CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 2

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Nec, -m Mivukee. àcnspan C Isrln m' ,"n5Dinl6aulstIn Ka .Vtarns, c .mio; Mbl le, . oeiogo - W. Ludden. 41, Ohieffo; Wech. srChicago. A VineY. 60 Chicago; Usz UPPe. 37, Cicago. C. Hcmulgtoml , M Morse, cansa; Lanam. Robinson, 28, Llb- lest C.Bebvicerdi, 33. Chi- lp ri . Piake. 26, Chicago. N. Aexander. 26. Cbicago; er tn oUD, 26, Cbie<agO. 3. Coo. 41, Rockford; Ad- g1aV. itian. 31, Itockford. *14idb"l. G. Schwevn, (;. Mibwau 1*~TkerreSa Hannon, 36. Milwau- ~~5H Besson. 2;, Chfcago; âtlResuesl. 18. Mibwaukgee. j. Wendeb 25, Chicago; PWr~. tCbicagoý 23, Chicago,; Manga- 81 ces. 8*41 P hicgo;Francis U softebwt et Chicago. I &Iw Mo^agine t Sumpe boring tempa prepeatffl la au uis unmous lai sm I& basdevised au Suger dwyv-a h s lsgazolne ensilua Ml. 1. L TAYLOR in slaFinal Nsiosal Bank Biliai ous-to3.80 and 7 to8 p. m. BeiheaS -.mBroadvay. oppuelte Pars DZI4TIST Rafflâ ta12 ar.-ilO ôP.M. q 4erInlNatiewelBank la qd i10 p6,. lu. iETWEDME8DAÂY O14LY -- ogeo . 4.eI4p mm *D 16M6 4 Ob EJIANAN W. COMJ 'h .' nome. Cook Ave. Plane168- ULIS îTYVILI.E, -ILLINOliS LI L .MORRIS Llertvlll - Ilioola ?AML MAC GUPPI. A?1offli T ALAW. Uibervli$, ilinols UT Waeingon Street SAUKEGAN. - . ILLINOIS ~OMCP hon 84 DYMOND L AUgM1 LOUma"Is*eo, bdem1 EetMd lieuse Reatlog. Qi ala ltalamr 91«k. LISEIITYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. CoY.U;bx n OBIAGO. H& PIMUC AUCIONEERING Ire= r aôs sdhase .12al o 14ENRY SIRE Fisse 148.« 48 MION CITY, UL -WELL DRILUNG etw ar "tovwuslo U& AUSIERMAN & DOLAN MIOR CITY metion. f- FOR a*= + M4ORSES SQLD,bqugbtandezcbanoed Second baud barnees and wagon. GuJeb or terme. N. R. Ladd, phone 4, Libertyville. la. FOR SALE-Bsavy eprinig wagon. A. Lowel. Ares, pbone 284-2.2. l4e FOR SALE-Tva pramlina colts, For- eberon stock. Ou@, .4 jean. oid and broken; one 3 jean aid, partir t.roken. J. B. Mrrie er Everett. Tel. Laks Foeétl 797-Y4. . 15C4, FOR SALE-Holeolu Bull Oel. à, ev more hocbai of esed corn. K. Wilcax. Ares, 111. Phone 2703-2. 17PI FOR SALE-PermePiaeFias, 100 e«Il. jAiea other P@rrenlale. U.~ iamn Libert"vtUe 47;Î2 FOR SALE-lISs, 2 yeare nid. A Lowell, Ares. Phone 2PA-B-2. 17c2 + uAL S'AE + FOR SAL.E--choicesresdeoncesiote o weiley Ave. Ail improvemente, vater, flw&Ws ud eidewelk. Un ýBerua J. ()Flu& 161 FOU A$,é-Heuen os bullpak Aile. boumfaovs"eorrent. Dmnd &Autia. uboelV!UW la ~*I>~IP<*U~I*bé. Pa InMoKsasi. ooaty, I. Dokoir. Write Obw A aiAl1&4aN oo 1044e1 Polt iUÉ9i58 auge, on4 suIfI ud a X belalitti lla. e 'Ixdrolun grg UMtmI be1ga1 1mgmit eUatoM eulght pueme' bth da of oSN*Ibe'y avenue st 0v fe *ae tm m xiulU# or PaMn. On. t MW* % Ç.a«oher wb au"., 085 Duet afre. W,%lte Y#rs. Boyle 2936 Pndiris *l'faim pboga. 9"t+ MWkil ALUTi PAe U LARDS-As an f lnvotunt. one bundred foreci-x ed mottged tenus, central Alberta. bot grain sud stock districts. From 17 te $16 per acr. Onetentb cash, balance dve year. Write Pletcber Realty CJo., 107 Queens Are., Edmon- tan. Aiberta., Canada., 94-3t+. Wkyit PI.,Rff FOR RENT-Rôuse *Bd bars on 14il. vauhu. r. tquin aof . Guerin, Lihetyviisot pbane 265-M-2. 14t + KSU3e O b-U i.*~ UhJ t iNeelosal fai. -no-mis m»non w mm vSf1 j$ pffl 4d aaambousekespes'on tara, qe la -onili toug. AdirsesBloa:96, UbselgI4L, 11 lP2 delia«er bek@and coflet mouey la Lais Ooeutp rurti dlàaitu.Naocanvawag. Hi*bht oIes propogiblînfor rlght mim. Wrfie 0. A. Hot, 981 B"a MeNaîl>' Builng Chicao. Give aare..and "eiphone number. 171 WANTEO TO BUY-Gaod fmrel milk cav for famil>' use. J. R. Marris, ODer field, 111.1e; C.C. EDWARDS BUYS FARM. C'bug~i 1, Î , iùchases the O'Mahopey LiIra ber- tyvllle-1 14 Acres Business Of lb. Recordor's Office for the wee ending APril 21,, 1917, by A. K. Bowes, assistant secretarY of Security Titi. & Trust Co.: Number of CouveYances......... 13 Number of boans ............... 28 Total nuniber of instruméfts. 161 Total ainount -of lbans. . .$61490.00 Business bas been falrly brisk. The followlng are the more Important ldais:* 141- Wukogin:Oocar Makela bougt theA l"snis eM. Pelle property et Sogth east corner South avenue and South Iitica street. for $9,000. Nick and Roma'Grana 'bougbt the Mordstadt propertY at aouthelât cor- ner of Market and Liberty streote, for $2,200. Helena Sengbusch bough, the Axel Lndgren lropcty on nortb id. South avenue, eaat af Caroline Place, for nominal consideratiofl.. -Guet Nordeen baugbt a 50-foot lot on west ide Lenax avenue, nortt of 'May street, from Perry A. PetersoDI in Lake Ponebt: Van Wagemen A jing, bode ta lot on sortb aide 7%r%» PJace ad fthe,*rwb" ftl* Fred Dckinsoî- mfor nomniSIl coBaimrtiom Job*,011f Rh lx*t mle,1Grec 1Uey AiSiili, mné em "eld teride *«bÀd towm Ni ail osilsfor nomm David WMlOM bU*tultb!",.Wast mnilaon Olele on Biuhod bw -Rie fii Jolu» Griffith, tar ncmulial tco in 'fIdWnf'* PskA.bfit -.L Br bouillt sabout 6 &es uoa Sheifta aid aud Laie MIc1QW$' BavIn *t ËSMh T. Bird, for nominal ceu lermatis Hamy B. and Gertrude A. Clatis *egUit a 604M 1lot on noëtls ni kMrne'wOd- avlenue, efàt et Gredn Da &«,Ê,ea obn H. Nobien. for nen ft Mfgloled:-Wyllyo W. Belz bot till e Ur toteousilve 0 sir prop0rty et t *O*t m or blb'bty ali Wflbbntofliavone <WMB the Master in Chancery ftan0 §l Lib4rtyvhilC Rose A. Kenned ?ugit lthe George mPrey property ith aside MbIÇinley avenue,viest teevasrt avenue. ton nominal conmi la Lýbortyville Township, Cli B.uvdards bougbt lthe O'gabom, am a! 114 acres ln nortbvrest qti ten, section 13, fon nominel consi eratIon. in Binton 1owflab!p: Andrev fngor bougbt tIe Kethtefrri ins Ion 319~ on e« aide Milwaukoee, T frolu i *d . Buek. for nop*lnàl c x1deration. ln LiaI Antioch' Townshlip: J.1 lent Brook boughtlthe Thais. F.1 gag tarm o! 80 acres ln section 1, nominal covideraýtlon. Auguat ll.aaschb bamgImIlthe Il fallu of 110 acres ln section% 2 ans sidonstion. .Robert boy Hugbes titte .&cres lu section 29, Autiocli and Itions 2E amp 26 Lake Villa tavai ln. AnitolVillage: Auliocb t beer & OUeI Ca. boubt tbe luq buni *properti on- PapC Street f 4»«" *jsbfmnmt.,n nominal eowgo> bouait h.,Osar, ri. sl ~e ses mlu setion34 ln Versafs Township:a bew d qur er,50Uswt %-for OMM50. WbimBomlevetta otia&ls se mother. boe vas muchi Iese whaterer pveut on lu thie iteieIL. monnlugbe sald tq u id: 'Tic ta malle you a nelce 1811.Pte1 saucer, Bbbbie, nl ftiyollnself. I Fau thin ro mpretty gaod ta tsi àmach trouble?" Bobie thaught i 1It a moment. *Uandma'<hb. "minima tlId me not te be a. bu andif I tIgoiug ta Rie an>. trouble cau Juat as Weil maie niy Pte ýho tar size.- C ê iadeo" mrqduSi 'o $7 FOR MM1E H IDES -b- 4dd rm '"S" cia [udeoen eap u 1 IDars s qd iwui a & l dsie é IiS «Coule LOOT-In UbortyrUlo, onvelope 0o0»à-. U- . q uPegeoq eq PPnequ& ~ -Msep e ý 1 "11 misamu. Riard Il brougil 10 .péi o. -exoq aOpui> 44c qi 5. ckI Plons993Kv1Indspsuist fce. 170, -WWid meHo&0 o auqaefj P"ssh*dJ)y RIvin Norrsad vit. to SOOUTYTITLE&TRUSTCO.Lewis, lot 20,block 1. Ma S*et TIis. Tmous Garnteed. tion, Higlsd Park. W. D. *aaesio:empIe SIdx, iWauirngan. JGeorge Agustins tu - Levbluft 12, block 1. b à *q J uq -P. . d'»» udUte. igland, Park. W. 1 vifito &4 'hom"dtOs $ t el **»-P. H. lton a eout baf lot 4. block 2. Nxe. e Soth Cbrle Wrner, nrb 10 r aid 4Mbion , Wruke<aL W. D. 1 l es) Unsri-ss B. Ebl~ pd vte e F~W.C~l ! si., Wauke*in, W.1 nlsl;M , intol1, Laie &0W 1 1 UI . 8'Beaubien and vite division la section 10. Wauiegen. Q. SoderqUtst, lot 23 ani vet C. 1) $1.1 block 2, Orvis sub. Wakeî A. W. Toweili nng vite te Mrs 1.00. I. Steele and huebdod, lot 3. 9C-k' Win. Brandes and -ite. subdivision ln block 40. Hlghlafd Park. W. t). $1. Paasch, 110 acres in secti lounice 4. Stee and humbefli to A. 11, fiait Antiocb townsbip, W, Trowel and vite, lot 1. block, 7. T. P~. Regan and vif,, Port Clinton, Highland Pari. W. D. Brook, 80 acres ln section1 $1. tiocb townsblp, W. D. 81.0 Avfril 12, 1917.-P. .. Clark sdvt aneM oI and wis ta Wlter Lucas, aoutbeast 40 acres of section, 28 and nortbeait 40 acres of Oscar lisiela. lots 6 and 6 section $8, ln Newport township. W. 60 eest, lot 6), block 16, D. $10. Pirst addition. Waukegan, R. M. Street and vite ta Winnitred 000.00. . Mine, lots 15 and 16, block 27, *' Hgbland Park. W. D. 810. 1 H. H. Mellane and wit( * arry -McKinney an Avife ta P. H. Scilci. lot 3, block 3. MclClnney, north bal! lot 4. black'SS. Park. Higbland Park, W.1 North Chicago. W. D. 8ahrie4Mhoel -W PL Warat andvite tO B. G. CteleOMbny dM8100. W. ozI À*80. .ke fauj>.C. Efud'al0, tract o! iand W. ID. $00. 1voit quarter section 13,1 Ana M. SinIdycilo and buibani tovnship, W. D. 81.00. à t Williain Teunis. lots 14, bockIl 21-aueo oh a ,i h Waslmbumn Springs, Waukegan. W. D. Btt fJh elr $630. 1Richard Baurotb and wvit AprIl la, 1917-Bertha Hach altO ta nortbvest quarter, sccl buslubnd, et ai. ta G. W. La.ndgrst, non tovnsblp. peed 11,50( rlot lu Sait bel! sectioni 12. West An. Aprl11-Master in C tiach tvnfslip. W. D. 810. W. W. %bad,- soutbesit el SunrseOiluting Club t E immna 24, Meurs' Plat, Higbload Stable and Clara Goinor, lot 4. Leona- «4.97. - Di bard'a subdivision ln section 16, Cuba Stownshlv. . W- . $.10-. ,H. T. Blecb, 10 A. D. l H. R. Lindqnlst and vifs ta Jacob rff-mb of lotsin l, etc, r eVan derMeUulen and vife.,lot 94, ' lalaid. norti andi centand Sav's leng Laie subdvision. . W. ____$10__0. )t D. $1.0M. ýrj. C. BaMtett and vifs et al. 80 Mid aCity Cuib, lts 9 and 9. bock 2, Dia. ~'mcnd Laie Park. W. D. Il. N 3 ITI J. C. Bartiseit sud vite et ai.* taA. î.p. Bunsinm,,Utfct ot land et Diaii u l tLaie. Doe@M"S. A. P. Bsansd vite to 3. . Burt- u qj* lobtt ud'vite, tract ot land at Diamond A IlIlA iLà" DO"eILS n A.ýP. Esiàansd vite 10 H. H. Al-___ bs-sot sud vite, tract pi lan et Dia- Acoobt te 1 reidente gomoud L&ie. fleed $1. cacr o~era.smbi l n- April 14 ilMa t il lHof da.noeod toC~U~4I. ut90 sq v'ê 5lie kegm la makiig l18a Ur &" r t-uV ý 02 't élf nit o! tskiugtheir ami seIid U UUi' oad it ithi garbuge vi In. to Mei ». Smulated lu tbelr home dy Thsgarbage la te NFJO Ik P aiIteIolil up the golf1 F .. and threvu off on eitber '~ J. . lbai b ni ll. lot in oi ni ovarg la. village o! Wadsvomtb. W. D. $». ra ni o e n- ~ ~ t M.*R u eâJIWuosd dump la bein creat.d in W& 24,~So 1. Tbis sesms rathot falu a 1 41- à ouy for th. eamotu~ [e Lei<> ok l eh o bt tthe gasoin ouseda wy ti,04' au Pr W. p. . 1 on the tires toing te tiit A" Wrl. M 1?.L. kfi1 ai nd i.ght te eiump gerbe"ew, vite. to Marcel Karoquki, bots 1 and costiy, thon ta pay a gam ýide à* irpwaiu-s'Division, cent a voei 10 cmiial t"Drues lmite.W. 0. 5h00.and baul fhe garbago aw ier Jennie MoNol sad bnaband. ta, a lavwblèh pre#entb m.Marciso Mttent. south 40 tet. nortis practice and the cammuis.à 14:230 test, lot 5, McfJaièls Su b. Highs- tovnsipl delare they arq landi Park, W. D. 8$80.00. a Irop and catch tbln pei B Jennie McNell and busband. 10 lt may be and prosecu onMacisa Mattoofli, outb 40 teet, camiitting a nuisance c o! nôtb 80 teet, lot 7. DriscOllas Sub.. question.- gi- Hghland Psitr, W. D. $1100. H. C. Onifl and vite, ta John Grit- lor Puded cool ,,& St, lt 3, Roe Terraco. Sub Lakee To revive the cohent flth, lot orcarMetappir, ailer Dey Force, .W. D. A1.O. vePlng, a veak olutil ar- J. H. Noron nd vite, ta H. E. and MId- Gertrude A. Claf&lnesat 50 foot, ot 6, bloc 13, Bimoor Addition. Et. Highland Park, W. D. 810.00. sec- Joseph soukup sId vite, ta Anton Tt, and Frances Teabus, bois 22 ta 36, can- bock i1, Nortb Cbltâgo, W. D. $876. E. H. Amet sud vite6 10 J. J. Mon- Mr. ley, lot 6, block 1, Baumkers Rob ln!w Ro- section '35, W. Antioch, Q. C.* $2[.00. w for Estate of J. L. Hughes, deceased, ta l. G. Hughe&, 164 acres in sectionas 3ck 23, 26 and 26, B. Anitiocb township, Q. A 11t C. $10.00. con-~ April 17, 1917-George Frey and vite, ta Rose A. Kennedy, lot 4. e 1' block 2, Kuebior's Snb, lbertyville,- 166 -W. - D 810.00. ______soki to s'c- E. J. Monabauan ad vite, teJ1 sip. Gricitb. lot 16, Orson Bey Addition, load ni b9l- Laie Forest. W. D. 110.1W. pber Iptastiebl Co. of - Delaware, te shippe from Palc'.al (Co. ar Nev York, dedsî, sn cOu- Ptmftiebt propérty at North Chii- uie cago, 12.0. -ta inr Van W. J. Dai* sa-,'ite. in H. E. and arer Kathenine. mii. lth ot M,. WII' profit. 1a for andSub t leki LIake, W. tD. $2 75.00. sufficiel 50Cona nBuoeaté A 4 d vif, to An- lader tiSd Lmber , ôv'ee)cOa-part lot 2150one it1 voest Eibéare A&I tid Altiocli and hnr land 01b*n<* .010. chne IF. J. Diuilu-a ai -vifs, 10 Van agenau À.AUng Iat7l,Bnb ai lot 241,! e te Laiee Proit, «. tD. $1.00. OU ,Apil Ig.-" dl ilûbté, taM"s outaide son E. Tucker; lot 89 Cimmllnssnd Coaa la a Nom havenue, addition Wauegan, Po'l Wp<ei W. Buck and ele, to Andrev kee Etifiger, 100 acres in section 31,.Ben- about ton townsbip. W. P, 81.00. laid, Axel Llndgren n sud ifto Helena other, Sengbuscb, lot il. bock 3, Laid and a you George's addition ta W&ukegau, W. mes. D. 81.00. TROMTPLANTI3D 0 ILOGÉ LSTIAMN WILL GUARD THE STREAM. M:n Ctu MFiabnOinS tream W111 ServorlyDeit With, Pour tbouaand brook trout, not one 01 vhicb vas Orer tva incises in lengtb, vere planted ln a fresb water1 streem vithin a Mile of waukegan tbis mornina by Oaie Wardàn ]Rom and by M. L. Miller, agent for the Lrigin, joliet & Eastern RýaIlroad. Tbe trout were ta'<:en tram tIbA ponds t he State Flsb Hat4bsrY ai SrnGrov. Ifil,<nid vere slilppeu ta Waukegan ln tanks over the Elgin- jouiet & limtera Ratbroad. - There veretbe speckied trOut, th@e brown trout, and the rainbav traut. Thobe esput là-ffl stédlM wharf a fe, weeke a g ferm&n esutgIn' tva brook Irout, eacb of vbicb vweigh. cd clime te, tv4h padi. camne Warden Kemu a Midr. Miller are planning te stock ICany af the frsb ater streame lu this loaitY itb brook trout. and tbey aIma plan to asslet i gtving the flrst man caught haoking these llsb tar in featimers. tIfel. fihermen viii assiat us in . adfflm- W E respectfufly ask party-fne sûbotrîb- mr to li-d t théfr co n- versat'*ons over the télépÈone ta five min- utés. COeervânoe oi this riple rcacts to the bene- fit of afl telephone sub- scrlbers. Chicago Telephone Company AR. Andreema Manager Tespbai 0 e. Have Ini These Orders a Nice Pirofit A few deys ago the DeSMET QUARTZ TILE COMPANY aone party inS-L, Louis 800 bbls. of colored cernent--the finst car- ust leave our factory in about tbree weeks, the balance to be Dd at the rate of 100 bbls. per week altr that. We are getting =s for aur colored cernent at a rate which obliges the Company e"se the aize of the factory. We have in the"e orders a nice The orders -for tile Rocring now booked for future shipping are ent ta keep the factory in operation for months. For these eas- beqomnes necesaary ta enlarge the factory and purchase more ma- This ia a business which bringa maney miat the community hmm W, which ia appreciated by the people of Central L ake Caunty. John Hodge-Selling Agent Area, Illinois Po Reidance 296-M-I D1ETR OIiFICERS anrge W. DeSmet, President Will Knig, V. President H. A. Watson, ,Treasurer loward L. Fisben, ScnetarY C. Gteen, Superlitendent George W. DeSmet John Hodge Witt Knigge Hboward L. Fisher A. H. Smitb \ /\~; -! ç mu .1 1 1 PUIL, W-1 i o vt tbreý yohr timetLe ffeai vater amas Of Lai.eouuKty siln cntain tliomisade amd thoumlim or Oies. gu*.' Mr. Miller. 18 là pvaun 1.1*4 tant tInt brodk tr*t vill lirA Iln the fresb va- t« M of teebutyand an a#- b f h uta, stock the ut4esj*er.W=ganthis spri w4. In Chicago there lIves aman *bo lae cuber setfering tram a troubled conscience or else be bas "bit the aaw, duit trail,,amd become bancal ain", he lest stepped font ln Waukegan. In openîng bis mail ibis mornima Mayor Pearce was aurprlsed t0 llnd a $1 bill ln a letter wblch broughf 'ehl message: *"Enclosed please iind $1 ta psy for an arc llght wbicb I broaewbite ln yonr city.Y Tbere was noa signature to the le( tcr. It bcd been mailed ln Cbicago "I' afrald tbat tbe $1 belongF tb the Public Service Company, but 1 w411 not turf I t over ta tbat campafir until directed to do go by tbe riti cammis- Rlon. Perhaps thîs Cbicagaan bas resd tisat Waukegan la bard up and to.k timis meana to offer flnanciai agelât- ance," aad Mr. Pearce.

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