CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 16

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XECO1INTY'S GREATEST STOR~E FOR WOMEN AND) IlDRN-tee eMore meaning in tha LA sentence than most people think at flstgane It meants that Reinsa has been mad& -the. greatest store i TLake County through the choice of the people,.-becau se our stocks are the largest, our styles the best, our price the lowest and values the greatest. £1he sales are but ano ther demonstration of this claÎm. - .»ëzens of greai bargains, in a »prng- %sale of New JII4 u Uvryum of these garments l beaudtlfuliy md uthe. Irve tle, ad ail are elaboratoly trirnred viii a profusion «ýfe lace anld embroldery. Tbey are ehowa In white andi te snd corene ail ies. Wm 'e1.50 Mualin nd Crp own. .. Wom.»'n'1 Sig* Corset Covera -Womein'is Muelin Petticoata jChildren's $Oc NîghtGon probefly noe of the greatest special values tp the saie of t uadèrrusiln are these arne gOvua for' hildren They corne jaU ail sies and are verY nicely made. FPor ChiWdren's S trwr Mat in vînted styles of an excelent grade &t rnusni sud Sau be bad in il afises. The dravers are goot I aius aet 16e; extra special for this sale at . Iii I1I~lI1 tii 'Woa»eWis Ifusli Wonieas 75c Gown's j>ecti Gew-6 ns, S3 ecial el n d gm fulI si«tes Hrs la1the Oown av eia, af the wrinu7. ber O! prtty entire sale. Tbey are prof- - I Regeler tilynade n nov ope values n styles anti nicely59 iYî' WaSh suits at- "9. have a fine flloction of limse Pretty lttle suits ln a vurlsty -,ggoooUkng color combinatioge la Rusaia-blouse aO rnddy blouse styles. There are ail aises lu the lot. lit -a gGrea$laOnly- oIke ane dozsensof beauful styles in »b>tk, broeaded merceiizçd sateen pet- 'ott. The broeades«arefloral effects TXOUblue lavender and pink. *. Tesi and varlouo COIRra, ln *0Ypr-ty tylos wltli deep, fsncy flounces and a Ift ai .& ^il are wonderful value. a $1. . 0 -.e Gre<*t Special Sale -at 7.98 Good-loêkîng styles, eoWos and fabrics in 'most all sime. -This ia th. logicai place te buy your suit because hope you'll flnd ' the largest and maOe complts stocks. ýM Two Grouns, of. Suis -* a ma At $10 anti $16 are sita a! rare excellence la serges, poplina anti bkoveiea n thbe uewest stylos. 'Other Suits at- ,&t he treepricem above are ýU etvelours, jerseys, peplins ouoe titching. pleateti. shirreti adbltot i-orernbroidered collar, Ai llustrations. Yonr opportualties for securing g1b gret values are rare lndeeti. H~M are morne o! the finest styles. ta alloed or fancy pits wlth ther kyie oluois.belp A sd pocets at- 59C $iSU$~1ves WoubmW14e, aew 011 gloas nai tosoufor 81. Ail «»oe4 boat colore ... *48 r n goodi- Tèerlsai styles but " ' at .00..59 The firat **eh sklrt sale of' the eason bring mornme really wonderful values.ina a m*afety aofrateriats and styles. The"o are valuee up-to $250. and ail sies j~E ln the aasrttnent... Novi. en, Io $2 Urn1 iie ta get jhos seaters fthe l. lttie tata. We b ave a $1d'slc I 'PrncssBonnie 10 will be here MMn prl30 and May 1 to get lier new sprmg outfit.I Childen's 1.50 and 2.00 Wash -resses, et Scores of nfty new 'styles have arrived-some as late na i-io f- 4-1,; great sale. n thîss asortment are ail mismes vJ> t4 14, ln plaids, checks -,Qes. nttwo-pl«e e tyl*esbol. cr e. jan d belted effects. WashD.esssto2.50 la aiw.e2 to6, a- A glarlous arTay ai cen. ning -styles for the, ittle4 1 tata In dresses of whte, IR Pink, blue, green sud ther 14 commbinations vlth bita of -4 amrocktng, paucli pocketsj seU& W IIMIS IRBSES fer ehildrenu w rte 14, la do%- ons a! lace triuaineti and be-ribbaned styles; pcialait ....................... Sale Chi Idren' s Coaus Thoe svansgreatest values ln black-anti- white chec ts and serges, nov styles; smes ta 14. 2 Sale Groups The SURK 3.9 ( 15 7 At thos -,prices are sinail Costa' ef 1111 anti large ;bocks, serges, pop- otiier fashianabi, lins andi noveltles ihs goot la pretty colori styles, vith îsw pockots andti1gb belted I dew beloa lng" aides, et Chîldren's UHats Very Specially Pried ( 59c-98c- .79 The cuteet styles vo ever liat for chl- dren are here. la floyer. ribbon and lace trtrnnd Iats f aivroes colora sud corn- bnationa. A CGreat Sale Wamens- $2 Bouse D resses Pi obably the greatest event of the ki anmounecd in Maukegan. Literally d( new styles; fine gip-ghams, and percales $1 Ilousp Dress AproAs Ught or dark colorlngs ln ail aises Wtb or wtbout elastic bands. Soins button do"U aide -Or- ' sbaol, MUI hey avebelteti bac'". - 'r, kind ever' dozens of 1. Demo"trtine of tfie'qepelorLIty of Hein * 6008'ar*eau' n si-. ierti iil Quon andi jo.mperWmn soit, style, quaiity and pries boodum e wo re surs df the outaern-ws knew yeu wil i fd, 8s nmiY ~' .i-127,5 New ra ê~s Includlng the Season ~~etv-5ye Thonsehanfioamo garrnents yl vin your Instant adraira- gai They repressît .beaewest creationa la coata for spring Coats Up Tà 14.50 Coats vlth belteti backs. yaks effects. eibirreti. pleatoti andi buttai trimmred, iu golti. ttrm .navy, green, magenta. etc. To19.75 Rare hndeeti are Auch coat values as these. Vlour.. gab- ardines. poplins, et. hlin mnt vanteti colora andi ail ises CUtS U?~g Te'$2 T The greatesant m liera are a pb flnest colection of ber or very iWetty coats ve ever had at 1upring coats n a this price te bore varlety ai new naw. Burllisi, vo- styles andi colorings loers, poplins, gUDfly- and In aIl aises. e ISSESOATS-That in, coats for hard-to-fit girl of 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 are plentifulher., and in mont becomlng styles and at ver-y reamouable pricés. $2 ~'Lac e Corsets The foundation of pretty, perfect fitting outer garînents as welI as one 's comfort, is, of eoîîrse,..a perÉect fittmng corset. hor asets are cientflcally, bonhd, of extra quatity materlais and corn* ln I s izes. A roslIY wondetfui balgaln. ,k9 U.SIEE __ Agreat lot ai baud. sornely styetibras-. * sies la lace sde broldery trirnino Ai ises et- 35c bramaleres in ail aines &W rnany very pretty styles.2 la A Gr..t LMW*« aluira fw.fur- SaUile Serge Ikirîs at 19 ~aleato 3,5 lasea sd voal novelties hln nnvy anti otiior popular coblgsa eil as a goodM sise range.- Handeome SiIk or Wool Skirts to $8 Beautiful nov sii.k skirts( 1. atyllali stnipos, plaids and novelties n soif voolen fabrhcs vith fringed, sasbem. tasseleti ocketa, pleateti, shirred sud paunnleti offets. I / r. jIna, 'I1 19ETA -SPEC'IALS!!I ~Q i-WOME!N'8 75c SILK ROSE: ail colore at ....... 43c I WOMEN'8 $160 SILK ROSE; ail colore, u .... $1.00 I RANOMSONW $6 SIL.iCPETTICOATS at ...2P98 I WOMEN'S $1 POCKET *0OOKS; apeciai at ....c. I -WOMI£N'SPUSSES AND SAGS; special et.....$1.00 CasMore ot these 6.50 Wool or-375 ~,pngsu 51kSairts, at '4 ngs; wldo. The irst lot sld so rapitily and vo had au rnany calls vs es,-. colord seoureti sabor assortrneît ln ail coloreansd stylos and al aises, tc. n .11k or vooL. m ln Bai et,

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