CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 11

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Y MARCTJ 29. 1917. - Total .................94 AU o! shicir te cespecîtulia- suint ted. A. T. W4!TE, Ciralmman. H. B. EGEIR. T. M. CLARKC. S.irevisor Bu rgess mofed tirat lb, report h. scePtetl aud adopted. motion caca-ed. SUPervisor HUtton, Ciairinan of the Judicisa- COmmittse, sammtted tire fellovbng report. Butle cf Ilibuols, Lake Couny-eio. BZd o! Superviscort, Dec. Term. Dec. 14, A. D 1916. Mr. Chair-i nsusd Gentlemen of tire Boardi cf Supervîseo: Tour cammlîtee ou Judilary Maiins vould beg lbave ta report tira' they have exaiinod Il cisins pro- soute.) bfor. them, sud r«cosmsiti tirsDayment o!tirae tallowing. and tint tire Clerk h. diaectei teulIssu aciers for lire severai antounts to tire severai clamants, to-it: . Naines For Wirat AmI. Clamsa AmIt. Alioeea Arllngton Hoteil; preals tW jurai-s-....141.30 Barnard & MWilier, briefs-----------------860.70 (leu. inoiain. services----------------6.40 P. W. Blaklele, l'oportbng luquests ... 46.-80 Saine. vWritbng evideuce-----45.00 R. . Dady. expenses ...............51.09 John R. Grant, . services--------------.1.60 Elvin J- GriffIn, services ...............885.-7S Saine, Jaiief's accoue .....1234.25 WUllians Have, constaile services ... 2.-60 Asa Joie, san-----------7.00 Addie R. Milles- court ced--------------26.00 Edyard Momouey, services ......... .......6.95 R. J. Mnu. Justice focs-------------17.80 Basse. i-spoetlng lbuireas 40.60 E.M Bunrard. expeans..............3.39l Fred Rudlpir, services--------------.8.25 Johnu H. Sesas, conistairie services -- 44.0< A. B. Smit. Justice tees-----------17.50 F. N. Wllims, conistable teoss---------18.70 Walter-A. TValor,. Justice fees........... 166.55 A. A, Walker, services------------- 61 $2778.42 Al of vicihlarespeclfulla- submmt- ted. D. A. RtJi9ON. IPRANK A. WEBB. Supervisor Meyer meveai tiat tira report ire acceptel andi adpteai- Motion carrled. Supervinor P.ockeubach. oeatirnn cf tire Committes on Ofimetlon, mb milled tire tolloviug repart: 5151.etfIllinois, Lake Counla-. st. Boanri cf fupervisers.,Deccinirer Terrn, Deeinirer 14, A. D. 1916. Mi. <hairmnuasd Qetiefenucftirae Board of Supervisea-s: Tour Cainmittse on Educaîban ('lains vouid bOg bave 10 report tirai tirea have eXaminna ail dailms pro. seulp hefaro them n sd récommend tire paymet O e isfollowlng sud liraI tire Cerl h. drected le issue oriel'. for tirs sevocal amounts tu tire mv si-ai clalmnants. to-vwIt: . 1 Amis Clamed Names..l1for What. sud Alloved., Centrai Skletii6c Co. supplies ...............8$5.11 . M.. Parler, brooks ................ .0 A. Fiauagiu. books ........14.04 Pauli Bous, attending Blte Fni- Scirool .................11.45 T. A. Simnpson, expeuses--------------.161- 69 1187.11ý Ail of viricir is rsspeclfuiiy suilt- ted- GEO. ROCKE$BACH. Ch ai-inu. FRANK A, WEBB- Superiser Thmopion nrave tirai tire report h. acceptei sud sd*Pt'l. moincaried. Supervlsar Mrtln,.Ciraofsuetir Election Comiittee, sullrntted lire fol- State of inois. Lale Caunula. s. Bonrd cf Supervlsors, Decemr, Tern, Doceinier 14, 1916. Mr. Cirirman and Gentlemen of tire Boardi of Suprviser.: Tour Comiitteeohair lection Ciel=u voul b<Ig e ve brepost tiraI théy have examlned il ldcaims preseutei beortei n sd ecemmend tire psy- metit o tirs foliovuig. aad tiratirae clk ire directeai to Issee cries-s for the sever-iainounts to tire several claiurgts, to-il: i r5ed 'aies.. For Wirt. sud Allowed.l DaiIy Sun. printlug. ballctse -... $994.60 Lake County Indéendeut, Iublsimua ballots .... 222-5<ý Jas Lutesice, constable---------------2.0< R. J. Mdasan,-,-0 . cavsla MeiU.... ulO00 1bayevitir ttid.cMy reeznatids it. mYlh~ Justice o!tirse Pesce ln aud for the _ 4 $l44.60Townsip et Waubsgan, ta take effeet 4 AIU of wvielui.respectfuiiy submit- iimedlately. Il M V R S C ted.I WILLIAM Y. WEXISS. n E. A. MARTINSuperviser Eger moved tirat tirsN CA V Cirairman. reulgngtion b. accspted. IFJ4 i asm.i Superviser Dilger moved traItihs Motion carried. report ire acceptai snd adopted. eThre tollowiug pétition vas presfent- motion carrisd SupervisoeBaM .ow moved thnt tire Waul5¶, r Has Set Good culs . usrordd udtiaItie ilJanua tir . 117 Rite Efforts of o tru sBusroarirs d dlug ac h ilsTe tire Honorable Ciairman and Moro. o the Bir aiiov ddoc Mac,00. bers oathe Board o! Srrpertt»or elittle Hlm. " Motion câurIsd. aeCuty iio r Supervsor lisetirar moved urhat thre Gentlemen: mk plcto G P~9N R O RE Pinance Commttes ire autiorl:ed ta irhereiy mk plcto for ap. _________RECOUTE irorov iriiclut ous Inantcip- Pointinont ta lire office of Jurstice of tien eftirse 1916 tax ievy te pay tire tire Peace In and for tirs Townshrip of Prom somne O! tire1PeOPle ira have o=dl an d ueoesIeary . set ofWaukegan 1ta6MI tirsvacaucy caused usty, pilnees.iv tiereéseignation ef William P. net beau aDie ta recoacile tire tact »Ott ontyrr, lnb.Weiss. % that James 'D. Welch is state's attor-- e BupeivlsorThompeon. Chiranuof RAYP. YOWLER. ney have came camPlaiara ta tihe et- tire Fees snd Salaries Commttee, suab- Supervisor Crap)o moved thnt tire fect tirat Mr. Weich bas not been pusir- r mtted tire folloirri report: pétition ire referred ta tire Judilary jinrg tire criminal caise'- in Circuit court itWaukegan. 1111. COmtrittee. a ata r lOi 5. ~~~~Dec. 13, 1916. Motion caried. lslata eetud IMr. Cirairman aud Gentlemen ofthtir SuPerviser Conrad moved tirat 0. Invistigation, howe%(.r, shows that à Board of Surpervser#: E. Sms. ie ailoved one-tirird of tir e tire i't murder convier ion tth irhas Your Commttee on Fees and Sel-,cantrct price for auditing upon iis"r enouedlthLaecny aises bog leave teareport and recoin- presentlng iis report tirte Cirairman , evrt Irn ysursin otIakeanty mond ttait thre salar'y of tire Assistant altire Board, nrMr. yels di oracin.In thee States Attor-ney- o!Lako Counta- le Motion carrisd. udrM.Wlisdrcin u11 I led Sithetirs an of $1200.00 Per an Superviser Hutton, Cirairman of thie' case tire Jury vas lmnpaneîled and ln dnom, aud that tire Caunty Cierklal Judilary Committee, suimitted tire'titres daya thevirale case was docided, ire'by autirorized te Issue iors on feloving report: 0tire Ceuuty Treuuurer for tire payînent To tirs Honorable C"ir-man sud Mealtrain-tt' éiec hdbe of aucir salary, sud ailla for tire pSy- hor-setftirs Board et Surpervisera of put lu tire defendant entering a pion 0ment ef tirs aînry of tirs States At- Lake County: 1 et a 1ty ad receivlrîg is sentence.1 torney, iu qnnrterly lnstaiiinents, &C- i our irrrtlcary CommIttee recoin - la r ai v pe;ys ude as te tirs th statuts lu sucir case mends tire appolntment or lRay F'.11.t.etwopeou irrcas made sud plovided. Povier te 1111 tirs vacnncy lu tirs office, lu Lakeeconty-teClmnadtr Respectfully summtted. o! Justice o! tire Peace for tire Tovu Orpet casa-viren i)ady wa5 Bautes B. C. THOMPEON. siip o! Waukegan created iy tire resBIg- ttorne>ý tire #tats failed ta secure A. T. WHITE. nation or William 1è. We"s. CH0 EB D. A. HUTTON. s canviction lu sither case. CuprvAoSUE ve ira tre. e - G. T. McCULLOUGH, miedittely followiag tIéreércent 9part le sccepted sud adopted. P. A. WEBB. Greel mi'der case under Mr. Wecir cation led.rtire Supervisor Birstov maved tiraI tire came tho e" of Dewey Baker of Zion Cotinty Clerk Ie autirortze4 ta dmav Motion cal'red. s Y.A ,' a eirdvtrn8 varruson tire County Tressurer lu Tire Grand Jury came héfle re minutes n5d s conviction Maile of paymeut af bis aloved at this meet- Board Sud requested an appropriation tirres irours. Tirs lait murder case 5ing. et $3000.00 tW investigale crime ln scesulyposue9 yDd a Motion caried. Lako Count-. IuIbesDxfulertil ceu aI t ytlImai 0 Sapervisor Matirer maved teada- Superviser Cour-ad inaved htheheDnotcaendt that tire f jouru snbject ta tirs cali o! tire Chrair- mater o! an appropriation for the requlred a fual veek ta get a jury. 0 I L Grand Jury ire left to tirs StateH At- Tirati was lorai, yearrr ga. Motion carried. locuey sud thes Grand Jury anrd tuat, Poiovlne the Boker case, Mr. Welcir1 _________ _ tirs aproprationuabi neflt exceed - *300.00 sud tirat tire Coanty Clerk. look on tire John Nelson case,, sud 5FOU ATM DAY.ire suthorized ta drav varranteonouagnin aaconvictionva s ecurpd. Thonu Wankegan. Il.. tirs Caunty Troasoucer upon buileprée- - came tireSoein case of Ares, sud Bain 0 Jsunary 15, 1917. ssnted te hlm . K'd by tire Blte'o'entered a placf guilty. Goidirerg Board met pursusut la adjourniment Attornley. tire Cirirman of tirs Grand aîr i on cali of tire Ciairman, Ciairman Jury and tire Cem-l cf tire Grand Jury. 1 cond mtuuce of hie case and King presidingan sd tire folioviug Supervisai- Eger moved as au secured lt. i meiniers proent: 9,upervl»orgSis.t amendurent tiratirhe amoont of tire Tire cases of Kraus and Kraft, cirsrg- tes'. Bacustairie. Burgess. Conrad, appropriationire ixed at $15W0.00. 5 Clark, Cropô, iMîger. Eger, Fels, Eut- Aye sud Nay vole being cafleri for. ed viti tire lilegal saie o! liquor. vere, Ion, iloldcidge, Kin& i.lrchner. Supervisor Eger's motion vas ]ast by takton front tire Jury and ail otlrer 0 Mastirer. Martin. McCullougir. Meyer. tire fllOving voeo lirluor casesa resoulted lu convictions. Muerphy, Paddock. Rina-dabi. Bocbon- Tiose votiug Aye are Supervisea Il other verdi, every caue taken tp 0 bnci. Stratton. Tirampson. Webrb o! Barmrtbe, Clerk, Eger, Motirer. Mo, Antiocir. Webbir c Waukegsmi. Wite. ICullougir. Strattan, Webir cf Antlocr.lin.tirs Miroi r tim.o! court by Mr,. 0 Total preset-213. ,Whiriî-9. W ei as preecntar mesutsd ln a Abeent: Supervisai- Verce.-1. iTiros vtlng No are Supervisai-s convictian vitirtire exception of tire 5 Minutes of preceding meeting read' Barov.w Burges, Conrad, Craio, Di Kraft sud Kraus cases, eherein tirs sud UPOn motion e! Supervisaer Kirsch- 1 ser. Fice.s Hutton, Holdrldge. Kirsch-1 nov appraved. uer. Mai-in, Murphy. Paddock, Ring- ctumt tool tire casesefrfian tire jury. Tirs tolioving ptition vas pi-sent- daii, Thompson, Webb o! Waalegau. Compaiing tire number of convie- ed aud referi-ed ta tire Rend sud -18. lionms securedi iy Mr. Welcir during ii Bridge Committes iry tire Chiran: Vote recurdung On tie reiglinaI mc- abort turne lu office, campared te tire State o! Illinois, tien, tbe saine vas carried.iy tire foi-i Couuty ot Lake. lowing vte: convictians secunea under hie pre- Town of Cuira. sa. Those voting Aye ai-e Superviera decessors, Il appeara vem-y conclusive Te thes Bora-o!Supriviseras of Latsalr#tov, Barnsta ,i Burgess. Conra,J tit thse record maie by Mr. Wl eComnty Illinois: Clark. t i-pa. Diîgr, Eger, Ficlo, Eut- tiras frai- sa 0ferrsiress of tirat made Tire uudersigusd. Commlsslaners o! ton HoIdiidge, Kirscirner, Mastirer. ybsp-dcsorDd-ia ir Higirvayso! tire Tovn ef Cuba, ln Ma'tîn. McCuiiougi, Murphy. Paddock, b i rdcso-ayta hr rsald Caunty, voald respectfully repre- Ringdail Rocleunacir. Stratton, Io no comparisen. Anrd still anseirears sent fltîn oevirbridige née" ta W Tiompgon, Webrb o! Antiocir. Weiri complaint fi-arn tire sntWI c iav. - ilît vec lire IInt Creek wlrere tirs ef Waukegarr, Whirte.-24. liraIMi-. Welcir ian net issu as active saine t crassed iry tirehilgbvay foad-, Supervisor Clark inoved ta sdjout'r adageev n h as sh lnor tram tire counly lins te Chicago anuntîl 1:3in0 P. s h Highlands, lu salai Tovn, forr ichir : . .mîgît ire. Tire questiou la: "How much salivorl tire Tovn et Cuiailaviroily 1Melie"' caried. btter i-csuIte couid Ouyiody have se- iepnsiiie; titat tire total cool etf valdvas-k yuir e Tweive 3-undred 1:P,01P. M. oar d as cailsi eo-<ie b r i utesMrî Dollars.,viricirasnm vili ire more thon Idem-byth iraiislae? typise cents on tire On. Bundred 'Dol- 'Thématter o! tire sepai-atiair of >ment m-l of salu Town. andi tire ivy. & St. Paul Rsilvay t Gurus. vas I for lire rond and bridge ti for tire, braugirî ap for discussion.BA D FO N 1 tva years lait past lu said Tovn vas,1 Superviser Maplirer movedat hefio 1 F61 r in snch rear fer tire full amaount ai- mater ire îet vîtirtiersep-osnt coim -vssvrny'I rlaved biy IavW ire ralsed for ahi itIee vitir paver ta employ aa eps- YI'4V THE rond sand bridge purposel-zcPt fer dm1al to-rey If necessary, and do ail laylug out, aleriug. videning or va tiuer tiings tiraI ln thier opinion m 9 TH i cating roula.,tirs major part of viricir îe necessary ta have tirs matter final-8iIft'l1 -levy ta neeed for tire ordnry cre- la- adjuste.). W LI AtND âty fIl E pair of rends sud bridge.. Motion carritd. I Witerefore the sal! Cammislioners qupervisoi- RlngdahI move tiraI tire J et! itgirways Iiereby pétition yoai foc édior of the Gazette h. called befoce Tire tovnship af Vernon athtir cotn- sid sud fer au appropration fram tire tireBoard ta expiain hie latUtude ta- îug eprîng eîecri,.n Witagalu vote au Couft' Tressury a- t& 511suniet y ard tireirosiital sud tirsBoarid. tr vt n)'r"qetofri ito met one-haîf tire expensen of said Motian carried. te"e"ad"r"qeto.fri bridge, or other"i Tawn ho- Supervisei- Clark moved la adjoucu aiready iras been o-dered place.) ou log prepared la furnsir tire otites- iait subject ta tire caîl o! tire Chirai-nu, tire ballot, an.) aitire 'tovu iras been 5of' tire amount ieqtrred. 'Motion carrieni. "dry" for samne years, tire question as Dated at Cuirts lt h filrday of Janu- - 9 ary AK D. 1917, It Ia put ou the ballot Ibils ysat rends: -JOHN WRLCH, State afIllinois, "Siralibtis toren continue ta iresanti. 9WU. PADOOCK. Lake County. es. slo LWM. HOBEIN. 1 hersby certify tiereaiegatng t W cntsi-citai-y?' Corninteelners o! Highas. ire s t-re sud correct record othtie Wirie tire "drys" declare tire town proceedings of tire Board of Saper- yull neyer agal otals"wet,' tire "wols" Stateoaf Illinois, visors of Lake Caunty,. "bauls, st*tire tris year ai-e exceedingly confident Coua- t fLake. December Session. 1916. Town of Cuira. se. Iu Wituess Wirereof 1 have irereunte tirat tirey vilI put tire tovnsip "wet." t We, tire uuderitned, Commission- suirscibed my nome sud affixea tire They point ta the fact tint Herman es-sf! ligirays la tirs Tovn etCuira. sesi of asid Couty, tiis 81b iay of Alirecirt sud B. A. Kuopf. candidates Cuty ator'mad, reery @taiste ta Febuuniy, 1917. à vs hrave mae la carefai estîmate of LEW A. HZNDEE, 'for justice of the pence at tier -cout itire probable ceof th ie nev bridge Cleck primai-y, respecliveiy iecelved 47 anda and vs do oetinate tirat tire probable (SEAL.) 6 votes. AIbrecht fas4b recognizeai test of tire daine ylire Tvelve Hüm- , 'vet," virile Knopf la strobigly "dry." dred DaiaUrr*had hsIlt fThre Maogrsgoms.Tire "vets" point aut tint. seeing Ai- Witouess c'A bnd1 ti. ifi aya! Tirs Esegi-egors wèi-e 'forbiaideurta recit recelveri Bo many more votes JOHN WELCH. use tireïr !auily nains la 18M. Tie tirsu Knopf il shows tire seâtiment ln r WM. PADDOCK. Irroicription was remaved ha Charles 'tirIt tonsip toaire ataongiy "vois" WM. HOBEIN. i1». oly ta ire luflicteai agae lu the Tire folowing mou composeétirs Ver- Cainmlsiauers of Hgbvays. r-igu of William sud Ma. i-tIlwas non ticke't: I State of Ililol, net tili1822 tiraI a royal icense ta uneO Cammissionem-J. W. Hutcbiugs. ounly et Laies,lire nains vas granteai ta Sir Chailes Jtistices-H. AllirecirI, H. A. Knopf. r Town of Cuba. as. Mncgregur, up to thon kuovo as "Mur. osale .PenJ. ,A ,r Johnu Weich, William Paddock sud Cntbe-.PooJ, .A i Willi Hobelu, Commiseboners of 21gb- rriy." lu thére ari>' yenrs of tire solven- Bock. vays of gai.) Tovn c! Cuba, being' teentir century every--minssbaud vas Sciroal lrustee--Chnr-les Glis. 1 duly svoru on cath say tirt Tvelve rnlsed agairret Ibis IersoectehIrc, omttemmnA tacl Hudr.Doîsimeuttone Inlutire os- amd tire>'could bie mutilàled mad satun rasesdeeîdb Htiu sy timiate tai 'viricirfirisaffIdavIt tg t- witlr IInliuIiLIy,-LQndon Spectator. b 0 tacirsi là noesmnary, aud tiraI tir s eSle ... .. but one vote lintire pri-lnary, où ire de- vil net ire mae mre expensive tran detarnothPop'tik. te needed foc 'the PtIrPoge ceqnlced. Peronnîsal Relative. cie)t"-uo iePole'sticle JOHN WELCH. Bliy, six monthe aid, wcote teaiis Ree le tire oniy ans ou 1hat14Ult n 0WU. PADDOCK, aut tire aIrer day, and hiis moter accacdlngly elîl preseut tr1 ny iiI WILI. ROBEIN. thougiri brt ta read tire lttetr before Tt 11 .sadtirar thimn eamn i. 0 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 4.00 95.00 08.80 18.85 89.00 1.0 15.00 17.80 elle 4.Q0 85,00 30.00 79.89 .0 1940o iubitider sud dwelî vitir Us. against maie "vol." OFFICtAL LI~T CF REAL ' I tale .CountY, IMInos. E tAT RASPEN' 7 Sï, .. Purnih d by O PE N It4'iý@ wonTiTA KlE T LAKE CO. TITLE AND TRUST 00. AE N par ~ tr e riled nov e hit AboIrets eW Tit..Titis Quarsnteed.fteru eat MM W&4lol.Temple BIdg. Phone 4. cvtIsi 1 - Thoroughfare to Be Extended .r en ofthe 15 p . > I Marc 26 191.-E A. ummngs Through Wilmette, Kenil- provement association :as0 1 45 Marc 26 197. EA. ummnga worth and New Trier. fect road between Cbltà i» M mnd wlfe to Frank Petri(>, lot 3, block Sheridan, vhIici May le or 10, Waukegan Highlands, Northr Chi- Another of the formai openingrr of able value lu case cf Wam, cago. W. fD. $225. 1 f thre Chicago AutoinobiPiÇ G. A. Schofleld and wife Io S. A. St. Sheridan road, whlch are so popularworilng ont plans for tbeé Peter and A. J. Gustafýon. sotth 140 aiong the irortîr shore, 1.4 rr<heduled for of a motor regerVo corps feet. lot 1, block 1, Wreon's addition, April 14. and IlOe al tl predecessora. 'automobile drivers t C Highland Park. W. D. $10. titis affaîr la heraided as on0e of thre Sheridan road betee Cdf8*U J. G. Loeper ta H. B. Pierce, wetnst ipratevn"oMyrta:tr nri br aiipe two rods westrhait, at haitaf. ectlon1odhsoy niea tec fra 1, West Antioch townshrip. Q. C. $1. rn ltr.,a iateei fra i Augusa 1.Benediet et ai., Io H. B. Mayor Schmidt o! Wilmptte. Mdayor try their maneuvers. Pierce, nortîr part lot ? andî past hait., Bull of Kenilworth and Presîdent Col- lot 8, Carmon's subdivision In West lier o! thre board of commîissioners of Green Simd. for theS £c'S Antiocîr. Q. C. ýl. New Trier township are worklng on Wiren the eyes are wleïk & ' a proclamation to cal] Aprîl 14 a bade prevents the gînre from G. H. Lippincott and wlfe ta H. M. l nhnro h oeigo h e ng b, Clerîcul workers, a R pkN, Vickrmar an ele, Ita md10, ay honr o tie opnln cf ienovtilts protection bath for sbieldlfl blck 1. r lgh a dd iltsIo nd '0er'yrond throuth these tovns. Plans aigu eyes and keeVtng thre muscles o vile.k 11,.rgh. s d$iio,500.ty are under way for a big celebration, fu .-n n relnxed condition. Thé] B ville W. ). $3500.o! the'event vitir representatiori ftoIn pretmutlon siould '0 lie u bl »"101 _______________ - townB and cities from ChIcagO '10 IMli- women. close Observer. waukee. Iole «n Snali (tlri e liiti..' rîrugiter of a dler- da Conditions te Iu gynii, %%as asked If ber papaid@verr Tur. Ton ay lire bat n0 mow preachcd l ie sainre sermon twîce. - Automobilist lets iiifnd this year for "None." 'No prosipects?'" 'bni ter cotrejîr ring a moment.%lire un-th tire rt lime :-'I 'onslItlons. Tirere '"Why on sortir dues sire ai& swerei: les, 1riririre des., but la much work touire done, but thre marrY sncb a maa4i" "Site soj 1 tliirî lire illers 1n dîlleren; placesl." Sheridan Road Improvement Associa-, love. hixn.-Lontevlls Courier4oà Howe$10ý0.Mg*,e, $5 0,000600 A ItwrIWNOMSat.* at Of,~a* Ten years ago bdo. t i utmâ4be b .le o *~,d -there were abuut t«Wa bber fbotor*5a in t IISttudo*# bqtobi in a limited way. That waa be.t ~tiws uh bgdMad !,wrubwe tires and tubes. ThiPoe varions factories required uddltlonat capital witii whîch to operato-aiid aeeording1lr sold stok. And then, msudduly-the automobile businAefflergd to the frnt!ý These rubber f actories became swamped with ordeits. The factories were ail worked continuouly-their output wag inSoussd a thousand fold. You can understand the rest. People who had invested as lit.e as $1OQ found thernselves wealthy. People who had invested $1,M0became independ- cutiy wealthy. Here is &"correct stateinent - of the returnà four rubbe2'Col pallies produced for $100 investors: $100 origl Wiy netd in Goodrich made .......... $ A8fObO $100 origia"BuE8tdla ind............1 $100 orinal nvtdlaw ..... $100 ORIG INýLIa What The, 2tubbher Industry OffeÏ',e Theî e were 1,401),000 new automobiles Bold during 191-t *Wt'd by expets that there will be 1,500,000 new cýars sold dluring 1911-. Mav 4,000,000 automobile owners in this country today. Each car uses uj.z ber~ tires and eiglit riîbber tubes a year (conservativo figurlu)-- totàlù 0(4go or more, rubber tires and tubes bought each year. .i4d tis ina1bnIDmb of the.1-ubber buoineasi Rubber factories also make rubbeir fil ;e#t, eo hiose, rubber clotbing and hundreds of other articles for' home, fao4 ndof fiee. Tlie ubber factories are ail doing a capacity business-aid'tq'at.wl supplying 65%7, of the deinad. The Golden Opporent f the Go~ C This cornpany has its own plant, niachinery andl full e4'ulpiyn it plié- sesses two very valuable formnulas-.-one for making-a rubber subite-fhe other for reclaiming rubber (usine the rubber in old tires, boots, hose, gtc., and îîîakiîîg it just as durable and efficient És new rubber). The exeut4ýves are îîîeî of înany years ini the rubber business-they are reputable, higli standii4g business men- they have put their "al" in this projeet. Everyone associated with tlîis proposition is enthu siastic.-t bey tcan Sée its possibilities. We w.Ant to seîid you ail the facts-and show you just w'hy thev are so enthusiasti'e! The cou01pon below will bring you ail the particulars-read the namnes of the respect- eti businîess men below-let that convince you that our plan is a judie1ous One- anîd theni fil out and.mail the coupon at once. The Genoa,,Iguber'%asvfa-turini O~ BOARqD OF qIRgUOýtO8. OFFICERS. H. BAEfUIYILD, JOSEPH A. BERGpR. National ProdU4 or.sCicago. Presideut.aud oeseral iManager. CARL SQýI5U3ýR. E. EDWARD DEAN, Banker for years. A Pregldent Kenllworth. Treasiler. Nursery Cpany. WM. H. JACEMAN. WILLIAM P. SCRXAIRE, M. D., SceaY staff at Post Gradriate 1106lai Past Dept. Sur- Sceay geon United Opunil Wear Veterane. CARL. 5CHKEIDÈM. E. EDWARD DEAN, TreaB., V1054>l'55ld5ft. E. Edward Dean & Co., Investmeuts. BANK ÔEPOITOÔRIE& JIOSEPH A. BNRGE, -Pres.. Exchrange Bank .................... Colos, D. General Representative «f~.f M. Rubirer Com- National Produco Bank ................. CbiUo pany. 'Forerly wlttb tire U. Q. Rubber Company. Parinera' State Bault ................. GenS.. ', ROBERT B. HtruÉris, Ruiner Business for ysars. G. E. STOTT, - - - - - - - - - - - TTO We. Ë'0410.. i Genoa ]Rubber Mfg. Corp., otorrreor an B l11ftor Koarrors fluild- - Sute 1Î100M, Ing Aassocation. 8 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.

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