CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 4

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IWetyville Indépefldelt1 coùnéy hudepndent-Wuea eleflWlehIySom Ooe olepefieNumbr i.UbotyulU aGUidai Puhikltien for Tl i VIlicfLSrelO PWO as for LaiS CGoatomBasida novge reul ('hauiar. Aivortting Bateis Kon ouAppaiaton. ONP*CE, iloPER TUS BTieOTIN NDVAC I ††††††-.~ £tor ~. WUIYN.........-........- Menou~:~ i ~. . WU5ER......................Reliant Manager. PhOIU ~ 7 ... 1- .M&Julkca Smilkhwte of dul«. e ied &indog evening iSireeter hêspilaL Cliag. Seuasa longb&ulpali tw if.rer~, h. * wS 1o,4ok 80o ck bguall wMIao hwler. S&.e Whal more can l'e sud? Our Zribute, à dtW#ul d gb±erÎa lo le i.and oue Who b" ouIdbr leon *0 . aai .fPum oli- .wood bu 0" tdib i fe. 8itu.311. llenSmithi la dead. Kw M1f. hieezded BuidaY hgi i. b -» ca dx*«r's lad Ibu0ad b W0gU UrnuJ. Allen ave ufféred an ai la onsua t Od1or ils lm o aone Wb-"b #or*sMaiot IdmiwtIht intoeieand abebn mi4 u n~s la v agod, vlo ove oi% ul4 *tabs ene M et i. Sfinu tesay, l'la liteélier, la b in ItSas delb ail labut mdassa. 1v lmwblb Ita Smithb bore for William . Mi*b deuted tbe srbllust And holait spirit- mia aScum Ber busbd'a plessur u àIý ; er ubd'àmanad von1ri er eu«an wwimIl vasa usefuland of- bpv. e rWboumcomx,.us vr. m' y. Rer eadi eood as a mul"tde avat4 liaucriai vbàà Mst Mie or deatL '% Â,AiWI5gbNIboa & itabeSoul aid a&SMfof mu*m M» love berhme, tsar. vhlc lig "owii. yo f those vi. enjoyedam ered kle uLutanoashlp caimot drowu the memory cf Ii truly noble vite of oui edlitor. Desth, the Grim Reaper, bas stulked int oui ulat and taken e vom ve aIl held very dear. * WorkamelInadequate to e ts he depth of w felig or ur dior Ïý ishour o mets orwv. Witlk 1m ve boy oui bead anad vepaI l.tah e M n"0 - - VM-g 10 believe liaI "04doeth aIItblnm eUL#" bay of us bave Mian X . W. .. eailtor mMay years-bu.t even ve vho hb ahovi ber but a short lime bave seen and understood ber Coodueis, ber slcerity a"dpu o f spirit, 7ev vomen bave been no univ.rsalybeoved as mms lhelb.doti of bis vite oui editorhbas t one 0f the mcst loyal blpmeets mai ever ha&. Bide by side, baid iu ban&, they met obsacles and evercame tiem. Notgonce duilng-tbei happy aurred lMe wvas e ugit but th eetent la bs ard 10 remas iuwy the baud of dealli falano heavily in nmre places-ve cai- Bot belp but wondIer vby thomo vho bave led sucb 18*4U MIu, nel&h and Obitalialives could flot b. spred-ve know it la God'is vil, but w. vonder 1TWyou, oui editor, vo once more .xtend our dogest gmpathy, assuring Mouit cornes from tic.. v*mebertas bleed vith you. 'Ill'aO!' THEDAILY BUX and CAure~k' Je> illo Prschig servie. next Bond" wviibo hold an folovi: Sosday usinai at 10 hbnmeV. TIr. DaM I viipissai on She subjet: "aB tplr ropeadeo" la the ait 7.30 the snjst"of lhè miou vill ho: "Un the B*Uàloieu No." Thé ffOU Vlav naïf RoUboh of boh o Lbeijvis JLodiso wl»atted lana body. Tiare wlii b.e péclal muhlo by Sbeoboir ond Atisa B. Kraeckmans viii do#( a solo. 1ordwiavuitation la oxtoade leIq.. thoeubjict of thiepworth leouervice unit su"oui vobelit 6:45. Misn SBlace Scbanck viilied thé meeting. A cordinvitatiou Sa si. Tiers viiiboa erj ImpOAorttmeeting of ibn officia boasri ol the M. L. churei Boat Monia eveinq. April 80. Ail mssiiersaue srgsd ta attend. OsnViay amegof this wvii Shor Wei beoaaoe and bueose meeting of thé Longuel e bcboeefor the aulOg lui wili b. leced by tie Aurallan iefl msoi ot.. Al Logurere urgled la attend. et. Lawrence Episcopai. Rei. M. B. White, Prlet..u-cbarge. Berlnse vilii ho ilu nthe VIl laHl outil furtber notice. Boiy Communion except Oirsi Sund&Y tu mauth T.30 a. a. Boly Communion, lot aud Brd Sun. daye llt00 a. m. Marniug PrayerotherBundays la. m. Church Bciooi 9:45 a. a. OPPOSITION SCIJOOL TICKET, WINS BY A LARE OTE Lait atrday the ticet&%thle 80ch001 election vhlohSoad for â; "nov dam" t e l tiree emdi#a vhlch f bi olbefore edmittUu alt ey voesdfsted. Ot of tlistâiicame rictori-j iqî.Pul Eo.lRoy, on preddeldu, Mfro. Userudi Ulendori aai Walter 1Lytâe ai muh.,. of tiiéEBadaif inatlon. Tiey delested "aph W. Bulhhy for procédant sumd Rivai L. Dubole aMd Muse. Aguse Colline ai members. Snc01%xuBiument la a echol elsulio bas periaspoe er bien ibown bors sud %ie»evoli bave bosu a greater excise.- ment bei Buoithe Bnlkley ticet candi. dates r«omema.pwievi ms ttai d. but i» lsta eursi a bmWcof a usud moie lttluduilasse t e lai eye yoter fayora@>ilo t liri, canai beu. brougbt tletlb poila. Tie liera anal baud t So lb Rqticket candidate, for havlng perlsctedmsuorganisation Wh"c vork.d ienltalessiî vbnueeded, 9i)os cma jndge from theénaber ofa anlma bil« es lu slaI vening. lWMacis ocarried lu every direction, up aud down aery etreet lu lovWB, &Bd nat vevy -7m yoles bvia veskuavu to a layaUir ticket tMW tSavote. And t le heork- ors béloug tlb honore, en lby nonm"d" lu roilng up geh a gresi mçJorty liai lbo oibr iheecandidates vers practi- caOY sevmpei. The polis vers open irom Seyen Sq m o'loc la lie @vulirg, extra votnq boolks bavlng beeausut up le take cmu of lb aus vhleb vAam sure emon dertng %hmetva hours. O.r M00*ohe vors ocaSlu Ibis art' lb.. Pollovleg hla bvole given éeh ai the candiaes Fpor Pruwieni-Relph W. Buikiey. P"u 0. Bay 897. For tva mombr-Edw iud L. DU Bals 224, AgnaeK. Colne 196, Grt-de Olendart 401, Walter L. Lytie 401. Dock empiayoa af tic Hill Sta- shAp Company dragged the harbar Tic man via met dcclihi ydrovu- lait vwuan olI employa af tic com. paSy. sud local ouployes dlaim liaI ho e c ingle mmiaindt he eilp- Pem aut at Chicago. Thisa he tiAM tdrovulng of tie yesr, sud membbrs aoflthe.ýrew aImt tiat carelom.neuaipon lhe part of Si. doceud cauac lie accident. The ahips crev vers engagol lu thc vanaof unminlg lie vessel t lia Urne of lie occient, and tie af- TABLES ISTIAI F FLOWERS IS UREII3D w m ffosuID Louis Swift Makes an Earnest Appeal to Ail Gardeners fOR ie S PÀis in Lakè Forest. LousSit cdmeed a meeting Of BACI INin tic lova bhail aI Lake CO N Iogreset lii otier iit.cdjurlng the- ta abandon theur lutesive floyer gar- '0,O Sut Again At iss dous tii. amrer and apply their cf- Shvur ldto Be Squel to farta te, vegeablco. prlncpalli icns Big Suit Lad FaIL.m.smhgardons.etI Ako For- il dealopi tbtint ela hconer- est lamions fur the beauty mildist- able back of -lie start1u of lie $50--0of lhir flowsis. This Yacr the POtato M0 dua&nge suit la Waukogmia ev blassomn viiirelgu guProme over dais go Ilu vilciMiss Frank GraY acrcs tint cre 0w boing prePared- sBaver off llami Park. la zmaie Cymu. IL MCormlt%1. vios eauec- defemiant h Mise DehY' I. Andrevs. uni place Wldon, Uee ovforlooklug Um Shaver, Itleh laid, il*§ a euitLat iýg t keFrs bs 1maI neptember for 8100,000 dam««.Lk îila iLi Èoet a aggingt tic Baroflees May Van pal- givon up ie floveor gardon. Ibis laudt Vas Ed. lu Mmuineeuc, Mici. summcr sud bu limituctOlihi ger. Miae Andrevs le a, oluP&nbku of dcucrs la llg upail av&ahlhe groun lie. bcranuand accorilug le At- torneyei tei iR. Carynaki, lander- for Potaltos mandailkinds of otier ans statemeute ver 0usd. agalist vegolabies. Thore wviii h Oufficient hile client hi Min. Siaver lu ber bill rap for the amui ammi of emPlOioi againot lie barontne. of thiesctnte ta miy everYthiilg lor For years Miss Siaver cul tie baroues e veo aru triands. Minm Ibemielvo. etaI suffilf rate loiu ftaver vas engaged to marri Jean 1 han lie matrket cost. Dugas, brother of th ebaronesa. 'i-h' m ram, Minneapolis wbo break came vian Mise Shaver =dlcld ent tie baroness, Irugi ircul, abtain $Polie aa bsgsrdeflew 'meeting salI cd tram ber $100,00, Ticeîsuitfoi- litaI every vacant lot and even lia layed. lu lie hill Mises$haver la ai- 1 mailiparks of Minéapolýhabal 51 leged to have charged Mien Andrews bcin plowed np for plaliting. vli blug an accomplie ef lie bar -_________ onces and ta bave laid Misa Andrews vas arretel lu Algiera. Miss An- Avf.f Rultien drevs denlee lic chargea. WbiM veoo"eeder gormî vo sd- ger ta think or an thie el ate.velikel Inpud andt: More resiore 1%»n al n drta ld bliioo àbfl tyilie. fflrvshts eble LasS FrimW Witer Il. Brown,Rescruit- lot Ofie, rom tlb Greet LakesNaval Traaimg, Station, sud as usber of riscrute, esme SqLlbealyvîllt le dis tribut. large po@Mere and cari boAsa sigme lu tre local tore. WiuiIe Ilbo Giben rkbw for -cobbpg. Cauiowe, Eggfast Pqipers* ndToMatoos. 3ra4 tApp>I Trm a t ZSc.Choey, Crmt, Pmr,. FAIRh'OiLM QA RDENS For Sale at -Chicago, North Shore & Mwaalee Railway Demt4 Rocrulatin offla va.eral o ter am- Um PMent en Which He Wu Waik- 'ili lminto water. OSAI TH9 IA RBOR BOTTOM. l8 Frat Downing of Year'Har- Ruoverng the Body. BULLETIN. . 9 Waukeguii, April 21. ^t ii:di tii. morninq the body' of the SaUewn. vidrowfled ln the ha,.. ber vu.e)(one from ie îcy waters by MMI1beMeOf à eKenoshi Life eavInq 01W Wo vire calied le Wmetkgmli te dre@ tie hartor hottom. Thé do. 063114sai vae e ident Of WIim. Mm he wee not marrled. HIe=eé- in.iaw 1le flè ore baim tie remaln&s The lequeft will ha heid tonight. Thi ftrd drovning ofthle 70cr bnp- enciat 4 a'clock thie marniug vbefl Chrie Cbistoteon, a fireman lu the Ornlay oai>tic Hill steamshlp CoMP- PAny, plUnged Into the icY vaters ai tie harbor fram the teamohlp "May- Wood., The call dt"man overboard*" was icard hi uembere of tic siip and dock crov snd although lite preaerv- er vitre tbrawnlototahle vator. and Rtbu' ";ht watzlV --n --, " ..i Aithough the nigit watch went ta the drQvulng mnt's assistance, he vas nat recavered. Ilembers ai the crew claim that lu dacking the Captalu did flot bring the MaYvaod toa osaition parLllel vIth thc city dock. The sder end Of Uic boat prolruded flly ton test Ironthti dock. Relier lian vclk tu !i t*forverd end af tic boat, tic ire- Mon tuci out a heavy lak trom Li*e1englue owm vlndov to Uic dock. am Mdho vas valking to shoreonautle eu vi wen Il brie, ami bo feil mb 1 ie barber. Itlais eared that ho o trOCi bis bead ou lie hull of tic habst or on thc d ck, for bis body' 7 ii sot corne ta lhe otceo a sec- ond& ani thiri lUme. Itlalepossible tiat ho «aMe up under tie boat , HIa body iad not been recôversd 1ae tsno'clock althousi lie djak ser- Sgeint t'tic Police station gent Pa- troman Lercie cul 9atrol v agont j rivur Thompeon ta lie dock. b as- FiM .theUicwrk afdragging tic up. a' bor bottom. A Cmii vas sont lu trou bHsyhOrmaster Lisnndu ho rusee r Sa the dCiydocks La cuperintend li* %drag ofaithe barbor. Station ar nearsl Navy Ra ciiî Station or Naval Veisl tautbu faniher ezaained tioes hi be Naval Surgeon sud enliboed. Ithe ricruilt aille 10pase lhe exaulualion lie PBecuiting Ufficer viii f urulieh lm tranuportation la ho rsfunded btute llecruiting OfBcar hi the comaite. 6. Tiers conid ne ai mauy memiero onualocal cammitteeoin eachciy, town or villa" e a desired, ialudiag principal@ and toachoesoai 8gb Schopla. Paît- maAlera. local Y. M. CX . Crepre@entativei anudsmyerai dactare Tbce pertone vonid ho lu a position to iuow ofai hid recrulte. IS la houieved Ibal Ibis plan could be maie to l any locally In the country sud put iota immediate operation.* MomnIug the Chorus. «Wiy oansuci strenuoni ehrts maie tleantertain lie liri buelue llPhrcly culndtpy for tie mon«y tiers la luAt., "ITien. you lan't cansller it a for ni pillmtrpyr "Na, atiaugi musical comodya. torde a large number af good-loaklng young vamen mn osai vay of mahins a ivring via migit athirvime bave Sa vork for tie tired buainses muna s thia an sd stenograpiers." The Reourcefui Girdaner. "Have yon a vegetable garleni" «I tartel Il as such. But inca lie cilckens andI muis bave gallOn busy 1 have aU iIl a zoolagica Entertsirclnh the Nolghom "I undofslaud tkqt tire, Flubdub ae- tertalnad tomeo0f ficr nclglborm nfol% Mally yetrdcî." "Y«,, acanad ber cook -bad a qua"rol cate frot porci." AT TAKESTUE4 Toek'.MKt THE AND PAYS THE TG RUY THE aST The Best off Meats and Gr««ei«s CaziAlways Bè -,Bought 0f' Earl H., Corlett On account of the death of one oi the members of the Mystic Work er ].sodge, the Danqe to be given by the Drill Team at the It]ERTYVILL]g TOWN HIT. F'RIDY EVElnING, APRIL 279 Has Been POST'PONED FOR 30 DAYS, and mamwaa *>iusproeiag hase. iti lugilgamovtmoni startsi Ip100=y or a comualteer ai gau nation le encoroag nd aist viti ail meane la ssceng recruiti for tic nvy. Il *ouid bo a eplosild pla for ome làlbeOrvllle oristion tu tmm an Unl attention aigu nov ta tic rscauiting of Young mes for tlb savy, esitlb Grst Laie. station legoaDown ta ne, tiai ve cashd seud oyemaa Isvtiut It caeting -*sameut. No largo fu"i vuli ho moearyt aumethst yîo.g yen ave tirir cor lare pald Iq the orgauisaiob on accouai oi tii short distance. Tbe l"c tu le " k iti Young mma. cet tirai Inlerrreled le taie lbexaaâluation before Ineir local daller sud tihouep tirem tes taO lb GreatlLakes Sttton. The foiioviug statemoul bai bisn lutetalb hepres h W. A. Maolett. commandant et the Naval station. la vici tic trouerai plane fur goiug about lbe vorn i.euliaieigrecrulte ehouid h doe" The mont vaInable service liai thois unable ta eniet theascv e au perfora for tiroir country ai Ithe proient lime la tu gel mon enuisîd lu the Navy. W hile Il l la pbrrtant 10icImetaenfor other branceof atie service, tie aeed of ths 1<avy for ouiebed men le immediate. Owiog 10 tie siortage of afficers and men of lb. regular Navy, il le a physical Impoeelblis for the Navy ta recrnil lie mou neuedi ti tic requleit a peed. [t le Impassible for tic Navy Dopartment ta furnlii aecrultillg lllerature. poster.r, Pamphlets,,nie. lut enoag. I11Io tiers- fore nmeees3 tith&&tiaeensof pitriotie PeaPle bath mmsani vomas, wvia vlei lu e ip lbiacountry eaitlb promunt timo taire steps to obiala me, for tboir Navj'. lt len.1s"foessry ga have Dodtor. la examine recrulte. About ons appicant tu eix pessec examînailon. Ont, doctor eau examine auly ivelvo recrulte a daY. Tic Navy lover, shortoaidoctors and lisy cannaihbiobtalned but enougi iSa mcint111e preemtnead. Tic unly vej tiis diffilty ca ho nmat la toavae civilia dctars volumheslu conduct pre- libainary .examluatlonosnsudnti lie PMOquitâvi recruils le lbenoartet fcaitlng Station, Naval Station or Naval Vastel. Tic following plan in propoed for auj givon locaiy: 1 . Fora a cammilbi e ving rrpre- tentaives tram ail the townsand villages la-te districtseaieected. r 2. Ti. commltte tu colleeclâflde. 8. Obtain samplii ai recruiting pont- ere, Ilterature. etc., iram the neset tRfcruiting Office, aud bave lieure litho- grapiedI or priuted ai soon ai possible. 4. Obtain automobles wiii chauffeurs 3aud oungi proone ta fora ltcruiting Il P a rtis . Ic id ingt vo m on . le e t am . rbUsilet ho ussi ta munt recruile and Iranupori 1cem ta Io doclore ta ho a xemlncd. (Tic doctaro viii ho iurniiied v iii pamphlets ehowing lie physical rrequiremeuis for remiut@ t.. cuter lb* N*vy.) 5. Recuis pctelnthe examintiai ilcm l{allowcli mid other mombers of tie drainaeoboard. Il iabecut suggeeted that lie i- redtors ofthle Ciamber of Cammorec andl ai tie Waukcgcn Motor Club telegrap William P. Weise aI Sprlug- fiel ta draft an amndmont ta lie original bond issue bil, and liaI Wcukegan mon ai. talent be sent ta Springield at once t10lbibi for lie gmendmni. Tic ina af 160,00000la ta b. ap- praprlateil by Ilinais 10t1eliftte clat out or lie mudndt lera are tlions. anis ai reoldenis ai lais counli via belleve liat c part oaI tiin aboould be spent an Sheridni oad, tho main hilgiai bolveen Chicago and Mil- yaukee. It laspossible liaI boti Waukegan organlsatlaue vili adopî lie reoinm- mendations ai Senator Rodney WI Swit, mnd liaI Wcukegan mon wfi* beave tor SprlniKfield 41 once. William P. Wess la aI Springfield labbying tar lhe Pive Mile and otheir "dry"~ zone bille.. Ho la also lier0 ln thé Interosts of lie attorney goner- dl's office. Want. For se tc ete In the ON OSPENDENT reici 18,000 perncq. tMY4 tree e wona iv S auv il pus "wEkep the lane &M - h ., ofbombmeW.COM Aha..Y 'o 1 XISil h"ciof lettna , lmas w.ltlnc tu tinoappearai et m ltMt. amd resaluai1101.0. orn f 11m Wàà lu the pajumdet th le ve, and ta the lgbt of tbe ebove augla vp0 tes t Ie nsistarnce Mane me&. Ma torme hetng pait la mm> b&. -My légUmm *- *ae 24 pge-eué rÏ&asco- nel »d Mr. Tilt muet isot rob m et0f obhlmgs. Tv.sty ou"" M&aia course. no bilis» Plhemonen Bve BelL Moine ocant lobuer flhorm e a, diewcoeol hat the Iobt* ogme a lobter trnp throue athéo seti etigt and not tbrougb tihesMWAM boit, and are nov baitlng the Wff vtih tr«h flob eoaied ln glanss lwe Rapld Trave: Over Deort, .1 new French automobiledrv air propellers cSÙ maire a epeel miles an heur oyer theo moi t acfS Sabur desait. D.hfy Thought Tic * alutksecammitted 1b> v are elnt always the remt of bu faith In the good nnd ber cI TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED--Carpentero Inquire of Bld. 4ey Wallace, Lake Vila. Phono 1».J. 010.00 REWARD for Informiation of boyaln Ares, liat pniied tail fraîbers ent oi bÎ&rtin'a peacock. A, furtier rewesi for Information of auyono müheting aur pnitry, bird. duci or property on Lake Bfars, or «urronndinge, who viii ho pro- @Peu pd tthle fulex totîfthi lb. a. W.bdartin. Pbone-818-1R. Area, 111 Itel FOR SALE-Good drivinir mare 8yeare nid.ý hisar rupboutand bernese. W.Bt. Kniggo. Arcs, 111, 1702 Cas you fr to go without Fire, Theft and Collision le- sur4ffl ian the Illinois'-Automobile Life memberahip $10.00 as- sesament. About 35 cents on each $100.00 valueation. Anywhere in Lake county. Write or iCali Fred Parkhurt, L*keCo t,,- 7 AMEN» lBOND ISSUE BILL SOAS TO TAKE IN SHIERIDAN ROAI> Senator Swift Urges Commer- cial Association to Take Up Fight for Appropriation. WILL SUPPORT AMENOMENT Says Motor Club Should Send Men to Springfield to Lobby for ftIiAmendment That lie $60,000,000 bond liane bil aouli be amendel goea me binclude Sieridan Road, ln the bellot of Sen. star llodney B. Swift,wvi anasprom- iaed ta lendhis support tu tiec mend- meut Il tie Wcukegsu Cinaber of Commerce and tho Wankegssn Mator Club viii acnd men 10 iSpringfield ta lobby for lie ameadment. Tie $60,000.000 bond iesue bill pro- vides for a taehigivay tram Wood- stock ta, Waukegau, but il dosen fot tucludeoanc cent ai expcnoc tovards a higivai on Sheridani Rocd tram Waukcgan ta lie claIe lino. "It vould bec amach eaiter tank 10 bave tie bill naw boforo lia bouse amended 50 as ta include àiharian Rond than Il vould ho ta Put liraugh another appropriation bill,* sai Sen- a tor Swiftl intalking vîti AtLorney Homer Cooke, William J. Allen. Wil- I I I s s lui 9 d e d a vi ,D 1 Sl

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