CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 7

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.ai TKrYE!X&Y ionH22 1. 4 Mlq4#~.iS pUg Mons l il 1 u ifk are itoppiua a us 1*%ilis,àhome. Vbit1. m»d vHs bai ratid the1 'Cajà1, .11.Md eU.elInod th Uad MO'W0fUeedoyeveiIg. %h. 'liulivia ntartaloid ai a Sbi Pêlr lsl. ati Sturda' .vectlug. Ui8j. (oaWblismoveofaiOranugo Hall. liMOA rayalake vditor Tumia c -.hbe'goidflo% orun thegrayaend Witt @VWI tbu bre mi The ResailiStore tbis sesi. Wmîcb tie vlodowe nt the drug1 DOa't forgel tht basket docia at iJisea ba.eiaturdmy igbt. *bhout ioîty ol aur Youlng ~poopi a- teaded 9»»rit. Patriebaq dance at Round ÏMe. l"a mont la vilstiup 1ultvei NeajeIlI, Wlm. lUvb*gSflooiireuly uurohmaod a No.e hii*i.s.ia ii Ou.Drug Co. lk*i.iuttqr ros.,aliiodoit ho Auto o1m l WinigaiTbarsdmY ueoilug. gv<b ounedotetter, lMr&. Lau Bock »ad im. May 1Sabviilted Irisadu lu k~* Pa .17 ofSt. Albany'§ echool1 = ttyl ~m aturday ta Tou> vlwtb hu~tute. John telle uneho le eoon to "a farty Ml. bike (romi Kzoxvilli tâ . s lisloippi river with sevoîmi of h1.ulamtee mud their teacher. Luter fihaoku ed ider Frazla have roeusned franitl)oîter, tiâian. wsuri Mli iseB"om ubau onaylig for the paitteveral montaie. J. 19. Btter recentil purchaied a new Perd roadater wsieiilà e sîli oie for devering rsrpoff., azi Thomeun tran*wreil buoinesdinlu iflnag< Tueeday. Sisralil Clveadtrauiscted bineess lIRond Lake Thinlierai o (Mo Tucier whortcett- Ly dieil at bi homo i(Oklahoma vasi holàt bore Tuaeday mornuug Bn ua t the Grant ceoetery. tMr. 'lcker va* oeilysic for a short ie muid i d.ath e6eau à i hoci to bis reasiTes mal friladsbore, Ho leavoq a vite, threke brog» su md taro elerers and a hbsn of frebdi tu mauru bis desth. Mrt',Raison o Loon Lake, ha. ment tête 1arronhorme mud moved bis <mmili, AWKS! TO LO)AN.-We golici the W. j*y of têu» tu brras mono> oa*Virmeo iler Improvel LabkeCo)utny B40 Rta etite. Viet National Bank, borty ille, llllioie 12c2 ;wn LisaisChard ep-nt, lait Wednes- day la Autin wit babr brodher, A. Ohard. Site reprti that hae la recoverlig nicely f rom ie recnt accident. Mise In.ui Harrhi s tien IliI iti the mmeuleo Ifr the pat vsek Harold Arn.. o! Chilcauo, @peut Sunday vlth ibo home fok@ Our patar, 11ev. regiiîn, would very mach hlts tu sea tatter attendaue mt chorch. lire. Paul VmuiZndt 01 River Forent, and lir&,J. F. Darling of Oak Park, epen& Frîla> vti heir trother, F. H. liZanî mand fmmully. Tho. 6. L P. C. wlii met ttesveel Friday evening at tie home o! Mi»iM. oule. M»reChai Wright sacaled ta Oage, lowa, becauaiout thetseilonsi illuee o er lahér. A suit for $ 10,000 damage. vm aélein ucicuit court todai hi J-. e0u Oaajbaskl vs. John Baisa, Wo. lWok PIuland Joeeth ItOMali.. 1 n~ sit vau iled by ÂttorneY Fred- e.Mb ains, vba npreuuite Michael X. liockuin lbs blaapi.miy'suit. Tbh e Ae teatn tlu fimt relde la N*M thCisicag. erif fie pac ci lia auxi va Ile o kuvui vh ugda are usai as iii qp of Iithe s BIG GQLD FIS14 DEAL Our annual Uold Fish deal *îll be next week, when we, wili give ytiu a globe Cul)- taining Two Gold Fiait F ff. with a,25C pîîrc.haue.' Corne early and avoid being iappointed. ~TUlE REXALL STORE Ybe Store %t Saves You Mone>' DRUCE DRUO CO. 'Orayslakè, Ill, 8hermervîlie.1 Nez$ Sumday moruihng men l)YOUng people o! the . RPani. Cougregatlon. bavlug pepard for confirmation during the liii sunit inter, wul ta puibilc eiamined Tht membere o! the St. Paul'l League sili niset st theîr uurci on Thureday, Muirs 29, at 8 P. un, ain, F;diol imiark oi Ravnivaod. va. the guset ai ber uthor, Mnr. Surah Adamis.ThuMsay. MONET TU LOAN %i eoilic he lu-1 qalry et choeiteîirlng ta borrow unueY an Farunp or ather lmPraved Lâbe outf Ral Eltate. iril National Ban, Ubevtyvtllle.Illnois, 12c2 Suger Froua the. ambeow tise nstives of b.dla mauyMtIUi qdivcrvred fiai a smvt u.iiiil 1w gotfhôe the~ oas baubMut Another nit lian *a&& Sanuca 6- Isdiania basai ocetaneu fi tie raid," sud PlIBy tell n A a P dues. a «uCar, but that of India le m mai uiomed." Foriatry in Grmnant'. Poretry le one of tiii.chie! murces et 1'efiuùe $W Iie mnerei Mue téimI hie Oberudail. (ïhianld tie ceuevaibn 0feis,4 vuâldi bas benn derel*ed ta au abilst exact eciael. Bath on the royal land and lui thep comýui'i foneste the amaumi o! thhitber clii aunualîrisanai allasel ta excee.d te anueal growuii. Numer' uiuq fi tree nuratries are mcttered tbrougbant the.reglan. Damit'Tb.ught. The Ut@ a mmiiles&u mtwrhica&*th ln the. snmorlae of Umloqsbviso veuthi. ls a strouiger and bettes Ilitt la.may b. lived duuhng bis piislaiiiqod u .11 0011M gutOs'. iJtWasted. -Mui your coliege edomttion beni0o a.>'-practlal vau, te youl" TOis bet l ha. I Irkt vaauit for My .xperhence ta ttaoi milletts I'd ha"véte0 ave MY> bouse fi,, minuin oearker eveni mom- gag lu aider ta catch the 7 .68' repliait the CommnIter.-NchlgaD Avganu. Unpl',lçablà luiresseont. Lue i. eLube my-a lots of girls mas. ri fox' revelie aulx'. go do lots et men, bau Md1FlàI~i*èfor revenue DY&. btem tas dlidenuls - ouiab)Uti suglifor divorce fes snd court et-Eousin Poil. Tbe graduat.e o the.old (bttu l R obool, Wet Divsion 51gb uebo@l ort Mekinleu Eigh "boni et ch0500<. ".W living la Laio coiaty, ame requolid to @Md étWiramisanad - am ytar oif dame lami" Jo34 b bb Dean ifgirle, MKIai 5là%*Ocbonil, Chicgo, la ordor thais aresii ni ho kepi. MWlo Iba Diietadi 0< Ighblad Park was thi e k me u giait the home of FMredIustdt e 49W Leretta Krsee roim ro. ilépuilpa. Okil@, sbre *le buhalieu ieg ber, re. John Ftehel for the. pat ix veege. Umin Oaa.. hrolmn la takiug a rut cure st & iaterliu nMllwaukee. Ira. Bobaiue Stryker aud ecm Alvin of Chiego. vil ted ai the. homeofa Dr. J.C IL. Knaack leit week. Umis Elizabeth Knickerbocker of Chic.'- Un leithe gust of Mia Hlen Seinleber. lise Dorotby Supple @pet the week- endt viuting friends in Lake Bluff Miii prvs Pettie returneil 10 i)eevan, Wl., Tneeday mter spndlng the. wlter St the. hom, ai ber latier, C. W. Pilie. éimn label and Elda Hmnabeelfr enterialned the. Sewlig Club Tuesday eveuiiugý The Dorutai ocioty of thie lreebIWaiaii cbureh gave a Nw Englmndd iener in the Commniity Hoemtarda' .timing.t Mir. and f/lre. John Ot ud' issuly have mo'ie roin ith. 811j.trom. farm u 1 the. Trier fea iaiseermerelle. lire. Oecar Hcha, oui ertained ai dîmuer venini for Dr. and lire. W. FI.lion of Hrington. Kens. A few ni thei. . . . H Alumul frnt bers mt nded the. meeting of the. lumul ai the ti5gb echool Thursday ta hbelp select m piay whlch te ta b given liter ln the, eprlng. Tb@eliueeinaryaclety oi the. Prest'y- terlan church were entertuitied by lire. T L. Ku.ak Tburidmy aternoon. lira. W. A. Whtlug entertalued the l Five Hundred club Tuaday alteroonc. Mie Durothy Weber of Ilievew. va. tii. iet of Mise Martha, Kareli Thu ru. daày and Fridmy. Clareuce Hubihu a@ a uoitlon with th; Teleîîhouo Clompany lu Chicago. il@ be- gan hi@ work Monday. 1 i-i..Elizabieth Iehihet was the gu«tt of lili-* ISrtice Tucier olg tland Park, MoLdîy anid Tueedasv Let*r tranger of Chicago, vas the weekeuid gueft of i. parent@, Mr. and Mre tito. Staeiger- Tbom, sho received a brofte uedal froni the Chicago Âmet ican for essaye on "Washlngiau" veru; Viiai lamugie, 1 hmrleo Jolinston. Ricumzd Kreue, ennie Love, My rti. Beblie muid Oscar Edatrand. Min Luella IN ilinian of nicago, vas -the. week-cnd gurot of ber parente, Mir. muand lir@ Jola. Yluan. Mie Na Kige of Chicago, viaîted ber parente oser tic wîck-eid. Tht animal meetiug of the Preabyterian .churcli villi bWednueday cveaing.Silarcli 29tb lu the church Thom, an lhe ick lit tb'i week are: UmseRuth Lidgerwood, Mir. Hempetead. , oule Rommnel of llauumond, mIn., îo viiting mit the home o! hie parente, M r. muindlire. Phiip Itommeli. On Thnredmy. March 15, Alvin Huehi, 1 on ai Mr. nd lire John Huehl, dled ai t inflammation of tht howst amChicago hospital, havlug ttmlned the &lm ofo 1, oixteeu. yeara, six monilia, five dayéa Re 1wis dcii for a ite deys only. The innerml a ea.hld lait Hunudmy ra, the SL Peul'@ Evangaelical chnrch, muid inter- niment fiai Pl"celu the old-eematery nemi Mre. Thoma. Carmbaun adltth d.éaghter have hein filI vth lagrippo. 13.IP. Spencer alpent iun.tuy a& hie home n aWaucouids. Domr.tu, Mr. sud lite Chas, 0. Cash. mort on Suuday, March 18, a daugbter. à"eAleoethi Vr 91. lire, .Xsponm d Miss Kaîhurine Brodeer mre Improvluig. mmre J. Caehmero in omeshat botter. aire. Helen Paterson va.lI Waukegan early la thé voek. Geces lRa won fi rit prit. a% tb. donne,Ilu(furmes. llev. J. B. Voley bai returned irom Chicago. lin. Loord Vandervali le mach better. P Mien MiieLeable in carma liifrar@ C. a. Caehmore. Wn itufa md fauilly have iovedt t Russel, lMurice Lai bas a nti.automuobile. J F. IL> Foster wms a Chicago viitor laitIý, tg Mira. A. Clark,.tirs. Neyera, Franik ti Clark and P. H. Hill wert Chiî'mgo visitore lait Thureday. u.G otmoyer va. a Wmukegmn b vilitor on Mondmy. I C. A. Beydeeker laable tu he ont agmln. Mir. mud ire. Woolaton AJ!Chcigo, a soie bere a les dose tiis eek on Il b.attuee.B lire, Chai. Dravhtln m aiaZion Cty0 coller on liondmy. Mre Clyton Luca. viited hn Chcago t part o1 lait Wvst lie F. G. Di«»IereftTueeday aveu. il 109 for gasteb8. Louis ta attend thet stalle Camp 01 R. N. of A. Mrinier Cannon bai moved up over tht SBiled's met mmrket. SCOOOt.NOTES Charles Linditedi. Robert il a n udi Ilea Porter are la achool again. Thtexignintionsiareover. Tht> sert nots barid a. se iered tht> soullie 1Tb@ vaste piper la accumltlng. Wt hope to have enoagh egoon ta huy book@ fur the lîbrary. Tht boyse iiil coipeci nePapere and magazine@. "eToby Tiler' will sooo he wlth vî i Aieo "Mr. ltuba lrothtr.' Tht Cîsite lelalerpvewsî for thte finale. A eurprlwe sltb eaceh recitction Mr. and lira. H. J Sciafferul Mhclienry, vere guetaof Mrndmuidlra. H. E Mlunan Mouaay. Thetowship prlmarlea paseed off very quieti>ly ait Sturdmy, 'uly 51 vroteî btlgcaî, oiaieeatiigTho!olliis- lng sere thte eoaini'nomiaees: 1 For Highwai Coutuieiomer, district No. 2, terni 8 yearo--Rabt. Doseil. For tva Justice$ of the. Pence, terni 4 1year-R. C Kent, B. Stoffel. For twa Coutablea, terni 4 year-H. tT. Cook, Le@ t flu. 1 I le quit. ppar'ii tthere wviiib. no conteste at tietiou tme muid ftbe candi. dates nominated vîli nu doubt ta elorteil. 9Wm. Pri«. hegan Monda> tearinut down thteo0191 Coie building on tht crmer of Mii amnd Mii streete prepara- tory tu erectti bis fine bey brick buggI- fne@ block. 'lhe aid part or the building ioccupie iy B. C. Harriui fur a barber ,f îhop has been pnri.'haed by D H. Mur- i puy. sho wilI move It on hie lot on the e le short and transfouni lt into ai DIRECTOR OF PORTABLIE ELEVATOR COMPANY DIES. George Henry Prost, promînanita- ginieer axi marasîne publleher, dled au plainli, N. J., Mlarch 15. Mr. fYost vas a director of the Brown Portable Elévator comPunY at Nort hIlcago. Re vas tht ongineer lni charge o a luyuct tht right of say a! the Chcaa and North Western railh'aad ta Fort Shentan. H.evau au etnslve travelpr mand Pblanthro- kist, having mat donatIOns ta mmmi Iberltable Iluitutiena Ie Only K ind of a Colt BLASIO?'y CHARiE Jude d 0i olsBlas- phemyIiNot.pared as a Crin»elUnigjnois. 1OUTO0F ÇO1ffT' WELCH. ltate's AtMM lMas Exhausi- ed EvuyA;vant* ln Attempt. to PnhM ockus. To spe iak l;syof God la a irivilege mecordl *wy man on ill. noie, It appeafe. The. lndictunent ciiarig Ni icb&el x. atockua viii blesihuty bar, bien îuaahed by Houm Claire C. fflwards, udge of the circuit court, an4 StlatiAs Attorney James 0. Welch ha, ex- imuiteit every avenue ln bis attempt o bestow punlsbmtnt on the hi-ad of he Lithuanien fiee Xflnkrr who lares attack the. Word, of God. "'Judge KvdV liaiashe.ld ihat lmiphemy do.. 50* conetîtute a crime under the llaer of thte tate of Ilinois, so vo e Viso!ofcourt' anfi Michael X. Mocbuq la fret." cal d As- dagtant ftaie'. Attotte John Weîch n mpe'<ltng vitb' a Sun reporter tuis nornin. Judgo Edwar4 . Xmrd the motion of Attorney F:sdr"4 Maine Plday îight, af i ~ imtdlýedtathe objec- tions raited he i.MAt$.but he founit that the glatut.. et the tbate of Illi- nois do not demi vitibiasphemy. and the onlj course open to tit ista was ta, quasi te Idiciment and set Moekiýà free. Mqikiei K.Xfocni ue asarreiiled a few Païontegi gcm complaint uof L.tblana. iho objected ta attacks mal~e by hlin agalus tihe Delty lin a Pnteic lecture lu i Lberty hall on 11l*hth Street Tii,. case wae heard 11% Police court f>y a* jar yof six men. Vhese six mma frod Mockus on a Allaorderly couiduct cha.rge. Then tht eiate's attorney was pre- valleil upon ta cet ithe machintry of Illinois lnto motion and$ to bring.pun- lehmient auto liockus' head. An In- formation vas tl in uicounty court, but tuis action vas dismisaed by ('aunty Juîdge Perry L Persoa, wbo ruled that the la*«o !fIllnois dldnot luclude blaspheifty as a crime against Society. Once more Mockus was f reed by a court act. Then State's Attorney Welci went belote the grandt jury andt succceded lu huvlng an Iitiment charglng blaapiemy rtturned aanat michael X, Nockus. Tis fldictmnentha been tiuashed hy Circuit Judge Claire C, Edvau'ds, and happeere that Ilii- nois dotsnot baud blasphemy as a crime, and that any man or woman can tube tht lectiWý'plattorun and ;ridicule the Christ'lo hlm heariaB con- tent. SIXTEENTI! DE*TII AT STATION MalI INAÀFEIWWEMIS 'Since Jan. 29 Eight Have Died of Pneumionia and Eight of Meningitis. iMUCH CONTAGION EXISTS. NO. 65188 UCENSE NO. A404138 I Mr. R. B. Swift. Ubertyrille, 111. Dear Sin-- 1 thougbt'peehape you would b. iaterested in hnowipg about the. Soht1 bougbt of you lait mIL 1 t.ok hi., te .mid-winter lair et iyeuaoue o«Fb- f8117 6-9, 1917, amnd carvied off two hiue rlhomazda o» e. eH got the. hue for b.e beat two-y.arold Stallon, any bre.d, tii.. tie. hie. for the. boit Poero etalion and the. ted Fer the. b"it galon amy ag. or hr.ed Tii. horn, dabt Meslmwe fit prîlh boe i - .6 .di ttMlitelait &IL. 1 would have beat.. t" borne Mi 1had dsem y pan. 1 iid mot bave bim bh-& en wel enoutb. H. weiaiied 1840 Pxb. bat day. Yours v.wy trely. T. T. VAN AJtSDALE, KiabiajudILI It is alitie trouble to brng a mare to the foanu but the colt will pay dozen times over Take pride In raîing ONE GOOD COLT. Feed it andi will b. one-balf the buat tearn you ever owned. BON LAWRENCE is one of the beat bred Percheron Studà in tli w.l and is individually A GRAND HORSE. J. B. HABERKORN,- Manager. MANIPULATORS 0F KEY p~U E U Rallway telegraphers employed by c A U T O the Chicago & Northvestern raliroati have effected a sffetteent of thelr 1Nîoî havingcauffifoient pastarage for my stock thte oouuing mmmi, Uts n- demanda fer vage Increases. the road dersigned will sel tt publie &uotion on hie farun 2* miles uërth v«ofp granting an Increase of 9 1-2 per cent Lihert% ville aud i5 milea souîh eant of Grayelake, on The tocrease affects about 2,000 tel-y graphers. station agents and lower T E D Y I D ' ~ i fi men, and means an increase of the T E A , ALtL H ,dA Lu UN 1917L company's pay roll approxlmateIY o,mencing at i o'clock a. m. sharp. the following de.oribed Ppori $130.000 a year. Tht average wage of $66,21 a month belng lncreased to $7150. r) U An rt, 1i ir7 arrv n9 CHICAGO BOY DIES 0F SPINAL MENINGITIS. 13 Howard F. Johnson, "bluejacket " duel mit tc Great LaItes Naval* Sta*Ctt lion at 6 a'clack Frlidai uilght of 2 Mo spinal mentngltes, Bes the 29uh ai .ianuary nine bluelackete have died mi iflt of spinal meningillsan ud elght ofco i pneumouia. Tht bodY Of tht neven- 01E teenth vlctim af dîsease viii be for- CoMir varteilta, tht home of bIs parents ai 1547 Sherwin avenue, Chicago, for Fi O hurilI. WINTHROP HARBOR NEWS- TER The. Wlntuet' Notor Truckt Comp&a .1 a..Ilui bas eommenced op.ratonî at Wlnth- .trq rop Harbor andt expecia to, emploi 100 lte min by Mai 1. __ Tii. Gem. theater vas opeused an,_ TbursdaY.NMarch 16 with hlgh-clans C e pîctures and promises ta ta Quite a succeas. S. V. Âyer la manager. Mrs. John Anen who bas taen Ili for tht past three montha viii ho removtd ta the Evanatan hospital an Mondai, lndependent: More râaderm tnui miV caunti seilseombliiedI Cal Head off Cattie 13110 Fat Hoge-5 Sowe U.ed. Iiting of 2 cows milking Feed, Grain, MachIMsy, r nthe; 1 cow niilkitig 8 10 tons choice timpUly bay; bus; '2 milkers; ,I1cow :e5 bushelé sied. ba4ley, 10ë inq fresh soon: 1) hti.fes busole u'eed corn; Food eut- ing 2 years old ' 1 to corne ter; Wagcn; Onuollue Kagine )on; and 2 calves. 2j homse power. [M'i OF 1A LE-Ail @sauander 810 and andîr cas. AUMlsMm er Iai t mIi muinth'à lime wvîl tagîven ibn goal bmnkmble notes heuag 8 pur cent tý N.. xtuda renuoveiluntîl setiflelfor le CASEY - Proprietor Fred Grabbe, Auctioneer FAIRUOLÏM GARDENS M. C. BURlDGE SON01 Table Ferns Boston'Fera Primroses BegouMi* in be aecc at the Chîcago nd North Shore a1b ~ O Theodore H. Ourst. Prosident. W. a. Snlth, VI"a PionNn. F. O hucehll. 8.retary end Manager TELEPHON S SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST C) ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE Ti LE GUARAWI'SED Capital 6125,600.00 ladepeodent CMasifed Ad@ Pig. Aak eeg M e, bel k 17. trdai 1 Assa rard T. of thé Ocly tamil- aluper Smort ut tae ruman brot- s ana te5lat. ceaile ) omem te vas riti ào e o irmul hz via North Forest. liii tle Mt Mr. 0 home lthe. g pim- r to b. in iii Athar Bs vlii ty ie-lo Il sur, Irthda7 son fa illy. lu-. jan4 o -4 Webbi. 4very ftaeidtIyour lsn comm inon ,tl ou th iti isdaweous? Wky assume this great risk for courtesy? Throw yow7bur. deni upon the Amnerican Surety Company of ,New York. Don't igu a personal bond. Refera&Biuchre- queuttat John Hodge, Agent Aria, M. Subtbb ofChicago If PAYS TO RAISE IS A GOOD ONE. hie bartar Ruap Into tht Brook@ building, Borti CI théefOakland hofel.shtrehej vili ta locatel unîl the uti. Pritsbuîld- lng Je eanspieted shen ho .111 bave hie sdmp in te ey butiildig. 9 L. Barrie iraneacted business iu the city gaturlay, W. J, Bauer vms a lChicago visituir Tueediy. The dance given hy the Waueonda Athietic Clu alst, Smturday evealng vas largely attendéci, 185 ticket@ e iug eold. About 8W0 sasclearel, shici vilI ta uied toward pmylng for nes uniforme for iii. base hall club. they hmvlng Pur- chamot ielve cuits irou iith hicago White Soi for $65 Wmuconda bad a wood bail temnalest sesin but euhb présmi proupectaaull bave. a mnch stronger teM t bis aeMOn. Tiielibsi s9cIal and onl.tmln'aini glveu by the ienionm la tIse meititorlumoa 1h. R1g b colAlfld&Y erenlng vas lnm'giv atteuided desplte the inclemniut soather, and $78 va. tleared. Oui hoss ald 1cr 020. A ratber uxpanalve supper for oni yaang man, bal hi e émod tu ania,* Il, MONET TO LOAN We ollit the.tli- qui"t'yof tiosuterlug ta barra 1001»Y on Parme aratb.r!nlprovod Lais Canl "eI Rotat Ini tNational Basi. Lîbertyvllft. Illincoslc There Are Thirteen Cases of MeningîUis and 175 Cases of- Measi es There. Tht deaub liai ai tht navai irain- ing stationsi ince Juuiuary 29 of thi yvear reacied a total of sigtecu vhen Curry J. Armonul. ageil 22. an appren- tit. aimmi. succî&mbtd to, puuma ai tue station hospitai ai 7:40 o'clock Thursday evenlnig. Of t.heixteen death ia dot, have resulted fram spinal meuingiis and elîhi frot Pneumoniu. The. body of Ârmand probubly viii b. ahippefi ta bit home lui Hasman, Despite thie efforts of the. piysi- clas ai fie otage Ih has aot heen Possihbe to check fie contagIon vIich ban booms vldoipreait. Tberoare tiut.en yonng mon IlI i etmenagii ln the naval houpîtal. The condition of nome la rsgarded squît. ciical. Ne* cases have developed wsUiin the laiet tva fimys. la >ridea1y everi case ltie deathe Wy piwmUIia bave tallovaut attacka of, asflies, Iis dîseai, havl*g laIt tii ap.uttee Mson go vem' that tb#i,& as' t la coaditlou te batilu aggigag tii. ravflagésto! iiimore 1W rious dises. Tisse aru tventy-f iv. Cases0o mea4qe mlnitfi.conutaglio iiiPtii at fie brésent ût1uInoluadditi o t tu nÏlnir tlére are ont huundr d i fli~ ldruts ia re egn!ng taocou- ivalensence fram tht diiemai. mme, possible prerautlon bas boer tuaenta ps'oveuii nes case« aft.e disease ut efforts are oi Utile avail excepitat keep dosa the numbtr af M. k it t ILL "LALJ Ur LA v Za 1 VW& WAUKEGAN

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