CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 May 1917, p. 1

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Liiit ~. TYVI LL[ INfr Lake C.*#t~'s B~g Weeldy ~kcddm0rOlaMUht Weeklhs h Ceont-y Cnéhsd WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-\u.) is. TwULVPÂGIM LIBE±RTYVILLE, LAKECOUN>TY, ILIý PLAN WIIOLI3FALE W1194»ATMIn0 IREST Of IEý Uce a e onrctfr1 CLIKI~ Pf S f-alght Carm rere un Mling, rayt s ae taeyJG Wlhake lit out. wesA# ;e J c. à i The lumber, worth $z5,0O0. will b-. afWSt s1.Bod 01 uw e*i&et for t Sheridan to hâtf ld ,. aor Today That M4e Ras barrackr. hIl l being suppiîsd by the $mored Ail NeoessaryEv*'i- 'e, uber (ompany. rhicb e dwce--Seven Looker C lubcveti' rdrtbohSme. %*«eWs te Be Made Defend-, gulut & c0.. contractera for the uat Wfthin a Few Days. arrcit nUl1 Wiaukpgan, May 2.' The lumber la .ready eut lu spe- le aklug the hoard of nupervixors rifle uîzes aud the contract catis fr te agw a laimof $43.08for (e. mpletion of the barracis by May lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ilaiddI o 42 Sfo e Mr. Hîn« iast ulix teStes- hîre. States, Attorney Jampes ________ Q. Weicbmade this rathor stafitng ~ w t , 0»0 deteeflives have coiiect4d evi-. hoqie o gaeri enin ouog0F ULTY MAY EF. lui.buwuh toa a lw ni F T O ER CASES cosacagOOtbl e W ait laW vIioation$ EXpeoted That Series of Con- 0P*T...4cailnthé March grand vidtions Has Had Proper Ef - »u". M *pooeealno about mW par i feot on 001 fedIjlt8. Chef itnseto RESUMES TRIALS TUESDAY. fe*violence,1 coourt0f haaisWould N.t Be »Wthe Iabler »M .- Surprsd tg sue lm"yth- SalsAttwrer el eh di ramwnt ers Souk Clomnoy. ta Pat Wau.healt« tIithe embar-, renuaet o a betore a grand Jury The action of George Shettdon of "d ton ouagu fii vituessed Four Ia lAi.tu "Oml!IZ -ar r 1-l Sday atteruuoa asu d i gltyt the. Cicut or Coulait cout,0'sud80 f tbe IAW, cosy havetie, reniait, se- i. itelae a b"haklabSit Upou coriia 1u0h elbier Of ocourtcoffitas bSaoêf ta unptoy the Ujwari A. ofc alUo creraS of the thers who î0illim ecret servie Damunte cmi.1'- "e 1 -104Il leu efliieoetfler lolona m. .soid W im lla cu t Tii. Secrt mvicebreument tour The Italu 8JI= seenid rc oomtilee te WankegaaL Thry rkIord ti iIhe 141111« Se ai-b Wuk~ma rouve beau18ustîl cio».on au the Ag* 28 sMd for "MWIl" Ae Cpef. touaisa aiaitby li Oe n t a WU ii s i hbtotales. lOS fle tcabase ie hés o A boutIon per cent 09 thmi mn.?vas ha« u oSered the court ha ordiduca eqpatover the bsoiriof Inciter club@in lthle defeudanlte serve terttlu the couatyjoliU lu addition 10 paylng Waakegau. lit la sai. heavy lae -.Fr e vidoUenc eIW'fd.' ePxialucd Bihon lstened t1< the evîdence Mr. Welyeh, -shows that 1 ras Jus- preaented by the state snd saw noth- liSai ln cmploying the deteelives t0 lug but convction olarlng hlm in the1h face. Wthoit attempllug te rorne to Waukegan to metak 5or- sbild himself or take a chanceuno an 4euli Invetigation of exîsting coudi- acquittai or disagreement by the jury ios,. i hew of no other wav te col- he chançed bis isîca teo "guiity" and I-ci thw evidence. lhrew hlmself Où the ercy of the "'he it rand Jury last ianuary lu- court, He recelved lit for alhough he dieli Od man on£1 ~ Ticrecelvai the maximum fine of 1100 - djam éde mn on i cotits 01T e ch ofthe two cofie. no ali evience on rbich the Indîcîment ras sentence vas given. Ibis bin& the bagaed wasfurnished liy private cii- court'* ifethod et ezteudlng leniency. cos f Lake couuty. Wlaen thecase wlNe told the defeudant he hoped It 5U5 rOUM ho a leeson te hlm sud serve a wau caie for trial ln Ceunty court warming taOthers wbo might lie ta- la it rek i diacvered that many of clifla vIolate the law. Sheldon. lit the men rho ampeared as wltnesscs la »aI, haî dispcsed of hie place of belore the gran jury had lied the -iet A nonlPanel of Jurera wnu convene onty. and oe or two otbers madil 10Couaty Court nait Tueoday' sud lied Ihpir testîmony te such an ex- Judge- Peraoqe wnU resumne lhe trial lest thal I ras able te cônviet on but 0f the liquorj cases o! ubich thore inao! the 61 couutq. The Supremei sf111 are noerai, although a nuuilir <ouri lad ruled thàt detective evi- bave been tA'ed during lteeiaat nsek or tro. It ln feit that those who kuow dse.t leil gond evidenca. they are gulty wili. lrP forwari. con- 'Loeler club% have been etablli- /;os Ilir guiit, sudnd ie heir chance -iin Waukegan since the' saloons O! leuleucy at the banda of the court were voted out. investration o-rter thon naltlug te be convictai bY a JurY nitb the aiment positive duc Ititrough my Office show Ihat assurance ttaî uey willl e eenteuced Ymn of tiese so-called iôcl<er cluIbO tu the couuty ait ln addition te pay- art publiec aloonit. Th e gfate law ng ug ies. la the pontItI bas beau thc do lt 1WhIbi jocer cubs here rule that aller ocrerai courteffous ln do st p-ehiit oche clbs lizuor casas bare taken place the Ireatlng Is tabooci sud nhere drunk- rama-Ing -casas are disposd o! lu e usmeslanet. tolerated. 0f cour"e. short bcfer wieu tle defendanta là state mates ft compulaory for cama forrari, plead guiiIy and, taie Pa"a utember to dan sdrihIi bseil "medicine" oua tiquer.t1Sulia lotte stAte la are bing violatedInluWaukegan, 1 ouR N O T'"~ 1 &Ap Yeu, gentlemen. lu co-operatte M T14 7E witb me uni a<w the ea-n." L O IS NT The cdaim na-a refrrai te the Judil- A Lul',fsM N ciarr commiltese. tOse item le exPo aus C"nt ras fer a tape "ne. Tic amount- chargeiî nus 65 cents. Supervisor Webb o! AstilaçIinquired lf the lape lino neuli beceme the property o!thie cont-y aud was assured IhatIlit ouli. sP.ihes Ateorney' Wlch asisai the board members liai lu Decamber of last ypar detectivem lu bis emplo>' bai invç-sigated theocloec club on Sheri- dan road lu Wauhegan sud bad re- porued that- tley !alîei la gel ani- douce of an violations. Il la iiliél'Wiusoi aI .St,U'oAller- iy Welch niul imediate1y - formations lu Count>' court agaluet ira North Chicago9, lociar club iep- ersansd agalush bye locher club keeli- tsof Wuhegau. Hnl us e vi- deuce aulied by iMe ictectivsa lu la 84M o t-* **Ing up tbe lufiogh- SOIL MmERTSAIS ONLY FÂMRS CAM STAVE Off FAMINE W. E ,Watkmns,- Lake County AWroIlawal.Advso, o- denfs mmt Pans GIVEN 'CLD SHOU LDER. Says Farmers Who Attendied a Local Meeting Meet With ChilIingReception. Thc follorîug article frnt the pan o! W. E. Watltlns. Lake counti agrîculturali adIser, rasot nrltten rîti aunida o! uudenninlng the plans alray adaptai by Waukegan prefessloual and business ut-n for the haniliug et the lord question, but, ras nrlttcn la the lapse of atarlug off a food fa-mine iu Lake couuly uext feui "dni xt sorlug. The article le wîtiottques&tiona a saerplece Imas- much as It deala cxcluslvely wilh the couilions ta le mot ty Lake couuly lu rar lime. It ceutaine auy amutu of food for thought, 'i Il ehouli le reai by cvr7 manufacturer. every marchant, and cvery laborer cf norti- era Illinois.- "Cilty Organîzatien a-nd Agrîculturai Worc." iDr W. E. WA'1'KINS.I A Meetiug usheulu LnWaushegsn on th e eueing Of Apil 24, for tic pu e" f deralapiug soine perma- nent otop-1xaîlon that rouli le of sasoltanace la formulating sand car- bia ont plana for the national de. feage. iii of lie kPeeet hlaas-s 't the cmu àry rccèe he b tact thst ~ui éna'ry loemb tiuropean raeca le oucesafu-Ogy ladirect bropor. titis t m o ar*15vte gmet t-ha na li o d.0 aui lbormstution. Mobi Iraton 9 f eofor tood*' Utoduc 1o asid food, oemrrsUtin ls blecu the ple Tii jlutMeeting *t .eacunty lIeO shore points, as but Ithle cousid- eratian use giveai tut elial Ifinua- meulaIsoe national defauso. If tle coB«onsueof Opinion cf thOsa Pi'as- cut may la ta-ion fa a cniterion. a permanent organisation cil the type suggesteid eau bave but 11111e offert >upon lood production lu Lake caunly. The rIen of laie shore men present ras limilsi to hie boundarles of thc laite shore district. Commercial clubs sud similar or- Sanizationg hry ho plan for sud hry t-o direct auy cia-se of lork o! a ride agnicultursi nataira. We bave already ha-i one tyrpîcal instance et Ibis lu laie cenIr. Al' counîr-wide pi-opa- ganda sieuld le cantrolaia-ni il- rectei lir the farinera themselves. nie uniersiand their n-cdusuad 11m- itahions mucb bether than ciiy men nosestraiaîng lu agriculture ban beau couSiedto Qublished reports sud back-Yard fsrmiug. The averagoeléty business man ia about as ompetent le organise sud. supervise campalgus for bellar agri- culture, as the average farmer la (Coullnued on page tire..) @iODIIERi'S PLEA ON IMMUNITI OR- DERSAFAILUMR 9 PhIIîl Goldbeng's efforts to gain s enon trial on tle grouni iliat is shouli have boen granted an exemp- tion' from propecution ou the lhouer charge liecanse of the iminunityt or- der onterci lit Juige Edwr nisl Circuit Court at the lime the deteni- ant appearei before lhe grand jury ta, lestify lu tic brlliery charte nonat the states âtinrne. wi'll v flU1I1 ~ bhm qotblng. for Juiga P. L. Persons M R fiVITAM ON lu Couny court listeApril 201h &fier ilshcning ha exhaustive argai- Ail Eigible Men Are Willing to Golodbrg, ssii hie usa Inclined te Rendur Whatever Services ieny the motion fer & uer trial but *îiy Co toru. ~ would ask tltat the ori e nol an-- nol feel equal at ibis lime ho t-be taai No American or Ruropean commu- a! anherng judgmeut- agaluslt th de- uit>' eau boat lia paîrtetîsux record cilfondant. Ibondout. Tist ccimunlty lias ircu Gotdberg na-s feuni gulity' Sfty to the na-ny evory ie of!lil cit-Izeus Cauuts. Union lie la-r tie lea-t pan- elîgibla Ion service. altythie court coui liIcouli lie 0f course. Rondout. wnilcila near -e fSue of $20 or tan isys lu alion liberlyffllîla hnt exactly popullus. -esch ootnl. or blhIe n lu is owndis- but lusIgn J. C. Waidron snd R.- cretion. The maximum penalty la cruling Officer Walter H. Ereun, lu $ 100 or 30 dayp ilu jjilou aaeh count di'ling tibougli Fniday lut soarch ofo! r lth inu hIe- iscretJothliecourt.- recrailts. jlamed frointhie ouest dl- Thc court aaii bé nouli ruleocn tie zen Ibat tiers rare no recrultp liera. ordar next Sauriay morutug sud on- "We liai jusItnp roung lads." hl et-r judgment at liat lime. saIS. "Bath o! thi. molatdInlut-e! Atnen oi. orGoldberg maie uavy iwo reeksa ago." lte .lmmuutr cr iblt .*bu*,l ~ Franiz- for a non trial ollbougiho bu liA IL Miai -u ndprede$*A ; ne*ài. a-i dci *Ue wer rrerala t»gee ley o he! ClIm m pgoceshm*« to 1of the.i, t0<teBt0<, b 1 dsr~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f bvUe5a i-éoaii -iâ,..Aad- -M . IB.THTJRSlDÂY, MAY 3, 1917 EffRAI IMM TRNIN4 AIî about 7M41 bid.bcrniug Rd Duffy, a section mmtais*jnnt under ChâInes 8c3ralzke, fogaep ;t ticS. Psul yards lu LîbertyrMj ih. askiicd by binug @truck lir a Iroight train tuaI opposite the piant of the Ausrican Wlre Fonce Compony. The Diaan-er allig akit ansd tle trainns wae ifflie îioic'direction. beking op towrds lie main lina. Tiie onicb cran Iumueil nutitiai loro- Der Tayluofe!licccient. Tii. boiy v téleally eut up, îlhe ai a-i ohouldersboletna smosl compisasi soverel from lUn body.Fils alibi awu naoeutaffbdlbnlhoIbnw Ah hlidél laybl bicbart. 1ie temalu'. were core- faiuiy malboeai p 5.4 lakes lu îleTrop- ton & Mdaoua Os. Aeccrdlng te lie section toreman île ma-n hbubose ap~ by hlm for six neoks. go boesuj ll ltbat eho ais noulai Bose d liI lhimoei bai boau a forsa t O id ina ropa factory. sui -M -l U« f0ACT E PALS ,SI bolute Ng to ois. Tm" 1U1__UUWW. -à _Wuubegaa May 2. At 3 o'cioch this a*tlefsoa ria Supervsor Vercoe 0 f Dec eh aivis- sith Ibo iard mambers thal due o! thse men petltiouing for a irpia @hop Il- ceuse lu Veruon lcmnahtp is" becu canvict-ed cil selliug ilquor lu "dry" territory sndthiat th. e fllo ofan- aller conta-mai a number cf fOtioliu usimes the board rotai uel te grant any dramn siop ilcenses tutthle lune mneeting. The vote ou the matasr as 17 ho 9. Supervia-on Vercoe mad-euof thle strougeh pleas ever hai ltu support af the motionthiat.-actou ontic ta- sulug of liceuses ha e for# ou Ibat au invest-igaion could bu ma-de. "Your grand Jury lu December ash- ai yau net-te grant dram sbop licences ho, men riebo aibeeit wnvi«ed of selllng lîquor ln auti-saloozi tertitoxl,." ho saii. "I umierstaud liaI liera la a-question cf thievalit o! lie sig- nat-ures onthIe petition. n1suian houd thal one minusignai hie rite'. usine during ber absence frout homie. Aur in nho ould anear ! im Ifl aller laklug a soucui noalihaer. Goc. abouliunit- le grantedi lehe la net asfit Uafor a leenao," Rvery lime Supervisai Vcroo.mni- tionei Presiiauh Wilscn'a na-mea lis arrumant-lha also Invoked God'blsa- luge on the Prosideut.1 'lTs. nbo hastapplied tMr licoes rare: Ildward Kelly. Ocorge Stan. ue.if Fqrdinaui Prisasad lobai Zimmer. Tic standing commttes o tei board of aUPerviiora for thc reAr 1917- 1918 as ua-woi b>'Chaimmzan irachuer a»e: RAGIt UPERVISOR8 COMMit-TEES. tn. outoa-nd Bridasa,ý,. Susp Barflslible - Re"ltltona-, ttiement nilh Circuit Cie-k.' Public8uilîdings snd Grounds. Burgessa-MiscellatneOIis Clalia, Rinolu- ticens, Urro. sous Assssamsts. Cark-Tee aud Salarids.Gencral oq- pitl. Bettlement nith Circuit Clak Crapo-PublkeBuildings sud Qvounds, Hetlement rith County Tresurer. Puer (except Waukagan. Shields, ileeoi). Olger-Poor lWaukegan. Side, sud Deeaield). Purcuazelng. lMlcellansous E .S,-îtlement rîth lier- Flck-SatIem~ lth Circuit Clark. ,R<aIsg and Bridge. 5'ntins. modind Pbor (except Waukffau. Shields, Deild .Licenas, General Boai- MUttoM-.Iettlement nth Sieriff. Pocir <cacb-uean. Shsil a-i e ere 200 WAUEMNTES IN ýTiE ISTDRAFT; 300 FROM COUNTI M oinery Will Be in Opera- tc se Pt. 1 -nd Or-aft Wl Begin, on That.Day. ILLINOIS GIVES 43,000. Chicao.18 Expected to Give 2p0 of Number-3,1 00 From This District. About 200 of 31.0(10 Ilîtuaisans nu lie taken u ite selec tiva draft t-, raise the fIrst army cil 500000 for nar wili Shouli 200,000 more le needadiot lirlng ici maximum rar strengthithe reauler army and lia National Guard tic Oirsi draft nl catI out approxi- Mately 300 Wauhegauites out ef about 43.000 Illnolsmu. The Teuli Congreuetoual district, of whlcji Lahre couuty la a part, nil furulak approxmately ire.f for Ibe Cal Of 500,M00men, the quota In- Creapiug accordlng te the number coverci lu tl i Orl cIl. SomemE-tas. Iituols belug oee ha-veo r ougroimmn& district aut largo. tle atate legislatlon nul bar- ,ing divlded the "tte Intote cful 27 districts te whici il la entihlul. Thesesdistricts ailerge nu lfurut'- la quota oaci similar tb tle quo,& O! districta. It à& the purp orot-he War De- paulmovat te have EH Il «tcive draft a-cbIMYuein u pualmosby fe& . 1 aMd tie Plchiug ptecga nu begin lien. Tt le esMtima-tatise lint uIdraft- ter S00AW 5etv.oai licams cf 21 icuio i utio M3 i40 in is Ï& 4%0«syaMui tla the pendiiu oa15011e * Ie.olatlon o! esdi, Maste a-flbaIlho pprlouei amoug îhe cosigrasalonal ditrcis, o! nhilI thera are 435 lu tie United States. Thise districts are basai on tke cen- sus populatioin of Atate. Major A. V. Sihlof the 'tIIniCos sta-te Milîtia. lu iacuslng thec 5ee. lire conscription plan sali: "I rould esUnmate lia" Wauiogan nIll be ca-lI- ai upon te glve about 200 of lt-e sou te forinte lie OrsIsny af 500,000. lu Ibis eougreeslonaldistrict, the Tenth, ire wrns o! ChicaW. Ersuston sud &Il of Lake ceunir are Includai. 1 Would uite liaI Waukegans share cif ilise te ba calied roui Ibis dis- trict neuli lie about 200. Lake couuty May he askei te give 400 toe le rsh army", PATRIOTIC RAL LY IIELD AT LIBER- TV ILEMONDAY A patniotie rally ras bld ah Liber- tyville Mouiay nlght ah nblcb active stops noce ta-heu for t-be promotion of s recruillng campalgu. Tro nomt- miltees. couslsling o! lis folîoutug mou, wre.appoint-ai: Enllitlng commttee-J. a'7 Alemsn, J. L. Taylor T. P". Swan, 0. C. Orldiior W. P. Miler. CoMmItiso on eomuittffl-Paul Mac. oufflu. Roy F. Wrght, Rer. E. S. Wblte. F. B. Martlin, F. B. Just. Lieut. Walter Brown a! lb.Naval Statiou gave a slirring aidreslu hilch be urgei co-operatton lu lb. movemoat. MaS. A. V. Smith of Wau- kegan alse gave an luapirntn talk. Muaitc ras furulalci by a 12-place or- chestra tram t-be Naval Station. lTe groahesl enthustasin ras sioru. Beéldem tle Sue halls maie by tho Iro speakers, nhicb aronsei tie <uat eut-buasm orer the wrtk rhi laidtobb ta-lau up bore,thie seledtloeneionby the orestra aud tic vocal colos lir &. B3. Kraeckmn, baritone singer, rr most boartliy ojoyei. A great patrlotlc rally la baing plapuai or0 the noar Iuturq a'lob lu h oo -te tsil. At- ibis ral i0cmr w0lie pnise ici aidres themeting s»d tic oreb"émr Baturiaa IW tiFlluuui09 )à«,broth- ONE TO EIGHT. $1.5 QPER- YEtR -IN.)ADVANCU. RUSEH 5WO~RTI 0F lvAOf y LUU ETOFT. SgMifiYN Afwminutes arter goverumeut o Sciais awariei the coutraci for cou- strucîug thie uer cauloumoa t 2TR ISet131 Fort Sheldan Sutday, steije rere ta- ken 10 cempelte (be buildings lu roc- ____ ord Ume. . . 'l Was Actuat£V Wrra receirci aet thcle s I -,g: 5'~ Lumbor Company -that 1.0000001 Set nà, of lumbar rai nantedilmmediately. Allhough l ras Sunday, company offi- diais accorai 6"carda. Work o! looi-1 tOh~rt lug starlai at once snd t-he fOralshtp- of182,00onl Chw 0 ment arrlved Ibis moronuf. I Ilofus Etohief. The contract for tie caufonmenta ras let ho the Sumner Sollit Company' Traveling ta t Ilmile-ai-iioir ce4 79-Eiat Adams atreet hcg. the ie,848 ocloch i Ifol train @M, of Nlitukes ou tic ChitesgMr*l, stipsulation provides tbe rri nut be hore & NllnaueeSIlo ragowds compltai by May 10. sud day, ersabed lute a rajhitu e piv-m shifts rw lho wrtoS. kiredyards noth ef. lice street station et 38 1 »Oon. lie motrmm,-g RÂIIItAIS Ria1 paet. el«* theie tate have *laft lic t=aci ami l lu the tnd et lhe aide ocf th* Tiat lme cars di net Ilm"té' ANDVA'C~IEla dreçardei a dmilmuleus.11 »"M" he eii merpovw rien ho saw theic tPUOL Steol Vaduot 4w No<c Chi- 080 POo tSên lft- irtailsdtheeise t - O U 91optuesa-lua-bs e Od Oq -1WNob . brais nne ioula oave g"Bw1 The. rsllroate$ rea I-,wwpme 13 EN AT ROUNIOOISE.ud ftcroisdtct5 leiaUles Istaen ilz Evul VladutIuuid-48 '%i uow'a16li WatohmflahiY" ,diof the urue roc To guard asainst attachea hi alisa * mýv- b eeaujte, lechicage a %euItmtàww*«» t. M&l ticMlk, -. 10DU * Usetour rail-.nOifiS-tti soèe uds.bN t Wo& un"- gods aes a aul *14d" *a&aivuletu lauLobsm ctw et the oAwg semtwv ett*POl~ti iomtriayan a M di <sa s M. Tbe8' were taim e .5 tiloed At tic etéeï vm" otla NUSIlite the s f AUeteh Chicego*b-ie e - J3 . eIL rOmou rclba. A#erm over"the Northwestern and the Ci&lth@ «IPM-« lis lteéMre *0tk 01 1 cmg. Noth Siore & lwîaukeea& c.tio o fe ysut hor tefl u nlx- talc. - circîi dtrou cetvue te @IN M Today She E. J. & E. Rlrî rotm one etum "= 45le ia. m. lhe bli dboa htof isniied tour carloade, of coPper f ojt snd teck the sesroblng Verty the Amin Steel à Wlre Co.. Mud t the Sthuosaler home on. lies aOr@ S oesuntai lute the thiri street. e" yards under a-ruai <sris. "Tiers là no question but tbat i Ifunirci of una of aiief., rM asd la tih me cortiecuIpril," ssl* ç; -ntes aingsamlel hi thue x . o f the detoettve. B. d te Nrtb«ten jihm, aThe. Scieesie r ml wras lm- & E.sudticNouhueter 7~lirsiasieci boas sinsber aidthe 4W' sud tii, mnlnIl raswaie ien tacilves sud searceieronlat ta t* lia-t taiiy 80 par cent imorenunîtice Zion City depot wbèe t -by ahimens ae pqig troj W un til aller breakfast., ui ~ shiîpneu d a e aalngtheias Uto tçrnai te Tbirtythlnd street but~ kega handli efor liaLblti d net tien goicte e s - States declarci rer onu Oeruny. home. If thc round houseansd tle tmalîni The party vlatd evi7 b«e f& station Ofthti E. J. & E. ehould ho nelghbonbopid d-Maielnur dsrydcerng utembers 0olieSdth.Ik aeiy i aIWâukegà»n serrIce ou fUWnly. Ths detectîv« e = cciu Ib i ma rai ourad corn e ba t'p inforzlation:, kdV â bacause ouly recently the coaing $a.s-"The OnbV boy lu lb. Schaeeler *W lion et Rondout ras ieatroyed- by Or- ily la a Youtb Of 17 erossby th#.u Tbe destruction of tht, propurty ha. of David L, He bai beemsei»M b basai regrsi as a a plot act, gouhis parent's home ail day VW*,de. ne rawumfterint from a brokes pMthe extra VuArds bave licou omploycîl to boue bavna been broies n n «@ gUari &II ralirosi pperty lu iii . b.Friay aI lie Lewis garage n lai ab cailty. girm' The détectives rer. toli liai rou. AI Ibhour elahtecn armed guarie Scinossiarplamens= elu gO lul are rorkius for the Ajnoyicau Sept outhé $:46 O'cîeck train tus & Wlro Compay. su" »NlOM %day Vie âbcW" tecefh lDr.= Passos but ubat siditml uans rg Wty«4trd treel tba iothudodtUUw 0& a'e puit te non. TioeftuMpds bave tiere. liliethé Wcbhn pa-tr be- iMa-do "sePW elapliemen" or Ivo deputy sherifs U*M Waukeusu sd NOrtb 16hioa. bt' W. Simons. tro.aita-#i the domo drw heh gy fom ton tdent, Wiliam lvs5.,sf o5WlS eliai dontia hi s rat or; Les Btcher, O~7 ilooton. clectnlesà egatum , 11*1 ta SHELDON Flt4EOU M As coMu syomun a eaesl George Sholdon o! Weurtb Lai s pd nt ie mutOMofnloa&0 fIned $W) a-nd CM & cO h&fl or0f eli- boy ete.djastlî lisefl hils gW lng liquor iulegsly nbcai ho app«eci appemrei. gunrisa ba licere Judas Pur-oua j"yra. ttempl Nad henm m«- ts ernoon sud -changei hie plea or "nultutw-tala. ohe ieitA" guuilty" ho that of! uty s yVIWauikegau. hoe ur. lattons had lieeu chargil ln the , lu naster. liedhlodi dicimeul. The eriience siorci but thbe raliri lienl tro clear vlelattons, se tie stat- t . a-trark sud tieligl18 toruey dismiesei all but thie Suit sud aotn aiair-byasrtec se it outsie train «"& jlts,1t. sCon oun.Siclions plu,- of Suit- "I ildln') e thle trOchýe, a. r tY camj aller thé State bai complotdtaihie soutiiU> ai ra-lm o ctc ls rark o! puttlug on eviiee. Juig.1 etItnent frein My 508 I.U *Personsa8Id ho roC14ext-euh lemiency put t-fe tic on t-be nerIl-butad -se tar as not- tmposiug a pali sentene HId athe u a Ui u .18 la coucernei beaus e edentho diflihg wua hje.t i bai pieaied gulhy. paîtroad til. srooshi bu a 5f uniW thuya carry il culo e i;raîwc- .- Mis. Uabel Bugle.e fLiberty villa. bai Bsfore the o ou «»Mou Wt a tM one of theeulolwP " arain "toqe thlic11011e 515110 b Bomeceoquse" hy .8duued Bnardad, aigeda wt'ttiop O~ uwuu&tels Vra'y".h.#.otar I '1,

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