CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1917, p. 4

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4 TXUTVUJLU'3X» ~ NET loge i~our _____ _______ Lib9ertyville Indepetident WaukeeùPéople Liberal C Q>ggajyb*pmdmflIlt -W4Uh*55BWMUâ*Vam. *>5Léoard ~Smlt trt OtA MADOLU. PUND and in asIra- Oss olliulueW.O la Se U ied <o Revard Girl l.Sie aOged 1lare Re=S retWh 04e Tlph unarM.Il ~. for Nom e fteeo l rth:endSaesFéiDmh Ratemi t h Poao45aas 1 HOMO. voU Con Coatributa 10 Pllai QW if Y*>U VdOi. OUlat Puication for yTic Vib%.flla e tille. ______________ *eaeipwleellea for LaiteCunybrde up«viuowV Preelg imse ra bueav dvttai Ri. alsKov n phiaà n OUAMADOLE LFUNO. *U,80UIPTION PRIOE, $1.60 PER 'tSAR STRICTLIN 1 AVANO0nE t 9.« Pali. 27, lMrm.Smith w.~~~ .s ri......... . ............ Eftor lid eld«ted just pos In her 1. 0 8èT ..................- Mger LORNA MADOLE OUNMD -t. 4i Wamf ...... ............... ..Resident Manager, Ehna O isînt liaI fine? *Nov do yoU vent t. contrhhUte SPASMODIC JUS1ICL to tii fund wlli vii 110 uad te t Chicago Tribune,. lebruSri'23.1 «p.M #ethogacol ist unat an> jury basobeei stlmttlted ta oIntense activi ielp iorns *it thro g achol matu___ p NoPno, Baye the forerni"bas been toc P twer- Duyln toU e, t eear f~~~~~~~~~jh saecp u ietgtOi"Ti tate-s attomici'expects that Indlet- D O et .leprvr »Mms viiietabuiaI% a record. haclpofagilv o ise l Ilt Wpleassat. là b. assurei that Lake ecutY lias aiulonestgra.nd jury, iliete 10ava tlae of hec rth ýMUsc and Incorruptible. 4ny piec. of public >matinerii that in vonkuig t*and I«Oes? boumeelylat a mnattet for congttbtulatioi. But It la &lac ditreesing t-o hear aa O o fYO ilBM a" abo*t a grand jury la latant uPoz<, doa aotething sensational, and If YOUdi O iimm *A #tWa attattief la cager ta make a reogrd they vilu4dotubtedli' do gorne- your *oetlibutîoO -la. hile PaPer, mt tley viiiainost as crtalili'oerd"ê4t s. fv ve w#,.M&tg iaI il ktla piaced *%et thie dangeraus fmlIngs of cor Judicla organimation,>ytd ias other to lier accouitIn a Li1bettyville pwé* u"etlcas, la the. habit of! getting relligion, of lcanhnt . Justiof au ail uet edot Iht eto iéZMadmeged lii evaigelistic fervor. It la lik. tnuhng t-o run a bai.elatb.dn thia --<--~ hc» xiioipfl I oiiated 0 ft i lir. e il . I- Lnrnl Madole ,Mdently Ealph Dady vmat to remind- peoplei t OU8 WA8 ,tte'is attorney of Lake county. Yc the. publi forgot so 0soon 9 e bk itlal au efort et bl lotebkMforum, gU b - " h o frrn efrncsMdê tbe adwumb t it May p eort,1 ase as s la l atela ~eaimare nt volaJofth 1 tb' deUm iu of theun, fordee do nu>t opeatobutnvt v tii. jura audfomti eiifc ta t vftblu in* alav.____ # x t b i e f e o fTii hu e d u av'u d e e a h b~ ~~~~o inkeuaps hm aa mu9 1. t 1u obouOldopuDEat defet. îh e oitLhn tri lot', a ftieadeofr, o te Widt- fva oh le, to-d otha beerncusoninnaLaiJ I -10 releha ut '*u.1Thb.Smoried in ropos hon t e et ltel*b ped defeat bim n iteutiMaly, tD matýe no'w'?C 5.a..m"kt Thé. a 09 off la uta# 0ataq. I woul )MWf, ha i& bih 41d W cout nov, admits liat iS' or bIse b a la oui oolu I our â0151118 i r.ý 0 t thé. IL4M Ott - Oe'W ~BWe'i Uts Whal lu ti ty1 Un dIqor oi. ,103a110j8bave ela pr bMabav i dey O 'i l t hoo.ue' " tem otof ave bdtIouma offlb. m* f 11efomeroflu'; 01 m ore toued4a In~a a tes a*lliy 10pru.<tbe «s u e,# SI vbr towned tO&bitat bia b»h. litad bpe met uw liio~ord1ismorfofie Iii. tomesof tbe kitsaUrgsue tc ~ribave, 4osghbn ývQ qLa lu& m.w aIMM foi av ou la VI el tq bat Wbea a ev day. ago <liii paper quarter, a haîf dollar and s dollar 'OU auMesteod <at e*ve hUl t h* bOCâe' "d SPci $5 bis. l'y even got tigioeo hra cornmilM1becausofai ev nicelsh. But, no matter boy techulom réiées 051 govmIti iewoud em" ii. emit-e, t la acceptable ln a ot give Lorna lioe, thlb lth- oCa of tlua kind%" sailitra. -Smith. n CL viii girl, a medai for lier hraver>' li Trihi'. if a woman i'lre . Smittbt DU saving ber botbea-a" istEtW lvs, ocea. vointarili' gi'e lier time ta gq- lit aid viien w suggeted I»t Lake lag about asking people to contril>. ooutyl people aight do sotiethufla lite ta a reNvard for a litti. girl $ho lu- nica for lier aii'hov, thé thouglt doccî't know and hasn't ever sAi, 10. struclioie waukegMaivouai vith il daea appear as If the publicebouli ibn force. repod vth enthusiaern to heoi>- lir. Leonerd Saitli, viome bus- Peai. band ia jauitor o! th. Coon building. Lorna liadole, aged fourteon, et i jfacros frorn Thle Sun offtce. hock il tie riait of her lite, aaved hem- fivep uponberseif, vithau ingalt a yrd brothera ind sdateratram thie burn- a b Piq e Sun or anybodi' else about t Ing lbeuse; she rushed loto thc comm Cihristian itudeavot ujeetihtg ai 6:45i be- aid tarted out ta raine a fund. for viiere ber father lay dead and ,'OMed Joeephx Waugh i ii iad this meetinig. led hii.-brave chili. 1ftronm ha aide on the bed. hiec baby Epeningumeeting 7:3(5. F,,urfus etmon WUa , Mpg. Smithliql a voorni vo ha isar, batcly bcbng able ho. make her on t-he Book oi Ueibts The Origin o! aVe her houa. to lok mater, but t-bat w5i' ba ck;tot safet>'. gSt-iy." The Rcotd coopte-r of tlit did't aatter-she aimaefai tinet suf ich Carnegie commIsiosalotys If Intercet!ng boo.k. A good o.ueicai pro- act 1k. Loies deeerved t-be atten- hec set bili been dreced toward gram b>' the cioru.. choir anud Joesepii lion or! mrebadi', no, why nfot liçt? j shingorathe wouid have been m-. Waugh 1W Suie tarted out. Blie begai y ak- rded b>' hem; becouse tic>' vere Si. Lawrence Episcopsi. 'OlY ing frout hanse tu bouse in waulie-' er relatives% tht>' cnuîd fot @se. liur P.E. 8. lWhjiePrie-t jr---charge 5Se gait on Phundai' mottiing aid oe. vy, uitder their rule, 10 tecbgiize Service. wililb. ieid lu tie Village Ha1Ill Lero keti>t up ni 11'htr"adai-sidsfe'e lbar. until fortbet notice. dm. am atj li ien clesbu mie. iWilii Lake count>' people se hep Baly'communion emeept tiret lliinaYý -he t a w uWt itil T'Plinysia'aftcrnoan ion figo entirel>' untewerded? la morti 7:80 a. m. biti 'lb Sun wnv lat M 'pi. Smith Tiis piper vii lic gati o reoiave Rolis Communion, lut asud 8So.. UP) was doing. She camne loto Tii. un'contributions <o tic fund andilii oediy à 11:-0t) a. M office ta explaint alie boirai -. 0 <ttIitlhile child,' wiiosé mefir Mrning Prayeotieronidayll a. m. 40do " ak e-SM Oa &it dbgpai- %vas lot i vthfew Manaso ter theC Curci SBeool 9:45 a tocien U Id b. asie of t<li lte fitStl'tbl* tcégedy,costoe *vp unIt I______- th a 0«itfor Z la"i1"11 8 irlu-M. andlira. touaii day re- -1JMthougli somebodh ouglit te 1 No mite le to. MuLE tuMea. Baturday tro their bofic,- 1 b@ abt t fciii becàuse 1 ah" mt berditilla the spîit 0f appreolation 'mm0 uon citnt etHot Sptings, -A. lit. « lf nWod 'a'"git eit thstOct-han tie money lRi. »yoktba h$ 5for. nheumatis -j. ~ culd e5ter a u tle lime on the tlàlour baliet thuhlta ubstantiei~l<liera om o te roiwto tliil!t ave« ftBt, 1I voideTulboy am Yind lie cotriibutd tireuui Mra. hme near ,Drue'@ Lite.thie bride' t npeole void bevilinlg te baS « Smthi'.and tle~*fereiVa hai d groom became ave>'. bat ihoIede aosy ei' .me, ara US <o«tbea. lte nia.thIing he de voulU lie le pur- ls pam ela CWliail tb"cr borne mit. i "tu. m ysezf Oat nrd t» - ehcitas. s 1 111emodal for lte girl eand te wder t amk îî passible te clamse.. starff<>1lta sdami e4 @ive liar tie the bave the lltf *a oleditable aid or- The. the North Bide mai aakei people tu ceuld keep theie musa a iet ram * oer m.Mr. 010v grraiged. to bave fe tgve vIet Ibe>' mie@&Mtowaffd bbche thepeope aepiq a n m à'ean hoir bieondagalber at DrUce's tf»&.Tb' bave iffa..a ve11for lier aset eo1 1Mn. 1"oe botel, vire , the fcct.itiee voe e el#. 'Ple affir-provcd e very - delight llfl na»ad thoecta pa4 s seSd kt iê4tt d by Mr. W" âtl)ilaCouIYutyCUt UCiDuAo t oc evenijia at carie.,dancint, etc.. ÙM Of IBO Mifer of 1the gad « ecaentemt unic beng arrangei for- basvold'hhave in td7U 41.N tb»at wld i aVe the evoing- j Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n b~ilprits1brmah44"Lll i undre4 Boi' Scouts tn Lakte on pwle d 7woeitmia maerby ail .ii im lret onday lnitiated the Lakte Par- on te * Woiâ ýan e b Pta M t. 70 est Becglua fund plan for raising mon- ~ ld ben is frtid"midtiiatla vliy b Va70E ey for lie cire fa Blgian itamelas f« ~fd4ktod" sDo, bad leaniV isgenIt 0 eve hidren. kt everi' houa. aid salrs P. lul >M t iiaYe fbeenfndlted, itl oindta e l.tovi t-le>' dlatrbuled envelaPes bOUS , ~e sveret 0 ai slis a Da y._T~q tt~o esonet f* contributionls.- km, ~ mi o çf &0 os' a .b t Ddy. Iivé u ?L -mm 'li..envalogma vth thoit incio.ureae ~ d1 ~ vili b. collectotday. Na bernes of >~y iga.n u 1 . rotorafor a" dYOUr tOc donora vili b. ta.. î Ilta 0o>mi ~ qusUonm8W55 YTT9eif 80 d»RI' litu taise funis ta câp efor 400 children Tme pe aC A 0011 vh WUB the P**M99ai e intOsior'one-Yer, t- a"average ost of 'bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - oe aI411e uyw attntonbyl; odnalft *as iii$12pet cbld. . William Mather Levis, la-LAM Me oa 0e M taUp by hi. grand jUry? hat's lue "aor I lae>tatlabmrint BIbi~~o the ? i cplan. bs preeient B. A. Rumaler of <ho 4ulpb 1.000 M if Mie, a&UOie0. lkabout W$aUk uMd I Winnehla village boari annauneci i r«,- evil aaidbMiUSi. tW ah lb. iiler el_ i 4 d AIMonda' nght <tat the, ilae a r y bU kqp%94- - tu fim e 4 u"* t aa t tiso o-NonhmOeGsu itani, farfeihhng 4pue eut -lils boni of *10,000 fled i vilthee cti' 9 aie guaraneeit coninuantsugac ervict. Heom BI 1Ua t fLoo Bluff vas no b bflt#twas i h woullotra yresbl- "M IA * bk w" 1 he40=09j I"Sla oiee, 'Peau", of *61bttAn amn ieà* m 1O1ý t6 thé reali lser Athboe, berint bir as amonkb>' a ubueutia fi OP 'ILvitbool varaul n roëlb, 17. Dm W.e « rnue C8éc. BeausoJanin e a c ought a ou,- va IM I ld *"aan . of thera Europe vlich bu, a" las 9 Ma* ain à sffl Il orn u nm-, riateai mrfnime during 55 B. . w ~ $ohatlg lue wlige of landespe grdening bi' luaAt th w. ,n. th. piauttag aà .oeth.>- atm. o ]MO# ot anéàauiaetftheo Juglana Ielga"-be- -Jobhy mcmi' floutng lttorchards of -*0ans.Ooh alsbIs, vo bve un Aucthc h K~, 155 #54 i- slu0*45Rf0flI:vofBail«» Plrenuts ~p~Y Barth for vindow ptofes -or pêtte à*0=7I 'ilante oboili b. heated let t<ho ve g 1<ose toing and viii sape mucti vott spellantsuuvttlias qrugeandS = irem @o «t*Maimaup wviii 4uive« LicesedEmba »«iaodFuxi"alDWretor Automobile, Hearse and Auto Car- nages Funi7îhea When Deai red. Store Phoel9 ., Subertr Du b02 -I k~u A m. lu Your Property'May Bûrn Tonight. Have you enough Insurance to cover tii. lots- lts tSo late after thie f ire. Se. CLAS. D. PROCTOR, Agent for &e .old reliale New Hanapohi Pire Insurauc Conmpany. 235 ..tisfi.d policy in town of Làbervife. CALL' PHONE 154 R Office over Decker's Drus Store. - - - - - - -- - - - - - Battery Letter you lcg alr, syuka rmexperience, r equieceuraleto.ltiiatntn la Dot guven Ever't-vo veeki y ou sitould thave your mir In- apected, tested and fllid ilt distiici ater. We are equipped ta tender <ils service, and augea< litiyou drap utand let us take a iydromieter reaillig Bi te hydrameter madling we knov thc infernal condition of the batter', ani 1tells us jut vit ought ta be donc. Thceaacage battent la pruathceami>' part af your car <bat dona not carry some bld a!ouf ate The baftery viliidepreclate dmucl tester [die ttnlus;ed v day, and becaumeoa i sepecuitle tla 11eseential hhat a Zittry expert b. euiied tegulenli'. Oun- btatny iu leWh 'Ope oi. boit-Utc vIl give you;lz;cbca .1 ilbs aiviseai'dayyoudropln. Asb 'or "Hele." Youraoion sece, LibertyvilIle Gsrage t. p SUN~ , Oov» Witz u4s. Il Phone 12 cfocA6'rv/oe: LotSi g e L t! eiob ' i eb ltec Suodear sChoof et 10 ' c1lack. ûtu u~eii~ i U "9 t in ât 1 i a vew u~ mt 4"r Ne»# Sonday sarvice. viii b.uii.ld a Wm41 MI )hFE te "M"ne ""*0rîegb sme. .." I olova: At 1ilnostock Bey. M. T.Beau a it ute vbwici»u etEi. vib praci on th. tolt: *"Tb@ Skvour Winl Go lodro.N. Y,, i M.& fS dm1'.e r omate am- eking tu age." ID the.ev.aiag £et * kl OM RI h boneo Uortable a a she e, 0 bc, r' Rev. A. 0. Btirrud of Lake Bluiffne ht1halew Mýt 'Iiiprehie érmon. Tbeée viii t>h*o . Hom rthe.ettte t~' vs mIle ipolai fule by the choli'a u m letbut .emore-liie vilequolid bard viii eing a solo. Tii. publie i. HAS LIVED HERE 20 VMARS. mcill oî4lirlinternat in 'w e *,Popain HppyMoeries" viii b. During, Ail That Timo She Was vom Uicin,"saona&- i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i wu eto h pot .gsmel huM Wf fEgnr I a rCveaied today uliat a. J. the ui-ectof he pwotb -age ine Tou t Wfe f ýngieer Smith ,lied a pr"munition of dea$i. g nez% Sunday ervenlg et :45. Misses eub n J. Sm ithi. "R.uiici said to me the &W -lie Janette Tayrlor and Evelyn Austin viii tend the. Meeting. Ali are cordieiiy 111- Si~keaf. o.1. died, 'l viii neYer live t.Ifave fMa vlted. Bacx ln New York sdate, vhaeêthebchouse.&gain. Don't open ulie Win- Choir rebearsai viilb.ohbAd on Friday wOn't be pointed out au the vomui 40v..It. too oold.' Tien ie pa5med vening ofthie vee,* t az7:80. Ali Iea,- vhliived 24 yersasaitthe. vif. f avay,' said IUbby I. EandaUl. bers urged toa attend. Reuben J. Smilth, Uns. Libby R. Ran- Lîbliy R. Randaila grandson la Tb,'re wiii ho. a ver>' importaât Bp- jdall proposes ta malie ler home.' liere frorntNew York toa alit in the wartb League busineis m,-etimig Brida>' lu speaking «It4h a Sun reporter closlng of-,the estete, and lie dêes Pvening of tbs e wfk et 8 o' lie M R""B 4l si:"Of couva.1 a>- not .propose tuabu" a ux W<* B . ryznaelum. .1preciaýth i. fact tbat My affaira viUi tiilieo teles KEh. Randail back t. ber Thor@ vii bo tht.. Union frayer Met- for- tehli for the curtons relatives and friende la NevwY'ori lngs of the Proebyterian and Methodiet of Waukegan, lut 1 shall have Watt- atate. peapiseiext veeli Tupsday, Wedinue<ay kegax@bou, for 1 intand tu go bauk and Tbureday eveninge. hardi <lti. l7ita toTicouderoga.Nev York, as soon Wîen ua. Fought Hand t sid O and Btb et tii ,M E churc. T he. publie as 1 ca i. The vil viii lie prob t d The o*mtear orne f ait tceandam le eordially lnited.* next Moulai' and 1,. elpeett o b.leSuiis. vpona wu& th. pout bM1eM, Tii. Match meting 0aith@s Ladies' Aid named a. execuvt11z. Whep ai' liut- am 'Pler. vere, madldifferom 1111110 moctly ci the. ILE ciorc ll ioib. ild Beauaffaira vi p ermnit 1shaiemn t h iee». but AU ver abkelak 4 taxituseedai'atteroon, Maetch. Ini. to tu<omi brutMarshue In the, quecrl' shaped, broad blades 01 the. boney sehoal raom af the. churci.eb."huge proportioan sd mounted OR & tiIamllisured<oatend lraRadalorliasmie ,a poies. Tlie upper portioa oft tiieSb Ai Pb re p atten. lias been lo i h auSegth, lasc muali' irojected Iniai acitntii 4111r» Presyt4kan.know la atiia"D has hape the t, whitce lova> oeD gondaya ervice--Suiday seboalI10 e. . e lesd the Bmithireci>lsnce at the b.nt toveard the Poie, teo vliciCl m MaorninguerviSl l a m. ,Ftuaeclnne rner of Siieridai Road aid Proalleet uttaclici by a Imehing of vire the, Kingdom « af Gai." Onrt Bariàl Drive, but the. bouse and lot corntes- neude for tiie comlng year b#fgiçnng litaolier possession viti on. stipula- Judg il; var onJé.S ad April lot and bmv to mf-t thern. At tiofl via., Tliat she turn- it over ta oUI= the Demceiet arofet48M. thi o*rvi th np Buge. *11,ho miiT iee viiiienosMcme. circut 48t tus ervie ts ne Budet.viii b. aiti' ludren et lier deaii. util Marei , vien i te Marck te-u preeented. Ail mpaibqrs are espeelaiYi' lMre.Smithi vill recelve f2.4ý00 frontlbe-Jas. invited to hb. pri.sent. ----b-------- -

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