CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Mar 1917, p. 5

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W'. md tam gml but if Fou mvO your O!ioe wi* tc efr FOU are SU 0% W. Can 7PM1 Tour Or4oroad kee youa suppli'ed with good hatd oS -W. P. FRANZM J' 7.UL1 'TEMLEPONES4 I FA1IRtI0L ~bis LIBERYVILL D~DE~flETTURSDÂY, -MAROH 1, 1017. OIT -NO-We,* Seect your Pield Seed, Clover, ÂAUa, 4TimOthy and Lawu Grae.s Our fine is lauge end complete and is Higcest Test for Purity and.Germinatiofl. buy early and we asuje you perfect sat- iâfacton.inquaity and price. Phone 47 F. A. W"sop, Mgr. Specias iThis Week 2 lbo. Nut Margarine. ..52c 49 lbo. GoId Modal flour... .$2.50 Evaporated peaches. per lb -.10C, Standard packed corn 1 lb. 4 oz, can .... 1 2c Standard packed peas1I L.4 oz can .... 12c Standard packed jomatoes, 1 lb. 4 oz. can 1 2c l4oz. can CaL sweet plum. per can.. I-O1c 14 oz. can Cal. apricots, per can . .. tOc Golden Rod Catsup, pçr boutle ..... 1c 7 oz.bottle sweet pickles .... 10c 4 lb. best rice ............ 25c 20 oz. boule- Monterly olives ......20c 12 oz. paickage Hartland raisins ......12c Cofes Cake, like mother use to'make every Ssturday. We "ls carry Smoked MSet. Fruits, Vegetables. Deinlem'a Grocery Progm$ D.ivoe Phone 31 You Pay For 1Jie Garment Our Interest Is Thrown. In H FAT sonds strange--yet we have neyer muade s siit of clothes or any ther garmnent without- -throwing in t'he interest" for we ar e more inter- ested in giving you madt>to.order clothea that are bound té give you the Lest service that it is poesible ta give. .Our intercst i a garment laste as long as Yeu wear it. And we make it our business to ser- ibat you get the full wear you are ontitled ta- for garments made by us are made ta wer weU. Fred Croker, The- Tafloir LU«TVL ------------ , uiirire DSSp.aruaiS nt-are the prond P. 0. DEPART14ENT O. e t 1posesoir aibole ho sehicel wre pim-sOMai ta tho b e li, re île y, dLdÀf ~ ovraea-ibaU"Ineo W hicrbcawedj CLOSUI AT 7 P. Md. bi deatb Iwo weekks Inter. Tb@ badges - 1~ ~a pen ngs are vrr7beautiiul and are prizedl very Postmaster NotltiodThat Ho Must muebl by mombsreaoi tbe departinont. Close Windows One Hour If You Know of News of Th.e Is 8..orotClhevendand Fr ale IrocSlI1tetM la al etC. afiloo, teleui-e or-a,nner of deysaetnotie poRted! Telepono Nmber . fi-huiiuoêAires. &ih tl meric, on ____________________ Wdsm*r* 1. lu anonmdnthe Libertyvill te P'<'e ha@ attracli. p ------ :ss:::S :5 5 that a atme pound daughicr bai arrivel d a gond deaI of attmîtion hy pirll c Cheer Dible of Konaiba, wai a t ibe borueot r. dlIrs. (George D. of the office a@ the nî,titeeealls a, teQtiîon visitai- ber@e fatnrdany. iCeveand on tbé.87 th. The father o! tthebm mt that iihe tarnp and delivpry E tee new ar-rival in a son o! M r. mn I M ro WnE Mr Chai. Qoudlng îf Graymlate, i-ail- Cleveland e»d'tOemothmýri" the daugtr' i illedme vr viii d on friends bem -Mnnday. of t r.aud Mis. Rigg9ins. Htbhlt herè elempt Sntur(lay uai-& i,,lîîk c". Boyu'chon of Beloit, Wî., opent for Buno Aitqyeir or ciigo. The reamon tir ihl is ni' is ouit girl-il Tudty wiib ïred Erderl.-ln. Mr, Wstklns, the ew cuanîy .011 ex- t i i learnmd that the P()stîoice The Merchaniti lelivëring Co. have prt, anoi l îmiy have arrived dppartnent ni Waesitiîgtioi hacii.-urid moved hât thoir new beadqtrlero froni KaiMsASýd slre waitinar the ar- that Utheihount eiî th ti- at A daughtmr wao bou to Mr. and Mr-. rival Of tWeti han*bold gxonds. Mr. John Zernier om the 22nid 0 almonth. Watkine ts'5s i bmround geîîîg inghtsa estaeloebn Wle Mn.Ueo Osit ! eatle.Wa. , aqnautm *ib-u blii-.1 ic o aclose arlier wae iret sent vidtiug ber ilie.r, Aire.John Colaum d ni ibm o nim ,,ot tise La e Conu n - 1p Pa inaser J. fil. .Mlemmn Inn, ibthe farnîîy. provemnt AiOdalConia fscheduled fur tbeaiquarters the posilmëter tried tui Mr@ C.Koelos) f Em CurteutrýSaiurdty, %twbfek' Meting plans utl Intae de fortIbmpatrnote i beîhrty. tanMis. Dmr a.B. nini oonni ent. er- outtluemi00 tba&09timil ~ad visor can ville office. la bit Jette r to tbm depart- taledMie D. (B.obbn.fCllc gegt to woit0e.momsdmsinite plar. ment beontlnmd thbelnconveniencms tii ovrrthe week-end. "Il, Thsi Woman'a Gnlld wili meei at tbm Lait eMnmday uOrilag lev.T. E. Reain new rnlm would brlar to a ny local 1 .1ene of r@.Alle onThu weny t to Atibtobold service@i n te people aWho alwayi have been abe to 0 emideniioofn i-erh. Aln nIb, d . E. ebici tors nad ibe pestai-ortheiibmcllfor ÎIboit mal or buy îtamps ai thel aflrmon, ai-h tb.Antideh chai-ch.' Reï. E I, Thompuon windows aOp ta mght O'Clock et nlgbi Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Sievens ni Wankm- ouplmd the plpt of the local M. E. -id ihat b. ied that theré wonld be gan mpntManai i bm hoe e Ai. burh.Tby. wnisquie manatiendance cnlrbedh.maiiafaction -if tha new and Mi. W. 8. MeClain. ai thbm mi-timrilc vemand ibm congre- rnIs. wmrm put loto efimmi bure. Ur-. &and Mr@. J. gSmely<ridley retnrnmd gaîlon w.. gi-ati, placed wlibh Bey. lua later message the poitinaàar In lent Priday firn Jacksonvlle, blorida, Tbcoio's .mon., 1ev. l"aniwaa infarmed ihat bhaIs to comply w ith tbm wbere ibey ipent six ceeke. aiea aceorimi lise pleamure of a large -nIe and ihai ibe pootoficeemupmm ii ac- Fred Beuman buas orened is position congiegation lu Autlch and wasvery forth he elommd ai neven 'clock every iaChicagoadexpeciutmoileaiily mach panai lih thtratmpnt received niaiofnithe irmei wihe exception of onto a large farim near Atifocli ina leur by hum wbleite Autioch. Boib paitore imini-rdar, ivijn rhey wililiehalalowed to day..o. reiarned toiubsir respective chai-nies for rmmain operinitil the regular Urne, eigbt The Misses Cara aad Leoneli. Taylor tbm vmicmg service. Sunday was si. o'clock. Patro»ýn i h.. pofle wili oi W .ukegâD, @peut Mnday hi-cc with change dey foi-thse paeiîrm îin thm Rock 00w bm coinpellcdi t transmet their bumi. sbeîr cmier, Mre. James Hma,and Rivmr ditiletad o?.-r 77) curches in oms aileasi min hîînr arIer. fmuîîy.the district egihngerd jastors for ibm The Wîîrnen of tbm Si. Lawri'î& n'rnn srvc.m- - MONTDLY VESPER SERVICE churcb wîll hold a akery sale e ai- A aI- D ig - rdri n (f a. NEXI SUNDAY AFTERNOON ronde s*tore an Nemi-day mtru,h, gan and Thom". To-p tof North Cnican. Marih 3d. i c.nebeim ld ,ate a i,~v mbuhggy The Vampewr service for ibm montb of John8 Knned busoldhi@homeon i the L1.aid Lvery sai theîî i-ove ta S Knney as li isbore iiiW mhe)ng, thmy are eaid ta bave March will ha held et Sunda.v alter. Park Aveajue lochiat iUpte, W.ho lo mot ' o rel.'LfvigWbeling nuon ai 3 d'dock, Mai-ch 4th ai tbm M __ DvommmsiîînMari-h lot Mirs. tem rnuiibm 100 rde ,ly Lma vi butE churchflLiberty villem . Tecoiitie Ke-nnedy miii ibeir honoehohd guodâ lait We ' rvqtwad hm çtvll utbsar-anged for a tsplendid pragtraniof Elecîc hi-n tht-y arivfed, ai tbm.ilarrett faim bîîtb vocal and instrumental munie mni The Elbtr e hop conducied bers'm p ai tbey Vistso tbrtta ibm suatm for a seleciion ni readinir on thm f0.rt im peai t Sote by a Mi. Titia- Bai-i-mt yard, ivertheb lawn and ap pogram. banni. wamacloed by attachmnt pr- ot teibm o of Ibm bouse. I nak g Theme service commencIng eai Ilobe and tibm naner bh gone tiimmvsaitrn umauggy g nday afiernons do not conflici alib Cmà wbich ciy ibm familyi-stOrE)- badjdamagod ut b aitluticon- any aiher services of ibm day and give. md Mun the &go. . tlaamd vn thtir way i. Bail Day ahere tbm Pmople of îbmchnrches an oppoiritt Thetar Wogin tothetat J ine tey ot ntumot t0ubl »a flsjjta attend. The people of i Lhryvilll 18« aea.boutnmiles norih- vorm boagbt ta e *vl nodmi-and many I-oni other commnnltte ao l«o Laetyledvab out t bm .tondai om-ivlllm erare espeeially lovers of music lok for. Mage, - neaifIbheuretteby agreement 09 ol ven a trial on a dbouideoy elarge and mon ibteperevies T e ublic tise boit«, lent atai-day. Tihe faimo- nOU ath wa flodne d aieou'.whicb ihey imnpe oetiv i chi-ch e Thne bie o-l *lots of 106 aci-es4 broagbt $125 per pald. Tii-y aima pu»daWm Id . ~.R Ially tvedof ta adherograrIo oi- acri-m Ladbefot-e h.-ng »knouta ivtî t ri atted.o heloas:mfo The chir@ of ibm seerialurei-hos 12 The paetoffices ooeslmomijreeive lmt- Organ Pielude-................. Lilmiti ville baie beguin tbmi- reamilmi te!. ahbieh are aiddresisui to l*s National Mms. Lulu Matlock lb fur lui-ibmgauier servies. TheOmu"im 144Mal Orier Brakerago Liemuaget 520 Responsive Scripture Letton-...... ->iograns au w bing Prepi-ed ai-m sali Globe Building, Mtnnuiose. aun., de- Rev. T. E Ream tu bha vry eldboratm and constateof apite ti bauthai ibm Goverammot Poil;Prayer-.............................. difficult)it mont beantilali-mondtioa* tof office Deparmeni a toupie of rnonbs Rev. C. A. Monianus he warld'i musma niocs. Maoen liéimi ibe aidaif al %is. amaspapert Solo-O L.6rd Be Merciiul. ...Bai-et The Liberty ville lomal o! ibm Mié: Pro, lu ihe counnt-ytu telltl isrsar@" ibat Mrs. Leonora Hughes docers Asociation w111 boîi ibeir regniar the M opany wame cu~ @m a echeme Harp-"ýPayer ............. Hasselmans meetng 'A dqe.ay eveing, Mai-m b. bObtatning MoneY ibi-oiigb tise matils by Miss Maiion Taylor si g o'mhnck sharp. in ibmety stiloWoi-kC, false and fi-adi ent prtssa aa4 prryn.Soo--Farever With thm Lord' ..Gounod IL l un-r DeekWe drug store. Ailloi- lu vllatiinoi.iho PDOuisr@us. Piit- Mr. Newon Finir bie are nrgod tw attemis a bere e i. nmimiAllemnun eia b ihReaiing- "the Sleep... M.Browning important ioiomes ta ti-ansaamt. letters acre reivmd os Moday moi-n. Clara Averili Colby W,-inm-say vnlu)g sixtes,, frimnde itig wbich wra d-oppui tea*lie poiofice Solo- 'The Lord is My Ligh .,..-Mai-sh gslheme ai ehome oi Mr.i-ad ltebM bryi-m epl.I%*pamatrMi-tHughes Balpb Cole sud gare ibein piesesitriaid clerke are inotruct.d la stop ail guch Offmi-ory--........................... maiprise The vionive s.spont la play- lhtters nes soinau ietai. enoensnuy Mms. Mattocks la 50.prme areaai-edan Mm Oe of then rach t* 46.Qination. Sôo- Tise Gond Shepiierd" ....Ba-rie kls aoifrlut gbî a htaDitslunch snWbsn thm diremmoi i4f0 erl uon *Mi-. iinn servmd- Albai as ooabla-til.. the bitter. atmr rimé ie& mtby Benecicion-.......................... J Bbrlou iib a rafi-aardmd totii bm e rtu-offeic n Organ Poslude-........... ......... J Hbpkon a oe f heLaeW sehinguoît. - iMrs. Matock& coony doItgat"Io theibmIllinois Si-a Fmi-me stnituts bld l ti-matai- Wedienas nd bueda oflutw-k. TUE UNBEATEN VAi WC. Dilonof fiond Lake, won aboa lI1AIIIRR li U 4 r d imute.&naor IL wilet ibety.TOO LATE TO CLAbSIFY ville, was.reA-etcicmas dIrmi-to! o %im At the LibertyvllmwjplmaBai-iy______ glai bard!ro ibs dmtmcl.Puisan su nomi-tisraltmgaie eWANTE-liri atIdeai Laundi-., :Ci== Nariy ala maiof t ai ibofmt e miott Ri b , Ibthe betabkflgUi$m.ld peerLlbrtyvtlle 9î - SIaie" wthiplayed aitthe. AlduutU , J L. oaned by 0 N*"efCbiffo, îe*> o .tîlile sgoe th i10- .~but fleurlocal pplm ,éwarO' tm Ootert iuppar giron taeii *ti<hai ord tblm pacor bae*jî** ? tblumsf muntitr Boum bj ibmieu vu - m &Wni oni. Dris;g V Dv Um i R.E.SSES anc a mot plussent tin»i. -$rouo@ ile mu-and qp$lmsuie *W. md M. fred DU'tklq snê Utile o5 ibm ibre.> ai-aid 'gi eia eon * 4.gbts I-i Modaithéb giet Wetern r*At his-n a A fortunate ea.rl moieuuîarImill tu hout. esu Slm* %lm mon o fnelie o C M" Illinois. I r.- Une a v. : r-lm- ever beore s3ho,« Ieume m o sostak. ea.m o oOFFIC formerly. Tise plie. ehow ai 4bm 9dd Fflovo Catra e*eams ml hoesi l icobaat*ti'. 1 ow initap r0 ý" 4» iidWash dreisses ingng l' umteni-ocal 4;è # lo it4ogelâteu lgi To *lowu 111eor w eand niemtly trima m - -ffi~.d'a lomçonhng TbefoflOU ffioeau ver a szApialolt. "7 srgeenowd sud Ibm piteamis «0» Peglien-llri. Ben o#lgs m*ae mace for s« aongtihos wia.teu1dNobe1 ie >e -ld -MiI m4-Otei aie o..des Our 2 cent club pays $2550 Oui- I cent club pays $ 12.75 We also have clubs where yeiq pay in $100 or $200 or $500 ach week and ln 50 weeks gmt $50 or $100 or $250. We add 3 per- cent lnterest. Corne in and get a "Christmaos Bonklng Club" book FREE, It costs nothlng ta Jon. This Is flot a plan just lot- BOYS and. GIRLS; t It also for MEN and WOMEN. You can stat-t TODAY--STARTI Ltl3tRTYV-ILLF ILLINlOIS Capital and Sut-plus $50.000.00 A Complete Line of Automobiles. AilNew Vahmo&, A car far every need, up ta the minute in style wd finish. Take the macdl 90 bas 4 inch tires, cactileru springs. 32 horse power block motor, Stewart vacmm systeru. fully equipped for $665. , ls a wônrder. Tbe four seated Country Club at $7 5« is a snappy. small car. Then the Big Four, a fine, large farnily car, i*t the famous Overland motor, priced at $850& The Ught Six is a beautiful car for $9»5. There are two 1models of the 'Knight-M14W Ç Cai tiiat are in a clase by thernselvea. k'. lilge this. Whmu y" bey &àOvmsfad, Y« àe».M a ca o«ep"lmalquali, qd%" zmssu etp~ Abd &a" t.ite au 7«.ct the admiqtffn eUiOV Overland advantages in appearance. , frlas comfort and'price, plus Overland service means lmoing: ,satisfaction in the use of your car. -1. Corne in and1 give therit theonce over. Ifs. wS& while. Schauck Hardware sy kd SUIT S for the- il "moIa e enabies un.b ldieW1s v wn, alnd iii spite -of.,ihe pouîtivelir no more ighams and prints 12 or more styles,. al wol ma&l abed at ............. ZC-5c0M75 140 e wah sit&abôt 6styles an,nany ceo6s. t uMi ervceaswel apçraceaÉ. .6c and $1.00 M, somne distinctly new dressy MO" eii in la 8H, wegive o h RO L.&OS This hoppens ln 50 WEEKS. We also have a 5 cent club pays $63-75. which in 50 ywsks 1

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