orpro.l MAt O& thxo e 1e Met uet r thr qs swumemt ef ueO iie. of y reo ore the Pma, u lipo e posa te olte f the »gs>1fotal- eeal t t wI .ofie trM M «ource. Issuii h.omis RIoe, rolvel by tbhe or UL M15.t te .end ef 11e 'aaunalie wu the sMM 4i tth ie fieshow. Ibat lj teItem ef $14112.40 0tsbulatloti cf the reports te havebeauexpneudifer =oA' b tleovins piesies .sotsford. - 14- .0lai WBe........... 167.12 bugjuot eue-haif0thibm et fo 'sa e.belougng lte tha I icettlve"iithebm cir. MMk bas ftu latborit te 10 lX r aSl seemar clrkitre sud for a"y cout cocm se long sieane ncladuk the, ma- àe e Mxai oe ntexceed lb. w lb tees -cf snch offce se- lotaiW. Kstbnk, howee. ar woporIate Umout . féOOtfti. butm uiha *8s581sl 5i ~tmade te ail .fer lb. lat y»«tendlnt '1813. vas luelbded iems of mi lailt bok "U" at paxe- MX0 &«9. M. 6 71, 572 *ad ibtlac te the sM of$U«.O =O-it w a mon report- "*0 4by lha Clark te is go3 11elirt made for tue haIt MgsWb.er do 411915. mak- 501. Chamr *plut blapelf = i g u i e s o li ue t e rei seZhlmosut t t*lii."tin onder examIna. bar é rénovlras 4 Ubeoi* lcv« W~Uêt eulhuoes MCfud.fiS«sMed 17 .8g.ilbr, lb.ewx b ave motytresor)' m .tiaavior the vw1 ,. o>a mtrn iàae, cirocti ibS u w ja elsaeuitio at au ,y* measalgi othe cerk tue Iit Mêelàadivaemi farsh ýw tg ",bock sImI ve é a matar va ime gwA#dersifamWe .à 1oçtelhtu a gnel *'lOa<if Are gosu t tes. le tub oril. 0*11.0e., Il )o *MM, to e h. uch nmrut - bmOnce lnatafld a . se Oaten. Our stâatte se pro- edlawet~eieuW$ e Sd Ma held lie offIce et 99prlde tinte cov me lb cIne ou mah. aaaor cospe-1 spiler to the elea. anisrtesd tlieas- *tes re1 Portasuai. O~'~rMRnaes sncb etdteearnlnp, r.- m.etm efthle tee. oi dutileu ach ime te sIm ............... 1323U.70t mu- ma 'RUCWP0 ..o.rt...e......... 930 il................. 11U.0t L c.....o..........101.e slrethae rlff....8 4M0.00 ~t'bIe..ý.........1"0.00 ~e0thee flle..tuile.3 51 .. . . .8 861.28 ~ cun reclves . $11061.80 îoust oliont .... 035.26 carusee l te the f.sc Io e dr .. . . . .700.0 thue lm, of le b gn s .010 bet as eosslu t e edocadr theisf ore ce t IV belu r.ccfa " hU, s bowu tenu mmot ai ey bosu "» OlOtgl aIa téch am. miiovu, 10 dte-flI =eol we sn&» e onld b oatln e.tu tti cf tue castue amPU auu1 ehm1Prt- * miiovu in bae eau rscelv eporite e R sud Ie aeunt rmpi aso»»e ite ase if mpot ionfocf saewa Dreports atad.mbar n TIe blsuc relaluhiug 'ordt. suce betwaa sno et a ob seu". en te sodate fte acut »me. o« is ao@Wnls.et of te ffài te M40M O théft* Date et Iheomit pteBok " Pee Book 'O* JUOe10, 1915 Ion, 10, 1214 Jue 10, 1915 TeBook 'J* lune 10. 1915 Fe« Book S Jan. ri, l910 Jiue I0, 1i1n Fee Book "R"~ Jase ler; 1916 23 lune 10, 1915 334 Zone 10. 1916 M3 Jue 10, 1$15 38 252 *KnugssMd ieo.lt. le ......an....25173.84 t .......... . 488.il NeetCoqoty Cleth at Tax Bale ............. 154.10 Ikuftereet raceiv.d frein buk» q& fuada deeelted. .....11890.10 Total . Blabursemeuts. Ver ~ th saeyo i treasrerl 5am-" To? dMutT sud clerk bt. ... 11868.86 pS,, ubllshlag delluquent tax Per tees of oouutY cirek M ft c.1m ,tuudeý on males *p nmor 1.. . 10..5. PtI gab195È0U5 expemes 354.79 Recvd. Report Mary S.. ml effled ..... 8 8.86 FraUX 5t&ulqe. 4.oeased........ 1.80 .95 Ci4et F4&tÀ.e effe d .......18 John T. ii eo.......9 W. I. Dmrr, qsemed .......... 8.45 '2.85 Srq<f ' Co., Dura)d .. 1 145 £5..... .. .. Umma Mou81>l......u.......43 Ut...nt.'.....sm . .1 Jolsp ao~f~ 'inenes 10 Ton.. .....46.24 s .30 S3alanoes eeeipte iu Ceot, court to e b oped 10 tie ac- coutt tue mberi................... .................. $40.08 Pe. Bock *V» eo. 27, 1616 548 ses 518 ne Book«W" Nov. 27. 19114 as 70 Nw. 27 1916 la Nov. 27,1110 9 M"0. 27 1910 134. 128 137 le. Book "M7 su* sil 590 120 NOV. 7. 1914 41 Novr. 7.1914 46 Nov. 27, 1916 448 Nv. 2Bock14 41 Nov. 27 1910 482 CIRÇUIT 001311 An&* v. ............10 votn v.Po wmi..........10 Jacki Ys. .4 . ................ .10 Zion Lacej a. vsBrauch et 18 1.U Sal~ i................ .10 Eowdm vs". ~su............3 .10 - aiva~ t. n............. .20 10 Rabu ......r... .10 -eslm - ............. 1 10 Tbonimulla. mpee........05 lalel . .va, 10...2.5 1 Pra1s s................. 1 U Dureqivs...................5 80 Sis va. ..........2 cbe« f ....... 10 dheems vse ........10 People v. UW'*k ...........1.90 ga"cermeipls fCcuist Court te tha o te #À>se omtce the abaurm.................. ..................$41 Recaiitulatieu corÀuuounts Oargod te Mr. OuRla Balance dueoutercevs in Count, or . . 839 Balance du6enouftes e.-clv.d h Chrcut Court............. 4816 W*» , t ve bellevg W. undersheasd tbat a=iebas-~e ordetusi 17yaur prbau t'mt tee ind fed as.e sane vii b. fum to be su luprovemmet aver 1h. eut metuod aoklug nt oriule certain tue rekisterins sud rpr ot ail fees r.calved by the. offIce. COUNTYT TEAUUR ANM UX-Ol FICIO OOUITY COLLUOTOII MEr. Le enMtceugbheld lIe oui"g Couuhy Collecter duriez lb.he*92M tUtm. suavered 1thls axintna. Hlerelefor. ve baye shoira lie e- tion of 7M rboard lu a ftlt the<1cM. peomall for tua office prier te *6b elacticu et Mr. ÉcDonoooli hhpato an&i the aisumnus 1hlm of lI du- Durina lMa occuprfthes. Iisci (vhlchho au becember 711 A. D 1614) 1Er. IlObOnogii bausd reports te your counirboudt ss lut lie «.anugs.recelpts oui S&W buriamnta e ts t *bisgesld'* tece; oae ccv.nlug the. Oret mouthbare-tu-diu Alem uat * » D. 1915, sd. the otier fMr tue 7ma i eong, a bnu nc.Augutt 1h.A. I.1914. IToq. tee book kept la tie ofiMc om- bIn he lremoer the ?e j*~ 4wetml a&tmSu9,rse. 0t 1 -,S a bu a ~ tetrmlg P.~sur rpel bnko lulrea ssient.... 1150.00 .............$3256104. sineunt recielvd . .50383.80 manit poi out .... 8236614-94 - g moias otbu reu- rei Slt hi, a former r ba *relu rita u » 1, 1915.. o....88388.9 Aliput 30 the10.........11741.0 '8'oai Oee»tai m tn&th alCgut, Fond).n03605O Total he ul to b.se-ubo lljta ois.........3388 rowcssl ainutalsi aIeO th o sril ConutZ Fuud8330.00ý oane rentawnuns la LsP di of the. 'reaaur. TeAcount.... 8 103.79 Couuty 7%x nes caliovteg isatatemeut t *tiel aqpt; et .taialevied Sd exttedf qpaih h 155e.et orpropent, luae > or the Yomrs1014 sMd 191 fWeqra ot]y pnrfflee. aovn %eMount e cOf liln 1 *"ra towns5 lvuhip oSilctcresuM y 100.08 813 hW ayasSt on tgoy. mtate -'Tatu cout' dot ter <retae Commisnion pel< -township olectors........ Coinuilss ppalOCont, Collete,..........l mlnon.foflettarea. deUin- queucleas àd alistenteuts Net blanle àSd ile CGon- emal Co. rFatnd.........1l8 Tota rdt.....81 TAX IP 1 915 ques Anal. mteidel o00nat Real gitat. sd persenal p ro0p- erty ..........8132098m0 Ry. propea-ty - ... 20792.86 Teiegapb aund Teoplone prep- erty............859.54 Total ,oint. sa- r tended . . .. ...8 Tai, cf;prier ansd lni- tet colmta...8 Double elmt cd preD- *Srmg53~ .......... 13 Rfeevesi heinmate tex ou socount of r.tuissmnade' b y Cout>Bou . ... Total dbargisa..........101 'y"gredto ummlssion Pau iTownship Collectais .............$ il mntsa pa d Cobsîs' collecter....... ......s rors, Iflfetireo, siello- quepoles su-a ~enta 1 et balance pàifi to m Oral dousty pusd.... loa Total crédits ......... $1071 - aumair qet amunt recélved front Extension of 1914 ...$131 Extension of fl .... 142 Total recelad tram levlem of both yas i esneud anud paid tale, General omunt l a s e aw ment of deperal Com5j- ty Fnl..........8lu The touwowng la a; ittçomg I eénérli looIy Fond ebcy.10S oewld« li'ialne« là am ifol êlved froint h* 0~e.e thereef doariug the perted- 0Ç 13 der exwnation sud the, bal" saintesta the bauts et tue f0' te thé crédit cf' sed fou loi. -ef business on tbiseuï Noveinber 01A.D184 Blance recèlved tram pie- decessr lu office s shows by oui tormer re- port herelu........... $ 2 Pfoisi CeunIs' lerM surplus fées ...... -1 s tron Circui. Cleni. muil Fiact CousIs' Treaaurer. surplustes .......si Prou Shérliff, surplus tees. Prom sItatu Attorney, tees aud Suas............. J Prrom Drain hou, itonses sud Itsstees., te.for- felasite conty> .. . Prom Coronei's fte Prom properts'mod IN muBoud a: Poor Versm l'ionrefapds on erer. . Fieuanaticipation wrrats Prom svmup landi des& Promt tees et ex-mheriffe Fromt C. P. Westertill, ex- onty treasurer.iterest au couutyfands ... ?rom lusmirance ......... Pro)m nie cf roadtfi tS -... Front net antount ot ceont> tari extension for 1914 sud 1916 (Bee Cout,Tix Accout).............I2 Total ................ $ DIsusesat Pale Couni> Warrantsai& oued upon order ot Cous- t, Board ......... ....12 Paid Jurer 'CeiiS4,Ci Court.......... 1514 Jnrom'-dertiScts e Cotk ............... Pld Jurer Cerlilicates. Cor. 1otier'i .......j Pld ou Genéral Hospital Acount........... laid Dr. A. B. Brown, -pI Génerai -Hospital, 0=ai F0141 Sttes Attorney, »IasY PaId Aat Sttes Attumne>, ld Deaconessi înto Apropiation......... Pld pnbiishing ésassent rois................. 1%1d4JMises'.acconu(Green) Paid jaller'i account (Grit- mf) ............. .. 14 idtees et Shériff, couuit) senvie ............... fa4 ees of Co. Cleri, ecue- S paea dont ......... aid Smates Attortie.. Paud U 0. Brockwagr Circuit port Zone. 1u$8.... ra1d L 0O. rocbwi biIr. ~ r~â~.3-~'<~".............. .101 lba sa euIe'îÏWàl ............ 8U44.91 aeit t.suu u hi iMd8tMemt$0<1 lt.1914 M40 # carou 07141 nond~~he.vulig t ~ ~ la>uthe office Pd377.19 _ M*. çU. -+- D. 1 ls baké,abweae i~d bO tisAt ~Ambout tte Scheel Taex O loir . ..818M8."1 tii. laie 01 bus»« ess e 011sR9 is ......... .....2703L0I e oÈ#rlb.1914,tbr rn *OMa Mt __ulT .e1l la t4btaùxlietla saova 1lu depsmit lauinch o11514$5ta0 mn at col~ 13 Is i 00W bu tb*l muiai eh5 v.t et 3r. meod aS 4Ce. 1943.............I«L bt. Total ...........ts.... .40078.82 .92 mout iotdv*W te tue ~ 00. to lnout p~ ~uonl 95k.Wau-Anot srbtdete -dbol"uta ot as.mios*1071.80@ iim51Tow»bi5p "ccol LhfltId he *10t.e yen, t e 0wiy avings ankThi1s rm lalu ... 718T.80 galbervu lhb s isdsaermaaluute Min .* 18s90.308Ee10xcermmwnallIDlubauds 84.17 ts dtii fg1 ç m'OWat l9 =mioet0f- of cuuty Supsrltndent - bilei so* teOveini of No79iflhU 40Wet1 c......... ....1 g.o e: Beptenaber Ilut 1910 ..-118946.08 091.0 30 -1114 11.-The. records in thse office show. that rauo sald date there wam checks out- Ousoutc urpo.dlar. R00ei115 slUdlgsud out pald teisai!.d he ti.làtlSte111 81 tulti f0odIstril 1714.28,E.lsumo o46trOi preTrouvr Maianst .d baokssaa fol- butjgn7 toritii ear1118 bas beau deceemor I foie &àahlews: ras&ade 1the. Supe naudeutleavtzs 05.30, show» bycaurtO fomr r. WaUkmgaNational Bank .8 820the aboya balance stili reminas Inl port borailu........ 112608.48 VietNtinal Bak.......41S.58 hie bauds on Septmfber lot. 1910. 478.79 liseoipts dïîng the* two And furtiier ual lere Wa NSITUS UN 35015 ...........1.......ý448117 lacld.d l thZ aIsse 00880 ~~~shown ta e o. ou 0t hI ~l ud e me Total a«Mtnt peu ppet dur- fotleudluavebl ormer report burete .... 8 ITl tn 1two j611s . 8 4980.30 &s«eo.. e T i'rsaaur.r lin- Ffircla a flasae .nlhnglu bmndi tui Daeinier lot. 1910, tloti. reglstratlons, re- et thse Trèeaurerr 14ev...amountlug te ........... .30.1 Doss.etc. ... .........9M.00 ber Sfti. 1910 .......... 11994.15 Tota .........Total....92.46............ $1248.37 Total........81097.07 FICL&ZU UND S lu*a, aat eut-Ptt o ntructlon and ex- ei1 from &bae WaJIcon soipenses, cf Insttutedurlng shown y he i.Pausbooks the two ypeis......8 810.10 Balance recolvui- fron pe- aud staenient of accouitBlaermanuluTd des e, lu arormIer Ts- -ssued by sid heiuks, ou September lit. 19108.. 80.9 portborla ..........412.99 leave the. balançe on do- po75hae..........S413.99 pooit oer -sud &ave sucliTtl........ 010 front Bates Kt-.o-.......... M tOrey Se ad eâ.. 9680.90 otluîdiit checks -sud We have carofully snd thorotioly 47J8 1 dtrr« nmandfaeus-o- itwstnitemof. ....S87046 **uilued asl of the.books. aneenut - * 01 < mr <nt... 100U* eksud vouchers 0f 111.00cm. sud bave .......a ndcehItmla cojmpared sud reaocllôdm wltb jiseSeve eumea e10 o e...... .. ........ 71.01 théa books sud aeouit kePt in thse .-un se »d item etmaie luerror.. 2310 effice or *a eomasty Trmesu.. su .........a....lwed.... îooo- wm Sud thie aovah.stemmofiet h 547.w 2«1ffleial anwed .. 1.46 i&sm atotal et ... 544,97 ocaUm to f the Dgtrfb"lbks run 507............00$02.5 Whlcb la the. mntnt showsaboytanaid Institut* Vend as made te yomr Tota............8 808.85te h.luIn th andsa eTftii uearer board by lMr. Simpson te h.ocrrect 587 ' Disbursemeuta la the sammary or balances sud also sud that the. conditton of sald lundi fr-1 o nadfiuas recolvetilla .herecord of daily balauce kelit on sepifouher Jet. A. D. 1$16 wam as 791071 r. ests Atonyla the office. &aove Shown lu the tabulation of bis trsierred te G, 0"" lWe have 1made persans a iuIrY et saisireports. (oo!ty Pod (0«Om S, .9 seersi h«okamied lu the foregoiflg Tih ooks oftheoffie sow liat 5:l e4bme Fnd-Acet.) . .$ 8027.95 atmen suad ver. lntemmeld by the on Octeiser 14. 1910 01èe.remialed lu 3261.004Pald Oewty (lerk. exten- 00ctslsof uh Institutionis. th" the e *saveri tonds tbm followlng bal- lotes (Beasecouaiont et r"b o emi bT@n«u 218.71 eu-nIlak).. ........18870.80 t te ffre aluuo epéOmit therelu a ua o ....3946-03 88.0plat lai ald out .:.........674.01 county Treasurer. at the cos.e ofhum-. stiute rond .............415.97 U.0WiiukfflnSah801001Tax pald .luges on the. ,venlng of November 30, permanent pond ...........99.97 ont ................... 4648.1: A. 1). 1»0J e,'r'lun1the salue amout 244-4 bum is t S S- at ava ou 7 s un ntii. ab-4 . Total.:................34480.94 - l.n itms............843.5U statemnutrelative te the pa- boo0ks Deduet annt of Institut. ,791bauds - lmoed te Mr. McDonough hi saldit Vnds in bands of Couuty atnor. r alulang l bndhonite. tsme ........ 15 of 30 etTrmaarer .Nevemnh W. bave very caretully. tloreugli fmsrr........459 306.3 01.b"1914 ..:..........544.91 s&d iYsletcaCRY .xaznld ail cf the Balance ln bands of Coun- Total - bci-rodsud aconuts et tiui ty uentdm....88fl 9 - Totl .....S88803.811 oÇi.,Isfar -sa s uc boboks, recorda INTTT Ull» or secounts affectes InhiMYuwmY tbm The. pass book@ furalabed te the Recepta anda Intree 0f ake ount. h. Suerluteudeut by the. everal houka Balance meoevd frein pie- gluning vlth theextension of aul taxeshoviierein epo at w ber eI vshln deceeserlaioffice as 01theCoonty Clerk. nesvoit s5&Il dbow itatheen midtetlhie s ni M08.03 shows by, our former re. ____ nttaxes froint peelal &ens tePolî e ing bcred te i lount .Port haon... :........ 175.57 fnwuts certlied te the Couutr Collect, Metsolgbus b elvn ,M» Lomat r"evm rotCo rtcgfliowlug sanie hhrougb th. ver- uamoiua et Ibm supt. or Scoeola........1021.09 loua process et comlection s&d dli- 1.511Ceuuty ?Natonal Bank 0 0 ma0tV. - irietion sud the, PaYMent 0ere Of Lhbertyvle. Illinis .... 700' %ml r.- Total ........... ...... 110.57 an t«s lévied Lad xtamded for ThWaeurg an.Illa . 131Ban3 -of Ur. Diabnrseuent5 geersl ounty purposes it thle Ce.Ti.Wakegau llni onal. 2983 wso.nt Tls out onou eders Isued h auea Ntoa daits 17 Co. Supt. cfof ichoel.. 804-80 Ail commissions recelved by thieof- SokWaeau lnos1701 un u- Blne -inid a hnd lce for mailun sucb col1fctleus. and Ttl....... dm re o f Balance hi ebudaal............ 33893.53 Tresurr oveube ' ail cces ansd Interest recelved on de. Balance remalulng lu banda 1%,«&sou:0,h!D191...............389-97 Inuqumutprçperty ver. careflîîex-i of'the Couuty Supt. ou at the- amlned, oampared sud rconeled. sl si aento eol Obt Of Total ........... ..... $1194457 'eU as ail deltuquencles, errorisud mIn dt lto eol WITNESS FMo VVND aboiements upon whih collections for l bonk................ 151.40 lieceipta * suy reeso vasnet made.Toa..........8344- Suisuce rcefted frant pre. And ve Sund liat the proPer amoont Ttl.......83049 decessor infice as of snch tai levIed sud *xteuded for w. have insee persousil IqulrY 9291.82 shown by cor former mr1-395 M ra conney purpomea vas p@ld by front ibm ololali cf the abeve uaned part herein .!.........8 0895uhMCutytCollecter hile the CaneraI banka regardlug Ibm balances mat 21016.00 mefflaneous tees r.ceived 111:85 CottyFond. alec, that ait comis- eh uowu sud ver. Infommesi that mach rffes erned by ex-sherifi - 31.05 e$nm es, oeilgs and lutermet On de- eniounuta er. on depositla himad 317.07 4 luqnuîproyerty reaivesiluIbmthe o- bonite he credît cf T. A. Simpson. Totsl................s8 44 fiw versecorrectly sud csimfully -c« Couuty Soperlutendent of Scheele ai 83025.0&5 iaburemuets coSutesi for sud reported te your the. close cf business on the evenjug 1900.50 Psyints te gondis' per- boord la the two reports made hY 1Mr- of Octoher 101h. A. D. 1910. soni .................. 8 43835 MeDonougii 5ready retirred te. of Tii. recorda of your couty hoard 8037.9s Balance reuxaing lu bauds liaI"at bave beau eniared upon lhe show tiat since December lof- A. 1). et resure Noemer bok kpt a he 10office sillco the.1914, down te sud hicludlng Your 8"01. 1910 ...............2 'et the lent report molde b)' bili meeting bel lun Septaînher A. 0. 1910, $991.17 Io Itour contY hoard and &e5101rbo t ler. vere allowed b>y eur hourd asid Total .......... ...... 1 248ututei tem 09f81.82879 bhetugth'% bal, Void te the Couaty Soperntaadet di- 13. q the. save item otfecalIpt a sac. remalulustlu'the ocut> Traite rectly froi4b. (lomyt Treàsw urnp- 5."00 la Ç'te 4 ohwn to bave beau re- Pm ee Acolizt. on bilîlse PMsted Ilby hlm ta yeur 108.0 oiff,* mdgre b e-h f i '.. ea ro eçpelay te direct the board the. followlng sînoimtt for 4114 10.05 ubed have ýbeu recelved Into thoi attention of your ceunI> houtd sud feront items of expens. au follovi:- 4g00.0ê Gazerai Conty Fund ansi eb<*ld 50w tue taxoaYers et YOnr eunI> tte Pm wl'oaylAntomit 120.00 be tranaferrai togneb fond, item of111161î teîehaeba psae..........o$ 135 IN11RITACE TX P» reelve by teasurer tram hoaukaExpress snd Frelgii .........8.43 Baac ecepts as interoel upon fands remalulua lu Supplies .................. 25.04 Blneroelved froin lue. his banda front tume tInteesud de* Supplies for Institute .......11.00 7S8.51 deamor In 0ffice as poleftd thereln. DeductIng front Ibis Rentai ................... 2,60 1.00 ubovit by cur tomer r.- amuthe .amnauiof prentînnapalsi bY don hîre ................831.95 05350 poit hbeiin ............$.1741.94 isauka ons-thmbond of ibm Treasurer. Sundry expengs.Ilu chool Total ainonulrecelved frointvis.,15.0.whlch yen vIl otice làis valtatlon ............... 441.25 vartous astate& durlng the chAMed, as a dilbnisemntutoe thm of- two* yars...........3"53.3 lce sud was pald front Sid hanka Total ............... 8 1679.07 tram luterel due oncSunty lndi andi - ol....... ..$5295.27 ther rentmaethe net suot $10.- STATES ATTORNEY "8048.97 * Dluhursentents64S.10 r.eloved by the. counu front lon. Ralph J. DO*ly bi heldt office PdCo. dIeu, tees _.8 90.00 titto source during lie twe Yeala.&SofetaItes Attorey uo'driug the period Poai Appralser'a faes........29.8 somn nar, ufricîmt lu emntl te of unie covred hy Ibis examinatlon, Pa1d tate Treasurer as la pay t -o'estimiout'xpeiidid for whlcl exteuded tram December 701. 31S88.6 shows,,by voiiers oit deput>' end clenk ireI the office A. D. 1914, lhe date of the, cloné cf ba"u,................ 850025.87 during mocî tlime. our former exalutuatos harein, te tue 24208.40 Retalned ceutihsslon of iCc. We Aseo caretnlly exaziued ail dis- clome et lis tenum tof oIce ou the. Troasurer (SBoaVPu Ac- burseineni made by th.e fi suad troi Mouday (belng the 401 day) et 7011.0 c tu.................. 5638.10 recoudiied gmin withhe recorda cf Deeinber A. D. 1910. Balance remining In bande the pmmeeduigs of yeur county board, During sncb perlosi Mr. Dmdy as 1513.00 oet Pressurer Noventher sud vlth the records coutined ith. sncb officiai made tour reports ta thm 3001. 1916 .............. 411.42 ofIce eorth11e cousu Clrk as velt, sud Judge of 1110 Cilrcif Court,, ail of 425700- foubld sonte Oagtm.wMlithe. several vblch uow reulaîn on I l ibmhofice 4257008 355.1195-27 itatements w, have alfeasi> shows cf the Clerk oet the Circuit Court. 000000 SUMMARY OP BALANCES REMAIN. berelL of ithe General 'cunty Fond Bachi four reporta coniblued repre- 1300.00 ING THE SEVERAL F17110 sud the various ipeclalfonide kepi lui senied the rcelpts snd dishursemenis As @HOWN»Y THU tho office. et lie tois,.fSues sud torteltnreS of 2400.00 PFOLWO%0 The. bocks ansi accomnts of lhe cf- Mias lad tiMle dnrlug snch perlod of Naonet ofVnd Amoxînt Suceheebeau kept. lu an excellent lime te bavebeeunase tollovi: 3500.00 Generai Coonty Fnd..8 18:188.85maer clealil u eorr« e howtus HeirqilluFond ........... 119415 the. disposition of ailIteme front evFeryRcl 1940.00 Mlsceu ra Fnd ........544.91,suso., i, edishuliseumulS 'ntade front- ýe:tlunuty Cotiý.... 1080.00 1060.00 instituts ]Fand.......... 8389.97 "mne ald the balance rentalnlng lu Vees lu Circult Court :e ... 120.00 WtuesPoe Fond.........30.50 qaob gtiean.sud ical tund eoftth. FIes lu Jnstice Court.......14,00 8101.9U luh.rtaue TsxFond......411.42 effice at il limes. O oa ri es.... 950 Ce. Trasa. Poe.Aceconni... 1828.79 COVNTY SUPURINTENDINT FineTota fount utees . 88164.00 7848.90o'Varfelture Redemptiou Fond -88.04 811018 lt.ludon'Cort005 Surplus Tai Recelpt Acet. 60.24 Ur. T. A. Sîison held thm office etflues InluCircuit Court . 10M50 1i"19.19 Coquty OSuperinteudent of Scheele dur. Fluez lu Justice Court .......85 Total............ !6854.97 lug th*. ettir. perlod of tine covered POdtire hicirent court. 100.0 Tfbnti o1 he velu.....e.-........c.on0fyom oad os-tetIn t.......S815.80 - 1