CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 1

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LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VO)L. XXV.-NO. 17. SIXTEZN PAGBB LIBERI Y VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, MLLNOIS. THURSDAY, -APRIL 26, 1917é. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÀA»Ni MI.E17A SMITII lIES 0F-PNEUMONIA ON SUNDAY NIGIIT Wife of Editor of Sun and ln- <ependent Passes Away in Chicago Hospital. WAS SICK BUT TWO WEEKS. Mrs. Smtith Was Member of the Hiospital' Board, Woman's Club and Other Societiés. Mum. Julletti mllb, vite of %W I1 Simili, editar uf tir- Wauk,-gRn Jui Suas anti Lake- ColintY ldepwne-udt.1 died ti t Brceter Hospital, Calumet1 avenue. Chicago, Sueujay evenlof ai 8:,g octuet. Heu death was due tole a tornuiinaion ut heart affection andt1 paMna l, th% latLer havilgt in0 t tour day. pnior te heer paseing. 9 X va. Easter Sosndai, Juat tva yacks m«oSunday, vhen tirs. Smltb vos taken la the hospital lusactier9 to ho under a heail epecialhia. For same das previouslY tse hid heen groini veaker anti vOaker andi Il vas ýfet careful treatment unden thic dijeon ut Dr. H. V. Haîbert vauid1 bring tise deatre-t improvemnt. Fora tev day. ber condition remaineti CIa- flousaiT but finali> au iuupruvesue-t1 vas Reen. but h va*s ligir. . lu vas Thursday lght atter Mid- ngt iht ber condition assumeela e-dUtcal state and the dutra aný counceo lIai pneumnonie hati devel- ,peti FrOn thon on Mca fSilith bé-- gas vhat tie boapial stîendant.. de- dam.- ta ho the Most persiste-ni anti debentiined flgbi for 1r tiey have ever'oeop in lhe bospîlaL. bise reatiz- e-i lie serouafeieOt hercondtion &Md obp vorked vitir preeision ta trigag O &satalthome lu Charge t hm tow combat a condition ai heurt aud luags cther of -vblch vouît have besa suffIcient la alarm those- attend- ing ber i1 vwas on Salurday Ibat t became- mese-soarS Lu gise ber oxygen anti h inight hi sai ber Ilfe vas cccli'pro. entil Sunday eveing as a ce- s.uit Ot using 16 Maey imes ahi s.urh lun» a cocdtilon from wvilei i ,eme-d ase cuitionet rally. but eebi lme- ie- fosghbitI off anti eneved hi-r flghl whiei. aven as.laie a Sunday aI a.m .lo oket hoperul. Tee minutes brimre she pamei. sic olk tour aunera of broti anti vas us brighi as paisible. trylas hel. best ta, truogle tui lbaI beath vilci lthe congestet lngs and the veak huart réfused le gve trocly. With ber te lie very lest 1was ber moîher. Mc. W. J. Allen, ber pster. )ais Ruy 1P. te-eand heeriusîand ani hie. broîber. F. G. fSmith. 1. j )t vas conitoring lu realize that. iup 10 lire- vin Instant theefinai sum -muescame. M. fSmiti mev hem ail and repiiet te Questilons viiin mogona utf ber bauds anti lips. Tt vao a bard fiait wvicbhi hepot up, but depor i t f act ber passlng vas vthout the le-a sign ut auffrring cx- ept so far as the lest struzgle for bre-ali cornes tO ail persons ag lie-y me b Lhi-I ev'ktid. isa. Sit vas 38 ye-ersnid. bey- ing been bora la Buffalo, N. Y.. on Jamuary If. 1879, the second daugiler of M. and Mca. 'W. J. Allen, Mr. AI- lep holng chilet nginepenouthle Wau- kouMna vaervurks. Wlli her parentIs able movoti te Wauen n ta1890 viien Mr. Allen erectedtheti sugur ce- fiery ftocthe Jehho. Tt huit ince been ber home. A "«Itu Alen" ashi 'vasone Ot tbe City$ popular young- vworen turing ber sebSol carter ln the local schôals, belag a mnember ut the clama et 1897. On September 27, 1904 she vas mamioti. A 1111e daugh- ter, Xtildtred. came ta ber home but aller living a 1111e uver tiree yeace. passeti on In 1910. Foc seve-cal years Mcm. Smith vas vecy active in tierofu St. Mac-, carets Guilitiof Christ cburcb. hold- ing varlous offices Inl ie ociely, In- cludieg tualt fpresideal. Bbc ato, et lire ime et lier paaslng vas a mom- ier outhle Jane McAlister 1Hoapîtal boardi aud vas e(enly tteroateti la the wyofuthlai association. 0f late yerebec r ealtihaboon a uci tisai thbe va nul as constant In her efforts la libser ocleties ant i wus.the one regret a of brifs lirat the eauld not de ovon more thon sic dit la bth. Ohé 'oaa a momber of thse Woukogan r.Silifor;ten tur au IANY ATTMND Xt4IAL -CIJICI NEETINti LuAst Tburaday nighitho meno f the Preobyterlan cbureb served a aupper ta about one bundred, the occasion being tbe annuel congregeýional meeting. Everytblug in tonnectior, witb porepar- lng and oerviulg the suIq)rr wuO don- lîy moen d thee Iwi.'ewere alloweeda night off' J1 A, Tceptow %rasthie '.-pr beingaoseièted Earl H. lkirlett, Warren A. Nichosas acd A C. Steir liThe table traiter i wre a 1 men. Jas. H. Swan beiat bond vaLttr. 1The buaes. rnmeetTÉg waful of good work. Treasureu'. Roy F. Wrighît sub- ritted bis reprt'ior the yer ehowing ail acenu boing paid with a balance la.tb ti reaury, tbe churcbfaeina a muuu, brigbter ontoak for another year. The reporte from the churci organisations altoanr veo ry ontourafflui sud showed ubal nuelb otod work had bien acoue- pllsbod by theni. ' Th. lction for membera of ltie board of trente«,j roculed n follorw: ibet Witeunn.Mr. J.A.'oeptnw, . Mtirudo Olesidort, A. bd. Caasy r.i. r4Iscsd s eider andfRo V. Wrght as iraurer. For nme lime a so rament ha. been lu progreosatu hâvs4hbs churen (building rsmodoled, espsclally the. sisirway and outrance tuthe i.anditorium n sd ibis more va» gîven a bt boomcit lt themeet- Ing hi tise appolutrneni 01 la connt.. la inuke au Invetigation andi report ita recoumsendatioun t a fulte meeting. d The 1gbh ool orchestra furniahed ver flue music .Iuring the . vening and Lieut. Cl'a. Wbigarn mode a patiotie speech on 'Prep.iedneaa." WETS NP.DRY$ IN STRU6IdLE 0VE DRY ZONE MATER Illnois Legisattwe'18 to Dis- pose of Alil qur 1mu- BOTH SIDES ARE CONFIDENT Five-Mile Dry Zone Bll WilI Be Acted Upon in the House During Pesent Week. Ail wet and dry bills remalnlng In tbe housp calendar viii hi disposeO of ibis veek. Representative Curran, vet leader. ancounced tat nlght that h, vould offer no objection ta the odvancement of pending measuce ln order lu per- mit final disposItion on third readlng not later than Thursday. Among the measureB nov on second reading whicb vill ho allowed tu go tu Iird reading without objection la the Bruce bil, proibiting tie sale ut llquor con- taining mure than 10 per cent of lcohol. Representative Curran de- clared It voulti meet defeat on third reading. Dry bills whlch wili corne up tor action include the Mlles seerch and seizuce bill he Ib Flagg antl-treating bill and the Tuîlle bill provlding a threr-year prison tecin for bootleggicg. Theee are bouse bille. The only pend- li; bills speusored by tise vota are thei Fetellng bill, permitting tise brewecles teoeili liquor direct u con- sumners ln dry towns. anti tic Polak bill prohlbiting tie issuance of a u.- loue icentie ta an allen. Dry bis vbIch have been passed by tie senate and viii ho acted upon th15, week in tho houa. Inclutie the. bih proiiting the sale ot liquer ln dance halls aud skating riche, a bill creat- ing a fiv-mile zone around the Naval Training Station at Lakte Bluff. and a bll creatlng a three-mile dry zone around the McKendree collego at Lob- anun. OVER $0,00 IN F001-14OUTII BILLS ALLOWED BY STATE Mrs. Scott Durand of Crab Tree Farm Is Offered $16,- 000 by the State. SHE SAYS Il IS NOT ENOUGH Men Who Gave Supplies,,andt Guards at Turne of Outbreak Are to Receive Pay. Waukegau, April 23. 0f thr sum ot $53131.l1 appropriai- ed bh i egllau foc damagesanmd expeeses tare o n aceount et quLarantlne and tont and meutht dls- cse, $3834.86 bas been orderoti pai teLak aluntl mn by a sur-counit- tee uft1h- ecornrnttee on a~uTa lions ofthle bgitalue. Tire aub.cormlittet. composed et Represeclalive C. H. Young, via le cirairman ot the comit&a John Lynch antiM. L. igoe. met et the Ho- tel .Waàhurn le Waukegen et 10 o'cock ttiI.morelu ai vhlch lime liey 0. K.'d lire tolbovlng claims ut Lakte couniy cire-ca., J. K. Barrt., Prairie Viev. supplies .................S 75. 011 H. F. Buonsira, lhbectyville-, auto service............... 7.40 Burke & Wrigt, Waukegae. ai] heulor ...ý...............3.75 Camaiol & lion, Lbetyville. blanhela ....................4.93 C. W. Chandler, Giimee, enta service.................... 69.00 Fit-ut National *Bank,. Lberty- ville, postage ............ .1.i KeYtanc Pcletieg 1Duo. Llh- 1 ertyvilie, prlnitag........... 2.25 J. F. Kng, Lako Fores t, cash advazeeotiguarta-----------33.85 C. H. Kuegr, Prairie Vie-v. auto ser'vice-..............1012f. H. A. Lantiver. Buringtun, ap- pcalaer.....................6.00 J. J. Lancaster, fiereti, sup- plies ........ ..............14.18 Ilibertyvtile Lic Ca., Liberty- ville, olgebords .............75 C. E. Russe-l., Lakte Forest. aupplie................... 1.00 Waukegan Oui Co.. ail .........12.75 0. F. Bultefielti. Liberlyvihe. ve-erinary services ... ....24.00 L.. H. Couleoc, Grayslake..216.96 The$. Douglas. take Fores.. 42.00 Ou rda' Sllim. David Adonms, Waukcgan ...$3600t J. T. Ayecs. Llheriyville,. 450 L. S. Bradibury, Waurkegan ... 186.008 John Carroll. Deertiel........ 48.75 Juin. W. Doyle, Uberlyvilie- .. 13.12 J. Bi. Fegan, Deerfleld........ 596(0 Robt. Once. Waulrgan ..... 179.25 Win. Hubu. Deecfield .........37r Juin Herrt, Lale Bluff.. 155.50 F. J. Larsen, Wauke-gan .... 18.00 M. H. Oinyle. Pperfield .. 5.00 Jame-s OConnor, Deerfield . 4.00 P., Beugle, Higivooti......... 58.75 The large-e l aim allowe-d Iodai vs, liaI prese-ee by Dr. Ceuisan' ot rayalake. le cilbuamonelel $918.85. The emallest cdaimt allove-d vas tisat of lire Pirst Nationi Ban& et Libectyvuhle. imounting la $2?ti. Thifs daMvas toc putare. Roberti Once, a teputy sheciff, vie allOveticlou, te $200. He senveti as a guard ai tiec <rai Tree Farin vison Mca. Duanda ceattie 'oece laughtor- cd. Representative Thomas rahm anti J. H. Vichors ot Harvard, attend- oti the commilîce meeting Ioday anti1 vouchedi foc tic derme proienteti by Peopleofethiis district. il hecame heova iodai liaitich sade-hati offeetel, settlo viths Mrs. :ScotDuracti ot Cnah Te ncr,"for occaslonal vie-lu of rheumstism andi$16,000, buts suatsee ad nerused ursa il neceasitate t tree trips ' ta Mt. aetllemenl. "Net eonaugi," wvai Mr@. Cie-mente. Mie-i.. viece aie ook the- Durnd's excuse. Betoce aie rue ru- balis viti sue-ce-se. Hec lest trip vas celve a langer snm, a spociai ct of mcdeoIst Feicuury atdiut vae vil e le Iishaluce muet ho tale"ý tr r tom liceelsts lat lie rîcu- Tic autiltor ot public accntints heu tmatiain cleareti but hec condition be - Praorvouchers, tuu%--h,«"'--, came generally veahor. Sic relucrhoe autiocreti upen pre-sentaticn r o 1et berne, bon beart became vorseanti 1ants uPon lie sade Iceesurer for 1anti deveîopmeuîs 0-cced us above tho daims allovede et W4uItegan tn- stated. day, and lie etale Iceasurcer bas heen t Mca. Sith la aunviveti hy ber bus- dicecied lu puy tie rame sut et cci sband anti hi ber parents anti on@ ais-*money in-the stale tce-aury net ali- ater, Mm. R. P. Lee. Anaiher sisien, 'efylse apprapniatot. tIda. tidInt ta Wiisegan, Fohmary 28, 1 I0. Tire Aatioch Lumbin. Company bas riuPenal Wedneoday aoiernooa nI been lnicrporaed, capital o! $26.000. .O'cloel from Muleit ceiub, uhbriaIle n1mcoemortors: Conrad Buaclanru, i e tauuily lot Ouiood. ,Sophia Busebun andaiHferbert Vos. LIEUT. COL WMN~ lIEUSFM E RIFLE CLUB Lamb Thurediby ereunir ett hpLiberty- ville tawn hall a rifle teaiu, wllcb vilI affillate vibisheGeveramen t Rille Club vas ferinel, elghfeen cru biuaffixeel ta tii, lott taigi LWit ,laiWhigam ut Cicago. asana etr. aud Mrs Wu& Wigeuu of Llhriîvilie,nmaide asplendid etidres ou 'Preperedece. anid a.ged ail mneund wamen taIo hI-val lu their vountry. Mr. Whiasàm 'e a mleudid Weler aud vIii sueh a patrioti' subt~jc to tait about bein"mode1w -letarte of hie bearera more worm forthir-o'untry and the eaupe for vhlch itle taDow feeerisbly $eekicg recruit.. The elecion df olâcers for the nrw tests ro.ultesdas lollows: 1reident-Atotfsi LYsl . Morris. Vico-Preldsmt--W. I. Deeker. Ezecuilvre Ouleur-POiil0. Ray. mm.rtfr-J. IL Allçmaa. Tii. by-lawsof thebileoverument 1Rifle Qlub wpe re rosi oui iedo. The liot -of nimbmo in la*bo doW fe-SeriaY Allsinsu andi&ià SmodWuring lbooecomo menihors shoudlte i.applit-ailon wibh hlm. tUh umirudep nov tatale 44 aud a numberdohofa have exprea4eset villiug nome bojWqa. A sultable place for a rifle range &M 4 4 aeli building for sboter la nov heina plunuied and iluthe very nser futurs tW .suimbers will begin tbeir pracetim di'rnot. APPELLATn CORT DEN'S IER« IN S 1PN C-ASES As a Rua 1 Attorney for Sale.1W , Take Case te o, .Court. ALL STILL EK»CT TO WIN. if Highest Cott 3Wtns ILew- er Court MewMSt Then Go tu JO&l lve former WauloM; saiaonkecp- ers vira vere convlotod 0% a Charge of sefllng liquor ie antlouOsterri tory receiveel a hody hlo'otoday vira word vas received bore tuaI the Âppelîte Court has. deithe re-iearing ut the case. Altaray P. L. Jorgeneon. via ceproetstahle ex- saloonkeepera. ancouncedlurnodiate- ly atter receivlng the informnation to- dey that the cases vould hé talon to the Suprerne Court on a wytt of ce-r- tiorari. FoIIoýwlng te a liâttof tise detent' ata. tagether vitir Lhe soatocesu t were administereti ater a trial In Couty Court bere: WM. IL.MOANNY-nod $2,- 304.95 and 6%~days la couaty la". THOS. H. McCANN-PinMd$362,95 ati 30 daxe la couty Jeui JO£ POLANREK-Fiaod $906.95 anti 70 dais la couaty Je&! GEORGE CESAR-Pbàâd 8862.95 and 70 dayu In coutyjMIL MIKE McGUIRIý-9'iaeti $4917b and 40 days ln cout, jail.* Al of lie-se detendanta vero thron Ine o ielu mmedltely afier th. sentences vere Imposot andt tey vire olilged lu cernain tiene untîl their attoraey had perfectedth le ap- poil ltuicheAppellate Court. A fo'o muthi aga the Appellte Court entered a rulng lin'oirch thue verdict agalnt OttoWallla, anotier of the. convicted slocniee vs. rovergeti. la the. case cf McCu3ney It wau ield tht lie fine vs.u.ooflve and the amount vas. r.iuted. la al othor cases te Judsuaent of the Cir- cuit Court vs. affirmoti. Attorney Jorgenson ai once appear- od betore th. Aptellale Cout antd miae a motion for a Y.-iia5rlag. The ruling o4 Ibis motion lhs. just heen mnade. Tii, only step lotifor ithe ox- aaioonkêepers lali h e-ao th Ue 8uprerne Court. The, higiier court la oxpectod ta give a ruling somolime nont fall. If tise Judgment -o!fthe Cir- cuit anti Appellate Courte la affIrmeti thc oaly tbieg lot t for the Ox-alcon- keopers vl! he- lu acceptn~heir sen- tences viti as gooti grace as. ios- sible. Attorney Jorgenson tililatuhepetul iruvovor, anti thinke pÏnhaps a re- versai 'olîl be secure-dtirein the Su- preme Court. Meehanhea in Mledcne. The vahû o e u î,-huuesa le mdu- cee han bee sionpi> hýuuuOqtated andi lie eieuce ut heulisi, le comicg ta re- gond viii inceensing aver tise ait of- fered bii mecheelcail deviÇgu. Tire phylcian, le privute pructico, finis l liinmi tta mccl lii. ativance matie by, irsaIlUoosandthIe- eaulit latirai the comeo!tichemoderniplsutcrltel ocuiftg mèreanti more tu SoSlem ua mdoblms icirjuist lite Miuewlai a"', maeuafùu unare hing gradmolb ami taohithifBOIOIIU. SCIOOL BOARD ELECTIONS CAUSE 0 f MUGItINTEREST Hardest Fight at Libertyvilie Where Incumbesits Are Dg- feated at Poils. INTEREST AT NORTH OHGO. Zîm City Had No Contest but Poled Big Vote-No Con- tests in Other Towns. Sciooi hourd elections vere brld lu rnany districts thhoughout Lakte couuty lu ate aunday atternon., but probably Lie hardeet fight develapeti il ULbirtyville viere lie meuniers virose terme are explritug ver de- testot. Tie vote tollova: FOR PREIEDENT- IL W. BulhIci. 216 voles. Paul G. Ray, 397 votes. FOR MEMBERS- E. h fluBois, 224 v6tes. Agnes K. Colline, 196 voles. Gertrude Oleetort. 401 votlse. Walter t. Lytle, 401 voies. Mc. Bulkiey andthlicfirsl Ivo eau tiltatee ton members et the board ali vere cunning toc re-election but vere deteatod. A bard figit vs. mati, by lie tiectis out he rival tickets. At North Chicago. The electon ta District 64, Norh Chicago, passoti off quetly. A big voeo vs.polleti but tiers vas ne con- test Tic vote vas: Preiet-F. W. Cook. 127 votes. Meunier-Mca. L. B. Jolley, 132 votes. Metner--Chas. Noal. 1U9 votes. Idra. Jalley te a nev momber ati la the firsi veman achool boart m.m- ber oven eleefltu teNorthChicago. District 63, Norch Cicatc, changt" trm auperlion hy sebool boartidl> eclers ta a achool board iiift six men- hors ta ho elecieti. Beven candidates bat flIed paitions tor election but It vas touist on tho monning of election dfay lise! James Macvlnski. on, ofthlb candidates, ivet jual aulsido lire dis- .trict. A plan thon 'oaa pruposeod t gel votera ta 'orite ine cnomme af Macytaski's bcothnb, via duse live la tie district, bul he talledt o dm1 tvotes. 'lie ticket eleceoti ollova: Presdent-Max Prsp'hrski. Menbec-M5.artin Vonucha, Blalet Meteya, PraI Redyen. John Stancual anti HsroltiThoinireon. AItZMon City. A number ut elections vere hold thnoughorst lie county but nu conteste developeti. Zian City beiti ceolhme le-e-IOon u Satucdar. A presidoal anti tva moi- be-caofuthle huard ut education ver, 10 ho selecet, tic presfdent te sesovyeta one ye-ac ced lie tvo nenihrs fac lice-e ycarse. W. H. Clendînen vs. candidate tafor sldent. Josephi114 Bîshop and Rlpi M. Ste-el. members. Tirc- as ocly une- ticket, tic le- depentients faluna la show up, na liaI the- Theeccetle pecly bati e com- plste vietoc>. Thasniche-s a ce sve-ep Ibig ye-er fthe-Voliva ticket. Thp township elecîlan vas caed tby the Tie-occets. giving Lie-ail tho j ustice-r. superviseur andi coud commis- sioner. The citY election vas anothenr cleers eep, glng tb, Vliva Puti lhe mayar. ctty atorney, clty dck. city t reasurer andt he foce aldermeà anti al lie eppaintive office-s Ifat go wM tisem. Th% eiectiun utaSIatuctiay vas Juat as entiuselaslic fer as the Theo- craIe vere ruecerneetas il tirci 'ore 5irongly opposeti. Cleetilaca poloti 1,073 votes, Bisbop è,064 anti Steel j»35. Ste-el vas a cow candidate, islhop iaving Jusl serveti hait et the laIe G. D. Cienoeti's te-cm. Clentîn- en vus ce- eleelet. Job for a Veraatile Man., Acccrduie- 50 il Loif<iotipape-r. hoi Lady'a Magazine toc 178M 'ctaindthtie tulloving ,rounpre-aýiseve- udvctilae- met: "Wn nie-J, toc n suber tamlly, a man of lîgil weiglsl vhlo fearB lie kord anti eue drive air et bornes. Ho muet aecasloamlhyvaut et table, juin le househuiti prayer, look afler bomses, afiti recel a chapter le the Bi- bIé. Hie muai rie at @oen ia tie mrnricg. ady his master *an *atia la ail a*ful cmmentsandeutIf hé cur dreu h alr, sdat pwma, andi puy ai oebbage. na machs lhe better. Wagei. I«tuen guinessa o yer." miss <RACE BOND DIED TUESDAY NMORT Tuemday svenicg et about 8 o dck orurred the deetb ai Miss Girâce Bond, only tbild oairM. and Irs. .Joseph Bond rof Libertyviile. This la oce of the sud- detdaths la cnt rommnilv yfor mollie trne a@ the yong lady tueame un-r scidus last Sundai sud remaitned ou uni il' deeth, took ber frui ber parente. About Ibree veets ego M468 Bond vas tekien 111 wlth lansilitid vbiéb -we4 iollawed by iniiammatory rboumatiem. Oc eunday bel ab s bt ber, conociaus- neisan tc he family physicien decided thai an operation vould be ne-essary, the aperaion)beinu periormeel an Tues- day. Tbe phyacandiagaooed the. cas om menlgitîs atsad eo uoftheismalter taken irom lhe îuung lady'& heuti vas saut te exporte for diaguoda ta land out If ItW»a a onisgtan.dIssasvile hj het flei..The. anevurbai bien umvt von caent!bbile poleonou. substance tu ber tami sud i o aageions. UmaBaud va. homulanUbersy ville tovc.irp on tisefua vilà inlanov huovu a.sibietodney B. Svififonmluple oi UbiorIgvlb. Sie voulti ho 21i jiors aId la Joue and had liveti heu. ah ber Ille. Sb@s va a msmhgr of tise pwortlr Longues,lire Myeiic Workers,, md Roal N.lghbion. lgis andtheii. bahginm phoyece BellotAuwocltlon, wviicoir ht 'o atten -aiefuneral ili hla sà t fat Sunday olbsrnoan O# 2-0 a'chock cthes Mi. E. churci. lier. T. E. Boum vil fafclate. BROWN IS FOmI4 Waukegan Men Aist Whom Infornfiation -WS PRed, LauflOlOOClUb e M.. P.. TELL* 0F M-S40 IA%9S To Put Clubs at L.ake Fei and Grayslake Soon; Thon in Other Partsof County The tact that R. D. Brove of Wau- kegan bas becc made tistentaust lean information ciacging hlm vth soiling lquor ln anti-saloon tecnltory. appar- sntly bas cul badthleeffect o! de- tomrng the Weukegaa hachis-club pro- prieuor fron carryinc on bis business ton Il la clalmeti ho ett1 la apraini hil place bors. In tact h la asaertedl liai irebas. astablset a lbol, rclub aI Highlad Park andi coatemplatea sstabhlablng- similur olub la other .dry'.onsmunities In the county. Brovn la saidto10hava admitte t 1 his tientis tisaI ho plans tao oen l- en clubs at Lake Forest anti Grayalake andi eventual]Y te estabiai a string et sueh cubs la al parts of Lake Cossa ly. At Highrlandi Park îî us saiti ir bas dispoocti et a bal! Interest but le future ventures lb la salti i. purposco lu eperato liem ns uaoperceutage hbuts. The Information filet la* Counli tVeunî agalcal Brovn èhargea tai ca ut the membeca et the lucher club be- came intoxicateel white ta the c. Thils is a violation ufthte statute., If It cen ho proved..-Brova insiste liaI ho bas. oniucleàei ilcub stnletly ne- coctitag te lav anti that he dosm fat fer a miInvestigation. Ho soya local autiorities have vîsited hiisplace ont have assureelhlmt thai t II;t belag con- duclte na commasndabie maranor. Juat bey Highandi Park viii taie te lie innovation of a iockon club t"» mauns te ho 5,e. Aristocratie laie Forent mai ncgistoc a atrenuope ob- jection. One thhlg seema assuret-it Brv ia suceesatul Ie *stablshing loche clubs le dry commueiies o! Lake ceunty. au dilici are as. uccesatul as tir one bc e- s ocducthng In Wauke gan, ire viii bave an lecome vhlcb viii compare tavocabhy viii those vichins ofrthticfameuse mevie ace tors ecg repoctoti ta ho recelvtag. Al 'oeIl pelcucîzet Ioer cibpays hue- dreda ut dollars profit eoccirmonl- .tn tact mure tion tie average saloon toc lie reveneolae eariy ail dlean profit. *iutlhday prenant. ron birtidays tiel,. bIsi gft la a moire rubiron bracelet 'ohb the failla or evun lie viol. !Laisme 'ohi ame fi.The. ufibon la lUnd la a aemi hlthe boy o0e b. Inut !the vrlat and fixd viii a Uni g So id Lake County's Big Weekly Garedn.odw.ihrWeekln hCounty CoabiWe NOM PIJLIP iOLLIIER FOUND IjILTI091- FIFTYcmINT Linder Vco-Lic'( iudge eos Can Senq ConvîctedBl- pigger to County Jad Fo.r 1500 Days and AdÉ* a Fine of 5,00-4 lr Out ôji $5,O00Bon*s. GOLOBERG 18 GUILTYI Waukegmn, April il, "We, the jury, lsnd the doi.sad- ant Quifty on manner and'fourni charged in the indlctmont, linh flfty oeurts of the, indictM..t" Wlth the returning of Ibisa m"ua agtat PhiUp Qoldueg htaCoaty court ibis atrwoo. filais. Mlaamr Jameos G. Woleh. ond hW. bn<t. ha sttat t iates Attoauoy J" VàI acemilone of the grosiwt vhhsh evor won bya perneer Ilà bd cauuity. The eLate anked fore onvi laa.i.L fifty cofta, .and the. Jury, s~05a de- liberation of but three-quarm tu.uWa heur, dld s rqueoted. If Juigo lot sono on April 28, ovorrulsa tii.nos" for a new triailit vill th.i boa"* Is t duty to Impose tith olowlng eo : FIROT-Fin. Goldkrg 8h.. M 0t.e1100 on oaoh sotuaior a. total fine of from $l000as Oum, or. 68hlhou t tiése unty joli for fro..laSlb U, dey* on oaci' ceutor a to@W e f rois MO ta 1000 daya The Judio Oua Impose the . tu fine and Joan ostoaCe. or Mr iot1i it, or hoe cmS f in th b o s soine of the. coufasa»d 0gir. sîî Joli sentmnc, M theétel&. WOM was pIsosOnder bome f W Id* hlm father. Iaaco Goibftug. w *. Tii. ease et .bMlp Qulbnu.091 land Pârit rooldont, itbe tela d" tu indictinent vlth baitakg MdOW a bitud pi&. vont to the. Juy thusUo ty court taday &It noon. Tbe. 1w strong feutur« vilcb stand out am. thes»: FIr.t-Aithough the ladi.mtus charges Goldberg vith 1tty ahhlff the stai.e Proved aver 10,, 1100 Second--Gldberg put up abeolde- iy no detense; evea hie t0oet made no closiag arg!vment le *a lucidentally It may be .said that &ttoeney I. le Les.,-Coasai 8 Guldberg. vorked a çeovam wberehy ho preventsd thé afl Iomîs Proentlag dotali g umnta lb *é jury. Rad hi& action beaufoiafh it would bave boon forectaillod.bu t f took the. prosecutor hi aosurise. Wiien the o vor c!puttIiaza5 evidence vas complutid Jud» ar- sons aJlowed 30 minutes ta a adès luo Make' the cloging arguientath the jury.ÀAet. fiai.s. Ahsma7 John G. Welch opened fer the 0h00 ne- summaria e ,case builly. eus- cuming but 10 minutes of thé àMflu Urne In order liai the. etaidea sUer ,ney inighi have 30 iniutes toe uw the Case la the c"tutng smoo. ne did nat go t t"&,mB..lmiaý Ai that for the. promecuior. WU "i very brief and Incomtaie shuuda [ofth Case he tool bbs mait It was then ttarammof Âiteray Loeesta maite his argument lh à" juiq4 "I don't vlsh to mal. 01.4.3 eatatornen,,Mr. lae, n id. It vas one of htoi, f uiàiou h. could bave talon foi hi. ouu prevsntgg thse Bstatuattflq Son rnaklg m&y ciomsag eatimauila$ icase had ta rest on théev«idoses ga 7the brie! speech made by he-a aitant prasecutor. Stai. Hus Strong Cams. It la toit that ths tato hoa 0»so(à the strangost eue. ovor prenetai lm a liquor cse. No dotecive .vIdo I as used. lhe sate salylagst s 'off nesses vha ver. auhpc.ned &Uai vr perhaps. could ho cbaracterlssd &W hostile as uhey dld fonet b - ' thraugh thir mvm deetres. Thnuo those vilanss1h vas provol -. clualvoly that Goldberg bai ois.u, er a. hundrsi vltialsalopMing &- gardlagoh rail is n i«est #1m The laditMont choigui egt ' W IIrotua. Tb*i.u la i.mmg E*M J 10dm on a&U .et i.tb* p %oloricut aremé q sit » «b« <oamt **

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