r-r ~ ~rs. fib, ~46~i ' ~ iir t~-tir, Ptseost f utcrc.on USE ALL98 ffO4A$Et red Tuesdjy et the Leiby home ln **~ T of the, bulding, but ch -r-osa pi a in: en ~Iytw.îc~ Zton Cty. ,2712d r» 't - Yg. s,~. ou. UIL3raitler, as long ause l T!ani Lake "Deat fro natual cnnes, wascouety, Warren towuabip a, ir home s,,4?a«%stBge, . pent@et tm. S) te-vrdit stev.d-t a I~qiee in IEY! PUIfdII C4esspots. JIt the thi1 m slue lgf r:ý the erill Iu "Llt hAFULea ln-she vill pay tm-thirdc îw ¶ hp coit bLater b an.5d -. Irs.kitiei <Ntr Zion CIp thi momie ta inuire ito IJINl or Maintenance aofte shi-l. Mrs. bt.ruê.mGcqb.-i.bo, the cause et tise death of EmocisLeld. sS s atsewmt Y. Y-<ijn.~~ E. Nathiht vsas.li atdlé orkedl hewàlhe oýip _ __of___Ad_ EN a Ainflboi0flîh Brgtatd1seat.He al wasd e tO Onel4undred land Twenty-five tbf' township. ln tact. li -el'l land fflrklToit f D thje lace !actarY il».tua a ear ago. The Vote for ImprQl Ment with ftwo thirds Ihat of ail th- i. el tneieýitiýýquil y. 73 W= ente of thse townlship, ai-!,or millions Inquet wo*Oee*T-boafflh-badS wil siblipyte soney wtirl- çil go nelhd u~a IIiLlUâC o~towards educating tbe cohîlij 1or SEPARATE MINTENANCE Teriy th't to ' vers '- .MRS. SgARS TO PAY COST tom 14 ta 19p yars of age ln Ibai tured et tbe- it0l'çlTMinid«tD*ti5Wtonhp Husband, a 8usrness Man, tatSalurday 1a muet enphatically de- Developes thet 'Wideo-f Late The township higli selioci no douhlt Zo Plans to Fight the Suit, nled btt«ao i ofsîs theis.statjlun. il -oart Se s WÎIIPay wil' lie erected ln Ournîe, andl the. Aocodingto dvics. as sald that a syp> with a competse TbWo-hrs0 i ot building vill stond fullY sevpn miles map showing tbe location of buildings fotMs er'hm, iihl Wau »San, April 3. a th@ tatton 'vas taken, bu that bis Warren township wiii buid and soutbw est of . Ge's Lake. lncompatibillty ia lbe ground upon conmrade escaped. Il la admitted. how- ma Intaîn a township lgb school with-b ;- - Which "lfi Elsa Anna Hudol la sees- ever, that one guard fired a shat st is Dutles of Amaieur Nurse. îng separate maintenance tram her awn sbadow recently and that another lin the next year. aeiOA mairbepr irr guard abot a dog. Mistaking the animai T199 pOaPle of the township tý Imesrl ptfhoce hbesband, Waldimer A. Huboi, scr- esc esa ead -ju i ttuy and heavy et 'kholecr te for a creepîng enemy. o8 this proposition lesterday and the oena's itk erust aepnds u-uî le ai Werre-MeYer department stoeae d of themer> asenlesain ems si-rîu~sae~îîôîthe face Uat bande over Ti, het. Sick Ilnd cirui cort %day. 8hfilat! e !iemhnc nthe employ MFR THE HTGH SCHOOL-125. eYsread ibeir hople or in athe D A I bil incirui cort ôday.sheinofthie American, Steel &Wire Com- AGAIDUT 1110H SCHOOL-73. aseYcs that galles doan t titir. uandl the DR pany et Waukegan. hian beeuproinot- Tise Impravenient proposition w amltateur nurse muet learut o4, be êet- rWeseutt 1by lhlioY George Phl- ed tolbthe ic. <of Assistant super- carieTd ly 62 vot«s. uistili, lfib-ni' tipaitiful nridicine 14M .of HllWi ark. Intendant ,o the De Kaib (111.) mis. Strange as l may souad. Mfrs. Annasle taiton.,nd mont be eiwaYs a brtftg- D 1113 Mr.Habl charte aleged specille A verdict shavinz that A. Wîe of Sea.. vldow of fie late Richard or of pence lm .d hope to i'th uferer. Potos onrWsigo n actoli;o cruelty on the Dart aorlber Zion City dled of arganec hert diseale Sean. vbho vas president of Scarst ca.GmeêSfit httsurîdsnd sseta ta tey an asreturned bir the caroner's jury. Raebuck & Company durnug th" ui .~nui-Of Our' rn-i -Iportant Oe udy1 a1 .M nt bu n a al ft e abus mtolierWloe died auddeniy at bits bore ne leatser part of bis te. wlli pay two- pr.tîi.isa't Il?" ' Of îîr.e""And OPN VE IG -btasbrsit a he r ncompatmi, ZionprMay marning. thirds of the cost af the Improve- rer il ls uil ai nînor.lnlutry." PN19E IG aribe. Gryla van partly destrayed b>' a Sichargesasibat ber busband lire FriftSaaternoon. 'Th bisne la Partment soeat Higbland Pr mipatr tk@bueM icosl, aéahe l.court tan an order retrain- ia belleved, b>' esitd aletrie lWiret. luig ber buBband tramn asaigning or Mr. Fouln inl coeected wilh a mik dispoxing ot bis Inteneit ini the con- codnsiq&gplant ini grayalaise. Hubo ha livd l Hlghlmt -arkWsà,aa. rmeri>' Min.- Mînnie tGalla, 4 a number of yeaars andlains 01 lise user c!Ibtis cty. la iting !rlends bot keave resldenta 11ee,. P»gtaalM relattvee bêe-.$ho ie lectà ta are ta the effect tbat h ps=ntu c. rettlmhiborne about May lai. 1tois e bll 8usd b>'bis vite and vuà ise S$ua' fond oran artiiciai ddsvor tu show that the chargdsaiS er Ills Brtia Heidprn la gro*- . iOde b>' ho se vitho oqa d$a iu<. every 4ay, Forty-two dolla2r, R m rL b è e t !Ta seans. ai thse proiulnenteeot bé jeree gla and Mr. 3olin Lands encli c4 ouplette iisîtel a veS t hte n auda.ATen'yearm aàgo before the aSbuîes ome 0tremendouslY ___no ______tâternt. er 1 tu le lie coonStu ' are A -there were about ten rubber fac Je the United States doing business XendtgIn oleyc> and are requesîîug inl a limitssd way. That was befo, r wits sucb a big demand for rubber I11 eh.donations bel naSe Fron a tires and tubes. Thoise varioÙi«'ý * es required addit.ional capital with Y ' frimd."which to operate- and accordingly fiock. WaukeganlZoo" s ê A warrant>' deed tron Caherine Adten'udel-he ,Iuib1 bsnsssredt hefot - -Ilfemeff e t.W S. Keltb for tise Diet- Adtesdel-h uîàbl uiessre otefot ..... curer baidine an Madisotàalrea.iWvia ese rubber factories became iswampé4 wîth orders. Mr. Sph Om« hl ou -iet- filet! for record lit Saturda>' alter- The factories were ail worked oontinuouly-their output was iincreased UtsJoipi Bluerba pee.Ustudo. iThe deal vas aegotiated b>' R. a thonsand told. - tu @pend th.Zeter vacation vltli ber l, Um» - You ean luidcrstand the rest. , People 'tvliu;ad invested as lîttile as $100 Min. Warrn. -vho ltsatteanding lie -lobns- rebene. aged 75. af Tentis Cathouec tnlvwms1y !Aeia Shl>ateon fond then-lselves wealthv. People wboIlad iîsted $1,000 bccam-e independ- Washington, D. C. TIm Goîdberg af Highland Pariî ently wealthy. Ilre is a correct statemnent of the rettîrts four rubber eomi- V red Pamer vbo COSOucts abernonsté éW" W& gan visiter Ioliay. Shurt- paîîles produced foir $100 investors: shap an South Oen" atr sUee Ili ~ hé wvaseaen coning o$0utgnfl netdi Goro ae...$8000 et bis hante le the Sauter building. af Former State'a ArtorneV Dadly's of- $100 originll Inesein GF isk Mae........$8000 Ne hbattuee111iiforn 'eratweeks and fi eus. DeS>' and hie forner as-é $100 origiaulfl vuastedinFi od1 ...........12,40000 hila condition nov gbaScam. quta listant. Mn. Runyard. accompanylea $100 oriifil iyt qcln Goodym nW .. ....... 26,00.00 cnitesi - -- -hlm$100 O1GINAI4, iUVSTCeÙ( l IINLAP MADE 50,000.00 John Heerey oa, Laise Fneet. voi William Searles. aged 60, vas ad- k twninWauisegianij 0ed m MU 4edlausas e dordered coanttîeî Wh4 hotdIle na>m court *,ontorniiLakeNoebe he-Th1 m4irI ies rY Offers Today! Fareourt -nterment lntit. Lat eoplacerlehhéewere 1,400,0«W new automobls oddurîîîg 1916-it is estimatcd Caivany eenetery, Chrcago. , uerda ,ok !paayssan i experts that there wil be 1,500,000 new Cars sold during 1917-there are paralysie nov ba. attacked lits brain. Waukelan May Iil b ttai -datte He came to the Lake County General 4,000,000 automobile owners in this country lloday. Each car uses six rubber * nos@ al i a. D m -âr Pagrce Hospital tronm Lake Zurich. tires and cîglit rubber tubes a year (conservatîve figures)- - totaling 56,000,00 puts tntu offet a iaua-wtzieish 1la itle-ta lthe praperty ait thenertis- or inître, rubbertires, and tubes bought each jr ear. And this is only one branch * ceusldering et the 1giebshi-me. He suit orner-o! Count>' and Madison of the rubber bainess! Rubber factories also make rubber footwear, rubber ha aisoceSD p tisé malter aud îha& streets passed rtrmMedore Ingalla hose, rubber clothmng andhundreds of other articles for home, factory and of- tound that tbe citei i npaid leeti.tu 'ÇW. S. Rali aun Tuesdair. The eoft' fiee. The rubber factories are ail doing a capàcity business-and they are only litht bill amounti 10 about $30.000. ideration la given'as $1, but Il la snd instead of b.iag iduced l 1% v tdisod iaI1horaetyba4l supplying 657oof the demand. i 'lh. il> tatser WOm tuiS 10 DU.els le a te prded tyokt bP Ing larger ail tibis' hime.-T m e I rb it ater &*izd-W ub r.Kit l nddd to lth epcalé The G M Opportunity of the Genoatfo. mt the question ai a iftiran plant acter o! lheisimptnvement bo wll l tise votera aI the regulàr sprlng mas nie rmss hî opn hsisonplant, machinery and full equipmcnt. It pos- evolcto.seuretion ÎIbaloe itht John Calanhan, former cil>' police-. sesses tw-o very valuable formulas.- one for making a rubber substitute -the cit>' pollUe. i nd tbereisy Seteatéd. Il man. hbas enlisted ln the naval ro- other for îeclaiming rubber (using the rubber ini old tires, boots, hose, etc., and tiera la Sevelaped a sentmntfrul, serves and pasai bis examination rnaking it just as durable and efficient as new rubbcr). The executives are tbey plan ta caîl a special esIection teda>' at the-trSinlng station s a pt men o many yea.rs inte ube usnsste are reutbl 1h tanding some tibe Inter. SThe -xivers àmorre v avia te r«îîg business rmen- they have put their " al" in thi4 projeet. Everyonc associated amount of mone>' being expeaded v car being useS b>' the authorities ai' wïth this proposition is enthusiastic-thcy ca4 sec its possibilitits. WV w'ant eri' yftr!n dbclo bils,nuse airea the satioan,-- to send you ail the facts-and show you just why they are so enthusiastie! The * -ages batt because of lciseesse.h . ' uefflstel politicai candidates, coupon below wiil bring you ail the particulars-read the naines ofdthe respect- temere mater aof 000 for filt&lua- i"oftise K. of! -hae en- cd businesas men helow-let tliat convince you that oui plan is a judiclous one- lo s3s salî ln compaisan. nbienced 1h.>' viii bave onee a! tise iouadmaltecpnatne T@b o! tlie Senad s ing ta- tuent bamllîts forM~embena ff anJ4then fl u admi h opna ne kenfutmheb.Intake at North Chicagoa t 6:8»' that ua ever been semied alw bas éMains bobbed up. Tout coré . ien uaeraasvl hi lée -~ ent bas neven mentloned tise stany be- sen hlte'ewua vîctor>', , cu erN aIIufctur1ng Corps cause ho toueS tlher9 ras n» trutS. they're ta furetais dilb.he îas." Tise BOARO Or-blRECtfORB. OFFICERS. lu il. Tlhe' rt>" affcia ts iasthat Sate" ftd'victars 'aré: Mesrs. ,Il. B. AHRENSFIHLD, JOSEPH A. BERGER, tbey kuev ntbing afIli. How th. alan>' Crapa. Bais, Former, Hicksar. National Proauce Ilank oai Chicago. Presideal and Ceaurai Manager. origina"eS a.lot ivn - --'Tlie- Waiegan townasip board CARL SCHNEIDER, E. EDWARD DEAN, Itaer Ceianls ss ben ntr, aitIIaniti eetai, ppo- Banken for years. A8o Préaldent Kenllwortit Treasurer. RoetGewrhb euetr D*ye Wane etn;spo Nursery Company'. W AK tanig is.sstr anIe su- vqpnat'$,O0tacrui epels. tWILLIAM P. SCHAARE, M. D.. Sceay manIlle. Sie lèft 'fr' han bore neitise township. Notilg eisee cane up Staff at Post Craîluate Hospital, PasI DepI. Sur-Scetr Wlscansift Wenffday. '. . gean UnteS Spanisis War Veteraus. CARL SCHNEIDER. Pni«' i dC> Hael !LIISft tri.. .- m. DWARD DEAN, Treas., Vice-Presîdeaî. _____________________________________________E. Edward Dean & Co.. Investmeuts. BANK DEPOSITORIES. ____________JOSEPH A. BERGER, Piu5., Excisange Blank ..................... Gena, 111. General llepresentative ai L. & M. Ruisher Com- National ProSuce Bank .................Chilcago pany'. Formenivl ih te U. S. Rubber Company. Fetrmer@» $talc Bank ................. Genoa, 111. IIOBÊRT B. HUESTIS, Rubber Business for years. G. B. STOTT, W~Ie~ Attorue>'.Genas eoaltubber Mfg. Corp., OTTO W. ZIEBARTH, I Catrcto an Boîde, Drdeor oororsBtild Suite 1100MN, Lake County'a Gr.ateat Store for Wamen and Childron A J/ei- Special Sale Of Womnen'S COATS For Easter Coats That Just CameIn This Morning .Z';,ose From the. Following Prices $6 $I $ q12! $1&~22~$5& $35 EASTER happening@ in merchanise are guided with purposeful dir- ection at ti8 store. THE COATS FROM $6.75 to $12.95 are wonders of beautiful de- signing, cleýver tai lnring anId are shown in flie rieweet (olors and wanted abrics. There are ail l ies to choose froin. FROM $15 to, $22.50 are coats FROM $25 to $30 you, dan se- that represent the greatest lect from handsonie Boliva efforts of America's foremost 1 cloth coate, kashao, burellam fashion experts. Coats of serge, etc. in beax'er, green, taupe poplin, guimburi, leopine hur- and gold witl, yarn embroidery elle etc. Ail colora and navy o1n belle, collars, pockets lu and black. same or contrasting colora. Waukegalm's Greatest Coai Values-iZERE The0 Store 'That Selle Wooltex Easter Sale_511k Dressés., AT SOME VERY SPECIAL PRICES. $5 $8075 $15 ahttd $25 $5 and $8.75 certainly are Ïeasonable prices for si]k dre:ýses ancd< doubtly so for these pretty creations test we hsve priced especial foi, Easter selling. Many have sashes, belte and new collars. Ail colora and sizee ta choose frrm. $15 to $25-at these two Prices and several In he- tweco are the most beautiful dresses ever shown In our store. Four new styles are Plctured above, the left of georgette and crepe meteor $22.50, next one -of taffeta and crepe Is $15, the third Is $18.75 and fourth $25. These are shown In ail colors lncludinq ail colors. SUR liUrts For Easter Values to $7.50 -at$ THIS store la lamous for ft*,G skirts-these values 'are wein.- ders, tere are atripes. plaids,ý pli n colors and poplIns. Slrt i ured at upper rigbt la a $ special AUl sizes, Values to $12.50 -at $11 THE SKIRTS shown in' ppor left and bot om of! iizaIW'tO&l .are oft arreta silks and apecl* iy prired at $110. f'tbdrt* there are dozms, of atisu'ÀtYl lin ann ace orinp wit*114 ' ockets, beits and iE'4h, $ 15