LAKE C NT ty/' B-9g Weekldy dm Weekilo msCouty ConblaSd WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 13. szz~M WAG LtBEUTY VILLE, LAXE OOUN~~Z TIR8DAY, MARCK 29, 1917. OME TO EIGHT. $150 PER Y4A.R Ili ÂDVA e llrietk lntrodqeo a tn laIe inter ema- , iy nIigt vie. le N giestai ln speclal lfor su udioor golf aelir of lb.' arlu thalie ride lu Ivo r crs 0f th'. Cieu- h ilaukie Blec- t 0 The i"vas e pIy on lime 6 t"part>' procaim- laina above ticeTiret VIe hall had bien a reel-sppearing net- #Me-bIc golf courie k4* and il aeppur. Me. .antiiailasmu vii >Md for a @pace of m buter bailslevti- W tii gofers vire i bien busy couvert- b dîers. The relurn ad le epicuran de- à »tiiînuof prow. SCLOSE LEVENINQ rs Very Str- th ait WAS lDE ATIACKE Clwis Lund of Winthrop Har- bar Crawls Miles Along Road to Saloon. ASSAIIJED WITIl HATCHET Dodues He Had Been at Sa-' Hfla face emeareil with hiaod vhlimb viii Blomlg freel' fri a gre.t vouai lu the top of his hemil, Christian Lunil. 67 years old andl a resldent 0f Wlntia- top Harbor, crvIeil 10 the Pat De- Vois sloon aoulim 0f Kinoihaon thi Sheridan loil Monday moralng ad mest aflîr I9 o'cioci tie Injureil min vas tbien 10 tie Kenia ibooital. lIe told ShinSHrriaun a Renia- hiouai stor y anamut ln vhlch lie ifeclareml a fiani attacied hlm vtima haîchet. aud'believing hlm le b. dying, the. two men vimo bail carried icl froîn a bouse alont Sherian roaui. abandon- cd bu in lu euil. He caims, ho crawl- ed lmck 10 the saloon inthe b. ari>' bours of the mornlng. Lund vii 1er-1 ribi>' Iniiard and feari for hia recov- er>' vere expreeseil et lhe hospilal. .Lund la vldely kuova lu Kemiomim and Pleasanta Prtine. Aocordi te i bis story le hait been at the DeVine resort Sua i'ughtandl had left Juil arIen iR i'lok to vali te hiliom e t Wlnlhrop Harbor. He bail beendrni- lng aidlos el bIs va>.vnuertng 10oa t nos t the wyn.. Sherida. n a. TKWART MO1~ETO RSUWM EO INTERS SUSP» WELCK orwWte eoiniCu AS uAPLAOf' iUILTY; M ~~BE~ BAR ASSN. chue ià la ldwa. The smeting. corn- fiS1 E RT ftuiesilestp F~IIOI > ~ ~ Aei 2d-eeIngorPrye Iurderer Changes His P"lea o« AcA-Enmies i Pmeatoe "MZtm, April lird-"ÇCblovi.sud the . This MOrnlngandRoMe wus Sf 4~~-A~~1 aressme. IBLblie, ev. J. B. Bala, OD.). UD v I* W edsonuly, April 4-"l-iu T&Mk, Oir JUDGE SHOWS LENIENCY. M. Ni TOSTANDFOR toola. Gm.Twiumph." <(x aPwbl llternt MEF to a 8.teEDTOsand4on4 Oep i ~S~ A EPARIOUS ACT.' I Can t -bemuls That Nove, Planned P-"- e n OOy l, inhg SenitenceS. A b fer Seveal DRY$, Was Mot Tbnv.ilay. AprIi 5th-"lThe 8teepeel Jlm\SkrIv«so%, ed 40, chariger dt Fernuy Laid Betore Suat atRo", ddroés frr j cWatof Ed vlwth thi. muile, lait November oetiogb An"wa Meeting Today. harg. Owod Tony Sampoueakm, createil a atir la eand *«# ?ridldm .April <It-"Thu Pla io ici r n March thevi oral ,* l Wmfan., Mareh 24. Aci b LaO. l.PeetW rldcit mm. pie. A m vît2, artiih Tt a emonl clique of the antI-Welcim Upliavd." Ai drem wt. hatSby Mv. cager!î' ai pe of an e. ltr tenace. cf facie; liaIt.nthe crovil of pollîl- Ngpmm .ca mp. Speclal t-sc IMrcy 01 the alor' trSVI«ug guat-p i f ausnal te7 eruvice. Um nCares (ard,1Ur J. log clrcumetanemse balae1cr rlai. qntckly aveu Wfn ho bav. bie-n en rIvtng tu P .trsud the choir viii ing, A encY. Judg.e 34aS vui guideil1 ioum "s"JameG. Woe, talde atlcSrey 'rare oppeilq furU theR tii Peupl tie e amîzvel cleatu.y of teQut Uefy. cf lie eunt. le bal Ibir q. a~ L1eI~VI1i ~< ~ ~~ mentmeithe Gu«in,10erve a term at PlaY Che roettmwol hviba ised ni y bl fourteen yeen a inme sate pont- log the car ruluto, ____________ tentia". . cftripvanawv& asu the Lae OCeati uMereetatlOn ta âThe.action o k ac a uýlitland momtou whw *EnlAh hve renom-pris.e1tuaal except his attorneys. Tt mismug litli ave ILefA 3D1J 4j came tulla? i a Ur mea hen vIi s&etuai. Mead"eilthe iuDp.flBi f rom prl.tlce srr gintoien t theirde» o lec-a i bytelacs! circuit luge of Mr. Welcli I, auW t i im ate hirde of la hedcae- ne cmeo f Laie ccunty. ""dey aftevnna&fer lavluo talshed R ITMatiroir Plans dort not carry Wai ?NVIhA befcad the question of a doubt lia NOTdu t tef vAntta- ibdwlutb woud utnoted by Sirivanos. ~e1 10stits hie effortsitu appelir celi tu. bat. bu"" ws uetit, teChilârn ad ruudullrenaman tidtrIltaheou o. tira a nuraber c« tire amarefair-iniiia WU, eMn luer Golen jein hImne ltbam siyvireliai vor membrw f tat lai wbth mOt o rraimmcl. MliLichm h agnard andl terrais th* anti-Woeelicrcvd wmmuld dw 1).Mteeampelis hc î= ~~~~~~r an ' ~ ~ lrsd Mr».. 4»W Lee of ULlneryvil overthe outcome of the trial. the a~ a paitie tient n atl e - lsllu ibl udd camse lie>'re»1led e a ceI "lwMod* w 1l ildohieb we*dlag Makmi belme . scurt eoe" tiI flo ho a Party 10 snob a ccmtmtilile 5rs at, teir home oe Tueey, tirir hIt ôuann eieUiuHarvey Voul- oIfltr thiaga'. Turne cbargee aVinl l U. 1,0 chldren and fUv ran"dcli el m ma nd eurBMmle. F orthsi fint ore Iwo .herlave taken -pep lIb*r Welcliby iisi nIai <icidetUbave B« vltb tirera 10 bep maie the "e>s a thlie doléane, lie aimitteil bie ai eveng KIlO lieex ouMaetatedin 1aCfy iia. vli* lhappyus. A bggidlg dmiVyer me SuielM piaill. ladellvevii ever te date andi Il vulil cortaluly He toldtlim eraliiexteisuà*ng ci. ho yposeros fr te brtsneisimapreaioyl a gw l.evmaig, .1 whleimtheenqnt m bt wu aeain eogu"aeeof trantnt ti il. A- Neeu. visn abiaIt rreo heOpdat" , 6mc nrm.o;ntat.. vir l_ _ e # e lonre I.jury tirat à tii. IUIEboa& cM -*m-..-g tUa ouAi b. lncllued 1te, csnet@ht bava aitheesuamuinteetbe u e ai m if i. S. WiiaUru menoulia ~ hsiatehie clil & lmai #a. A la epRê fh tiroir seurances thme W» coidnci the routt ier v»W» Who n'utdiannslittie Istar la the eveqlag lihe oasoilm otr etvat a conviction miglit m eaciurbcsia o! eaapendin Mt. Welebi 1.9onciaur colid 0 coagratlite Mr.&" iréM. Lm. gippMiItiihe heurt of ti eayer. nd beOmi a -el le» Ilie ponatfev ilaya ih thlilsud la sud tu *pend thIe evenîug vill aïe.. . vIa aftulin 0tua e auCk law ao. upyed1 vitra. However. the i d n ot 5.Mu .maett.Le vr11i«ncliummf iu h.lai beauet fm*11th e- pue-O! eoa Ur. ad tir. Lm ere te recpient ofmat ie hemutiler mon.*M1emur fteoro wftt muel encouregemeat. bu' ttaI lit mny bangl lgdumesud many 0m i tg adil 1m eauno 1111e surprise Diam" vere in, pot thimte r 1itIai 00fe emnase o!love sud congratulations y hest ii Brtvonos nienn s hl atn. ebnca of1bis ý2e ber iisociation a alon-tegilaut ma. im 0o! lmging lii liii 10to t cf -TbsPresbi nglt. Tâtt ait wvuE li sobedia M r sug Lm am nutboem &mn *"utiily In la mkin tlhe pie. 'lle tot a gret oud rad th ie Attrib vimho 01141 Ubrlyvillle'a but known su arcsaai m i IOm 10mlalu e«tmm& »trotghouî lng crehIto neNetool lie Idwtt. r % liek limra op ment timba1191111rOeUPace pjle B" lhave 1»mdsalon stand mi nith. tolowMle he h a inieoveneilthat îliep*ère no Wftu lanoy cloue frinde donng thoir mo Otm7,bro ouit usanfim ruee hom. lta. minodettitnt ho7 idu nm #Am reolehber. questions agmii y t11. ami at. Lent Thor bb h ie mal«terà10 a maitIis acta- tir. Lem u ted in marrege vlth deilvtiI Bkiyanue-i lIaSl, o ad mai mm el the e log vIes lie ber smeecitlfioà Ml- An- seraiJames of- the> tomS et Wren, puiu e ffl aliem bera b"iim"W oMo y, nfer menlie bar mmacM l wheo lme. lkeil liitr Parenté on a ftt*MS Onth< W- fi.he -a m ID baripseli in ococenneil. nohltocfvialo a twTurcsf mjuist usc'ofGage. Corners, on leo yehoieàmbu ie" eab"a@Ppe peiOUiý t wsa utbefore lthe saietinla a Mari 27, 1967. Sborti mter tirir mue. tins 0ev. hm.à ç t~i - vebagus fanm]way.marrffl he tupiemoye to- Jýbm inplace ocaiduel by voti, *vete , elb Amung attornyi Il mai generU eil ti orlh el section of! Ubrtivdlh . zaeho Idea tirer bailgevesmi adoitteil. lovevar. MatimaIueveou- townsiiimp. wmbiet lie>reoldei lmfe vea. Urma. He honseff purchiaiad ,qu illb.e one po itlcihm ia teil tIf la unl4. inystem ii. oving auct brrfir c f WMliev.he to, psce'Mr. Welc inlua uttaitbai Iferaia&bout oui mile nortb-vaý% of the Tiei maikeil 10o ee Ofh. 9aitonsOlipimat. llgh lutii conmilitA~Tulttear1'village cofLbrtyville. Here tieylilvei eftlihe letric rallroamiviere lhe ae Bmtrsei for Ive in thereobelote time>r movere hom o ferld MmPOmailea îdrik outîaucunmefori 10 bave hlm enspeaileilby lthe bar se.- frtecfy leo te ordline iabottie.Tho.latter, Ie sys, go svltiofl merely co-oberalea lthe gn the. villagle. mhere thei have reoided ever (Conîîaured on Page 2)>xMgod eral bellet prevaiting la lie ommun- 510e. GOlpihat rir Il> lma I t a tiet dor lma 1 .M. LAcha bren ver>' paomnent iu thc apired thie fi Ijoluber action ciaulbe laid raherwupbsnlidinof thbertyvllwnihlp. bie j[sj' a DAU mIaaet<oldberg'u himeelf. for mun b.tmaîporIiren 7l ie ofo icoo rut«fr ombelr of terme.N1HeISB CK good~r throgh tis ctio bee abe tuCetle 00v o avolf e bue sea. He lembenu1 B ym ,aiîegh votes- Ihelr cours% t<'oed a menber of!the officii board of tii M. N R U~playe<i forà are voulil have been 10 preeelil a non- E. chnrch for yearu, vhicli office eerlcmut lotion et lhe bar asgscation Meeting bolds. 'Re hie dons his ahore to eip anWhservic ui etsIto hereo thiei.mornIflE and suit 10 have filadola-thelascheb'bcbliever>' motter comigoua h ie Blt no& he , ed. Tii. resolmallon voulil have P" nro- a hem t oIiIfi à. atenînet BoIY--f ReV. Ven«lera 18e le nnsd I videil liaI Mr. Welch ho enspondeuilbii officiai ail rsllglouýIdutiem. Now a Free Man. srice et w from practîce b>' the circuit Juilge t Ill -hoib.asulmtrtlig reminder 10 lapon oui pendling final dispositioni of tie chars. Maulyo0(tth. aider Liii, lyville pepleet Edmard Cunalahaià la a f ree, mtin m na preferred -againsl hlm by Guldberg. tlii. ime 10Clast ar hât r. Le'. father end liaciinuNorthi Chicago. RH.wvan vb ailho ven thougli the mater comea balinvas a Metbimht milierforlforiïyoger, raiite<Ili-perilon tbrough lic unlir- b. hukes lut lhp grand jury on Monda. thse vest aud yar ago beli a charge Ina Liberty.. lng effots, of hle friands. ve ro uble ornonspalticians wold havi bien ville and the churchoo lu îowns.aurround- Tvo Yiars ago hua Mater, eatheai.fanerai, tb wlllne 10 have lie bar iiiOOMtu oflg LiWetyville. He premced ma o'u"rpeth etreet station, Cunnlgham saddMButir. ,.4aie thie action rlght now, battre the sermons in lb. olil Union church andin luftireil five huleIs froni a revelover ai The Bonde motter ho@ been forM&IlY Priesmtei the oid SI E. ebureb, but asmt.bertyville 1 the body of Rev. V'eneralile; a colored record sa h for court bonelderatiofi. Thi eshovs vus lien nuci imaller ie mae aloi iminister,.wvimîCunniaghamn clalmed vieks. Ti the shallovflese of thehr genetai atti- maignid ta a ciurcb lu Fainilelild an n. hai hrokil up lies home. 0f tie fîve ail tih. peop tude and te e firîher Indication of or two more tov... buleta the Inui effecî. On. hulet îhoee vho tie very bter feeling that exista ln Bolti Ur.Lee and bis ailfe are weIl aud aimede isaIhIieart, va. iltopped hy beesu M this couftY. very attire for their ea, bolh nearlug ltteon. a fev boolcu and a matciboi. before tgo it tg ti imaait b heymetencour- their 78rd Mîleolone. Mr. I« vas bora u Venurable la. nov la Chicago, or g eotn000co 'agement fri the fev of lie ider la Deceuler 1844 anu dMrii. L»ie belng lerethie friefudq calm aI la vito ma l- hobu l hoi the proposition vii bora lu J une of the. sameeyear. bI l t Ioearlmrteil liaI lie feurs 10 standinq il prses i h eill li rai place thîy might corne10 Norhl Chl an -tic fout. veres of ti bave toit cacouragedIn latrA'>ttu0Put Tht Bruno Vbesimniilea bate or Tlale tifl ittot ge»n«, Whm. Cun- lgTtq the, propostionibeor e.mebar io-NorthhChcago ilil minatully assalainga tna .preaNol l tu, -catioli Hovever. even moine lfm .ber htiilislii vh ma revolver vthin-la.cago lie reit oet le t ni e eclw1 ve mleg a mena vh0 i f v ermot penistetpr lcV tint tu commUit murder. iu lie chars. of au tu yen 311once mai omoth1e peu. 111119 iv at psitE>.Weleh'5 éetcin vouil lmme.cmu fePtat«seluei vte cal al Wvheoglil~i aglel l Olt te, smo a nunderbamilid LOunir-it-i u Wiunia tevmelilN t v_ t us oint.»Ynp cf L b.. ,*dmai elm islproceiure as normllwwmf 5 flm e* bsci5le -T w ie-o tm Maou-~l *fflg W o erve .trias ho Put ti-Ws luisebuge#eesaau saeii ieboe ten (~mi lae. ge Iri.>Put a Tii l m set er i aunisir. 'pe os ai*# DEMUY si Sensation, Pro Eber Green tntte R Ated y Dtalli etrapi J, We ".eiUmie on*, part Sve.), OfSFIotil>Y wV WeillCnown ReSicdent ai Liber- >Mie. Phcbe Marhevw 1111ere, qed 76, paiaeil away Tilaniait at 10!44 o'cloci aI -the bimfert agllr Mmr. Thomas I. Côtieti, - ville. Deati va.ue t10 hrt trolaiui o! vhtcb se hait bien nii a numier ot lits.. Fisher vii born lunlMar"m Vlneymrd, Mass., Ma>' 22, 1840. A"d moveil- l e se of aptWtconi a girl. Aller lbr ar aag. tel,. Nai F'isher suie meil ta Chlcge, *he ber- h»uataan4ille lagUi. ..EIl er tien movrI 10osDerSued vqlierý Cli lira ve >' eimu. lme lieu merci to LIbertYvilie Md blialved vitiber« éemgiers ever glace. du4 &'doa i- iou"$alof!TtonmsMai. vinewoa nane appeau. la Engtjab ldeloq mu Governor o! Mariha Vln.ywansd othet liaudi. Shelee t ollovlg clihiltiea: lira. Edwlard Mhle maidlire. 1'bomt Corîcîl. bolli of Ubemtyvlli md àmi Bert Belto-of Siemnnerrlla. MillMd been appt-fl of tie cu "dami m Wet-caItimeheitalde to! tiuin.eiimu mien ilelli occurreil. lir. Fliher leavis t»ebvollien Wili"am rboihvoet utte Wi&, m= John Mayhev ot Kanmiu; m» ise lter. lira. Coz ot St. Paei, Mine Funeral Sunilai, t1:3 to'Clock aIthe home cf ime disuglito Mrs. Corlett. Rev. KXcnutmls cg lim ', Àhberh>'vll-le Peayita ei l I oltîclale. lahenment In Deer" eltcme 8 l er>'. EIOS TOIIED AS Presidet of in1ntbPm Wm. Deathlei coinG mm*ieny -mail .- pcctedli le WIlliam'Sciumechqt, a m lirai farmea- lu Birtagon weilnes- day luglt. lir. Seliniacier bail retirei and- vas apperaihl>'tlu ool healhh. a. b.ý hail bien about lova ding tiemia>' Soon after lie. vent t10 bel hils vit vais arouseil b>' hie coîl, but aid as or no benefft as lue iail een smIa- en, viti heart failure. , A verdltco f beall i roi argaMI ieart trouble vs. iven eut. lit. Sciumacher vou 76 >eatis oit baving bien bora iàlaaovit, Gern raai, 3.iU5 i .1 Rei cme 1< An»iel,vlIl liif ill.e settil e ùa -ma D o 14« G0-v. UlftIec yeaU Mgo hb efI the tarn. end novai 10 flarrlnglen Beidthle ie vt bea-e are niai eutseb" unvlvlng: WMIlaSu0. Scia, mâasher etf L arI Zubu. esoplu muimal..1 CkrietepIler »0" "11-Sci mmeha et cuba levueble, ei Ici a e b o r c f 1 1 0 % v r i m u r -1 - t o * 0 -i meulr of Olluer, aufE-î lilàm Reos a XPi lta. àWVl- Wuit oi was Mw ,'.p Thal lie boest7 084 t-ael14 1ial wsystem ef lale mm been attaciail bY &a mIS* stcepeil te such pracgl 10M Jnueca crwol lie, miel kw lime.reaien IPIRST-la au aairiSteuil attorney agima, bue a sae at ihoi t otSIem James O. Welcli STft wYy I mmu of $760&- icoNo--la a atil II JaOet UMI60vlim ft. mhe In 9eeme w&d olînel>, a Vt*Amue919'l Belote Glibit Mitti~ r«crS et Liâae emoutwt Myttl. OltwIm atmo Alternoy *el*, aIinei' q demI -ieiy ;W me," ie eaW. -"1I kehiu*' n 110feue Ï I e I Olua. he fage w gwu grand jury id a-~~ edl-md Md 'g3i * dbw v»Ii.,ir v«l grad jury toi l vi «Ma If Laie ioèteIboték lit. dre thé<mshqa £maie100Yi a v u n i OoldM be 14 »«. ra iaria * orc. The isite la Gai.-r- «* thé e tammat viilvI - tatejury rgee. ledai'. -Thm.e tatement Ma"ie 9VA premeh eth le Myuryvela Ob *TIIATlw FelrlIPi' p 4w sa amet hom le litte Il M a, Phllp diloro ï,!tht W b . taOrsthilta la e -l' wouIdn't d'ur* 0 e~l*i ille, le W* er OMM 1ii thel aStI, Mamyffl aaieqf Party le mm a .trUO% WO OO, , - mauite lave leillAat16 IU "uM, t~l botlWeuiil g k, hIb. . bucion Sondai' haoa"srt'= ta sminute lalcr ivo -eS w lpmant, grange. men came ont of thé lbouse. caitged. 046W, itbe Mait luiplalag at hetug iaturbed and on. oft lm or lhW5W t»b>' o local COn. itruck lim la the head ivtm a hatchel. IiiUêoOlipianl bas doue lie claiii.the tI o n caryled i Mi for ille chercb.e@mmm>'. sud tui. h>'carricil lit-1 suiae attendl. IIoaISdkaT ist ance. Lunid 010tM ln-brohse. Tme revIval lh4t vbei h. bicaine conicloas ha ted 15 G Iesuio! ail heerd oeeoai tie MeM uer.1«0NaIs110- ad axes ot'lelmlng 0ing 10 lieî* W1tb Me É athiuiithe -miena cf . K :9.1àurmdaclarm, e.ieMade a show Of rut. Sa «Ive à& ee sud lie ance an4 tice Cen aan ave>'. ie.vmg Mie ohg~a.notlled ithm lunthefieldt along lhe laie ihore. ona dobimi joiaing the lHee ad hi crawaved tohold M"e lot bari uibW. and itth e aajly zornlnig started lfir >tenloiiehaumd ltupeople tht< teVine resort. est intersolu.a IMie erlicaa SherliffHermaim ustarleit Out ho ini- tie e" ;ima, g * M p mu lo tan ia e the sIca->'. ýt Wv a bh le ' nm tie Ame. &* gsgaU M al get no evidenci cfthe place vieti Luand bai heen asiaullel. Tuerfvi radai nlhl *08 nlp oal 0igxi of blocil aI eaypent mleag h la i J tb<* Sheridaroal for several miliiie« uti Commnmnli-P rwaoil mal ofKenosha. AItithe Balon 1he mia de- i nIaIO ~ daim clareit Lundil lt 114li mmatlhe son UnFrdm's* tor> h. bail bld lthe- surfAbut bai 1 shitburmW'macésstapffleto10be unable i10 ma i ir lWantilfor lb beneit o! uniierstanit viere the senaith laI ha- l9a<e en place. kedlboibavuelg»dmal 1At thehositai l lvii deciared tliat emermonisud, lulegot)NJmsLund bail art ra T eMvOital aim te cvemlng e. nohu ~ eait but tien. vii reason 10 helove rb revtaBirs amote ihe voulil recovar unlese complications the evisau bddethea8rt lu, dru le exposure foUlovlng hie 1sermon ait uhlm cgo! Min ' ju-y. re lgh sebool rehuairs la- _______n__ lange audWmnc-vth .B se in ie Erangellel luàlier merrice t eal oi et reaaupon the usai LAKECOUNTY IS k.iep ieNOT TO 4QU3T OAJ nong Iie Marlon Tmjlon idim )IipbitWouelle013pTUE 3CITY re wavrs rfanattnuance. Ira kia the rtoon RerProposed $60,00,000 Bond Ulue Oliphant heu as peelai Issue Does Not Provide for wbich baptîlsu a fi5 d Improving Such a Roàd. young man aildMx pet-sons uboe of tihercli. <ithersA Âcap>' 0f hue proped billv wltli apil go ii proaibI suitalso, mli Justîf>' the iseimance of $60,000e- at the cîîureci S " .M-vIce000 vort. of bonds for 1he purPose la t be presontonMeut 0! of improvmgat ate itghva>'i throUgh- on ouI threlsale. ha. beau receivai b>' but the ir'îllI jabelveen nom County C don Lev HmOndee andl shows. r. amon>' othpr Ibixias, thal ne provision av evrutng servie. mliiOgo on le made for lmprovlng a roui rua- rinDg themuait lprig of aling veel o? Waukegan ta liclicr>' Econdmacted dui1ag the Ivo andl aller points veel. eo tauching noue Irms mb.u Pr-ovision Isin madefor lbe lmaptov- pl. i wh id be.0la.leit, lng of a road ruunlmg from Chicago, ýsigulfied o mlll nâs. toalaong the lalce slint. lnth leWlscon- cia an thoe mime boietaI $isn staîr fine. r.mmelng ihrough Wau- rslmad 10 b the ilt ndétooit kegan, ZMon City, ae. e t otm, lie clar bal the provieion ai»etic made,. for lie lmn- grgaion eimglgg n e Ipruviug of a road rtmnntng froan Clhî îOliphant uiilllUi'0UfÔ) lm e"mutlrough lihevytrl.l*,Allee :me forwardt &Ml'IMa %hosm ail other cIles cundt h o vus te m na front. Tie a;- ti»a Wipconouat- taur lIst , N .bet luopiîtinabyoW mue sufg Therea cl-nrovitn fli fr s rouit es hova thatbe l1I"piaonrunuîng front Chicavo Heigite. Joliet etîenit l.he ti i f hhouip Aurors e. ceva. ElIn, Barrhkgtot Io lie front. Asd'*b versoL.e Forielt, tr. sumatl I Memuil 14i4 D« . mg~ Tliere-ara e> inbpe WhovhelmIIl tronger sud > vegmaL.i ol od bc junt as important te [ail 0 more vWait= guil ot ceunI>' le bavo- a rnama rlng via a mm forvm* - et abite abave' lbe romsesproe#Mu mOellainuqpeumoa -rVe., h >ovver. ontb.ea-C elble"d iga u sting for tlie eoty. as bolli of tbt F vii>*"vie P@O rosis meffibpd'u . ,mw-emmmnb1y hort lur bail lu u'M i " bo- danrlm aild Mt» i *k a'Moe n r travelldeztontelv.