T PO-M--t- LMCE( Lake< wi's Big Weekly *AUKEGAP. -WEEKLY SU ~0L~XV-NO 1. Tg~V ~'~8L£BERTY VIX, LAKI COUNT MUCI 1~VAUis SHOW#. 'Phe dt anda plaices fer the. hou- li01t$tu1eraencontesta bave biea US'Mcol ib7 tii. -unty auperîtn.- 4 *ai and amO as follous: 11111i0111-TWep4y, April 17, Win.1 tiirs ilubaiScuoci At _I o'clack. 'Noveut#et.osaApril IU. Wàd~U s-hh ecolaI ,lo'ciocb. links Vila-'i'ureday, Avril Io1, Lako Villa scIzeol et 9*o'ciock. AtWob-Tliuisday, April 19, An- tioeb' Sciiooi at i 'elocik Wa-ro-JrUay, Aril 20, Gurna sceal et 1 o'cieck. Ave-Mioaiay, April Sn, Qrayiigk siS el i oCock. Crat-Tuosday, Aril 24 et 9 o'- loct. Waleouda - Tuesiay, Avril 24, Wauconala OoolaIi eolcb.. Presment - Wednosday, Avril fi. lsanlioe ichool et 9 oeclock. làbertyville-Wedueday. Avrili 25. Hawthorne larm OSchaoot t i o'ecle. Ubiod-rd-à. Avril 27, Cetral, UchOOl, Norh Chicago ai 1 o'clock. flertold-Monday, April 3o, Deor- tou Sciel et i o'cloeb. Verneu-Tuosd Y, a1. HlaitDay ebIAt i o'clocb. *Wa-powffl.e aa, .L(ay*it. lQàfflu-Widay. IMay 4. North *9L lorti Chicago aIi o'clocb. AMI, 01 the dAte. nu? b.- uhuet te change If lbe veatiier bocopies1 very hi. Fler. vtiiih contcste lu speUiing, peumaauilp, aritbmef le ansi reading.1 £Ach achool Mnay seni tva entost.- ants lu es& ubject. aliaugl son,. Of lhe acbOOls May finit tdifficuit te bav- more th" none, a Pupul may hbe saluai lutu bverai et the coûtesta. As u oancai. lthe pelling coutent -111i ba 6W Alndiiten. worde te hb. talon trom us t'gospolipe1 pages i te 140. Thie mpooakp eOuatet- the. amit5 exore su n ausI' Mas- Unil ith capitlesanidline vriting.1 Th*. auiimetie content viii ha exor- ciésln qulck caecitlons lu adul- Idlpll. snbytractlon, l5niiplicfttion ani division.0fribole nunihers, commet and deWacal fractions. Tii. contet- auto la readu ing ii1us0 vatever On. of the Bison boks tii.y »uv lm" tIbis gear; the conentestnt eliau bave tie rishl toecliose one sainec- tien. théO jgdge viiichaos. the. other h ia te reai. The. avaria vîlI be given In etci ~jj~-~sblpcontentitnlaech ubject, tiie 'à-@ li o f trit and second places are 1 compete lu lb. county coutent for the aomntY honora: If -itier trit oc »COnd are unalle te attend tie coua- ty 7oItoat thon tti i tu te go, Argues That Immnitty Order V of Court Is Bar to Typ Hlm onIdItme Ciaiming that the ,Imm* ty bath- w hieh vas given hlm before be ventc befare tie grand jury aui testiflosi ln the case he brouglit agaluat tates1 attorney J. G. Welch, - ' liu llCo-e bolS of Higland Park, chargivith1 the illegal sale of liQuor, aPpearesi hoefore Caunty Judgo Persons tuis at-1 ttrnoon ansi thraugi bis attorneyà Utei tint lie Information be die- Missesi.1 Talra y vas permîttesittafile la lu viciho oont forth that tie IMlIiU»Ity order issuesi by Judgs li- ards applisie ho liiquar propecu- teIi h i a a O oIste sbeing triée.- Juuld ' Mofnb di net mie on the 111A %4 W M acfidicata wbat big ttlt0deUoelà ha. t'0idoUim ôreli, seriefs ub thispap e nd aq~iotoilbimgtl 1h. ' " lt o m: efi "'are are a un4it o f clate fllod in tie deprtus t id tock cot of. he expenaomsudmourrai l ie, slagbtr * stnasl the stat -Prkinç». YOD«, ears John,,L qM r . nand tkhi leu; v l go to Wsub.pfa on Monday, APM I23, and lbe t the. Wasbburn botel at le o'clqck lu the. fwooof Mtbot dey, vheu ail cf lbons Parties Can aulmit t"r ielana andi an, adjustinent may b. made cf theuIn. Judge Etlwardu, ltI t.SadrWilI Follow the EDample Set by .udges tln Chioago. TO POSTPONE HEARINGS. WiII Not Be HeardUntf Peacel Is Restored Between Ger'- many and This Country. flerman realdento andsi ubjecta cof Germany viii not ho permlItted 10 tà.k oui nauraliation papers until Peace ls restoresi between tiei'aitted Sltes« andi Çisrnay. At least It la sali that la the course that wiii b. follovosi h Circuit Judge Claire C Esivards as a resuit of the plun that bas bee. adopted lu Cbicag. Tii. course follovesi lu Chicago la te contiense ii. burina leWipily. The !mia are nollîidthtt lia' sa %et leme Ol vbie je changeé Germen subjects luto American. citi- sus for foar that tbey tuigbt'use the orivilaso ta, turthos- anme nefarlous blan. If Jusise Esivards follove iis plan and tle reasona4sldto suppose that te willl. there vii li e a number of di«ePoin2te-d <ermanm;a ni Antriaus In Waukegan andi Lake county for there have been a number of poli- of court. During tie laittwiv or thres weeks particula.riy durlug the lent ve the anber of firet papers tabou out by Germent ansi Austrians bas broken il records. Tiiero are a number of these applicatIons every day. 'Pie fact tliat the fiat papera are taben ont does net -sive the allen nny rMets but lt places hlm nearer the goal of receiviag bis ful i ctlzonsbip papers. Somme Hlme abo it vas reported tiat t'le goverument mlt stop the tak- (al ont of firsi papers. Tis report en*tIy Wuwtithout faunlatn for lier. bas bean no cassation pu tb. vorlk. l vas probable that Ibe r.- Port mnait to convey the impresaion that the 'natter of bearinu to gîta full citiaenship vould be deforresi un- tii ater the var. 8 YEAR OLD BOY ON WAYTO SCIOL IS KILLED BY TRAIN Little Cankar Boy of Market Street Hit by North-Western Tcain 1-Waukegan, April 12. Lttlo Joe -Cankar. agesi 8. sou of Mr. andi Krs. Josephi Cankar of Ma- ket, vas fataulliuradI rhen lie vas atrnl-' by a passenger train on the Clicago andi Norbvesteru railroad et the 'Forty Stepa" crossing this morulug about 8:40 o'clock. The lad 610<1 on bie arrivaI at the Jane %icAl- Iter hoopilul. The litle feflow vas on bis vay ta ichool wben itue accident bappened. The supposition lu tht Se became confumlid vhite croslng the tracts and stoppai la front bf the . south bOuu4 train. The. boy'& bodyr. criii- si! and btfeding, vas hurledsiomte littie distance. 'iie aftluer applIesi hie braktes but coUlTi uot etop,.n time ta avaisi the amcdent. Rie backed hls train ho the pont vbere the bores body lay. 'Phe la as placod la the haggage car tendorly and the train. ba5ked tothle - Wor<Ls,v, suruuosfor the ifoitbWetrn aumaosivas summon- MW. E<W&4 fôà.ihvIlle the.- bey's- skiii vas Uéui os-stuy t ho h 1 i.ll ýâ" - . -emý -- ' 1 1 1 , ý-7 1 ý - THURSDÂY, APRIL 19, 1917. Intrp*me.$# IWhioI Would t Pw*rIcof theSec- rtyéf Sae a bullWy uub. Thom- a. E. Oraheu bs ltroduce, i ussd biiy leeW ete caUalY M$018*ts ntt ha gcelle 0 -toe-B I"l.Ii, wle*se, 0"-chuffurexamina, bS u at aBets- fy'easb Amena S* rovisofothe blli 9are foai' t"i ololi FirÎt-Epvery *vnOr o! an auto or motoiycie shah w1ti ten daya ai- ter beàocung tho owner of such ne- bis flie la theonofce of tie couuiy àlerk an aflication for a certîficate leait~iu pioperly aetiing forth biasa.as adiiese. vilth a tlof shall Par ho the coufi- ty cwak a regaration tee for enci netenjexea mno?$2, andi for I eu Mto' vhlceof 10 borno power M ad lastb. Ouinof 93; for saci ma- toi' vohie of 25 IS o w aer andi 39" Otiasi Ûl herse Paver 84; for Ouaci moto veblicle of 35 bre pover 84; fOrftec motor vehzicie of more tbasi60lboas pover tho sumiof $10; anW oci Mai eary eloectlcaly pro- POU" jmototou Lche uP te ansi lp- cludlng Ivo tons capacity the Oum or $5. provild, the tirat rnfgitratiau las fer foaci Motor vehicle $hall h. Msd ci25 P uecnt If Payable dort'1 Ilie ".ccd quarter: 50 Der cent n payable darins tie thIrd Quarter; and Il Par cent If Payable during the feurti quarter. ' Ilni comal, cierbè 'a10mmiii-ail aessUeary b-Lankaregistrtion caris, e # Icufa 0u oau ies. etc., r * 1 i~o tleby the M 4b13aIe0potdes 8-fm-r hp- hod-_ Oa f exaMIbhlUonsfor chauffeurs aes AUicen#Ms drivers et ail tounty es«IandsIit empovers tie county clark ta nanio the examining board. The"es exuatlens can ho held at &BAlY bia of the day or ai tihé year. 4I OES lrTnSLÉEP ON RAILROAbTRACKS; IS.KILLEDBYTRAI 'St. Paul Train CreW Find Badly Mangled Body of Man on TraCkS Near Round Lake. Betvep Round Labe and Haine- .ville n train crew an the St. Paul 1railroai tauni tic bail>. mangies baidy of a man saturda>. ight, andi cari> 1 unda>. marning the remains vere ldentllcd as the body af Thoinsa 'Quagle>., n Chicagoan, Who bai vas-k 1 d i uthticShm ar tarnirpg ti put veek. l11 comPan>. vitb antier Chîcagoan. Quagiey ieft ithe Shank farm at the suPPer hour Saluria>.. Ai 10 o'ciock that saine nighttbis body vas fauni ln a bail>. iangisis condition betveem 1tic nortb-bouui trucks. Near Wus body1 iay ils companion wvi aB as n" druab., lbI la beiieved lie tva men feli in 1a drunken stupar, ans upon the tracbs, tie tier bast ta One aide. andi tint1 Quagleywas rin dovu b>. one or thei1 fast passenger trains. He bai boen1 lead ai leait an hour vien tiie baiy W& faunid. - Coroner J. L. Tityior presie at lie lnQueat on Mondar ansi n ver- dict shovlng tiie deced came le bis. deati frein lqns truckb b>'a train 48 ho la> On tho traoka vaa rehus PlY the Jury. - Thie bady vas ciaiinei iy tvoasie- (era vho came ta Round Labo tuis morning.1 ORLY 76 VOTES CAST AT VILLMIE ELECTION Fb. villa"gwotecion hlduln Llbrlyflilo Ou Tueni avas a ver>. tapis affair, aniy 76 votera heiuq iliresiei enougi taedOut tbei hallots. There vas ouiy ou.est of candidats fortheoveral office te ho votol on.&aid h" aeontsfor tha litUo lnl.r".htakun lu9lbheolocIln. ÀA baiia ,doséï voun votai. ! 1 I POll.wlagSUs votaecaet for tbe of Wa-u %ii*atfre Il oVsu-Jq8lMu, 1 .SENTTO WMSN< DRES Grand lapidè? Mch. pril 12- Chartes Eyod usn a Grand Vlpida b t the Great Laker Na- 1a rhu' station, nar* Chicago. vas thougbt 10 have died Tuesday, aud the, body arrIvesi ln Grand Rap- Ms t ibt y= ssIarrangements bai b". M«« »d 1the. . burwai as to bave taltea plaus lday. Mr. and Mis. laas feluison. .tbe Parents, vere ai the. tdertaber's reooma ven the. ~~~flvo4ad immediatoir d*- ntr-tn daiouth vas not thilr am Communication vas maie vith the nlaval otatilea nd the Parents vos-e iufei'ed thautheri son vas al,.e and in geu«d beuih. The confusion ln weUttgwva due te tii. tact tht the deai youtii bore the naîne of Hud- son. Tbia ldy wviii h Iiped bark te Cblcas.. Ju Thia Mornîngi at moon nt tn Cease ofn conviced Çf~. Juste l couli b. Und -Ale iu- appal o ti.o Ji . j dity. ifyth er gr Jand ry a te ofr v the pcasbe aun cat eo lu the Incaeon Coied Ç*o Inc9rretiv nd qlanalo iefor The- Bthon«»ii4 4tora 0f th Coulta be wp4OUfltheasIrood AttorneyOn Y. rvI ed am seting o nott*7tê~rdric e o af fa 1e v 'Ot 1 ms fl't.n i aThueuNothbo g t eaas fIot durued bitrgrandjury ane Jryo v ui~atthe ourd toi nevt31L40'g t nbe ilhli cou cals erroedit thflsejdiment. Nelson =owith ha ve peccoina ligitor etan e; oeili remin outI as. i-m o tbi. t twn shi wi e 1bojtwwala4 us conts. Te_1, e nt 3u wn cf 1*. ybrunt cur ton capias& thi Àoidm uIni rer. o tho amont oa$,00. ntos t atvo forh' on a il$50,0. M ent hie vatnt eher J0ait he Jur i The eiPrsan toayiads wapas- andictesthef cet eorthaifjury -butezu vbosecse ae .th ermtion to a thew bouut thcourt. h ~c.oest expetese thate ef W l en a nts ont b onbrond% m ourt net >audrto proaf vsofabe» OnI Kuviasth 8 Sid onha »d we Rlfl eohdie, the.Jurer I theastent psorr$ n h ett ok fIr te* mt ui0e ri AU, ieFnt. ab paied ni o r no iasy flontii css la e ouepadting eiutg i1, i eointe aseds of a]the 1*ho disri Califwoniasveehove on-tilre mo th aou op.eM ciaiassbis are tu mral oretHe sIthnd aloii buet bt thot pOrepbianitt ta uib acordg toureorts etou YdyoIf 1 the. fto bndte aiet bs n TuieFoftheas provelaoatet filcnjigePa lasman eh~ itniaj luda Labo cuntlargo ao tha1 Pbout ths etae o halh 111ctHubvoli b. ailliut bCaus- Lae d *" leycaiS0es al lit, a liga tiiro-nli be 0cn didtenr eports cfom tisa.ocku. bhoha been Wnnabafo muaty me lalone Plairaeirlb iea rOtirment, ut eof coure, lUàdte uo-t boyg 1aPrstd.uJusige' u trou Coaouni niea goahewet nm* goraa althmboe.n, gax ideq- - orn butfo e oul jurisaind tb« wi id uopdi t, e p a orte hmsli tu lsoing taSyers, but "ati Judg Praost lias coniied & mt et è1cut -th tis wf hadithe ÔNE TO EIGHT. $150 PER YEAR IN AI 'ScI46oIBoard, iii Res olutions, Answers li "çlScurrilous" #pAfi Four Members ofithe BogWCVoe, te Adept lhe Rosai Ru4 u4 OuMeulr tsAamm Of A*n At a meeting of th hori of ainnatian of lheriyyllIe Monday evoalap lie foiiowing reeobniions ers pieaotei and adoptai b> . F l fubaiis, mnsa ai by IR . F. Osose. Th. reolutlla fer halas sdoptod, vers es-od phle Itu la ertyville lndependiaat, lb.vota on lhe adoptioanlaina: a-s Mma. Lovéit. Mr. Oubaine, Mr. S8ais. Nay-Mars. Fini l uet; aea- Austin. Tih. ftoooutus:w WIMEIEAS a number of statemtents bave appoaresi troum t to tu lb. Labo County Regusto,' refleeting upon lie nanduct et tha sebom ly the present lBard ot ducation uni. WRIIIR&U it in made te appuar liaI Mn. 8mai, lie Becratsy rusa tbis ban asid the. icliel 10sait bis ommu vims ani thaI lie rutlof 1», Board are but puppets la bis banda, andi WiHaL.AS lhe statemouts as publilbeh area baoluteiy taise andi an I suit to the memiers of? Ibhourd, lie taxpayan or lii district, and, Ib» Patrons at Ibis echool: Flisore, BE 18 RESOIoVUA> liai lie tacts as shevu b>. ou,'redords ha pubombad in ansver 10 lie Scunnilous attack lu the, issue or April l4th. 1917 « tli iteglstar, vibciare as foliova: Our t6acbers are ail bled on cotracta vbicb provIi& liaI té, *e mont' shah ha liehsa"ne AS lie*culonar monli ansi in atricti.lu ulo, auce witi section 177 of tb. achool 1ev. -~ Tie achool OPenosi on Bqtembei 4li. 1916, ani lie aobctheol ý hierefore tart& on tic 4h of liamentit maune"on the ait 0 et v* Tha teacisa amr rqulrei 10 salmIS scbdulo. ut the close of au*u montli vuin aeturud osito Ithe pftnnipalanj b> hi= Mtsont» À.b vie, »04 OU I re o te mm in.dm"vuan ardaom thie tovnatap Wmwt, lie aUmut dueolat-e sai gtêaebes-s uiestii, eentiactWU 0, 4 Thi a 15 lma sigeut y &a epeuoqi t u&i"as-rIai t OUMs thet treasues-fer PagMAWLTisas wurntohave als* s dm-4Sb6«. variai tute htovuiip tresar pwromtly on leth* .UES- a mies hm s»earoottflumsebs 4ha b u idsbmw, tai>. have ne anthcsiitt'te P" MSetl*Mom la MW ptber m~~ lAuofretee b o udinu BD rne ae ~otese bru bthe cb41. liohlisYS: FiTetuais' en pali DMtbot, 'iardu. flocembou ý, 44ý prompti>.. Fier. vas n no tr- moesdue tlomme uganaitJaaamq*bfi lif17, vhlci vas the date on vilci s moobapehe u&luaar t li b&uirý Hoiiiays and warrants wve.t~wa proinptl.un reeipt aMsciedules. y- I se question Of huYlag novbooeks la aone thathle Beoretslu basâOL>e log ta do vitti oxcept as au nivsiduel Member e ie DaeBord. Aummseau ý» materof nev booksvssJsrog to the atention f h Bar<,ar th V 1 cipal the matai vau tabou' up, ansitle Secrahs-' as udirscfltei'. sAiple copie, ici bo di proptly. Theme books came in durlî« Wý tiraI part cf lebrusry ansi et lis isanlar meeting cf Fobruar>. 11h. 1»17,, lie Motion af Mr. DuBaIs 1h questionof readers tor the ps-tus, referred to he lis P&I\1for lsig'f UtieiM. e vws iirte4 te règut W 'm ommendatlens -asu1thlb. iom a t lik boM la eb. e& s.Tia SsW m vas dons. At the negule' uatimaMetti.hoerd huil-boa n JqureIIk'* l'lcal'a report vwa ruai .54 lb.bocks h. reco.ussiaj M-Woaeew The tourti gaie tl eês- bas beaui a backvarj aipie. mai 410h ba boon report"i le theBo"d mit-ral tiasn.m xsa Ulcktfi, eap0" ver>. buatteeciona lutii. oeeL. ha.bai an a.aPtlealp u M tab worklng tliigrade up l to n*dad. Fi. Hoard Otuiy rogaustbo' ae cuit>. sie bus' laborsi 'naja. andi hevMe a I.bie oueelf u -g iu reot-ence tuta le Hordi ivllmbut ou. iotionary ilata Ie Mi çbù0 ý 1h15 Bourdlias anor basa cued "mpcn le hMiMreb««ana.tiche q leachars flai moustei thatthe. Niai Sciol »Mupils ha ?qIi#te *àjk themaeliee il' inivuduoi comies of Wsbtejes Aoadermal eto a, der tu san. lie itooffnscs t aiathe chiliren coginamll>.yUmuIn# « ansi forth te consuit iictioafas.,- Fie Plag lias not lflevftranhie staif for tia reasen liat Mr.Wol coverýi the. cli opa wu lu bai sagueand totu le boys et M tat 0 *- Flag util h bsa.put lu a nov nope. Fie>' vent uiead and pt,*.O.Wi ansi ils weigii brute the li nope, lie reposte i is malte lis Prsmgdo te Bhoard. ansi lie Preeieunt dbre« bina net te of lie odues o ttssnpt te ."1b the pela d Unipt, lua an»Wsroe easan, but diriecei 4uim lu ueo t ho-,ceuli hire someoosocMste. - vork. TFis Fiaapoilo i tla but &a liras-hMd Nitvomiuci su tendint up tirouglituth le cupol4aussii à &5 a, egous Job è6ahW 007 o pet a rope l inte saiewbut mmepartleIla koeil viallr, g II MN Wells basu M beau ahi. 10 gel soyons Who tg vIlIna 10go sp tbP Wàslt'- tII vanner vsathet. Aul purcliasefor tie sciteol Ame maie b>. a oiamittéeet tires of bQe, Mr. Binai la Ciairuman. Il 15li teu, daut liaestlals*1sm toe- any miatérilin taprebsuul. TieSeertai>laaUtiteitaul -.. é@@1S iMM to ropleaisi the stoklof mi mahoauam sea.régula* - be Board if liedolay Ilu -altina for lia nuglar MUd nia" oeU I ml",j w ' wayembarrais lw eli e t uersli er vwb Fiheaciea, 'lte Puls»ei d uithe janter are it'uot p lhii vants as li. Bourd scpteppatu e eplug sasnply et 4hlatSl uit ail limes. Peupoints boisa boualil b>. lie poa uaanet omieaeta e, y' Fie Principal mreaenta theed oinc*lM eps-M rnt r <Û* 10oe teaiers ara e pcnalbie to bim andi tiu*k liate Ieouri.o4 dutl>' cthie toaciiera te tabe up vili lie PieU &H IlqusstiÇà OÏ uni usiy olior malter partalning 10 1h01 vwoiU 19nUg atarath tèrs up il lihe Hoari. untu h nb .cm nd>homsas la bu gd4 - for tiheat luterest of th.*sebool-, si leas-buanover aldîwIè anything aakei for lu Ibis malter v*heui là 110e, U-M te aeû Thie businesend ? of chéO Iau alvapu ifl A M Ui1e thé Pr or Mincation as proviiosi for b17 lia school i avafAdbshtAe o nM 0 lu roferance la teeciiersasouele v.oaýon* «Yw l -- by soin. of the bigget and hout uciselalu Obe owa*v. refusai to coudet th*< 1ph.loo n.liie~ te iSt butmseaà.thelbolet fuseasthmt a" VV ep *4 bore tbrough lie uagey thttOb »tb,0 Zs. ~, Pua ninus thu maus roUego sam5r w-.i Tb. otattesea tw bat .qmsIVIom rad Rather Startling Procetture of .Five Masked Men at State LUne Saloon Friday. ERET U. S. FLAGS INSTEAD. Patriotic Americans Evidently! Wanteck Reference to Ger- mans, Removed. A rather 'sensatuocal action lob Place st theb.tatej..ne saloon nerti of Witinop liarbar ride>.nisit. a- cardnnsta the man viia conducts lie roauhouse. Ho etates Ibat about 9 n'ciack ive Young mon. ail et wioni vemaas over lieir faces vaut te tho roaibauaa and viliont oxcianting vomIs vii lhe propriehor tors deaim la big aigu, '"Heidelberg In.» anc la ls place hunt up tv Auualcan Sotte. MWr. Wuray, the progristos-, iuclarog he di netà" mes lemuau bspl te astfl a i d inet Xuof o? he vieil until afiwes- b.. ai tom devu lie alsno!rissalei Il vIl'the bfats. Noighbors smv t ogve mon ln tii at of rena-s-fus lieaigu andiobsoeva them carefuli>. put lunlits place lie twa Rlats viicli ver. tirovu te the brffle In n manner thtndieni>.chantai thie roasihouse tram an -bearing a trifle German sentlient tu one of pro- naunces Auues-lcan eatniottism. Murray, wvbale netpro-Gerinan. vas neot ln Lie leaslimcensei 0,cr lie act for vlien be bouglil the pince it bars the Germen nain, ansi ho bai nover botheresi ta change il. Il bai beau known as lie Heidelberg hIfr aev- eral ysnrs ansi vbile Murray in net tho iest bit Gerinan, lie <ii nat re- gard lie ignfleance of lie naine as o? suficient importance le cause hlm tu change it. 'Pie masbsi lmon, hovever, eviiont- 1>. resontesi th -name ne d w ve not go- Ing ta tabe tonÔea on 1eurra>' refu- lut: te ramonee stem aigue i vuac- cari. Sut Murray'ln net the lastdia- plensesi,. because io declares hesid r.- 'fer liaving the t tOs an lihesaigu vich hai atout! liera nman>.yars. Thie Inn la an BSherian roasi. ansi lu th epath of hundrois of anlolis vbo travel poil Il; day andi nialil. Fiat le vhy lie patriote evudeutl> sddflot vaut any misindonmtauluasa hie layait> of nati ashore reeldeuts: SPEAKERS UNGE ALKTOî'DO TIJEIR SIIARE_0 F WORI( Sunda>' eneuing tii. peabeis btthe blg Cammunit>.Weifar s ervice heulu l the LIbortyvilie M. E. cburci ufWesi thé people af Ibis comuoitytelaetse w0 orb usie Il hi oluansi prepare theur own osansi faod@ for the winters uns,l'allier tian roi> ou gettliug hem froin the Fhus meting or servie vas calli b> Bey. T. B. Beaux, Iastor af the oburci, tai roponsle ta lis wiaier of a commltte. ai lbe Alpha Club, vilci agitatesi ho cdean-up niavement for this woob. Presant and i eiiouing aidieos. voee Sonator R. S. Swilf of Lihertytlilo, John B. Barrot ai Prairie Visv, the Prol6ent of the Lake Cosul>. FarmImprovemont Assoiallau, Tobiae Cbav, Principal oI the Liberlyvihie echool ansi Bey. Reai. The sariy part of tesierice ibas devotei teaspécial music by lb. congre- galion ansi chair, the greal National Antienu,.'Aiiiric" a"bg sung b>. t12 ove. bundred or muore attudiug the service, ametva igrtaone#oby Ms-. tir, Ba"nt as the brut apeaker te le bie vies-a ou the lm-up vosuds alun tbm vorb of, lneea b.erehsin ai crope.H & sauyoaoola abes laallng n"dlsWtw fOMC $1.50 PER YEAR IX AD ÔNE TO EIGHT.