CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 15

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INM~I~ÂI; AS UC)NI MIOT Tiree motta« ago WI.l!an Vurri. ppared lu good /spirits bis relatives for, a W","1400n esident of An did not peu attention to It for sone tiocin. triled ta c.nRmtt sicIde hy cut- time. Hè*over, ater uhon ine did tlng bis tirot. He made a bad job nflt returu ta tins houe@ an investi- or it thon. but RaIe mlIzbd Il lu gond gation uase "de and bis d:ad body shape Prldai stornoon uhen ho tied vas found halng i the 2of t. t la i a rope to a i'aftor o the. harn et isaid ho hiad heen dosd for a couple home and thon fatened it ta is ar houri winon tine diftovery w necli. After jumping trom ane aide inade. of the bai-n It hi-oins is necin and tine FIND MAN NEAR RAILROAD. body usa toad mre hor later by fflday atternoon the bady af a man a neigihor vina hait been cal!oit ta aupoood lu ho Peter Kionor of Fort thet place ta sîaêe au investigation. Madison, la., wu founit lying along- Vurriner vau 86 yosrs aid snd lIveit aide tine rigit of way of theo St. Paul arounit Antioci for soi* time, batn" ratil-cd between Wadsworti ndot ur- woiR inon i tht vlclnty. He con-sne.. Tins, conclusion, of course, la ductoit î tsi-m n«t very fer from the tiat ho vas trilci by a St. Paul train. village sund sitet hýo r* attenîpt jet as tins body was considerably mangleit. kilIng isselin tWR" and othera Naturalisation papors on tiens s iad vatched it h 1 as carefully as pas- body Indicated t tat It vas Peter Kien- sibe, or andt that tiney papers had ieen la- suo t atFort Madison, la. Upan bins fiutAttompt ta 1il¶i R-Ilta snid ho formerly canducteit a seif, VuII'*IS# ld goOe ta theO bai-n meat market thora and &mia at ans ans oi tâiý i aaI0 meoO RiRasfor -$Oo stime conituucted tino Hotel Grand in time. Tino? u*IO on a neigihor ta tint lty. Hie presence along tins maki a sar " dft s thtins an vam fn- igit of vay of tineSt. Paul at this ally ---id l ins barn lying In à particular point seems ta be a mytery pool or b:ood. Hoevau taken Io tino md Coroner Taylor at once on 1lrlday Mi-Aliter iopital et Waninogan communicated it sîihis relatives uho uhere ho a u uccefttily treated Rive hi Fort Msadison. Tiney vere s san- andt ho vas toturned ta ishi. bo o .4wbJtdisposition shoulit ho made of ieveral useka ag o. Again on -friday the o tdy and word was ment ta aiip lic left the ouhase, but he bas op- t i n e 15* t once. MINISTE RIS SON J GOES A 0IÂE Warrant lssuod 'ir 'mm'at0' Joe Moo Son ofa ~n~. LiviIn KetO . LIVED IN NORITH CHICAGO. Lef t H. L. Filey Home Thpc on Last Satw'day With 4 Suit Casés L a Down. Ita tin o t tld *tory o! the us>'- surit son, but cR14 tino the young Man happons ta ho tins son Or a muin- Inter o! theo Gosp@L A warrant hinabus imaeit RnWau- kegan for theo =est ai Josephn moon. ses a! tins 8ev. T. Moon, of louis- ville. Kentucky,'.Wvineoccuiel 4itiner tine Methodit or theo flptiat pulPIt lu tins big City of tine sotinTino Warrant chargelace2y. atnd tin plaintef lamatis atlr tias H. J. FRie>', !oite'lV Poluce chie! .t Northn Chicaga. Printe>' cusmu>. that on aturdia sat Moon fi1e4 four sutcases vitin goods of giet soindsut thon sSJped tawn. Maon. bis iprifi..anlss.andt their one ciili, hait holit'iedul tinsh Flnieys. l'bey hsd ben given'comn- plts libertiez o! tino home. la tins absence ooftins Plnio7 tail> front ts bomseRlut BturtlaY., M0ln. It 15 ailegoit. ran»aolîot th ine. snd Put ever>' article of egiieptional value ins found teto four suitcaies. uhib Ii l mid, he insd provideit fei- theoocca- sion. Tins police haye vidthtinsautinor- ities at Loulsylile. Kentuciy andit i la expectel tiat lins yourx m** vIl! ho approhinni te isminute b. stope tram the tstri. Theo fatinsca aditress la given as 756 Nineteentin treet. Louiville, K>', anuIlitlassali-lu tact yflng Moan boated-tlset i father vas on of thne leadiug clergymen af tins oun soutin, Moon h bo naide it uLtUrM. PFU- loy frloi-eBOtime. He vas a streçt car conduitor duiog hie oi-IY youtin. and ho ml ho vorigO fit c lts iOt car company et Losliffe. Mr. FinIe>' reoeted te Tin. Tyr'- i-lI -tinct gOi, lnclndiUg Clothlng, alîvervaro andt Jeveil' , ait beonxn- fisesteit b>' 11001. but tOdIW ln apsalt- Ing wtb a gun reporter MleyR>' ali -tiat bisl baias over $100. Mr. ile>' ive's atihecoi-ner of Tvefltieth s"ditki-stadan avenue lu Northn Cinîag. anit hé ssiveoane terza as chiot o et e tebro. *M(IIWEN' ,4g tinsreanît of havlng ostsinoit a hsçtured ilb uben tuaO lectrlc e#is coflîdedoian tieno tisaduct lu Wa4vepu lauttaRI. tianu .Iarvl. sai %aniýan Young aml, lea ss'ing a jg a- circuit court today toaaan iM $5,000 damages againet tins Chi- cage, Northn Shore andt Miwauke tipctric railroad. Ho la ropresented )>h, Attorney' E. V. orvia. Tins accident In question iappeneit on Octoiner 6, test. .larvi vas a pas- songer on one o! the casa hicin came. WIRELES AT LIIRTY VILLE 1A nuseber of the NortinSinor- towes may lame out ta UÀbertyville if theo goverumeut office select% thet Libertyvile site for thne propoaodc nev powerful utrelesa station. For1 sotie tIme porions lu tine ompioy o! tins goveru>mont bave ieon at vork9 oeoking s location for ibia proposd plant along tieNo Nrth Shore and it1 waà suggested ta the commission msking the examInation tinat they ai sa mnakis an investi6ation of Liberty- ville. Tine goverumont agent'vina taRd of Libertyville ta thes experts la Attorney H. C. Litchflelit. of the Great Lakes Naval -rrainîng station. le inaleted that Libertyville vould ho tine Ides! location for the ne w sta-4 tion and It la told that as -the com- missian could flot docide upan a prop or sito a!ang fthe North Sinore tboy finally declded to corne ta Liberty- v ille. Upon caming ta R.Lhbertyville it dii îlot take the commission long to finit .te Ideal spot sait it la said thne mon were ond ln their piaises of the lo- cation it came upon. the property a! R. E. Osborne, wiich la iocated J ust soutin o! theo eectrtc station. Attor ne>' Litchfield vas ln Lihortyviie- Tuesita> atteuding ta legs! mattora, £or tino govertiment In regard ta fur- tiner details couuected viti tine local site for the estab)llhing of a radi)o stationl. 1,11 of those matter3 pi.; tirougin tinegovernment offIce in which ho lJe enployed and tine ib- ertyvillo ato vas iist rêcome'i- ed b>' iim. Should tins gavernent decide tea seoloot tino Llbertyn-tle site for tine nev station uork on theo statinands-i Baquarteora for- tinemon employed would be begun s00e. Last week a temporal-y apparatue waa auspended firn tino saler tank ta tine fiai; staff of tino Foulds Mling Ca.. factory, the )vires eauing ta tine instrumenta sta- tioned lenttho laiorator> of tine tac- tory. Tets made sere ver>' aucces- fui aud gave much encouragement io tine goverument men. tagther as a reanît. It is nid. of theo If thne tation cornes to LiborI>'- fallure of tine air braIte to van ville. mucin. if not aIHtine credit la qulckly enougin. Tino railroad company lookeit into tins case at tine time and made an, offer af settîsueni. Tiis vas retuseit by Jarvi. contrary, itla said. ta tinq advlco of bis attorney. He salit h, proerred to lay tins tacts before a jury andt taRe ie bs nancee on getting largo danmages. It la saidt tiat .lsrvl vil! seok ta, Impressa upan the jury tinat ine ie- recelveit an lnJury uhicin may Inca- pacitate hlm permansntly. He vas pi-sent ln court and saoifr as couit. ho seen wus nfot greatiy Impaired. VUEN TOR MOi MCIES et nant Mt alaïrwwgeatie wl5~iuPsiI00bu amyle a m poa*m ya4ý swesd. MdSs Teetii ia o, u sgb.Lm.bowdia DIL DAVIS N.ute5*~ai~r W0 nto l v - . s When in Waukegan Nolan'slDaJryLunch Help you ao$--f"Ete7Jt8A7m ' r1 C&fftera Style SrctyanaY -135 N. EIEST hy thes te4ct tat anopinnanUa ber of acres of land owned by Mr- 3à'borne han been tak n. That a mergsr o it eroit n the two bis weik!y neuspapî-ri lnMcHenry vounty prlnted st Woodîitock bas been iraade la evident f rom the fact tinat the eîîlupmsflt of thne Republican office le, tir, week bains moved 1to eSentine!' office. Bsglnhng April 1, the Reput,- lican wvil ho aued ecdi riday ait-- eromsuad theo Sentînci iach Tueaday aftorfloOD. The papers will go out ta the suhecrihors who lave bean taklng, the paper under the nid weekly plan,l but botin papors will bp edited trom' thes Sentine! office, eC. S. ennlck,l wbo vas editôr of il,--Sentinel. vil! i édit thne tvo papersa nd from nov en~ but one force wil! be used ln hsndllng the two papers wbich ln thp past havei been conducted In ityrent office.I The Republican for snome vear a val conducted by Circuit (iî-rk Hammer 1 ÉcHenry cotanty uho iateiy vau slect- ed and who tinerefor,- han i hd tu d- vte all of bis tlîne to the so-k aut tho clerk'g office. In thi'r words, hy ten change now it la evidî-nt that thero 15 but one novapaper faction ln Wood- stock. NOTICE OF LETTING 0F COUNTY Noticenl in erehy given thaj pro- posals uil! ho receined for theo con- struction ai roinforced brdge& as fol- lowa: Town of Cuba:. Poet th Comastoci Bidge. an eIgin- teen (18) fotot pen In Sec. 35, 1% milet st of Barringlon. ('terk's Office In Barrington not !ater than 2:30 P. Id., Thuiraday, Mai-ch 29tit. Town of Nawport; For theo BartléittBridge, a fourteen (14) fot spsr 1nSec.26. For tiohaelsnand SBine ulverts, fiye (à) foot haxes, ipcatsd ln sections 131 and 14. Bide to ho recelved at tine Town Cleres Office, Wadauorth. fôtlater than 11:00 à-.]M., bMaich Blet. Town ef Lakne Ville: Pu e u aine Bridge, a fourteeti (14) foot open tu Sec. 7. Bide ta ho received at theo Toe Clerks Office, Lakne Villa, flot Raerý than 2:80 P. Mf. Saturday, Marcin Blet. A certlfiod check, payab>!e ta the Town Tressai-or, &ansi acSompsny the proposais fer tino orin In oscin town, as a guarantee of good futin. Plana. speclfictions and furtinor in- formation' May hoobtained firmtheo underaîgned officiais. Dated at Wankegae, Ill., M&rcin 9. 1917. due Attorney Lltcinfletd, uho fIl>' 0810. H. BAIltST9W. tieir attention ta Libertyvilie betore THOS. STRANO. Nevport. maklng tineir report 10tinoh goveru- ALBERT KP~..l Villa. ment. That the gover ment olci, Town ilerbt --kue M L IF . R lDE 4 consiers ine ocalsite er>'appr- CR*. J. RUSait;L consder th loal itever apro-Co. 5l*.oe f guth ys. priate for a radio station lsainboun r ht-ly àMe 17-24 j ,.~Iqr $P Id Tako Aluwauage of Ti w ca"iagesto 8ep Prom - Goidolas, sub- marines and pullmans iii ail fliishes, sec our lîne, up froin $1l4.95 Free :Delivery Anywhere., T 100 of Thesne Mat- tresses - Cotton f ei1t 'with centre filling; rol - ed e, ini bihe and white -StXed and art ticks; ail foir........ 60 Bample Library Tables - This is your chancýe to buy one at a bargain. Sce our selec- tion in ail woods and finishes; priced$ 9 pwloe $itwat 'A Great Éaviiâ' to make roomn for a car. If You Want a Good (lu fange and Befrtgsrator, Do Ngt Fai to See Us. Net Only the IargeButhe 222-K 1917 Is Offermng Its Entire Stock of11 FIRNITURE,,, At Ridiculous. Reductions Because it is Forced to Go out of fuie This splendid and complete selection of high- grade furniture is offered to you in the most ýset1$a' tional money savings the furniture world has -ever ex- penenced. When a store is forced tO disconinue business, and its lease has been acquîred byw othê, you have the reason for the most drastic pricçe cuttig' that a store must adopt. Furititure prices are stili rising at other stores. Hère is your oppor- tunity to get what you need at the loveat prices ever heard of. -Ail Must Be S(jd -Time is Crowm gSbort -Prices atLck-LSOttom ýM ANY poplhae une sabu e4iCHeidtrT W. peow inýve yie pmnu O veh Then you w41 4io hy sh q trcePro=vedby aney ns i mAtael1 w*-seyoy b4 aft ud i dpvrwork iulpdwitb tba i aiffleu.Mi mItioa Traamo gIo-the simploat knowndmf~' iuptuq~ Im ,w M tripplig. ousklr 0000"- l uit Yoon éghcg10bae a ti-stor "lb IMdevrsssSmileaeBhUV Z ~ W toi-i s'rese d*i auddASf up eUh il. ~a - Ud etiia'w*Me.é sina~'.~/ HalR C13.HP1 uma -*W ~ut Furn~e toTO ,~y. Lake County Agents Furniture Annex Genesee at 0 Water St: 1 tine ar to tino> )pOaI- If ho ton of ,d hy ment. n bis Not i tino utch" ne to f the 'h it- ports, )t lis4- greoit clerk t tine siblo iuni-oi ttiing i that ion ta EFurniture1 14 Annex. 0 aeeaSt ta tine id ho id thne > mat- )t! tine JI tine paye' iearit as ho n tino k You rried 1 halti ,n. A mn as Lux & Alcock ____ Wdswortb, 1I. Mý- m 1 - ; . . 1 1

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