LAKEO Laite INDPENDE? e's Big Weekly krWeokRe uaiyCombhsd WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN UIE1JTYWJZll I"OOUNTY, THURS9DÂY, MAUOH 15,1917. ONE TO EIGHT. *1UitJ PEU YEAR IN »V fOR-,FI TM EEDEATIES YS. Vabua.Muai10 TIR LA1(3VILA, 111) , A~I~Y~~I Tva mmre oenilsillnSuthe nv truhGeorge LUeOnbSiacd tic Iim A M I ft1~~loelctrit office Shrs .fcr00TI: 'are: Yewig Man Found GuRly of , n" 'ORey, Boutn, . . mmsJohnb m olng ma .AftOia Asuu#ngW MlFound to lmo w. Durmnu. wamua. Wis, Short I FolIowinu Her Ha. isi flUfb. Tic.. yoxag MM vn s:vmroamed t dfl Cl«dey. tecutyomouicrmbly. defllOu al is CiiiUUALY INSANEuriay tiieyvoal1118 te 1»t ic-"sMENINGITIS OR PTOMAINE? Nticy vont t. lbe Naval Stationma- 11i 1w Uqk of Thoseta t. umlor ttc ote iy FWrslViothuHaInfantkPa- IkveCu's b <~togf~I> baite b. mo ent ta Lamballe vho tien .eJyoi* ...RaIDaum 0. mm R.ocetIy. raddte ota bilva er for.a sar laiSame Homs. fi!al moptilo tii aciiite_ _be_ _ Wm* (m. Mai12. maie tbreo ta b. enlistel tram Wmu, Rslemil of tic viahmly o! laits À Jury in circuit court tua amiter kegan Villa a"M MM liun are Véry mici ex. mm a etaroci a verdict tînding Davi clfe over th i t at ltires oatis iboob gui ty 0f lsvlng aimmiztel llit bÂI' 'IJ~T ave oocurroi lUme durng the paet lis Ploromc Dlles. a NorthCiii- JIAIIJ f cT sUIU~l> 'everailays, on. bolng lue ta lfat- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b zpcue lebele P.rmyatu aid thé eticr tia belng tUs l t im ite let b Aattibuitel te mentegllhaWo snme1 oonglftd th ded. he M TuEmo uAld. but vicrelu a phymiion abautfpot t pova*» n mffl by Judge £rwards oo m certain ai ta the direct cause. te es afflum for ushecrliinelu n-IIJI i Wo Tbe. iatimi: ai tCloter, M., a l vU b. II ___ h.eerct htd !Chre Sp 1bies by Shériff Oriffin ou WsI- Tr"afdcido hre soew- Haula of Lake Villa del Bunday .40k Infaorpel te court that ho.1Roatl FUnd lted-t Ifantle paralysi amiudiml ta-i- vi effleodi la n t ot o! sotrn of Total Cîlecion-in Lake cnudi lu the moringsoundai. .151mai ali . voll e aiI Conty-I. i 9,10. Tr.y.irold dughto.- of Mr. "du sb and sait! ho luuUld l0a te, $9,41.uMmTovrer. vbo lvvitb Mm. Ta-w- bç,»»e.- era m tier nlnfatlier.Mr.ald Mie. POOl reelvhtiatimr-forLAKE COUNTY 1ISTH 19 LIST. «e' RO!wlind four lot !L Roosiwuva Iiltl Qu a charte of Ivila. lied Weineiay ater baving amiit aidbs beaun avating triat Sixleenlh in Lst as to Amounau omsic mince Setnnday. Briei '1.1e. va.cffimilrblo tai about eev frRa- Tburslay. bawteg 40 op-ratmospr!orme't vitbhi 11w Mm vefrRod r.John Rowilo grmaimotlier ef ve av be au"dc t saf. ta bave work This Yeui. the. tle girl, del Wrllay alibI HeU ai large bt Slu vam ccld ______It bboo hm loftntely iccie6 tint th"1 Il. c«er coure. vou. tacame- fina îaîs aie county pal tie mm teîtie 111 Hmlu ciil vwu sici viii mie lia te Cester. . o!f .26Ulu motoe tee t t e 11Infantile patirisl. Uso tuemty loaket for !,Il vas 1 Tic Uitle Tovi ouhi vas talcen putUM m in lcourt thim afieii1on ed ie raprteo fAfr ria g'lgfotd mO o"aon Salnriay amidvas very alic Z, -ag tiat Hoauavmconitie uhat tiis camaty*111 receivele emtram tienn atn Mie paiced mway ou t, *aafl e tyl M i butvaasdils- o! $19.410 for raad von this Yr. Weiiie.ay. Tic burial on Tbureday eiarsgi 1 Sept. Gahagan wlien he The utalceè fee mntefrIR$4 vsprWu .b au wI ault certain aboedeinomne SmproviOUIO!i ta $10. an u g$4as.he luie vail= 4 ntueof the aliment j» . 3 . C ~ . VflgurAld $o4 Ib, aver ad bu& ites ilous amidvau convel li omase féeelnd, t vould appo te4lu cannoctian vii ihe iaekmgo 0 q, la hmm» e omail the eltow pot- tiers are 211 automobiles inlu AieMm . oviUng andthelie 111e Tov.r ssatsa oim.nnial lutolicc mDuna1nt cauîy ai pressât. jciS t arneia l.Ineocterace,- ecil -t. vititau an mrns'te 40 The followlug Maiotulm of 1110011t ,, « l iai th bal opinai Mou- àadge&nt Chie! or Police ThinucnUsîamir mon 8 u ilcmiori, utOfrtpae Pwl toatifiol liai he #lad arr«eto1 Ifor uta licenmssand tie amnte Pl hna-en obi va. tougthMae le" ai llff«ent timpe and coucll-counly viilrecelve for rami vonk. lha bai taci of tic grip ad tler Sttalu mi tbà,topat vwu given oui ava# bu tisn, and eMitrlj ire- The irai coluonuo!f igumres e- tb&t 110? v«* romlhy boliceete have 0 ac.t. sent slbhe'îou. fem pol hia 191&. just vWa" couslai te phoscRues testiftedt-) the %@ M a"e cm bar by Hu 0jjrcr Cauted lon the b" l a stats total. piomai,. poucolngJla Mt »imo t~OSi os,,btmti ti ~try a 1hjb'fie econd columa a! figure, repre- meltier la t dlcfltely Iodel tbat I S ybraf h toya tIt vas puonaine poilaig vilci "l rhm tu ber 17 tic child. senti tic roamifood mioW don thei »d u.lti* de101. untic lime Homb euai ba si of the totlcoleatol. lu otbes- vorla il la a mysteris oali ticocoaty Jdl b, lhan CncSncuuy. naiurmlly.hbonds the1 Conduitn 0<aai an- afl î a mamleete mymtOUo 0!mimat!, liai of cantie.. Laie comty la .igh- Villanmd nome of thc roilentu ure Wgueffl Msrh l. tenth n poitin lnthe muo t ldIncla" te, blle ail tir. est a Waacga. Mrc iO iclut li psitonlu i~ iiiIOit to.d1bal beau lue tn a sort of!mm nigti 'PlatDaid i ouub. ait«elMorom. ticena. for uta liconies. mand la six- epiomle whvhb8lprevulomit ten. Who la mdr, indiatunelon a clamige teenti lun théS&Mount viihki tl ald vhich May hb. mp.ddigbecause o0 baviag mm. ad m uIt On tva receive for roai vont. oathlfat tbat ici. Vile anal ,*m gIrhle ofNorticago kg Thc flot ofocountiés wvih adi a «"masuaicommnuniet talmnalimet edud»Uihomem aid moadbe sent a! this i iimla. ol propely citeki te mes "Onyumi aht ait.?, la tie be- mare tban laie cmtr ani tic sum Au areéuit of thi tunaionad ii- id W uuiy prison sttacicso0f lake ecb ViliI ecelve fer road building dîilutin tt lu beolete iem"- oeouV vIe vitiioel ti aim&Uft folavmn l icontagions the IL vlhng beau. Mloiamie on a trestya et aie Cook ...........$470,610 $119.585, stodyfrota"" a" un efforts vini eoodr Jan m l ksday nWigit - b.2160 382 homade0 te acheckthêe piloia vila> Vhit provocaion Houai gave LS' he . 3.10 eemc la iitz cipiemay nov. le bole vttice"trnty' outille hi;]a Klie..........26,779 29.6"0 cou, aldho diiimotltlopoutil be jPeoria........2,323 273001 bal bloien &Il the. lObe. on vdai ac MLmm......... 2477& 31000 P ST F C S -hie napper im" bonse"eoci. an11un-1 235OLL O T R CE tII gheriff! Km» J. Grlffin enterel id. Wlbhiebmgo... -0M626 5 '~IM4k thaltih e Iti nall n-, Rock - Island .... 2,03 A0'OUT OF P LIICS; Clooter" sali anc tUcShtaô ernlof .....1-71 29,620 thi el- tat o Vrii...........1,701 2,1620 C N tie »0i. Sien!! Grifflo. It la be- Lvnao ...'736 2,6 O QR SI U Steved, 1lb. héa»e opinion. Lvnao....735 2.5 Cà jmuary su h ouai aonaented to sangalnu........16891 20680 have aui opération performbl vbicb Henry .......... 16,404 17.900 Burleson's Sweeping Rule Stirs wma lakemife m.for hlm ta l e at Bureau ..........15.500 21.7u50 Up a Hornets' Nest in s"late ccomatutty.i.Ilvmusali Macon..........14084 21.450 os»= J stuay Bb lath. voule bcgiv- Washlingon. mea sliberty as oon saithe opéra- Kaflialc.........14453 15.720-r t.n va- poformel. Iroquoi......... 14346 25. 3» Washintonu, D. C.. Marci 7-Post- ,4 0èofrfbse"u-"0 ail ......14536 18.900naner Géanal Buriesan annancol te'M by Judge Claire C-*Ulurardu à,...... 32 940tda htatrArl1teapit s~ mserlai.unrut. ut h ~ Ci 8.26 19410meftn of ail pastiauters o! tic fintl, &u sefi aurtdeut elmnt th .u.c,. - second and Iid cs vauld b. sel- the operalsm. îspn ite tfanctblaI f Al IW iIH el la compéttive exainnatiana. paeota Md frionl«uruged hint te b. u d WU Y!wra 1115 NomntinsViIIle metut ta tic son- gffl h lb.headvice o! court a" muI i Du ate ai Su lie paîit utnMaklug Se- coamL. IitIIteKI btons lie, presidenl viiiblegudol *10 one O! tie manî surgenofl. < 'b' T-,I y lie résulte o! examtaatiaua mal i ae ty offere ta o rfrm ticuh wusvmu iyltend lu tic nmre. aItie ical offla". on, So ate. ,Attoin ao nce ruiiuM D W iflAVIS oa!hlieu5. . W.lcti lalem eatter befor. D R s 'T KThe. preidents fortiaomtng order Hiarry Haielien af Clicag. Dr. vIii provide for a tera mof malified Haimlden galel vileDeaid 1mto- William MaPherson of lbe Ralroau clvii service CIUlasicaalam union ntey a fev ycan m"ga asamit o! Meule Home. Hghland. via lest bils vici ml vacaucici, vietier ausci the "Baby BolSger- case i wih be sgit and loti amenusl a mine expo- by résignation, removmi or death. vil relused ta perfori n unopération siton ln1906 ani via ince bu bclefiel by compétitiveexaminuatton. wblch might have savel lie alaiti'. barnel ta ruai viii hi. longue by Thaîe aready ln lie ervicevil cou- Ille. Tic chili vwu lefom annd au ciof raieleItiers on parcetain tiune vthotit examlnatlon ountil the migit "4v. b..» a moron bialt ho mInI..s, aIt Kansas Cty nov betng expiration of four year' term begin- ilved. fitt01 viti anticiai amem. ulng viti their lait appolntmeul. and lu asémrmon blte a congregation wvilitienl Sa undestaci. bave ta Attorneys for Pbiulp Gudberg ot of Kas.ui tytis veei he al i. uierga h.ecamPetlve test- Mlilamni-par't. ludiclol on a charge bail f#hnlm !recently for the firel A iarnet'a nesl vms stirrel op ly o! géeist gilquor Su volation, of!thit im l 4Otuvin1imana.. theaannancement t the capital auimtl.ioaui 5v.arguelalucourt ttibh MPherson ha. b..» an lamnai. of MinO mcml.!. aônsluel tic crIer norulug for a contlunance ln fthe xust- th@ Ralroalbons.Homte et Higi. as ai mave la gel 'emlled Dem- tu ragulsta quasi lie ludilt- 1aId PutrI forhe peutton icari.and cralleanduIRepelilcan suppotlnluas mont. Isaac <iadbrkg. tli Of the duelug iaI lime heoliai depeniel upopotltaalU Y ucau thou leouan. asprmet in court ami on O*tOlS 10. C vcry greal; exteut. Mae. Negro !ligtblo? défndentis oe" T.isbultel 'he C mitet aheihomo vho have oue memben ipggotd tiat lie or- je an opéraion lthoulgi physciens bemna niAs arifilt-$amm lti gream e ou u oayRpblaut .leq e rot inta laesltitacour". 5110000 for mu~y yenis, and ov M,,,office, ai Many Of the MOre active 505 h.asi. ises a vol lie pharon bu ieel p nu gh 01*1mouciassistantt poslmaihenu are Repblo iS~fSO fpossible ani ha. cmiIt o y ObU icarmse and bu lu pang ans retalmel bY lie Deocrahia poil b..tcr urgon.A Ivo vu'ee te lotilntilte elocal bofe as acon matters. u, iiandn otiur vanhel' hi ~auneevaigratol Goîbo ableI1. inov vial vould bappouIf the 0but 11 ômtiMo h00111 -- mtiajthe ui tmy yooreles baaUved m--- er d tilSl ram ti amtion -em b te 8hèiatth omce tenoyer laoautri iea Novme. epocmailci gms ___________te utt* 4»ue vor 0fcmpta am rac0.loodrillilt. tbfanO pesst. te orrum au ~bhoaua fl fivrito muSatbe mm cliaI th-thee amiSatt<mi-**mu '*m tm« et lie bg Uatopohti lIlas imm bavoe utade pXaoeandll. voeuM ~Bs ps~cI. I& oayer lia t 90 Umte&n, e "àso Om pfl1 tea My eue* ,Te r wseeî authonlu- AÀT11 u 0F Dffffli outju reporter for ex- thi[MA it) lu % tCounty court ai a R1<I saloly pw.qtth le dulle. teO - *~tg anul tain . ,.I n cmi«< ~~t le atcedie Blnd y ormî., L .. .Rsg- sa thesmi SIge loto Palh of Stock a The nov Woppelra onmaies OIES 'AT THE HOSPITAL. c courtassume. ier on NccFaci ,etc. b, Miss lang bha n - -U e FnMnls ptoycd as r lu the offices Ti aIt Atlmr ver aKnu The ohilling blzard wvichtuak b vinle ln the Hauma Wautccgaa nt a ltte hout Mcvldey 1 buildlig. - ias'ion. tie night it of 1 ef th hem. s <ik f t or aftorneys. wît Ui lii b oulet forvari ta fier long viii the veil mcvo lan yb0 eher expert- 8 a itunucmslf asi muai ai posiIble ena. l oincdanlher ap-.tImu lie gale-drIven Smov. 1h. Sauni polimont 1v Pensons uden et appnaaailmg langer mufflel 17 the the. neoit. « h drii. crtalin rilkng af lie stanM. LU J. Ellag- ta, won ont sa .for the County mu1, reMlllg a4 S135 Wcme ne COijt ~avenue, Cicmgo.. a frelgil braie- St viiil e tcueeSdfyta re- lU inte eMpioyeLo! lie Cieago aot re aes tiecus t tand orthWestern raitramil, bome rutain df -d:ýlus ee oauel mian teppe lSute, lie pati cf rtine. fl.Veaycut~ a stock train lu tic morli yards cf L Theowu me 4 Cou n ualcug r bsliecopaupeu a arty our tuis sons for a be~ as telt ît noes- mntg I ufrltliIJre ~î'uiwti1a«tuem atter reacig tie joue McA 1- thon menely viomb# " a a Casev" i ie osîadet ccrkami14 requtrol opeob l hic vonk. a&m. today. - 'TILe victlm vas a Iraiciman oui - froigbi train No. 284, sautubound TO TuA s tanvarua conte a iigl n LMR TOthe rthyards ai Wauiogan in per- mitthestSk Tainte Pau, the lat- ter rai ba in c Iabtuef ain il, tMra Binga tn iealing.thec"n lin, meal oud the lichasl ai au m À S K E Dj1flercene.a W iie staru evtîently con-f fusol iim mand ho oteppol on lie State Senatw OuIey Aslè for mheai-,trmai.c uleàaio APPmpr' ýp $ 60,000,- Hita cruicl body vas hurlei ta anc a 00 0 s Rads aii. The bats vau topped and 000 t ' lads. mombors or the train cv burniel 4--boanmiad ~Ibe victini ep.,lRe PUT UP TO .,',,iTE HERE. wTic via t. virmoe alc No Quiestion, atBIh Win pasener deoaIai c=on*aipossiblej 1.1 ,and tie Cannai & Wetffl ambulance Be Passed oose nnmomoi. Dr. a. 1. Gavin, liecm Ac rdrqpany's -plymiclai. 'Was calie tue 1bempitaL, bu.t i»vet a 91gtapta Tic "-goal lai ltera e eeh o Q e t reevs. Ils ay u le lmet~~IS tae (li mi uffreia fruature of tue miell. on Tbundmy vicn 1l gewOSUti*-abrIe n nBeci. a fractured rigbt sr mumbli viu ased td ee ,e& boul mandscvers cela te erigitliog. He Imm. or 80.000.000te .*utlc mcvied vithout havlug regminel cou- iw-lâeëtiroughoüt Se ïww là th.e Belo.u evomI liaI th ic lip"Mo ~le coufnti jAII&uOy Pci!on a! Chicago, a Si la Ma, il. iiO O bIUt1 rotier-lu-lavw olite deceaedsai *1,00000fo uce=lone msthaI Eflgmnbail vorlêl for lie ln ti.conntu. Nonthwestenince thc ISti of Jeiy Tic propoceil modalcreteuoncalutas. He leSt borne Saluriay ntait wft Sh efe t e sUMU om ai 10o'oclaak i vii$10 and a goli munitesandtheprifléileleltAift ofvatchinlui. poc'zel. Sbortly mIter 1 thc mate." Tic ucamt, eeIcl o.ctoci s morming hie falier vas by Somator Dailel. protid. 1 the110aivioel a!fh b ath, 1Hiafather re- bbond lune le mubunhtei te a Mtate- qucatel me la attend th. inquetanul l ie referendumn. ta laie Charge o!flte remnalua. lHe 1 Ovlag 'ta lie mens".ma o u a21 yemrs r. age, muid leaves bis viaithelielt!bas seur»& fIl come mather andm tlùen. oneisier and sato té predîct ts 1h. pasue ~Up- iva Iratheru 10 maurnis lemise. per liouse._________ Prom &Il mppeerancec lIc leaders Of lie go" aldealmovumast, hava cliosea lisiycar for t ir bIgiva SUR Y ARS eouhitiuig on lie support of Gevei-uor Lovien nulSecretani of "te E m- Ji T ileso, Wo s t leotria fmcéfauto AS AM FT R; IS TO lieson.vio.s tcllstaifuter.otmt Tie maul prelenîlous gatierins o! goal ramis avocates lu sceeulel tat RES16N I S PULPIT le beldlnluthe Leland bOW iemtCi- capo mcxlTueilay uner the sus- .~ pieu o! the Illinol ils aay lm. 1ev. LUwardUH.CIJjis, For-i pravemonts association, and several merly of Waukegan, Resigns goal roaide alvocaites a! Wmiiiogu and îurroënîing cItles amePianning His Chicago Church. 1 n 4ietativeu of auteomoble Dr. Elvard Curtis. va out vaYtO clib ami other iulereited ergmima. yemri ma reselgulas aor o! the1 tiens have bec» invitel. A yluraj titpreslyenlan churci of Wauiu-1 gatucniang of aIl repremtativ«,,zpnem. gin u ta mo<iPt aUt li tic Wod- oni lu tc e e leuai one . p.,: là tue tava Premlyelmui ciurch a! Chicago. cvcmlug the bolet vlt le h i cone ias icilgiielisu pulpil. A congre. of s goal roals lînuer. gallon mecing bam bencuolliet!for _______________ next Welmcsdmy evening ta mOt uuuOn lie reslgnation and if acceptel ta 1TWO R-TR a uthoiz e applulmentO Acoin- 1 " 0 M TRMmitIce ta go befon. lie PreubYherY a f e fflpatoral relaions. r Bat BERia Sua PLÀAcE *1"i viihave servel !1tY Yeas a jg i oe aeter if h1lve untlt Mai 1, liii 1 vant ta retirie fem motive servioe.-' L ER .MI m ald Dr. Curtis. vhoie vile la a aie. _________ter o! Mrs. Charles Ingalîs Of Steel@ court. Attorney W. F. Weiss Slgns Dr: Curîls dace not exPeat 10 qut d f Detectives, Amount Be- preaching entireîy, but will iuppl7 ing for $1.000 Each.. with tut Pasetors ne wui bore..inu y MoiSson, ted.. ?n 1843. HIe ipont hie Elvsnd and Fred Armstrong, ivO boyiood lu tie uelghborhol af Wa. * t detelives vie vank lt iu eetîen ubash avenue and CM«""cas trcata at . wvlth thc Anti-Saloon longue,.ald bc viiose int..reedtlou is tlio. liA a veeo lllocil 17 tie Marei trand Rei. Harvey Curtiz, tien pactan 0! Jury ou a obarge o! periuiy, thlie l irst PIresiylcrtan aiurch. blt a charge belng liaItbey lestiflel f ilme'-uc-w edifice for lie engregllan. Dr. * y lu securias lbe convictioni of Otto Curtm prenched iifinit ormoun iWmlltn o! Wmuicgoui, apfladimnellir. Chicago mIter is gimiimtimOn ru e cuit court lots Mondai attermon nul tic Union Theabog91ica clM ir -O! v. ere pimci ,unler b l o W 100 Ne-w Yari lu 1867. ta. b Tic bonis lui scas. vM ere 1Dr. Curtis va.@limter Of the Wiu- t ldmel hîAttorney W. Y'Wbêh.. egan Prouhytonmi oci ltfor mini t Geoge Goelriug o! Nortb h~icma, iears and ito W"s emoosell 1v tic i ladioimo a charge oftis lgliguai Ilevereal Samuel Willcs ChidestOr -la altiOlOOiterritoli, a.patoilu miim tAm b e scenetlcti eux" llcourt bQniaiay = Ou aldChicabo pulpîl Il - .COett e oc* Ifm%"a udaboul for $t3.000 aiel iy pied tielo0al Pgbptt 1.0las Mmmi A forpm rMayor ClilmrilsOB mi Norti fnlemm i M a tgt uAWtuko- Iga C se.-gnahtuAls 1009 . 1 MULS &Y T IE WIUMES 4J'lNo IF LU 'FOIff fElS PLANT Itbhm boon rumoref tiat everal moclety gh7m wbo o weeembers of ÀU> thrle capt Laie Geneva are bhmlp 'orl'ulyo!taking hn=rc Ola la velm e tleraphy if Crothedo sttone luput up at [LkeForeot. 007. rMent cxports a eluolat 1ev days have booum bain8 fer a mite to, locale Nnu q v inas.f plant to supplement the. ose at Great Laie. Naval Training SVETE TAKES AR A5APF station, wIIOichlaovervorked.  site st Rm ai wParx. in.. va. tmmpctei, SBV A r but, It la til. didl;ot fot the fa- O<jwM5gd vor'0f thie export. A' miteé nPecflel f~ ~ Pa, et Lake iloreet lovovet, ilaiéd t9 have boom favoreolIluIL report ta MatAi UVal.. omvlcw 1VbI Washington. The coet Of the n<.w ln circuitme asit a ba u8 station viii be about 6,00. bImper, vau demied a mev t1 Circuit Judgse nvetia amcilng, mmA"Ov~s.. Mt ftzel at: 'WÀUCONDA ÀANI> Oe anre VI3MNON AR9 mhe & oeuta "OWS TO YVOTE iY Lquor Question WIII Be Re- 'dt . submlttedto Voeus of These jail y ione Clw a Two Towns in April. -mm 1~l1n.~b 4.1 TOWNS IN STATE VOTFL vi OW s1 «» -Maho i'ivj Many Townshlps but FOW Cit-1 mata v«o Ia* Imm les Are te Vole on QUsâtlon- "Io.."a-G, , DtLng o ixi mM. m ni a ta , Tii. tovnailps of Wauda 9" sud Diga"d t J Vennmar e on the 4&7-vow M e hohptac ev Question tti awteau. a-edIlig. t h ., . ho flai data moi Att Umrhnft. beer. fte B Wanoada vet vit two yeam umgoefot tu .$hm a" the guoto lum te laamix m r me tid uO. 1 m di suboUttaiun roquat of the dry àe Oroveacov»k roest. The township o! Veron a lathc e vt. ls oa - oup vio"s xiii" tielov« Clark, 1W7- t refumed to enom elu o , uudepermit flue vetete » Ue s tic Urthe sent thc ilor question uit capriaOmctecouow atfer bavhng boez drytMa/oam Si iue Un bel l thé 9i4ilDtaiff etatiln 0tle tAo lad mot booee awc ~ ~ O** c*,ourto aui itel satutot e- isadc 6. ï : clalm on. ovver aa tins , theatUa IUOU I là se the mattin luthe imne a i ad f05 Wu Vi=W= lboOm lait opra-tb Wels bave a rigit tua IY allm rmobàft thc qutnolo.nept in ail. la INtad& .forty-os. tovna 0omva a fjair l and iflaia bJUm m dd Obbail the- - optios eiootacti s pug tu. a at. - l~5 tompt tuMiedm* b=s et et klbïW~'lur i nem or tu eure to whét»r sE W1 have abrmW bornaaboimiio. lsti.m, -4ettcai out &Moordîta t e mbmor fthe l. m 70" puranOis, moi. And*"= lcs bas., co«"4"t i 918 ndtloft tbe oloctioîv la SPrhaflaim ad DM- «Y villa. Thme o. toe v v te mi t Ibn M~ largeel ilaii theticwet or dry toeu" Tiab" vii he mubuittth e cvotera 011 18éUla Beoidos Stuainm l t amaunou f t teela conty. Calos .e» tovial in la »meVoa UUêMot vich la tic viltegocf -RivetOll te.aïr d i MM Divornon are conly placr.eso sud 1ti0f~ the faite theii.saloon» viiihoeloit -ot Mauki"g ln the banude of thc b«ers. The 1Ma- laya "0u oacmik jority of tic tu iu ica.6100-_lbday, ià theoty ' tiens viii b le all um he i ilbu<-O Malcout le t urna tion Iav have popuuaiofi, of les.t tau 1elesie~ i. F -fin. O i 2000. amoumtuta&bout 4$t.* Th.çit.. etlou 9 A rM iiiluýfig- lu th.e' «nt o.Ioei ville. &tfhi ttempt ta rid tiat jtDm1' the fine sdMal o *1 e a! saloons. The closouti cml-for- the It outIn Dtboea=47 a8*mi i Uiquor lutseea vas l 194. he tirai of $1.50 a day. Thé,jLte year thc vomon veto givon itheo rght court au flfe 11tu M i 9 te vote lunhliSmois. Tii. maorty athave A @suutgt«Ofle ~t* Dauvillofor tic vetu tiat year vfa ilO the vitoattsu f the liUa 189 and the recuit of the oiosse t cott. ln ontrovrYM for sororal days. Springfield la faclug (t. -fourti at- lTl!1 toMPt tu do avay viti tic Ikquor 45UI traffic byvay of the locai option U M D route. The liAr gave tic volsa a AI~Z~ inalority of moroetisa 4do".,but 1*liq. ~ J~ uor Imlerestu. concede that theur mm- jorlty viii b. materiaily eut love titis 700?. ERS Ii< fiAVI3IIISLaFIGoldC«gor ffc uiioOtg but i mot e mobwfl ~* ~aM'~IIERTTar I[mam Goldbom &Ua UUINà>apDR Au. m uer, bad aior n , t Jelg Chai- . C vil That the lat. Dr.,El Arnes o! Anti- tic bonde Of tice io&*4& oci. gave hie lUe savinra ta repay $2.000 eai. ta Leke count:v a part of the mum Whefl Atomr oh obapo- wblch hie. aulpted son, Wrei4 Âmes. ed that the court lis tic b embezzled vile he aerved am trcs- $1,006 Statom A±turruolà tirer of 1Laie county. wIll be revealnd 9 ta tuthe OtiMtW10 iii.» tie viii of the aldeit practi- vi umet te wmileo 011 tioner aI Libkeouinty te foodi for pro.Imuai ms be vo ialla baie la Laie ounty. &"mainot Pagit ;Dr. Amese d i hi. b id Su A. Utlf ,tioci Wedncoday nIit at 6:80 fialp»I blip Guldberg vusle a hemorrimue of the. brai, mndii tiUsi I Uior ma»W..g f rom paralysie ai vas itatel. Ils 050. CR4 ai*1*to>e paued aay 1. thi. pr..".no f hl. colle t uI gifo. vho bal remaincde isa h o&- laidasS5 vile for vecesatma lime. .KI intal 0bub Dr. Amem lied at tic %go of 71 a0*i ad tu aI a .YcMr. la 1874 be gnauatol tr a a ce le v 194aoeO * 1nfilcoletaet Detroit blé. am UOI- b Mnce igraduatim on ibuaipnwoticcl Dr. 'La.. s mediciete la ie omny. »à la Lakee tutmg becSunWs exeo at mltoet mi St W .e bubeft «U11etfDr. AMtB -laM ho 1 semeolf r oytomniiboostle a m l-- t -