* LB~TYVILL VOL. XXV.-N1.. WY ~E 1 V[LIK 01 y' Bg èeyWAUIÇEGN WEEKLY SU ,TITURSD A P PLIL 12, 1917. ON£ TO EIGKT. *i.50 P ER YUAIR IN maujvr&~i W~tsm~P?.aslsraob . IIIE fMW IV. eitî, ýtova sud baet t lit th#men R fA ýý s DJLL f eal d d O ut n d er th e s l ct= d o u _ _ _ _ Ownors Wo p kre toft = ' iù'Z"à. pétition S.nt to churotis Au Foety-t~wt Hmo tvu s- tl t fte ~plnM e beld ~SO1dI natte Potts . tM matitthe bill ise- A FEW ST U IN P ATI 0N,. a- pL.E $ BEJ409 manN c beoopéY tatheprore- Effort sigMd oEf s -Hav a C Isor 1,, L a FiveUUeDry Zone About Ch"g of Eauh of hein.' loud ta go. Fort Shertdan. Ailvei w e «tlegmab tations t ht h ut-acn eg- fIl clsdlag the large Marconi plan at M U1 M E ' o adth ¶eCont awe andI îmtii, eri. lesveland gerau- fflOre agii are coOutf ture IMKtree tlio ove bythesovrn ous epatunte piee rlvs mlle vdry MentY«t"Y. ffl 1. ,, L_;ý zo »es about both the Pbrt Shieridan la the fsvwhih' ere toallew511fa teresrvtion as vell a s teGreat setnu pe~iOi agvsU Ci--w\ è gO OLakeg naval trulang ,statio.- u se, ai tatjued Catt. . A.Mot1 ~statement tbat reacies Waukegan fett et iUn. Great Lattes natal "W,,uil tflf3hjw vuo 20 to 30 WM I ro a eiteft perte of the. state. station, *ho 1a lu chargegr a i iise- 00 IOtIt < sawPbs is It la laraed uoon rellable autti r- lmceiorsblp reculatlona. .MidIM leste houlou h nit t" 097 on #Wrin eat Cti- Are to Train Them a Ya. i"Y thetchrie trogutle ciao, Oproit. CWvelsai .d Duuth W~ita.D F pril 4.Deek represenatitves. ln the legsiature ta A "s6d a toy 1w tIioTS? .me tuOp ad PU"a.of!the. var depertment for vote fn fayor of the. bilIl' vi ii e e " 01a"09 *uAd *Aft theUoetsueuit 1 rasisau army, numb.rtng millions cete a dry sotie about the naval M-co,q kb "I5B1ot1lim5t* 0f the mssagMes If tmt lanecS»U ee "abring the.station and Port BSheridan..eot~~ belog abatat (bese t gM. ovmensuofthtii.<rman ernpre¶to The. apparent effort te create a rive As at he vivteterma." ver. laffl tn Prealdent Wi. milie dry sone about Fort O-hi I dav o .mm iedcousr s 5treirO1 ves sons ibaudset"Y l n the. foru Of acornes as a surprise for t as not ~jtiosfet cone oralt uyii <lPt. JOo iC. DHoa. <jd bill psp4ffed h t eterai staff and knovn bersthbat sncb a Plan vas oepffle i iepefo, on ordei's rom reviewed ansd reYLvlsu n part by see- belng cantempiateuf. A bill vas pass ÇÀ80mosnt MOfIt, dtrcieci rotary Baker and the general oMfcers ed severftl yetrs u«0 vblch estab- ,geteo Wh"isetealaue io are is motta"y adilsans. lshed a one andone-elgiitiille dryS ufase55 drdlo ppiraus, ath Thed- roi d eent, asufemander la zone about the tort but tbe dry .crcje' hW «WaireeelviL na.d pace the. leie , aleay hbas approved l he lvasi duriug the. laut 1eyershavtcoh, 011 0fCOSISAQl utl fUtiet iadepted f ot h ver army. andf pre: tenteuf themselves by se'ýekng tii. ma j der&" MNac"Dsour S c P'& J aationi have beenmade eatheii.vaà ider dry mone fer tihe naval stato. iii. promeugt.*f ve ireetel tM report viUin forty- desetment fr ___te___T__lefses eprvilta elubi bous usat hi a""ratus vas for tiri nileg ea Teblfsem tapval iat_ _ *et e «mmoo6Lurs te the militat ycaunittess t (bere vlI not b. suy vote on thie 1 effli . 71v. Mle Dry Zone bill et thîs Oea- lWI Aktt ii e ss of tbç Western Un-, Secretary Botter sai! today It Sion of the. legislature hecause of L lot Tesgrapk Companiy no c ,ne-wouId go te the bouse %aŽd genate ttie defeat wvilcii oas.given otiier eW< msag e .arcepted rai cmmttee s 5001as the war rre-deiat&4o io. Ao"rJtly Ueeunti- Wighit for trattsmission via fta lu tte ,af n duo Mal. (.in. saloon league snd the. lâands.forde 1*011311Atanti or goi luf do -10 8Scot. hereof taff. 'lfl .plis ïtii.leage are endevort4g teairo Ide sen th»S. T»oier lneluffluf ta h.nof lesatintent 41cvet tthe tat@ id tit Vw> Len-U nu 100J0111 wielmmesesge, ms- n t.0,00 t betrainieuf ithin a vote l taken the . lalaton fo ba" tor tolaf n thie Bas s ad'taias ail «r. Hparts o! the. state-vilI b. lnlarmped LT - te I3! flails Hnduas Itca .apo Tii.v. ar- inany laicIagonn that il 9as b iiav their eoastîtuents test an sean a total of AS usuaceuf Iat messages for pointe lni ts proposeuf te hulld up a figiting mna. tbis particular bil. Isaucuf by the msraMMM' lb.Panma ana Zoe a l s bec ine composeuf exvluiveiy of men lila IDthe coonty bulidiu tae ensorship ii!flnauman' i'frn were t»0tthe .number , "plain Language memem uet beirte 1 n ec aite U IM 1IA 1K larger before the . odi vrîeni1me from bomne cares liaI mîglit emtyar- Ame tiere any "luuo witnin Englisih or Spanish,- raid rais Mil soîufierly qualities.ATF R S' a sud IAke CauntY?'~ ixannanuCement. "Code messages A grestmilitai-y veapon i. vo b. TL 0 F Ti 1tanan ple n hçj raiet h. wrtten In A. B. C. !ourtb kil LAIUo te ypplled i otltiiedtiiso!Sctt Wstrnfashioned. officers a. .if thearSyS s fA ted eavoluf mllituryuS o2MeiibofSo'sWsenpl» a e ceppted. by congress. t viii S*flF O À M qestloi le pertînetti 25_ lia, i..teber'u lienteyâ, Broom-tufnesdmuybuvi trs E U D - balla or Watkins' code. Navie of suc a foes as vol mettee ts welgiit V51'O ISBUO4tu Wauk*-Oêý so uet b. specifled, but wvlU nettlo "u &top thewrl. Prof. Gore .Smih, ln-day &ani sbiver w lic ebargeuf for"tein igtruttorytrnope i tie vardN'" * o * ck fadi.fO! th ____________PreOumalY the, aidest men vîthîn Mo ri emai N Whdo tec* eut îîceuseg4" the. preecrlbe hats vouid h. calleuf Sadder and Wiser. vers trou W&ukegaalla« 0«ut eThaïe clases vauld yld ty. A nujotty o! tui tbwma einubr o tanis frChippeva t'eUs, Wli,.,April 0.- outliceous«s ber. tbua * Mel5ig percuitage ot men teau ea~ Prof. George W. Smih, lstruc1tér lu The fl inid lltoxy t ALCOIIOL ~ ~ r.sobltes goes up raply Irsoifti.tae ~lieuoedlg ncrmet S CO tbr t ta ley, ilage»M , lie .the firet ta h. 000 aiied ont for training vuufo aLefluld okrt. s Tbenumber 0t ourhv ralef .~ aks ¶tthe governmnt and tg the seriss, ede JonL0oeo f PYicdevlopoent by the , res itie .son. Arrivai >of t0i.«Msié B tuia rasm John Lempke of Libertyville ~mansaaisa efSmîit ram the anget rSi b aes Dies Suddenly Afteu' JOY- tlb, fning ibad! een given. U viii of a mcii. rO L Sof dmt OUS Celebration. jtake t teast four moenthe Ater aDo abSn ~i~~itats e at vl tralnit'g lav la passe te eioii the Sm ietown a apondtelug bi vae- at. ig Martervite. (I John ,empke. a i*borer who lives c n S . tev etthe toan r.E del reuf he auf , ilY series.gn wiliii is vite near the gravel pif setIlionetierr.tHitiain th.m. carne' hlm not ta vole. bis senti. ,Lberty'vWe. dieuf eoddeli St ed im nt, t - 04eId, ' lheme at 8 Qciack Bunday niglft, and fen teallon a eis inl e, mig -mente. 2mlth vibibave te ansvr la ugutMli"a.carer o! is W» on Monday It vas mad im v bat'tnt ii idae vi .abgtii. Iderai itithorifles et Mau Clb air wa la lhé army bt via Lepk dan bssl!tadn1~onta&*L Ca-peraf ion of tale and! mu- a.s. * àt of hsem~ ar a ise veettet. ch.ap wvisky. . . < bs-siAui»r o imirbu saugiidt. eaeti aant e vba rem"s'.w&ueR,4 Âucordînt te ithe evidence ire 'ocr s îatdtda itPro0f. Simt asy bve.mi&de4e,. Miogi vnt-W> 4d e te a iIvns'*~toquant,?bsenditslicsaeav 4 no r o . BNOUe., prsdent of tbe e4eS5vrs Issue lul - Bro foryaqhtee ro t ts IM are - ..,... Noday, lie blageet iisdm Lsumpke vas vrI-gfor Výn B plm 1W cO,5. .Èn dioe o Ite Mue ir aoedy md egagel Antii.vnnkai bnbln ali»te frge aggauniDYpro- dc.iu. ~ ~l.~>O tod g er. aI deybW ý mesuealb Cginte wnvkof >0,ug sture effrt tn send ezsi ' yahrasd for sout. peau H. 10r sib ia e tam rokuu tatUas mmurete te Cbon*imkl boneormie emed an tua dIS La as et -the trip Lempke vent luta the moev elded5 uboi, t ta80hen sselnptaJ&I home of!tMr. snd Mr&. 11Ç» Ciogn&s- J,.s l'ailbeor aIliers lulnitheUnltpd ~ liuad ctptpIh z. vki.s ii. and qas l' tUxfct.4d or Arubb eni,"-tvt~ ii ver seon,» sett,.and ba>iOearwléd uiiiiithoffme by A KIU ..tis %fglcenceMv Brown and tfinees dussmn. 100U l M~ cThe ner'eeu y rituiuà a ver ~ ~ ~ wYul ia a' ia akgn p mcsbovlg t and pa.p'tai 4INJII topt ~~thejry» . mbblt.Obicago, and , Ils uaboilsm. su tue juryO iol reo oat .Gyrment. BlupsOor etNati Cuilc.4t mendeuf that tleii. s es tt«* ora Bii y'ar,tus biggst m«W action lu tti mat t*r. The o V>sceg'atng an exten- Watcsn pil5 siasmued lu W Wrh3 Il viii iertalalipro" b «0*. &Adclounttc raelefor tventy iviars The heurts of th# 23,000 people of! i.bffeut o t ! tov vlecmitteu n aev lor uns tô tue Nort ehom nallrosuf P&8"4 fWat.s iVer &fir.l the ,BDIX4 0' unlta,8 i fin tactther elfiseet IÀ«b «M t- bad ftruste« or Wliette if or '171, at s ocloci tue afternoon bér'1;TW(oouples Qa4q Staiýe's Attorney Jambes 0. Welcii. *Wedsesday aulgtf vthaut a, dissent- wvilnMajor A.V. Imiti, o!f t h t il 110 fi'li-.s5Igt 9W Dr. Jgfl1s8 toUhi5l oflNoth hi- eHImm..ee....on etctsn »Parade flirouglithe.business a! the ,Altiiougbthe. yoing »W caoFrbde t acMs lreeansd a sfiiî vas expecteuf lu city. out licetmes vers not lue Mhlrn Awayý 5&KOéfttte deféte ffsorinan ICaptuin Wm. Morit?the G s rat cuiSlu ic tter Il là saM Tic teS ugeouf Vq ba helii. I fkes Natal Traiuing Station sent sM oyI neft r t jamesÔmeil e!North Cica lvases elttel fe a referedum o. a dteumet of 00 menitogetho r-y ottcoS nder 4 iuuàsratoSfra Iita bs 1 ~ thmum t onu leettà Aptil 17. vili tueebund saé. bugle corps ali'loiviie de MAtir tAbe lourafflAt éethfe »»s»b la 4iiitht por*add 44as tbuy vu4lo.si qu eaml. _flt51 bton ql' la eviy CASE VS. SAU MO W T<S TO BE FAIR. 06esnt 0 $effve in Holnding In- dlotinooOve Them When Stýjat5aÀtaeuop Vew"l liasnon* proeee4, or aqdme.dthe. penjuni emge am t fiArmaerocg broti-, «%s douce$ lv m b ave vanked la *ke .e-tifer moud time pue beuover. rturned hi tii norceuner giahw lu ei*ailm bs ctofetdisumise- lut tumes cus ealIMt tbArmustpg Mr. Weleii $Mli 15sf ster the grand Jury levsst$SMltIo bu bho fba h a tal vf bOtto Vl O, ne oetuie mem ludieted,8"su» of t fiemu on ouvee evideuce perjury egs sgilaet ths Arsstrcsagsvem ead e hore the Mirci gzed Sui. Mr. Willu ld Nr. We" abe vuasM se iehlg"Dock" heer o& 31» e1. 1M,6maithe Aria- strongah" adted. but tiet ho vus »Mait a duluii*vMMébaitue appear. sue or "Bock " Ituait uereoelia bis (Veelis) Jluget. tue Ams citrofnls tstmoni glyep butors ftae Deceniber grau jmurvsnof ef snob nature tuat it f ld usntlty a jury la fludlug tiem gu[IW f 1psrjurylu fhe Cireaif court lit e "Acdrdlgli'~ sASMr. Wslcii. 'sf1. er 1 lied heinmad. avare af tue reg laciu lic cé ase, 1I""eedti. cut fi diulastue case becune If vopid bo unfair ta the rustrongior iunybcd bledi ;pdnte e lme ti.y fglf Uw h. pp ota E e due tent rsi't jd brouttotetrIa v he fatc>svoul viol justlfr am eovictiu IMthattise. ~.rl 9. 1 f dinu a vate abu un&&r te tue tili mter- andf prrsAt lbisle ndlcfflunfta Oýstand. Mbe thei eretm'e 1 felt (bat their dismissal AAOser lrlhoiuluf coxpe flacratier than lisfs jdlaen v ien e ase mulgit b.cailpuf tatrial Il ien_________ ,i au N les. TheIi, f -, T TO eV of thé, . lcenses LIQUO VIOATIO Ëd R. D. Brown, Who Operatesa wb S Looker Club~ la Ptaoed Under Agvars Bnds of $00 - lUlngiav. Waukogan, Airil 6. 251h, Robert D. Brovn, via conducts a In .iock.r club ln the. Dletmoyer building Sii on Madison strel, the. building se- <s su'quireuf hiW. 8. Keitu s few das la Chi-. go, appeareuf lu couuty court Ibis viens re o aring and enterd a pies a! "net >ta Novw, gulity" te lbe charge of selllng bîquai SM~ dit lu violation o!fih antI-local option jey wers lac. Hie banda ver. fiXed at 0500 lugn canlSsd b. vas adabitteuf te bail di m CIaIs- John Besley as bis surety. Id prépar- Tii, stats's attorneyfiAed an nfor- t. lual matian egainst Brovn on Thurida ut sat fterntiaan. chargtng fat bie iocker i*ern b. club la h.lug conduethuf In violation aotý take of tie ac. Tl la. ths troI courtation tebe brought against a looker cl lan Waukegan and becanes.tiers are u le. everai of thé clubs bers lhe resift sgi-o! tue action wvAl 4 w aîcieuf cth Uuegnconsdérable lteet. ler 0. JuvefleUMattena nse. A number o! juvénile mattera venu d izougit up sud dimPomeuf ef lu countY fasp baScourt tus scraua. 1Tb-f.%wCase o! Placent sud Walter 55us lu n "AIline, ciiergeu vit ebg de, dlberofpendent clildnen. vas ccBtUed te Thé. caseoa!Mari Vmnek, lhgUO tesfab. fe9ble-mindes uf. iioan4 IqratoMa .Ith e -Me nimé i vi '%dcontinu. le sta>' aI tue nBen001Mne *i&udo l.eldôw8hlP Club On Marlou '#tree The. cage ot William Walsb. mtéee tec o!i- eh dépendent, u v a ti idtluue ý* tai. May 5- Thebuoy wvaiet th, Ot. a.ý. Chi?.-X Na tT iiiiiig siiob t U»M VsAs.t 4Um K. et one tise but vas parole' teaFIH-W tot nus-. Penny o! Beaton. H i Iil ifinue tf M»,».vWho romain vIf h Mn sr. OAt lat i S the. case lea deolded dlle~ *«fY- aiiegeuftebeh.depsadeat, tue petition 1 10o,> teck casdlammssd uPon Motion of the "Sd te dis. tvte's attorney. thé bit Tiihe e RoFeç apoiioasieg ling Pda te b. SelAuulueuf, vas Contliu« Mi. te Apnil 21. t-maeso T* ie W ,ÂOs url trtmendpd et&m --Mbr 1 kmthl.a 5u..d * ai*FM~TO a TIE JCI RlEY TOtlR CLE Boys trouns nneteen ta twenty4ve IUT yearu old vi . c ealled on ta Ssii T ti la rheIntention of thi.e grt TA usent ta co-operate witb the ntnit Ar see on ebtieldaofK- Aftlw boilne againat the enemy vithout a"d vlubiWý vas oegaalced at 'once. SPECIAI. "ho Proeut antsd ai& cabinet.- ai their trot vit moetini. vent ove, va, plias of a magnitude sui au thie United States la ailtItseliletory ha% n@ver biiovii. Gret 1"i Pre~aotius lnktheo1 Luo 1tiie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ au bttanbvvedrst hot &d fj Thisdh ssasvilawasanl ~- I~ ~ ~ ~~~~pas dee trs otsle, 1dsd is htlsiit t e bot am e Gre 't W e s 144-e "1" use' tl mfe e àt l u oune 1ti trI. p llom lt l moabh a of theuar stood S tigouresa ___ reea teato 4.bavegsrderins bi elt4and ut~~~~~~~u Gr. ethnt Z4u oi ob~êua a to pus, te g ld. i téh es lfthe aintin . statoner, Itttbi M ou surde ODe 0ste nas ell taOuf a famtr. e roi nde. ar t ommananted by £borTt éhi building, s utas s I*eU pon't one snien t eom cavr otprhte o euuworn ýe lta tr omes lta Noneth hcg ndArn '-,i *e eSeboWxdrdof tfer lum fie01e as pated ut t# eloaç g âbyjs 4 Mdeatblr..ta rdkou. C tmtheaa11-ta* o. ý et t, Ie l hm . c01 cav ti, ta à usg vive inlà- be*.er oa-s>eat Mauy vterssand estln'bt"t dredjs u Te iuliti.on sad bel uat tatM se hes inretu ofuthe rvine end thee"vau a as favsetlua&à. he1 « crunds.aby inguard lait at r I i I s r. o Il 1, n 'e 1- 4 nS e. Dled Very Dep*l i Oroaag &V calleuf t0 ionC!ty tepride et th.4 fiat Mes. Wafs i f ouleh»oqrd mrs. Watsoa isi ooupbantuet o W heart for tuoe hst lmO or sv. moswe bul ber codti.g o Q utolmw 1 seriaus b o consias lagu. ý, . ,Mondai pornnum' Wa4t5on ht e4 toet e1u !tetý 1 ho uise asslmîing lie 10 b- t4e pC Mro. 69afmo 1.1* t àmiemud e voiihave f0 o I*Ok tO bed *min. The. daugifen seuisielber togslu a nd iabecaiS Itbf-. visa lier motet begmuta Ohi. btrisuf 10 the bêse toef uga bor*-a4d stateuf fiat br ntir m very II i re'mne ' t",Ufe vul* ba ev momet«al ,but ber tiier bauf psesd »W ydmr4,gber ihabene. Becaus. o pisls 1 beau lu attendanco l, vuaoesss ta bolS thée. let Altboup00 muids t ~Jsp twbot isi l St- - dU am eo t * i S& urt tbI4lm I~bt tbus * utt 1 1egog t, #,$àop m j obe lu "tbe lG a mon g the 1 cation et blusfo Ocu.vp 0 betisstor* hbt~ v -l aim lit»» be premiiW mâ. "Abm- an , f tan"" me