CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Apr 1917, p. 9

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XXV.-NO. 17. p LiBERTYVILLE, iLL., i rtys Bg ' WAUKELGAN WMax SUN LYAPRtL 26, 1917. MORET PAGES IS FOUND «IULtY Jury Finds Ike Franktlo Guity of Selli ~Uurftgly1 JURY OUT THREE HOtJRS. Witnesfes TolId of HavInq Pur- ohased Lqur-State Ha to- Subpoena-Wftneases. *1km »C immun,"-la immune M Virger. for a' jury in county Couft htt Tuesday aternoon rsturned ,a verdict findlng hi. guflti on tour eounta of bovns sold itoxiebtins liquor without a license. Tis vas the full number of counta aaked by the state. Tiie verdict was réturned atter a deliheration lazting nearly thre. houru. For years Ike 11ranklin, proprietor et thre lub en Bouib Sherldan ceî whlch in ytronised uzclusvely by1 colored: peo, boastedet!litsl 1111111 ty fr. «outin. Wbcn _Mtts Attorney James .1 ,Welch.wo a candidat@ -fox the. office ho siket FrankUn to gIe hlm vh*t- support ho posssuod &mouq the nul- orod people. PtrIn uroplied tiat ho could flot au he vas vorking for the re-election of R& J. DaUy. "Mr. [lady always ha. been a f rlend or mine," Mfr. Welch sus Frankln bld hinri Two niantha &à& States Attorney WilehblMedsan information aait Frnklln. cbarglns hMlwu selllng l3uor vithout a lcensef Franklln oc- cupted a oeil in the county Jati for Il number ot houri. hrougb bisi- abillty ati rst . toget a boadifia. Wthbont retordu tl1he uvpcdlont of lring 4ltectlves to secure the ovi. dee siala Franklin the etates at. torney auhpoenaed Dr. Jobnsoa, a chlropodlt. and Walter Hudson. both colored men.. Aginat thoir VIIIues tvo men, ebaracterlsed 'oy thoestatea atorney au hostile w wau eWrm cotapelia teta liethe. w iosstma "*tmthotic -, Prfl Dr. nadn1 -" b* hai "tu". Sglng e aeand vhidkes t the. place. »It vU p' oor ginger aales-a" poor lveko."hotestified. Lter I.e e C«Vofl t Chw 11Mjostmm t nàiche "psur o bsis"' p :*sei mereslatginkr ale. Hudéon tesUfied to having pui-Oased tlv. drina cf o lquor of Trunklia b3st snid it vas b.- tore the saloons vere voted ont. RAYMOND ESTATE IWIL APPEAL TO TuIII(iJIST COURT Not Until Supremii Court of U. S. Rules Money Must ge Paid WiIl It BeTurned Over. RECALLS RAILRIDING CASF. Appellate Court Affirma* De- clsiorn-Now Up b Highest Court ln the State. Tiat tie estate of lb.eI . tr.j Levina Rtaymond vill net pay lie $Ir 500 jndgment bteirs. John Richard- ou in the famous Vo!o rallrdlag case untIlithe case hbauon ppei- cd te tie Supreme Court and ta Ihm c reeCourt of tho United tISate f uecessary, vas the statmmeiti made knov hro h Pas tirs.Jahn Richarduon hrousht suit for $100.000 damages againut the Vo- Io vomen vhomnsite clalmed mde lber on a rail and lmpei-ed her beelirh. A jury in Circuit Court boe evarded ber damages a! $3,500. This verdict vus lieldto behoexcesaiveanmail as cut ta 11.500 iy the lareodin; ude. The laie tir. Itaymond ivas on, o! liase vbo vas made défendent. Bofome judgmenl suas entored by es. court tirs. Raymnd dl.d. Itla e drrged lie court lien datai! hack thre juf=trna -ln the case as fit:vwuclalied tbat Mire. Raymond vas tie, oaly mombsr o flie baud o! vomen vgllate vd vas 11nancially ahIe te pay lis Judg- ment. The oulatu a!fiiMm Raymond took an ppeal ta lie Âppellate Court , i lu; tbat tli et othie circuit Iudgo lu enterlu; Judgmont heset 8*18e. In tbe menantime attorneys for Mmr. Richardson venttô oCauuty -Court sud lled e ciel. galast the. Ray- moud astate. The Judge a!fIthe Coun- ty Court declied to allow lie clalm until th. Appellate Court had rmImd on lie appeul. A !ev daya &go tie Appeiltl Court enierpd a rulnin In icolithb 'I Jndgment o! tie Cii-cuit Court vas affîrmeil. -Ttvas annourroed Imme- distely that aitorneys for lire £ay- mono etaevould take an eppWelte tir. SuprusatiCourt of thaï tate. Poudng the ruila;tir oenta tuir O,ý.4 iinLq egi . !»t q WAUINANlAU IDEks SINATOR MN M COIl! WÂTER TEST* EXPLAINS STAND IS IRESTED ON' INfi 1E UT3SAINST TuIEDMAf MJURY CHARW Waukegan %cou mnay bu made theWiII Vote Against Draft Meas- John H. PIUM, a resldent of r'ra- husdqimrters mviere the- Blte vwil ure but Will Help ln Prose. mont toivnahlP. va ari-ested Wedues- conduci exhaustive analyste of drink. cuting the War. day on a perjury charge. la otber lorg voter, accordlng to a statement ____ worda .70km vas arrested for "5h-» reoived by Commlstoner E. V. Or- SON ALREADY ENLISTEV. bing." It vuS on complaint of Siaci yis fi-an Edvard Bartow, dIrector or * Âlttor ;* meis. t.Wetch that Plum thes Mats Waler Burvey of the iuni- Mason Declares He Voted ta Wsvieurstod téetheo llanora.Tir i. panvtde z Grant Wilson Every Dollar Hoe 'Wb" a %t1od as a vlîness belote b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ussi aoaoyvl- b L b rand Jurya few monîhs ugo John boau ostabtished ai the. Waukogan Asked for War. told bm oss had Procured beer at a pUipiIIstation. 8Bo>nuch bas heurt nid about W»- labosccedtac"ted hy Chailes Jorgen- Mr.ollg uli.tIerr l aedIb L y p..Mrnos oPiosition to the1 %& tu J4nt tovwnship. Ho aid lir. Ori:4cÎeconscription mesaure tht e t iaI k bdurchgaod hiertriJor- Urbana,Ilihnois, craies an opportunfty tb explain the gensoo'ks cok sco-es of timon. April23, 1917. attitude h.chem laken lt-rbtceniatter. That vua a fev niontha ago. Mr. E. V, Orvis. He pledges Waulrcmn biat ic viii Wedgosday the ce@of 1he people Com. Public Propurty. suint lu PrOeecntlng thre ver aud viii or the &&te versus Jorgenson vas Waukegan, Illinois. stand by- the Precsdenl, but he ao @rites tbat he vilii ot vote 10 force calIed for trial, Jorgenson having Desar Sr:- Young Anerlcanls 10 shoulder a mus- beun a ldidff for aellng liQuor In It me , neccsuary l he b.user bet unlil Arnerica prove, thet a vol- ablsooitrtoynevdc s- tutureto obtaln voter supplies for unteer arrny cannot be rehmed' Hialm -O eftrYo vdnesp large bodies of mon lrqvarloug pans~ cormmrqlcatlon rendlsas folova: plled b? Fluai and' others. of lliinow i noI voted againsl var, but announcea PIuMIvWei a Most arbitrai-y wtneu; 0f ~ ~ i ilos.Iso MKmy bu thon tIraI If var camne ve vould for lie tatu. He aomitted 1ht1 i, Pl o bae n bartcr 10vhtbrai- yunit. 10 maire t a succeseful ver. 1 h..d but laJorgesnac place Of bus.t pie cfvasi-oanli taen oranay-voted. by roquent of oui- Prosident aie. W.. of course, kov liai York vho la commander in chie!o! ofo Lasea tame or four times, but ho aleo havk crtan lbotter iov»mntarmy ani navy (vu are ta ver), for rmade the gtatement-under oalh-- hav crtan abratry uulalleatevery dollar ho asked for to prosecutu tbt It oUn't renienber of e'ert aU liat you probably vould te. vil!- tbe var, cacaPt I voted, as did a I.sla ra ecae aae ertee lng toall110 a chemist or liscerlolo- naalorltY of the House. ta reduce lie giaut 10 use your laboratory. Wu vould 00et of selling bondsef om $12.,o00 Pluai, Li state attorney daims, Ilk t av dlu 8Maenet 5. 6000,000. cihher $Obti leto h. grand jury or WUiYre tahe aef ie l jtmel. Iitend 10 continue tb help prom%- h. falsuieol t6 the jury o! recorirWl» outheefoe, lose ctun e t the ver. and 1 believe the beut Statue Attorner Welch la Inclined ti know on the accompanytng shuet vaY la 10 caîl for volunteers and ouly ' ellevo ths* Pum aftle o1Wd vral cea b. expmcted, draft as Lincoln dtd vien ve needPlm asieonW -1 Thankig yon 1 ammon b vise w lot volunteer. The own nsday vian called as a wllnps in Thankng yu. Iana y on 1Ibaeo ho han flot ostablluhed Count? Çoft. tir. Welch vas go p-îi- Veiy iruly yours, a home for hîmmeif enlisted as acon tuve thiat Pin. vas !artlfYing liat hi. EDWARD BAIITOW, as ver vas declarod. He dld lb vlth a» Direclor Stato Water Survey. ysneeapoe.Ivn rtt alm hie pr"t on a perjury charge The ettr casesconideml@ Mkýgive thre other boys a chance, and 1 and vi» aft th. October grand uriy« Thelater auss cnsterale ur-betieve there la pet-bOtim enougi tota 10 idie Plu=m of tIret charge. Mr-. lcsliY lah thought the sMate mccl the demande o! oui- government. Wlch snau be forced to, cati tho survey anlicipates liaItIhre, III he We Ironor the G. A. R. ... ad the sc d1 r aevraltranin Cmpsln llioislnSPanhssi var veberana princlpe"ily bh.- , ,gradurors, and te ilers sthe rtretn a p. n v i nest ol uren cause they volunteered, and i can- 5lttlig hta-ttheJoI'gerieon cau-3 asvit.- lIre e undrtrisiies10 te eflot foi-ger as & boy ln 1864, hnw Oui-naes. Nub= vasgiven e hear-lng1 tirt ie enuner ranlq rcevePeople Iooked dova on a drafted Man. before sk à«Ce Mason and vas boond1 pure voter. Wetier W. J. Alla, chie! Il your regimefil goca ta ver yi overta.w4à, t8500 englacer of the Ivoter wo vs, w d carry a sword and cam reoIgn et any _____la _______$5,000 1 tho *k* tôMak te tnteor bet.IMe. MY boy vil carrY a gus. and go W aked10mek tI. est orWbttiwverever ho ie ordue&dand inl o r an ugpeort vonld toc sont here lae ap vitt o vorth more thonsa nOAI n ot kiova, but e Ru t t aay i t r diVted mark. ~12eis "the *htais bas mucb opafdeace York blame mae.r-faverlng lb. vol- lu 1. laoraory q~lmeia o 1 am for preporednkeu a"d for uni- Vernalit blrn&.but un 1I@esemlyduty afnuJ nov X amn OPPosedte draftlag tue s"bout bay oysul dtborate tira tronches uatl» vs have gIven iirosqOw iasI vi' ho vint tie honOr Of llghtiag fer JackrPatMectymn !Jamnes A. Cà. I A thier country a chance t0 go sas vol'Pto.we 1 tfEa onad IN LA E nort hem supporting vidowe!4 1ahrother-n-laW cf«- *renco Wilder FECTED JB BILL --there. and If YrIbm e tejelot he tanlilag campeny wUich bgar ers ofIllinois ou vould setelover, former feotipiea mof North- RePesetatve ickrs ntr-!question f rOm a dtoreront vlewpolut. western, vho lu *0 1kaiown ln Wau- neprsentuve iokes Inro- Lots vork togother for oui- country kegen likevisei are th leave Chicago duces Bill Whicfi PrVides Alvays for a fr-s aic anusud troc early ln MaY 10 J019 thre Amian speech. Pîeue do me the favor 10 s«y ambulance corps la FI-ràc. for Testing Cream. that 1 vii i-ond any rospcctahly vrlt.J AI lhii hour Ja* r-Paten la vork- ton aud algnod communicaton. please iagaithle tâna5fY la Wauikegan, but Reprsenativ Jaes H Vik@reorcet heo annYmous lelter viiter knov bu viii sever hl» CO.ItbeCtiOn viti that th dsricetas Hs Vicler , o! liI ido flot even ose. thein. . lnduutry on MaY rat. But rscently IbI ditri. t spnsolnga bilu,i Thinking you for pubttsblng my lie demonetrated &i hltya e houne bilt No. 114, the. passage of laet Imter and' moun ornuel askingleader ven ho 1lsdWeulteas ava- vhtci vîll have a vide effeet on lie ron to pubisi tbis. I arn, yours truly, hIn Squad to Evanston la record Urne mik lndustry, not oniy o! Lak oraa WILLIAM E. MASON. Wapkegan frionde of lhe young min ty, but ove- the sat ie tate. o elhepc j omieanm Tiie bill already ha. pauamd lbthe 'PAT<1 for linseif la tIsa. of hatîle. and 1h ouse anad la on lhe eècoud roadlng 9A.>~ NSINii 2 L lere lisno quegllonbut vhat thc la tho skenate villi cvery rsor Young mark yul mite good. bellypi hatIt wll b Pased.TheNot only Wvil thes augment tual b.ltin t a ire Itbepas55d. Tfo, ,j corps hy theirpergla, but saci viii turose wi.Puç1 a mak Ipgil e f or e.A Mc~ ; BUT il Isho i. Ovx. at*tu" wc vtirhlm -ers to have lie msteomaire tests of JET bc cure hObmachi es ilt» gv dlroveT byi- tho butter-ftt tu. the M1li or croue.a aaUUA SÀmaara N 5, Ka, b vio Is e v aly ail 0her- to se tlat Il cornesup ta lie stan a-________ wi " elofthi dard claimed for il. Jai miHilaovr av les Tbill iiri-nds as foilova1Jckadisbowbaeba A huyer o! .11k or cres»uîiyng Mr. Bettie Etcheil of Prospect clauma for yearu, .10e.tho latter ho- o!t] the pru nceonf thie rat aai Drive Learns Son Has En. came a gridiron star et Norlbvest- ern. Some limte &o Young patten orshag nt, ptroue ince i.pi. cr roi led Under OId Glory. decided he vanted te enlilt i h tloned in viIing by onc or more of!rPhaito 9X& Hamte lis atrns s todo, air 4 fir am«objected strertuouoly. ge lie&and iii pa th rn otado, t'a mjo afli- am- AS ONE SON M !FRANCE. Higbtovea- decided ta enter Oie hon- leus tien tvo (2) ounces, end I.... 'pitl service. dlateiy deliver the eulae ta the pro. i .l Alit ilght.'" salfi Pattai parer yen.- ducer or hiesagent in a seaikirecep Learned îumay Irhat roungesî loi-day. **If you vau t tacts 10 be furnluhed hy lis [lapit- Boy Had Jolned National h go Mnent of Agriculture sultalale for mail-.urd MIek Ing or expressing. The r«eptaclo Gurdsof " ho s1hall be plelnly marked wltb the pro-. U J ý T ~I M I dricr'. facinry nhmbeer and the. Wihone sa "over-seslla"fghling name o! the producer, and paay be witi 1he Canadiens uadcr the -"iJ'nion or isk agent obo he Dparînent of Idaho National Guard, Mi-.. Bettie 1Agriculture for test. Iltoboîl of 206 Prospect Drive.,I mlaM. 1 For th, testlng of milk thOe Dopai-t- Waukegan'. anosi Petriotioccitizen i lau i 1ment of Agriculture may, la il. di.- ver times. cretion, divide tie stato tato tomin;g As vas releted in The. Sua à fev 1distics mail convenlent ho lie tei-- veeks ugo m. IBtehll's ldesi son rilOi-Y to bo servod, and shall appontlal nov in e London Hospital. recup- an offfiIl tester, and if neuecssy ereting fr0. Inuries suuainmd vile esIstar* or assistantu and oqtiapt a flghting in ithe t-enches o!f ranco. suitable office viitheaBabcack teskt- Toayltirs. EtchetI learped tiat bor , Ig autlt or outilla for sucii districts. youageat son, Ildvamd, hall Joiled tbh, ~nd samples o! milk t*eiq su ho National Guard o! lbe abat soi! Idaho, istricts shah ho forwarded ta h.ead vasuno vtatloned ittBoise. Office or branci estaiheid for snob "Wiib Afred flghting Germaay un- district. der thre'Union Jack,' and vItli Rd- 1Tiie officiaener or hi q 4Ualifed yard iakrag,.Iap armis10 olt tunder assistant or assistants shaq recel,. '01d 010my' I bave mnason tu lte prond and make prompt analysa-of ait sucb Of MY son.' naid the Waukeanv - amples cf tait: or craw, u, anad an today. gnwm terilize tbe containers, sud returu ta MIraEtBclielI rmeeve» but fe*'lot- the Pant or persan frosa Wbm r.ter, mbrinvo eoo-es celved, thoe iroducer le pMY te .trans- anMI via on i cu olas ot ,teli Portelon c<Irg-g. - utbing of tie re gicavr. lier ticy9 Tbe offIiaItester h »oa1. iItai rtq11 r .l odhahla thau the 1lftiiday of ah li a i iniat b e 10ca tues0ber l ltsys ad k to t eyuy- a labuIaed te, je btke tmg subtance eo ris;kWreut fseetlaty4l um O. . ui duu tes-tut r r be "U# ff 0î ý h. < Ont Pe -,97-6t+ Wkly St, But you might Just as weti lbave couple 09 ambulances ta ta'&e alQnNý viii you. Tien you'1l be sure to hais something to drive. l'Il gel you om eaoh.". a LUCAL accumulation linlthe blond, Is Ib* cause o! goal. And Prof. a. e8mýa4' aibutos a gouty s ttakt l. hagU.P ofpoisns vore=orma abmaneofoe m.ld wbýle1 h* blpltatw a in theonits u a as ak of gout or nbuumatism aro ý sometimes a siefdwbmnomè snob ai beadacbesor w in Ib oug obe ho onalg, or eimal ditiona snob a;;luin mo au the baok of " cnuoiior sac, Prof. Strass maya,-" e ezaol urio acldvo e a ale ta u Q0w 15 sxolting dirui. in vatier, hfx orrili04 eotOy water befonersi, oÀl ud hahioh, double ortlpeosghu thenars drm tr 1 amhi titres li"isa d 16 'UM.t~ Toe .Pei D.W. Gm "AT NA SEEK FAE SOLIG ama4W~Cs l TORS FOR TU RAIL ORDEUE»BIIT AT , ROAD MEN'S BIRE[ FOR T SIIDAN John O'Keefe, Manager of the! Construction of 60 frame bar**a i u Home, Called ta Kenosha to i ad 25 m ess'halls for lb. mua w]40 v111 train ai Fart Sheridan te bem Investigate a Case. lih'. fcerof Olie nev army wiiibè SWINDLER IS CLEVER ONE. ltoi-dsaieti. central ei-my departmont quartormanteer'ffce Belleved Me May Be Same Mani Sîmitar Improvements are te ho he. gun et once at Fort Benjamin Hr-- Who Was Arrestel Years Irion.portfley and Fart gnotling, Ago on-Sane Charge. viere camps viii he held I h ing iMay 8. On the harracks. moe hgX»., Supriutsudmni John O'Kmefe eo!tIbm bath. but=a- and evas YsitUSoeAM Rallraad tion's Home at Highland ÇOvOi-mt oIrl iiPond $250.000. - A Pai-k,~~~~~~~ demrila vey111 i l hm81 bacgne out for carpentefs, mIe0- Park decareathatever litle -.O ricians. plumiers and labormrq,vWho 0 sosebody ta detected in ome Part are needed i larige numbers t6 com-, of th. country solictîng tonds for Oie pisee e ork ln ue. l vithoul ntiori- vonty Mon ta a Buildin. Raltroad tien'. Home wt tauhr- Tbity-flve iundrod mon wtfL. We nalion trom tie management. Tic faut bousd la t4lip aM in, accordng taetMr. OKeefe. liat tlia sherldpg n allqs-th l Railroad Mens Hanme doos net bave other tirée foi-ts. Each Itriack i vtb any solcitors out on lie road et ail bana 70 m. deiten n andl anybodyvio pi-eents himsolf la nounced that it hacomaplete p lan aay part o! the country sollclttng con- for tie starehanses, oflicers' Q=axor« tibutions under such a preteit le a bath. bouses.,sevape syctome aud ber. lutter. rack# ai -the 15 moiltattoiscamps ta Tho latentI bnce of 1h15 nature the, centrailearoy departmeut. I lte came la Superintendent O'iteefe's atexpeled tiel $4,M0,00 Win hm apoib tention onc day ibis voek visu Ire on. these camps, but no atar1 viii lb i recahveda e tier fi-om liaAllen 'in- eu-As pad Cnrespoids nery Company of Kencoha. Wls,,.ln* iMa. e nl Conr5us Prvd :-f=,ds wbIc Mr Alln ntifed hzo hat. . ngofficers ta tbm four camps man glvlng lie namo a!f C. A. Wilias i r u: Fart Shreridan. limut. CcLl eW bed been in Renouha iaiicitins hlm for! T.. Forguson; Fart Benjamin 1sRate a contribution te viat ho calteal the 'sou, Col. Cari Relchmaan; Poart Su.». "Highland Park HoRPItal for Ralrftd la;, Col. IL 14. joues; Fort ll.y COL.b tien." It aeiepperied liat Mi-. Allen Tyrea P. Rivera. 1 kmev a! thehomo.vhilchini.cafl.lie 2the000 Notion SSunt Outi. "Hom' for i- Dled RailroatI 1$en" Tveraty-tour more cierks vont ta and ho aked hlm quetions bout IL. vork yosterdey and 2,041 notices vire Willams appai-entlr 818 pot kaav thre lWnt oui te applicantu dlrMoatfllo rosi name o! the. home but lie des- is> repart tae xaminlng hoArds COL. criplion bia vhlcbh.ocaried Vitb1Arthaur-Thajer innoonoed 1hat If, s pI hlm vas made oui un sncb a fors; .nquexpecte& . liauds more lia t"e W slgned *'John O'lbeefe, suPerinland«sil"accommodated aPPlY, m&M scMpsIVOIiiw tht il vas thougit ho mlghi ho dulY h. heid, and lie applications alri-6alh authorlzed ta solicil fonds. liovver, on file m serve for the nev campe. tho fat liat ho vionflot femillar vith'a lie i-cal ninie causod tir. Alen o MARRIAGE LICEN$ES. becorne susplclous aad bo accordlngt vroIe Mr. O'Keefe concerinng lie motter. As a reeulltiMr. O'Keefe vent Gordon P. John. 32, uveukse;i te Kensiaad conferred vitb tir., Meadulano C. Adler, 29. pa5l. a Allen and i b a. is Intention t0e e- Hai-ry Landoi-s. 22, Nortb h Iloo deaver te appreosd William ltex Vei-oiila Jaciupo ,8,l Wsfikegsu. Iu ibeletter te tir. (YlteefeMr.Anai r i -t, 14, omit..- 11 Allen exptined liat i Wlams hed tlId Jthé M. Kéhl.4 1111, bmtiate . hlm te sead a check for the M'hlmadlis- -MtWEdmNeam. 19saIX« I Park Htuplli" 10 a certain midrose rtoe;sÉ Edoa Mivler. Il . laitI.I la Chicago "iarder tiri auiit 1t obut D. ,e! M4tr1. M3%viiikes reacb lb. proper autbarltis." 'This Park . War. 1. 2i1.iii faci, aise, arousçd snspfcion, hecaula ;MroleC ilaur, 1 If i., *ere a legitlmate soîleitor hosni volld Ire. bad Il sent drectiy te the ltiihoad tien's Home lu ýHlghld Park. Thet tMr. O'Koefo has te keep Iis ayez open foi- hheso feke solicitors la ualt evidont fram the fat that la Augl.t 1909, a man vbo aise bore tie name or Witlams vas arr-eted W e i for soliclting funde In Kenosha, is h n spe0illc case hein; liat of lb. Sbm- r .. A mono B.d Sp-bn; Company vise-eho got $50. He vas airesled for obtain,- uf; lu; money under falase pretenses and N sent to jail for 18 montis. it le bwreIy possible liaI 1h15 Is lie saie tmas t who appeared ln Kosha Ibis wee% andl tried to gei money from tir. Allen, Mir. O'Keefe ia vei-y desirous a! bav -. lu; lb. public kniov tiat ai no tisas qPyrr.f S are solicitors an lie road for the Rail- r-ond Monas Home, and accoridngly lie cafétli Style publie shatild b. cereful ID mailng coatrbutions. 135 N. GEN FARMS FOR' SALE-AI] sIx.,et a prices, best bergains ta ho bail. Easy payments. Come and meo us fi-at; 31 yearm In tbe business. Out Uis sent free on applicationi. H. C. iryLund NIESEE ST. .1~ ~ opkqm 'we desire to eall your attention to, the lae production will b. presented Matfinesa Tuedy and W.dueçdet 81 The splendid service ofRend you both by trioe ~nsd the NorthwÎe.*- Ry. affai privilege ot eeing thit pW=oUoon ut point to Waukega. tt*U notb.habc in this vicisiity for aome time te ou Mau or îlhooe«dm awSl $1.50 puE1 Imm Navy Depart»Mn«j C. A. Permission ush Two 0"4Ê START WORK Nmm Buildins WÎI se M I Suze 1A olis -The MM hNNW!flbmv tapi. WiIm A. àifoumt 1 of the Gi-mat lake. Baàve4 lira Yo= gMenaC&-hq lion is permUlled te 'Md kheld$.m et the statiOý saterlain1,000nlisiad M, Wark ona l. caS»truollo buildings vifI trtfleit -qI hava hisn given tW tiat lhe btaltdirgaVIIIa3« sat Ones and l tirhoey i f Manesdempe.,W5s4 bultiin aand *imt M. C. A..mon forc« pyovded fir -iame uaq Y. X e.A." Wauxegabau beom a ici-lb, 8,3006latira ey. i tutt 5 ila ogirmlw partt <thre M««a «Y.» tbis veoà,wll W et tie Gi-mat L"« t'W~ ose liueed #vy iýN lesa VMaala m at op l-t vest Oasts Ou TuesSuFý ivers seut'oiqget dompleteh b cilU~ arrIvieset he e

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