Who Are agit S»ml î; i et ft.. aiNusl~ aieté, ala 40 Il ~bt bu ofl o ul d bUiIw* * . - EFME MA.t e ~~t *0f4 t.44 u f l4 peu, s ,1W «%t4 téa u «li eMOBave sisO ~t W& iV br aoB ýw it*11 other OS fuS tivoteou lis S tai m a îW1 M t job. oat<lé I*b oblhiee aMqi »"ti Î cW0 u paOim e"Ut le» a me mjf. 8t t*té tUB ' * am ~ *à os«W Whiti laasma aipax Pd, 4w n m a i outueai.* lar .t aju Bl m a p i*rttr o*.s enle unefls civi evce, th-r- totvi fa 0Uit-4duu Iy Wwti 815s s ed te thSe »5i.1hi YS-,vaoi t4 * aliglisiit f B? ta the patelsCO laca- ea R I Ià- *«« Ooftlsii111 ot 4AINWP ?U* Nus M d arme poutmih fer 4lmétes l ie'rs. Io tab»teze«b» Uit leiathe Port- Tuadu ca sueattimâl detr lia1110 tu« r os t ace, This mrs t a "cots'u diIiob-neotoudi 41dm 00"tw ing Ibm PouloBoservi. wu 11thsemat*-vue probbislt l4l du os~, the aetry aupte thse hlaleuit .mbult ieyalec 1the ressortla,&L i Poielatcfsatliauh. 1 Itia ot& Ul spOIa nd tho e " o»a .Tbe nier vlW b" prmasu&7-irrAbo55$ultae Wl!.chi loo eil signai atiray aternooz, boomé, lave prolilitadi ablumusts,.of lue * lotbmdeffftv7, hriag btnou ar lbta -dr" téwDéÎsillraiove retas"i ghs eivii mrvici e uole netmalterm ta c-oaea I'dw» iun aouud is "wc la lie sortIe..Diacis oullptlç 00108. Po@stes. os-y sa,» j mo cony- Thse *Ys" bave scOt optiS nU las mué h st thse *,r WU sa isete 5mw.. Thse NIl boa ot lins ,W etb tigique gr h cos ressoily intiOoL UéRadILboase a lite M& iSaliut th" h. o, wwlie ho se or- saiSi'the '5cmtl" caVa atB lie far motier tour yers a et X. 5tiO-5'ltd"-,cY, taoli. sliauhifi.tW »e wm appotated (0 tihepositionai h loo109 wtis tierut liat cr obsly Mie IM W 110 trot casuappoitdly thse A«Flti.9lIOO AISS ariai. » fits ar ere om cm bave oxpiri &bout ti,. MItdor o! 8f el 4 M , t.Mtrh 291--The sest imme bat ae h evia ni. isa* 18104. uiN l effage today Wela phtr a tdeiu icviliseruiceoetadi ioue, i&. Pgt for futher dry Chlem» e 'v»,eaite ta 4aste stiatilssati.eoo Sia'elau se eauxM bavaelu m-ppoweid. W l W te lai- la ftbe- vlesYOMa he ie l of ilbtts«t»rt l a *0 10f **coetrl of lia #A Watthl m thv e li roaiuue aifl 00«a-?sqb>l. $15ble d5 r is district A <Ow ta51mmai ta lis ofect troudsetWlisa oever, eleee otw cas 11*1 1 ttte eue y S lcott *0& thie Uppoltimt htuniot ad uwwm mb fiwaga Cefl.e lq j» aihIét . sirse liaibat boer visaI l ia M-b@-Of het lctatO or lmaietoi1WPbotmsems. Ocady ihocu 1.874 etIoggialsstIOO pêtwpated. b~ lé selm*ou as rat excelleut one. N»e Wd the d leasgue vili At Me liitber civIl ervIce positios.-ote iselu a caaipalsu i ineveny ds- lia ofie 0f pblaauter la rrtaluad ti'lt, vI ati idll refercusce ta for lIt. eM»ashoisteuremoved for C-ol equit7. "ta - ethle logiosik croise, and th i cass hm o dons naly ttre trOln' the cosRUOland dictois abus. a beartisj; bu beeu 11.1.1and It Orthle slled liquor forces of the bas leaslsovu liaitise charges pre- ma." terredsd aalt thse postmnasiger are fPoopso Chot.d, MoBgride fiays. îiifcisutlytrong ta carrant hi re The IdeBrlde tatemtent. after a-'ai coaa. Thse rier provldes that luin otsg euwtadai rolI ou tle state am of thse removal, rerssation on j vIde refrendwa bll aid the house dei of an lacumbeit posînsqstr. actilon viicl sont ail dry bilsin thet tisonsuexasjnuatucu shaili hoe eld tscrap bnp, Continu«e: and tise cadidate visa secures thée "Il daa gratlt gta notetiat the hisbeut -record lu hise. oamuatiou 11l*OWked oalr ten voies t) M49Pa.~l sab h appolnted ta fill thse vacancy. jThbâtbi . his reglterëd a vote of GesNatice Today. Si. arsit 18 la thse sonate, bas dem. Io.strated thst the per.pie of tir'S't Potmaster Grady eceved ofFicial cat the ame. ta express them. notification tramn the postof e depart- e it ste lurq1sin ment thit tise civil service order1 «%voebrhontgtip 0 vth iisgves hlm a- lite-long positor ' idctuioes and dmn ra osiiatrbee aszgnd spie uder dah»u as~~~~~~~ paiuse ee a inala louof tise unitel Itquor Interesti Saturdai by ProMdei Wilson. bave kept 2,000.000 of . oters &Atbli strie of Illinois ftrnt expresslns UI3NRY àM UN IS theusselves os Chia live stt ,u LIET PENITENTIARY -ODupi Shmnîf Gril fin Talks With Man i À D M Who Mrdered a Smali Boy at Wighwood. Henury Amanu se-viai lifaeU* ù. tence nI lie Joliet poneteutti for tise murder o! n gazai boy ai 12gb. Wood La 1910.liq acPUU as 'a *"tC" la lh is on. fHe vue s"Msi 1§u*s B. J. rIffu cen ha oul ta eJoliet Prlday 10 piade 31Muin 8hr42ae, «o- tssed murdener, lsbep4 ffl ams.Tise uherit ba atalk, dli Actai.It vas a Mllte over m mîtyav ai Cat le vas comiitteid oth 11 e testiàry. Amann. Ih ilie moal ed,stual»d La ssalIlboy to dealis and liseSloftiMma ln tise vcods-,after coveht lboa clth leaves. For bissdetosho1e#mai the- bo7 bad bqiged blu te ake lt mie and haolad comled. p OCu.diiios i a Jllet, accordini ta âPMberiMu-ti, are not vbat loy suai t. he- Thiise plaees nov aelcv 4o omvme vits macis 01er aMd Ac ->BaRted bsucis ,or liberty. TisaiS SvarLiltts côrh for lisnSo 4o.W, #Pahli mucsOf licir tica pisylul mO.i~.e..ioîlaSa4-e Ai fli cloch Tisursil ai ugisia jur in circuit court ruturnoil a verdict tor tise defedatith ie case 0f P. 9-' Jelinoonor' iou Ciyaaminci Anthofly sud Marie (louyo Ilu vhthh 1e claiMed mouey vag due hii as commizalonfor male er real estate, retisrndd a'vrdict for the defeudani. Tise expresued tisé bellt tisaIJonsaon cas moiIthe % l IS t u 9ctlu. Report buas Il 41 on tise. éalvola lihe Jury steod Il ta 1lter *b pWantIf but BsUttuit arum thi laver ce tise êssdetm .â Tisne seotre.m An ab"il, olala- ont. vs. tise estate etfleurY . Dav* decesmed et WaloMdt, vas tait- raintise SJurytodoy by Judas icd. lira. flapis. sued for ervlcom Naiar ed the lote Unr.Davis., àtmbsgtiss mise neveu bei s'csf MYd pl tuh*1 m#. The uvidmeu 91M enb, le clalmant di&td ntappeautelie om- «llot aid Upo mtion or lie mter- Qer fMr tbe 4efsuiat-»* usast W .slrsct*d-&-eoOIA.LTise qç" bël 15* wiwigougtiun <#o J i aus& REAL 'WtLD OOOtE CIIASE.V*lo #MW m*otuy oetll*,y $ENd i M $ID AY NIGHT. r 4~pZ ~ a4are WhUn% lson the feel- et Nof ip eutamong the ~Ba 55 i Bt. Ue0 I.M«~ tae a te 1U etthe Con- jeltm gËy mp. MaU» U Ob le te '15 )OVL' ThM " ton thse part P »M gbIb1 ie1 f*Lt&~ '% 0 Ibo o theIMMt out the IHea in peBl' fmiWf 4?~. BSi UBr m*4s,bW -i»Say iSun wiich tut **r m. »** sent lircom*'4e&airam last Sun- . ehgh Vff' ~ ~ ~ day.hie evldeit let mi lt0r/P0 i4 t 1f.ta ,FVIedent Wilson gléi UiUcBI te,'oflisMobthle atlBUO "basbuasuined wwuiftoowu »iime tiSBa à The etorm mmBby the phyal-. qumO Pihiý e11*11801-. b** clans castutv& t5 Message bakg fi ig * uMa .ahwm cooveyed lu fuarlos.The mes- Ébosé,beppft gIda* t» 5 icfbaetfsage fo«0flgu.1>, -i imti âm df nei. abc>lsp VttUpe, April 2, 19170 séer btu ua imi t~ Uue, Fb flo t ue ? ett atD. . Wa» a ViiUhImO ullM* S@8F Bm "Stand 1tireb.»WI.dent." a bom & an miàsa ma et. or. I. L I Uavln. luinI.uaI Nut * el M .la , *ey.t dov thse trao e.m em.%0e se- Dr. W. 'Ufwa du liewoeai hmfritw te or. p.1v tôt,. «au» rt lai atm -1» hlg Dr. E xt owoisky, ama r ow 1 a is te bNi. ni Dr. 3. >. dibtt, at« obs-teui*.> mé dbMt Dr. A 1.t-o Erown, iL. Tbo uCU b - 1 i~B .. . to mk me*0 a m "dinh ie && Dr A. Z è*boq. chiIIl amU.* it t t ites $ie, am t t «0cas w et.ftot 0mal4IL e bh entolit mm asiNm rIFIL u ÉmplullaIe, a1w i 15EM imtits Dr . iUB ot tb ti dM 110 *Wryio"0 . d er Spautai i.* me ~ d* ja pmi *w' aut oo lhlri!W -ieaccouai or Meoginag ste mse OOY WOBeu sl*00 hle auaneffort te lmist topt le Ilsmet P"ala fIhie Tt se appesu -"fPMI*ê w* but nt apprôved bblUt M a efflbik* tarp*ta lit4e ns.anad Lait »"*e.s wtt.bàài i «a 1 * 4w 01?, R.24~ oberts, a mr ftr bâm la thé ounlus, liepeu> om rlnt loto cuçht mdcornusbuta. r ut f.1ev- as iea cf sf tise pitl osers. a~tW, le mc le Ida Mesca tby sorng the' he lspby. 4001 sla 5 ie, le egieCM" cbu e vê t Mat sel. Dr. luséit - *p tWi toli ber GSI'would bave a boist te ses or * ety~ "Mlaidbtii. sItuation_ ithe li thi linyder W ll et! hnov *uwaulse- the rit tt ths~ci..~nmu mm Hils car left Wau'çsgan Mday fer «lInu their naMo tetise têle- aftierace. ieut1:30 e'cl* gmmn hich vas gent aceï imm<-', tately. Dr. Roberts today prootededta, $P- MOUR D3UTV cure the signature of othor dentins )nti lyt a elmilar petitpuwhc > ETlx cas te 1e sent as moon aesigna- tures had been recelved. DENE ON "PUS LWlhn 30 lntes AfterT 1 bfArrivai Almout Evéry Man in CM*~SJ à. CItYKnew of It. ClA( That Wankegau in a "blind 11g ' center seeris to ha tise prevalUung lunj fereuce lu Chicago, for t developee 1lHigh $oboI cadt~ t tisat four détective& represontînun ie ReiiMmt-Four trl'gn o! ýthe Chicago Lawv and Order 1a nCias Leagues are ilu lis aclty todav seek -_____n____aO lng evidence on tbe Illegai sale of!1Tise Waukrgan Higli Seipol cadet1 Intoxicante. carpe isas hein mode a plat ai the Tb t our aIeutbý nr-ived in tVaus- 1leveu régiments of ihs Unitedl kt;an laIe lait nigut and by noüs States. roda, Pupi. Kuotti. was"-oj tu.ssy -v ery man of tc àise lsa i sde- tified isai Comfanies I a»4 , .Wau- trkt knnv o! lhebvisiLt inh- t jkegan Toetsisip 11151BdSé6l; Coin- ThossiasTyrrelt, r c: 41,,t1, wlretpente& L and NI, Higilan# l'rIt: Al lie learned tisat the détectives were !andl B. Oak Park. C and i.ý Ottawa;1 bere dlcln't makte assy comment, but a E of Elgin; F ot Frcéîort. *and G audi few dnys ago e wp%ý beardl ta ne- H' or Rocktord, would ripose tiseà mark, "There are no blind.pitgslunf iigit Régiment of tise t'uffle4States.i Wankegaa. but tbere are plenty o!f Tisere are but et",v.'n re81n»mstâ of lockei clubs." f 11gh ScIool voltunteers l in e U.nlted It wns learuq i hs afiernoan liai Otate.s and four of these relMents1 lise aleutis made an attempt to force ire lu 1the Chicago Dilstrict, tbieuf ay iniconee ofthle locher clubs Tisere are 10 1e no boy tWgmeutai luti night, and but ted the tlmeiy ap- leadors. Wiseu tise cadets apisor lu pearance o! thSe keser on tise scente reglgiental for-mation,.ase tho lsrvI on t la feareil liaitiiey vosld have tise $th o! lune, vhou thieî .I»em ai been "beat-up" by tise club membens. Grant Pr'c tu Chicago for tournaL- Durlng 111e dey the détectiveas mado ent, lis, vii he o usalDad by the rounds of the safi drink palaru, ite of th le reguziar arSny i er- and. oftise p" oo i-o f tise City, veal. and h tla reporte--the report cou>ld. 4#,s*cor oethLie NattoagiQus nai 1e confrmed-thait snoe arreets "ragimnte ha asked the, 'Board ci on gambling charges may foloiwvtise ýnM»cailsufer <lermlsuoF to waork visit o! the dtectives ta te clCy. "Mg *4lia 111gb colu toc at- ht ls understoad tIaitiseédetec- tâte lu10,ie Uaional Guat41'lit Ibis tivea vho are In Waukegan ioday wp*seilSStVin!not la aVa*i4à. have voniceilout of the smre o&»,ce-*Tise *#anegau Higis fa1e41' Cadet vISon. W. Fr. Wess procuired detec- .offl tÇoMe of the Iargsol *p Ils £1111 Uvéesthee lait ime De veut ouitCc g«go flIpIrlt, and tise corplq pis. o '*cMàau1p lie cty. awe abu hieh bil' ed. Woilo'b rst=M e Waskegian eýtb@t t.y ktrecelai frei prnS1d h I , 'tae idU *Tia IS a *nii acomvowt * M h« weaut su e *&W-reI4VreW o 1l1M 1y 'M40»1> lt lerisas e-**,. bo a s~~~~~.É dnut~1a ...u5u MI fa. -?" lu-cwc@" - 1 '-'J r S ore, o. qdtm aSCy0 ~~<~ Local W~ugs Sl>k~Make seted utilon sdministratoer i;ap- toNelae Te*t. poistedby couty J""goPo«s»». M66ESTS 'OfiADED' MILK. gl te Mut but durlugbla rei- WILL dec n laks cointy lie hem14bis put Sya %tuzatImn ilisthe lits anid former eoraetlod locked Flgw ..Q OoBlo ,Rmoedeep la bis limait. -# &9Z -m Dm Ziliee Te 1 flÏi olsatunki *"sa p0steubatbou as provlded fby Clty Phyalctan J. C. FoleY etu MES 80ADA eNt b.t@atattedraft of a mtlk orfTi o *AS Tm, i.* mue but ie111subi to Cor- a baloIlt e.labis poratlos coonsel Arthur »Deltiaifer un ta ma t ortu"e Io 0 4 Winign. Ot provide telis lUkB8 u oli rete et WfWaa& of e WM*CUUvitb Pm iS m ulml wkom *bf h 111fut hé ln l t» voudltà yestordaîe- «to âr eMd aq Sug te br. É . &odàtmrey thf à.1 ai 6ou'w 00 jt varél t c*Ue houri et beaux. *%,Pt ta iw Dr. Qdfey ratuumd ta j$au * *lg o »0 vos- fow a -4ev houri oenFrlay a-id toi Ig-m "a. aIcd dam-,"' 9 carl utp ciiiDr, oili te ter. et tise t4es1 puopose dlaauoe iHe ugered _> b.e# M~lelu > tkeoyot cdialllie pmivdIn u Un iscm" t a li et,*à"i*t AIthe1.h Aes4ý or»tr&disam. fi a Seato - ms hb rm~itg it.telgiami ptArlOutee l fiesacsgl a lectealsogkst seximImtioa rM > f 511 th .511 recelved séMdciM ber.. * - u. têàmrsrano. o!1-the ..-.. lISE 5 mm ili.k thiki!le gM anas "lVel K àt 4 « ~ B ~U~bPi ~m> dmool o imol eiImpuriies fromnet 15V brIl B""W» liaI lic aDIanlUoretisa e* ofl ie ina W"vl bis p~ hfflse 05not rmv lpr tm yotêd trom tboshe es tsr. ne casoetthe t s reporiei Tbsara4jap- t ütvm ovilio liaI bIstua l0yIm portat tla Osu mwatter m. alIia fwIuva f as- = _ t' le would Mie ta se l hpnovided ferk ls cris-se .9tL Dr. Godfreu»I mliitiso ~»avelagis tq,»m poumndosem »W pW sy mets attas- ine t te squallty et tie ulil, lle lieuutbu iaIli amOu iuttu ebuuli lie obligel ta.t*141. liit n 77 tisaI the People ch. are destulos ! mecrlog au abuolsteli purs qualît>-pBa i Obe,ê~iUi5 The#* la somé dlsubt as ta whethèr Mt"!,W.W t mot lie auggestioncun.!- by .DA'. Mr *tCeUuS0 &Wb is"tOi ~* Oeslhet v*W oe caset w,sh uIn a', m i b. wlOt o là. kegas. lu tise f-amt pate the omis- il ë:=I a IZ Iý orate Inspection uudo*bisly vould le 4*%$» t*00' G dPli Of hwAeeite prce *ut tixeliteal eudli 18 tI mmi cause au,instut protest *bl* 5~~ on the pari et lie ualorlty ci con. ino 64q»wow ammrs. Tise opwliel sma t* pre- ~ ~ mul tisat If lie cag et iitihe MIN -m Ma, h. killmi by cemua o! pasteir.u- p1, n 1 -__ nI lia li eui, ' tf4ce safeguani foi the pcessu et 1-as .Mani ArtJets. Stoen From Lake Féreat HomsRecv- ered by the Police. A robbera' roosà cas !ouud Prlday en the t. P. Swiftp"ataiLabo PFun est and the Lake Poreot Plie. under Chie! of Police 14cOuire. maie a dis- cavery of a lot, of articles viic bal been stoieu froc lthe summer, boms osf the rlcb Lake Parent peuple durng tihe paitvaw or thrse monthe. . Tihe deserteil bouse on Mn. Swift'a place wisere the robb ers' camp vas fossnd, la qulte a distance traintihe rond andl for nosaineaon or other lie police vene sent ihere ta Investigate. Ansang other this they tound à alus- able ritle ovned by s man named Bieu- nett wilcb bai beau siolen train bIs hanse. several ladies' conts. cuziglass, Inlivelle lu webstise robisersbail melted tiese ilver and vanlaus other articles wilch bad been stolen train tise borne. George Coppeuisoeter tu s-upenlntendent cf thse Swlft»st place sud it in said ho bail some reason tu believe atrangers had seeSi makipi their heailquanters tisereansd accord- ingly !isrnished thee hp for 1the Lake Teraipolice. ('blet liciuire itu holding the vant- ens articles ntil ho beara treimtise ovuers,wvin lmuoat cases are asill living ln Chsicagoanad havi net couse out te Lýake iporest for thse lunmmer. The dinoeor of tlts obbleiS' ioot -indicates Chat the nmen dbo bavebeen making tiseir beadqu*titel le adur- lui lie meriew et robberles cllian- noyed tise Làke Foret jiolce depart- usment cen excsedintly 1014. Why Veil .oetcBue It Lua apecultar' tact 1 1 li, v on tIse baud or etd om iMii" Mt1s of lie body bois blinee t*610ii _ - 0s lie loidlal Yd.Wsl W hi ch me the IifIw dt4i !ieif,*ý orfomeiisuv Mtdrlç'i et0 l eug Zaw e1%bo tutu ' Ia th lu IN i j amI. T. o blé c *W*W tiuI'___ the lulafta*otuMbintwbuieou-,' ocrai~ ~~ OW o!omf lIgi~c erhe Tilea ioaned 01awdlpuand Pas-h -ln~a bat a sklpP t ust. be bsisIr * llaet4~at li f ieieaat nom& ~r Onie of CîtyS .," di~ #t. ei > "" izensPa A *Ag bss cyul'o The lbsud of 4aa tWtftto tise rakud leliof theQ affiAy let1'd tb. Ilepuiul, Wiukam Oau isot.fr the.lése«etthe OéIwb second timue. tiis veek sit$.di48ock ~M Wedneay ulgisi- vhen Adoipli mta tise«r as.'te Ca schvarm, a lPioneer residuen f.Wat- .~ 1i texan. pase-i acýa aie btis e bu pseierod"Is daugiter, Mra ,Cornelius Shultis, 924 asï pet ty.hoïý Nanti avenue. ci Ot ln the death o! Mn. SchvarmWasi- kegn lates a citImen Who A douensUW Dr 4 much iu a quiet vay to turtbë,qr tisc- -A i 151& ? ila utW, dussinial lité et Ctso couimuaitY, Tise bsevc'tacom deeeased va. boS u laQemé«iY bt- came to theDali dBCàlea At an017 . Tia dit Ct. pi ege. Sen ater talitti u i ~t- 1l" >1*0 douce tu liuis itMr. aSices ù" bmv&.-QD Ih0 bo >. * the amsy of the Norh a4et l'auslie- paiplO * * cause cf the couaged'a4vsautm*tWWUU~ tous of suds mon s e o »Mlie il'lisse«* J was save&. u » ou* s irepgan rethe roua. et bs uél 14.1 ' ccrh linteesayun air.Mn, Iicract1 1* bm t> t cent tu, bed euteriug fiu £1055. Rm.17 iiydur;mu i ? ocudition u0«* 'nuos tih'a.le lrôhWI«' UP Woudao.a eveattuA utile atti ' ove i" chUuaa.',leadu" w ; ~mus. VU*0 W Coruelius Bts aMi Ur& a ny von-I' mablte te 414n N Dtilspu AU lt i 2ns-~45 j