CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 4

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I Ptlf« frLakecurity Soard 'TION 1 1.60ISOPtR VIAR ~:hS~aILaliVattuoe if I~ariwilla upsrvleoeV Pvaeecdlnp leada Kpowa o. ~ppl1gallon. 8rRICTLY ON ADVA~~ 4 WUSER .......................... Rasident Manager, Phone 10 m zww sis SPOXq. bom U éortaemg.Ué,by Oï#t MX4tt 0 ta" ts o loea ieeUbW tet!f eo!t «M f i0dorAhouit!b.e m.ouap WotiY la. ie Tub4 8ate cofrotet asitua- a" JI U i uh sm '. IMv 'a.-1 oelu the. voe!Ifor ouAme m'tie v atrft elts pbaseosb ar ebeUe*btnv mte haudbethr. abpe ltirepreper1 ,W authorizedl the ODLitMent of, be «wtou of the avy 2to 979. ebmw, go Ibis ttaa.G ho' e sOM uut b $-M emWVm vitw OMM w min01u EMioé m.ooesomWbsii vibêeooii. sdt tbtir: Md pcee sbli b.mspon tbotw- I ai Il &-~e top1 ia cmle cm BnaA.Y sebool et 10 o'clo. intoto moringm loloCk praccitàecrvics.! la ow"aafSroa sta 8 olothic I00pt lerricafoc il. monta <Oi April. luaiot oranuig u7tll> ies ilii haaa poclal Palm 11.08imY Bavice sud 11ev. T. ý B-0.-fil Preach a sermon uthe a.4 Wsc: "Ôor lrlbute bt theChrit." lThé ÙboraI Club condncted by Mr o Igrahale vili furuiah ail ne s pecal îmusical iUULU bers for lth.e venlng service' "Ara we FOOlln.g Ouroolves@" yl h the subjeci Of the EPwOrCh leaaue service nazi Sonday evculnsi et 6.45. Leaders, Mi"a Rut-YWilliams and Miss Mattie Lghtbady. Choir rlearmal viii e hald onThurs- day eveung of thliaveat i7:80. Everyj -eber urged to attend 10 rehearse for Eseter amnsic. lu addition ro tle regular prayer Meeting on Wednesdaày evetingo09neut -k i*Iltu(Iace1L opal metion on Tluraay evenlgg 0frazi wecl "d Bs,. J. W. 0Fuaston of Wanko- a-, viiipiascI. Preabytelaas. Tbe choir viii meelor practide et 7.80 abarp. SpeClal ork for Ramier ie 0*n hbad d VMry nmber of ltas choir aoulA ha Prssent. Ss»&udacerlSnuday ochool 1 a. n Um ufr li mu. 4 MOralagWorabl l au. Tha pasbor buaaeolal emea f or Palm 8ndajr. Ch(;risilsaEndeormeting ati6:45. Alil YOUA People luvited. SUopular erening osa-vice 7:8.lSermou îrpaotr. ..hoàl.fa COaaeslrtoW Tllsll V» out of lIaDerollonal Gcm. foisete:mecîing eh alaré tu bu held Ir"a April lei. to 8il. -Tbm choIt' vinl ureb speelal mugin ai ilservies. Tic umetins durng the ue ar» ofo. '8?1S* 15hbubold lu ila. VillW a nl froir 00atnlon, lot sud 8rd Sua. Mo ePtayierorheroundaya il a. tu. Churcla ebool 9:45 a. in. WILL N(>T 1011 A prlmary to noinatte canfidates for the offloeof prýeeldvnt aud Ibréeatrote. viii not't blid lu Libertyville this yaar sud thoee dessring lut-orne candidates for &Dy <aiflta toff-es wtil have tb fila iherptitiona vOla the VIINge Clork. J. A. Traptow, not ltes han ten diye hefore il. village lection whch twil ha belA on lIa 17t1 of A pril. Bu»rlag lIta le vdays, i Ime lassa raportiei that Preeldeai J. B. MorseIo11o bua s cndiate alu aud 1ha1 J.W. Bart, *O clleont.golux trustesa, iii also ti ll5elgciun, but tot&l Ada. Titea aM IH.L &Iger, tbe oliior ivo trls vIwes. toeoxpires naxi monlbeý yul »t i ho adidatee. Rary Oels Dr L.R.Goldin;. Dr. 8 A. Crans, Je&. B. @van sud Cru"i liem i le*a beaueiiond ed cm baiag poosibla obusadeteefor Iruaeas«. Why Velne Look liue. XI la n pacuil afct t I h* t V"Ua on1 thc lad or o11cr audacee petiot ce Ooab*àook blas tulaa pe,0. wera- is l Io rj e& A.TWm Op Wstern. va Me 1#0 Xbtmdfieed hiel te ou ecs ftwé ffl hlocd thougoithel. als of aice ,vMebCi ive Il a bIMMa wlSh oie and Y ë g*4ù1.h1 wr don'tt.e?____ __ -fona ulatsratancipQ Y 'a plan o! de- unrniedrnmbua.foreigu f.. irupped wu2Il ri"would ily bawkrupt he country, t<Test AM-Th cost of Print paper in the.1United 81*es uèuld mes! fnhi- cWa rab I f au army of sema ui m w loI*ui w wMt UIlsadthat'à no 1dle drema, .ithel ïa nwspsper editor. mu ofthre WUun eu e un ir ya «"Me ex- w~qmu oane WDIhW ho d.flrê9oowtry A f.v ute* tha ago -t aee.r.0 as pro- postwo a BuUestkm as-did the.uusutlti liaI0.1)g vu voux 4-m.~.. l nrp. ES v.UD core opas irdIton tbà.ltir ra *0onl othi *M llulbes astguerafly uppob b: 41ro viutiTlit'stii.naton' ubguinov. If vwu ~ -aa««0 .it wfl," »%uu>o im nMM mor viest hh~ owwaon *0Um lu tir«MaA» Ub snation ]mày. êbt uufr. a.frm best arolage ut vinet, Wti aêhh~ie *-htt-bmba Uw~vt I»~ couty oil condUotiv 1 vret g~*u,'b bilng up tire feunt of prouc*lu in tt aWuaga patrotlm init . t. pvethe. va aresIollubelte thre - , conty bar a=cto st audyDfm. NQt foriail rF oi E uu preissaaid reullMon tte remeeting-tue ENASO ng about "-etlng ogober,,in tâir.7 dit! Rot vas becaux,. tbe yad b.., "ahovu" tt 1 and tbat as a i 1or lthe bet- ouxda't b. put aesu. Md tbw W iira dmffoet e0our0 ment they vouit!bave tzit l. IL ainnodtbrg14theîr crd te tbtnk of the mauy permonitia hr DI>N'bring It bofore tire'bir ao in viii unceautag venom l inreé tirydl1dute. BUT, tIry had work.t! bard. In he eno- devo t glbacirte tireir plia. Tiirowo e ny t! to * tbt Itire contiruai bOueslg" biu lrebarth etolerate satrnemueptlbe lUes of tbon féudabofors tirbo e" bIaortsaI*bune ro!feflUov a «e àndàbm i 4ano1ug e t lllgo!flii o bar 'ode"bad «vM usleçbIetbo u ~nwbpvas Wrb i- wtwbut cause 1tao * a tl' *r~ 5Ik ào lgt ad lolbu? M- uaI o'if ' >i et!.lsne, -bu ve euo ot befon *e tii. public j- 40m.t ltm-bo t*&Qel Dady va. BEROW?. 1h M vpeBr» OuA 0Bst. DIRTKTEEDURST Tie act. liâthe tar a atahoruy's office, u.d. James Y.%TMBI UT Afi9y i Wuva dean bouse a lit- mm of tihe court 5tI tueir batomea a ue tg oobatlng tir s« viricir craacter- eu2h conclusivet 2,0 'àâwbsttrosecutos is he. w wu rîii begiu le timinir e're -net lugtltabe. Tins, -tire eflol ofthtie ofles vasdemon- ready te t euoe anotirer 11mb srtt u iba oreu atbthu P lu apeso canotmgr. flmInermattes. <11111>and acc«Odygiy na e counly boupe tt li. tunsol help but recal how,! im aI veuit! ocun»ed uicseau *eré taken rf**. r rtd das tt.'. att.?- laler. lu sirort, thesdate, uticMe V6144 thgU e a r *vswalyew an Jd viren Le led oret ut lu an efficient aspuer. -Ir--T tr eut tie ofpD. Talcott, Prommcuor's brther, baufl !tire curt endW F~ ~ ~ ~ i - e cte s hyaustt sta"'s attotuq.Am 41 W . .... t ... tôubr utr n cral Urse 1 I4~i5 04"1Imao"bdbg bitia Il cf ordianc xoý1* atw'iAn o rdwa suce tqal$I«ng gad govatuinu *. uns te "et*" Md ole nbuo cfw Wt tinppySYUMiaof the village of .1àibrt"ivUe.", De ln ordslnod by the Président snd Board or Truatmesof thc villaga.of lbarsîyvlle, Lake <puti. IJugeote. Tblat Setion 11o.4 Ordlnau No. 186 ba Acacudi osenda% followrs TIc followlng Vater rates ara heraby mdopied: A charge of thlrty.eve cente par thon- oaad gallons vilii hmado, uhere tivoty. tlue ibousasd gallons or Wue pet quarter aec putd. Thirts.three conte parltonsaad galons iwbaia uver swenty-flva.thousand gallonst and- leam thasa Af tthonsaud gallons per1 quaýrter are seds.1 Thlrty.oue.cetits per thousand galions1 wbare over tftly ihousaud'"gallon.sud1 leua than beventy live thoueand gallons8 per quarter are sAd. -s Twentiai.uucente pert îousand gai.- loue votaisver se»Vsni4vcthonaiand1 gallonas ud b1gdmti 0iSred thoc.- gond gallons par je4rtor are nasA.c TvamSy-eevaaa mots pur tlnomami- tl lons aroreover oua hunired thousaid gallons and lms. ahnoune irsi tvanty.flve thocsud gallons par quarter man nasA. .I ?vcnljr-ive cenla par thonamni galba whare oua hnndred tvstp4vathomsed galoe. or ovr e pr qarerar amsé. Ad f10oua 4 Oper tbouceanilon Wnb allovgd ounml bide psu one orc bealors lIe iSto dal of Jméusry, April. Jnly sud Oclobar for watar consumedl durfug the pistions quarter.t l bduan ha".y mde the duel oft lis VlflgOntlrkteamalae aIl qâUsttlr bidle 00 tics readlns at the axpleallo f «ehc quaraIstlie maximum rates bai-in otated. sud I. aeul; a er talerae SirouIlihs meta undaer thme uenotof Illa Oge shah psy a qnarterly tmini. Mens rata of $1.00 par quarter ns pro. vided for la Section nina. Tbe above l'aIesraies sud raeulattons clatb. aubjecitoechange or andmneut without notice hi -ordinauosof ite villamge board. Ordinacces No. 252 and ail ordismes or parta of ordiunces coufficting witIt the *hors ordinaacs are hsreby repealétl. J. B. Mors", Presideut. Atamat J. A. Trsptov, Ylllage Clark. Pnsegd Mamci, 20,1917. Approved Bard 20, 1917. Published Mareh 21), 1917. OFFICIAL. COUNCI!,,PROCEEDINGO VILLAGE 0F LIBEATYVILLE Adjouned Jmeetng of village board hsld MacmlhO90,1917. Meetng causA bt order by Pr. aident J. B. Morse Manambera precu President J. B Morse. trute, Eger, Colline. Bart,8maie,Tltua and Wrght. Mr. Croker of theGamewell Ire Aarm Co., appeared before the board lu the matter of Are alerte uhich had beau referred to tlea re a[4 valer conamitte. ai pistions meeting sund sougeated ihat the village pustInsa larce ou trial uhicu vrac referrsd 10 §re committea vih Power 10 ses. .L. fi. Sehapck appeared befote the board aebllg that a permit las grantsd Sehanek Hardwvare Co. 10 build a shed on rear of thaîr lot. Moved by Eger asconded by Titus thai Schauck Hard. ware Co. ho permlttod to build asd on of lu4, to comlyI? iih village Are o ârdiununudar the suprvision of tbe building committea. Carrlsd ail votlng ti.Colline, chairmtn of park nom- olites eported thai P. W. Mloore had made hlm a proposition to tale rare of île Park for 0125 for ths sameon of11917 VormA by @male asconded b: Colluns that iha prooositIon 'Of Mr. Moore o1a0 cars il parl for seenon 1917 for $125 b.. accepted. Carrled ail votlng ays. iOrdîuianee No. 280 r.-duclm.g tle vals, raiesvasrosA. Moved byEacereond.d hy Titus tibai wat* ordinatco lNo. 280 ns rend ha paused and adopted. Ae- Iaer. Tieua. Nays-Coiline. gars, 8mai.., Wr-ahi. Motion tost., Ordinauretic. z8ý1 chauglog antendlugr Auetion 11 of ordinauace Nto. 180 vas rend. àiove-d by Smalo secoudoed byr Hart tact ordinance No. 281 lesapproved sud pamed ns rend. Carried aIl voblng mye The malter of eai up day va. bbugbl hefortho board by tbepresldesat Mowed ba Eger sacouded by Omala that tihs préeldant appoint a coumlitta.e. The prepldent to ha chaîrmnn & et ui it a Alpha Club. Carild ail voting ay@.. Paessdeut appôluttmd thse board as a shibte Obs8-eci omntttee. Moisît by Collinea srôcde-d by Wrght In adjbour. Carrlad ail votlug &le. FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY-The ,. ldependent. Illinois Automobile Fire tInsurance Exchange Over 60(00 Snbý,1'i'e rs bave farm- d tha-se rom panies go as to di- , ideosmouar'lheuasq.lvetthe loggca 10 .hpir oua cars 11Yy Ara, tI afi snd Colîleii.% A goâd eompany snd a rea@ouable I îoi,to.Write or jphone Aget4 Pirne141-R- Cruliy la UOaissu foitcb*rgeec cotalaci lu Ivo bilaefor *divorce f 11a4 la the office or île circit cler~c todïy. Both tulta vers started ly Attorneys Welch & Walch. la bibh Instances Il la te i.vIe ulo lo seel. tug divo;e from itaé huibaud. Si1rovlc Va. sirovie.. JosephIne Jacobson Sîrovie assenta thal sle Was unllad la mariage to Tony Sîrovlo ai Waulegan. June 8. 1914. Site aya ber huabsud b>e hdan gulty of many acte of eruelty. Odu Deccmler 25, 1914, she soapha leat and choked ber; on Marchs'l. 1915, @he saya hahebast and appai ber face and ou April 15. 1918, aie maya le ahandéned ber. A% a resntai o the union lIer ha,. st chi'd saventéen moalla of tue r. m s rlo eae tlliony and s. ataeolute divOrce, aloo the cuaiody of tchili. Sa@un e V. SMun. Lucy Semun'A Wanlcgsn asserts, lIaI op Telrnazy J19115, at WsmuFa Ma, sel marriesi Peter SaUR nasd lived yuitlu n p til>, loi1s1, i"on, mIe mayae o ertei b«.er.OuApril .19, 1919. àa mye la strudk ber and on June 1. 1915. Io lest ber ns»vers- 17 11. tcWsuad la.mai-bs vers loft ont ber body. Site mayae ha Ibrfttenci to vitîdi-su. OSic a likai ha laenjolaed trou dolas n. Oie cela alimoÜY. aollcllows' feeMd qlocinta divorce. Thea inlunution va. graatod. la lotit euas te vivea vetalloua t i f lic tîir billsasa.poor risons. COV£R UP KAMIS S ICTURE. Presldeat Woodrov Wilaon ias ta. ton Uic place cf Kaiser Wlllsmceo the Wang of a clasroom of the New Trier ff1 b mbe Charlotta Schoci la lnstructor lu German. Lilavina. altitough Amen. ua-bora. uic ln san ttasilc baller. an in thiaga Germant. More, ItlaI.chars. ed, ah.e ha» beau haopn 10 diecourse1 ai langil on advaalages of Germen usys ovar Amones. Enter 8111 and Trouble. The troubla pot startà te oit hou la MisesSciocI Pimeed on thec va spor- trait of Kaiser Wllelm. Thc atudents ploted-sad actai. lia s cboch van calleA from tie rootn for a moment. On ber raturn aIe touai an ezel- lent Ilkenense of one Woodrou Wilson pasled over the atunires of Wllelaa, aud the leaher anught vitbot lsec- cesthc nutbor of the change. "There va a miaundersaadlng,*" sald Mise Scltoci. "but lb ail bas been adluuted." "'A prefar flot to exprees my opin- ion ofthîe gentleman.» aIe salA. "If there le critlicisc of my acta la Uic clasaroona 1 have but 10 aay tîgi 1I test 1 hava thc rlght wite tslllng Garman 10 tell of the adranlages of alther Gcrm-uy or Americi over the atelertain _plflfldinance." Chicago Io nov a *n aval base. It vaassadn liay vIda Capt. WU. Uàm lioffeeaa f.he Grea n.., Ma jeu G$isU0ým Gala. BsIc & stoe p urwS mder bja di"<uat de a Majaiobagg a llSi froft tc aO.aty Meitduay*eu judse odaer0a OOàStta to bis raies.. on bail ot f100. Tlirough bis attorney W. A. flakne, Gela. maked for a wrt f habas cor- puis. Theo pla was denied. Itla alleged that Gelas plotted witb anotiier mtan te, iii a fellow freek who wau abot et lte door leadlng tato, the Gela stcore, Tweaiy-aecoud ufreet and State atreiet North Chicago. It han bem ai ad that lte gua amed ln the mlayiag belased 10 Gea. 1tt aloo la rePoitod that Gea a usee wlith the weapon f in. h ande tbe dey bafore tc slaylng.' CHANGES PLIA^ TO MOT GU#LTY. Banals Tables, aleas <,Beaui.the, Wo." uhèrelwlVU bavin baen ee tif W Pm té. W-e 19 young mmoai. 1.1.1 te, bave broken open ssa ett car oss eiodtt a fev mouSse mgo Mud etamilalMY"cve o m a aim"Os Worth et Optes. appeafl fa c-- to- dey £dSalai edPorsassom te "8 hfm p0es of 'auUy.-fna mde lis ples van àOnt aurattusi la seut. nc ired. ha nid, fa champe hié pla to, "De vas lam at 81»" anmd ha ho uw»emmt lso Paul Pieck, mlleged te, bave be Comflsted vith thelit .4 of mem vire near Ubertyvlll. va» relmoed cm bond of $800 land by T. 1. 0*11. - lfla U L ia . mm Is«Les Wa.ab. chargod viti 18,1.5 racordemias iu. niant comveffaacaainathUicpropsrty of Tobia.Jaea yllatent ta, de- lraud thc legalovacra enteradita recogliance wlth bo nd at $1,0" eia The bond vas aigmcd by Friak UOu- loch. WANT ED THREE MEN tTo celiRawleighs Rerne dies, Spices.Extracta.Toilet Aricles, retail for Coun"y, b City and Town Trade. 127 Housebold Products ---Largest Une, Gresas Variety, Lowest Pnices. known everywhere. Terme. Cash or Time. Backed by ,Four Million ,Dollar Concern. Want men te r reprement company in counties in Northern Il- mnois outaide Lakte county, capable of earning frons $100 to $150 a montkL Address, giving age or- cupation and referance val Training Station appotnite ient. Leon ard D isney A. M. Steckle as exacutive officerlnL mt âe charge of the naval defease of the- City. 1Thie ludoqDeulent lati o BUY. NOW-New Stock of VAUGIIAN'S S.EEI)S Now In. We wiash to annourice that Vanighàtae Seeds are Car- ried exelusiv:ly at our itore. msud ve woîîld likelIo have yon brlng, or« tnd lu y.,ur orderti for atiyihing coiitaiiied ln Vanghiaa" excluBive catalog. Everyting sold herte at catalog pr1rea. By placing your ordebers i-e aava you ibe lime, trouble sud expease of buig in <liaoansd. haviiài bhipp*d oui.. Moet of jour va.nte tsfl ha supplied right t 6 i or e. Bring or senti inau r ord. 7810 Vaunhan'. lo0al agency, St LANOWORTtIY9S VARIETY STORE An Immense Stock -of Up-To-D*te Merchandise Always On Hand. Potted Plants for I2aster Azaleas, Begonias. Cyclamens. Easter Lilies Hyacinths, Dutch Spireas. FA IRtOLM, GA(le-NS H F. C. IBUFRlIDGE & SON For Sale at Chicago, Nort hore ilwa ai wyp

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