CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 2

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EmIou:s9-m.7to OvuefretNBto#UBdemian Oalb9Oum . Bm. hno 1574 ue-4 O12la. m. a1i i baSP. W~*1 au se UGONL elSb Bu, CSo.v. ho0INS - DL O P~t~nce Phne . ?AM MAC GUFFI ATTOIJET AT LAW UhertyvWe Jinoi c Dac ~WAS~liq M. RATES8 S coaeper lHn.»eah.i"srlI. Les. tian 5 Ilues.I425Cfirt in- FOR 8ALE--CboIce.ed. Bflceaned sud graded from oir pris wtnnng stratus, Bne rtbbou Wbot $2255per bu. Wls- consin ,ptlareed Baley $1.50 per bu. Earîy IMurdoc yellow dent eeed 0Cr, aboi and grgided 1400 per bu. Ao e@Malil quaully tanda#d .arlety early and late aeed Potatoas. L A. aueboeh, Are, JL.ho2 75P2. lieS FOR SALE-SBwodiehseletBaed (tâte, Nfro moimutad fout aMd, cleaned aud graffd. 75o par bu., &aco Med Weat. a gond mllllng varletY, graded 82.50 pi bu. Aberi t ". Whee.l«.IIL 12PB FOR BA LE-TIiothy m ln.Ie froid laWd nd. Hudolpb Epkhu!,2 j Wauuaa. DL 1*2 f FOR SALE-Good b«vy double hareo eho.p. J. F. Doyle, Evrti, la. l19a FOR SAlE-91 6 mod..l ton flipublia truck, bon uaed 7 montha. Addr.m Lock Box 124, Gray"lait. 1202 FOR iALE-Wbilo;janotte baby chicie, 10ceacbe. IDollvmd umiansd Llbertyvillo. Ny.. A. W. Hall, Arei, 111. Phoo289-B-S. *13c4 FOR SALE-A pair of ight borses. wtb good harneaa. -No reasoqablo offenr.- Juaed. Addrce Paul R. Avery, Lake VillIII 1. lSd2 FOR SAI.E--â larg bronze turkoy gob- bbleraad Igander. L. H. Kruor. Pririe $EVERAÉ F ' DELS. Antoluiqte 9s- rof Lake Fom SelU FlF ne Lake ShorePr.pery. Business 0t tie recorder's offtice for *ae veek eniUng Maroh 17. 1917. Br' A. K. Boven, aseltat secretary of the Securit>' Titte & Trust CO. Number of convoyacea, 86. Nuiuber of loans, 20. Total nuniber. of Instrument@ flled. p06. Total amount of lbang, $46,975.00. Buelneus las bean rather quiet end boans b"'w th. average. The-tollwing amre .more jmpor- tant dals ô& the veok: In Waukepn". Auna Andersen housbt the L.aura L. Goriat prapety eunseat aide Me- lwetr avenue, sou*>i et May sireet, for nominal tonsideratioo. Wra. . Keli hbougbt -tiheAddison . liyri lot on weet side Marion atreet, oppotet he ndorlîn homo- etead, for nominal conol<eration. ln North Chicago. Fred F. Buien bought the Stephen Krause property on voit aide Bstte etreet, Just uorth of Tvelth treet, for noiplual cosieration. )ln Lake Fereet. Henry C. aud David Dangler took tîtle to the Antonette KIL angler property t Umversty -Place sud tie Lake Shore from the astate for a nominal couslderatlou. ln Hghlaind Park. :rank and Margaret Klkenny bought a lot on uorth aide Deerfield Vie,. Pono 5685.1.ven vus, es t of M«Ioveru treet, ______________________frmon ra 1 . Bljetroni, for nomul- E FOR SALE-Cheeter Whit brod sow. ual conatderation. lied Wubbelt, Pruiri Ave., Litbertyvillo, lCrl D. Fribeci bought a lot ou t DiI. lîpi soutY aide Orchard atreet frein Heien LLINOIS O SL p B. Mge for nominai conalderatlca. FORSAL-Ssd Ototra fion ilfOui Cleai or T hayor hoiglt the Estella -"d. Henrv y.. Ji , liuui, Ill . L. Finney propcrty ou toutli aide Rt 1. l192 Vine avenue,-. mat eaot of BC. Johns IN , I Z 0 aven1ue, Wor$3800.00. lbie 10d FOR SALE-SImd BDarendami6- ave u ila rant Township. sud. Hsary Boys..,UbsrtyvUbl. lîPS '2Thc heirs of Prederck Baiier, de- ---------- c.ased. bought the Bauer fam et 200 J..1N015. FOR SALE-18 1. P. portable Dadgsréslnee 5Z , trcuMar huer or eagle. onil used 2 som. Guaram d$9IL XR go" as nov Vanà be iss ai VWm. Laoe-lnAnTo shp coimaubine hop. fl1PMBlP J. Brou bought the.Mary C. -md ni lui-I IgnpeFoundCo. 1'beaRlest uleltlon uÇ«coinlu 15 tghtim ~Mà tkte ndbec'*me e ~iiêfiliîarecorded lu' Uità ~ iia iS i m.vIe l a - a*~4 mi ci 90 &Zi ethU 'tfUv9eufiaz'fwt* t fat the ven 40« w1wor Cam sace portclh d~h#toÊ Me t teme,*boem IC$$I =d = ala bemies xocmbaci teo u biffluuutirough the valu iÊje vi-s. vtiif ct lv t ILbluti sut b pour suez- miamosi ~ FOR #$ALE-Clovor a»d Tmotliy S ud go-e good spting Wbet an L. WeaerAres.ltIooi*E lvUi FOR SALE-S Isoubatora, hot vater, sure hateh. bot air, Cyphsr'a. Both am beetuade. WIU demontrate. Phono 29&R-1 Dr. Cram, Are, lit,. tf FOR 8ALE-4Ooud d4iery horns, ber- nae m M#vagom..also*W m trMosd llgt buggy. WiII asparate. W. W. effroîl& Boue Co. Phone 29. ti FOR E-Zaly jUI. damta Bloud Butcergeed Cum . Urntstla tet 95%.Prim 88.50par bu. shllai snd rume. emier semptem. -Alo rty Otlo md potatoos. John A. Kiley, Htieboukd, Ile pis MORSES SOLObonutaud echaad @«sd md ad harsa u»d wagons. Camb or terma. N. HIL add, phono 4, Libertyvlloe. lit ............ + E*AE8TTE + + TEAE + rF5SLt q ce ~$10a aste, SU WDMBLsoasR.Iil,. arable lsai; #0 acres loir nm bol =opae hfkp boua! mmoioeb, ou zi àS leu ~qteus, I. .ýfopert on agit- wam~s 4,. 8 Ml osld. Ott coaulrbouse la Ubertyville or auea.Addrm e K * do ludepesb. dont ce.Ott FOR SALE-floue on gouti Park Av wmi Uug olt mot MéI FOR SALE-.Y oa oeaonG Pr Ave 11iltkidère tupmmveineute. le. able price Lyeîl 0. Iforrie lU FOR 5ALE-We hare a nuniber of âne bone fr ae r en.Dymoud & Anatt. Uh.»rt.vviii. lUt Paliner tara of 72.5 acres lu v 1-2 seu 23 for 810,0W.00. lu Warren Township. 9 Bdvaril A. Clark boutht the. Rov- Jinug fan of 18 acres in ne 1-4 sec 10 froin Ray B. Dlxon for nomninal con- .lu LlbertyvIlle Township. Kary B. Bayera bougit 13 acres ou eook. aid. MUlauke road lu,9 1-2 sic 0 froniHorace Buckley for nomi- nal conalderatou lu Wauconda Townmhip. Wlsooaslu ouiensed; Mlii Co. bougt the Erueat H. Neyer Creain- erY property ln uvllae of Volo for Niuholas M. Bovers boagt the Visai tebnado«errproperty of 2 &4 aores tu »M set ai Vt or nominal or . Senrer boutât the Ueo. mnermmat go acesnthlimec 34 froma t»e maserlu chacry for $11,650.00. Augusta V. CrahWfoTdbougt the ileuty Berger fari se80&crms n mv 1-4 sSc,54tè oi nitn "naartln. Owen C . Crego bougit the. Edeon mmd Hindu r 0f1951-1 acres ln me 1 Md soupart uorth of -omilh iv14 sec 15 to Ldes T. Waller for eamuel M. momut bougmitPart of lou 17 sMd S7, <cs Hhiaiids -lu ne 1-4 i tg, from miWater !omutli FORi.enits Si? llght c. Doye, lbertvtle" lneî,f FOR RENT-n rtfloorjiatloderu4 Bierusanoruqrescd Ave . loc SALEMEN WAN TED te enut ordue. [,,r lebrlstlugolla. gnomseaud pan.. Beary or l( Addrem Tho harvpy Oil Co , Ceveland, O. iSpI WANTED-OGlrlisat Idoat Leundrv, Lhprtvviii,, Otf 825 00 cack stnalgbt Alary, 10 nMau 4'~~~ wOE 551T virt ia1introdue Pouitry Ruwdlse FOR RENT-4Oa0 CainamofdBr Runata iffg(;o Esat St.-L"ui, Ili-. e Rl sLAnes Mm. A. HeiaoMd -#JWO~ý 778 E 50h lt, Chicago. 111 9P4 4- MISCELLANEOlUS ~ FOR RENT-lofjase Diy fan. $5 MONËETTO LOAN-45 00, $8 000 precaorwclii mt ona.hsreton.opnos. aul 810 OM'to loanonu ib' - .ri bs partIe.Chas tolsmm, nisr.setai5% T J StahI &CVu, M 6Wahlng-. 11c8 ion et., Wsakegsn, Ili. lie5 -Mi OEAER IsKuIMC dr tore of *0 e aeffl of iemttare snauv4vma to "Mou ccnectly. The ilnutlm4m tp ténte .premusit (la bas reveafl edtutat tholttiea aré et toast lt Ou ese or typou osthc miâ route of ons North Chicago Dr. %,. Uo4qey 4 4he 5toL4, board of heaitk, heard a rePort jhat such *as delivSrlng mllk tu but o nie tan il, whes there vas a typhold use. Dr.. Goffir Coy eoz4 MeV$- tloaMWdUVtaprm'Odt hikdt. coïSri four oes", ou rote. He says i. la flot prsgmredhte sa> thst the imseeo vescansed by the mli but tiere la ou. very siguificant tact whtcb la belng lnveetlgated. Dr. Goitre>' mye ho bus dicoverei fiat tA.ý wocu.a io baithe mlii route uio~ .asut.liemysthat If aho lsadle the mlii patient tInt w lq Te a t ndency hi cmu- Wan~a<ualon are givenaa deuil bill0f healit by Dr. UirW. ROe fYs that oferaua ho bae basa abetot'p mt ae3M a i ;0 attrIbutei tecootane.iMlI Le nia i..ts sa~ artor là"é cbei~ed upen Meu m i4eaigm ne ba- Dot ye< OMUaleted bis Investiga- tion at Norti hleao. oroge . Vsieilo1 dc, strip kAiam sNorhetadi Weans Lake c«buty te Estats ofit lebgth >Mln, deed. strip West aid ipacetl Ota 2»aii8buiî1, origInalW*Uie- au. IL areS, 13, 1917- Hamr Berger and wlfe ta Auguseta 7. Crawford, W. D., tract of land in rw 1-4 mec 24, Cmba Twp. $10. Mater tuihacery ta FrIed Titus, mle t d, WadowortiL mb, Wanke- tan, demi 1M3.79. Horade fluhily and wife to Mary C. Byer, W.D.,13 acres ou e &id* in s 1-2 s»0 a. 11h 71ll ~ and huà»mad tb P. ~WII121.2 acres ta v 1-2 Master lu Cltancery tu0O. B. Sua,. t, '190d, 96 " in luàs1-2 sec 34, ualW.$11. o- Iareh'14> 1¶T Louàk IZ and wlfe ta Cari cron1tikm là-.lota 7 7aud 18, ffiaw's Long lacis010. $10. WaewRHomuti to S. E. Hlomuth. W. D>., bit!ts lots 17 snd 27, Chicago îliglni. 15,000. B. S.Oeall sud vife ta City of Hlgb- Wood , Q. C. D1., lot «A" bli 2, Rayt's e-aub aud part lot 59, Hixbwood. il- Helen B. Uage toaE. D. ,.tmi.W. D.. s 1-2 lot 2 in bUt 36, Highland 'ark. $10. p. L. SOlustroni aud vIfe to Franki leney aud vîfe, W. D., part lot jbIh j%2, Highlaud Park. $10. ý%%tate of Autoîneti., K. lingler. ded, te H. C. sud David t>augler. tD.. lot 272 sud land e and adjacent te the taie, Laie Forest Il. Miarclt il. 1917. ThomasJiubov- s aud Wi#e ta Thomas Cypear. lots 9san 9. lblock 49. WastburnPark. North CM«"ag. W. D. $10- curl Conniu and vIft 1 ous Cou- in xaudvifs, lots 77 and 78, Sbavs' Long Lýaie SUbdivtsiOn. W. B. 810. Maher M&aiaunlng Company 10 p. 9. Keru, lot 9, addition ta block 6, Lîbertyville. W. D. $10. A. &. liyward ta W. S. Keti, lot . bloci 4, Subderlli-i nit addition Saukegas. W. D. $2. LauMaL.U orbtia oAna, Adet- non. lot 12, block S. LenOx subdIvbIIn, VsUkogaij W. D. $1. Stephen Krause to P.F. WBfulten, lots 37 sud 2%, bloc il, Wskiem Mata ands, North Chicago. W.-1D. $1. Mercb 16, 1917-E. F. Haruden and rite et ai.. 1a0O. C. crego. veat 80 acres nortbwest sud norti 60 acresl test bait. soutbvest qlarter, settiOn 16, Cuba township. Deois. $110. C. c. Crego, to Laucis T. Waller. aul nortb of road of vest haif, nortbvest quarter, section 15. Cuba townshlip. W. D. $2.500. C. A. Newcomb, Jr., ta Steve and josie Bonhora. lots 47 sud 48, block 31, Wasbburn Pari, North Chicago- Deed $260. NEutetta L MFney ta Cleavor Thayer, oet 66 feet lot z6, tblock 16, Hlg0sIM Park, sud West hait vseted slleY a jalulg. W. D). $3.000. Bugsle 8. Naguet&ýatsd humbend to Bustle M. coci, lot S&3.43.-si U block 63 and lot 6, bleui 48. lu Wati' burn Park, North 4CblCàg&.*W. IX $1, Bernhardt TfisgiP sd uNe uOas per Strenglelu, lot 5. Trl«eersaubl Vision lu section a., West Autioca township. Q. C. fi. R. B. Dizon sud viftu 1A3 Qan nui la acresi of juthait qurter northst quarter, section Io, Warre township. W. tD, $1. Marei 16, 11.Q W. Baker suý Vifs ta Bertha #- asud .F. ILO- lot 1 (excnpt eastW Iset nd ctcsI mosti98 foot., Mosi3.Hgli Park. Q .* P. P. Cawfe>' vib o eDomne Louaini, lot Io. prsDWnsubit tisOl Rtgbtu4 Pari.,,*. . f*3W. Pui J m>ii ift ete IN x. lqovea. t$bee.$etUeW**tt'wai 10 ta WM t aSt geto 8 .a.snia tou slilp. Q. C. $1. Hoirs o!r.j. IL. Jasosdecesei , jene H. Sans t 11.WIt *iê nogglseNorth. aVenue subivlsliz Wiukega. Q. a~ $1. &M aryBter, to e srsof PrederleI Baner (decmaao). M MaMreslu e" »eMton 25, Grant tovuship. Q. C. $2 943. B. H. Mayer to Wlsofflip Vondeni ed Milk Compen!, lot In VIllage vola. W. B $1j"0. C. B. Saylor and vife ta Jugea Oorztnakl, lot 19; blocit 101, North Ch cheqo. W. D). 81,050. blur K. Sayler sud busband tu Ori T). Cs, 11 lots la WasbbuirnParl North Chicago. -W. tD. Il- Foolu111e sowaacl. lames wus havlug dinuer at bo*S Agt woas niho vz as seete began 30 "Hp _'À nilmgs ;t nie" bi Ma«P" 1 ipc tr cmt tam Ex «an". yIOw-mdmp *dru- ta thce Savaglih" Of vàue. À"d thuresno gu.mworIi about the price- you miways ko tbat you *11 pay tse MM for Savage. anywhere- Bvery Savage dWaer has the sarne Staodard Price UL HAigh mâlesC. low coot per mite - tire ntisfctiom .SMu froru factory to you titrougit ou r ovn dIstrbutw&a Moncy to Loan on Lake County Land Attractivec kai; 'of Interest. Optional Paymsnts te Stop Interest. No Expe'se to the Bonrower. Quick Se rvce, No Rfed Tape. Money is a medium o f exchange -only so long as rooney je good, credit is equaily as good a medium of exchangeeso long as the credit is good. We are passing through a period of unparalleled businevs proeperity. There are suficient reaisons to induce the belief that these prosperous times wil continue for several years. There are vast sumai of idie rooney in this country lit this time. The holders of this rruney are arixiaus to have it become active -productive. You rnay exchange your credit for this money and thus siecure your alire of Ohio prosperous business. If you are cultivating a tract of land, which by tiing, wiIl produce fifty per cent greater iricome; under ordinary circurostances. it would be good businers ta borrow the rooney and tile the land. 1I.f by constructing a silo you can conserve feed and thus reduce the cost of milk production while the price remaille unchanged or advances, would it flot be good business to borrow the mone~ and buiki, the silo? In the promotion cof great enterpriees, it is flot uncommon, in fact it ie the rule. to borrçiw the rooney to establish the business; the franchise; the patent; the secret; the idem; the mere undertaking being the basis of the lo<'n. The fact that more than ninçty percent of the commerce of the country in conducted on credit basis is sufficient evidence ta substantiate the foregoing stutements. 1nvestiigate this matter with me before making your boan. F. H4 arding, Agent for Morley on Farm boans 1Area, Illinois, Suburb of Chicago DhA*sm FIRMESs~k~ I.U*LU'qV W 8.8 81.8 R1ul 51. unua 'f E 11 - - -A 0 - ý - miq -f -le

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