CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 3

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LIB~TYVULE~U8DÂY K6Y10, i1I17 10 FIND EVIIVENCE WANTEI> ON LIR OP L ÂWVIOLÀTION I COUNTY fAÀIMàS, THE TONCONT13STS ARE MADlE KNOWN Mb. lit- Ch fly co- e lie 4b,. tic Ptrons Of tire plae stod laci. afs-1 to maie anssiesace. tise dat-c tive gêsvly bscisei ont of tise doarý an04 Mie hi escape. *10 morain lihe swaes attorney fila in formaiion lu CoaatYcourt CharlU sGrygien vlth sellisig lîquor in' maimlaoataterrtory. Tii. detend- ent vas brousbt Into court this suer- ng *gose the captas could lie aem-ed and w»s admitte te usbail in thes um oif $50. ?rbree other infarmatioms vere led and tor- tees-that there sright bhaa drepositon on the pari ofthUi allegeti liquor vioatorn ta dlsappeer f romth ie commuaLit'. lbhets tatosney s- cuesed the siteril! s office 10 aerv-e te capiasres îtemedlateiy. Thc thers egaint ahotatinforma tras vere aoed. chargng -iotation of f fie aui«I-Aooti lav, ara: MMtOgrîn, 12 Tet t s-ca. Northt ChIMaN. Anton Oudk and wife, Thlrteentlr and Vitoria streetic. Noti Chicago. Joeeph LuIewlcat, i8 Preàcott ave nue. Nort-h Chcago. $2»0O FINE AND 100 I)ÀYS IN JAIL (ConUflucd Irrom Page One) th'- formern sîsîri attol ne>' wa.-in tif. fue durng thse sanie iereiodro!finie Franklin'* Pies. the iiraa'ilin was reprearented by i A;torsie> p. i1. Jorgenson alto orged r Ibo rourt fol ta Impose -a jeusen-1 tr'oe, indicating that- Frankîlsa vouldti irt taie a, appe-aî if leniency vere ertr-ndeti He argueS ihaf fri th- cîldence f vwas not abalitiy ciiar that the violations 100k l'lace sinc Wanicgan became anti-aaloon terr:- tory -la face h. sald the evidpece la tise care vas nat coaclusîive. SJudgs Persans sai ib"t If itraik- Ilsa ad came tas-yard sud pleaded guilt> tier, vauld have besiras lie- cllaationi os tise'part o! Uic court 1a eNtend ,-icmetic'-'but undes tic cr-- cullstac e i ihotuefet hi aboutit agn sas exmple of the deteudant go ià wotrid ptove a Ie.asot to unm anti otLkera vhirrigit fOllOv la bis foot- steps. Mut Teach a Leason. lu the case tf Kovecdi, a man viso nt aot been ln tire countrsy long enoughinto ecome natarlilsedthtie judgp Rnid hb etSt Ilsiouldlbe lui- ps-eaad on lm tat one of tise i-s dutieire muet teara in t he Uniýteti itptu te obe<yeuOu t&-tise lav. ICoT- 411M eep oeiviced mf eing liq1or te an 18-y0aatoId bor. , 1-rannot get help anti vere l notfr ti lie tact tisa maay of tient hiad .ther -prias ploviag doue before fs-ost u-t n liet fal. it la gsld that but 90 per cent o! the landI of Lake county fas-ms would lie undrr cultivation tis year. It inesctimatcd tiat ther- a 10 per cent mare lad under cui- tivation ti Làke count>' nov tlirii here hes beeu n tiyeare gone b>'. JP FOR VOTeIN FEW DAYS. bloffett Urges Passage of Dry Zone 8111 to 'Reduce Drunk - enness' in Waukegan. Sprlingfield, Ili., May 8.--Gov- erner Frank 0. Lowden haasurint a message te the houme urging the. passage ofSouaet.Bill Ne. 61 cr.stlng a "dry zone" of! Ove milesa round the Gieat Lakes Training station. The message was gent tociay at the request cf Secrmtary Dan- ia of the. esvy and Command- ant William Moffetcf the Great Lakes Training Station. Captain Moffett conferred vith Gave-- nor Lowden recentty and citeti mac>'rscsont vii>the bill miinuid lie passed. The bitl hat passed the secate but thc "velu," ho aare in the mnority inthe house hatn plan- ned te kilt it if it ever came up for passage. iTN. Pialt. 'orre.pondidtî 'ftlit.passage of Ihîr. bill illina lt iWaukegart and I ahiterrîlore n' "ludcd rin tire dmleisitrict %%IIl bie tirs.arnS remain dry until msud time as the billinl repealcd. Commandant Mofféti ai the <Irest Lakes Station lias requeatedti h- botta. to panstiretbitl, andtihie Anti Saloon League bas pald toiltyls, there advocatlrtg Its adoption. Il le stidtIraitic blIwlI iE brougit up for a vote ln tic houao on Wcdneaday, Ttunstiay or Friday The drys as-e demandîag that the bil bie brauglit up for a vote befort- ai thon In taken on tic Bruce bilt. "WMets" o! Waultegart are pianoîn; today ta senti men ta Springtieldi t urge the, 'Sefeat" o! tic bill ttW. F Weiss ls there now, andtilh s ondet atoodti lat lic ln patd by the "drys ro thîs localtt> to lobby> for thefi-ttl 'ýdry" zone measure. -Capt. '%foffctt, commandant a! th Great Laite. Stationa,cdaimsn tbat th passag eontiishileli iii taire '1cmi l aton front the paIrs ofthlie jacki. 1of the Uniîtedi States nav>', and li ai>o claimsn It vllreduce drurnki r es.taet a great extent ln ti.1t catit>'. ' fti~r geti«, Ob ebi lt-wlU t SUPN DI*I' rat i 1b grm 1 A lice Swcene>' 2 Afreti Âmes - -George Leabie Reading. i MaudesÂmes 2-ltobert Lux :t-Jennip GrievoiS 1AiePennmahip. 1-lieSweeney 2--Jentate Grievold 3 Irene Leable ANTIOCIL Arthmetie. t Et;diir L.rew .-Hioward Spafford ;',Arthurr Verrier apelling. I I >rothy Doveil 2-Margueritete ieehan JFrank Johnson Reading. I f)orouhy Beebe 2--Gardon Âmesý - Anna Kret Penmanship. i -Frartk Johnson 2--Antoneite Smart. 2-John Beebe LAKE VILLA. Arithmetic. i-John Wallace *2--Beatrice Hook ,IlErnesi Quetienfeld Spelling. i V.illitttî l)se'tcoll 2 -Estier Haw* -Ias 3 1Margaret Jack Reading. i-Jlrene Kidd 2-Margaret Jack 2 liazel Stephe>' Penmsnstaip, 1-Crolltte Walz 2-Aivena Teccert 3 lîrida Wolff kt ~ WAIMKKÂN. Arithmft-lc. 1Iirene Hereslnpka 2-Evelyn iShavin 3-EMe ~DeWoody apeIline. I-George Graham 2--Certrude Adams 3-Tena Keminsi>' C- Rsadlng. 1-Tena Kamitsi ig 2-Irene MaraIneka tl 3Jîsth ustaa P. Penmaship. ýr I-Beatrice Jacksan f 2-Harold Gustafsan '-Judttb Gustefean WARREN. e Arthmetlc. te 1-Lllah Worth k> 2-Margaret Ptasenskle es 3-EvelYn Eidal he Spelling. ?n 1-Ether ?ealon o- 2-Alfred Cirltensee 3-Marjorie MIEs eudlho. - 2-Elrdella SImmi 8--Bersice Cbsapeny CAMPj« l Immi3 5 ER JURY nI ESTABLISIID AT AÀ6REES AfTER EN TRAININ6 STATION iIOURSARENT Camp to North of the Station ls Named ln Honor of the Hero of the Marne. .1 1 CAMP au"-~T IS TO lm mE ORD CROWD, 4M-0 DWctive Holleran, in Employ One Farmer, Who lB Also a Su- hs h o ihs ak of State's Attorney, Seeks pervisor, Says Cty Boys in Three 'R's' and Speling le Seore Evide by Force Fat! on the Farins. Are the Winners. Wfiei Dink Are Deled Tîtal tii- ty boy le flot worth hie WAS ELIMINATION CONTEST ftm-State's Attorney Fies . ,ay iaotItag about the $1>) wa.-r Fouir New Informations in e ss a ch thqetate- Interest Now Turns to Coming CmeIt Today. men mae to The Sun by'onn' 0f County Contest-Muoh En- Mlchei aetetivein ii.lle coutrismot prosperous farsa- thusiasm la Shown. Mihe oeran, adtctc n h rs. 'I'his farler le aiso a meisaber o!____f_ empiy c Stse'sAttrneyJams ~the Lake County BIoard of Supe-rv!.,.l'r A. simpeon, coutty superlntea Weigh, et intc, à "pinch" lote mcS5y M aflueroon white seeking ta seur. uvi. ___dent cl seblools. Bidav gave tot a list lt no happened that tirer or fou'r ! i1 ppis ariloîis towniihps la denice of the iltegal saie off iquor :nd mmu ftebad;eedsue fteplü n was obllged te draw à revolver m emci !th oedvtrhdsu e î( ounty w o onprir.r lail'h menace th patrons In a Fourteerith ing fisal, lite and farma necessltils street resort ln order t-e make bies r when a LZun man saket if they could ilb il. Tehetidrigth atte caple wthout beinq mauled within an twg&- CuIPle it hil(rid at'a art of ApitTh'rte li at nchof hie lfe. Rchoal boys djurlng tit- suintai-r Spelllng are the subjtets in whieîî 5f ti-n -ner- Uc of din"moenthe. the pupils were exainîifd. Tîhe roua- iaL.-nt eonfdtifit'-tiby Kazrmiar r \'a.we miglt ual- hei tobring t>' content vIli be et t.bertysiile on <2,-genc,., tîerwIte known as Cusl- th,- milIrhtu owtior 10 ian rrît~,May ' t. The pupil4intr radititit mise, t;rlgtpec, at 65 Fortepnth street. but wlirn It comi-dtu planting, woS¾wownfrs n eod lr" i inuot <iig. 5l-aa in t n fg the tand or reaping thetiarvest the towfl contents wdli cotitciit for tti- In~abutdrlskng tir "e shooltboys or tii. tltboys are goid, silver antd bronîze-medll. lic rtepped utp to Uie bar andi sougit not worth their feed,' sald Nir. Fal Followîng le; a ltst of lt, wiflflmr tuc borchaze a drink of lquor. The' el fetWncnet barbeMuer refused te serve hlm an>' I'lainhthatthecotr-Cotauhl elle: alacbolle beverage. Nit 'to hlm Hol- lis- I mari> hecri- a talgion BihENTic tersa sv a mn drintnmavat*haass ea ilrAihmi scyeras awa anottieofer n a gleass .You cent operate fermeon nery 1i--Agles Gibeon apf wisy. thichfee ada gcsa iseisand malle it a succese. LBook lecarn- 2-James Brook of hiky wic h sa- o as te gade cepecially lf takc-n ivith ase t Jessie t'pp trlln l prhaea rik tetuai experlenc but sîthout tire e" Sp.ling. detectlie diuillld te icave wîtirout se- nerlence the booeli learnug Sues ial I James Brook cries evidence of soute sort. se hé amount ho e d -" said lie.. 2- Alîce Buslck gmeb.d ujs the drinle vhlcbb9jd iespite thia charge roteraI Waa 3-Esther McFarland beee served te thse patrouon.cmhi kegan school boys base acceepren Reading. rigttt. Thse owuer of tise drinks ap- wonk on tarmisfor the somimet sea- 1-Joseph MMlter î.awSUy di net taie leu>' teoMath a bon. and it le tue, bell'-! of business 2-Margaret Hannon prqceltUas&M tht,- s an uImme- mea of WAaukegan that the fermera tý Myrtie Kaight diabile aaa.c bMons. The detac- wiii hi- gladtut take the sc-hoot boys Penmanship. tiste n* llnself gettlns the vosst of and gise fhem te run of thelr ferms 1I Ethel Hlggiae3 il IN, 'a thfs. other Petron.5 c1tise> betore the war te oves-. 2-Margaret Hannaon plate.. euapetlng hlm to h. vhst he '*ltrakea no dlffereti- ow higli 3 <ladys Melvilie vas. a detective, tsrtpd toward hilm et I.l farmer is goîng tu get 1EPR In wisaI e construet ta e ail hieat- hlm. that lu. unires the goernîneoit Arithmetic. '-tttg miner, 1 taies 05,-r the farms as sel i-ltoirrLux qukly ditengagiug hinecif tfrott - lceaeee fie wele. lie drew a revolver, et the railroade nsid one farmer who was 2AleSere sanise Umne threaterrlag ta shoot the nt a member of the iBoard of Suli r3 (ract- Siocuni -- es ha&mie e t. Whirttl esvsorn. At thts time tie farmer- ISplling. ..u 'ship. 2-MaryPtaaftnAsle U -Aima Thiel AVON. Arltlinetic. 1--Grac. tiauflan 2-BeaLrice 'Wagner i eteDolittie Spel i jt . 1 -B-rtha Doolttie G race Baumati Rbading. 1 -Beatrice Wagîîer , Cecii Hook :J-ieebel Bratkke Peemaflship. I -Ruth Donnelly 2-Vtlah laut :i -lena Retlug GRANT. Arfihmetlc. i -Carlton Ruahmore -M1amie Sharda ;: Edward Lerkin 1 -Gen(evieve W41ah 2--Edwin BaUsa 3-Carflon Rushmore Readlg. 1 -<;enevleve Walsh 2-Edward Henneseey :t-Nettie Hewtt Psonnanship. 1 -iecnrie" aGoU. 2 EmiUy Stanton -Editb lFalser SUWELIS. 1 -John Ruseffl Selier 2--Elaie tichuize t -Alfred Méeli - 1 -Joseph Mfllen 2-Margaret Kapein 3-Florenre Duddles Reading. I-leabelie Butler 2-John Rusa.!! Mller -Anna Nelacu Pemànohlp. l-Clara ao - Forence Duddlea t-Della Fltan L[BMTYVILî.E. 1-Belssie Iretebon 2-Blancbe Omoo 3-Mary Hut= spomne. i Esuher HOlge 2--Clara Bobenskli 2 --Verda Buf Reeiu 1-Evelyn MlUsr 2-F*her Hodge 3-Elsee ýchnei4r PemmsonWp. 1--Sajnuei Miller 2--Clare I-Bther Perry FREMONT. Arithonetic. t -abel Small 2 -'Christine Wagner 3 --Ether Zersen Spellng. i -Adam Dietz 2-Lloyd Macle I Ether Zersen Reading. i-Viola Weil. 2-Donad Fitîzgerald J Narveth Jones Penmsflshlp. 1-ida Wlrtz 2-Rutb Laursen 3-Nellie Smith WAUCONDA. Arithmetic. i-BessicN ?rueller 2--Esther Clark 3--Peulîne Ilarrig Spellng. i-Eether Clark 2-Beele MuetIer 3-Arthur Dillon Reading. 1-Lydia Clari 2-John Brandi 3-Zella Russell Penmnanship. I-Harriet John 2--DOM eSkyrme 3-Esther Clark DEERP'IffSD. Arithmettc. 1-Myrtle fichile 2-Theresa Klemp -Rfobin Mller 1-Myrtie Bchlle 2-Ethel Miller 3-Agnes Peterson SReading. i-Wllard t3odrng 2-Helen Tulley 3-AgaePeterson Penmanship. 1-ca0rolinp Bettes mp t t* 0= 1Tomarrow le to lie vilitors Sda> .î lite Great Laketi Nasal Training Sta- tion. Ati o'cWko thé' gales of îî-ý station will be tbrawn open to thi-- public, and vietors will be alinveti tree run o! Uie grauuds but the>' wîll flot be permitted ta enter the paver house or the radia station. Tics.- plants are ariSer ver guard, and if le as mucis as e mens lite te vorti to mtep vithin 1l feet of ither bâiid- Ing. .For tihe entertainmcat tof the Puh- lie a sirsm battie viii hae tagerd. There viii he a bot dri!]. compan>' msneuvcts, and an exhibition hy the sip'ecoempeny. Chatrmasa George 'Halght o! the Evanston Enliatasent Comlrttee. yl prescat Commandant Moffctt witn tise "colore' and he viilmeke a pre, pentâtiona ddress. Secretary of the Nas>' Oanilir yer- tertiay eppolateti Mrs. W. A. MOffett. vife o! CapI. W. A. Mottait. com- mandant of the Great L)ises Navet Training Station. presideat O! the Navy fElstcd Relie! Association Of t-be Middle West. Tise runction o! lie orgenîzation, vhlch vas forme - s-e- centi>'. le to casefor ths e fi'fata- 111cm of mcenviso have ealisted la tihe sac>' sud t-o aId th 'mcnaie Great Laies tralalng statIon. 0F WARINTOIWN. The nevt>' ciectad board of Warren tovnship higir sciool, elected Satur- day. May 6, orgarulaed Manda>' evenlul as followe: President-NcY Lamnb. Secretary-it4> DMOU. Members-Norman Brown, Hemr Flaod, Horace Tose. The board meets &mOUn ta tart pro- ceedinga for the setection of!asite for ties chool. Whht vii haerecto! near Gurae. sand to praset a bond issue to tie votera, te plan belng t erent a achooi ta cast f romt $25,000 to $30,000. "- oodies îhat Wu n-e-I-t ini youq mou*k - Ii.-hr, flufiy, tender cikes, bisccits aisad ýoughnuts that lut kte ep y o hangrn8 ,round e fr-a mtade weieaum der. Tur l-*tus ý1JACKIESTHERE NOW. Public Inviteil to Witness Sham Battie Tommo--Expect 3,000 Men This Week. in honor o! tihe -.Her of the Marne" fthc iented citY forin of tht' Great lavýes Naval Trraining Station lias licen nemed "Joffre Vamp,- il, honor of tic French werrlor who re- centi>' pald Cicago e vieil. At thîs bour 1,00v jeekies are liv- ,irg in 1,600 tenta whîch have berri crected nortir of Uic station Xroub, and by Baturday of tDir week it l8 epeceted tbat thiis numb&t-wll have heec lucrcased ta î3,500 andi pomsal Report Has It That Jury Stood Five Thousand Mem Aret d 9 to 3 for Aoquitting the Housed at Station W~ Defendant. Most in Histo<f Af ter a deliberation lasrita5 ten Wl!! Continue to Rem"l d oe-alfhorsa jury In Cotînty oruits at Rate of îe0 a Cou rt aI t 0or,-lac-k Fr'das niglit in Spbt of Statomnte t fie oarrivé St a ve-rdic-t anti Contrary. Thes Sieager y JutigokPle Pin Worit on thpe oatruetion et Thedeareeenttnr plCe fl 00'Cap Moffett' 1a tent City ikwi care etf .nis iBerger cil North it - -WUlbonne,4,800 mea, vas staît-qd car-o, chargeS nit a s~.înoffithe moraing St Great Laies Nsl local option* law. ?ralnlng station. There wii lieaWU The case weat to te jurN ai noon tentaecd capable of hoaslng thrn reruits. Althougli the camp a oin t'riday. Aimosi, fron thfli Irace- stsrtcd onlY thts mornlng one tiscu- cording to report, the- jury stoori sand men alrcady have been.loeehei praetîcali>' aine to tire,, for, ac î1it- there. Thre camp t-; given Its nsuqi tai. AUl the efternoon andtI jth ir honor o! Catt W. A. Moijît, 1î0& aigst he urywregtei aayscet mandatiof the station. aigh th jur wrngle awy, bek- jugt soWl ng Itt4, fltake thMi ing to arrive eit a verdict, but wlth-oMt tise16« t te ta nsel &a eer out sa&cceas. Judjte Persons Ortell> and aseke aIl thse oterragî waa notitied of the- malter sondî liel. neccssary ta provldIngfre cided it would be a useless purtii- o> etY, sunl as tala vii hbe tt àmown, burt it le «Id tkat oevutWi* ment f0 bold tic jury oser ntght. viii bie la resdinous Inelde oftwIe et 'lh. case v e an u hlci Jo.? thr ed ver i t t-he lot . Kupeki, a North Chicago Inau,wais Pive thouaand 'r«elt. thse stut- the chie! vitnise for th(: stair. He est number ln tiie hlatory oftht-e tcaifld hathebaSpurheed gl in, 5are nova=der course or tesifed hü li laitpachaeda gl-Ing ait thé.Great 14»@ S BtàblL I Ion jug of whiskey of Berges-. This sit. c tithe d-1enp vas denled au it vas claimcd that Made etePda>' ttf*slaq tic gallon jug wihci as dellves-ed , eme the boysWho silleIt làthée Wil.!hbc eor lua ad t-heu retaîtul la Kupski, containeti but a plat of ta their homes untilaAMOgi whiekey. fier tise. M the »Via 4 Il W"a choya furtiser that the be jrsO'51d, Cuit. M# Norths Ckàeîwo police dtpartment ha thorized tise stateutn5 oftered te pay an>' ciizen $25 of any otb etKt-à@leac 10 it fine whlib mîglt h. coliccted on tee The wer t 8o'îf lu ttm« mo..gbt give as to the extet- UoMM f« 2tO*1*s case te fillegal sale of lqiior. JCup- 4 9 h$Mé ski WU Pffd $25 of the fine whhch ed it-' e vas oOllecte4 et Berger. It vau oithe leui Ubnâ1 tha case that the indictment wes e ri -lias b Ite M« Sbè1 tflrned. fRMe *% Tlssre was eonsiderahie bifternea througbout the. case becaume lu vas g o pj arje o cialmed tsaIt the otkes-lsg f s reward ,O of thus nature vsu ptes pe< a on fanding a man gullty.PS~1 Th@eu o CrlAttenbery, which lc~ court ha@ been contlnuei ta the Juns I tersa. C"U Lo-- Dit 1 1 Cit-y. Ticet-ntotm«.tlo- agiat 9Seott. It la mard. leste rastait. l"riso! tor. McDernîott vili b. snrPrlsed to leara tisat an informe-. tlon b.. been flet ai*tgit hlm es If ires bae gete geniml>' aceded tiat bu isa undoai bie ise la aurneedeet-sa*Mt-t-k m e. ftitta ,aras0 bot fflig &hop bel u.aordi»#g .ee fi. M t'on plaed Iw ltrio s ti00 theat* atOrisé>b>' hl@s d i0 e, it-p got dlets an "'rtshlsblmeat os &ými stfeet, waneomii as trled la Couaty Court a fev days agcs on a charge orf vioiatlngthse iquor lavp but- WU !reed b>'tise jury becasmethbe atate vas unabie ta prodcce an>' liage violationalliater- FebruArY 21, thse de> ou vwilleirtise tnformatilmv5a10id. Thse nevlf Iformsation chargea viota- tions aubseeuent ta ntbrrn&rY 21. Waukegen, Mow 7. Wlialm McCanney, former saloon- keeper here and propretor o! au ai. leged locker club et the coriser o! Shreridan rati and Madisa etat ves sameti Lu an lntoeits*Ias lMd la Count>' court today b>' Bt-et-eAt-les ne>' James G. Welcir. Tissare vo casants li the. Information fited &alufnt biaiTise action la part of t-irecaju- isaiga tise etata's attotssoi Ja vsging locker citaI kespers ta Wa«e. In addition ta tis intosnalSthle proecutosr Ioda>' filed itfrnsatton s"ainst tise meanvisosentas '*«* lieted in The SBilta laSt-ida?. 'Istr naines as-e, Dowadacis Buttit-ta, 30 comite. Wahter Scoit, 20 cItot. George Mcflermott, 80 caunts- P'ranis Wancoekil.80 couate. In the ltler cade til la ai the de. tectîvea ln. the empley eftue atate' att-orney' vere attackedwviseseur- lng evîdence. Tire state .ndeavered ta put on thus evideuce vires Wla- cosi î as triei an enother Information but vas prcvcnted froin dolua no lesI cause It accus-s-c suhesquent t-o t-be filrtg af the informiation. State'a At- tortue>' Weccalimita that more infor' mations viti i filedt! ram lime 10 Uime. swan her&' Reading. i-Blanche Schiler 2-Os-are Kelly' 3- tilian Reiace PesiManship. i Anna Meyer 2-Eleenor Pries :î-Henry Keougit ELA. Arit-hmetic. 1-Harolti Toynson 2-Rat ph Meyer 3-John Hinici speIlinu. i Benjamin Nlckoiev 2-Lillian Surma 3-Mas-nid Tayutan Reading. 1-Adela Norton 2-Lembert Kelier ti-Emi l Trank Pennssnshulp. 1-LIlilan Sus-ma 2-Matllda Rommel 2-Rose Tonne CUBA. Arittimetio. i--Ethel Siavin 2-Ces-t Nel son ,1 Ptanci, Musisa Speillleg. 1-Lesihe Kirecirner 2-Cari Nelson 1 isie icnard Reading. iNainDavlil 2--Ethel Siavin . -Mas-jae Wade Pmstsstsp., 1-Kile iAonffl 2-msou Deil 3-Lelm lIelow. (Contiaus Trmtom om iS)

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