CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Mar 1917, p. 8

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liane Petrîck, Cor. 0 B . Broadbead vho bbs spent at t* moathii lu Çýi'ago rPtilrned home l ýte a namber ro mai lere attendeil o» 'MwîVal serviceS at t.lbertyvillii on boIS ec Kennedy @peut Sturday in Mm. Bder@ Schneider returned home Tuiday fhum SutB o nd Ui, 1moilans. Ir. ohMbau boa. riwtUeSMgAr. and bil n. 3o"n Schneider for a fow days. .4bo« strty attended thie St. Patrluk's P%ýYvM nt aheb.gvmoàiufll by the U~aslent aturday elelng. Te ýmboat;fuly decorated loir the dôcamIo. IMaeborneas pmwsnteil with a fayo. AUlenjoyed abseveuliig wbhi ened imwtâ a dalnty luneon. Thm dommUion supper bl &t the Cou- ggagousi churcl dining hall on lÉhQrt- i&« eeaing vas a decided succese. Th. la~ie Aid #Mt well satisfled andl repai for their efforts. Bi A. Ficie maie s trip to Peoia la» omi on county business.1 Clgmnt, Wui.Batman, Louis geary, J. Fianigan and Wm. Prebaiýwere Obicago vîsitums Tueslay. ÀA umben of aur vouag men atlenled thm St. PaînlekAlantce at Waiicutda9 84tway nigit. '- About @ix of our young peapie :attonl. i...-- adalance at Itarrington Friday niyhbti * Aug. froelîck attendeS an auetîcîn1 boat Buffalo Grave laet Monday. 1 lie follavîng candidates@iseme namiu- ucalsi t the village primany lat Tues- day. Pn-eien-Aug. Froelch. TrusL"@i - -C. W. Kohîs. ,Aibet Hoeft and: IHenry1 Brandng. Thene vas nu oppusitiaon for tis respecftive offices. Tie Public Service Ca. lias Installed an elecrc actor for C. H. Patten at the Lais Zurich Cnaaery C. plant Iaot1 Mir. and lins James ilymoul retunned fros Palm Bosch, Fioids, let uneik atar ipmaiing the vin ter thons. tic township primary lst BSuiay vas a veny lame affae, aly 72 vote@ beisg c".she . niy oppostion vas on costab4eotf ihuili thero vers e ircandi- 4 lIie toliovlnig voie DomlDated- nto Jp@tlicseto!the Peac-t. W. Kobl, J. B. AMeyer-Fr rContahies-FreS RldamsanS Cea Grass. Fred Hiliman vas liantai Ion Thisîle Commissiooiir b and J. [Y. Fini forn bconl Trustes. MHOE - - n. gi? ira -Frni tallorl are the prosi parnut. of & ton pounil baby girl bar botMoniay. tir@. Staffordl iq atthe busseof ber parents, Mr, aildlins. J. KeiI n hotyville. lir. Augues Wltz le visting licir sister ah a"»sLaie. Mr.ind ilire. L. Etta veresta Iring Park Barday and lrought home a piano whch îbey bai purchased. J. Re&"scla huliditia an addition on hi basse. Irani Wirtz, t8r., la spendinga a ev ilmys vihbChiceago relatives aSdtrioDîs. Gege Hawkins, ClanSd anS Vero Smith If Waniegan, openS innday, et tino J. L Shebeird boule. lin and lins Stal.k ntertalned nom- pany aven uniay. Si.andlins. Albert linyder stere r WauisgaD viitons Moaday. Mr. andl Ars. D- S. Doiph hatin bouse- ieeplng in the Hat abuse ltcestore this Fnmc Wltz. Jr-. vas at'hi-ago viitan the fret ofthe vomi. IL. C Payn@ la holplug Henry Lum4iho vihh a veii at Prairie Vieis. M Ai7wflnger is having a ehiing omt sale. Hait Unr Congregaîlonai Church Ch*eitservi"e 8:00 P. i. ubject, Ile Soc"a Club viii mmt et <lie cbumeh oneTnesiay evenIDE, AKaren 271b aI 8 o'loeir. The Young men ar eûotetata- lut a biime. A lunch wllI he furlsh- ad b7 tbm yoatigmmn in the tOisn hall. fhleviilbe a «'anay J. Crosby nmetin." Pan.IW-BYnoido et the tUniversty ofý Viiefgo viliispeai. à unecig of the burc villbe held on IbUfsd*4, li5ttb29th, ait89p. Atlb Tibmpotorwv iiigIe anu lustrateil Iseagre on "Tariey and the Great War" Fnld, ay, 801h a he h cbh. BoJ.. Tlekey. Puster. r ii. Clever Woan. WFb= FUa tai geulneW l .1a at e »M # boe miot'via£ , ILa te neaty lie bu derm tu laartlflcaL. Born S-boovu. am «M esey evte Jmm 1% ir tbw eu cmeimiUN*d m Win *laI y.- mcull l* aa s»e atlw mastbey am-o nofloise b tbébniS0 ort» s -mp wt Tibe)open sesan for 0mab stores la near at band, ont vblle ve're waltlng for tbe grand opealng Ieh's futes ta anotbor kind-a hog &tory. We'll flot try ta stil this etoiy exaetly ne our Area frieud itove is tau , because you woldn't We leve k perbape because vereceivoil mly tho tarte wtbout the expiantione This bug &bout wbich we'li tel le or wae as larme s oms boises. la veighed mure than 800 Rouodd tlhe day it was delivered st Prairie Vlow by Wittl esker of Dlamnui abo, isbahoughtit It ram John barbaras, alon ot lîîamuind Lako Mr. Lemker sbîppedikta Chicago the other day fom PralrilNie,* Tbf. bug vas ral" and amitted by John IarbarnAsand the foliawing te a mamt o di bih ctofiliIng for this bog lttomumeil on. bashel et corn per dm- înly about 90 tu 98 ear-tba\'s a&l. The bog vas 87% Inttbes tait and It mnamure 8 bel il I'chem ram the hp of tIi, nom. ta tbb end of the tait. -!. Un The price reesol for the bog vas $100, wbieb k Io toli lai the blgbesgt prîce emi pald iln thie section fur a ho>g goiug to market. MF!OT CmmER John Tsiannpe vas a Bffmalo »ruvo bauusimecalUon Muaday. - Dr. F. C. Knigbt o! Waukegau, maie a prufesaanai 'ailI la this - vlInity lasI vomi. MWo Francia Hertel aI Long Grave, cailc on relatives bore last Sunda. itranif Dattier aidilangbtore, Bertha ýanS Forence @peut $uaiay wIth bis mother,tira. oigne@ I>urier. Peter tiiyen in @puding ocrerai eoks at Elgin stiere bls Saugliten. r. Henîry flapie la a patient nt t. .Ioeeph'm bospitl. Mmn. lispke was vini3ed an Sstumday by hem bushinad oIrther. Jmhu Myen. vbo report she le getting along nioeiy nuis and expects au hie the latter part af the w.'ek. U23UR--1 We are gad ho note that John Rois landdla thouit to ho on the roam ta recuvery froni ptomaine poison. G;eraidie BDon, lttie laugliter tif lir. and lin. Lelie Banner, bas@ We eci ton the pait vomi 'ith tonslitîs. $ha ie botter aI areset vriting. Mmr. Uoff. Jamleson anS Mise Alite Jamiescm aie vitin relative@ aI henvyn, ii- Air. and Are. E N. Cannmon entortaineci a lois friends at lign..fin.stTmiiicdayý Mi@@soBoele atecîn speit -csturday and Sunday in icco liosemsi. Wai. and Brt Trotter ami risiliag their eister, Aira A. K. Bain. Mr. andMin. (landon BuDonr @peut Sundasîit iM.and lire. Bonace Cuitrr of Labo Villa victnity. Miss Dra Bock spent the coi-k-i-uc vilh Mia" Baby Strang nt Gurnue. Ward Baia aI Rat-lue transactel butai- à,e@@ in tbis vciaily Tneslay. Leslie Ce@nnan sd famlly have maved from Armi 19 one outhIe Seans larme. MONEY TO LOAN Wloict the in. quiry of bhuse Soning ta inrrov monsy on Fanase or uthor lin pnave Lake Connty Real Estate. Viret Nationa Bank. Liberîyville, Illinola. 12c:d MICHAEL CZAR IF PEOPLE WUSH Lonion. Englandi. Mrcb 17.- Grand Duke Michael bas accepti the Ibroneofo!Ruesasondtonei on the consent cf the Ruselan people, aSord- tng ta a sateinenî réelvel ber. 10- day- rom the sotal-officlal Russia News Agency. The statoment le as toliova. "Grand Dune ie baei Alexandrovith, .accept- lag the lhrone frein h% brother. de- claros thal ho ioes sa oniy vitixthe cor-sent a! the Russlan peope, vito shouli by a pleblecite establîsbt nov forl t o!overnmonh anad nos lundameatal lava." 1 London, Aarch 17..-Reuter'a Petro graS crrespmndent. telpgraphIng iun dter date ut yesti-rday, sayi: '"The city la nov coalrolled by committeet formed of garricion and civillan repre sou tabIven under the preffieicy of lbe commandant o tbe tiourth guari corps." CZAR'S SON DEAS? Petrograd. Mrch 16-Tho auto cracy vhlcb baa bell Russa inlutir grop for centurion feit toclay. Tbr bouse af Romano«. vbich mleS Ibr empiro for 300 years, camte 1 an end vitb the abdication of NicholasIl verbapa the veakesl reprementativt of is Une. Follovlng ou tho booi of ibis statling develapmeah came thb ruaxor loniglil of the deatb o! Ibm lit île son o!tho emperor. vbcse, ablica lion vas Inluded la Ibat of bis fa ther. Ohio Iroopa reached Fart Sheria tram El Paso, Texan, Sahurday ta b musterel ouI t ftine edemal servylo About 1.500 guardsmea leptln hara barracis. They are memberi of lt First Bathallon ut FielS Artiloery, Se( ond Iufanhry,,FInIt, Second and Tbir fid baspîtal corps. PriaI andSScoc Ambulance corps anS the Second Bsl talion Enineer' carpe. Tic Wooimeit Of ur-no. bell thel lminai masquerade Aarcb 151h at Il IWoodman bal. A good cravi attend 4d aidepte the bad veahiier. Pria Iu veswon by the folovtng: Gmet Ie liet dlsa&,Ebeneaer Albrlgiit i Remo of WisdewortlaSejCbu &«eim&, Alms race gfihUver ilul »i0. gutounues. w, lmL" m'me 1 4A Bréram ile linas o te riesmoho IN CIIROI MAU IR L ULIE at Anderéeou, Iodîaa. -Ar&. »bown leaa gradutitso f the 94lb émoool and bas fAT U K R I O THT ELVN btene an ntrtor an the piano tuU K T AI OtI T ELV N Anderson. Mr. Bravai la a native cilI Miami, Flogias, andSla the proeat man&-iat Howard H. Moody, Acting onr Ms. Sarah B. Clarke Gives Eý er ah tie, local yards ai the lBirbangb Ordcrs,.Left Today for Coast $1 Toward Suvln Art'iloal i Luniber Co. AMr. an<:tirs. Brnwm vîlI - To, Sail at Once. - Linb for MIý188udn. iM t boumet theUrrlemis on April lot - -1-. 1 4tbebglov. The people ofI lnWe- S IMPORTANT COMMISSION. GEORGE RENEHAN GIVES $5. Ci aiih odeeteeilIbir gtweinom et Iis n* ê i ~imrld ompsbeleving they vilI oobMr. Moodl awServioe onthe George R. Renebsa, praploton of sashbsoel ehd olalî aquaintie U o~~*ir o a <~ Avon Park bolet. vbore buadreds.ot Mrt. Bravwn basfrua tie buâtess@ stand.- EOÇE xperlenYoung. ocie : pentthoi: lss Oortb lire Eme. 111 ameTueday or Hoexd . Mood. a aukganHeiden'. lite *"orts the living." wemk's tay witÉb er daulglter and nev H"0' 11 ody auea Mr. liseban bas rnalod Msi Helil- ye n man roslding aIl 218North enaciieci for OS and hoevants ber to re ela-in4-av. 1U- trgat, wauiogan, liasjiit liespend the, ronerl- niwY -- th r Thefa. W. Kaplngtafoui are 4potig - oglrsý pocedr glcmsa it o~. f courset Mr. Renelisn a evelbtoiider, 7p-asnger Ohde- frcec'Hei mlyd yvat icmnyt e sil *re fe B Aib. e 9 me.Wbypurobsuotau artlicil Isuel. but ir Air ai ir. . ~Jthe o ~ lrb Po beel Drive conxpsy 011 orta bmsi DmeSfrIbdc -aMtran n C.E. Rleen- e dg1Cfltton e. Win., andl 4,0 leave olgti-pntcbmae la raie. ho yUl not voice.e <ho vesk aith lins.Mary Poweriil latday for lI*~ onihr i iisi no~eto 0brsenln Wst Ucflsnry. .1 for Soutth \r Afrîca ln charge o 61 mammly on an odlucahion wbîch wiliiw Mr Hye i#luCbgoo bsiee. ruko S 2pe t teBriisbgy- Ipermit ber toi carae ber civilliving, d Un.Hayk I lullhesg cmhuaneir. trtttk oeeigOd a te 5go de@pi4,liii. tact that she snr'ered th-i.t Mr. aidArs, F. Luini rerturued tram t ernment. TMg ili be take o 1los# 0f one 11mb ln an acciént Iamt a monlh'sbrave] in tihs couthiantd visâtJohannesburg bu Ibeir arrivMel t iNev Y«ear' igbt ; i tu Iowa. Min. Lumber ta iow bai-k et South Africa aÂ. are expecteil tae Aras.wSarah B. Carkeo ta.i gfven it vork ai bis Sutles in the depot. Hi.l usedinlasone laxportant transporta- I 810 boards buylng the un 'lhctal t vork bas bn1 eiiiol aken care o!fcy a'ilon vok. AMr. Ntac<ty vandhmalii i taleaur$17 s1sttte a ormo nîbilsa. inlsd t$7 h fil e!P susiu.Africa for e eaitr" nhe d Misa Heiden ila apatient eAthelin, Ars. M. JaciLean vas iuCbicaizIclcivenr hé. hasthe prlvIIego cif staying ther Lake County Gengerai hospîtal. On of the aeek-end. indetinitely yltb a sakary of $200 a iNews Teors tbwhiite iirdng lovn et 1. B. Teafond ha@ ctuile out for tho montb and mil expoees., This lm cet. a bill an a sled atitiarrington ehle fo stiuler. Hein8 already bcuggy onutas t colllded witb a gnn iespotn »u maos onh vl c a - tâfhly a turing 1laducemfint. u wiespotn t rbag a trepairSoohop un is tcrk 1 A short Urne agotr'i. AOOdy re- ja&telophone poili-. A deep gatvan c orcigsrpi Io'io r et I n bli1mb. Gangliene se. Ii, n chrsvhrehovîI w taiaedIo teturned tram the Mexicanliarder. Be The dortoirs voro -force loia icnput"itt h season. BeconsiSemsIhieuore froai the vasemployai nyI . S.govern thbe 11mb to ase ber lte Creei Bridge vilI ho rory auvantageous. 1,ment as truck master and *as 1 ion Missthelde iont te a io- Mr. and lira. Whte a'tertaliged the charge of3truckg and 80 ms. He eblone t fthe ot iSebalir a- LqurDealers club al cards last Tuesday van on tho barder for a year ad,,bas ntseo ivntPtea ' c li nîthbt. Houons vono gron ta Mesdames seec amore eacltng tmes lter.. Witb cal institution, dospibo tho tsi tltat IB Sebror andl Koeth and tMr. Sibren. ConIlle ammy of transportiction Irucis'he t he bas borie operateil on tbre lignes. , 3olation pizen were avardeS ta -Mr. unirab na, distance ot 306 miles Imb Aiegl- 1 Iprovied vit.ban artificl iiInic.ce lir. apng.ea brrlor H. bs ead to zt~-Miss liteilen vilI-lie ale la Kccept aM Mm-pn. a erieyteba er tea -position a tenaigrapher oor ila* Mmfr. J. E. Lane lecinl Chiiaga rembllng er'e blnlets as tbevy htstiOd tbrougl&I an office.a Sho canenaI afford ta ce-IL «Il froni boer rcent ilnoas. M"r. Murphy 1 the air, and on one occasion ho vas 4 main telle ail ber lifte, andl The Sin la lascaring for the home hiema. 1counded en thebe IfL ani by a naîper,. askIng the Goodfellovs teasalit sy Cancan day In lugiesîde lould hbe hte eeîaiate adaidoamlua Il or more tey.rîs a Mfini vncîtoui by John Hit. but the scribe tanuioriug P vay dean throunsthe tae ihll vl ie Dn' usai t bu b' al-?e thir eaeting at aT uiyalernoon. lesb part, But AMr. Maody la mail- If Yeu bai suferai the lama of a The nmeStpeng a td r Jute aIthestcdabout tiis iI,.rk of active service, 11mb -wbat ansver vonlil van naie Thenom@ resnte fr Jstce f te ie.ilmOâ«ly si-rerstel ta the report, toel'3e Subita&Peasl. If You gise Peso ves tnom ofAie.sha Erel.~ c lîat ho "î bakc uintsay anytllg thîs iatter one mlnutes tboht 1Kapinganadéoen. Koetb. The last tis o t tt" Lits utmbl.yonr aigttyil liho ewrite -i check naaieiyere nominasel. lMattU~attbemon tu htaleLa w uooieior tend $1 teo The Smn office. and Barry Dalséel iscethebbmesanesd a chnuffeur nt is service vhea honora for the office cf conotable. 090. dovu) on ch,, border andl be kept % - eBîngbain twill rue iniepenienhly hy ptl cos'.wtb eh o bheeravan as tb'. IN *Nom.ssa tlon At the Demacratic cancus Hans rci ' 3 u trei teir vmy tbrouirhG~D'[ MF~FFI Readricis ami Marshal Ernst vers the dent. Fie bi great confidence luin ý E.-E F j nomlnatei 10 reprenant that Party fon t'le Pour Wbeel Drive Justies of the Peae asidC. Skalas and eclris lat IL(% bave beon p *y* ElBRDT d Juohu Conrerse ferconetabiee. The priag cally adaptai bý I-e Uniled St'ctei Mmeefti llni tt ih élection gvillbho elil Tneeiay, April 3ri. era, ~They w.-l! go wbhere no otiier (euhray comiion.) haeHI iThe vamen ctizosdo ot, bave tîce rnck isili liet uý,, nd hat h ~ YCtiIl@ prvlige o sting al Iis pertion. tec:c -c>.ul a01, nu ou. - rARTICLE Il. Mr linsd Ars. Pbiîip Lamp bave been i9nli;a short t'me fgo 52 Oif theie i Il i e edmitted at once tîcct gîol rIn Chicago atteadiagte fiunolar a1aiillrea sr hipi o oonu.rnswcîuld recuait la tbe aaving utI reltie.Tbec aa attan a sp~eod or 361 mlles many dollars unnaully Ilic tires, repiolr tis.Thma Hnlb a< lagber1an fboum. and gtcsoliltc to every automoîbile ow&t Ar. John Stanton isere in Cbleago the________ or; I Iberefore t.bk lo u mre thait i- fimsý of the veek attending the fanerai of! f air Illat bc shoitliîe ruileSutrlogie te Ar. Bobb' nepbev, Philip (Juink. 1py ar f h cs o gAhkts il r. Eedicks ls quit@ impruvai ina ai IUUIY IJ URPIIYOi toma or tg e ias truhut sIbci asyi- hl@moleot Ilumsa. (ndoubt.dy is a la nutomiobile tees. Tbp. automobilecit, -~~~~~~ licovsunlece ytce ~ DE ONSi1E A M t recelved by the sei.retniry of state yflwes1aid pantesoeit ta Élire yON, In 1916erey 924 r each $1,3(X),ttgi o ru flocal -re. 000, un inureage of $375,000. tsi-n at AiehilthBennies e a boneonjy- au ntonisofs-u $2,550,000 pi-r y-air, lu- ' g loy a spring vacationufruai bi1ahol ead oft3$75.000, the automubIle fi-es dutie..Bofe l attening the waiand IMan Who Had Spent Almost at tho presenit rate by 1919 Wittignooant Aeaemy gah Beaver Dam, Wls. . 78 Yarson OnePlacea IS te oe,$2.0ffliffl; by 1fr.Citteno $3.(Ki,: tIpnng eve Inc un miulpint as~."' I 000 per yeilr. The autcignipiIeffl l a sun e vr r om neI e ai ooie bore. Victim of Paralysîs. 1Iillinois ricigt- ftri $3 lfor i lleu org4g 4 t Everyone lan in a hurry to have thon.pie tîc-itî c 1>ti iiiiilli-0 boga inlureadijuse.The butels at-n FATHER 0F SUPERVISOR.!vpwuîhî.r cf no Ilii isuî-r. fi liii- baving lImprovemonts made.nucrt ct icr ctktg t 11 c h Rlb obt. E. Harrsch emalier icou.e je Was Regarded as On e of Very! do î i tlc nili fn- ruaitie L being redecora.teii. ca Lhr First White Children Born t it- iolirrn- icc len, ic-vc Iti i Mmr. Win, J. Stratton wsaLIet in Lake Cuny7AcItic,.ceIi- r *(lic-tcni 1w Ili- e- ville eshappor Tuesday . c,1r ' lwýII-r i;,;1*i'tnjnldltc t i cl- Mn. ranS Mme. Davi Alxander ennin , To iave hi-n born ou one pace In le.iiPIic- er,,, ,cl". 3.flgi(x: hii' *lanel for several dasIs it veek a l ketoiit.l5and la Iave liveS Iliere i2trl ui.TIiri r-- rof* -l. *nephov vito bas hi-eu s 'o11îi tcSt 1ail bis long lIte cf aimoi.t 78 years titrs '"r.lit riiiildI utild.rt- i lii, lis,,. cclii .1Charle and le nois, Omployed aPeccnia 'i 4.1,ci n Iiv ci' IýI- >This Youmg manilmi. xpenlenred inuthe Ighil unilquui record wbiclccamne lutu puy cmi- Icrilf of trîtjjlrîliirrl i ic i- i- -aadnuig of burn.thre lite of Thomas Aiurpby. welotl mya I'rc1'Ifetlie bo,il..or tc.lieiir t Oser bro hundrel vore preilint atiiii- plonr-c 7,o! Lakne cuaty. vho Sîid et t rItiîiit iistiiî-nni- f St. Patrlic'@ bal bell la Koehbn bhal 'noon IriSai'al hîs home junt nortb cf:lith-,ri.rtrif 11w Itoti- .rîil -rejllnu e st atunday aîght vaés nreiy Ihe iFis inrrts oni Green Bay ruai i twc- siriri -i 'ititii,,. il-T', Intitis d socIal eveDt aIflbtheascaO. Good 'iulc î * i scl rcrdo bar- 1irtrilý .$].. rli ilillit l". :iI* irI[;llyci vas glven bytheltlisseorcbeetra. Lunch jhetlaia ul eo~ I-cnlhc gi i-rii i ic.i. îî-îc nîî vas serveS. Tfile Shroeder Club ant lng i, e h tree score and lto n i cîccîr rrî i-r r-v nî1î of fra hbors vers presen t. T ,cars ugo anl havlngnocrerlved oun vltlllîti i-r Ioic,în tici- Iriu surouulngtovnsw'orsvelilrepmeeted. ýirsciii ,((r place tn alIbat period. i<icii-i -e-c.i.rltîrctie,ni o!fic,- LogLaie people reportseingc a large 't3tlrph.-vas bora on the tarin itcf-. .Sli lire on fi0.mmn inti o l-r A Bock ut geoise ou the laie Aoaday. % ci t h rsle 51.5,Mamy 17, 1839, andl vas 1-ilerc-rîîîtmnlasmtli- înci'cntoflice fIrst wbite cildren bora lanais. wih- bear gin aî-ertilgi eqtixiz oSCHOOL NOTES 1ie couuîy. Fev oathers hbisbon barn ussessed valiicîîta of iilmoit $20 l'or nm Amnd'lao teb lest slretcb. t1acre Le Materlal bas Deon obtailinelfar anoîher 166hLa couuîyrior t a andmea [t Caaimnttly mieting. The date wvîloi bl -mrISfrigtMrnaSh a- nt ma e Eeen xclen pekrsmm fici children ver. bora, as fat- Taie twenty square yards of MdI a-hrtyale site.Exeletspaerj love, nl survivng: and pelbes, stIr ln sufficlent eday ta bave been olitaîneil amd tiose interoleS1 Thomasc, supervisur o! Shields tovai- maie a compact valer tight mass, rase in sebool lire are espelty'- unged tolieo -- Lu penan. 1sbip, Joseuph, vill ruDe a tarin nearby; dwua bard andl scorelte surface vltb e Benalno aie ~ndL>~id léxsadrs. Thomnas Von-ke, Gertrude, vbo a tais. Adi cacfuiy t-n paciesa01 b na inerWlshtnd ape idAltondte s i5d thmnS abrnof Bleele iadsof theonait magnificent lower *.nv enpretl iseek, -forthepotlir l hoe.and.atein, mo thal viilgrata nrywbmrm ad ln wek.cour. Wukegn. wonoitl ider any eandIlionsthrddring ap a o Emly Blantou vrate a ,very gocil Mr. Murphy bai bail a vneflcontinaluns uceaIOU Of enormul ho p-e a h pelm.ealato, constitution and neyer b B. loi. flovér trugssa troam ircb ta Moyeu,- -d nganî anoo wrd n eflbi mdria. jaIl hîs liteunatil Octalier Isat vben ho;- ber, eoit petl IOve ltsaiarom a" id tise. Frili Lacsre oivei a grahe of îhi-rani 1 rive vay toi the advances of t fh. emlt&Mndset a9v10= te 't.Dintyelgt n gogapol d agi- He began teaaId and neyer i ThIS 18te .cOmmOon cf ailu vr lb.Civcs ias ae-pepmin ti wrteregaîneil bis srenglb aifler Ibal. A »nd vil be 'ouai isted on My W Pg tThevrs i bet anars asten fl ralsishci ff om IsrgbMl fre.A- e aiv PgL*tesen. IN ~I q 804ENS 1-liOTO WfY. Iy erfying UquorÇ e oOvrro , FaiaBdlngMW the Eounty c utPoeoutor- U by Rail'St1Ie, Teini- Has More Latitude. 'V nais Trip, South. CAN AMENINjFORMTIONS. ~ ClMrh1.Wln la rhat There- Were Errors in tâte overseerm persoaa atahi $orne Indiolments Has Been MlefNeOW OmIe burledlyM jw. Proved Conglusively. day on &«sount et:btheasasib The tact that several errors vere prise et ZIon City renUmste Ore. r discvpedIn the Uquor indlctment% rived ber.rsmterday atttrbma u ar-b« orsfdbyth December gi*id Jury tmg tt Mtbeym olgt gett4àlia iug f god the possible lear that tflese er.Nw oiu onsSn «.th rsr îigbt b. sutfjolently serions ît"]= atrus- mOOCUa»~f0& *msult. In a nmcrtiage of justice lJtiêdsrl Iy* . attierai Insanceshiis ald to have beeereroatlbOUsumd InatO&d 01f lné cne of the principal ,reasaus wish ariyf r.dg aemdias lmgà. BUtes Attorney James 11 tr eib acoruing te a vire recelvel boue'» nested Circuit Juilge 'I71 (1. d- warda te ccrtify ail the remnalilng In Batmr4a, they' left on 1uN men ictmnents te the counly cour, for stoPpe4 perert Miemphis. Pm&, sa rIal. fflday nigbt. Leaving Mempbb at The state'e attorney la jrparlnm b9:lFý Saturday, tbey mrrived a OW informations In @eh ofutthe cases andrcg a .m ysed hese vili i ld In county court ai atai9.m.ysed. the éarlest possible moment. Expet. jIl vas the overseer's previons iM- suce lu the past lias be.en that liquoitetnhion ta sîay In New Orieamlier prosecutlonp can lie trieS more sat- ' 1dy e.H a èedt isfactorlly la county courtIclient-ua sveraldy e.H bi sa of information, -for witeulothe pr-j.'- 'le hback ln Zion City lu tinie le pmbi cuiter bas the rlght tea uë,nithX i 1, erp on ilunday. Aîîril 1. but <bis air- formation a! Uirystage Of? n ie ral, rangement* baS ti, ie cancelleil. tberpby removîng the fear ihlat Ilb. cane May ih, lotit on mie 11111e tOch- Wbile in New Orleans the pt,' nic i.i l lles practicallW an tittiosi acre guensitheI U IbIdMontemw uility iu the tmait er or indictnuentg ha 'I iehoe n aprif bocatiopthé grand Jury which rcturn hn lsafnhoI n speag them -in dtsmu!ted attipr its crin , th. tallent building la that elty. It pertormed andit in îxtrlnîIc i ffI: lIonltiatc.. lti Uiber ofthUceiety -a" cuît to rail tbem lcaclc if amend th,, ou a very narrow street. WUk Ibe lndlçtmeut or ttc rettcmu a ucw onexetoofCnlsie.&IetM By fer. the big majorit> rIcilorcc, ' tono aalsre. I tB cases thai have ceen trieS flt 1Mw i4recetmla the cliy are extremety aw- counti bave bepn Ib Ymesns of iiclor- roi. There le a gooildduil et tim mnations.Cci trng mg , fri in 10 qcamut Spanish' style about the plus circuitt b thi eounty cinit lm etatian bich maltes il interestlng ta msse unusual procédlure. vstr.Teoes e e « The MUfder Cases. ,slos h vreraem u The two murder camss yli go on mucb takeyp. iw wlit News Oriemaon tiaI liiciicuit court neat Mondaty and bIs previOlin vieil thene abom Mumr wiul be tolloisev by other crîniznnal y>ars go. There vas someibég cases. flnly twoa ieeks yul i 1, o smreilIn trina these cases snd je, abouit Lbe place tiat appeuied le hlm tibt tune the, juryterniin lu nty strOtiglY. Wbether it vau theore court wIlllie about reaily te apen andl verlilai s.,utiiern boepltality a"i hid- tho tiqtuercases tan lie bnci-n u". Ir gooii manners that von hi. al I ard te say,*but Io thin«m N.Or- RUSSELL TI3EUS Tle p,.Ja dubclbrgt rprs 0F PLAN F0LL01W . wlloth l etd nNw r ED, IN PEORIA C0m O anee:xtent, treated them fi». Ar- People There Are to Vote on' \ew Orlean', dallie, ad a irnijeMim $1 750OOOBond Issue for coluly acbenie aeemeil te ai,. tbéz anuch deliglil. Il semeil as if a Mtm Oood Roads April 3. communîîy vould blc mud voeamiu izu)tintiid n, If lig way Ch r' f r. However. aicb nplans, it la be- ,cg Rtussnell at Lake county ln very leved, are very immature ea heh mucb Int r>otéd lu the speclal hond1 1 r-âeal. IL baillong been a vleh Issue el"c te lta w boteiiDPeoilal f Dr. Dowie andl of Overgear Voiva Aitril IrdÎ<vhen an issgue for baud, Hg- 0t I icsat.bu gregatian $1,760,000 wvillie1wput up t tr 1ct utes0tbts thie pe>opl.- for a dectalan. Thia elec- far there soems ta N.Do noimmediae tien roamesa a reaiît of the uperatl"u 'lllcîlooil .)f , b.1 rleme. The la, at a ncv la vIn Illinois granting coun-' of Ili-, ün state boie.à@ lien the rit tu vote an snob an Issue at a epel lection. In the past. b. ite tînrt and f i-'înc'ern lut at fore thini lais becamo effective. It vas cSf. necescary ta plut a bond tssue for ronde inetore the voterp at a gODeraI electian By holding a special allectlon there aP EN SW R D moe" latitude turnîsheil the voter. -andP R N SW NE pramotetandi Ile luttthe plan la generallimare successtul.- JdA TI1 ,A Mr. Russell declarce the $60,00000 O IhIIfA54s 11 bond Issue vbicb thé state « Illinois le planicng vill he a blg help toelItke caurir becalgibiths county vill get a R L SSS M T R big stfice of the meiney for road im-- provement. In connection wlth the Mothers, bore are tbf sym plama et P oirtà bond inique, -Mr. Russmel eayi that If Lakte couulv follava Peorlas Infantile paralyosI, vblcb ail i heby example Il vilI boe necessary fori lsclans of Illiflas are vorklag te board ut nupervisors to taire up the. ieep from beeonIing epidémk-Ihi matter sud decile ta bave a bond ts- sunc for ca gonerai systein of rosae n sirIug. Lake couuty. The board "Il aise then Fever; great scnaitiveneas: sipht have ta pick ont the roadin. decile 'on' utîffneme of the necs.anilpale wlcmn the amuunt of bonds required undne then put tbe proposition up ta a vote thhon a tis ent fOard; munewier of the People of tbe couaty. tremblings, especisiiy In fîngeruand Mr. Russell Is of the bellot that hands, but, in foot and toms ams ell; ln viaw of the general discussion of weakneas of limbe, 0eclIiy et the goutts roada luInbheetsatha bond iesue in Lake caunty at the premeut tim legs; headache; slck etomsch wfth woulil carry by a big majority. vomitîng; constipation or iarhomo. ________________Healtb cammlslaners o! the state vant Overy malixor ta report at oas. Dally Thought the appearance of sncb symictoss, Tiie mistakes commibted by vommn frI eouzi alteeI e are almost alwayp the resuit of bmfrIu eogie al, hr nm taitb tu the gicisi and lier confidenice houter chance or savlng tbe oeuh la tho iruti r.< frant deatb or the lite or a cripplo. (HIRO PRlnACTIC If Yeu are neot eujoying 1îerfecîheatb';if yon are nt fret, from ail aches au Itpains, taktu Chiropractie adjustimente and gel well. Do 't aay itmpostible. Tba'tci isat îheyy ldSWright JBrothers, lcdi on and m.cnv lb rm. C .me Io My ciice a i talkil i over with me. Consultation anîd njit ai analy8s fruee B. E.- BIRKELýAND, Chiro practor WII lho ah PRAIRIE VIEW oht TUESDAY, THLJRSAY mmd-SATUI(DAY HOURS, Il-a. e *5 P. mse.or flsrthor inforniation phonoor cadi en Cha». J. Hmirhbemegr, Prairie VIev, DL WI4AT 15 CHIROPRACTIC? il' [

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