CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 May 1917, p. 5

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LgIERTYVILLE IND;EPENDENT, TIUIRSDAY, MAY 10. 191.7 :.s::msssZS S lu um~sssum s s I Your Lawn' >Needs. Attention use aur Shady Spot Lawri GRASS ,SEEDi Force Your Garden Stuff WIth Our FERTERLIZER Dows-by thse Old Dpt. B.. there 20 puais. Phone 47 É. A. Bishop, Mgr. ------ ----- Dao*@* -------------55 S5 00000000S You wil always find the use of a poor gradé of coal expensîve. Y. g@« mha" f« r ohshiugs ealg puepoe uiheut ui tw1 u » sa a uhe . wmy..bey Ne gr&"t.coolsBk* the klsd w. emd h aiways givos niufaction and we always supply it t. your ordevi CLEfl n d FULL WEIGHT. W. F, Franzen, Jr., Telephone W0. Liortyvle HOW ABOUT YOURI G A RDPE N? We have a large stock of al kIdnds of Vegetaliles. We would advise you to call as soon as possible-- at least corne and see what we have. We also have a large stock of Bedding Plants and Cut Flowerg. MEREDITHIFLOWER & VEGETABLE COMPANY Phone 10 (fram 7 ta 6) Lbertyville, Ilinois. Y(appenings If YOU Know of News of Local Interest Please Cali Telephone Nuxnber 1. NMr. anmi trs. E . ihoîs Set Wed- nooday witb rieid@ ins Milwaukee. Mr. and Mirs. John Banlon were thse proud parenté§ ut a nounIorn Ma~y ithý Mir. and lm. Fred Buckley andi daugh.' or of Iacine eps-t Suniday wth home B. J. Clow of Colorado Springo, Col, la viating biie sister, Madame iSteph.-ne ind humband this wes-k. The SharylI Girls gave thir May part>' 4t the Auditorium lant Frlday night whicb Wae Weil attended. Mr. and Mi. W. E. Dcker and cildren âmentAknnday' inlinotes Petit wlth a nephew B. L. Langili and iwlfe. Itegular ineetngottheEarnest Workerq clase at the horne of tirs. Uhi on Mill. smukee Ave., Frlda,.May llth. J. A. Treptow, ecretar>' of the Aztec. as Minerai Co., attended a meeting of the company Ilis the autel Planteré, Chii- cago. Tues-day. tirs. ftobert ticDrmott and daughter o! Waukegan are cpending thp wns-sk wltbtMr@. %IeDermott'oi parente, tir. asid Mirs. Peter Muwers. The Inourance carrled b>' the late John Modole and John Limberry iu the WNood- man losige bas been eettled, reports *ce rotary' Lytleo! the local iodge. Tbere in nomne tait of having a bail ganse between the "fat'"asd 'Ieans" on Memnorial lia>, the gale receipta to b. turnd over to the cemetery asaoiatlon. Net Sunday la. *Mother's Day" and tb. ehurches wilIlhave Ppeclal @or- vice«. Aunoncemeuttou! the prograis. eppear In the .'hurch note lu anothur columa. ltred Croker rsçlved word cari> tht. mornlng that bis brother Jobsi hasi died ut i home noséi Laie Foreot. The de- ceases conduced a restaurant boes ean. ago and wasaWeili mou. lu thl City. Tb@ regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. bsld ettb. home of Or@. Sarah Maffou Tueidast.rzoon wusausl attendesi. At %bis meetig final armngemeut for contai contet beld In the M. 9. ehurci were made. (i odtrey Taylor vlslted John Cols and tam!!>' Irons laturday. tMr. Taylor re tisrned roinsIrvlad Frida>. 09 tatel that ho baoi een tnying tu get back tu ibis country Pcm.. March 21. Be le!! Monda>' fer Loo Angeles, Cal!!I. Fi. W. Smith, local news dealer. ha. au nnucement lu thî s se to tb. uSuelt that on acouont of the rie in rates to noedsalera Chicago daîly papero aili be dellvered on and al ter unai Monday for 55eoper mouth. dingle copie 2 cent@. [mat Thuroday evenng Attorneys B B. Miller and Paul tiacOufflo attended banquet o! the Chcago Bar Asociatli gven lu honor of James W. Gerard, former Ambassador to Gorman>'. Thi banquet waa give. the Congreus jotel. About torty member. of the Id. E. and Presbyterlan Sundiey sebools ucut te Laie Foret lat Bunday to attend the Chrbtian Endeavor 8.811>'. Thomeat. tendlng wer. ver> entbuçisstlc over the rfeeption accorded tbem sud aiso report a mont lntere.tlng metinât. "Dose" White o! Grslsake callesi' on Lb. barbera boe.Tiaida>' witb a petition for tbm to aigu deelarlng ttthey b.' li raIes Lb. prie. nf balreutting to85 cent@ u May'l5th. As praetlcaily ail the shops lu the eouuti, have siguesi np tié nuéw rate ilîl go lto effect ou thetdate The eniitig commutte. bas made ae rangements to have a big réélW lu the Auditorium Frîda> nigbt, May' ISt wbei) Judate Nnlan FIWeich ulli speak The Naval itation baud and one oi more officers from the station are ex ppeted to b. borl to tate part lu the pro gram. Ti niar e 13 pli t h VE prer 0 PPORTIUNITIES, like eels, are lipp- ry andA har-dto bol-s, urlese frmly uezed. They lide ,oa tl oihe ing issersanard re gone ere onei. jeaware. T.. roake the mut of opportur.itiec ihiat may be o grsps-d by aslverlsing, use The 1, dependcsî's cam- sifii. pae. It se a mniitiitv elumive.opportunity that (...,l .ecapes those uho advertise in Tii. Indepfindent. wa' prom ite tboucands o readpe The Indep.sndent le preti>' sure to afford the em.< aeuiiorlut tha opportunltles that b. la .eeklug. had g.r Perey Flolett, uho lia- .,les itt rdrglu aseminar>' lu New J -r. -- neai i,- O ORiANIZE AN year, arrlved be laet Frlday evening and spent the niaht witb i. lie r>ther, AUXII.tRY T TE George B. 11olett antd famil>'. Hs- ein: O co e. bIs brother ais-i hi- fris-nde ls-ls re R D ~ H D gon oSnF"e"otsure,,ort tori R DlCOSS HE L dut>' in the arm>' Hse14t iscre arl>'_____ Saturda>' zoràlug foer I ssiu&taIzo ol%@lie a cmmisio l th Naionl ;uad. Fh spi-ssul mass-e fth . ie .5pla Clui a comision e tc NrtissaL lurrd 1 wh'iwhva- li,-!d ut t lh. suieof %Ir' lPaul The c-um mttie ou 'tui rswhicb 1fiey Fritlay afts-rilooiintet :î silos-k naa was ilppoiti- db>' the l 01 sit ltise largely attendsandi ,-sisid.rabls-erliu. Commercial ClubTh irs-c a-etc ag'stu'ea'i aa ispe3eîh1tso. re tate Up diffosreut mat-Sers psrtsining ti> The riîi-sting wae ralp i.hti.lîurrîse enlimtment, etc.,bl ýtlgT-lyO on tisso.ut a plan wissrs-isv the, cliti îight andi votesi tu si l.Wzst. tus-Aipba and ]ol ber h berty'vs l.' e -sii'-siI ila of cluil a» the officiaI i Ri s .s Cr î- ty and vaîuaî,îeaseîtarîsu sthse iî-d oroýsil'y agreesitui place W. E ý il ,ksi-' l.ake ttkiug up tise a'irk Mrmj.i, I.)lator. tounty Advisontlunscharge sf twils-iruiers .of the sonruitt,- a-lus-!h vise in IChicago commitiee..This îri nt-s-jts- -ors- atout a a s-s- t andcr']v!sites! thle IRe< erate witb the fanîners ,'] aii(,i iuio -Cromciss-eadiuaitîsrm, ruais- a rvpirt uo wait on people a h(o n si, htil l r ' of i tlis- ,oiritiiitt,-p- '.s 'in i Th"e the. vacant landsinlutui l-sîirs- %are éestesai s'surés-s. open for ra socal or- The. neit regillar niei'ti-g 'sf Pitrmtitt gaiîizatisin to torts u a nuit of Te-as,-br'o AssocIats- i ai beI.lîcîl inthe tise lid l'r,îs .-is vira'wsuldi lep-the As@es-mil>' oom'o! ut.' Higl is-hl ri i iformationsou iiialssi sranc i .tii ail the day aftternoon IMay 1lit 3 r:loiJsisstoc. privils-ge. of tIse national orgariirntion. Mm. SmedJby, a principal ul ue'ofi'r -otîser course wsuld lie tîs srxanire Evanoton <rammer si-issîssi, wîl beu anauxiliar>' and is tiisway tic aile 1< preset to asdresi ihe i tss-srg&IAius- la>' out lu. om i plans of ac tion. nue-h it tereïqtesi are cordially Inevites] tuo ei3e leaimesi uould be tise moet teasill sresust. Jeiae Smith princi-pal or the prlan. I)tfnite plane ilil bu womks-d out B igblbd Park Grsmmer Acisîol wsîl ai- during the next few da>'e andithic orgau. co .'puak. Followiug theaii.sidrses.. au ization conupistesi. Intformai reeeptlon will ile, tenssds-eltise Anopen nmeeting b sen -alei]l fo teaciesr, a@ this ilîl b. tiselast umceting next Tbiurdday oei)einir, M.ay 1-dthI. lu the of tise sear. Auditorimhnîai wbich meeting the Auzi- A Patriotie concert wsîîi ,.-gis-eu la lier>' to the RliCrosa willi Le- srganlzed. ths Llbrtyville Auditoîriumi on Tused ay A officer frsîn the Chicago 1brauci of eenlug, May lSth. ils-mr teauspices the American Nationail-d troaa will o! the Alipha Club. This club wiii give addiremis the meeting and aloo assitIn tIseconcertib order that it sua>' baie orgauizing tIse Auzîlier>' bere. Evemy- sorse reasi>'mue) ultis wiicii tsubsgin osee sionîsitara onst ta. tus meeting eus au soon a. possible alter tIii EssiCross thse number iii ais-isbi,. taten lu at thit brans-b bai bu e tablised s inLberty- mseting houldi b-- veso sergý.e Tinriss ville. The sale of tickets for tii concert bas heen going on sine Tuadc. andr thse price of the ticket,. 25 es-rite. la lu-w snoaoezh n that evor> taissinsuLiberty-. ville sau bu reprete.tesl atîfîbis->iiert. doms ofOunr besitaienit wsll tait. partt la thie progrmn. Tiiere c Il bue songes b>' the Choral Club sud tisers asîl bu songe for oerybody. Attorney' B Hi.1 Miller iýlll give a talit on tse lRed Crog@s uork. Tic kets are on sale et both drug stores. The mulcans of th. village got togeth- er on Tueeday eveulng and beid a prac- tics elghteen o! the pia>ers heing Pr-ent. Anuthor practios uilîl bb cd uDet VM es- needa>' lgbt ai uWbIcb time a musican front IÂàaMit wlîl b. present to conler uiîsh tbe local committe which bas heen trpiug to form a bondi ber@. This man would lite t.a lacats, hem. sud becomi thse baud'. luatructor. It loots sos m il biberi> ville wlli bave a baud andi everi one sbouid glus lhs the en- couragemeiat they a. Agoosi baud eau bu consplaiesi ont o! the 25 musiciana ta bu bad bere end If the "boy@s" uil gîve a feu Seturds>' uigbt concert@ lu the business district this sommetr h uould gein the flacWa spport o! eery business mann town ultiiont tise 1handi bavlng to gVi begglog for faudss. Since. tse'tiret o! the uset auverai of 1ouý People bave bpen lutervlswlng the localI Grand Armyu meu regarding tise planstom thse observance e!tfiemomial Da>' hore. Tii.' men raîked i uiLbknew o! no .-peiwl arrangements for that day. 1Il ha. been sîated that a cammittes o! àthe Commercial club basi be appointesi . sme tisas ago tu take op this matter. aWhther that c .mmttee bus made plans or not ha. uit heun made public. It uould bu uclil or very cercb or eburch oîgailsation, il losigesansd club. s al meting. W detruin. bonu mach Co- operation eau nis ofieresi thi Comm,î cial club l. uts mosýeuet. 11àperbape could Lbc arrage tu issesa band head the lins- of marchers tui the cetseter>'. uhoeeil 1 rathe-r permitted. the sachoolcidrru could have as. apprispriste procrumu of music. I 1w, i'fstrnoot n botlter pro. gram, wluS a>d speaker, mumie ýuîi rec-itatione. to b helin Zl be Park or ilua batil, shoul'] b. armaîîged tor. at vamp ittie el pensýe. le - oeaus uith tise issd-Over sud re-electes memtir tervise @short mr.'ulng(o! t.e hie buebail ceason wusopenesi ln leet seliuti rl the.. siStboard wusadl- r.ntyvilie lest Sunsia>, the flist reg- jorîus-ne. Thse ri-id rsmmers. are Dir. L. ar geme to be playesib>' the lt&aaea E (ldhng andsillsirr Davis., triasclees,4 m wîiitiste Waiscoiida tuasa. ubicti aiss tise re-cîccrel aie J Bl. Moro@, prs-ai- I rissi off ie hotlore byea score o! 15 to si-it, ansi J 1% hlait, truste. iNext Sunde>' the..local teansulwli Aller tise sevs-rsi isîstida we-r.. reasi sus) v tisa tigîslausi Part Regulstra on tise sîsî.rsved tise -ek r-d the liets orn- use grouise mites lie ausi I-i iytise prs-eislut Ira. Flora E lirarsd and tMrs. N. ,.'eoriiuslîi- ssrs-: ursansigave a d.-liitul Isiebsois et Pbi uif said Parlis-Cols a, hasoue o! thsfrmer lest lSeturdhy lle'I . terrsstioii bs,îsrsr iii irle Misses BIens- lie Itîsasr' ii I.s. -Hart, Wrighlt, (bld- i Ecel>'a Trlusee Bs-se..llird aiýd l ptI. Stahi. Atisist twenty gsisto acre ViiHat es-rît Alte'r lssrîslss-ssrsma-s ertc]eda Swrifiiimi rgraiso5f rtisie cas thse prirîs-ilsai etrs. ý taitiserît.I C-ie-' s ine, (1, idins- I glit.Fis-us I ire-soilis g, art, An asitoîiîsbuhs' d.'iveri by a Chica- C Iis oan tsirned tortls- directs- lu 'rosi Per, s s- îI, nîsis - LS île ti.' Traistsois i-su MIiliaaukloeAve,'r>' asî- ss1-ss,11 A 5 lact K lcimai, ss- iii, usf Lihcrti ville, S.sturina llaIer- criiit-sirit wii. rwsrke. ..skine tIsai nons, and ritrian use rn-hed toî Dr. îsicfrrs' . isiae rîum *i35s t s,s ire office wisre ut n'as fotulhie $701, waci e es-si stslIs'hm bard vnsted to ilier isosse sas hrnissn Alter tise hone gs-art thl- i15,-r, s, ,issjilatleicc. aciet bhoa-as able ro ruru to Chise- Tise Ihi isss liiitqilp te osade t»' 0. Orber occupants s! tise automsobsile tIse premîdetit aore contirmesi Is>'tise usapesi witb silulît Injuries. The car huard: adly smssbed. was brougbt ta, the Reej isrshei-DeunDlsLlmberry. mage.Superlnteudeuit o! Water Works as ber@hip dues are ,.uJý $1 and dues not requiru acbual eulitmeut or fiel nork. The Auzilier>' iseubi-rm do muet o! the worL. un their sicn howes. l)r»(<, C.Sisseting. wbo bas a Sani- toriu luq spt north ot the village le more inuerested in turming an officiaI branch o! the lRed Cross hore and theu have Auxliarle. among the different local urganîzabtlong. Dr. Sweeting has heen connectud wth the National Association for twenty-tive pein and ie tamiliar with ail Ite branches o! activit>. S8h. willi sp.ak on Red Cross work vi Lb. Shedon Sebool on Frida>' atternoon irons thre. tu five o'clock. Shoboas been ver> active dietributiug literature and doing.otber persona] work amonfi the peope-of!%iiscommunit> and la ver> anilous that Ib. local organisation uhon eompletesi wouid b. more direct!> con- nected i wth the National Organisation than le possible throngb thu tormation o! an Auillary. Streets-Âlbert Kllcbman. Fire:Mdarshal-Denuls Llmberry. Village Tresasrer-Liell B. Morris. Tii. clerk's and treurer's reporte were ýapproved and the bis were ai- lowed. The treasurer'c reoport shows that there waeou AprS flOu a balanre of cash ou hand of more tiien eleven thousausi dollars. The ire and wqiter eommittee wua lu- structes tri inv@@tlgiýte the matter o! a mtor truck for the ire departmeut andi report as son. as possible. "Frolics of 1917"1 Community Housel AREA Sunday, May i 7th Reserve seat tIckets on sale at Watson'& Drug Store. Curtain rises at 8:15 sharp. FINANCIAL RESERVE Are you creating a financial reserve agaàat the tinte when you will need $100.00 ready mnoney? Do you realize the value of our Savings Club Plan for this i, eniergency? Think this over and join aur U- Flag Savings Club Size 6 Ft. By 4 Ft Complet. ustis Pole and i Future. Heasy Ruini:ses i d Stie.. Permamsîl Colons S.Saving $2.00 weekly for 50 weeks at 3"per ceî4 totaling $101.50 or $1.00 weekly for 100 weeks at 3 per cent totaling $103. Just like aur Christmias Banking Club and GET THIS FLAG FREE TODAY LiBe.Rn"vt.LC 'V ILLOM'OIS TOOLS YOU WILL SOON, NEE D DrilleSderi4Lime SowerULver Har- row% Mm sHarrws, Spriug Tooth Hlar- rows, WIking, mRd- img, Gang Plowa. Kulad gTitan %«% =U" ad pgWt>. Wo bave à complote stock of Z'azm Implements at attractive prices SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Lihortyville, mlinois Phon .39 * j Paul G. Ray Licensed EmbaInermil Fun"ralDàretor -AutomoWje Hearse and Auto Car-' riags Furneished When Desirýd. Store P hone 9. Rsmid.nce Phono 12 Libertyville, Ilnois, Try an Independent Want M, Large bath towels,blue borders 2 for 25c Armours Buttermilk soap 3 for ...17c Ladies Umbrellas, full size, neat handies at ........................85C 36 in. curtain Marquisette, creaco only, per yd................... 18c Infants China silk bonnets, special at 25c Half-bleached table linen, worth dfoubkes per yard..................m Bed sheets,daridy values 81lx9O ini. .87ic Mens'socks, in taxn only« per pair -. ..10e Matting juit cases fullazeÀÙ* 5 Shelf paper in white and colora, lace ain- embossed patterns at-------...5pr I zoo.. :::~sa~~~ s BargqamslnM>anyLie We are offering tÈis week, many smail lots of mar- chandise at specia.lly reduced prices. The quanti- ties in ail the itemg are liniited; theywou't last loug4 .,W. W. CARROLL & SONS CC Phone 29 ý d- ;m m alm ------------- ----------- NEW BOARD MEMBERS SEAl ED MON DAY EVENINII tiouday evvuuîs the new mumiiers o! sue ~ ~ ~ ~ - st. ,ais i..t ~lf5 U.&, . i,r

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