankeoo wuevena agremiter sur- dy te lova, viiere bg he puar- Pimn tb han W ll e flook tue e, ada e aasri.> frgmtheband ofthewritr. i .Tb1% eclml Parti npv have - 1~o fi bada f fe vlte.: omple,. tckek la tfieldibidvtu the I The chul, ugalain reiama ber exccliop ao fi attorney. Mayor, J. t feelingm of appreciation ai berMat. M. =~.eO.WatrE heM.?: cit>' - 05, Mike Babkeo; ir viii tean 'etreang dovn ber mlilqum l ýivard."tm onethue; çLheeko mud, "I canuot fld ira Wit oa He e~~~vaBrman Pan. 1 exproas aour mppi!eclatii>a aifie kind- kkc alq »Woe.oeir md, Tlk f nom of tue Wmukeuan people vlio Waiiner. 'lfi pe#WMlîmt aIm they ever #111.4 ù( Northi Chicago, fils ii' pmao i thfr aub Wa me c t huaWITTtheb ' Iot b hv tonlod and I arnm mm fiat Lorna aid'rie Bol>' B4Mesoioty of the ROI>' eni of inappreclate tue attention fth. Vumly 'ch«rik'bId k mo1lt nlermt- -pulehba ebavutae 0. IvIlIse. ing rmeetin&,t ' if r societ>' Sua>' i te Il tuaitue moue>' ion have places ateonwou. Balye,.,! 810 donationa i la tii1 bank, for lMtba. ilf ho kept in rej1uS«i Mrthe organisation of for ber »sya ni noule o!f te rail a basmali'tqsM .tula prlng. -Thc of our fatall>'aulbave tue mivant- te.mmle u ta boorganluei' f.nomtuei &g of ILT. t îhall ho mi> dolre. if Young moa ai-tue pani8. AU Young PoasI,tal. i> bave If fipre-UM Ib o mea Uoeectd4ana-uFgai ta attend balcons« af âge ana h Ififi tnoametnmg Thurud>' evening aitite mie - 0cm fiadiIl- noceemar>'tfan !tchurch f0 conuietu fthe arrngements. at ileait a Puart Il,4mie WhIT do go Mim laera Wood gave a Part>' fi9& 0vfIt Oefaowe" WbiI fhoaediatto*dace. The.main huuim'zt ftic buruing of aur home uni the logs the evêüaig 'waa tue ietrlng of re- ,if OU? humiuni." 'porta iomtahte vaudeville perform. Un. lMale WlMetola fiat Il vas ano i'etli ýgiven b>' lh. club. The tua. deeTre of ilouna. ,ta keep fhe Mi"«Mueuliirel Wmrd, mena Sella. moue>ln he for I.orna as long man miiEt-eu rak ae Bluff vere is poisible, perbapa itil sho va, of the hootesac aitue evening. *go iffat vtoulu fbot b. unroabon- ale. Mns. Mai01.: tiimgbt liai thîs Thf Mmd.ý ThomsiPa>'. canld ha donc vyn alel". I maimll-hdeesaanonce Put up fthe la tue, bous, at tue Urne. bealdea fole g la l)X~ia ap: ",Pica 1,ora, vu lttIe Joaune, agn, 7;Eva, donli b fl rlit, aua àrof ramgaile age 3; aidtue lîttle bah>'. Whoua ,off"eiii,- ?ls -4lugfai fils all liffle person. looks ai floue clilldre anmad ZiOt1#.flSt4màb eit fbook vana a neailsea viat an expcriencé fhey fawvIl .j haf o erecoiveli niaudsc f rouih, on. cannot ielp but on tryIeili1Ji plan, and Immediat ly à *aa 0 W' ao otion ID la. lac0c fouI fiat geliotamaretour finen look-Uic je sU Ti ie m d ig chbiidre*asaeernlei lnlaan>' oua donnaet Wun *0 e ibu>' goudua e farnli thanare ta he faund laniith t s bep, mai alu' gaifor flm, Oaa Mmdi>!, home. b. »40 Io lthleMuIt book On P*altn ____________ofai$Wi 91 f tee otu." The remit wu rnr.iu.Sofotui>' ddtuéeaulous "»o yau ~ ny" ~ pa>'tbirtef onutab>'the dous. bus the frienil ai fhe fai>' .to love*,'. tbce 'ing ath*ceounfu speW"il>'M "Alvm>'- "r*Ugihilenq Tblia ut ojf f t#W Peul. th"n sImd in lvi>'. sf*n e nol te haveteehoo an plata f insel."- Aàikle U PiNMusilcomoseer. flicimon TI.e-D~foi.AMM8'as fil, musical compmoee f - on>' udl w, Willim BilUnga, vho Hcw Wem Judo& %Vas bots> laBoMon. In a >osth he > M. Tlabb--Vcole judge PaO& waeia palser, but l*vo fJr muelc lodi Ple b>' fiels«ua M'.Bosma. filan th bedmo a eachier of singing lad bural-geedoma if ii.>re iuging onor,015M0 a 95.m tUes. l , ldh 09 the. une viii iut.evamb tuthti.:ae n.eftary rol andto Yie toZ yand.-onben matemea, CUdt h04? it RW agilani nd ha- e-ue"Ou ïïï*n'ele a't i ~epe We Acumon]s te o ,Takea as TT-ERDY TO BE FIRST. t-Cr Waukcgmn, N9pb. 28. local drugglsi, ItleI. ald. plan ta 4mInate every drap 0 0fo1ýal tram sir Places oi buoiuiei-tJ0 in vita' ide bven grain alcol vbIci iu med aimait excluslv.1y for meilclnal ..q. Tlul . IIi> , in îsai, ltA ý .~' jïinVi>'Off theDe- mies grand juryi roturningIn- lfebùtsa aginsi nieyeraI ruggisto; la axe canti>' cari Atterbe o thtiretnsione to &e filisaction. lie anouneei la- &y tuai te started te make arrange- se $mreti>nc mgu tu have m&H tle liain hibis stock sent back0L u th rltolieus. "Tbe cnugglati are givea permijs in' ta sel acobal for certain Pur- met b>' virtue of a cil>' OnjUnct, r; rbr Afmme>'114 "'Wb l">' 4 - aicomees' or fi fla rI w T~ fho MluMa.. grvlms fat y, mm san fe fs eeieàisel, ,u ilaior oails& eai punnease, but*juilging b>' tua U&ietl tat h&u beau relursed Wmnaf me tis ardiace la DO Prm 'OtIon. lot one>' shah I decla. ta t>' a licenie , hate cil>'but 1 ubali U ta ak e out a goveraucaf lieuse unr tuer. vil!Dot b. a drap Of ale(- wl avalleble la my store." Mnr. Atterbe?>' va, ' net tflOic n> tuggbaf vio Va, ladicteil. Tiare Ue ludiceafentaaint ture ru- gost ae o rent aidone at fRîgi "nd Pari il à sali iaiathoter VWankegau hugglslu feeithe. me va>' about i.e mat 1er l!Ïat Mn. Atterber dai. Te" figure fiat tue constant nJisi ft rnakng a tochilsViolation. Sel' ham lu tooCirnat eornpaed tu te avenue. -II;lal mid fiat mevormi, esitapeanaiofaitle iruglmSIM.eil« te iIavwtuLe leai or Ut. Atterberi. -Tou woldd besurpnfledIf YIa mev tu vbsaiotient smre people viu go 'la trnlngubcet liquor,' Mr, At- osIer>' sud. "i bave baI mn offiet Me 'ai mihau$2, ion a iaff Plat 0a, wimhe>'Whou 1 refumei Ilieni i ba tg joll0v tuorn about tueéeMnre9 ibe fa' e. fiat ts>'did naf atm. am.hhlu gntfiataned SmlCi>il T'bu constatfat mfbundmatfe ns fuil of fie muni requees uiorlquo la tacr. trouble flan 1 cre taO M teai vit>. Il vil! W MUc& «Mitg remove411ail moiaCinciig linos afs, mou setock." NOMIICIÀi PLAN ?EW NI MAY DECIDE_'TOMORAOW. Progressu-Club Thursdlay Night WiII Decide on Changmg Name et Orgmnizatlon. dw on e dculobres hteraa!r ii der dcuso nil vili b ngf p ah u meeting o!ue Progreas cbdhup thes mtno ofgt. ePors cu o rOwni. i u.ln .vf e gmrdotahe qgIesthion am0ftu e- g&'rogneha lub the norlliofilthg Cbmi6ecéfubÇtoirtercN'orhCm"ioI' Ia auuacatlor Tomii.cluborvilmr- t Wainiatoen.Thpenicnlbut f 1ap e Vini have bea incremae.i. hla toit l inatt Clicago fiaI fi 'fille, o! Chamben of Commerce biu a niate impreaible souni, oupeclalti ýjiea braugbt t tho attention aifi.hea9du ai prospectiLve anaufaturlâg con- cornm. Tb, organuisin b. bea. kaovn atue Progress cluii ever "lce l ves organisai -ana *me ai tueo membera are sali ta oppose a thinga Innaine. TliewMvii h. threalied'aut fcmarownigif. ITii.changiag o! the'narne 0Of pi>u Park ta fie North CiiIcaark la ancf.? malter fiat vili h ow i!5te tli -atte i fi te club .timborrav nauci uit or Cnrsam Georg qun TO.- 'rie nueof Northu Purutsa 040 Peb. 24, 1917-Gertrit'eT Bafil and hubCs>ita E. J. tiduahu,.i, eat 2o acrso! ofntlives Quàier n«tbi- wcut quarter, section 2o, Shielsd tva ublp. Deefm, $11. T. IL Brri aUd 'vifs f0 N'oral 'Uhvmrm.lot 8, back 1, Yeoman Douglmu subivisioni, W&"89--li.W. T.b. 26. 1917-John Gnlffluh and vife 'o Pilbant Paaavskl, lot 66, Wph- lngton Circle, Lake Tdrst. W. D. $10. j. A. Byrnanai ana vlfa to AdAmi al StcaleaOregneki. lot 41, block 43, North CbieAgaý W. D.-$19. . 'A. Kirchiier ai I.tea 3. G .8vwfsomle *n'di se âsab.2 30, Newport township. W. Y. l.. -. H,. Johnson and vite telT.,M aiy, lot 7 andI (ezcmpfsoUti Oseu "Y 'ot 6 lc 12, Nortbvest addition, Waukogm W. D. $1. Tai. 27. 197.-Bllsbetb libanaI mand husbmnd ta A. M: and T. C. t- Wald, lot 3'. Wasingtoni Park, Wau- Iegan. Q. C. $1. c. J. iKerInd n ville to W. B. Oves. tract o!flUndlluaothveal quarter mec lion 17, Llbenfyvîlle towasip. W. 13. lOin Vneqtter mOvu*cte 09 4bl re8 lo 3, m, , .> udlbo IH. E.B. -à 05 UMnuevite et aI fe Cbarmms nd Clua Tonkyn. lot 28, Rose. torrace subd1yMImoc, la»o Toi Benjamin LovetMiOeraid vtle te A.. M. Sandlg, loi 24, blcçk Il. HI land Par*. W. D. P1. Annte Tumuoftand bumbanil a W d IL ller. 97- m sla sections ,Il ana l6, '*mn o foah> .W.D. 811M W.1). liarmbmll ta Houry koo,'Ol tract aif1ad là uortubOut qWUO ksoutbveet quarter, stadm -' 140 Lconda townsbip. W. D. $10. 'DAS ujIEN" IEII ta ho ermtted ttaCi" etf*1.1 ow I clohkgo btI aw>'Héai ebu!d be prettU>' dres.d.' Hundrels or eblnrs udd &De"la tripe fi>ttbb Laite COnt>'Central bffomita favie ad aite .la>' nmlladci a pmlwvOt- olumt& ba ton la th* bau y ard. r«r mu as'iys fie uimmes t fIs hosalideprivei ft4mvm éail shengtm binluseo, fe admain Metr ta fie va»b kBabv Hfre . Tic>' lowt the. cillabeomme et Ifs holpfle. Tii>hor vaI fie' flil bouma. cformaliernsature. 'ic lcved the cilt. eoume Baby *Ues wul the italleil ".inmk"-fçu .1b but 12 otiiis-fUt a vor' 4834 lut* fie voil unbrt t.ilr vfto eueés, Md iaby Helen vsu a *0i *1 p«miieme5the pavon fa gIvelimai b>' a laving omile for bleeaits re celved. Baby' Hlen', dsafl couci as pu* Omate ta«* vie li A d r aby Ile> , fer, * a.9Grc refurued fi>ber borne tu laie rWcu st veeku mgo. t va» tue motueet Intention fa gIve tf idi hie um ailoe bai earffled rou6 llite. 0~ts~SiVa LeterWrit- tonon mnury28. PASSIEO Ttlrt-ANGE9 ZONE. koPn~Y1Uf Cnadiafi n nthe "Alemai.eli." 'ahsle éme&. vilcimms.W. A. Etcbcll 0 fr 014 'osoAliteS Norton. 'vho la WlmgbflngDsetheuaa hithe trenedm oh fieSqmmeiatrlet. vu» vrtte u on augr>' 28th. or, bUf a be a' efone thi enmnsle ga bl i ne on ,'the BrItiei I auliovever tihe lettonrcoyi pagià cifute>' fiougl ei s a o. "Scac.l a eaubaipmue$ viat i recelv a ltte troi5 Ç>t coura" r' remlse t i f1l oubie for i boy tateil ithe régi »W'4 but If la alwuye peesîble for a motbOn ta rmu aititesethé. Ihues. mai 1 mu atlfld to vmt14 have$r4 fi »y bori 4cea 'fiai 18 lu hit#* "ifla yd~ mg lat Noember sice Alfre o llalcil vhithc Cama" in rIoim a xwve learnei fr a, aarttluli liai fie Canuekeare" flghlilg la tue@ somme district. "Aufrelehase-feil » ofitic ftroop -moveneuteof ct»e victorien ar o!, 'lie bef at 1 imu ure that Mr thoy' vIlI auncl lie var maiBdt"fte ai tvend e mfol vWIiend vfmlý vIoles>' fUr tue side en vhic beh. l flghngm umliis.DcieI. Aifnisi leheilla tue cal>' Wuke- n l-boy *bo W f lgilns la n n'sý fada>'.Sgvoy"lolier bave declared tueir lalticila f caling au truckj drivers.eC,but Blobeil la at fie iront Mdi tien. lu s estmaion but yul i. la vbore fie uiella are il>'- lagfer fie Canailan bave cgrri midi of fie brunI aofie ilgit hi tue SMme isltricI for uMnaymotis. V oncelpon a UrnetIrvu 4 lond whô .aviflOokeil Y* fretOai7 montr-llluitb Itate joursaL I a s s i n a 1- a b- S y i. r- 'e e M r ~163. Usa. Ph.». 522-J Leke ?orest~1 Wheniii Waukea ..... BA. Nôlan'sbairyunch Cafetari Stylo tT.da> 13 Se. GENESUE OT.,

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