CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 6

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î a4W I -' _______ -- i RATETNTI CMICAÀiO IS NO'1 CIIA6ED IN LIST M nfcuea Assn. Takes Stops to Have Waukegan, N. Chgo Consider Plan. Wi4AT MANUFACTURIERS. ARE CONSIDERtINO. 'FiMt$.r-Mergblg 0qf Wouulaiami il-f Chlagefia-e emtetS5 dler eeSste b=#u itë; I départ- Imm"iift e e dy tbreéuhd wbsd e8t0Me h00"is4 UONS-A Ltstlo e $et (orAýh CIsisOste tihlisa spli TNIUOD-Mi£tAr of Waukegsniad ffl Chicagoegotop tgther and foa flouatot et Thbe Ilae Cai5t Manufacturera' amouboIBtOal. aluncitoon ln Abs ýWUbuU botel, * kffan, Wednos- day 100, toolthei nitial stop vaicI mai event»Uiy bring about c plan wkh' ilsetire departmenta of W&tl a agn ad WOs'A"le 1iag viii vo* toiretuor tuder anè e lnluan efob mars he fil-O fightiiug frces filIu tournai proteste, If tiere are any, lai blosî o Waikegan. >The principal iing vhlel cerne out ai thceluering develaped vbsu PaY- master Roberts a! tIe Naval Training Utalan brouglt forAi AIe faci Aat the riftruad compan>' undet Abs nov scIai- nie asi for before the commission tu e.duavorlng to mise AIe rates for tIkets beveen Abs Naval Station sud Wukea. L.Thprenantt acedule cails Wai 10. cent, tare wviseuhcashispcid aid 5 osas ewen c 25ride ticket la erlamd Itic raIrý4 osuka par- mssici e heemmtita , libinfecmee the rate mo Aat Uic ticket rate viii be t cesdtheii AIefcas, rerate 10 cents. 1kle intis-seM tuat Ift te cmselasin frante the requept Aie coupai>' la rnahting fe Inctoaso e- tvsuu Waukegan aid Ahe Great fAkes statinrfr tioce purcbsu utickets VMIibc le scent adittiSalfor a ride @Aci vay. The tisai tar-lt cent- viii romain Abs nstes as nev. Thc nov sched.ibs dae nai prgtIde fr n lncreausc letysonWcnksai aid North ChIcago.ý This tea remumne as lA bas always, Issu, B cent,. Wedneday's meeting *mS moeftl ane luviil formaiel W«vas siAIit- ted aid the bearlig vas reaured ta. dc>. Ila t reahi>' a routine procedure witu nothiug particular ai intel-est ex. eptlng the Great Laies matter hav- lu bIssu brougît out- An tnterestiiag ting devoioped, 10v' ever, vas hi tus case of uomeIponil vier. Zlide ticket, are lasued aud lA-u1 on therate per ride vas reail moe ontaisort ai ticket h- vborseue pad i inglseucah tare. This discovery causai coaiidercblo amuie- ment at the berlng. NO FEAR ENTER. $7,340 PER YEAR PLEDGED. LiEk0IST , Memnberstiip Campalgn Closes jt .ISDE T ceesofMovemnent- IIhA cM Waulegan, Mi-h S fI SUNDVA . I d Waukeaan's Clambur o! Commerce las 1boen an abeolnie certaili>' aid WS Talking to Sister-in-Law, bas t ee* plced ln pom*lon vborehy Mrs. Dr. Chleever, When He t, wvaik cau ho calr-lsd on ln a doft Ast way me c resuit of tas mernier, Feil Back on Bed, Dead. mbli cAmpaign vhlci res>ulaie this nuçu va the a..uu..a',. th Waukegau, IMarch 17. Waahhiamu botel. Lee Roy Husied. ageai 68 yeans ana biring te caunpalgn $7.240 las 1 gt menthe, pasaed amy at 'bis bema gWbà, U n'iluuberahips. tIhe eome. 211 NortuCount>' Street, Sua.- Oaes v'o*h o 0ktheni Oui MflXtIngday aternoon ai 2:30 oclock. follo*W- frani one ta Aent! aa their desres Ina a long Ilnes. Deti vmc due te tor &Wbiting the association dîctat-9 et. a complction of dicases.aMr. Hun-1 Thai sum riprisents 294 melabar- ted vas a pioneef r-ouatent of the cii>', slIps at $25 a ysar aid thec piedges living lived bore over Arue decade.9 as mae coveret c ibrce ys..r perot. Hm ia h«thu bau. enfailiug for tue1 lan Siri tu6 compalga bms pniduced jasAtva oor tIres yeara. but lA vas1 $7,30 ccch year for tbre yais. noiuntit Christmnas ime tîci hle puy-1 BUT- ccan gave ahspmesi andasseoned1 B~etho bn al. thia, tic commit- Aat deail vas a matior o! montai tee Statesa ba cnumberof propects, at tle oietThsmdI psbl1 that le praoua vbo tui. ta belp lnst71 ai Apail Abs a"stkaAOiai-»e dliiijagul u for Mn. Hustea totabecame reignua tota andi tue baotinlathat lÈfes 'gany the ineYtble. dua3' sounuemmat can ho made Aat Wlilo Mr. Huaed lad boe able $10000 a yod- fr thre - y las t& get up and ho around the bouse 'ihe beau piedged tuth b e r-I aftue as. sames ai nouai, lo bcd nai patalon sociation. a! nounilment for Aie lasi fev daya. TIers are a numbor ofclters *ho Asottm eoebsdahh aret. taobeseen, goôi Propets vîo AsotAuebtr i ei i have not beau onaccisa by the cou- vas itting an Aie aigu o! lis beat as mttee during h campaigu just he joked l vtuairs. Du Cheeven o! elosed. Tbe uemherabip îlot thus la Kenoîba, hie istor-in-iav. st open anal Ihese vho vere iot «"Eaw veli yen lk" ho sala tota er csaen camcomo ne suad ho 'veleome. pîsasanti>'. A stanidinig uoinerabip commit,- TheÉ endaleni>' the ltgiA iehia eyum tes of tAteen- members bas bean leftii intact, and their vol-k from à bo n Idîsan d ho fou batik on tihe'loidesti. vIE ho to 50e neveoarota the »city A plysîcian vas enmmoned Ammedliae- aed guitiern to loin Abs association. iy but bu mai41 deaili muet have beon WAithaImat toi Aousand dollars almoat iutautaneons. a er ledgoi bthèAe vonk othAbseas-Funenci Tueday alerooî et à- soclation, t la seon that In Aie tu- Ane tue vol-k e! the chamber viii dock ai Aie boun», Ren. E. W. lieed Dot I. iandicappud brough lit o f o! Rock Ilansid afficiatingu. Inter-mont unuds. 'ieolthinge eau ho dons and n Oakvood oemster>'. Abs Masonhe or- doue mOre qucky than lu Abs pesA dur having charge ai the services ai ve the assocation basui lad tue Abs grave. Mn. iteod, vie ta a for- MnoBe!linmcmi current bille on tim=i jmon pastor of tue Silst Baptit curci 1 -t mu 19 ..5an a ,,.u of.athe ~ Afttr ton thousand dollars a year has corne in for tree years, the fu- ture yeara iii 1*1. cal-e of them selves, for, luide of three yeara thîige vill be flourishing so that meémbere vili hoe eeking member- shipe rather than having committees seeing them. (iEO. TUCKER DIESà AT JUs HOME IN OKLA11IOMA FR1. Body la Boeught to Waukegan Today for Burial at Grays- lake Tuesday. Lee Roy Houîied vas born Jul>' 23. 1848, in Coboe, N. Y. ii parents movea tot Brstal, lie- noshu count>', Wisconsin, lu Beptern- ber of tlee sme yod- and settled an a furm Abs>' bougit front tic gavera- muni. LeliaoyHusisai livai an the came tarin uciIlbis marriage le 1875. wben le moved ta a. fartu o! bis ovn In tIc same township. Heu iveai tbcre untili1882 vben le came ta Waukegun anal lad liveai hure coniinuousl>' since. Hie vuas soclateal In insinuas vth tue laie Ehenezur Mai until Mn. aiead's deuil and ictur viAl C. H. Clouter umAil pon healcaused hm ta gve up bic business. n May, 1913.1 GeorgMeLK RICE ie, for37 yema remA- M. Meid, eldeat daughtur cf Ebenezeri lnau Aai-iro, Okahoma, Anlday nilit.,Fnaternaily, hu vue a manIer of thei flahrymeuTScofi Report-Price of -4 t ta blieromaIns ver. lraugbi Maect Iodas. A' F. manlA. M. and of Lacteal Fluid May Soar ta o 1 Wauiegsit for huril1ai airayelake Wauakegcn clapier Royal ArcI Ma- Twelve Cents Here. on Tnesday afteruioon. !os ________ The 4eeaud vas borninleEnglanai Me 1.9 saîrvveai by bs vidaw anti Deipite thc tact Aat ltare are un- but camne to Ameica vth île parent îs lirMe ci l iic lutlna one qa teratathe wvhen 10 yod-s o rage. Hia parentes akgî Is ln .Jcsna fermera mai' icreusu the Itnce o! settied An LaIemcClara L.idatramntas lik locl dairymen crnuakeAnclinund f m theKenauba, andl Mre. Ma-tsa Utier et thinibt t theProducere vAlu bu con- hour o! Abir airival, M. GOerge Kenoaba. tuat-sita maie ea ne, contract on Tucler maie Wcnkefan big home un- Ma>' 1 for a price net generally ln ex- tli ion yoauu ago vln an emoeaite A L RTo ese of Mtaipah let >uar. AndrloOkia., vbere le engaged Sl N RIES TO Seonse o! the langer daicrymun uin A.ra sae bsnm v Chi«M h ave been n confenence vithii h-el saebsies w mAil jroducerq and alu>'tue>' lave >'cc-sgo ho luied hie ane dcnghter, L U~ I . WV I beiu iformel Mtcthesprie for the vho 410 iede tAcge of 17 yemiu.~vidqm coat a ummer vii le $212 pur 100 Hoehlarivet b>'hl&ibeioved vite, pasmis. Thc avrage pribe pald lestCO CRNI J II amuer vas $155ler 100 pounds. Ave 515Ael-5 B"d hr"ecbrotbers, four -lOieravers fris te predict Aat if of vhomsare ruiAdentm a! Wauisgau. «* aM "MM lu Pria. vas mcde o taTIme U lve o sa«Mbl dM Cul E. Sa 1er Head of Indus- #*, gMersAbt Abs>' vouui areainsGorge Tucler, Av glbre tua C - s Slip- tha e isrtili pnceu ta SI u sMUs. Ao * o awagor, cfe - -JAlf W&ieken dealers are ni nometpu- MIsa Lucy Tuceur of Wauiega, and- sWImiti. The> My Aat tic Chcago Abrue Irotiesa, James, Chi-les and caii a>ler. arisinWat n sd il-el- v ~~bge habre r-e& &àmii eMeta f is tt. ent oet *0 î, . i Ilnoia indus- yotd na Anti t ril ai. Acb oeciûed ail e n are net mci- Ae tgrgeuoal v tvini le Lbeid In thee* factory>'zone bW-as beenaitalk.'" one local 6beloc Tumada>'mos'nlng. Interment lat PU& tia . fcfry building lu Joliet. deamer at. "tbatl> Abs pricesof tallt nle le mtery t mysali e Made sgeaiIn Waukegananid hure ,M ' te ton conts a quart. _______Norb Ohicago and breugit- Bin>' fac- TiI" Uqr vel itbout bouis for vstores Ito tQ.cane "a aresult of km* t.rtai price. ai ton cents i HEYDECKER-IORGENSON lenavel plan on wviol Aie Indus. ea ien rsn i> tue prie s tiaAsscatotisaraisd anD-Umershi =db.a" y 1gb-si- Aan It DISSOLVEPARTNERSHIP. %Dn g fhi lasa Jlet h te ww.T îé smntpia, ofnts aWankegin, Mai-ch 20. HBond ais: to e% o #e cns nnuteepewrmd tdy f Plana foi-a 8200,000corporation An. qed-A. IOa=ta. vIens there la nnnemn asmI Oa' Joietfotheilspurpoeé o! providing »Y> euae'fer Wauikegn people ta AIe dhsoltion o! Ahe lav f inn o! buildinge and oher tfailes fer nov voir>. 1 M qounatiet Aat the pi-o- Attarneys lisydecker & Jorgencan, Indutries, vers, discussd in detuii dagua viiihleresaoble vheunIIA vitu offices in the .Blumîuerg-WeAzet ai Abs meeting of the bard o!falîrea- eam e b"syrauc soedule o! hunduig on MWashhngton m-ste. The>'toi-af e! tJ oitAssociation of <Cam. potousf«r1» eMammsr. TIori ia no ' moi-ce blsA nîgli. nafl 1 1 uas vlthe tai-mers shonlat bave leen lu lusîlleas for faur ea. C E. Sayler. preident o! tie twtu inoesaidd ao net AttomneY ]ILJ. Hetecker vAl con- botir liasItira opi' beDon. e'vi. inue b occupw th mme offices niAi heaquartera hIn' tauegan and viWbis bprtier, Attrney Peter LU NorAiChicaugo, pi-suinta ée ~sproject Vr. IL vU41, -09 Waulaeii, M nt. J«0gOiuo.. iiimove bis office hiet te edirectors. air. Syero as >la iscia pémul lr$ 4 .atPOM-ithcite sut otcupiod by' Attorney' coupsu>'basa bustinhiexistence about $»M- à-or A3.Gorg Ie lilt he 'r o i o en-Six yeai-i. Durug AMat iet bas bu r ffie.pa141 dividende r«elry m and uees ~~lz~we Instrumentailuabse ocUim ofci25 I- 001%sm atu aie dustrica Iu Wculeg&Éandc tNorh. CiA la omTuye bsW t "y.MM. oue t s exe- Au net aner b euponuble ilOm Meran. aàa"de. Thi pMpft?- ta" Mw eieL* t*.t Mi 4ee iJOPTAL .15 SE RY CITY COUNCIL ~aukejan ~ebu4 or maintalina an Isolation yard oi hospital. P. Swayer promised to take the mat ter up vltb the superisor for Wau kegasi and eue what sort of an ai rangement eau b. mode. TO BE À MARY Es LYON ROOM4 IN BIGi JOPITAL IN SIAM~ Roomn WiIl Be in Perpetua Memiory of Friend of Pres- byterlanChurch. Waukega, MercI 17. In leathen Siamn. viere the wor of GodImm a falleai tu reacl the est o! thoucunde of île naives, thene Au hu a Mary E. Lyon noom An the nu, extension of the Presatyterian ticsptt in Parpetai îemory o! the frIand tl Waukegan Praehbyta-nian cburch ce na-ver forget. Tir- Mary E. Lyoen ocin te lu lue1 the Pxta-n-lnof flha Freibyten cliuehri ti Ien-mal. SAim ne n tle langer cillas cf the uxtrume*nort u-csîecn pari o! Siamn. ChIeng-mai Ioated near tue barder lUne o! t] uPper Buriadistr-ict, anal lA1A9 AIei that the l'rpsbyterian mIssionaries ai Py.erliait g et efforts ta C'bistiapi: (li a' duires. Tins the naine o! the graier We kegan varker la oreigi misslenanli le tn bu carrled into ths ver>' berau lundi o! Siam. Darlngu hur ite tic; vas Do greater varker in Aie mAte fate o! foreign mleA.naries tian Mai E Lyon o! Waukegan. SIc gave tani smc tauard missiona-> o-k In Ckh maid Siam and vw«verseti ove, phase oa! mlomnry.vol-k. «asI g lofA a ratbor large etom' ta le laid ilissionary work at the ime 0f h death analiber lite vork bas beron be oreal by the establishment of c roc Ilie lanhaorAnluibhebospiW iat Chier miaI, Siam. HUMAN HANO) PRÔD)UCED IN A FREAKISH CAIRRO' Wankegin, Mai-ch 16. 1 Thisc ornnng AiliLybock, tAbs31 Aliser avenue grocer. Iu taking nom carrea tram aa Oi, rau acLrm,t molit reakimb foruod calrot tact 0o can imagne. At le a perfect reproduction o! penion's rîght band. ahovIng t] tlumb as At alould bu, Ilu genst slaps. aid oach of the tour flnge Placed In hir projier position. ecuiptar voulal bave bai dificuit>' Dot e mal-e perfect repro«uctlu ol0 tbumain laid thanwu prOvidltc 1Naturin leAllafreak Cai-rot, At lae exhibition lun'Vhç Sun 0oie wiid cnd lm ettracting ucu attention. TIe Bol-don aiil ouipan>'Wedi day anunuet lunAurra Aat It 'w pa>' Aie mIl pm-due thé A I. pre.t apotion bu a *muw ferSat ufil apply A. bu ft'uItmhiednetItt b 0 mer. The protulet deunand an 8 oals et u row.10 '»sb ML. ~ dufi -C fi" eTyvtLLEErPNET THU1Â, M., 422, 1917. Matter la Disoussed at Some Lengtt at Regular Meetng n Mlonhday Nlght. coDMuhaoner James L. Sva>sr lbe- ttao e s eal af same 'ort o! an lac- lalo ospitai in Wcukcgcû n And- dre.slng the city councll ai ths regu- lor Councl meeting Monda>' nigbt. me brohiUp Abs matter luncanner- tiog 1WIh a report on Abs disposai tof a ea cseoase a fev dm a ao. Tti. ecttxa. a strect car conduotor, be saïd, tit lia»d veutte, ese City' Phymi- clan ffley, vbo diagnoaod hieAltuest as messis«.'Ho thon appUsed ta, the Police for suttable quai-tors. There le tompordu->' qai-tors vere urraliw--' no ilaiiosm Imaspital lu 14 e st,' sJ for hflu hile court room over île eit>' Jae&,Heu iuail>' vwstaites Auto the bous of one cetAtho policemen. Hie vas not a chailt>' patientce- sotinagtatur-.ivayer. but wv ableh said vifluîg ta pa>' foran>' attention givea klrn. The coarmlssioner «Ma tue ase ahaved thie need of bains tmre sort of an Isolation boopitai sud lie voudered Iif It would be poa- sAble-for Abs City' te equip nmorn sch tastitiation. Cormuealouer Durai took c differ- cnt vie, o! ihe matter. Be mai41 tua City' la paying ite pro rataibar. ot csrlag for toe cure of sudi patienta and le thousiat the coat>' aboula Cai-efor sncb cases. Hes iougît Ala RUi euchmatters îbould ba reforred te Aie pool-master vith a requesit tca ho bandle ilium. Litovlse in case ot c uurnpox epidemlc. ho ibougît It sas Upt thilsceunt>'. rathe- tici 1 ts CAty,. ta ProvAde an Isolation boa- itaL~ l3amnissioner OrviS took a smIA ilar vîuv o! the matter. He alca thought At vus up W ilthe ounty ta ,cars for sucb cases Abat might ais fi-outUme te Urne.lHe saJ« the cit bau no appropriation for conductîng Inigbt at 12:20 o'clok wboÉ an'nrteri, Us~îuru ~WU la hl@ huart bur8t. HOu1 1114tXea iI R A» IW EIA »aÏÀR ti l p. m. vhile standing et thes"e ~ flI corner of Genesee and Washington gtreets, waiting for a etreet car te ÀPtailleEARS - t ake h ew re fthro O fI¶ laet few weeke ho bas been eniployed ~ A U4'! t the John Goehringer buffet . J Dm Boston HouR' restaurant and4 died Unuai l Prtrs to MotlUr ih.rty car teharriva; of a vhiysî- LOcalConoer 8leFiling Cbn- b .A . ter BiigsAbout cian.- Prtelds vel-Ockd V&O trW «AleHp te eredo i udndat b a r tse NIN uSO Ii~~~Ciniax ver Seen bealthbad flot been the bout for Mbuhuî. Int~~hfy. Mr. an sorn in MUlibura but front Doueral hnoviedge. t VUn lInedhWacukomn practically Is e iBh t 0tueWaus Ai teelove for har nother a i lifsu. At one ume ho.w»va- plânt lQodivWSMd le ltgcua &Rd 0 pftmis e at.ber Abanmesocinted vith Georp Buselaj a dry. Ul5ijO derfor f0? u antOi.1:M b@lee àff leli me ived eh.'d nover goad, @tore in ~e ocaUionnov ont #*pfqr "war =1vbTe" snevry, pesioei anthe, urteuli00. edby the Whyte o tiietm uOflt' i091Wd»t'twillsom, b.b r lioM qfl «Oak treft,.l, '~e ervcd an chief tthae cluboa 40c94WdImm laof tuai la le-i woek t, 10;vhs diedd Weie tl ik omrnetime but for i-a lot 4hiYW le on vtIlW m uccesa vibe ou aa red h" io4fide.!W tos bhoshllbeen employei me br. the *iilig ugsacnti. aiesse blvsatv.utY.eght MWdtender l ino thAbsbout l ioh t twg.i.yeav or, c&Immsathres City, &sn ho m t " w -«JZ . owf T s deeado4 n Jms r dop«ta hlpinos luaci -1lze*Usa êtth. u fflehr a fev NclOlt plaesu, He W Of ~ ciabobt Ilfty and the force 3 -OtaMM 011411*dthe '&Yfor the tiebols nipto'the urne dis ty tWeL bey ,atrite objectain mauriag111e whioh lbs» edlcyed ail dry, Md' la fallet reu(edd l WUP» Ie fi theyarlidreqws Irom sabho, Itm veste agit.MAW , dea)h or everal menthe eatie-vrd. of »omi tbouaaid fe. O . * &gath e ruem4s.e, bremm Il ,A tev veela aa Ipbn Ooebiuaer (liemedaits. at&Miýg a amaTt l olim aht wouid et orthi Chiagtopé ai e Uom , p«i>aNM55 a" etire, body. ahave bae -an imubuel>' mi m seîft ,loohc a fl Ectoal,a P44a P> otg g(e rovat Tibt they v4 W-111148 besause ltculmicated à etion vth hm hà i =ha fabave taUcil'M% eberate sf'.ýtqarmor. eurtahlp of reçord-breakir.2 j loh.been oi' n temporal-y srrfflome*lê j!Is el au, lAit la imsd 1Eut, ffie lineryeued gaIn býfore as. ho and Charles 13. Kltredge bad mors efficient Alan boule Abe côdÈuiuïdoo 0f te iioç become par tuera la a plan tbey ver. trou airpianéa because the Iplanl. even catbtey a bslu li. ta nrodiall. BDPUM iIteN >bave mes e h" 91S deqq~n Cri.d &long to the etent vbe r.rt orne it In thé course 011 DZ seuxee ea. IU 5t u tai" furzdt«eu ai b>eu p cimestev dq*. En tact Ur., _ trqle lad tbçy v.Wltb h 4 t A i32 lng n Chicago. T=shaiitfett ~men of the final arrange- êvttly ihat teley caùd , h ee IL s Îden vhoul Mr. Bain birl vi a meNt* "Ul1mailes ave 'iolutely no mtTCke mudeny Wduedaynlgt Mr. ]:atn bl »p" (a part of Wed- of protectIng tbsuaveeirq lieylu Wtnkegan and vas prepar- rain of dedtb vblcb telle anâ list alLer h&Ïatug BlestAe evening lng tai returd ta Kenosha Wednsmdy skie«. The cievice lsa te mo * vlA hie lnlended bride. MiM hnh a trce.H a ennaytouévd a e And thug the near tbIity year cani t whl d en e u cearcHe s e ncouae mae t cwy leeAns sl oip endai traically for the vornn«. yenho ecouined <of feelint tien tub a te air and ie.ty Who vau tae-be Ae-brIe for, the ow , a tAret ne,. hehavery ill. He started to vclk tai the U aon chomecured b>' dropplgtsm d theineSerh to ber' be- Boston Houes restaurant. Hes ot as ia trenches or upon sdac trOthe 4*er bc d lortiber borne fer c as eBon Ton and vould bave troupe. A fev ail-plans. equCIp î. but,& tev minutes vas t t h u ascollapoibiDtPlcmnli Ab-be A oulé sadO 1. 5ti i 4usd.LymaSt Max Lerce n ot goie ta cao!ur bllste inenrea . kt The raeânt: bt=asisane. Tboy picked bum up. Just boy hig an orderf or tien Mima Hunter vas overcorne. and i n carryng hlm ta c rocmn oa the mec- dants bus hoee platisi vitI the W&$- a BAmie of utter- collapie. bld tii gJ iand floor of the restaurant building. kegan couceru la not hnoaa but ft obed, vhero ie hmasbeen ince. i»Dr. .L Gourley waviaumaned. ia sai the vork oaiflfling t la being n The mory let anc of the mont Un- I le made a qlulck examlnation snd rumhsd vlth ail possible ped. ausuel that bas ever nmre ta lilghtdîscovered that an art«I el-y 0tlhe boes. Close ita tbirty years cga Ed heurt bat!humAt. Ho cnnouncod Arn- ige Kmspp DE *Bain and Allie Hunter forrnt! an ce- mediatoly tbat Aers vas net"l DN fIUj .lr quaiutauce. Il grev more close; ti vbcoauld 'ho donc. that isSu W&B f inaly reacied a point vbers tha'> a matter of minutes. Ur. Bain dWa 'u. ~ fE 1"veut togeiber" cotinuousty and lA or an Internai hemorrba5e. M E U 1-V UL IBTUF le vas acceptei by tir îr inda that There vas a ime vhou air. Blain :y the>' oventuailly vould ho married. vas campauttvely vealtby. He 0FIo0 ig Bat, a secret vas In the beart or celved a boquest of *3.0W troua-de- ONARI> M )r the girl. bis oved her mother -md coaaidrelative severci 7m amgo but alli loved ber dearly. Bbc and ber un= -tittlnvetments causA ihlmf mother bad a talk together vitb leta to irougb" Aie satire amount. A Pretty Little Hore Weddîno tresuit that the daugbter mcdoe ruH a sVe d o r hppiapositionvhlcha T k Place at Homeof tUi u- Ie tber mothor n.anstav er madeffrndfo l vbrers r- Parsntma question: "l'li nover mal-!, n. Br*d's Parents. moiber, ns long a you lve lr Bain liad lnovn for tmre ime- - And abc kept ber word! I bat hie heurt vas in bcdailpie.'* Ho Wankegan Mch 17. Yserarcter year passed. Andat Wj hadl consultai Dr. P. 1- GOurlley Oune or the prettleet litie borne yod- Mr. Bain kopt coming ta the Hunier nmre ime ao and hb hor iled home. Ho bad two eveningm a veek. ta vAult au éemnenA sur-geon lu Ubi- ding of the yeur took pace Saisi-day Tburesdays end Sundaye. Andihb.e&90i.atuat au Xray pieture o! bis nigbt et 6-10 n'cia.ek wben Misa Ae$& neyer miseud an evening a! thonseurt could ho taken. The drei of Scliltz. daughtcr of air. and il. tva. As regulari>' as cloek-vor' buoI hat the X-rey vould revmial v- John Scbllla of 210 Fiirevieléce. vue there tu ses t omonn vhen dentiy deterred iBr. Bain front folav- 'vas united in marriage ta Howard T. the mother, who bcd arown aid. ung the sivice. 'flicdececsed Wva Iehauld bu called ta the Great ,ey,,d" brother oi John L. Bain o! Car'Y ave Aies. Rpv» W. C. Macdouxali et the voud bcae hcvtenu,-. waukeganm.Firsi <Christian claurch officlating. The Hol ecas paitsas hie eveet-- atdding lok place ut the home o! Ahe seart. Thcy bath underitood. TIc>' SMENT WATCHER AT BIER. bridoes parents. didn't camplain. The mother 41141 fot The tact tat Mis" Allie Hunier cf The- couple wer.' attended by Mi&# Afisit un ber daughter tilcking ta ber Oak içtreet vas prontrated and obliged D)orasKlne andlFart Wbiddcn. Oaly promc stherdauhiererelfwieb Ad ,ta take in ber bed after sibe recelved the members of the immediate Tamnil- gota b vit e ot ra. a Aj he. ,hocking neya Test Wednesda>' les veto preient. A wedding supwcr ,d Five yeare. ten yeare, fitteon yeare, nlght ibat ber batrothed. Edward w:. s erved. afier vbiehair. and MUta 'ls Avent>' yoar.. tweutiy.ftve years bin' bad dled -uddenly aiter leaving Ames le! t on a short vedding trip. il Duased. And stil t mother, un- ber ecler in tihe venIng. 41141net Plans bcd heen made for a more ýw doved villi unusuai trength, lived:prevenu ber froin ccciisi bodly le- pretenilons edatilu ln June. but the ai on. Nohody watt anxiouz that she fore t was lad to reet Sunday alftc- faci tIhAt Mr. Ames' father. Truman he ahunot ut u n ntilcer 2 or, noc Ao n nOakwood cernatory. Aries o! Mlles (City, Mont., vas caled anlfl rad od ni ete 8o 29 had paseed. Then the moiber be-u- Nts-ý Hunier knemw abe wouud bho art- la. attend the iunerat of bise 1mAi cape sick andab c as caileai to ber niabla- Io attend the funenal service; un, the laie Dr. AmnsofiAntioch, cana- In reward norenetolhe 51i.asche ralzrt ber 29 years of courtsbip ed the plans tu be cbanged comewbat. an Shortly thereafter the couple. vhoiee had tenmInated witb a climax of un- t vas felt that it miaha ho Impossible o! courtahip bhua i -e n rried on eurn- n-tuai nature-. ShF couldn't. econelie for the bridegroon'sa fuier ta soue ety and persustently aIl theso eef oeeI Iikta h eei t.yuars. began ta malte plans for the I~rtl.hwvr eiiktn h eeA June. and s0 the date vas le long-delayed wedding. . NIr. Bain io4ne ,silhn lovedi ta long and vas chatigedta last Satîuraiay. The retment he lookeai about In Chicago andi founai a aven that evenlng planning ta yod. death of Dr. Amnes resulta-d lu thu ved- ýre flet vhich le Intendeai fiiting Out. should forever pase; frein ber Sight bing being made- ai quiet aid Informai Lre Heu purcbased nomne furniture and without a Tcet pariing look ut hie mol-~ as obieiblp. ially vas addlng ta Abselini of tblimgs tirmim o aelm atMi cl a ze bu ntended lnstallng In bieshboue tlrmis o oetm atMs clt for hie seetheart of 50orncny yeara. 80 Mis Hunier made the reqileet empiayoal An Abs office of the North u- t vas lait Wednesday evenlng trom hor îlck mont thai hi body a1 Shore Cas Company ai Lake Forest. le tbat Mr. Bain camne dOvW eWaUuk8- ber betroteîd ha takan ta hir home air. Arnea .baldoIeL position yutl qe to an front Konosba ta calA on Miss Hunier. He spent the .evening vitu c ak *I tract If even for but .tagv Lewis garage. For the presentMUr. reber and senisa aull as ever. 'rbey bUSll-. Accordingl>' sjne-t n r.Ae ilrs ttehm or- taikeai over Aboli- marriage plana, wve.mso d Abs __ d- M r. malnola ebid' arns u7y Thu>' ver0 happy. Tii! fl.pared out vsm salon AieAbhe unier home Satur-_______________ rg bat, etter ail thc yod-s'Watt, tboy dayt attrnoon and hi vois.. h o'c Wlock Sunaya>'elterneon fromteh. lmsoon vould bc keepiug bouse *aqd futurs Abug bsd boenn o iudd*iiiy Masonlc Temple, Abs labdy bain& p&a=- live Abs rest od tbeir das togetbsc 917 aiBethe Aime. 1% T b i nd9. nbilghtmd wvs.ahie te lbave ber sick daiîn Oakvood cemetery, Jeter ta hu anft day uvenag arrangemenat thuagvo4d beldiacd gazeupen the lmsne»ble 100- UM.W lna Muburn coetory n il. In egid orevel-. Tt vouAld ce erj oye. ton.. of ber leved ent. famal>' lot. be- aIIUfr. ant Uc unemhme jusA b oy man>' minutes orbaotrei'Misa Hunier lea a daugîter nt AitIa- o re Ba i ete ni er one tasMie Hunier spent at Abs beir of ber Hunier of Oak itreet and lves vitI detall of lisasuddcn attack o! huart iveetheart. nst vbat tbc sifect oi ber fatber and msterIJsilte. age aiund doutât of couple ai heure bringlng hi edlabdy to ber homo later are knovn n tovu. for a short space or Aiuue butors t Wallace Webb, a Lake couA>' pie- F'riands cslled the home of WAUlin vas neturnu a t otbeartli, noue but user tad veltrtan ao tltscivil vii-, Mmn la a eier t ai Me sfuuAr- u aml'of hbereaved vornai celebkated bies mventieth -iirthday mebnun knvingbat aMIrs Moîer- hefmThuledaet cthAlomoue tblé mnon In T ey Te'toid Cyril 'Hobrmanu vbai hiad kiutws.. KiSoola.Meubers of ie faaily. itu-. lapponed. Heu ecided ta cou the Hovever. t lis easy te imaginue vlat cluding airs. Nancy Webb aid Jan4a I. Huer bonis fil-t of!&IL.Hedial no. ranepiruat ln that bouseu ven ane ru- Webb of WaUeQgau. speut part of *l4 Ilc- Tbe sier. Jongle Hunier. on- catie that cf ion a cauricblp of 28 years "dY and @venins vAAb aUr. Web!u. ueswivredth ie pions. Mtrfoeswr 4evd tho 4M Bâa nbas JusA 4154, lai41 1h19couple lad met begau mcking t > lvivr eevd me Moîrmain. their weddng plane andl vers ta ho o "Obi 1 canItAtelber" aid . usais. manried In Jwue. ÀAs eited n Satur rf. BAIRSTO 1a Misà Allie, upstairs, bsard the ru- aayîs Sun. Abs girl bai promi seal ber bue mark and baatened davu ta oe, a ncbrsnuw0yrhg att eb MAuFAîcrotRE 0F rai va tbe matter. mte sie30ya. g .a h iers "TaIs Aie plane." ai41 Jesale, and -wouId nover mari-ys long as ber M «tgi>e and Granite A thue esage came botik ovur the purent livd-and the kolA ber word. ta vire: "Md Bain la deati." iTien, vben Abs mother died c fev -o e t i' f ou muel chon i alpeu Fl-id lIdit star ot'I kW cil Min' Pale1 lite douro. ly iei Kbr. tbel hi." Lue

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