RS4Q, MRH11.1917-- - TO ASYLUM e Time ItHasOprgyd. Mo on Gia thefar: Mj1 ia om A sCgWt viel .i rRestaUve *dl o'c' Or t" -,"Pr, te ïÉ t 'aoiwOeilftbtNt 10 r Dý 11154,'0tI31#TIJpfCo.., 1ffled 041 * 110l4vpv. 4..z frcjîg the develop- *naa»dlàciose4 the foul x lu*Bat* in, ile f David Houeli. 1tLacou n ilonofys«Peb" b en éM rïmoron. exiess saisfaction St 11g-mesaman&Uptctjl n en mg e;.UoMtnry c>o~itte, Oourt in sen ding On.e tbilshed witlwut IL and tdw 'i abat. selei.l e YOun monta the uayluin for tbe raclr Q 6i11d. ; one < t 1b0a@0f the, week, Thurs- criminali nsaeat. Chester. Thers okorcte uhomooer; u. hatday, FIP>'. aud Saturday a.fternoan las ëein an unusual amauxit of In- swads scuoroir on the roputation sd'evenins ulli be devoted entirely tarest 4a 1the case, due chiefly ta the aglned, by uprlght destin '041 ç.-te the, exhibition of pleasurecart a and ht~tnbba ae tah fuiinoagmen ~~ UO ~ deeJM of Lake coanty are on different girls and parents feared a~ artà=la mach u Iterest Iluibisihow tilat their doushrera miglit be the Th bushiSis f thB<is 1 . ', ' -a c eu fl.n~tobdom Vcin, rnuut4turo iitnef, hL a iv hbitiont When Rousla firat w4w plaeed un- e4mi bors enerbmlly lu 'WAIo*40' probably 1e tho greatool der trial sund arralgned lt was fond 1o- éOlig tras ls ver 11.14 entailde of that i W ',ýft4lavecane.C- fëgln tle fatory are___ab_____ Çu »juig W*rds apite lr JelO n Iarhity t»t aàonbtDé*Stqas sattorney for te t~ ta coaom ii. a oni~î ount man, the service tae1e wlthout tI~5 tIi' itti lusai I.ln a onr twa Instances Mr. Dlve upemot lanils ,t kvas cMded. U4y, bocaute he bad abrastOf télnhccepted th. duty lmposod on hlm bl In mt mae court. one or two voujen, flot mde«a"ngthe,, cir<±otues lit olwmptiIou gr.eatly, ag t the case, called uxon the prominent 5di latanes b l .1.llpt' -local attoniey'and expressed surprise U4 gfth asud e pf*'4ïhbat 1e shauld consent teasct as et- wlo1d o On f o umea h pedran- oséeiu vi lMmdi as b.iad rsa la h, r license fepe bars.Ohonotesae xesd .Wh ateed o beretodaythemsel*1es almot sas deelsively. uU.sfvcapital ta 91Ii%$, gof U4013 oisHghmway Houshas condition bias become warse' .tplaiud by c aone ta ip ilIy, Dlifg the Urneholalin COOIPs». HeM sl.thnlàDode gi L*4n appwovfid taie plan Ia- coniiued Lu tbp couuty jailIle lias ; - ,,, *yloW.*espollia hen hWe ahbut flue » of crou te 'Increas ns e - fsbde 3'became rlgld snd lie would î9., for the. doutai for lbut flene ailta the Iloor, wrlthing and sereani- omtldlyo s n,%"i v. &fl.-o tive and ta lilut gwth inlacal farty. Otiior, luqt »fr Ou iairuseon prisoners In ths- couatir jali feared zW latr ndftio bke ' 1, th ulmtdh w>6atthek thect,. e M imake lch thà* ustorla-c", ti approximately $14;;. su sttaek ao ns on . n;theclashi bo- Pf~da.d IbI à*# l ~ing caused by sanie llgbtlug remark $i2.O0Ol,0 Nould lie wbich the, man made about a moulli thate préft i. ttIi" *aviýble for building argan owued by Houali. aa. -w. ean produce itlalu sufftle Dr. H1elden of Chicago. wlio le-' ba eeve h n came famous tlirough the Baby Bol- the Chicago oer atioalon Houshin «gaiis se-. *b~ sc uiu Otieth%% wu&' deddd tpon by tIi, loal IlPa3. ~autlioritls This probably wauld hua-bien &oue liod the jury Tnesdy rhj a ctory as Mmachta OFaftornoolnot f0uni the young n 1~~ . L~t9~Df1 Insane, the*eby maklug l possible ta Of~Iiy lblb lERS. commit hlm te Chester. 44s. mach 10 ay tiOilâl5ti l v%" i might lhe locah&_~# ,O Of oi t..Dotent Ummc 4tu, s 40. »TRUST CO.T JW TU&Jt hm dbuilding . l n»IW phymfent taemnla, aÂls.wIM r tgf u barlots.uMbre . ka ansd otiier Instilsu Gs.C.Lya and usbsnd ato 0.tieorhShw AAM PrOhably wU Uterl8 .IY. lot 2, Bwans s»Dob. an 1;tC e. $Io. A, C a nt' erhsoý vMuiu ntar.ted inV netP. N4rriÇand hubind toie ICilC la8iiemaniUg the, faritat, the commulty tib tiy.E a lt, W. D., lot 39 bIb 72. a-lid ruIes caver wiiat h, must sc- Aw0k. $10I. capt as tare. Hia arlitla lncaidjta A rehiiorlg t th9, ý 9à». 9-*..UI& L Id wili e C.< R th1e façtthat 1e mssed a sPlendid Wter comp»y _ cSs* . ý Ipe bug IL P. Lau., W. D., latil. OÎpotunlty cf adding ta bis stto rilieg ow rls"4, haws L4 ILkeaub $1worldly goade, when lie vas forceà T~saybeor ~~Sosli~ ~esl.$0. te refuse cligt £ood stzed Potaloes, utesionor0fth et&*. G. 4L Itrié ad 'elete toClarlea pmed.Iud -id: hlm y a passonger ou- eopgmission The AakaiM itis, W. D, s j&fK lot le tar$, Rfonday. The rare coUected vas 1 a T of s S&6 ML tGqpr«os ad Vauke-'4CR COIt.- e.n*e$1110.The Dam-uasr lt a resldence 0f t%e y * *"at rl. ditrict sud bas ,mre Pottoes la v.W êt v t.'~47 5 are be ug accepted as loeal tender i14 i - o ?jlDae' u {gb7 same plc. e,,br3wed the dannous am eLqwdOm frfoui pIs? te thoenant o0f C5ryl*, taep~vo ~~d~hjg. .C. A. Haphe i'i vile t4 J. 8. Grid. -vîgt ihm na n hWensa it . 11 d5Pý 1I -10< .BDtW12 eO Bft lot 5B blk 2.J Wlen approached 1W the cohdiucto;r Îleun til a P.agent, w* of 5u 1 uuch'î add lbortyvlt. 1. for hie tare ho 1gdgtUS h. POtatac5. s"ilUng and sePtie on.if<t b .H. Ir. flWÎOsý - if.te .H To'au.l eae4 ut. t sd ha ~~ t< tpe> iclifild W. D..149ft let1 l11, hs e'estîHeodrdsOa th ewgnsi4- iWronu's add Hghland Park. $10. -but lieit<4 Mia btter laJg * shwln~$,Waoes4 10, 1917- mont again galned Possession ani i. i~pn nw a A~oo..ruaue gÈ 3.M. Wlsli ta R. A. Mooro. W. D.. thougll If hë Owued the' ratlasihe' D b ms tta é&11 ai- ce i.oi! ic2,Wuoda = dprobahly bieotraded a lite& pie "Pi'the tubers. -.hg use theur var tOasnO*'etqQh tbi.twp.. SfiWd ibset nc"tengtaonera 4tor lias tld thIuitgiuns et 4~ Ch#,e Muecher aud vife ta C. J. ' ile passengor was foreed 'ta psy hqç ti as let ho Ca loui. ulWj w tiu to agstu ______________ COis W1",. ve. adi W&ukegau. .________ DIRECTO Ra pPA Is Es . 4 od (4d> dta E. prairie parmi WMI . 'aVi do.trç ! il intorOet s anamu 9, ' Qauéonda twp. erî tarted the andi le bh-vsk.e te Aupinf. seiuu 10~~~~~~ Lat ony~n~.andte i , -v 40, acres odl -iqIIo-9as utlrlef for1 latiOinoita 0 rzplle-aid DÔ roi Oiver sud fe te Fl S 1ýiaii, - petho direct c-Q«Y titlziii1W1$1. *tisoand It vii 111tIi. theame of eryfariner, h, te gi.hlrn Spostaffic e têivnbp sud 0soc nL l egard taeIndwu reeders af pure Ç l gec e W eei la t 'e pou» estn Lbo couuLîyndcutae Nbwi I4f? akr vumtyrprc;I ê à*$ Lrc ers "Il , mT ~p~onnUnoL> ~ 5b~ ~4e ftct~ *chr pro pagtlvî 0£ ".. w Genesce at Water Furniture Antnex GREAT CLoSINÇ OUT LI0 F FURNIURE -~eMost remarkable money-saving event you ever heard A $25,OO<LO7O s.tock of highgrade Ilrniturevof etvery klnd t yor .wPrIcs becquse wQe are fred tvacate. sr= jeleogn of f mdeZdfbefor A ril e must gilrimnr store p ing~~~~to shrthtl hyy ý ethe moa_0t ehtfna umtueva!ues any store has eeer presented. Ootaar~latcoalÔrtin n~hi coq-ot vp. o'1 .~v9r nyhere in. the cut;ntigextra.. Writiî2< ~ec(edfrmtï>iR 1markable Variety of- e ~Ski PARLORSUTE$ Cabiets with or witi - outinirror. Quartered oak.154 luches high. $»OCom'nati'n -ýBookcase Golden uak otrsma- hogay Bookeases aitesk comnbineti. '$25 Sectional Bookcases 113.85 Four sections witli top section of lead- ed glass. Qf"oaký. Lot New Ceivtre Tables ~ 4 .39 Al'ot)r Centre Tables atone price. Rotuîd or * square; mahogainv or ok'Better select yoizre early. 1 .79 Big Lot oi. Pictûbres,- Gilt or enreassian fraiues Artistie scenît. and char- acter subjeets-' $22.69, value $37 $7 1.59, v4qe $90 At $2.69-A handsome t>iree- At ir.59-The mu"Do Piece bireh maliogany suite fold" Ned Da.venpo# with upholsted in geîîune blaek chlair and voeker. Spanish leather. iqather covered., Ail Other Suites Sale Prlced at $12 to $75 $.Q89To Clear. -$20 Formerly The Englander Divanette Bed is an indispensible home need. A green denum mattress with 35 pounds of $5 Sanftary Couch, $2.59- A Couch to openi to a full size bed. Just the thing for an emergency. Oxidized or hronzed. Reed and Fibre Grass Rockev and Chairs $7.75 to $9.7lF- /t 49 Latest Kinds 4Dsin About forty new R'ockers and Chairs of designs suitable for polreh, sîlil parlor, living roorn or b)edirunînt. At about wholesale. Chiffrobes Sold for $38 Re'g. Mahiogany or golden oak ChWrobeý that are conveniprit for theii. mno rooîn-rcamblning a wardrobe wilh a chiffonler. T WO NO TABI Dressers Sale Priced- Value$7 8 I Ain elegant oak D)resser %vith 3 1 a r~ g e dawers. "4x36 Freneh bevel mirror. A limited nuniber. Ail Our Kitchen Cabi- nets Must be Disposed of Quickly Boone, Meoougahi, aiues-Moiser amd'Duteh Girl Kitchen Cabinets Mt thie lowest prIces YoUl OVer.hoard ot. Thue meot valusie plcoe of futeaturo for th. home. Reglar $35 $1( O -Boone Kitch -9.98 en Cabinet.- A Cabinet that ernlodies every i îprvt'îet. A lal)or-saver and eotîvenienee every home should be provideid witb. A lim- itcd nunîber-selcet early. Buy at SalePriceson EasyTerme OFFERINGS IN NEW Dressers Sale Priced- Veaue AII-qti.irtered oak Dressers with '- large and '-'siuall drgwers. French bevel iriror. Se- lect early. 'i. <1- 1~ j -'t I 0-. -, G~ouE UKNITU2E A MNX-OLOSINEQOUT BAL j -