CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENýDENT VOiL. . .-No. iîi. SXENPGS IETVJLAKE (3OUNTy, ILLINOIS, THIJRSDÂY, MA Y 10, 11)17 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA.NOX NOLDBER4i DRAWS FIRSTl;ýIEIOTUiESDÀY WILCH IS OUT $29»0 FINE AND MIon jean Sehauck wamth.> mu.Cce#stul TO '(ET' LOCKER 100 DAO S IN JAIL givean unde th~e -&apictiteLiberty CLUB IN S0. SEATI iude eron Ipoesiug- ~ 5~Ie u. , Webster Scott and Geo. Mce ment in Case of Highlam hd tetwt&.. re,.i.'d ,î.. %ho Dermott Defendants in Ac- Park Alleged 'Pigger.' cîtbeiie 'e&wvr, ts tte wutîker, Wiiu tions Filed in Co. Court. TWO OTHERSSENTrENC.ED. ty tbe National and [orail1W. U. T. 1. TWO OTHERS-ALSO NAMED'. 1organizations MRe Franklin Draws $300 Finel Everyone ufthetiti ctestaut-s did ex. Thirty Coupts Each in Infor- and 40 Days hI lau-Maxi- cptlonally veili cun.ideriug t Int thiCo mton gfs FakW n murn Given Kovick. the iliet tinme theY Lad liseueterd ai mationskin Fandk utita gtunmbary Jd l3 ai ê_,u were very goud and weil delivered. toa i ut cuiby ug. ' ur' aaequitî tuîiarge autience 'ihkli Informations cbarging twz a Wak.' Pet-r L.. Pjimous tlate ahG re.1q.ooded itesrîit aller esacl cofteot anfL gan alleged loc<er cluh keeper.s antd thyms convictd blittd-plugers. luit dfiD"Ped. id » awror anuoutsd that toohrmn n rn akgj dimbs ta substailtial fines eactiiof tie mure contlente would b. e ldlin erty- and onie front Northi Chicago, a ii Ville leddlun('ounty Court iy SI:.tes Ai -111111110W awusotenred to sentý a The contsmtante acre: Iurutty 8&w torney Welch Ibis afttrnoon for the leç'u la Lbe couaiy jll. jer, Doruîby "ie,.. iureum 9 Golden- Otirtbing next Nonday moroinag. 7h. fin« vere impos..da» roIIoms berg, F lorence liam. Jean Sc-basa.'k. The action ig in 'in@ aiti the prev- IfILIP GOLPUEftO-C.nvkct- ltella Langworty, Truunad Tayior and ieucly announcmd Plan of te prose- et me flfty counta. Sontencmd 10 Richard Scitinck. cuLoT b teart a cainpaign allâinat the P*Y 10 and cote on each ceust, lochat lubs. m aggregate or 82500 and case, b Informations that art, lu b. andé te Serve ten day* In the AIII4I4IKIVI M -UL Bled 0»: OOMtY jeu on eich of the. ast MWdO £ rA>' Wer Beott-Alisged proprietor bon medts, a total of 100 daya. #IOFLfT I!EAI o1 a loebeelub on Waahtngton s., ME RAAfKLlN--Convicted 0on eb a 0 lb 6violation. %w ýuns.Stntncdte Pa>'a LÀ4J(ES emik-5 FATALrc 'me os YK .d ana c ..shsaffon ean t I -twa L mà u o "iz sint, a total of .300 and comte, andé te serve 10 isys in ail on eeah s.Lnt. a total of 4G day.. ANDREW KOVCICK-Convict- ad asn one couri. Smnteiced to g.>' a fine of $100 and comte and euve 20 daye Inth. ceunI>' àbvcicb itminfed bis intention ti payid s Ali.nsd, Serving bis »en- tue" einsthe c0ua17 Jil. $.ttoreys fo oldberg ani Frankhilumch sery- Pd paileof an appeal 10 the Appel- lame 00u71 apiS vere tpanteîd '10 doys te vifth toiperfiect tlr bill of ex- epMbm mhailula uderbonds of $M; (fe4os'gs tather S uon bis- beai ia%»Pu Tite st#te's atorney mma UI'Of tisebolide Are suffi- cinhi b. hediS net excrcise bis pre- nomte.fv of eimalg tie sMen Le b glaisétlutlb.county ail tîtttl ite p.rfeet t l-tappealiqIot. hehuabr cout. oos a Pardoen. Attornet- Loves for fleldherg ntadi- a caution ln arn-at tofj.tdiimnt att tif b'an au ao up vittu the stale ait- thorIties the mnieler o!feekinig a paîéoe for bis client on thte ground thel bis pieu Of exemption on te imnity orier of tite Circuit Court elleuld have been sofficieni to vwin btp treedoas. The motion waa de. o*ldberit's attorney made It ver>' cl$ar thal he Inteni,, lu taie the mialter up vîit lthe proper autitaities and be seemed confident titat be vooli itsable 10 gain bis point. Tie Highland Pari bild-pigKer vas flot surprised aI the ses of! te punlshmeut meted outInlu is case for hi' hati been prepareut for the1 wovat b> te qentenceo Ihat bai been aivscu tnthlIe Ivo rreceding cases. Lectures Goldberg. Ths urel>' abouti be a tesson 10 you." Juige Person sai lu inposiag t'. nlonce on Goîdberg. -lItave kuovu mombere of Jour famlly for 7ars sud 1 arn sre tati f itet. are lu fa- ver of Jav enforcement tat thet- ,% DI Indorse ni>'action. 1 bnov Ibis r-odion of affaIra niast he a mat- le, et.c"Prame nogel 10 tisu. ln ai.-slng an.e itlelaMy dut] 0 e tatit Il lD ol es" fer iou 10pa>' il. othervise il aotId mot baye sorti-. ed a purpose. I muet 5lve yen à euh- btalntia fineésgolvit ol ot ui>'be a leoson bo you but to dter othiers Who might! be lnlln.d to fotîov Joan etturse. 1 vilI gay' taI Imt-he r - att h sou maie agatual thp. satee attttruey îisd absolitel>' nobiug ta tIo with vitîher or iot yon vere guiity, and 1 vas nul influuencei b>' thenm,.1,et tis te a eson- nulot iu voit. btut to peoîipelun>'oar com- in Buiness Ciphl Veans. 11.-fore , prnounclng sentence Juige Persono Inquirei of G-adborg boy long he bai been lInte liquor buMineasanS vwu toti the donation wa8 about n eveu on elgbt 7ars. One Or tva llnte court room vondermi -botber tiues as su>' sigtficance boemwent *t actt mà thea t Usat Dennis Burns, Xged 20, Feul From Hammook Some Time Ago-DeathResults. MOTHER CANNOT BRY HIM. Government Seods Boy Home- te P!nilen FaMllY 'Baok Denula IBurus, 21 year%, of a'ge, a W ~ed in the, Chicago- stock ytrds. lelt5 catied upon soue lime ugo te effer biamrt-tees te goverumeult deepile te lthaa litus vas-îe ole support of ait ou motter. a sic-i talter, >Ove amatI brothens and is. tersé abo liv t-c a5760 Brink treet.] He gave hb mothi. trom $101 te il,* eser3 aeek. One day rccettlt. It bold is motiter lie decidod 'o enliai U uhe nec!. aud t'.ý- brase ou math.- er., wil.h a antile un h.-r lipa . bldhiit thalmite ditnt vaut Ita ndn lit.,% va y. but urged ht to go and tetnder is services if lie feit calîsi aDon tu do no. On Msrch 6 Burns aàs.,enut tte Great Laket. Naval Stationu. Three veeka later ahen hi' came homte on afarloagb he isughingl> tbld lits mioter of au, ac'cdent hi' hall mî(t aI titi station. "IIvap asleep un a hammock îîînuy feet trot te groumi viten I1 feilout uni land" ton the fluor. lii' said, 'Il voie me up, but 1 ssasittmach hurt" At te expration of is ftrloaeh lie vas eut ta te front." Mrs. Bunns rritvtAda elu.gmrn f'liay frontite ntavalauthorittes saain.g taI hron 'u as lu a citîcai condition in i tit naval hospîtal et Nonfolh. VVa.. suffernnefroot cerebt'o- spinal feven. Sanda>'ailie-got anottît i t'-tegrain announcîug bts dealli. It>aii the goverument wouli psy the chargea o! sendlog the boidy 1u Chicago, but afler Ihat Ilvouli assume no futiter liailîitles, Mrs. Barnna gave lier son lu ber conr> vben site va.practicati>' peunîleas. Nov ahi' bas ber son's boiy wîit no moue>' to hur>' hlm MRS, DURAND OBEYS STEAD9,TO fi" ALL TO SPIRITUALISA lIns. Scott Iiurand of Lake Bluff. bas nu furtiter use for bbe moue>' rsmainlng to her atler she ot no mach llbthefot anjmoatit epiiemie ip ber fâne Guerseys-aItoast se. bas nio furlter use for it fan pensonial Itteasunes. Site *111i xeud Il spresti- Ing splrjtaallattc propaganda. -Oie tld 360 Spiritualiste ber plan. aI William T. -9tead Moniorial Hall, Citicaga, initiai nigit. saiag tit Mn. Stead, *ho vqnt Seun on te Titautic. haut adiiseber la, spirit messages tu Savote ber veaà te ,*ýat "wîrp M "4e.O*m e m; bmred vitit 30 law Vio- Italiens. Dominîck Eutttta--4'harged vitît condnetlng an alleged huingpilg uit Nfariltetutreet; 30 tcouct nlutue !ri formation. Franir Wancokl--Condactin,. ait alleged b12ud pg at 12h! L.I,îoin St,j Norh Chicaugo. The name of Wffilliam O'l-lleran. an operative ut the' Evans Secret Ser- vice Bureau ofr('hîcago. wili appéar ou ach Information as the chiot witt uss wbo vil be u9ed by the state. That mon' Informations aies o Iled vithin the nevît few dayri tric& adilsaion or the .9ate'. atterue>. lie aya ble ahIltaes itis actiou as Ce resait of eviience secared by bis 1'.- vestigators. Scoit taIIlu inthe ito>pital. suti, r ing of as brukeit teg ïr-cetved tn an au- tomobile aLctdent. His partner Frank Gogglus, vas rnamed lu an Informa- Lion charglug violation ,of tht- iaw us loccer club keeper. Goggins la said îo have dissppesred froni the (Contlnumed ou Page tiare..) SIRMO ilE OUT DATES FOR PU- FILS' FINAL EXAMRS Mails Out to County Teachers Dates on Which Five Exami- nations Wili Be HeId. Count>' Superînteudent Simpson ban Juat malled to county teachers the dates sud places for holding examina.. lions for those who are 10 write for couuty diplomas'. The dates for thte examination for June bave not yet been decided. the examInations an- nounced belug for scitools Ibat close the last of May'. rsacb year tos re about 260 etght graders lu rural and village scitools wro write for diplomias sued by the s8uperinlendeut and etamnatlons are held on dates and in places ltat viii accommodate alobidren. AUl examinations bing aI 8 o'cto<tb and continue uatîl ail have flnlshed. AIl malenlals are furulehed. Thte dates:- Ares, Frhda>'. May' Il. Grayslake, Tueeday, May 16. Hait Day, Thursday. May 17. Spartldlng's, Friday, May 18. Anttoch, Monda>'. May 21. Lake Zurich, Tuesday. May 22. Deerfieti, Wednaaday. May 23. Waucouda. fftday, May 25. Round Lake. Monday. May 28. Gurus., Thursday, Ma>' 31. igeneralmi by sPlrïiualism," site said. "Front nov on my earthly posse- j abus shall not he devoted la my ovn ploasures, but to, helpng others t Thon tbm "Pink Rose." official ie-'o ,diun fitbmhepart', arme adnisld: t "I tea Williasm T. Stead. He is laugbIn. 'alEt-c. Dui-ad.' ho maya Us bat i s Seing riOauni to be., Iu, eukayl,1915I New York, May 7. 'h. itsitania wa a..snk hy a >rt.i i )maIt ni t au years ago tod:a v ui t-t i ii tp Of lreiand. She was ltounld for Lv erpool from New Yor*k, Site had aboard l. (if t lu-ni ltassengerti. The bast nualbered ii,,hiditig 7>1-7,passengeru of alto...91i .1r. Ilit dren. Thte Anîentcaai lbat naît. t'l-ýd 24. Aiong the victima at--oAIh rpetG. an.îderblil, Chines t'Froîtiîan. pEt ient lubbarnd i if..indtuBatl-s; Jr., andi Charies Klein. BOY w1ISU(iIIT TO 2:ILTRAIN .- IsWIJN INSANE NO sonner bai lte car pausati lit Young Bchuesslt-n draggoti the lie lu the opposite Ir.tîk n thal, Il vould be l inte patli of Ibm lmiteti train vhicb cme" along a 1ev otinutes lter, tiers again a wneck was avent- Od very nsrrowly. That nigitt IIOodheunds vers se- curai froua Ruîkfori anti roculmedint Ibm srrmat o!. patg Schuéýmler, who pleedtigulty ind vas bomd. iover te, lie grand Jury. Hieloui>' excuse at tiaI lime vas Ibat hl ie nit bavt bien pousmmei of an ev« mspinit. Ooffloz* tNam igiow , Pàeae (iEORE SIIELDON IIILD IN BONDS 0f $24000:9BOY LIVES Grayslake Man Is Held on a Charge of 'Assault With an Automobile' in Chicago. THE HEARLNG IS DELAYED. Boy's Condition Regarded as Critical-Suffering From a Fracture of SkulI. George Sheldon, driver or the auto wbich struck and crittcally injure! a 9-year-old Chicago boy on Saturdav mornLng, bas been arrested on an ai. SaUlt Witit an automobile charge, auni now Is beld In bonds of $2,000. She' don, It vas learned today. spent six hours at the T-wenty-elghth Precinet police station on Saturda>' before iw procurei bonds. Hia case vas set rfi- trial at 9 oclock Ibis mornlng butt wae contittued wheàn'il became inovu ltaI the boysacondition vae sucb that It wsp ne waise to' procee-d witb bbceitearnug. Thte boy ie su.ffering frotu a frac- tared skail. sud hîs condition ta be- lisved to be critical. It vas leamr< toda>' Ihat the police of Chicago wiii change te c-harge 10 a mors e lou't oue ln the ,--euiaofbite lioy's deati,. lte the boys parents have alread. declareut thelr intentions 0f suing te Grayslake ma for damages. The accident itappened aItlite cor- uer of Wept Lii. andi Northt Paullus stres ai 7:30 Satnrday mornlng. lm medlatoly afterr Use boy haut heen re- niovedti lte couunty bespilal thei Graylaie man vas placetd under ar- remI. itteldon ovuba a esort et iourtb L.ake and h. vent 10 Clicaeag eut- Saturda>' mornlng La attend the "Jot- fro"' celeitratton andi to traumact otb' er tiai1ness. He returned ta bis , eme ln Grayelake todal,, and bas prom- Ixed 1 o raent whon ltse cees le called for trial lu the Chicago police court. 'Thte boys condition la suris that vi' could nol have him as a wiînes at thi tilme. and ve du not lntend to do on vith the caseunul il ve kuox ahether Ihe boy wiii lit-e." said the des'£ sergeaul at the Chicago police station. NAVY MI BON DRY' BY AN ORDER 0F irCAPT. MFT Court Martial for OffwMcrs Reoruft Who Enter Sa-' bons In Ilnhform. The Uitled States net-y throughoal the Middle West became *itone dry' ut miielgbt last night tbroagh au orier lasaud by Capt. W .A. bf- fett, In charge of the Great Laiem Naval Training Station sud ran'cing naval oMfeer of the NithTenth sud filevealt districts. Tite erder maies tbe folloving restrictons NO OMtpOIlR or euliatsd man ini Daniel Sohuessier, Aged 17, ls Sent te Atylum at Elgin This Morning. HE HAD BMEN OUND OVER. Had This iletion Net Been Ta- ken an IndWbetie by Grand Jury Was Planned. D)antel Bcbtnemmio. 17-îear-oid Zton City boy, wýc on tb" afternoon of April 27. eMieVOtid to derili two limibed raiae on tbe Chicago. Worth Shore anud UDM*sbe sectXlo rail- rosi a% Zion City'. vas tnieti for bis panit>' lu Counkt, c9at on Moniay. A lusc-v nonm»mu lconsieling of Drs. . H. TOoniaL %'sd R. H. T. Nesbtt. pronouncéd lbu o! unouud mini anti he vas. ordered conisitîci t0 lte state asylui forthlie Insane ai Elgin. The iscî that lie bas been founi 10 hi' mentally irrésponaibli' for bis aci, ylcause lte criminai charge of mallcioos mioblof 10 be iropped. Scituesealer prevlougly hacd beei' given a hearring belore Poliec' %lagIstrale Water Taylor cf WaukE- eau and bai been bounul over to the grand jury. He was unablo 10 secure a bondanian and itad Occapiledl a ccli ln Ibhe cunty Jla up tu Ibismonning. Il vas titi' boys tlion.John Scnuelr, wL.o signedth ie petitton asblng iha iti.s son beot-led fonrbs sapit>'. Thia action was started as a defeuse 10 lite crimbunai action. Tht tfaIes atîornes eouscuted 10 have te Iunac-y iearitg iraI for he eaid he vas not disposedin1 promOcute te youîh ou the cnimmnai charge Il the iteanlng sluowed hlm 10 bho ouesoand mind. Thei physicien avito made up lte Iuuacy commission assertsd ltaI Ihey bai examlined lte yauug man vcr>' carefuli> andl acre convînres thatlibe in Insante. Scituesaler vas empleyod up 10 a short tLue ago at Ibm Levis garage ln Waubegass. On Good P'Tduy he broie hics art vhcu an automobile englue "baci-firei." Wlth the nute arm i' vas able 10 0u0e-ho drsgged n heavy railroad tilson the olectric roed tracks near bis hoz» ut Zion City aud titon liiilu a nearfifeld 10 walch thUe vrsck he Imît cur. vould happmn. Thte motorman ef the timît- md train vitich came alang a short lime ltler 55w the tic ln lime to slacken the apeed o! bi@ car so that the car vas nul traveling ai a bigis rate o! gppei vhen il crasbmd tutu Ibm obstruction. IRS. MAES J. JELLEY ATMP On DIED SIJNDAY AITERNOON WEII'S 1IAI>STu Simtdat. afterumm et 2:311 ucluck, at m .5 bier hume win Lihe-rtyvillies, oecurred tihe T P I3 ~ D A death'of IMro. James J. Jeiiey, ber deatb » P D A lairtebeen caueed liv firights dîseam«. te~ aet aeI lmp Jelley was:ti 6jears oid. AtmtMd 1 aei l Kate Alleburu was buri, t in een legal for Hlm te o S d a darmtstadt, (iermany, un February 12,j Debt by Employnunet f'Dm- Jearm and then mioxed tu ('hteaguo. S -Welch Says LoqOkUcCU was marrlsd 10 James J. Jelley luIb) ethAeermfiam year-cut 1886. The faml> came 10 Lili- epr AeCrm * ertYville lu 1900 and bave reeided, bers A cold'blooded plot 10 tbrov a since that tinâte. wench m the machinery nt s"et. Mis. JeleY leavef lu mouro lier a bus' ad thua tic lte bande of the. sM'i baud 'ted four @ont. Jomepli A.. William attorney to, sucb an exteul ý-lia Il , Fred J. and oreW, beaidme th James G. Welch vould b. nmmae tW relatives aud friande. O a s oilbrîng Lake cnty'a crimlnaWin 1 u- member ot Sb@ Llburtyvlle oy ticgh s ufruutymted isat usai bm bore. Th@ funeral vas beld Weýdneaday tbe supervisera defeated anuad. atteruon ab on@ o'clock, the servi" e b- luig conducted ait the home by Rev. B. B. WteTe l. em csm ere ada. rtl th ele Te maiser.,liatetu O'BRIEN CON VICT. EDPON il COUNTS;9 DETETIVES WI Armstrong Brothers WiII Be Used in 2 Cases Whie'h May Corne Up Next Week. PRESENT A STRONG CASE. O'Brien Makes a Fat Denial That-Ne bld Sin-Jury Out a Shoft Time. Dentela O'Brien, lformer proprimbuir et a ualm.n da Waahlugtçn mrmet la Wrnub;au$. vu be.h4 gulty tâte 1Pri tdap om tuosb a ohat-g or!lias- 'lu~ musm e l h~ua0n1ter. tory. N Me s ovtsituelevut soumi. Satiq lawoe a" ir $theb etatea aettam'uy. The ouvieuloa Wu seciareut on tbeo .s.denee et tha Ara, &mnagbrotimme. detetdvea, end Dr. tobruap. a ebemîst. Tbe Armatroaga, Who work under the auspfl of et Imnti-salooa .oague et tb. @laie, vers emplqyed arly laut suner by the Waubegau Good Goveruniont L*agu. 10 conte to WAu- bagan aadmakm an»lavatgtlcain- 10 eaniltbsi. Tima temtmny en Ihm etand Fulday vus liaI îhey bckth pur- cbaaedil tiuer lu O'lisn'os an. .u5 Jusne 5 and of lamI Yoar. Tbey said! lbe tiquer vaa gin vblch vas mliçed wltb gner aIe. Tbey toob sampies of the tiquar vhlch vers îubmiltted tu Dr. Homberger. Hlîs analymis, pre. sented ro lthe Jur. vasltaIt te liq. nor conlalued a higit pereentage of alcohol. O'Brien 100<ttec'stand ttnd deuicci aity sale oUtglu &ince Waubcgan lDe. camne anli-3aloon territory. The Armstrong brothera vere pre pared te teetirfy t.o parc-hasep of beer ai O'Brlens Place, but were prevent- ed f"om clulng so be,-ause former State sAttor%'y Dsdy, lu preseulîna a bill of particulars bad made no mnion of beer sale,. Mr. Welcaj therefore vas llmltmd tu prov-lag Inerely lb. sales of glu. Thte verdict le cc'nsldered a vie- tory for the Armstrong. broîbans. 0F" ST. PAUL SELL ta 'lbullroad" , titrouigh ei »@ vblch woald bave moade Il muid-k hIe for the saaIs altorne>' 10 MPIoy deeceti ves to ferret Ont lkebmr club - keepers strentiicd boblndaul a preme Court decision. Afler many of tbm superviser.bad left the court boume ho cat&h tFOIA for home, a resolution vas Iutmt@ehi eut maklng It unlawltul for auy ell ta hirel% detectives vithout thae-0,611t of the Board of SuPervlsOrs. Thte motion to a Rlisthere#0olUli got a second. Before th.e -pmrVir ited lime ta vote tte's Attoe J.ý G. Welch Junped ta bda 10.1 aMd b. "laid bars tbe cuonluaKnee Of tib plot."- --I dou'I vset Il e10« oIta Ibh. oivinslienmt of Laie no,1$3' àr U niy banda bava' bea, ima W aM 6& lion of tii. boaud. 1i d*t W" a go out tit tIbm State's aUowuq eau- net em»loy deteelytîe .Iir thm 'Mimd Wt 1 *** m -MR you goealme$ et I5U& lm* bui"ip la a ts U W a saisS. MAt tue o* - le 1saervime a 141r *SUIfliJ& a stta e pflteumI7 O charge. That UlrMIoerguI :-b» la a blini p08. I vant 1to ýMqpw- maoomiesp"rUtareont elu" WU liai a *Maipuy- « s W club beeper le a enviaI M iet ao "na or Ihm voetatype. nu1*'i# iou gemmema eiéon$ tfl I Ï osunid titq vrossg co u M.9in4104. ta Mu"e laie couvety o%i ud* iag cilislin, Iv1 .~uè-OO Utveiy. 10your imlpl010ý Walsh. membera oflbtherni Au lu la aer et Ilm wesointteàVoe 'laye" inetreflmi la ohime hap& tir a mmoboe vtS themosttels Sucra" « s OU?'~ vhern the vote vM ais e" M t» »s ative aide Of th*e veDMOutaI041M 10 uphold JIM Wolc coulé b. board for toRy a block. in bbis plea NMr. Wsleh nietle.e lte« tact _tIal Uere voie 3 k"«* clubs la operation in Waubmgaa ami Northt Chicaga. x»hbas amaneS membere etibm hoard Usat b. vill bng tbm lau- beem r 10justI4e a4d iot heovii not lueur uni unueeWsafflspnse la *0 Seing. The resoila vas lmtvdu* oCM Of lte ammioetnthe b«410»vi billa.Ifugl lit~ lng tihe deteetie bitlle ZuI Dady. 1 admit th1 Iuv0s9e04 Ionth Ibthlb.bMIe oamoeoob liut gentleln J veut te 84 "s liaI lb.eomSI8ioU»vilS 084m lb. pitaaSerewet 1917 maiel ii«.mt Ibac lie Wb"vilS M ad theI MM@-*e atier et cf ie d Mn. Wloit emploieS* J. H. Hiland SeIls Property De e s cp"oun Ibahe mi . tween Lake Foredtand Ub- i-es ot o! Wake"4 855W* ertyville tei Chicagoan. cicagaOThUOm mm I bwýým The bandisome country' osîste ou ow tre lte> cOMPleit4U14b lu'W' ed b>' J. Fi. Hlland, vice->resideuI o! tI hn. Iilosnatlou viii a&Wkilae9» theChcao, ilauee& St. pauli countpCourt acuet gel-sa 10W Ralîroai Company, tocateti betveen 0club kasiltM d oanSptv5hu uos Laie Forest and Làbertyvilte antivii tla catlied as vilumUoS comin sing sevenat hunirmi acres. wa soud a fev dais &go. Tiei. t-erli' On lia pftlseeb IM11IBt@M ch amer ta sai 10 be a veli inovuniy vuabieobt-mglSd OMO.58 0 u Citicago capitallat. blooSsi mInc. lI'ts-PnoPpirly le hautisonielyi m- Tu es »e.pidfr lte é l proved vilt effpesive and modéra prit-te, but Ibm p.oMwtWe *0 iaM buildingc anti le oue ci the its*nm- eums eqgvalsU aIu v&t fs' est ýplaces cf ils kblu thUe uBute. Il bu,« i loumi 4e8"0, la undernlod liaI -b. my ovmmr »U us iW*g~ bac purèbaped &aithebmpeneopal prq> -dua. .. Lake Cou#ty 's Big Weekly aftuhadD. Grcoe*fM ior WeekW in hCounty Co.Ilad WAUKEGAN WiEEKLY SUN tie requise navy. navy reservo. naval mîtit in or volsnteerm i i be aiiovoi te enter un>' paoon or public place viiore lntaxletlig iquons are sali vitie lu untom ninder Penalty o! collrt-mtriel ton disoitedience. OTYTUAN CLOTHES are nol lu b. vorn under auJ clrcumsteucam. anl pensons lu Use navy lu the lires disItMetgbelus requiet-eS 0 var Ibe unîtorm e t &a i m. The order, lu couneetios vli a rullug ity Sscretary Dentela pro. ibilIug Ibe brluglug or keepiag of tiquer an au>' aMp. navy yard or station. viti croate un abooluls drouti lu te tiree districts. as fer au te nat->'le coucerne&. To maie obedience a littie masier Capt. Maffelt heaslgnufied bis op- proval o! the bih in Ibm Illinois teg- isialure oreallug ae Ove mile "Zone of walet>"' about Ihm trainng station. Thte me-sure bae been urgei b>' tite secretary o!f te navy sasvoit and ls nov being puishcd by the Waubegan Gooi Goverament Lasus. G'reat Laies Naval Training Sta- tion it a suffidiant nutmher of hlan- batst. b ueft.lié; stee.'The requcal vas maSo by CapI Moffett Buda>'. No more are umedmi nov. 1 qi

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