Liai. Coum n&deent- IN WA vou evidently have lied eiiouigh, se, êiey'Ve clianed ff-;tc Tir EEàlr 3dçtormi»n.La*e Oounty. cWorM. mQrO ptoý itt ear rrvilgsofi mT Z aconvention of the Wood e Vievaad Eal#fDeyi-barely waakeg caIe irýhanl this arternoni L ge~W*cnaU. t' clcf od rapreetatifl1n ing~.~< mui1u~1g ,ag 8,~ ~Ld' coI bg brIatient ftol air xparts et the~ U 9~ É tl~t4~D5b~ ~28'Y#IM1L Th delegatefi' main purpose waq, ~~IO W O* e~fr ttr 41 U517T là,elect -delÉfttes ta the' eute cOu-I th~MWs I*18gfS fi" drù3k4oe8 maoeeffta4 ,wlib I»jurynJej~ter elc dêlf, tjuhips wenit*dy. 'hé nUrOW-eilft5 1O* gates totixé neatigcnimtioft. i <okap A dz*inBde f4M n had been vîaned to have a -uit-î tI~oWl ' delegâftes, bût because of the death. pt Veaerablq Consul Crabtree'e' the IIYfAflDhi~Y UnotieIi plan w»e abandofled. 1T#T W 0. T. HeydeMr 'Was leeted 'chair-! V»119>. I man of tbeuetWtland mlC. U WhIyte, (VIL ~P J . secretary. Comnittee on credentiae -'$bc rach landered cabbep, Mi10lr, -Libertyitlev- Wbyte. Wanke- serkraut. Stmlt hver gan; Grady, Highwood. ôneetmh w t4 ng pio The delegates to tate camp, Deca- là"e»Ixa l nd f tir, Nay 2, are: tfroubMl~pkI* f C. T. Heydecker, Wauikegau; Wil-ý ù lm aatn, aternat.. -~w'qoeàdht ,rJamen Mack; Libertyvife; W. El. Miller, alternate. Qdtteib Schaffer, Lake Forent, Wil-j We Uma Pepper, aternate. 3533 err dshw roia 0. A. Howard, Round Lake, W- .' -R endee, alternate. si h à -Sixty-four were present at the aiset-. i lavasOct eweXu iW *0: Ing. these towns beng repreeented. Be; M ýAntioch, Derfield, Oamnee, H!lgfr ma foraew weea wood, Ivanhoe, La'<e Forest, Lake VII.1 hiers in no resson wbyt U*K la, Libertyville, PrairieView. Round, '9~~~II u~~O ~ spUin% womnaa should flot live tc 1 Ilaite Russell, Wadsworth, Wauka-ý et, I iUe Wl»dM h c sIw rs.Ti nRieeSoiin, Highland Park, North ChIcgo,ý kidus-Ys, caun hs~l Ue pofleonosne c c4mIqffl e lgleaide. tu tu have Pains iW *àSàb4014 Th, - xt county convention will lbc ays be ft or hld at Libertyville In 1920. At the cures the canS of kid38ly Be çoclusion of the meeting the del,- ;Il a er n isa ma g ater ourned to the Barrison the- ria lipackage. Ington hlotel'tonilght. w k4%~~~W'K T own Ô 3' r, èU. JUSTICESa PEACE C~ONSTABLES T -i ST gw oc o 2z >0 W W MB 1 si~ 711 sa1 861 381 -7 7 PI 2~ 57 i i S42157 511 34J 181148 ill toi" OM I 814614 371MOI 0 ~I l 11071 f8131614 I PM 191 - * - HIROUGli exnsive cdeal- wihour.regular Manufacturers weg eûat luseats tractivenes sfale flo a9n cncr8 lwbe- pi'ic astles in W. stI ar aclasyilvs Th - toc n s M mIli.oh ovelties to the plain bied tnnid New, Mockt for,, Meln and Young Men -Lu'ht and dark tfOrius, in belted, sack aud¾~k11ko.,i Double mm.,gl brmsted modela. > Bvery sait wê gumite -valuiie that has ever beet OfteM'd alimein tactiontl gizea. New Trezxch dgrpç e B~c Tp oats, $8 &%0 P , 1 *" " l - At the Globe ^- .t. t - . I - ~ . - . --~.. 'j w""," K7-- -I l -ý s Sh»v r t Q »wm ~ ê~, -'~ ~ 4v .TI I.. ... voti IAND ONLV pRobi Tif ag 4'i g *BI -s A- WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS.UM P W4.«-- i -'n ~~8%~~ple orse 5,000 Scenes- AND- OF 25 Three Days, Cominencmg, M~rtinèé Fttd~y and ~Saturd~ Night~ ai 8:15 e 5$ Im ý7 7 7 _ Irche~r iy at 21 w4m> m .i ý *4" >9 mbtplq