CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Mar 1917, p. 15

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U1ISDAY, MARCIL ,1917. - RepuuitJon th'~ ftaW.14 hàéaItteaaIndtaments and of the 1 U-caled "Cood 0dèverdmorit I..aluah Attemnpta te Dictat. Local Poli- tic. Mande *Utt aa 0.napicuous Femture of Saturdaya Primary i Waul<gant. 7h. Ohly Two Men £îndora.d by Gazette anld Ita Dtctt tom Ara êaII*éd tidfl. "The Kiss 0f Defeat" The aflDIy Gaette inflcted the. klaêof defeato on Worack for tupervisor and Rtay Fow.r for Justice of the. peaca In Satuadoys priMary. In other worda. ae .nd@I*Sm.ft by the Os- zette ha& provêd te be fatal to cSslIMu ilU thé peUt. Jo f1 4t8 urday'a prrmary lit proved truly te b. "klas 0e démat- 4r tiIr political aspirations.. The significant faet thal, stands out With most con- spirotsnes in. Saturday's Repuibican primary is this: That the. only t*o candidates which haa been In the eà fra lruarcan*aign the Gazette had en- dorsed BuT rwO candidates, namet, CHARLEjuu WOR for supervisor, and RAT È'OLE fr uý i(le t pace. Both of theme iien met disastrou de feaf. * WÏûegan Locals* I Mien Anna Anderson ofWaikegan 'as xiven a trial for her sanit,' tn county court thii mornIng. She .waa found tW ha Insane and wat commit-1 ted to the Insane aYium at Elgin. N. 1-~ Maher of ths Maher Manufac. turing coupan,' of Libertyville waa ln Waukegan today. He announccd that he has cloeid a contract for fur- nishlng the iighting fIxturea for the New Wabkegan Ni. B. church afteri competing wtth Chicago htdders 1 Tlteo. Biech. manager of the Publeic Service Cd., waa bitten b,' a amail dog owned b,' a mailn nmed Belle' Ibis1 morning. The dog was shot b,' the' police. Mr. Blech went to a doctor1 MWra. W. J. Smith and he Mrs. R. P. Lee, Cor, av(! turned Baturday evenlng fi Ciemens, Mlch.. whtre Mri went to take the betbs for tlamn. She ovrime the rbe but hail a bid attack of whtch han efred semewhal the latter pt of*lÏl' sat. Mfr. and b1frs. iWY amson Saturda,' 10 Denver alter somne Monthe inu Waukegan cagit, bectuae -ut. 'Samson, of the Dnver dexortment of waa needed lu Chîcago In cC wltb a fedérai proseCOtlon th returne te fDenver ta assumeý au head of the depart1ment City. Charlts Thayer te* in rece etter fromn hie fatiier, GE Thayer, of Ashland. Wl.., 1: be says the mercur,' ther4 rf le cau- 18 -below »~ro yeiterday. 'He said todaY. Attorney C. T. H.eydeclcer rep- the nam@er 0f e -bàl ià that flshing tbrough the lIce la au'opý" resefltedl Ms. Waters î ,'t d..v.4 decided to keep thé. *Id Mmse. 'r BJ8tpr, lar sport, aithough the tee 19 31ln. One farmer brought in 36 dozen The uiitioq<oe cbna" *0 ,au enue, ce- ce h .Too hefini and found thb..merchanta 0f pos pb waueo dlscuaaed l but flliweghnga ott.? 36overatocked. He soid them at great- ît waBs vôt.d to bu.l ba cM nLtae. s. Srnitb hrenfs egigattlo 5 ly reduced prices to lerba In otbr Rfebet ee srel'U rheumna- Pud.etoret Waukpgan Is <cijalIy flod afiétr the bhue es sion cafdis wet *illatimin D. A. Hlutton, asstetant eupervluor wlth eggs today. and any number o? -aed 1neuritis and asal.stant tire chie£, la alck at hie oe a escrda rm1 O h mlyt0 h inteitc Iduring home on North avenue of pleurtsy. Hies e a e eue tfrm.0t haelya of th ftehlm temperature Tuesday la eald 10 have 35 _ens.toyhve______the___mtiaý retirned haen 104. ment for typhold at Mr. Pfanstiehl's ser<-dina Sînce John Galagher lef t Wauke-expense. lbhe repott of the U. e. and C~hi. ganfor Paris, France, Waukegan rel- N o th un cagon. army have prpven thist. 0lie a Vy« aq hud live hae no berd fom im. he effeetive preventive of the dise». as heu tivp, eh av fo it e ad rlm.ed éAt the i*at county teachers' meeting ont ,o slp luLipo wlchheaatdaived afe- jet NÀ« e rf t't' Dr. Goode of Chicago tated that lat nneîi~ y Lieroo. ngan. a i t pmai~l j~ r~year tiere *ere ont,' tiret ea.. eto ere. île suvmed that mail train hlm has heen aa satvz typhlà lnithe ehtre army and Ib hie work loat on ships sent to the bottomn by P I( NI deatha. n thnt submarines las the t brred zone." Hise y4Â5,IdA ip ?aemployers have not heard from him a* ~ "'CU ohn Ltliu'dis of Tenth sUt ta eporasince he left Watkegan. T rrin c Ili wkltbbhold foyer. Jospi Wtrllu CLUBnb 'ren.l corge F. n wbtch ýelstered JoseDine Waters was granted a diîvorce from ber husband, H. Waters, on a desertion charge ln Circuit court The Progrese club met Tburaday evening. The question of changlng puttlng an addition ou bis undertak- Ing estabflshment. - icrefore, it is a very significant thing that it is se anud r ublic today is thinking about it stogl.u- therriove, it is of added interest te note that R. J. Ers- ]<ine, te orilv defeated candidate for assistant supervi- soi-, lias his 'o'ffice in the Gazette block, and aeordingly it is to conclude that penbaps if lie had ha4 other ¶cnviroiii;ents, bce ni lit bave lanlded a winner. But, the deteat of Worack and Fowier indeed is most sinilentBECAUSE IT SHOWS TRÂT the. thlnln pilIf of.Iaukogan repudiates the. Gazette and the c"me*bt ou*xdcs 1t8 pollcieS, the ver- <flot beig that thone poU ia Wtidmal wlth the best interents of the. city pa oowity; lt shows that the ef-1 fort to I)ICTATE thingb in ' anid Lakec ounty yi these ntw "Icontroiles' of thought" as spen in the Ga- zette aligînent nlot only lmàbfrdtineUmè favor froin the vot- ers, but that instead, it imniediately raiAes the public's ire to sec the attempt te dictate the destinies and there-; fore, at êvery chance, the "~rift-raft" slaps back in n0 ufl- certain manner.1 In thec case of Mr. Fowler, he had everything to his ad- vantage in bis eandidaey for jituticc-eceptlng one tbing, the faèt that he wus endersea by the Gazette. He is a lawyer-a good lawyer-he lias an office and law library, anîd the general feeling ini town wai thiat lawyers should fill the offices of justices instead of mien not conversant with the iaw. Yet Fowler 'was defegted despîte bis wvide ae- quaintance, despite bis, ability te 1111 the position from a legal etandpoint better tjian other candidates. The faet seems apparent that bail le neot been handieapped by the endorsemêntevf the làazktte hie stneil would have won. The attempt 'of the so-called "Good Oovernment tLeagiue" to land Worack through the assistance of the 4 Gazette is furtlier repudiation of this tiny clique of mon who eall theinselves a league yet who number but four or five. Like In the eourýW oleetioli atid prhflary iast falt the so-calied league's sincerity and integrity et purpose- not only w.. queatione4 by the voters but was thrown in- to their faces on Saturday as fn e0iphatic expression that their désire te cpntrol and dketstelclpltc wl o be tolcrated by the voters. .The repudiation of this so-cu]led league by the voters on Saturday cails to mind thie. satenient made by State's Attorney Weich in the caipaign.last fail when lie said: "When 1 get through witli that so-callod Good Govern- ment League, nobody in Lakce county wil want their en- <lorsement. " And it looks as if the two dcteatedl candidates' had not been hampered thereby on Saturday, the'irshow- ing would have been botter; they. miglht even have been It ail empliasises the tact thât, when duty cails then4 the -"riff-raff " will get out mndsipp )«, tbose'te" loicl to bc sineere and working for tfie b4st ikterMM of l inajority; those who believo i a square deal for ail; those4 who believe in "living and let live." Poor Worack qnd Fowler la8t week felt "recognized" when they received the endorserleflî of the Gazette and the so-called league; today tlîyà at iing- their, petteits and, 4'making deductions as to what it cost thera to be collared -J ~ .by both. JACKJES LÀIE IN ARRIVINi; ÀLIOST Train Whîch Carried Local Sai- lors to Washington Was Over 9 Kow'. Laie. CAPI. MOO~FE11 INDIGNANT. to accept a position near the end 'f the procession ini order ta march at ail. ymt dexdo ETÂOI ETAOI T ÂOO Commnander Moffett la outaPOketi ify it comheùtta oùthe service if. forded'b,' the, ratiroad. 'I fa dela,' of hine and a haîf houts can ocur," he said, ein the transpor- tation of a detachment from Chicago to Washington untier favorable peace conditions, ltaecauntrY eau Judge Viher ths l1'*sat leat, la Pfe part to hindle the transportation of troOb a l te évent of val'."- . Sa ys service of Rgidoad Shows acSlwrmluNwWy Be in cs ar. hatlng É *« ps erPfeet rw e byJoptaigeer.OU gcazrda ara fmÎhetaW lu inliated yreMs waiik~ii, mac 2. dé ?le fre wtat bo*r" itit befort Because the speclitrain providedti y re Ïteb lua fortulght' or by the Chesapeake aLd 0h10 ralroad 12 dogiqitt'tht d- eatnthre egP for the naval atation boys was nile aN P.rtectl*.hatched. tead worm tirt andi a haif hodrs tate ln ariVing ýart ston* uW more rheatjt# ian Washington, eomnaidr Mbffett tira. hntched lu ,Any othetwMft 40E- jacklth lost tht place aliotted tu0 hBeau ORomidg out of thte ble hubm las the first ditisloti of tht ln- dugurlipafflb. Th#êy M.ihout at iar. tbà.lU apas baba thé Thiruâbrigade, folewed b,' Thef't l se, *M,~oe,' the, men ffom th nava station t il Ja dt84 it0~rth ii ie-tu ome d*tl4 iglit-now, id thé heart et on whenP'ut bould brlnq -its price, Blumberg offers you u *Nod 01 pties ur191 cotrcts rcadso ýelte in arriving, but we now have on display .la=" fl inost comiplete'stock éf F te and Rugs to be found anywhere i Lake. Counfy. Do n4t ta ý vord but c nd see fqr Y&JP WILL N, PLCATE OUR GOOt)S and PRICES at any. o4r store. q41pare Our Prices BMore B'uy OId Reliable, 17yem in the Furntre Business in Waulça à 5~or -The Daylight'Sfore-B 4Výi-onIy à te; of thne.great saving. Ileavv trame, ail hand rubbed and polished, golden and funwd Oak, also mahogany; guaranteed spring doatruction; an $80 suite, prieed at only. ....... .6 SO lac eather Suite to Go at $1995. ý«5 tbê $O Duofold Davenport-15 of these tg at q4l .......................... .. 30.60 fil every need. They coin- plete the library or liviîng roorn We carry a comnplete lime of these celebrated cases inial 4' finishes. Special-3 sections, base and top in rich fuînedOn ish; a $15.00 case '9 $14.25 Conibinatigu Bookoase -Ail polislied qtiartered oak; ireduced lia iag that wil hoe old at 60eo .t the dollar. Êvery finish ed stu h-.: large size ozid quartered oak, ini fume4 and golden finish, al- so nahogany, to go 119 LEt 4 COUC ES - A 'ýie!Tat.9,98 leati I-toi ýE ROYAL MORRIS CHAIR s coifoIrt. $ee it demon- [d. A il finises an d hers; up go£ .l...... . 7'07U 50 of the lateiît styles in brown, gray, enainels and mat- tirai. Sec' the hest before mak- ing youlr seevtion. 4 5 I) froni .........149 BE9DS-An IJnnmially Large shOwing $25 Walnut B.....$M&25 r 4-pos e B.....$15.95 $0 Ste ýb e. ..$13AW Se. Our Belection oft B.d Springs. Caif orters, "lan- ets and Pilla-, as law as M8. $35 KI!O ABflITS AIl the l1atest improx e- ments, solid oak, well finished -a bargain < D at .. . . . . . . . Othér Cabinets Up t»'$5X ---j NOT ONLY. THE LARGESTý UUT THE BEST FURNITLJRE STOR~E IN LAKE COtNTry1 70o Linoleum-T wo- yards Nvide, plenty of patterns, at -- only..... .16 $1.75 Diig Obhiý- 72to be hold uit........... - (~Exclusive agentts for Columbia Ùrafonolas at trorn $15 to $W5. Double 'Dise Rec- ord,1 65to $3.00. e-"' $25SpaishLeaherRockers O0verstuffed; ' 0111Y a few, at .... 79 $5 to $7 Rocker Assrtment- Ail finishes, at Offly .............. .Lq yo6t7WÀ" "?ËK4 XUT This sto* 'e ,os t ibut it i.s Burely Worth it-QO exclu- sive featuren; 20-inah oven; white pýr1ceWa1k; ne parts to change te bake'with gag or fihedru l ~gewxth bl;uead white strýjke<Ior 19 rt Ë DETROIT.JWLSPOA 25 of these clebrated ranges -inew' apartment style; ieft a ii d riglit o' en; all-white splaslh bake; s,,e titis $W0 r-ange; sale 19 priée ........ .... ............... zz

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