parts of the wcn. Flvery toWut a wua represpted at the meeting witii Pbe exceptlgg~pt etn n e I4AL3 AIIUN tbe' oMors lected are: g "r - li. D. slb ard, town of fU S ARE OM L ED cor. Re'-.8.lussell, town of ýe t- ý ".i IWaukffln. MAWI,I oP 8>raaure-ml Filee, town af Ela OdelnWhtITfl4 OUt- The mesting *as called for a twa- f itS WiIse 5OE. fo lire os--firat to eiect afftcers. - and neconi, to arrange a achedule no L .Wlckesao the tovutif Liber- lîbat iiêduerent t.v.a in the coun- tyvlievas preldet t>'ya>'knov luit viien the>' are ta fuelerond 9#1toit ls summer. It .Tovnablp Ui ý4 éàMaed ,it.f wort, vould soi -the - ~ jeoAgCW MUoiâu14 md lthe4towsahips *14Wbava . watthetirturu. An additlonal outlit conslsting of a tracter and gratder, la ta be pur- chassd lmmediately and probably -il b. unlosdedat Laits Zurich. The oth- er tracter alrestly has sta' ted woi< et Bentoï and will work toward Wau- kegan..ý Tbe plan fa ta have ane out- fit work lu the ntrth part of th, county and the atherI- n the south part. In addition te these twa attits the count>' owns a rafler whicb Io ûseq 'shere hard moadearire being'nmate. At Present lt le scarifylng a part of Green Bay raad between North Chi- cago and Lake Bluff. Ie1er enfit wili be uapd te Imprave the naval station raad which m In need of re- pair.fitasea viii improve ronde In the. south part of North Choaga. >luch gradlng a ta be doue on North Sheridan raad as soon as the. ojitflt completèmalits von t Ientoa. The township oMeicais' association meeting at Libertyville Tuesda>' vas the most largeiy attended meeting ever held by theza"~ln Evér-y township excepttng Bentan and West Deenild was nepreaiented. The members present: Auitich-W. A. Slary. Alauzo F'. Lte. Avo-L. J. Wçks, Mr. Doolttie. Cuba-Wm. Psiiqock. lin. Goodwln, WillHobein. Emil F'. Schaede. cierk. Deerfiid-Geor&e Hesler, Pla- rd'Grmm, Augusit Proe- lilh,cer Grnt-lrelix J. O'Boyie. Yal<e Vlla-Blert Galiger., Lbertyvle-L LU Davis, Mr. lua- MW_ C. X. Wilcox> . . D tuitmard, qerit. - Fraul Sb*e, lubmas ~àrn Moa&4fMt ffES Warsen-joiifl 7somas, Thoma Cham L '-"-.II.Ray 1ffiPmour. Waukogl8- *oend Catn James bà*wciiard. <Spacilitet.The Sun.) Springflald; tlu ;'April Il.-The sauto highway commiionl Ioda>' award.d the contract fc#ýui1d1ng section "CI, State ai* AWé p#cCfcrdte, fer g dis- tance 01 eASliat' Mout front W4uke. flan, to c. P. ?*cran of Waukegan for Mr. Moas la the. young .ontractor who formeni>' va a member o!fIt» Waukegan ImprOvUSelIt Co ppsrn. f vhich Mch7Ml .ao ya g outaïde c 4ubmtl*4, es~ mnates andlt ~ jpd* Mr. Morsut ,8uWUd- bid. The vork 1 la W 4 d ons' on Grane avenue .nMv4Uflipiava tbàt toadtot a pOInt, lz Impur~ . uww~ u ne..)l have j-eo* l e q .~-e** ,1*44 ourexparience throt*gh ,changing sBBMofs and qvoWition,,of ' ISy w"«Mw&iToI*Iaseeflmare oâsifying-,thhigo thahti te> 18l7 Thoftdn1iét*y ffets in êt 9 as'for ~ ~ finiàtlüiïtuch tô the whffiièfi t1 -othrdugh',our,.,torè.' The In -bein wni dre no..Corne early -and e, tp i est iw cravats, shirts andl.oseeyon'll id clr com- 'b~wt s~d ~aI~svhat seih to refleet the spirit of the tiftë. je t~ t t - i.. jusTIES 10 STAY !N WïiI Not Go Dut Into the Street, ~M1U it Weddngsin the Future, ThÀ4 Say. WAS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE. Waukegan. April IL. The day or 1'panhandling Justice" la oveF. It tuaita a fitlcffray ta bring this aotbut toda>' it was made kuavu1 =(atl.>r of the live justices recentlY eiocted to office hadt agreed amang thoeleie ta refrain tram soiiting vedjigg on the. public thoroughfare., * j* pr that. rve slways been for it, mit la puat moths 1 bave heen c l:ta solicit busines or go w4t ? ';;-idJustice Roy' Magon. ".I ihaveut the nerve to panhaudle. jf I.dýeQossesà the nerve 1 wouldn't do it because 1 thlnk It s disgracefui act,"1 sald Harry Hoyt. recentl>' eiect- ed to.offIce, --Not once In the years 1 have served as a police msglatrate have #La~D4 couple andI aaked p4qrxnlo &Mlle,*. MWry 'them," gald Walter A. il woris psaessed o! the same i~t, * ghts, but 'sho bas' MAr, 8evor Codples than an>' justice iu ut oe yesr. "nc«-Fy ol n ta office 1 have =aintained a O 0 e, snd I dof't Pr- Poseta s<i otontotIhe street anl . ýt biu" a,'sidi ea t'armer. ~ vlitaire oath k an'WD~sd whe*% coilpen i eb04te m. hemniste wigï mm 1 tq Is bp"cbeatea Ot «o' uuci bu* thO b>' tii o c»gj"aleeu oê.Wakn urlg, *1w pat .l-our UitIn"> oLtlembsM.v that .wotmaigo In their b.iépceby the peo- ple tuas greater exteut lhan viUl the jââ> io 'Who stands »m the, c.,refam saaever>' couple thai geta, 0ft the stroot cars if he can marry them. 1! tbe tflethe jour justices who hâve agreed ta "eep off the streets" ""n l*'lnI n marrying the "love ek"vho apply of the. mariage Il- ee selt..c for a license and for a HIGGINBQTHAM & DOUGLA marrog jutice -Double Stamps on Ail Purchoses of Americûn Lady corsets The Store ethaè.S<Mls Wooltex and Sunshlne Garments ~,fr è henéw are tI4ee-sCB N. *fimlomen and YOwitgtlwomen wh~ *¶'~bhRwaftngfotqeutmont in 4. styllarm7for. coat., a. pca pride, wMl find it HEUI, u aiw The Coaàts at- Tisse nsv coatza ylsurprise pou, sueb pDtty styles, 'stnted colorsaikd maieriata; vOtth $1000; al sites. 1 PAS>IONP.SLE neircoata ln gold,' citron, qay. black. green. etc.. In pop-, lins, 'mixtures,- gabardines. Poiret twillîs. Belted, pleaf.ed, shirred and paueled bocks, large collans and nev vocketa. l'lie Suts at- A 'SALR ot mnch mportance-th-, suits, are $1850 and $20.00 value, lu. the. Tor>'latent styles. loosle fitt"u Jackets vith beits, pleates and yole eflects with coloned stitchin.g and em, broiderl' al colora. e The suit Illustrated is one of So ur 'new $25 modeli; cames In uavy. gold. magenta and green. Then v. have scores of ather suits lu taitared ofr faa>' styles effectiveiy and. beomipgly trim- mcd. Worthî to4$32.6#. A Special Lotof Womnett's Sring Cat -22 In this sPecial assortmept are coats receiyed through extraordifl*J'1 t cni0s 'hich ensile us ta quate such temarkably 10v prices San>'beau- tiful new styles are shav n veYlo*s, gabardines. paplinâ, lu the mont tlealrabla spz#sxgc6loraand black. ______________ Values to $2 In- Ne~lit - Pretty nov vaista lb plain vhie or man>' uew color conibinatioiis as weil as stripet lu valiaus ina. or ý g ater. = .Ornovcollais .srt vam~O3 Children's Coats ' 2*98 &$ At bath Price@ va havle sises up tô 14 in serges, biack-and-whiJte check@, etc., in ggoo4 styles, vali made. Btil are spocial sale price-f or Saturdlpy. scae~ ! rttystyas iti4eei iouaosof daint>' =bui ------------ e- il- - 7..-- - - - -- -- - .1 1 .