Ai 1 bo "0 .Wfiioffl Mn e emcot- » At the rogila «WtJairmeeting of Wagkegum mMar beaie a* 'Po eans 'à b ~ons. dimt ebo -mil 'y~ jimpang for thoir Ikvbe wîakagwm b I~ N earlquarteis f Verthe t ai tte W01 sSft va s ?tered so badlli we 1U~*< IVED u , A. jus F~. Jepa$. e i. e ilght uni- 3S& Mm 'n it ntai. a.u.*u duct exhausntive analyste of drink- hoelma tajurralia uoibja ery* it 4hu il tan aIPs. lm gu -i 4~l-~a Pae,£OIlD aIBA*fît ~ta few laysamai surgesoms eaeit iegl~ ~p~~ptWaaacesn Msigi ~~u Jqk qseILy .oerUy t.oelebay Commîmioner B. V. C01% ailbat thés tractured bou etw~ an Iiss tj lfi & Ii. Ilt$ 1i 5o'lc 'u frIrPoMutW o:ils train Elvard Dertolv, dlrector of aa lbe trcW dwttba aiter Plate adatm urr W&iaio, re * «We lbéliers th"t oCbepree, oui t% BLate Watr air'er o! tbe luil- àt t PMbeI proporir. A[VAUW~ kM ~h~wk ~teppk, t"qod. mand uproothg thée wdo .amnd MC. 09e w6l, siit eTst Illmiois. Taie plan wU# i e aqptu 0,i$e.e ere ~ W11 GNnUpo Seiait E R tao&k141 on tr ony at loterietrtwp. Jontwij t k, te t «tuor eme leune. the laluratory wvaikithe. cLI au me aia bieenDont auto rlîlug oz W4;?;e*an, April 27. tmrlnig up M$W for a dttante of *bou t, or hm th« ais'mrve, . etaiiieui a ae Wn.a qs*dnnn om hnti bu laiea te akea aivbt orb ae ii ak. it ro erP. Siedagn age t ltti&sae ai lre hw a AIhua e mn er tdol tiinnoSa by10 e taies vholat. ConPblicoperî,01110 ot aiaeMAltrHm W'oian nt gune pubtcty lu x ~ meteal ont il t The ouatiroîdntof a an aio 20..d sta ted ta artl s ra i ollvi at to alietbata ai:btfuUe1 otî et Wotnte elkn aWu jiri n of taisai.,t.Tlattrd thot ~ 3u:ee eril ec h eegî*wF tf1w9 110-011.aoa li Wnkau tienar o: enimi a e tzea-of 'nP aâle -M.Shrn aetatI o d aeeYetret k aetie.mnl uih4tr fti et arou Ba la Us la'aeai le thcf lten nrloau Adbyà fl exa Po a bio utaue orte .,u a sanvia, bsoe ierdaCu .Dsendai a ew 4 xrim ay tT $ ,a tc. It 15 te tat ram aese n '* a ia mitait udrn n iss noerav e t Icit bu a ater pe fIluiS A i iisb< dti atta aenprle.c aipaeual~ sea. r.eot hW heme, 1dd7,Bluf h t11 anonsta~ nla spamomnt. aaiîtngin». hm nsî Diethtsi..ra i ans vil air.0iBdQof té «volstatin sudsam- ilDirai m Ml Tnta i e U n v rs San wrjollvglut , r athe Pler. cro w htteppltin tad$mn nti rae aeeg-tt ie t reeWh a tafin t esripea eter eaddUbaie auIllioi sml-, ýonIr ad. t was ier tieume dit- ot itFrnable tami 70 04apclaiais luf CrI ht' csago.Haven dtae 1920 centhe Cityld ne tabe 1tie DUaItu vR neSEt inrei. okttiroca- ~ vi gret a t r i»l tWehote a Baltprvtttdti.2o3,aiebat19st127. o 2.00 Etîaesonnerbae iscxnanon a cm. onnarl tsan elrs mitei M..W, f ous, nc ta in ~". ergIe islt u t e r l ietg, Mause ofoteat inat t-l Cnot.-Thismokaave ce an thea2doiatery brqnlpmantor lan. bonscéIM. pot V.ppéil$ tal a, o 2 à0 H as ln e citbue pig.~ l a n j datin #sr.Intai ise piecueatheeaeo!tieCi>iuLaader ma uuua.toree ae rfi ftmeaechine uitla ynprbbl cuWAs u- sIvuoudbcas ete-eItu è*btors ewll bter. ôd.,th miettee n e ofplare t CcInthe tae. n e igressw aie egin vli ich vas Ina the g aO athe y oo ho$Wh, l >ig t a oi.ale arcenrtyor, acer olo a tur e a tba e Mc isetellHo taegoul a'teg e h e ur. 5OThe ted is 02. At to'n aiet5,0otIno Waubeaul cbof theuag e rontae ire ",askWI etemace his ut gl Ileu inorairs . v lui ti tte ril at u a abe let Mteteil ui he a vanta r te e.pëU Otdytt 0thv e -culr. ort. ssiaaea uainof t1m2910.iatto ie. -amte a on. cf taie l a te- tpon e aai c U gseioola b ". ej met i5t a ve -fiuit* stteuen f Satha e yka a oi thé a an aia tti o r amcliooi a ennui a ctiilooiýlenti e r bayé5 F ood0 ste 3 recrdappntatu lie nnt uvIpt ! nlusitraite yr s. Taiemi ourfireo lut e a more raay it MWaIy bn, îefc tri e er t he vy ate. So w as in faed tua ye-. M rce IIthe ller taegoetti. o tous 1>able a il le ilaure. to Ilin l ti lsitw t WU oera moe clauit aiepopurationtsf aiea w ol P tart clet la ssi tcaebse adinI. t uesfat a n Iyo culaWonliPm. bt u re a o bntain e sppmlies fr ee t .sol m at a Wagantiet gane pblciy a "*ou r4 rana tuait m. eIsait liapce. 100.000.000 sfontnt e l op i a st t ea i etu n ons craaie o reanttqo, t bu t à f04 t happ fIln t ce' l m xpect e ayol.a attie h oO W«ke"ur e h mde a e t loit maiUno cur. Bis eauthIistadie laith t'elcens ur~ithiltesta" ed ent . ie shutaini vfate s tem haesaary app bonae eri l iit n tae havTlueriui t sigo iCâmm-tien.ogTa pi ern vi ier fore>- su T U tairei l o uae tng n rlulane inOatuu g In flthoi ia#àW$ r. Ymar te t t he p o ulat.o35,306. an d ini uu cr on te ksthe pria-tse Imp or a res n ati a stan:pnsO ery n taken y our analLb.Il;w ne atter contiéa bleOd it i5t~~* in ototliai ieh s Toa"i$ ncst 22,00 683.000. sntlaes n ett-lerbd Tais ctrain ubsi ita ie arms, exptiMY îthir es atrsamp r te. ,ofcus EDLe, k o W.ta ou & uf bt veT bs i lu ou wori grIilt. _~o M » rs u ouductet S 014 t nated at 6,23 ofthe, an Incresse o! red mat c sar l. touiorai e tt a, butk a oi t o h elesvin cf a nd eta or ansea conîlimu ili. o I L abéaJa d fibarM an teuseon seothe Gaeses no t *à teU e ate s tireon ema. bbl el> olestli .ts la m ore ttha i Ilo nsvn tab aecrvsdlso mi eaton.liln taeyos. l t togattry e e uthéatard ot ut e4# vi»Z his, Wa, vaitb.ttmot as longestring omiCar train theveraI tWa nlngve IDat -theDîlnolsMtu »Uale l hos reJect a becanse taie fo ccne ut, vesu rit'Srg buttsav a population ri . -Il oa . he80 , wa o eftai e ar oure. en o t luleur," o utu tba doreng t. l taie hal fte andicis.e toaiêent urM&eldl we w aPo tsae iOs ee nîted t as i. ' S t â I "bti I pring »10tr 00e0Etimtdppltose nia am3,6.Tstgtè ffed'nth ad-Th do eol aamos w ifft ITyotaeorpee* e i er'it.!.tbs »llre tan cl#g Thenes pteesai vdrti cl' Frsin I o ulctiotote Untdt tes aientlasirtecbbendertvasDoentifart mme- TceFourl u ldrsavte i lai otai ei unomnyuing reha ,*r m iYi l té Sut. ise ;gorl i aîltet licaltaiat luad mai stits bas : Ii a evo e tseFrndi o eul t Bsm«tYtie itsv wM . Si enLhki te fn......é7al2com2mis ,7Il7 iai- eean b le taehtaitvu te a n ne ioy lnoîsl eUtoem or ~ enc n tie vate verb, vMaUne.ThWoér to g Me pet 1 Cile heurtvb o oit to f et hm aetlvi cidrn a i ! Aur o f 11,---63,07 40 aies te98fisud rwa Te O<<tri e ack Of l the ersteleiaie Md eanse atiti-;E W RDBR neavirva.butai nItateti conncuse..CiIles tylk e Benen. li. joif iee pta Caiscagoretnov tta.HyMarWl 1egaretan ebisHOcie lud -8115 ,4 .4Ilios0oultontae arUleds.e amewPig c ion tuai; tuai cuir govurumont sho la *a Uni Sleaia amti>q. lllaui. mi Mi-.. n t h euioairenoreRta la 9mil0ion8lu 2,158 tvolae nio. Tlhe vapeil vaien thd sutatboietIréméd e iia ne OiTy ir. I laTID 'the m enottio nrv ailmns 0 betaes becdaybe ai s P PIReterÇ prba teaidenttWekhosi CIY u e.241 1485 ,2 vats u n n t iai oc rckseai a nln ilI lu timm e blee Il p r gt rvyan tiits D tedre WTT t ouai'vudd uti aueegg tiont n theý Cit. fw he lu Saveal ment tmitai tampsen 111»18s. vu e tebe ifisei tie gv u o ?telte uifSpit, Dc tis ouation,23 . taro99of6.316tlo te ar e eiaI L u t &alabatrumu saci*sDR otsyon is antae a î !ý*Dat a pesa e cut annlia e. vr.Wbbtld @pIg X a imtp ultion of p25 22,290 dam165 ly. the..ear futue ds et ,t. tna bau1e rsureea n bad gensvanen lt feyrvert la taie iget INFIUC&IlE F te Cty.LK noe tàt'he enund ' trfi rlve ign- fZ oS tyf' -yce ue tad ater upIllinis illes fallir:.Te 1 22,96$ 5,sontfor- me t eze rla Is Igit es adover ailMuen (parti;r qt Ctuiiiflietea D a mr e caPare-31ler0.0j36 9,506W.lJ.melsale cf _ i fet ut ntae' are abie te eze t . lIpssuet t ative part..... 0 1 970teon6 1,603t oer wrkn al nib eéu tive clombine, sali ftas ertic ine e trfnteliee b>' Canada.ul li i nleaIn Ca g osatlui ailseon-.& P A'rIO KSi. A to us....... 7,582725 57.31874 d ioSnffJ'leapae te tirL e ag monopoi t an 6b a.1 Z M'iei aetojs li t->erl bldl u ru ils de te8.562 2,li86skem tao mith e t e e el i ise. b3,m no oThvoe cnu i aidse totwi ao r rtst o rdt Ev .i .... . . 29.987 2,705 4,88andetuit."loomoiveculaonth-Imiter ttetare mm rvigoffsetof tait taieue rê cliscse, ho snglâ ta nfinusm a L v erth ee intohd te WaIo>gn reevi- 17.6 19 2276 ai.Twe c k a n e f t ot a l Amtigtaronaca rfitthlim ai" a n'ids plc ee o! ta ie ent lca Ttd woe maua ws kied andatils Wconn e ain home:nig te, e et laet Ganoat - 2n089 24629 2.4ut aspt ttte woîraterneefectve ilinetaercfsaslocl niharles.itmt f >wiîaîî obroherernentu tieliot., o thti b'a etah er t e Ingot paseir, and aet aiedonte le slandtec ....---80.03 941.8 0 637 Ma'i nsfiY eeards.c. ad fel;isi luotaie serce aent.o h rtai e ba meocofien tai id eabe r lieIn act>'ion et Cana 'Ilor wil be ptit ud a oruea te fodeye n t tvandtle e, .iabs......... 1.48 15995 14"oAe r opre ondtae ooîth,, nod Sato e xe Ptan inu tae wrepsgi elar - rabe qui on or. idgena an tie c I 3t ild Apa- il. 1t1. ticks'ateutaieés: JotasandaMiavenl, SheridpnIo-- i; etae1;e r-llaliearrahued-ufl. i Cantn- 1-,4--- 34 , 67,48 3.878 vraio, bave hecemen se acueos ith pdussud t aimi e oncrtngeilu toci a tegaUd<uig bu every teyheami te iay. woul lie O a mÇtbý_ tIO ",gnd Mk Nichlu Repdon. B Cý=r»jj& 1 l,38 2»Stwo *kgmeeaAe]rlaredpweo thtaied fermrt, amtonil eCanakdIaunes mansublober nioved. ail ben ner providina tor taielpe teurrs toaOf ud LalilbC- 121 .421 14852 ,432 4sai nacce i ai t oa a urscttca i c tl i- fpériletieni ex- NOlai alice t» iEnt aelie o Genman reaImet s varnoegage 0 1 trie toébe> clu&b be per !..r eiifma at rment ii Lnoi - 0,9 1,91 109 ani'thttiethe rîevul ee Germon!%. îtioi hem li lcr iane c ~~~~~~~~h ta. EtO~-ai cIn n ti ..l4vood. -, 0 8216 Taie pr-oecnh sele et prîcea Iluetcountri t', jO Ih> ai ail ben cileted 1 ce w elrmîeilMi ouli ........32857 M0, 289 doalrs, s usfeuovu-Pi.»k cfta.aoitnitase d NAT AN fStte lit th aeableocta g et oaeu imer tu<uf-cl ls e Quino ..... -. 36 87 361402- bitg r.Oehit fu . 0 60- mmiaryile "Upont petatsA hem nu-s vCnaa 4=ueut taresot lu l IL et.Louis.,.5k4,.77.31 18,64 e a geaterproft a" eu pa mat L.i. Mallowvl&MtigjcloseCaroe Swtiseeae acatlteand '< qa tais. vmm iieycaneteWau-cI voe etagee tntta E i rn ........ il 6,76 8»,2 21044 utesl Qar.6cntlaeU6td tte tolCop>atn iac ag othwte prtl.u Tae tlova i-e Amr-lcah n eue ism en Pence nwe tiedtetv t oia erme pet Ilvhste ae unin - eot .......8257 1,143 76 3 T901 w iîc Iproi toef miandelora i lAv o eton wst riscmion stoc. a i and etIly a aofgth e rc an Roaulln h - oemnwskldad sVo, nil lr I uuL t' eai sting that ao nd h e ts e n ef d anite Cityk, ..n136 06 ,90 .37 M8y81sigad fapait ta ee opro uc t aie>' lauidtîIte saerielaof teUnit- ti aou: temploye ton liee by te an a - 11tarte tasur 10pri e of ten ai 30 quarts ttelie fex1-mpu raice r "a i ae mmntdigne fcenl e.. on thé1an ofAne imOn t bat ~ t epotteu e e»a for aunireboneays nti. mmtytte e. ac sonvlle ..16,2I E496 tl sîmta ht Ils~ T i n ato e t eenciseturager. asNtoa Ove@sCubst F Và ed U 548ti tck ro3.878ai en Iprtntta-obave8 p oua sait s toedver ue anaukgan lias tdopteil a Inmlha *~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ......... 34,070 Sues3e8tao meanct vficgare-dénia& rtaiesix monîis-oringaurliona cfWauthaeare ioldrs o taortace tan 3t,0Wgen, prcau a-Istritbpaffe etlli1 d aisoare: a r tieto ihe prl a ace !istand 6muing o thevaoi te u ni om - en an rprtons e scr a ecorse.n aerprt a htte ~7IbO~5 at. The -AIl i a mi c re m nint Al >,0F lae.os..ttu.tnt13t,98i6ai7 1>4,27ee0mistok8s4 C T i y onre sI ,o slacrteg e usftmm o.f eritu mioe ae58 I SiikimSmsa tt.pastaTnniseti aiî eîng sîeîeî to L..... 9,07 13,60 4, mg8aic"e $6av fte r loee Cal HotAS. lD tcvl. N LE ., ne r Cruitl M thui ferud ,partlc annad s insir eatai mswedoth~e pro aaiiba Iha e o r te ua thon2 i utes.on adntn ....1» 1,3 9 aacete t saie' reob e io aal e- tPrésident.0f dgénéral atbvo Uaeut hv eofr Germn rliasbe mabîug lis ne.s Tb ir loke Cub eeer orýae i aoit mitât atderea lu l in OflBA .. . 0,9J.,91 1,9roctYthtth ll pieioldkep JoW lonai tee cpr ation uiablg p.em, ti.Inepletio muaIbe tc bnn mi sm ud orrh .uo a itti t 1. reetand vaici ona lJefig dete eaibn-bfo- bt as> lae ciRlitaeonm iaiena sccelig 5tIhncnuntly vahe I l poifiLn«. u voe 4U ue4tînat* dtcie u St ý- The ac b t on S ope shh e au IcOps ..... a,033 g1n,11#2 i2186) Taioe Irea se~ ul e s p ri g ûi>-du of t ha-m o qiin"i coquin.,ea ercutIa tba onta t a s leebirmon ad lsl otsaind15 mersof la e wr b as ple ...Tiser.24,19 2,97vi,76littbe 10105bm-er aie mU a ordit i st j . greiTh.e ply. ecrue md tri l w'U si oe oglw de on aU ie,4e o inspetagMo.mouth ....cen128eplace 1919o ea l aepners, a a f lue» Laesnvrtei"aai 0 o eto ae2 NC iC i have aili* ýe ol ,l Àae or'"Cdl iena rs- epoAMfteWabu pla f hFCman.a»de ~'e dueette elim ~ c a i e eriue ou. c u t r t eMr tiaon ... se8ta07 hat, aie 2, eut. l---ulovnt, cet nce >e-- uaimetmaet fer ver 100 ahres 1051 - à-' t I oM im tgSbfl5 pUiGhisto ifer tia-. gly ut taie ait>' tai e s tPb t ich a . a...... dci delte973 »1,0 ou1 tCrei aie sne - more ouua 105.e nubcrb., l a oIe e ni ae fo rti Cmcal e ict er et oma8 IT titres nmocsasI!bnthudedontai 54 fhasvele»aisiaitc otrdé- * batu0~O aoAcinwsdfrvla ht t oy P arl ... sa.a. th0 taie 72,184 e. w;q t eâ n I2censpe. setoevi-aray ii tocimpcovunetrbs oieu ia ilng WDuc- ÎM m4 M R. nal G r it f «vo at wr cle in évd nce es mpbe s rt sutl raduct s e d ien- c ..v ....oi 30,th 7olg 6,932l W t vsp ncue m-nos i» at p a tev 18no sm svoe lîil usdy ut a tpotpollu imes tr a Ew keeps . >"Tai,-e 1me tur u dok torell- te e-uta ck ingvt i a t.2 ,335 29449 5,14 aor JYIOU M o loetCV«acetitPoiiosotv r- -A uses vllP itMLr1 voltieon a r c-m. Wt 5015e6va09 11,208ln .iiu local d a m v i have 3licons e n e 1flgt Jalyb the Naction o».fà"orl e sgt ptaie outBIeetnoief ~telsW" ae tW u- cil we <>net r ovhattho rdi Sptrnfe lsdemnthe ag udpe-mi. ielha ees uat rfoirteebi1,40uisandnsfo .s etautet asearCmL-9 P 51s,678b. s 62e. 6l 2 I 10k,944 P u tt nts a plu at, e ts.t piciSth . fi Satn tel- Nmt o r bt tMay e xt Wsnb .an Tiee ontct àà hé obfl ivsnoe a tin et botaIsands, aie lftqqp 5alttstitce ilaaiei e ie etspt urtai v cum eI ume vsofoelt ei pto *sbut 100 llliacraetsssute' W r etvu at$usavireu-glueIsa aeter .... l ac. Tai431e 0 agrn den -iadittesr ogl uoe I ma etu enul tuo»ebe one Of ibé *t tvt 510& 1ofl absi leoltI itlu hel. ud t ract, ....... 8,245li c 0,146 1,t901 ur pluthle piesmeth1 ee' o trn t monef stock.pi Tiis- i ged ul a b a rt ca cw i rsvalce cus oee ifrn ion rd 4 ,If ui mioît ae aroe mkq l8nedu i th hé prducui 1erclthy nin sadd0.iin ta teé alerica wm S. Te eo h ai glionsi:UI tI i~ ieti ~K JMi ti ,t~àtai et '*At uitsejmeeti o r acto 1 poe» eoaiea éemQee tnt #ilii i 0 e Mftf t tlla ol .un -a e nj«sr.aet a $.0ptun 0qartsu tccf*.Ad i - @hden d U - er cent.ia1-4 pNational 4PVRioi Compurer e *M rW96 obailth loir Porn $1 the montlamprtt feu-or o 68 oud.ThsI teaerg tpa< ial htet W5s'1000thé atinals ttRiOn13O getepT 08 as àptd a iil 1Eu liu Pie o hesxmots-UrnXarsietso auea aesldr morac ttn neliet pou sa M * bnn tresof te Idnace w*ehbc Àe ouse &tout cohmmau- , ie nresmr i " éaaion ta encoreth fra Tb op I ame