CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 6

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t0J'~'1~'..,J Q-t' IADS 40 ACRE BLD6i IN CIIICAGO Waukegan, Nlarch24. Adoipli Pein has traded hite 40 acres on the Dudae road tu I1la Story and P. M. Stor>', ber son, wlio le inà the banklng business lit Art ington, . S. D. ýChane s tory, father of F. M.i Story. vas n old trne resident of Wsukegan. W44~the late G. R. 1,yon, Levrence idder. 'Cbarfem Philipe and Wzn. Allen lie opened the bank at Arlington, of vhieli WM. Allen in presîdent. la exchange Mr. Pai taok a store. and flot buildng at1 soutimpot and ýNewpOrt Av., chii- esgo. The deal wae $27.000. The fer= brouglit 12000. This iwt t e Intereting wlien it la re- càffle that Charles Werner., former -owjer o!f thc property, was ofered $32»000for it at te ie rthe big boom in Wukegan. Cuard b>' the eoUftg of thle American Steel & Wire Coamay lant. lu vas At the -ame tia. that WtUî!au Sundelin v.s of- feemi $40,000 fer- ie tract of land on Bevidere tet: Tvcnty-four acres « t hPafoami.a inWaukege.n Ami probabl il iilie eubdlvideýd. Tt.e %We .and flot building la valued mi $160000 Mr. Pa gave boack a trust dffd for $8,0.. David W. Williams. John Kerrigan. and Ed Huon have purcbased the George Gammon tarm of 70 acres near rive Points, for $18.000. IL. . David bus purcbased thie fie 'Jaimavts properi>' t 3u Southi Caunt> sreet. Waukegan. for T. E. Gray recently pureliasedilie iMe MorfeIl prepgrty on Asb treet 'r ti EdiIr W. Johnson, for $4.000. JMa Stewart bas Closud a deat for tIberogety at 224 Chapel treet for su00 ad lia. movçd ta from ie. faM oCMBSheridan rond, vfmlch hle re-! -Of" sold. lMr. Stewart bas liegun1 h oi#4u is mev bore ne d e-1 bIlaUtô:"ke Il stict>' moIs-nu. k Peibet aulbaen h ba 41cbas e f tour acres muar 'hirti-thinl strict un Ic liflvàukee roami.from John rStivaut Sos '$2400. Tiese sale.. e way'~a- eid1g.vers made b>' t A. d lemiA . f-Conrad.1 » boimpe lires her linge deais' la ta ItM Mia*bout nsai>' îaclose, .0.. belug a I-mie la Mlwaubee- fiati bfflUlmfobr $150sO ald à hareots tassa or "w0 acres. Týe ise of a coautagien bopital1 tu IaWatrkeganev-r vas more ppar-1 cnt tIeau i;tic premectUlime. Tiers are s.ynutamos J!cotagions dis- '* a ts- ciii-. tncladîag gev-srai oMfniofs malPox. ad theautiorl- tie ave,.uo alterntive bulte ses-i fi i~o mliman adequte iquarntine. uýbot- tjts-homsawbers th.s-disease 'elt.Tbs. et bou,tglanet ,alisfac- ,th-ne are aany vbo belleve e)»cases vers- ta le segregat-. tt~~wliId nt lie anmany as- * caie.',Wepoplng f om Ime ta lIm. à ' èé have points-I oui thlat il wul,ýV a good Plan ta seal thec con- tâfîSRWAC&Ss sta the- ceuni>' boapîlal, 'Philalan h, net ai aIl fesmile, for lion, la ne Contaffion departn-t la lt. e eral hosPital aid al lis-ePa- licita la the mata boqptal meule mblectcd tetaelis-îe-nsnI uinIs of toalflle dlsoiîmes If sudh a course vm-p to btoved. Couat>' PIician Brova songeas-Id le lthe ecotautY 1icand e!supervIsera 1«4 mevor lo Nc p l au 0 p otag bcop1wg i.4 9aneclien mth tIc gonen- aIioel om îOe Iaila long-tit ment but Ibm board. as yu, a lakea no a-ion mlong tint lineu.snd Il mil bu 9011160t4s» »«ro uch an Insttution la Vput 7ymSt bIluabeen the plan et hefityci>' o ostali a peellaus- on thel ke »ire nril a!f Waukcgast wa gISe. tu1Même the smallpo Pa- O1 4M BUeOeâf.IY Md lna home imys tisseO Wg So* t MMoaet lIc diseuse «IlfmeWV visa fis ptients man quar. »«»m e 0 ow counaS t tic - ~ maik~.qmu8citfe boelle that ~-t, ~ ~1iWdwv t. peviea ~ ~S~sà 1OM&L Mi the resait, -dis mesud Joi> fiftietl anulversar>'of tfhe clos. of bunglaruslli a im>- the van bctyreeu the North aid: RAID THE..REIL HOME. SoutI.h.N v as ta*ken In Iile aon tAthue Rei borne on Cheatnt lut trip. aid hi>ý conditioa grev - sires-tlte brrrglan procuned consil- ronge asu he>earpeaaelb>'. ereble boot.. Ne carrrel off a lange 5ev-ca veeke ago -lie vent te bel. jstek of clotiug aldfood. He elioe ani durng aurket e thmt lime he vas conficcalel a lange _ Jar of ceoing unable ho converse villi members of butter. WiII butter at 42 cents a las taiell>. ireu1,d is huI mae egoal ans-. Hoe lea-vea his vIfs- miiio an aui-- Il la qulue apparent 11*1 lime burg- t, lira.W. L. banz, o! Cicago. Pu- Ian>' ai theRel borne va, conualitel noril at 2t cck îbMonia>' aflennoon rfb>. a Waukegmn min, tor vba ciao dIt mnea evofthUe Grand As-ut>ofa! vould vail te hunlen lImas-If vîi the Republai charge. Interment la butter,. clothing and fiel. ()&kvO94 csMeteri-. *Thb uiglas, aisegains-I outrance .Mr. E»ter ialievei. liaI George lIe litet;. ibiani home. anI Uic atuff W'ashingtoin. Tbomas Payne. Seuils-ho canridsaa>'was af the saume mite Vnmkf .Thoata. Jeftevm n sature au liat laken tram lie 11,11 wcre tie savIons of tic lted Buats-aborne.1 ad he coulE relate every act o! la- Tica the burgian vent oser oute portance l tu e iv-ca. Ports-n etreel ald as friglrtened lin. Motter vas always a groseatae>' vealie attemptel te raise e lover o!f fowers. Hieai-srd contans-I - indwev Itich Le Roy Webb home. saune rairseis a of fowers aid Mr. Webb rails-I thc police over the plants aid fi ivas bis grustentt'piula- tels-plions-. adi- beisvea ibal Mr. ire te b.oeilt1.e s-gardndeaet van Buglar hourd bM.p.,uth le .1l. ammng 11cm. i Thé police vs-ne catIs-iteth îe L. A. HereVo vbat onas- msaio! hlm! Cralitres- home aon 409 Cents-r sIres-t, loIn>. ': He va, a rosi plilaulliro- aI 2:35 a. m. The bungla iaI ain-' plat. He vas ane- of the ciI-'s un-- tetd Saforcse pn a winwvaveti ALEXANER JIUN. BUR61LAS PASS TER, WAR VETERAN, UPlSILVUR; RAfl>5. DIE AGE 0f 76; MOllItSHE1 HOES V.aulkegan, lar<h 21 Waukegsn, iarch 23. Alexander W. Hunter. retins-I msr- Bunglanles vilci teint o! polI>' dia::, snd a civil war vstera, pasts-dI Illeven>' ers- commttel at fît-e swzi:.* at the famil>' residence. 426 lomes la the uxcînelvel>' nssilence Juliît!t sîneel. t 9 oclock Friday districts o! thre Northr Bide lent ight. nglit. and la &Il cases vbere tis- tîlef or1 ni. Huners oas- regret ai death ibieves gains-I enînance la homos vas Ibat heddln'Ibave ather lits- thei- passed up goiand slverad le offer lijrounlr>' la uble dire boum ýcarrlela!ff bot consiatilg o! clti- a! ns-s- iffaN bene le no question butîganf01 lie wouli bave offeel hilsservis-s*: The, boumes burglanlzel: lu the svent of van, for ble sen'sd-d HOMES TKIE>' ENTERED. tIres- i-s-an d linse mentis vitir T. E. MORIS HOME-1157 Na. rts-, uorlbeia armi- dur iag tle van o! 'Qenese stre>iI. 'Pilfesamis-I off a 1861. liaI and ans- ovircoat. Passe- up thie Alexanrder Hunier vas a ms-mbs- o! r eIid iver l. dlnlng ronte. Co. K, Tenîl Mans. Vol. He foug-, ý J3if59 REIL HOME-224 Chest- la ts- balle o e!Ostysburg andulrnuli-rest.LentrendIs-I of cltI- throul lie iue o! thi. Wllernesa. ing aMi food..- iwo o! thes-monl important engage- RAyMO)ND E. HIBBARD HgfIM- meteln itIhs civil var. 126 Cisstuut sirest 1001 coasîtel Bornsla Germany. the decesele! ntrltInlg and fooI. came to tirs-Unie ed ttse vith bis i FRIGHTENED AWAV MERE. parents au the age of tea years. la- 1'b. A. CRAIITREII HOMEF-409 mellalel>' !oliowlag the van lie net. Cents-r sIres-t. ifuglar spasared et lIed lu Chicago. and but a fs-v moalis hZ235 a. m. [las-r lie came ta Wsukegau, vIs-e lheis- . ROY WEBB HtOMiE--411 Paris-r lias mainlatuel lis resils-ace for ais-r surs-st. Bunglan put lu appearance ai ih>' vesars. , 3.15 e. u. He vas s-ngags-minl business umtl * 1 USED A JIMMY? a fs-v yeare ago. For mamy -ars lis-1'Tie lunglar gains- entrance luto operated 'vint wm a idau ae îi tle T. E.%fortis borne on Nati HunIer Tobacce tone aI a site on Genesee elseet tiraugli oas-o! the -Washington sîrel, Hie bustesse veu- vinlovu on tic fInet alany. I'pen turc, ail provel euccessful,.and aI enuerlng thc bouse be pass-O Urongh dealih. v a, pamsesed of mucli the dithug 0Mt visre solîl silver businssa lnd ssilence properti-. valus-I aItlhW-elsof dollars lai- et Throughoul lin lite %I. HunIer baud. mil *t ýintotic halvwai- va, a slulent of blstor'. lHe pou-.viens- he conflcaede an overceal and sessesi e tral>' voudenful 1bv-ny. ald ealai. Then he lefu Is-hansoue. Il qa» eanvèrent onailiobjecta of im- 'la blesvs-I that tbe bunglar bs-cme portance. Whiles- lie Ik ne active fnIgbtens-d aller sntcrnug the hall- part la poilis. i-s-Ihie support vas va>'. Tios. Booth. policeman, vaLs canidred mont valuable b>' contis-t--t la havestigals- hile ralber>' and 1eta for office. le reporelellaI bé ai aof Its-opia- à ev s-rs amm lin. Huater vent -tleur tinthelIts- u lbaial net bs-en s-at ta attend thi-es-felbrlono! lis- lacis-I. Hs- dossnot blileve liai its- ILL SINCE LASI AUGUSI. Funeral of WeII . Known Resi- dent of City WiII Be f-eld Hee WedeSdlay at 2 P. M. Waukogan. Mmmcli 27. The- remaîns of Mna-. Sarahi E. Crab- Ires-. vbos-deeli Iook place NMonda>'. Me rcI 26, ai lts- Elgin claIe bospitef. arîvel in Wauliegan Ioda'. ltuns-raI Wlýedus-sday afternoan atIwtao olock ailthe bemet 216 Sherman place. Rs-v. S. W. Clilîsster o! ts- Preabyts-nian cbsirdi oliltuiag. interment Il akI- wood cemeis-ni. Mns. Crabîne- leaves lie follovîng relatives: A son. Charles Crabtnce; a sster. Miss Net- ti, Oluman, aad s broUis-r, Samuel Bluman. 1 firs. Cralitres- (nse Blumani vav bora at Manîls-lead, Mam.. February 2, 1846, vbicb vould abe is-ee71 ys-ars ot age. she scame' te Iliais lu 1849, comlng direct)>' la Wauiegan, vhs-e ars- lad livesi svs-n suce, Sire vas marris-I 10 Lewis (7nab- trFc, a pIonsenr wagon and carniage ni? nufaclur-n and blacksmftli, In, Sep- temfîer, 187r. Mlrs. Crabtree becsnme 111 last Aug- tR uM uto hta boiprostration. 1is- kaovn beautlul characlers. 1I mcv tria place and lMn,<'afr-' lusan nis-rtaliti- hecame affecrtssle luis ea o! insances i-cars a ega heli-usel hlm at vok. lil s sans-I flic urglant us-ut i ccasiolosîl ie wouf I ta go te certain gresnd aad aI-nra Is-Iet a Boy Sout iodai anil andsuer awa>' la a cps-Il ofa! s-atIon, lasais-l of greerbes for pon tam- old overcoat unaîthe vindow. Il lae Mucir againet thI-m vices relatives Illes. Rs- vould tel l e grocer Iliat, h-lis-Vs-I I e lsluigar put ou lhe vers- persualed liaI a course p! lf b, ev-sr meatioaci the fact tua mur:Overco&t ire lia telena aIthle Mer- 1f iesati-tîaI tle saae hoapItal nilabi biody tiaI bs-i asver oruer anoiber ris lionme, andl Is-t Ils oldaise as a r s-itr ens risnf2culîles adIlis-> caused tbing. o! blun Evea ie aIt>'l id s-use on tie police. I1l'en te b- sent tIbeeais a privz.ts-Pa- flou kaowof atleecharitable gas t .tît- nt. vhlcli, Ila snov aiîted b>-grrc- LÔA KESlU PUIt to n w.-t--rago as- aqremed ty3 s-n, vere aumasrous vhea fie vas lan AVLSTJONFN E ~-Improvlng unIs-ntheîle1vsament bilassa l Waugam.Tvo of tliSM 50 almetice ses- a nIrelatives sud frienis mers- mudb mens-n ahlb.GretAbaie. station le- enc-onagel. Tien 'sudly l>'Ils>' s-t IIA RY KEEF EN- setedlat Tuesi amgvlsb bn tliye>'uoskel b>' theneye t mi ae bal fia lJuapod th* mev-b foeu. TiepolIceeufsiren-a sinoke o! PJ&aelYISl, lier LISTS AS nIIE F of Wsnkegaa vrs-r asbod bte enrclientins- igl ie ebeln2g affects-d.Hs-r lb ciite ~"Indue" vîih m r (<tid tîinvais ver>'- citical. butln van dicaveredi Ual ta the lest relatives liopel agaînet theIr IYou-ng m atabad loi-n hea la cawpe tiat eaie voull o-ver. CAIRIPER1IS Ju ______ s-flmblmg even lis baibei vInes at Hmr' Kee. mwcéli maya Wauie- rtlie tp fav e imaTis r lacoheie gau i-oung man on Tburcla>' enlitul tme n ioer i senborain ha e ELOPES T0WAUM e - lu the Unie Slates Naval R-sservezsacr mi rom tho a l sllallon IA'haïe de a, chie! carpete' mate. Ho wcat hteA ; .itj5 N r , an. eaavainatlon michpIb. isne Tirs-Chicago Dal>' News on liarch position se 'liatIflb mmmla ls-claned NorIIUIiT AS A RESIJLTCopany he yUl becoes a peti- offcer aBthle, las mae au n"S-ror lte palaine, Kpnoalta. Wls, MardI ,21.-Abe naval station. ILater If b. desirei. bais Zurich & Waueonda w âg iviiIPrnce 9 fading alcharge a!f 22»ul h. sail lec Iransferred soins sOea'b. ruta hi-eecInlel>ity lmeV er odaisti tI wt09 at m eegn Lpot. ta made, Pie pPublie utltlee(OUaIC' Pilce anid ous HaOmiSll, oti s Mr. Keef e la the firit Waukegan clan of! lîkmM l ameo morder toie, piomsenttiuu eslia qor the mai te s-flt as a capenlerlnte e ulhorilang the Ciieao Fn Lr« B1"0 >'nim!Iveau, ~ ~ naval reset-ne ani tins bocorno.«Dii- Ncrlbeg MSielc alVUi- CoWMV@gW 0 ua lect to eui n ee*oào a t. t »c" te taw __- elepM a~Wi~s Tin , t", Mrn. Rode la veilkimova la lovak, o - g oraa « Mlal"W, ba bg eem aProminmuf lr g o e' U M baIs u * b t Wi , - lcl 4.ip tits'~'~ $U .te 14 ondk .*srs ReIvs t5%Notb f belftesaMdiape Outimq et Men 4 . 1 - ; ýM' . - - . tu Wlaukegan, MaIfrci 24. It la admitted toaY>' at telietlo Dii the Ratteade pnroperty, nofticas - conner of Madison and CouttY street, la being looked up ln the Interest ot W. 8. Kelîli of Sheridan Rond, wbo is dlckering wiîi t re. tDavid Rau- aide fen tbe purchase of thîs valu- able lot. WhUle Mr. Kelth basmelt given Oitflny formai etaternent On the matter, hIs la iider-ttood liat fie plans provide for tie erec *tien oo!fi modern bote] on tirai partIcular site. Mr. Ketth, bas long been, considerin7, lie advtsaahlity of erecting a hotel ln W'ankegan and it was salI let sprtng befone the' dry-wet elecliO4 calme on Ibat if the towfl vOnt dry the chances were tbat lie would ors-ct a boto)i *mhn the immediate future. Then following liy thle crisis of tbe franchine recently Mr. Keitb'tlInter- est ta tthe community lias been ln- creaedte thc extent that lie la eaid te lbav. made Up his mini ta orect tibis hotel. The jucceec of thie fran. cise "àndthcsucceel af the dry, loveent ln the commufllty lias icou a bige Influence on hirn tu bis decîaîpn to erect a liotl bore. Mr. Keihh owue more propent>' lu Wauke.- gan Ibmn any otier man, anud liere- fore bis Inters-st ln developlng the commuait>' are apparent. The hotel, if lic goos alicad with thre plans that he lias lad Lu mind for came urne snd bave been referred ta frequent>' before. provîde for s modern struc- Lure ln every re.spé«c. This la the propert>' on wfîich 110w the Courcon livery in operating and whlch han been owns-d by thre Rsesldes for man>' years. tipon the' death of David Rae- side. the property paseel t bis wldow who laten married Ed Ingalla. Mrs. ingals berelf lias title ta tuis propenty and thes-consideration ln the prospective sale te Mnr. Kelul Iolelt kiiovu. A fate report this atternoon wae that tle title on the liroperiy bad bs-s-afound satisfactory and trat tire transfer wouid iooin b. made taeMN. Keith. h L% und.-rstaod Ilie prie le1 8i.000. Ijucdrise 6tmilons, ap>botàe' Arguinafor and agali lbth e-o.- Under, the rml a>' agreemnut al0- or t*creecelarmament are beoigte rlilisBsret eOfc"i9 auoti>' for theO 1 & 0w dayâ agoWagkegau rallroewl taderoiluceleas for the 1 lack cf mon, r tu ha andI p>'tdilIii f « ith oun lil camie in for buck va>' amou4 1 1 Americnm oebent marine, Wauko tu»t t6 frOM $80 te $200 for theïr iÛ -deraI &ants repott 1The, feo gaiS"'met defetul Indobale with thi eVesta ovonMe ionceJanuar>' 1. Le- ignls or the 'Chicago district bave1Doerrlbfd townlship 1ýtgb hlh achool cal naiiroai Men are bugy iguing ap .)es!a eampoitu arnsgthe ranis e n TrIda>' ait . ueît, bto pDU. 1Eagiuerw and to- ifunlimon tan1111fu ii teape, and IWakoffanmtactdefs-at becaitée, Of dueltYO In ma"> vsfuce gfracetp kt tlii bOtr not legs thon 5 carpeu- Uic eau. and flus-icy of speech dent- tfro $150 1o02100. » oen and brabO.. ers andIwovabrick bissons o! Wlrr-., onatrated b>' the deltators o! the mon vIii 01t ronm $0te $75. kegan )r planning ta valuai -r tIlir r ~tie cbool. and flot becauie o! Thor@ vas nover 01070 avertirne de. mervices. boter points being produced b>' tb. manded la tie bistory o! nlroadicg Tie goverument ivanttS oppononts. DeerffeiIl isaoulE b. intehon conltrythan dorlug lbhelaut D! thousands of men who )wîll go ta remembered. bas sipportei a debat- tva menhe. 8ixîee bourg woz* ad work ai once. and of tonsorofthou- jing tenta andisaciel>'for Maur' geara, eigbt bouira resI vau the shedels si Bgiewh teiro 11accept empiogment if and au WS. C. ICucelk sels, "itle 5nearl>' overu' man. Extra men am ' war cames, but aotion Ininicatosw-tbat WasIke- he f.ful uhbae, toe. The railra* carda requocting the following il.-go»monI go la for i.batUg vith tIi. *joyéd-tbeïr grettest crs ef prop«* formation &ré belng ment 10 the nme atm In view that bepote of il> and tlie mon taturalfaifbla ir -Nazie. midrece. traite, or occUpa. itbgutevlc vtOeis I G.1 g 91êe w c»SpolY under Ibis decisom goI. 1 sÏt11e4 and comjnon laborers of Wau- Y«"v- Shore. keaand Iviciait>'. 'l amndlsapOlasi f od t l Mdbg Thon, va»hard>' a rairomi mau la tin.of lbheladies5 but 1 duoh bli il* 1.0Waukegan vWho lm net rejoitiag. Ptio- Are you a citîsen of lie Unite-d aim thaf Wb"Qffl VOS. fh* de" dent Wlsoon in 51v-en the. ci-eut for t~ Stats?bate, irtimO Ibo nuf1Y Yctor>' b>'0 p mbut W tD lut f i Would you aeeept eM m e"vnt at Of iiie4 or b! k WMtetepesr ru e*Mrb as'>' yardJ? If ne. at viat yard or -dolaI.te, wwauàEd 110 lI pressure brth" glselt leu b> yardsecld ntM Wt#isy s>t. haê:11i'u, I Dm1 ci>' iiand lte rslroad ezecirtives tro an ia. Would youau ccept employat at George Hupfl m&"$*0010iul IboW b>' thelr aulgipal ietorniatlm. au Arsenal? If no, et wyul arseallfat. Butf Ivo, do;à e aIe WI oc Ti lclmc e.ep.d or pneemhi? E5takite W k typlieliever. goi sîrike, except as a lest rscor-i Wliat in lhe lovait vag. i-ou voulg Vas a member of the debâllng toa.a,_____ ami hie 4U Wb ldf eea nuled sur chances T KE FP Could you accept .mppoinlMs-t nta- of ivlUalmg the debate cau Pester AR F ÀRL.A once?1 vu suPPlamtoi.but ho id ot bave If i-ou canaot nov. ;ould i-ou lu 1the lime ta Prepas. AI liai lie dil SS AFE T case of urgent govemnuent nes-il a tvella ceuilli e ezpectsd union si ,ÀF E TS N cept empla>'ment? 1the coUdiOI___m>Kcb.cretrspaun MsS-ans ie aavad. TIRE Rlit i 191 lo oin lie reéervesasme carpenter, itogers coaciied the debatims Isama ___ and ho Plan$e tie thlb.exarninatlou vhieh represented Waukegan. and Fris-nda of lMre«.trali Crs bines ef nmre la>' next yack. , be>' arp es Ieilg cf credit for thie Waukegau were sorty ta learn t- In tbe event of Var. Charles and elioviug vhlch Wauketan made-. de>' ibat shp bas surfered a sitroke or Willam eare, su o %lyer m. Wauqmn it!mak à god hownParalYoseafffetng ber ntght aide. Willam eare. ouso! ai-r Wm. WrikSi li i~ea ~slivin Hen condition le regards-I as quit> M. Pemrce. Vit] offer them se-rvices but It Vas competlng againel those critîcai. lire. ('nitre, la being itr«at- àts ffceed viroles, operatore. vIa balmade oratoni- a oehool stud-. cd aithte etate hoapiai etElgin. Tiese men bal commercial 1Il-1and agatt hase vie veré mrade Il Vas "erri eeks ago liaI nef. ceseaIis ime, =ani bath araenr- neami-perfect b>' practlcc. atives or lire. Cralife.auked for au gardd a exprtslu tls ork hey The ebaors upprtin th afirinquisition inte lier mentallt.lier garei , epora l Ibs vrk.Tic' Tc dbalrs Uppnllig Irealfr-condition vas not serlous and Il wa imalatlna astation l in "telacalfel mmliv. Bide o! lhe question lbrou il onl>' becsuse sic cuffered occoka, is"grave" hack of!the Pearce eut tics. points,&Pol$s e! aberalionvhs-n site voul home on Jullanstrict.aid baIl mn PTST-Tbat lu vould prove an vander ava>'. Ibat led relative. l0 laite lie is-p. Tie> f esred limat ms have reelved 11gb marks l Ingov- econornical. political and soýcial bIsos- migbi get burt white vends-ring about crament exarninationa vis-b l i ng an Ithc Uiuted Sttes. aîiIe.sly adUic>' v-ee olte ie- have vnilleu. . i Tie debaters points-I out iliaiaIefiImcoreeunanelt h lu lpont isthevarld's litory »tlie bis iepa l ud ns-store ber ho us pointal fus-nfaculties. lUpon tbe ebovias 300 MEMBERS IN ONE CLUB. United States could atrlkr and ob- mades- , abe lascommittel 10 limsae es 'tain cenîral or the venld commeri.. beplial as a privalat patient and Make Not ess Than 6 Cents on, SECOND---Thau a greaier amaun Jtidgling by report, [hot have co.oe Every.Bottie of Beer Sold in iof eilpment could b. canuhed on a1i rom tier s ie lias l"ie-mprovigg lien exènze Tht th amunt etr uzder flic course of treatmeat. Their Establshments. l1 Reen. hllreanun ad latIîivesand fith&asaixe ver- out In bts-lit la 27, ypmro'lime Io Unllepars-i fon tie sudden yard lirai ia yeans gone b>' Il Vas not an un-1 forelgn pilp ovnens veuf d bc suffi- she bail uffered a rather severlp common Iilng 10 heur a man o! Wau-, cient 10 buli 2300 guipset ai aosI or stroke of paralysie vblcb rendssber, "Oh. Uie men ber Whlo 118.000,0W0 aplace. s-nuire rlglt i ellecampletely birIplese -Tho Ilwoul crate Altbeugi ber condition la e-ous ti are gettlng tle mono>' are the salooan THIRD-Ta uvol r ate lu imOPedithat the excellent ure.tmontr beepers.» botter and firmer relationebil, vîtrais- la recelvlng yull have lie eflect Il la truc tuat fouv. If au>', saloon the Uited States and Etiropean na O! eintfierm lfe. Uli. Crabîree la eu olI resileat o! Wau>egmn andi ber eeofa!Waukegsn oser vent llot ions.may»finalare an-it rs-mielIn We ianlrsptey, but Il le mlco trus- liatI POURTIt-Thatlu vouli tend te conition. the -profits tii.>' ncelzed f ronm ibelr regulate stage proilerna and regulaUe wll.ansoi.usine., does Dat begin 10 obligatios. t 1 Af.flv compare vihtic profits vilch are1 P2tHiTbmi Il vouli irav a liek I, JJEf J R botes nettei b>' 114lociier club keep. tenrIss" O!f uropeïfne te our cour. lers Ioda>'. tri-. pw I Irma rollable, source The 2Wn Tbose supporllng thc negalîve ci. *iYIÀé .hotllepviib i te>' purcbased. Itllaa t ii th dOfIcLci-O! sipieutà truc tint the oxpreas charge amounits vOuli b.hoss0"e, ani liaI 1th pria- WuegaMardi 21. tei 16,teils on oach cae, but Ilin dpI, va, nierocratie. Witlt pnils-, ince Maroli the l1à1. h-n lu Vas aisé trvo liaI tle brever-. la sover>'tic debaetov-s sil te OProve that It reorted liat 87,301.00 a.i-s-an hr bai ov-u a filons-lu ~ngd.tii-e eaitrobai boss plelged in me- Instance, pay's Ibis charge. hdpoe & r uEga-b« ers,.%91.0et s-y>ear lies beq it s lai ol i etaItithelocker club F'rance aid Germi>. adel itrinig th Ie membersblp te keepens neslte approxmmîel- $2.00 Agalu tii.> argued liaI Il venu d dae lp te 390 imembers at $26 apiefo prof it ouns-vs-r case of beer con. 'rse In laPcllhlcaî fàvOriilm bOcatsfion an assurs-l Income o! $9250.00 par sureedIn their club roome. That il wouli ho operated b b>' ard> of' A emrth'ae erahlp mabrecnlplle memna that tle los-ken club res-ps-n men appointol b>' hhosc In POvor, hac been received fnosp the Chicago. realîmes a profl fo approxîmatel>' six ail hhat a lack o! co-eperallon vouli Northi Shore & Milwanukee RatIroel conts on oe-y' balo!s-n. hie rasitl. - cmp&anamIafour plural rncmbee- Rathr aamal pofi youthik? UOLEDThottheUnied tats sip f om the Reine Coal compani, te- RatIn aernli roft iou uai flOLVD, hallim Untel81,0seliervIli allter ounaller ans-@.l Ws-I flits-n nov. At one locker club 96verffmenft should »*Ub5lish a OY- rnabing m suhscripllan ta tIc Cita-S la Nantb Chicago tire- wagon lsd tom of ship subsldy for 1he regulation ber o! Commerce. Preldent B. 1.1 of beer le bafldled a da>'. itlaî pont- mod Protection Ofthe Amanidan mon. Bull o! lhe Chîcago, Nor-tii Siore Milwaukee ralînoafi. vrltee mesl-i sili. ta put aven 30 cases o! bsen ouin h at ine, lave@, Ia vlev of Ils- belpful aSi t- a wagon at one lime. Eacli case con- The affirmative debatens fon Wae- fective vork loue b>' your assoce- tain*l111t.bottil. The Ibir>' cases began bigi achol are: lion luI blnglag'abont asectilement or woul ebtaln1.00 botle. Tot GorgfHup.cte erest rail a>'conrovesy, 1.0" voui clitate1.08 boîles.Thai Geore Huo. bat vo cliould sctl-ei-support the, moine laI the lociter club kcepeu NelcIt Intenta. von of tb. associaton lunlng teh. Vouli collect appraximately $64.8t, Cash Pester. alternats. SAIt tira s- 'ac, vîleb eboudd b@la.i- e r f1heItaailiai o! thc ans- wagon The negativi debatens are: pontant >eans la the devélopmcet d Wmukegan, and 1 Iborefore. ,eeclou Sosd or beer. . OisMIla a enhocrîptlon for $500 per i-er, -Aid miai i-ou, the club members Dorothi- CerneR. commencla>' Janua"i- firsl. 1917, fkg pay n iititio le; tey py fr Pse ltuky.thrc i-ars. Thnking ou andtik.i thle X«e ta te front doon, and tu Robert Lewis, alternate. n Yu agcti sces1a. man i nstances lie>' pai- dues. '1Tho ludies Whie mlipreside et Ithe Your, .rul-. BurttOn f. Bud&" One m-, vho vas la lhe saloon Tiie lulge. vbo prosideà are: The R. W. Shes 15l'rmaI i Éacl va business la Waubega for olgliî i-ars Profesmer L. C. Lyoan& e!fttnivercli-y sold Wedacalay 10 Mr. 'Plure, john- sumd vi. nov le a Inciter club kes-p- of ChMo. son.,vito expedîs to, take poçieemios Arl1Tii. caevau made b>' the er, maie, 'If m maîleftic. 1 vauld 1Principal Broaks of Racine 11gb T. J. &hl & e> urkraek ratier lmye la Wankegan l. iout esu.,cliool. - 4y rkrar m leonsm .%*ieretamotore e nke* - oeserRobet Sîbîci- af bake 1 ing a locker club lias la keeplng m orscologe. I IU Ç I Y % aloc. Tu. Ve pociot the. $.000*a U 'CwlN Op D a te go lite i. cftons 1: The funeral of the lie Mns. P'rmnk vbpr as hel !rorn Uic ta=- Î,rleaw ur o t j I>'home, ment ef.,lui-nie sta>' - A ... Mi- jetffrsan.superntendent of a et eeclock. bnv-llb«Ing la War- "OhuiU S 1tic Agmud Danansa1 m e rn-ut en cometot>, nllfet rieo,oep- ,Labo lusi, de If.iaUtm ai-. omiE e.lin. lIiaxileatl -1as Nic 14 81 is bun epeust~ue ta, poeuffla ui. ti# %M bepi ce et y Work Of er MukILe t " tvbot i i f et th VI SE tu hi t)e ni vi th a 'w mw a] Pd )c SI P' W & U p u., hi. o. Irving Wellbs - mtii wi. tmd la cb a in Y Mr. Y. Ur.i 9ib

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