CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Mar 1917, p. 9

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rVLLE -INDEPýE.ND]ENT VENDENT Lake CountP/s Big Weekly (ksdmG - , *» 46« WMu m i 100cuâ WAUKECZAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 13. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, IL., TEMfflDA.Y,,NARCH 29, 1917. MORHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEA.R IN ADV£XMOý By Vote of 17 to -6, Jurors Exonerlite Hlm From Graft Charges of- Goldbeig; AUTOJST FIRES SMOT INTO FARM' IIOUSe;_ NONEi HURT Strange Auto Party Jeparizes the Home of Frank Burke, West of Waukegan. CRITKCALLY ILL, YET SALL CRIIU LIES ON WET EARTJI Sheriff Finds Sick Child in a Gypsy Camp at Gurne0e on Tuesday Aternoon. HfiED MAN WAS NEAR BY. 1FARMERS HAD COMPLAINE.D.1 'Uullet Is Fournd on 'Flcr This 'Mornng- What Prompted Strangers te Fire? 1 Sherif f Was Unable te Drive Gypsies Away as Thmay Had .-Consent cf Farrner. Prohi1bi.titon I s Def. Who was tlme automebillist who «*abol Swalb 'ed In bandages from heai toi up" thme Frank Burke home reat Of 1foot sud lu sncb s reaienei condi ______ Waukega.- un lime Milwaukee road lion thal he couid flot cri' ouI for heip. pigllMrh2.Ta, ie Tuesiay ëvcnng about nine 'clock' a littie live i'ear-old Gypsy ras toufidmSpigelMrh8. hâa v.o WVbst was tbe resson? Wbom did lnsalied on time ground et fumnes mile "dri'" zone will flot be createdr Ihey eixpecI e to M7 Tuesiai' y hi' eriff ElvIn J. Grifflu. about the United States Naval Train. TV..famli'usilu dffeentrouus Smerif rifbn bi ben ali Iaing Station at Great Lakes this year The ail as a difernt roms Shehf Giffi ha bee c wled o msrengly forecatd hers todzy lu theha alse. Th,'y iteard an auto Gumnes te drive thme nomads of lme he n h taewdepoibto bb approachîn". liien sâ the ligimîs. rond froll the village. Several con- was defeaed in the house by a votea Nohodi ti'oaîght mm'r'h or the malter Plaints bcd been iodged with the aber- cf 80 to 68. until tItis mornifle. llowever, bast as Il? because of thme preseuce o! the ,. the car ras oppoite the bouse Mr. Gypsi' band, but rimen be arrived lun "Johin Barîsycoro" thun succurnbed Buke beari a noise an If lbe coai fumne, h. dîscoverpi that s farm ownu-ai the bauds of the piumhm.d knight of bad dmoppm d lu lime stoye and lie met- er bad given the Gypsi' leader per- the "wets;" and Illinois in 1918 wiIl nota tiuned the tact. mIsion 10 camp on bis Iand. vote on state-wIde prohibition, as bai Thltt morning n wasdia,-_-ed 'l'he poour 1111e feîîow ras lu a M'en plannedi iy lthe dri's."c thal a hulet bal passeai througb .ie moat depiorabie coffditlors." sai Sier- Bearing the senate's indorsemprnt. winiow snd storm win<low andi flat- iff Griffin. "*H. was lu neei of mmii- lime referendum bill came up ln the,' tened illeif £6aipet therail. belus cal attention andi bis father explained bouse on tibrd reading. If the *"drys" fcuo lti loor Iodai'. There ram bis son wons uffering tram rbeuma- ba<d woneuIl rould have heen sent to no lgiI l lb rom u qeston ultism. The i'ouugater lai' rolici lu lie govornor "for Mls signature aud the hîrei man was lit the ajolulue blaniets ou the dsmp and ssoggy would bave become effective badlie' rom bee lah rs urln.1h gronni atturney general founn the mékaaurej question laq, aid the aulolat tri' tu ire Thîs s tibe rsIapiarance of <7H> conîulnavdr . mie the room miere the light was aise ln Laks counli' Ibis sprlug. Tbey Wornen wouid bave been permitted burning srilve e from lbe soutb-presum- to vole on the question if lthe billbi ahi' from Chicago, and numbered 356i p5551'.i Since tbey began their Iravels tbey Nelîber aide waq confident of vic- 'WE HAVE NOT CON bhave acquired 15 homaes sud appeau tory before lime vole ralitaien. hm t eeta uh. rup lwth monsi'. as Curran, "net" lendOr, clalmed 85 SIDEFU URTIERThey declare they wll arrive llimtevotes asoit ta aparemt i at bo con- SIDE ED URTH R Dkot»befre JlY.butSheif Grif. trolsid 80, for thal number voted 9 fin'. prediction la liaI Ibeir progresa againsî lime bill.i PRO ING ST TE yllishacmi y hitme baud of death The 'imrys' lost lb ree votes tbrougb _________nIiil a phaysician la sununonsi 10 aI- sicinensansoidealb of legislatora. tend the ive-ysar-old chili rbo sleeps The "wet" bers late Ibis attemnoon Asbistant Attorney General De- ou lb. grouni. claimei tbey have perfected au orgaul.' clares No Further Action Will The Gypajea were driven out of ail zation sud tiat 9me vote on ail ";dry", Se Taken in Welch Case. the nomlb aboe cilles sud declaus tbey msurabrog p nil l ind them ou wre fomccd 10 pitcb their camp t. ai1 îog give thetir horses soi mules a much If ibis ln a f$cI the five-mile "dry" GOLDBERG MAKES THREATS. nemisai rest. zone bill whlcic Senstor R. B. Swift He Itirate Jutic, I anUn.lftLibetryvillmc Introduced la doomed heard cf Thing in ULke Co. TJEY AL<L ftINEW tThe "i rs onthe timer baud. an- -Is Losing Friends. nnr~ UUA! ounced Vl( 111n put thmogb ail oth- "if i can catch hlqc' once upon th.e UIJLDLI.U Al e dr" eaura o l lmehow hip, 1 will feed fat the ncoient 1T~Ii?5- grudgs i bear hlm." Shylock ln WAS àuIfhlTEENOUCII plgliII. acm2.Dbt Shakspeae's Mercant f VU. lsa tutlg wild on the suate prohibi- Shakepear'* "erchat ofVonlion reftOrendumnbill ln the bouse. ice." - - 1..4 .. - _- -,_. -A- "I i.A . : , .tif( rr..i wilb the At- tome,'.,t-.erai on the' action taken hi' the- Lakie county grand jury; We Green Lawyer Wins Case Years Ago When Jury Admitted 'Knowing'_Geldberg. naesnet consereo rurtner action A local attorney aIt tse court hoUs ln the malter," saii James H. Wiiier- . 'uesday afternoon In taliing about an sou, assistant te Attorney' General 'incident tial bai baPPened Iin the' Bruniage. in spekilng witim a Sun re- local court about 1895 In wblchImsaac porter over the long distance rireà Goldberg ras lime defendant. Ibis moruing. His recoleectten ras that a i'oung This mucb la inoro There lant . anyer uamed Lathrop wbo later be- a lhing Ibat Isaac Goldhsrg nouldn't caune a juige lu Chicago, aPpeared lu do tu sîsi' lie wbeeis of Justice sud Wýuiegan as lIme attorney' for a cer- thus prevent tl an fromn taklng its tain client, Goldberg belng the defeni. course in lime case of lb. People of &ent. There ras but about su boum time State va. Pbllip Glibere. Ithe lefI hefere Juige Donneîly' bai te, money leniers. sou ebo le unier in- leave te catch bis train and ie heiatl dieîment on a perjur' as relI as on ed on starting the case. Attorney an Illegal liquor sale charge. Latimmop, honever, dii not ranIta you tel me iaI caunot gel jus- return tb Waukegau again sud urged tire. Non I bebeve it." sali Goîdberg lte court ta taie lime case up, explalu- af er lime grand jury had reporteditis ¼ng he helisved Il could be filulbed indilg on 'ruesiai'. Goldherg was rithin the heur. aitliug Inlime sutlrûOum ai lb. court Juige Donaeli' agreed t let thêem bouse nimen be made the statmet.tri' Il. se a jury ras quicili' calsai. He ras tliing.wilh a Highland ar The 12 men took Ibeir seats lu tIme jury man. box sud the malter et examiulng the The Iligiland Pafsý man diiinult jury mas started. tell Goiiberg liaI he couldn't gel Mr. Lathrop put Ibis question 10 justice In Laie ceuni', bul 1be dii lime jury. "Hor mani' men lu the panel tell1 hlim aI ne grand Jury wouli i nor Isaac GolibergI" Indiet James G. Weacim or soi' other ImmediatelyI' l bauds abat up Itb te Offelal on evidence nhicb b. niuid >the air. (coulai net( preîuýe. Wtî1hout turtimer questlonîng or nltim. l'h o pinion of mon nbo Inon lime 1eut angther nord, te lie jury, Mr. lualde facto lu the Goldherg caseIo1 Laîhrop turuod te tb. judgeasud aad: tbis:-. "W. nil accept the entîre jury.. Pcoldh.rg vmt -»f a ecalapaw n 1luàlu her nords, b. vasn mil& te lt lb 'bauds af othors.. fie ras fightlng bis case rest bIn he bandastOf Il meni te OU hl, mois.,Ho lest. Non be wISba dmlttod lici' mn O oldherg. 4 ~! lUI1- jP.8. Mr. Lathrop von the came 01 on et Eliott sud 0. P. Tutle et Har- ce riaburg, who are L, a Gallaries Packmd for Big Fight.Ic The gallerles wre packed as Ibsi'RI bail flot- hedmbefore dorme the ses-' aion, the "d'ry." champions outnumber- l lug lime "nets" tro 10 eone. t Il took ten m5uutoa te reai lime blill. F'erinand A. Gareache of Madison,. a.J»eocrstic "wet." ras lime liraI lte obt.ain recognition sud thme debate ras on1. Mr. Ggmenebe argus limaI lime; saloon questIon la flot su econumlc or moral one. "The tact limaI a saloon ,exista ln s certain localilyIR lnelt asu evaslon ,of lIme rlgkta of auti'oee," sald 1 Mfr. Gascme. eg te sa lal prin-, cIpI., of home, 1%1é-ta = tlat lias lorushIpa that h*Vàbissuveted 'dry'8 simallvote thé, aalôons M ai cferritor' non ,'wet.' Thme neferepdniiion tIsh Issue strikes at our per*oMal liberties f sud the very foundatlen of Our goveru- meut" Garsche enisi hi' llieuing te Judasc the leglaaor nimo ras ilected as s "rer but ceho voted for the bll.e jThomnas E. t1yon o! Springfield,. leader1 efthLie "irys" ounlimeflber. follored 1 1Garescme alter appiauso frem thea "reta" blimte galiaries. Mr. Lyon play'-' mi strongli' on thme referendum tea-t lure. "Dry" Leader Answerm Qareache. 1"'The big ligml bers Iodai'. If timers la a ligmt." sai Mr. Lyon, "in ta give2 the people a migimt t0 settle Ibis ques- tion hi' Ibeir vote. Whal propositiont can h. tsIrem' The votera undorstand1 this isUsue and -t bey are Comnjelent te, decide IL Il la our dat' tebaud baci te lbem thme rigbt te setle Il. This bas been a vital question of interest 10 aIl lime people of the stale duriu aIll Thme" appiause limaI greetod Mr. Lyan, h.wred lime galieries rer.eaaili cou-1 *.trold he " s Passage, today. The Urne bad been1 William H. Dleterich of Beardstown, divIdedý equally between friends and la Democratlc "wet." foiiowed My' Lyon. ofoes oq this big Issue. The oratorîcal Trujman A. Snell of Carlinvilie. aý batterIL~ have been working for close 1Democra'lc ':dry." 100k exception to to thriee hours. The "wets" were co. Garesches deciaration that the. liquor Mienti they wouid stop the bil. The question la flot a formai issue. geneiksi Mllet was that the "drysý" Sidney Lyon of Chicago spolie and 77 were needed by thsm. Two!who are pushing it desire absolutei votes e wre absent, W. A. Camer-, prohibition. NAVAL STATION R~ADIO DIScO ERS NFÂRY I TRIF NOT À CASE 0F DISEASE SPRI> INCi iERMS FOUND Se ret Wireless Fund at El- Since Filtration Plant Went in gin Interfering With Opera- at Great Lakes, Water Has tien of Great Lakes. . Been Found Perfect., R',ev. Hans Jacohi'. pastur of a large Capt. Moffett et the Naval Train. Ge-rýnan chumcb ai EnIgin, ras question- ing stations ras tb bave lokin te m si ýi' secret service operalives Tues- Lake fBluff Wornen's Club Tuesday day, folloring lime dîseever' of s pen- afternoon. but hecauee he la ýo huai' erful Ywlreless plant uer bis beome. be was unable te 1w there andaIn bis 2tdr meeki operatîves of the GYeat place h. sent Mr. i'eaas. chiet engt. Laktps Naval Station wirelesbave user of the rater noria aystem. Mr. isear» a mysterlous "voce-a spari Pease gave a ver' interesîing taik that no operator bas been chie 10 10 lbe ladies andI llustratoal bis tl. rcoilx,. bhigving some ver' ins stirioptîcen Latte Tuesdai' nigimî lie palor ras viens of lime navi'. lbe Naval Train. at bom.Ove, il,, elephono h. ex- lng StAtIon. saniother Ihilss. On. presateai coulSuspî, avon rage. lulereuting statemeut made by Mr. ..Il leaail foolsbueis. Tbei' are craz. '.Pese as thal sînce the uer Iliter ,1uebl stuif andi noumenoe." b. expostu- pln bas been inatalled at tise Naval lCtOiý TrIing Station andi&Uil natu I- KI3DDINQ'LICENSE FOUR MILITARY 'DidNot Place Any Obstaoisuin - 1 Path f Atorney Genéral o LIE NuT PRÈJRY IN SCIOLS PLANNE» Jury !,!_Investigatiort.- STATE OF ILLINOIS FOR ETf. SIIERIDAN HE COULD HAVE DUNE SO. -w--State's, Attorney Issues: Formnai Ifficials in Office of Gov. Low- Originaill lad enPand Stt etCo rigD 1 den Settie oc Mooted Point teHI but Three Sc"ios ings With Goldberg. in Waukegan. There This Sumfner. jýý1 . . 1State's Attornei' James 0. Welc's~ eAli WAS CON VICTED HERE. AIL TO BE SENIOR CAMPS. ho:esty and IIII.p'11y heu wthotood 'eter Goldsand Served 10 Days Men Between 45 and 53, In heattep md h'haeOod in Jafl Here and Paid a Fine Addition- te These Between bar, iglanbod p km y»ea Ru .. of $200 and Costs. 18 and 45 AreEligible. lis son. PhthJp Goldbers. alloed pr Jurer and beer *peddler, ta beemireb \Vhe.h,'r or not theiltalting of a Lýocal beadquarters of the Militr' the state's attorney's oharacter bue EaIse oetb in seeuring s marriage Il- Training Camps association, infle.1d.*, cense constîtutes perjuri', bas bae -charge of Wbharton Clay, executive Laie couuty"s fsitb ln "Jim" Welch a mooted question in Waukegsn. One secretari'. recelved notification todai' bas not beau abakenl cse developed bers not ver' long from Maj.,Gen. Thomas H. Bary, Mr. Welcb's political aspirations have been atrengtheued! go ini wbicb a Chicago Y'oung mm1 commanding tbe centraI departmnent At the prenant tîme the people of was found guilti' cf sucb 5an.«Oattenteoftbe United States army, of new Lake county.stand behind James G. In the counti' court biers. waisoBn- tenced ta serve ten days In thb.cou- dates selectcd for tbe holding of mil. Welch in lpuited forai, and the one m«7 y jai sol psy a ins of $200 and ltary training camps Ibis entamer. beard on ie streets today le: c051., amounting lik al ta $244.10. The nsw plans for trainingicmps "Jim, w. are wlth yen. Punialh Iom rbe young man served tbe sentence lntedd to cae the scpe of the wbo through greed snd seftb»u and pald tbhe line. Hisename w&sainnsr rutaotb h tried ta 'st yi' sa 5 that the7 eouli Peter Goldsand. wr rub aoth'tedictais ithe polîcies 0f the stat@'a et- war crisis. qnysofc. Mers le wbat a di3patch ta the Sun Originalli' there were ta have been Netli'ofice." sayol witb regard bIo he makiig of threcamps ai Fort lSheridan. but teId o r. wec makl auwhet- a faisoath when a«imarriage Ieense under the new echedule thers are temj ta fr Sud ths brng te b aus .sbtgtken out. ta b. tour. Thesewill b. as folowa: teIvalaino i Springfild. Ill., March. 29-You ,.lune 2 to Joli'1., caent c'unmtt periury In Illinois lu Juti' 7 ta Aug. 6M.Wlhdl ltpae u bt* swearing ta your age ta obtaîn a Aus. Il ta sept. 9. M.Wlbddatja i btoe marriage license. This was deeided sept. 15 ta Oct. 14. la the. path of th0e. Who ws R. us hi' the officiais oé the Governor'. of- lnetead of one camnp, Ibere will lie ductiusthlb.isveatUgeton. fice todai' atter apending a day In twq ai Fort Sneiiing. Mina., the tire The pausiimontous monsY.Iendsr dl looking Up marriage laws ta deter- tu be train Juli' 7 ta Aus. 5. Highland Pari mey bave, bea abie mine whetber EarI anld Mary Spsn. tIers will bbe two at Fort Rfley, ta buy immunily for hi. sou lu elh.r cer, now In Indiana. could bie brougit Nus. bstween Sept. 15 and Oct. 14. yem.'s but James 0. Weleh-ahei psh tbe perjuri' charge made egainat Pii bac 1 Iisstas o nser prjri jAIl of the foregoing are to hes. on- erg by1h. Mareh grand Jury. charge. It was dlacovered that In ter camps for msn betweeu the mses The Godbergs ot Highland Past 1907 the marriage lawa. had heen of 18 and 4.- years. Under thée be î .focdtewlktsmaa~ amended 1a maie falsification of age order. however, special autborlty 0f sud lar ro tp athlkteaiiM a midemenoronly .1 rco a sppa lu'afutur. 558qua s misdeoeanor oli'theodeparîment commander wtll I- od i.ullledi Ib hedirty heMd et GDidsand hrougbt a young woman 10w training of men between the aZen crime. lase cG4tidberg hb ain iil- to Waukegan tromn Chicago a year of 45 and 55. peacbed. C. T. Heydecker. a former ago andInl taking out the marriage The junior camps for boys br -sîate'satatorfiey. la one of thoee vhS license swore that he wss 21 yeere tween the ages of 14 and 18 yeers Impeacbed Goldberg. old. As à malter of tact bie was but wIll h. as foilowe: . PmlpGlbr e are SM 20 years oid. this tact coming out Fort BenJamin Harrison,. md.. fIrat illegal business lu Highland PM* f«r acteraI monthe Inter when he at- camp. June 30 to Juiy 29, snd a sec- years. The record of thuee Io MMn lempisi ta have bis marriage annui- ond froM Aug. 4 ta Sept. 2. wiiî bear investigation. led ounlthe grounds that hie was not PFort D. A. Russel, Wyo.. one camp, WELCH ISSUES STATEMEtIT. or age at the time and that bis wlfe July 7 ta Ans. 5. Ourng the tini. that th.eohm"~s exerted a hypuotic Inuence over hlm. Port DesMinïes, Iowa, firat camfp wor@ pSnding ibegiathlm -in: s The wife took the matter Up wltb June 30 to July 29, and second campi grand jury lnvotîgated the reo"wsi the etates atorney of Lake county frOID Ans. 4 ta Sept 2. daim. of lim oQodhap'g oe iluais and an information was flied ag4inst PXrk, James Walch, att-iM ataý Godad h l&wgprent lIn f 3E E .Ne ak est' court durlng the triai but Walas uo 6UjU V alW*«lant. LkNo"wmtht ilasbailUd ailowed ta testifi' because of lber re. 1P O giu y h'the grand jury. *Ir. Wule hM latonsIp.W AITSI O rIÇM ibrokop hie silence and buas lusUsd WViether or not Goldsand bas ani' thîs formel statement, explaisiing &li redregsas a resuit of the dlscovery the detaili of hlem reaions t wlth made hi' officiaIs in the office of the 1AÀb aeCramer of ('ramer & Wli- Isue Qldb.rg, ns follows1 governor remains t10 h nt. nuii, cf Chicago, wbo *ervt ,hoWauiegan Ilîlinois, March 8. 1917. navi' under ten rear &difr»é@, la TO) THIC PEOPLE 0FP LAKE COUN- FAMOUS HOLSTEIN COW DEAD. anious ta ight for the stmr and TY: Appleton. Wla., Marcb 28.-Pauline stripes again despîte tihe tact lImaIlie Since I arn a public officiai of,Lake 1 Paul Parîhense. the worid's champion 1 le 60 years oid.c Holstein cow, owned by R. J. Schaeferl Mr. Cramer Tuedai' volunleoeai ounti' and conaequsully thq h.lred of Ciayton. Oulagamîs counti', ls dead.1 ta Capt. MoffettI.10fGreat Lervanto eil s peopl teat. A post mariera showed tht a dam-n Training station, for a commission In 1 B eunI' sud1 10 i rihedpeple o lng needie had pier.ýed the heurt. Mr. thse naval reserve force as lieutenant mis a ublicandtaemu a 1bli, . Scbaefer refused soi' amount for the commander..mair agpub.lie atintet"sie e cow. as she wassconsldered Invaluable 111 wlsh t0 doesoi' tbing 1 can ta peduing tagailme tas carpublic OB for breeding purposea. Two yuarn ago serre my country and navy." wrote ciel, aud ubile thomo, charges, vie the animai gave 2,000 pondeof bht Cramer. "I expressli' destre Do ar.beiu'g Investîgaedinl our circuIt court ter. She was 13 yesrs old and won but If Ibis la obligatory T will devot yte rIsuy fti oltf every prize for whlch she bad bieau the arne ta the familles et, unfortu- bw h rn uy0 bscrat.i entered for saime yesrs. teewatrg"@a my dut'.s a public officiel, le ______________ lat ofices."refrain frein maiing any atatout ONCE DIVORCED, NOW RSWEP btvr btnwla Ih 1 ut Roaweli C. Kelth, aged 51, orf Sel. In a letter ta Rociford relatives. fuli' eeo urted on an tI eieeW videre, andi Irace M. Keith, aged $8, Mrs. Arthur H. Frost wrltes tafro eonrtdona ne8IMM of Rockford. 100k out a marriage Il- Loi Angeles that bier busband. Judgý hi' the grand Jury. I deaire ta lot thui ceuse In Waulcegan Iodai'. They ad. A. H. Prost of Rociford. hem îmn- peOpIe Qf Ibis counti 'k'nbw tIh e . mittei thst Ibsi' have baea dlvorced proved gresîlyI n bealtb during the Ir ont ar ariem t rts m me. train eacb other, the date et the de. %tir vee s»aoura on tbe coast and u nlrumnirn e cree belng Februari' 14. 1916. nIll be borne April 15. The îoîîerr Bariy In Dec5mber laut lu lth t continues that the Judge felllheus-0of a civil case. lsato Guldberg çt tered tbrough that system, there ftt.d hi' the climat. upen his ar- Hilghland Park.,nwu a nitnega. Up te haso't been one Instance round vjiere rival lu California but sh<rIly &fier- Ibis imne wIh d ne ic W b bit ani' of lthe water bas showu ani' dis. nard ha overdid sud was persuadedai ofucouc e wlh lcaseGldbur. lah esas. breeding germs. This %sasmsut ta taie a week'e reit lu s heepitai.ý. C ous . e n hm asai . le-b by Mr. Pease le ver' hnpQrtant sand This t,'ealmsnt gave hlm blm oldtii0 ti ssa r1atool shouli be cousidered hi' Waukegau strengtt sud litsewan remari that opencourt. vs .4.hi'ti. qes bit attorney' on 8h.e ufi eand vi' people wbo eaIlisinie a re talkilieb. ne*'feeling fnl" ludicates liecou- &it f hewtia"11104Ü b no mncb about fltration. If that kt,,, Otion 0k bis bealts. 'Wienhi licOoeog . g of a change eau hie branight about et -gvnb * fl r- ýe elle Naval, Traitigi^tatlon Il coulal The Western Union Télesmoh. Corn- 8h. pisiawlfi v 1i 090180l he duphîcalei tWe~nl u etl'luNv ortTua a 1 the, filter plant waseInst he e.that h.inoma May' 1, pmaa4 »y adproÏeriy h0. r Jd:qdh P( i ,ed, L IB 1. È LAKE'COUNTY, INDEPI 1

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