CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Mar 1917, p. 12

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MKNITHOROUfiII IUC80119O fK>D~ N AUIOn luuggestiug ta the board Of suP-,hO tailla ta etler Of hn lc* ervisors tht George Hutebilnsen. for th4t tii. tall nov ln that he be sent a li!! entry inplysd bY ileta the Lak& couty pour tarin. a baf cetur empoye by ue Nov genlemen, lu vlew Of the, Threem lnsotorsAr at W@i1< county, slould not b. sent 'te the at a in mats nuasbeen an em-. Here, Devin, Into the Local couutypoor terin but that an excéP l- yéof bi county for thie pasit balt RélhConditions. tien sliould lie mades lu bie case and cetiry, lt would seointo me tÉat INSPECTINQ MILK SUPPLY. care extendeilhimn t teCountY bas- ang thouitÙ talk or sending Georg* State Barld Ita etermined- to clan said, addresstug the board:. 1ace w<nt toa î ta yau nov hi. LernCaseo liiCota- "I viali toasaîa word Ilu1regard ta evn tk0unli ve bave ne. roeriftr, ioa n CEis ftghere.ntg- lte future care et eorge 'Hutchin- sucli cases and eentliough we ai* Thee neyer lias b;'n a timele the patient at the county baeital for I George Hutcinsan mnst net lis sent historr W. Waukegan when the state several weeks and as lie ls not es- ta the poUrarin. board of beatb bas couducte . sunli pecilly sicli but bias ne place .te go, "ýAs fer as the management of the a thorougli probe lua the bealth cou. no home, uer triends t a me for hlm, liaspîtal la concerned, If no otlier lira- aIilons ln Wankegan. Thrçe stais lu- 1 thin% It vise at this tuine ta sau; vision la made ter hlm. as tbu'.'as e e spectors are varking liere a large ta you thALt ln view of the tateinents stay there. George Ilutchinson eau pant of the Une snd occasionalli tliat 1 bave heard regardînt hilm tae tay there. I maite tiIs stat-ýinieftt there are maie.. teefc th hudbsn afroesle abject, t oee i Inspector Kjelqulst of the state tee1e htleaiut iesn etroet oee i Jmeag4t;lw th W*" the tp .pmake th. 044 FelluvaHome or the Qid -ffle of oue thouglit, nameIW, tjet of hie arrivât Ifere. He !found the. ater Soiera' Home, and tbatlie liaesteati- bling tb'in~ en sent ta tlie po«t la abominable shape. He conducteil tasty refusedta topermt hleilselt te aji an investigation lto the sevage cou-- ditions bers. As a result of the partial report lie submlftted ta tlie tate departmnent, IT W Q Dr. Godfrey vas sent here ta dauduct -W A. U ~ ETN a mont searcblug Investigation Inta the typhoid fever situation. Dr. God- !rey dld not beitate ta aseert that GIN&K U. S. SHI CHINA ENTERS FRAV. the. city vas laying Itselr lhable for WITHOUT WARNIN41.- heavy dginages Iuncases vhere deatha OccurrT ed in mtypboid. sucbi>*e40Washiugtou, D. C., Marh 14.- bwivig beedcoret* by lje. rink- Lo44don, EngluidL Mardi' 14.-7he âmerican Murter Reinscli et Pc-- log of lske ivoter. ne e iniNIn4k Amoçm tý" p q kim today reparteti ta the state 4e-ý luical 6S u iplwrtsbqGa- ia a t. t Clu lpsev rive.bers. 1Ur, leei~dii~tgPW t tg,4 - nInvestigatinnt the nkai- acOsUIa et v nii." e rt ation. Hia contins vauursed by City sayI aionboard PB weve . içsvtu Geniay, taken paeoeshi Phyoiciail J. C. ffley, wio lias con- Mr. Stepliep' tiret ro; was that of ail Germeni meiraut shIPO-14 teuded for sine turne that radical lin, the vesse! vas torpedloed. Accrdiz Shanghai, about six lun umber, paoed provemeuts alietld beie tde lu the to Iter ativices tramn Plysioulh. top their crews on shore snd placed armai methed of lialdlliigtallit. German nimarine opened Otre uon guards on the vessels. Reports ta Mr. Cooney vil! u ocntine bis et- the Alogonqulu r0in a distance of jth nvy departinent today train the forts te lnvestigatlug tlie dainies and 4000' yards, riag aboit twenty senior otlcer In Chnesvatdrs gave bottllng establishmnents lu Waukegaf $heal& These vere nt suttlcent tu ne turtiier detalls. *»but vil! go Into, the country and In- sink the steamer, so It vas hon"lýed China&a seversuce of relations baia. vestigate theie trmes vere the mUt liy mac train Ibe subn3arlue, wva been expected iseetor veeka. The, la preduceil. This vil! enabie blin ta plaGe to ur bombe and . the A lagoii-iaction of tlie Unitedi States. lu break.» make a comprehenalve report show- qilinwvan inblevnu 41. , lut relations vas recelved vltli ae' ý4u« vhetier or nt tihe rnetlod 'ef The.Alogonquin vas sounk et î clamation by Chinuse offîisls ad us liandling the mtlk in satis!actai'i and Wolock on the morulug o! March 12. pressa. particularly' Young Chinua. ÉFee7" lietlier or net it resulta la any of The coumarine refuseti assltiii 'i.nlg agalust Qermaiiy las n =hlgb the contagion tliat exsta bers. cording ta the report of tthe consul lieause scores o! Chineae on thé. Because there are teveral differ at PlYMOutli, but plez-CY oft'imo vas vay te Europe bave lest thefr llyCs ont Made ofa contagion In Waukinglven the crev te beave the vesnel thraugli German sulimarine 011r et the present time the. lstte bïrd atter the cbell rire ceassd. tdens. o hlath viisa totadétermnies vth -________________________ out adre dela vliethsr lit la belug ,opread-by nse o! tie mare commnun An ^rab Custm, ny ,ae carrers sncb as vate l'oinlk. The. Arabien heeud-iress la relly a roum n peaiD stopdluaae No new cases et typhlod bave licou Hlinchester table cover foldeti ding- (outbspol tpç nlms) reportedthi the tbs1h4 ev dais 'sud 3n0ly. The Arabs do nt take tlieir eieut whlen tic>' suivan U4au1itlwu *It may be tht Uic removèl of!hles ce iloîli off ivien they enter n bouse. dow dlspliny ut n JeWelrY iste.t Ô othin val! wbcsurOundeti the Cty ln- lie>'uncover -Iliîr teet lnstead. The -ith.e iccenter of the *wiUW, lu a tare lisu e nolpm t e atii. t bat Areis do a nuniblîr o!ô Jj'ô tlij neep ltueli ý ?naaeivas a large damouti. 00 the hyo eau prtorw 1is tantitaicontfary Wtoaur custoin. 'The sai onue Bide,. lso ln a plusb case, v0 a, satistactor>' and prevent more cases"at e* -s but net tlieir faces. Wben pe<e of geniiine sot coal and oe the of the dîseas et thls rime. -hle>' beckon ta n persan'ta couls te aOther ide, mounted I l ul tipluahb6 theti. tbey do not m tuthir ingers ii'ns n gf'nuiue egu. "This 1s a mes,~ NOTICE OF iLTTlNQ 0F COUN aPwàrds ne ive do. No, iey tuaE thein dieafliru," itad a curd over the preclotil BRIDGE& d.iwn, aed tben the Aruli kuown, liat stone in tle center -Indiaapolis Ntice"ls h.reby gl4en that pro- lie l WAneted.Ne. pasais il be receiveti tor the con-1 struction of reluforced bridges as fol- .-- rie'»-1- - T wn of Cba: For thée amtakBrldgeo an sîgli- teen (18) foot spaAin l Sec. 36, 1% iles 'west e! parmn.l - Clerl"s Office lu Barringtaant lte than Z: 30 P. M., 'Ibw'sday, Mardi 29U4i Tdien if Newport* 1u* For the Bartlett BrIdge, a Uýe» (14) foot span, lu Sec. 25. -' For the Hansen and Shea Culvert., ivt. (6) foot boxes, lacated Inl Sectione là snd 14. Btîts le b. i'colvd Et, thé Too. Clerk's Office, Wadsvortb. not taler than 11:00 A. e, Mardi let. Town. o! Lake Villa: - i~ai~sp~Iniiesc, . :Clirïfi office. Laie Villa,-Dot liait 2 - 0 P M,Saturda>'. mardi S81«. A certlfied check, payable to the Town Treasure., shahl accompauy tiel proposais for the vank in ssch tqvu, as a guarantee of good !aith. S Plans, speclfications and turther In- formation may ha ebtained tram th. lnedersilgneilofficis. Dated at Waukegau. Ill., Mardi 9, 1917. 0110. H. BAIRSTOW, ClnRman an sd Bridge Committee. EMIL P. SCHAED8I, Cuba. THOS. STIIANG. Nevport. ALBERT KAPPLE, Lake Villa. Tovn Clerks. CHAS. 10. RUSSELL, Ce. Supt. e! Highvays. - ky-8t--dly Mch 1734 WANTrgDt-Au experienced butcher t rince- ual> Market, 120 Narti Gene- DE5 DAVIS Value ilTvèYedDu rng March JeiÏriture Sale ,Not only the largeet- selection in Lake. County but lower l prices thananywhere. I~~~~~~Kauu SIr-sm9u~' ii yiet5. SwSty] DeLux Dye Tabletz Ae nsd pertéct dye. ,oal WbIdo si wo ,vol snd Cotton i=a- teai.' Requîmes no boiling; aIl eq4mr; package 10e andi 26c. are, Mode1s o A -bWak kid; high topa - -and mediunm Vamps; extrtà values; pair jntroducing in a Specksl xhfiit- The Correct New Models i T HIS SPECIAL EX IIJ3ITshould prove an occasion of fore- miost interest to the women of Waukegan. It introànces ii an impressive munner the millbnery modes of açéepted fash- joln- styles of uxarvelous beauty and charmn, original and distinctive in design.* You WM f ld f i ou eabora4cj.#cDpcIoi, bts.e vrWy 4~ . 1eo * We inivte you to insject these n'ew -s~ ~ our î w1y 4rranged "and enlarged muinery parlor, second floor. -Trim*ned Hats as Low1 as $5 - Trmdiats as High -as $20 e, 'y j I Beautiltil Silk Dress SkirtW Priced, st$~ There la uà charm to the neW'stTleà in dres skirts that iasMmply adorable.--au on igi ty t#1at one cannot helplut observ.. t Th eu X hu are oonapicuoua *for t* d WO. coorings éonsist of brown, -green, blue and gold. An attractive asoitment, specialy. prieed -- *. . at $6. 8ýing Suits at 22--502-7.50 and$2 Practically ail the favored new s tyle ideas are expreBsed i the deaiga of these spring suits, thus offering a va riety for selection of the widest posai-, ble set9pe. The beautiful style of these suits i8 but one of their noteworthy features, for they have been tailored with the utmost skiil and care. Materials are choice ail-wool fabries; and they are represented 'i the leadfng colon,5 -.tufa ais" hue, -laitèd eifecte, -Belted il!fects -eorfolk effeets -lBraid trimxned 50 KUNFVY-KAB8 Finest German reeds, as well as fibres;-wood and steel wheels; best pears; in ,al finishes; up 149 froi.1.. .. o0 SAMPLE LIMRARY TOBIZS ý Fumed, waxed and pol- ished oakc, nahogany and tIlnut, .book and desk conpartments ; 79 up froni .-.....79 $200 olldiahony DnRoom suite - Conistinig of ýBuiffet,'Serving Table, 5 Chairs, 1 Armn Chair, 1 Dining Table, and 1 50 Fern Stand; special ............ Su Our Window W. Sold Vive AlouuarCombintion Ooal MG Stores Thia W«e. -AneYouin lg o»? 150Q SÂTISID USERS! This stove eôst s more than inferior combination 1ranges-but i' otl i FOUR IDEJItVEEY TRUCKS ALWÂYS GOING S.. Us Before You Buy-You Wl$U Save MoneyI bleu* d The Materials, -toplin -Poret T w i1s -,Gabardles -Gunniburrel -Battleship Grey -Dove Grey -citron Stylish -Sp4rng-Coats $ 10 to $50 Spin tye i cas8~ here represented in a plendid assortnient SPnagIngprces from $10.00 to $W.00 -They are extremey attractive ini fash- ion, including high waisted efects, shirred, plaited, and models with large c9l- lars; naterials are velours, gabardines, -poplins, and trirotine, in al popular shades. ____ Corne and.Se These Newý'S.,$,3rýi 9 R-17.Co~1s 'For1eJi ï - St ý leM!>e iged I ttM Îu You'll find the R. &, G. Corset as satisfactory a corset as pou can buy It is desgined to <nifli every requiremrent of a peorfeeJ .îoset. it ïs famfh xonable, accurate li fit, servcebelimtran& nbwr wthas IL &G. modela wm qll d bl.yr fgrSM cordiug to the dei"mda of prest d<1<es .Y ou wi]1 be surpr4s&l at the atitual imiprovement-o ne of -tliee R.&G. Corsetswiil mkein the appearanee.of yo . 1 l'1. t w ~atieof ~icandshdpeinesit-Win flpw conip e eedoei xnuesi w1ù~gat e~o te p~~B ~f 4wo l'of fi I I iF 1- A il ý 1 lý -- ý cl -, - ý - -1 LI--1ý

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