CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Mar 1917, p. 10

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'r 5c4' I w I NA~R SALÉ 0F ~4>kI ~oâ.0 Stock-,of -Fùrnitture'. 1 u ~ oL4 9 ~ b M k oorn F 1àâ JTw uhltre I jflscoingiDiy OUTS 'IÈtPING, OUT-MATGHING and OUTGENRLI< y any, sale of urnt ever advertised by any other furniture ' store uti4 e,Ço 'ty We boUffht heavily at the Furmiture Ma 1 8 each day finds large shipments coining in. WE NEED THE ROOM, and are RtUDTO t CE j great deal to g tit. It is toyour ÉdVAtgeto "stoec-ÙP" With your spring needs at priecs unheard of be- foreelii lwilô the ý.price lW--d w ~r d etsdi ete so- orn" or "left over from last sea,;on," but is hrand new and per- feet w, eerydétaul, and ià ab4olutely ,'guararitecd to 1w as advertised *r ou inoney will b e cheerfuli l udd BU Y 11ERE -BUY NOWr- and ýsave ýconsiderable. jeMIF EGINS,SATtIRDAY, MARCH i Otù~---SALE EN DS SATURDAY1 MARCH'31 st ______________Store Open Eveqngs During this Sale I OUR BUYflG POWEE STOEU -nabi-sus, to bug moresOÙEAPLY nd to CHEAPER th"n any ouher furmitum o tr0e iake County. BE£ US BEPORE Yo~BUY. flu~r. *.25reversible; fanyt 35 peg 15 D-b. cotton feit; art tir i. A Very &pecial Off ering ini t ip -ý* - -, -- p 0 Save steps-make work easy -by getting one of our Kitchen Cabinets Reduced From $30 to$ 8 Fôr'this sale. $1 lias every improl~emeflt and convenience. Comiplete with four bin, glassware, bread- board, etc. Get one now- while they last- at this very speeial price. Never again at this price. GVIo heÙe lü 5-lnch elevation- 17square link- CxuarnteedSpflflg -Full size- -Worth $.0 that mak4 " quie-buyng ', Worth whilfe.; Solid oak; five,*rgç gd ý wlers;jnew desgn weil imade- Oslther Dressers and Chiffoniers up to $110.00 - reduced considerable. SCHWARTZ always off or you the largest stock of High-Grade Home Furnieli- ings ini Lake County. :2 t- Steel Beds-i (worth $9.85) --Genuine Vernis Martin -Two- 'inch posta -Te- ijerroda -Any sizo Ilere M Sa gool value. ~peciaa uuernia ai 75lb. Gurney Rdr* tr $12 lIas convenient,, reniovable ice chamber; 'anitary; easily cleaned; golden qp'iàh; saves Ice, %iid kees ail fdodg.healthy. Other modela up to $75.00 now in stock. Zew spring'arfivals are hereé A. gravid and ex- cluaive exhibit of RE ED -FURXbW TURE iBnow i*re for your selections. Do not be niisleâd by mere statemerlts. You owe it to yowir- s el1f to see the ROUND OAK corn- bination beforc you buy. The largst-most compite- artistie -display of Carniages ever sliowîî iin Lake County-now here for vour inspection anid approval. Get this fuli site Dining C hair For $1.05' 5 spindies in baek, golden finish, well buit, roomy seat, liinit of three to a customer. Lakt ehiableEconomals, MJotRe-iflUt, ECoompelt Hlome Furnishers.. offeriig- B3rass Beds a two-ineh post- (guarantee not to tarnishi); full 'Bîze; worth at least $25, our special- $12.50 IRapd nelvery Service We n ow have THREE RAPID delivery VANS for our trade, enabling pronptnýess in al deliveies. ________________ Di_-tg able for $,8'50 td1,,lo*k ,ontrutiof- -elwaj j4ank top- New stYle-artistie base- worth $17.50-our special offering for $.8.50. We save when we buy- You should sec our Parlor Furniture- Davenports, Buf- f ets and Library Tables-before, yqli buy. To hear the J'athe Pathephone is to appreciate r e a 1 music. Models from CASH or on time. 9SELLING-& ulaxeAtsl vecvet corduroy uphoIsterig- tWelvé mi flwheels- %-inch tires-Irrench greyfingh - -I ~ if you buy here. à iveiCASH Furniturt CO.= O Waukegian, 1in. Kenosha, Wis. CEI TUHREE GREAT -4 -1S ,à . e i ml.. ý ci ;l ' î

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